
TFC + GT oredict log

Oct 6th, 2014
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  1. **********************************************************************
  2. * This is the complete Log of the GregTech OreDictionary Handler *
  3. * Everything in the OreDict goes through it sometimes causing Errors *
  4. * These Errors are getting logged aswell as properly registered Ores *
  5. * If you see something fishy going on in this Log, such as improper *
  6. * Items being registered, then mention it to the corresponding Mod *
  7. * In case it mentions GregTech itself improperly registering Stuff *
  8. * then please contact me about that immediatly *
  9. * *
  10. * In case of something being 'ignored properly', that one isnt a Bug *
  11. **********************************************************************
  12. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> logWood
  13. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> logWood
  14. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> plankWood
  15. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> slabWood
  16. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> stairWood
  17. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> stairWood
  18. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> stairWood
  19. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> stairWood
  20. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> stairWood
  21. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> stairWood
  22. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> stickWood
  23. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> treeSapling
  24. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> treeLeaves
  25. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> treeLeaves
  26. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> oreGold
  27. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> oreIron
  28. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> oreLapis
  29. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> oreDiamond
  30. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> oreRedstone
  31. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> oreEmerald
  32. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> oreCoal
  33. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> blockGold
  34. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> blockIron
  35. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> blockLapis
  36. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> blockDiamond
  37. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> blockRedstone
  38. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> blockEmerald
  39. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> blockCoal
  40. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> blockGlassColorless
  41. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> blockGlass
  42. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> blockGlass
  43. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> paneGlassColorless
  44. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> paneGlass
  45. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> paneGlass
  46. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> ingotIron
  47. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> ingotGold
  48. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> nuggetGold
  49. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> gemDiamond
  50. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> gemEmerald
  51. gregtech -> crystalQuartz
  52. gregtech -> craftingQuartz
  53. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> dustRedstone
  54. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> dustGlowstone
  55. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> gemLapis
  56. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> slimeball is getting ignored via hardcode.
  57. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> glowstone is getting ignored via hardcode.
  58. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> cropWheat
  59. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> cropPotato
  60. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> cropCarrot
  61. gregtech -> stoneSmooth
  62. gregtech -> stoneCobble
  63. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> sandstone is getting ignored via hardcode.
  64. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> dye
  65. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> record
  66. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> record
  67. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> record
  68. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> record
  69. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> record
  70. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> record
  71. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> record
  72. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> record
  73. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> record
  74. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> record
  75. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> record
  76. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> record
  77. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> dyeBlack
  78. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> blockGlassBlack
  79. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> paneGlassBlack
  80. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> dyeRed
  81. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> blockGlassRed
  82. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> paneGlassRed
  83. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> dyeGreen
  84. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> blockGlassGreen
  85. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> paneGlassGreen
  86. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> dyeBrown
  87. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> blockGlassBrown
  88. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> paneGlassBrown
  89. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> dyeBlue
  90. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> blockGlassBlue
  91. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> paneGlassBlue
  92. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> dyePurple
  93. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> blockGlassPurple
  94. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> paneGlassPurple
  95. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> dyeCyan
  96. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> blockGlassCyan
  97. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> paneGlassCyan
  98. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> dyeLightGray
  99. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> blockGlassLightGray
  100. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> paneGlassLightGray
  101. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> dyeGray
  102. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> blockGlassGray
  103. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> paneGlassGray
  104. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> dyePink
  105. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> blockGlassPink
  106. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> paneGlassPink
  107. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> dyeLime
  108. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> blockGlassLime
  109. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> paneGlassLime
  110. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> dyeYellow
  111. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> blockGlassYellow
  112. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> paneGlassYellow
  113. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> dyeLightBlue
  114. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> blockGlassLightBlue
  115. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> paneGlassLightBlue
  116. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> dyeMagenta
  117. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> blockGlassMagenta
  118. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> paneGlassMagenta
  119. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> dyeOrange
  120. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> blockGlassOrange
  121. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> paneGlassOrange
  122. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> dyeWhite
  123. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> blockGlassWhite
  124. UNKNOWN_MOD_ID -> paneGlassWhite
  125. IC2 -> oreCopper
  126. IC2 -> oreTin
  127. IC2 -> oreUranium
  128. IC2 -> oreLead
  129. IC2 -> treeLeaves
  130. IC2 -> treeSapling
  131. gregtech -> logRubber
  132. IC2 -> woodRubber
  133. IC2 -> dustStone
  134. IC2 -> dustBronze
  135. IC2 -> dustClay
  136. IC2 -> dustCoal
  137. IC2 -> dustCopper
  138. IC2 -> dustGold
  139. IC2 -> dustIron
  140. IC2 -> dustSilver
  141. IC2 -> dustTin
  142. IC2 -> dustLead
  143. IC2 -> dustObsidian
  144. gregtech -> dye
  145. gregtech -> dyeBlue
  146. IC2 -> dustLapis
  147. IC2 -> dustSulfur
  148. IC2 -> dustLithium
  149. IC2 -> dustDiamond
  150. IC2 -> dustSiliconDioxide
  151. IC2 -> dustHydratedCoal
  152. gregtech -> dustAsh
  153. IC2 -> dustAshes uses a deprecated Material and is getting re-registered as dustAsh
  154. IC2 -> dustTinyCopper
  155. IC2 -> dustTinyGold
  156. IC2 -> dustTinyIron
  157. IC2 -> dustTinySilver
  158. IC2 -> dustTinyTin
  159. IC2 -> dustTinyLead
  160. IC2 -> dustTinySulfur
  161. IC2 -> dustTinyLithium
  162. IC2 -> dustTinyBronze
  163. IC2 -> dustTinyLapis
  164. IC2 -> dustTinyObsidian
  165. IC2 -> itemRubber
  166. gregtech -> ingotRubber
  167. IC2 -> ingotBronze
  168. IC2 -> ingotCopper
  169. IC2 -> ingotSteel
  170. IC2 -> ingotLead
  171. IC2 -> ingotTin
  172. IC2 -> ingotSilver
  173. IC2 -> plateIron
  174. IC2 -> plateGold
  175. IC2 -> plateCopper
  176. IC2 -> plateTin
  177. IC2 -> plateLead
  178. IC2 -> plateLapis
  179. IC2 -> plateObsidian
  180. IC2 -> plateBronze
  181. IC2 -> plateSteel
  182. IC2 -> plateDenseSteel
  183. IC2 -> plateDenseIron
  184. IC2 -> plateDenseGold
  185. IC2 -> plateDenseCopper
  186. IC2 -> plateDenseTin
  187. IC2 -> plateDenseLead
  188. IC2 -> plateDenseLapis
  189. IC2 -> plateDenseObsidian
  190. IC2 -> plateDenseBronze
  191. IC2 -> crushedIron
  192. IC2 -> crushedGold
  193. IC2 -> crushedSilver
  194. IC2 -> crushedLead
  195. IC2 -> crushedCopper
  196. IC2 -> crushedTin
  197. IC2 -> crushedUranium
  198. IC2 -> crushedPurifiedIron
  199. IC2 -> crushedPurifiedGold
  200. IC2 -> crushedPurifiedSilver
  201. IC2 -> crushedPurifiedLead
  202. IC2 -> crushedPurifiedCopper
  203. IC2 -> crushedPurifiedTin
  204. IC2 -> crushedPurifiedUranium
  205. IC2 -> blockBronze
  206. IC2 -> blockCopper
  207. IC2 -> blockTin
  208. IC2 -> blockUranium
  209. IC2 -> blockLead
  210. IC2 -> blockSteel
  211. IC2 -> circuitBasic
  212. IC2 -> circuitAdvanced
  213. IC2 -> gemDiamond
  214. IC2 -> craftingToolForgeHammer
  215. IC2 -> craftingToolWireCutter
  216. GT_Mod: Preload-Phase started!
  217. gregtech -> cellEmpty
  218. gregtech -> cellLava
  219. gregtech -> cellWater
  220. gregtech -> cellUUMatter
  221. gregtech -> cellConstructionFoam
  222. gregtech -> bucketEmpty
  223. gregtech -> bucketWater
  224. gregtech -> bucketLava
  225. gregtech -> bucketMilk
  226. gregtech -> bottleEmpty
  227. gregtech -> bottleWater
  228. gregtech -> plateAlloyIridium
  229. gregtech -> plateAlloyAdvanced
  230. gregtech -> plateAlloyCarbon
  231. gregtech -> oreNetherQuartz
  232. gregtech -> gemIridium
  233. gregtech -> gemEnderEye
  234. gregtech -> gemEnderPearl
  235. gregtech -> gemCoal
  236. gregtech -> gemCharcoal
  237. gregtech -> crystalNetherQuartz
  238. gregtech -> gemNetherQuartz
  239. gregtech -> gemNetherStar
  240. gregtech -> platePaper
  241. gregtech -> dustSugar
  242. gregtech -> dustGunpowder
  243. gregtech -> dustBlaze
  244. gregtech -> stickBlaze
  245. gregtech -> enderChest is getting ignored via hardcode.
  246. gregtech -> craftingAnvil
  247. gregtech -> craftingIndustrialDiamond
  248. gregtech -> glassReinforced
  249. gregtech -> stoneObsidian
  250. gregtech -> stoneMossy
  251. gregtech -> stoneCobble
  252. gregtech -> stoneBricks
  253. gregtech -> stoneMossy
  254. gregtech -> stoneCracked
  255. gregtech -> stoneChiseled
  256. gregtech -> stoneSand
  257. gregtech -> stoneNetherrack
  258. gregtech -> stoneNetherBrick
  259. gregtech -> stoneEndstone
  260. gregtech -> dustTinyLithium
  261. gregtech -> dustTinyBeryllium
  262. gregtech -> dustTinyBoron
  263. gregtech -> dustTinyCarbon
  264. gregtech -> dustTinySodium
  265. gregtech -> dustTinyMagnesium
  266. gregtech -> dustTinyAluminium
  267. gregtech -> dustTinySilicon
  268. gregtech -> dustTinyPhosphor
  269. gregtech -> dustTinySulfur
  270. gregtech -> dustTinyPotassium
  271. gregtech -> dustTinyCalcium
  272. gregtech -> dustTinyScandium
  273. gregtech -> dustTinyTitanium
  274. gregtech -> dustTinyVanadium
  275. gregtech -> dustTinyChrome
  276. gregtech -> dustTinyManganese
  277. gregtech -> dustTinyIron
  278. gregtech -> dustTinyCobalt
  279. gregtech -> dustTinyNickel
  280. gregtech -> dustTinyCopper
  281. gregtech -> dustTinyZinc
  282. gregtech -> dustTinyGallium
  283. gregtech -> dustTinyRubidium
  284. gregtech -> dustTinyStrontium
  285. gregtech -> dustTinyYttrium
  286. gregtech -> dustTinyNiobium
  287. gregtech -> dustTinyMolybdenum
  288. gregtech -> dustTinyPalladium
  289. gregtech -> dustTinySilver
  290. gregtech -> dustTinyCadmium
  291. gregtech -> dustTinyIndium
  292. gregtech -> dustTinyTin
  293. gregtech -> dustTinyAntimony
  294. gregtech -> dustTinyTellurium
  295. gregtech -> dustTinyCaesium
  296. gregtech -> dustTinyBarium
  297. gregtech -> dustTinyLanthanum
  298. gregtech -> dustTinyCerium
  299. gregtech -> dustTinyPraseodymium
  300. gregtech -> dustTinyNeodymium
  301. gregtech -> dustTinyPromethium
  302. gregtech -> dustTinySamarium
  303. gregtech -> dustTinyEuropium
  304. gregtech -> dustTinyGadolinium
  305. gregtech -> dustTinyTerbium
  306. gregtech -> dustTinyDysprosium
  307. gregtech -> dustTinyHolmium
  308. gregtech -> dustTinyErbium
  309. gregtech -> dustTinyThulium
  310. gregtech -> dustTinyYtterbium
  311. gregtech -> dustTinyLutetium
  312. gregtech -> dustTinyTantalum
  313. gregtech -> dustTinyTungsten
  314. gregtech -> dustTinyOsmium
  315. gregtech -> dustTinyIridium
  316. gregtech -> dustTinyPlatinum
  317. gregtech -> dustTinyGold
  318. gregtech -> dustTinyLead
  319. gregtech -> dustTinyBismuth
  320. gregtech -> dustTinyThorium
  321. gregtech -> dustTinyUranium235
  322. gregtech -> dustTinyUranium
  323. gregtech -> dustTinyPlutonium
  324. gregtech -> dustTinyPlutonium241
  325. gregtech -> dustTinyAmericium
  326. gregtech -> dustTinyNeutronium
  327. gregtech -> dustTinyStone
  328. gregtech -> dustTinyBronze
  329. gregtech -> dustTinyBrass
  330. gregtech -> dustTinyInvar
  331. gregtech -> dustTinyElectrum
  332. gregtech -> dustTinyWroughtIron
  333. gregtech -> dustTinySteel
  334. gregtech -> dustTinyStainlessSteel
  335. gregtech -> dustTinyPigIron
  336. gregtech -> dustTinyRedAlloy
  337. gregtech -> dustTinyBlueAlloy
  338. gregtech -> dustTinyCupronickel
  339. gregtech -> dustTinyNichrome
  340. gregtech -> dustTinyKanthal
  341. gregtech -> dustTinyMagnalium
  342. gregtech -> dustTinySolderingAlloy
  343. gregtech -> dustTinyBatteryAlloy
  344. gregtech -> dustTinyTungstenSteel
  345. gregtech -> dustTinyOsmiridium
  346. gregtech -> dustTinySunnarium
  347. gregtech -> dustTinyAdamantium
  348. gregtech -> dustTinyElectrumFlux
  349. gregtech -> dustTinyEnderium
  350. gregtech -> dustTinyHSLA
  351. gregtech -> dustTinyInfusedGold
  352. gregtech -> dustTinyNaquadah
  353. gregtech -> dustTinyNaquadahAlloy
  354. gregtech -> dustTinyNaquadahEnriched
  355. gregtech -> dustTinyNaquadria
  356. gregtech -> dustTinyDuranium
  357. gregtech -> dustTinyTritanium
  358. gregtech -> dustTinyThaumium
  359. gregtech -> dustTinyMithril
  360. gregtech -> dustTinyMidasium
  361. gregtech -> dustTinyAstralSilver
  362. gregtech -> dustTinyBlackSteel
  363. gregtech -> dustTinyDamascusSteel
  364. gregtech -> dustTinyShadowIron
  365. gregtech -> dustTinyShadowSteel
  366. gregtech -> dustTinyIronWood
  367. gregtech -> dustTinySteelLeaf
  368. gregtech -> dustTinyMeteoricIron
  369. gregtech -> dustTinyMeteoricSteel
  370. gregtech -> dustTinyDarkIron
  371. gregtech -> dustTinyCobaltBrass
  372. gregtech -> dustTinyUltimet
  373. gregtech -> dustTinyAnnealedCopper
  374. gregtech -> dustTinyFieryBlood
  375. gregtech -> dustTinyFirestone
  376. gregtech -> dustTinyRedSteel
  377. gregtech -> dustTinyBlueSteel
  378. gregtech -> dustTinySterlingSilver
  379. gregtech -> dustTinyRoseGold
  380. gregtech -> dustTinyBlackBronze
  381. gregtech -> dustTinyBismuthBronze
  382. gregtech -> dustTinyIronMagnetic
  383. gregtech -> dustTinySteelMagnetic
  384. gregtech -> dustTinyNeodymiumMagnetic
  385. gregtech -> dustTinyVanadiumGallium
  386. gregtech -> dustTinyYttriumBariumCuprate
  387. gregtech -> dustTinyNiobiumNitride
  388. gregtech -> dustTinyNiobiumTitanium
  389. gregtech -> dustTinyChromiumDioxide
  390. gregtech -> dustTinyDiamond
  391. gregtech -> dustTinyEmerald
  392. gregtech -> dustTinyRuby
  393. gregtech -> dustTinySapphire
  394. gregtech -> dustTinyGreenSapphire
  395. gregtech -> dustTinyOlivine
  396. gregtech -> dustTinyNetherStar
  397. gregtech -> dustTinyTopaz
  398. gregtech -> dustTinyTanzanite
  399. gregtech -> dustTinyAmethyst
  400. gregtech -> dustTinyOpal
  401. gregtech -> dustTinyJasper
  402. gregtech -> dustTinyFoolsRuby
  403. gregtech -> dustTinyBlueTopaz
  404. gregtech -> dustTinyAmber
  405. gregtech -> dustTinyDilithium
  406. gregtech -> dustTinyCertusQuartz
  407. gregtech -> dustTinyForcicium
  408. gregtech -> dustTinyForcillium
  409. gregtech -> dustTinyMonazite
  410. gregtech -> dustTinyForce
  411. gregtech -> dustTinyNetherQuartz
  412. gregtech -> dustTinyQuartzite
  413. gregtech -> dustTinyLazurite
  414. gregtech -> dustTinySodalite
  415. gregtech -> dustTinyLapis
  416. gregtech -> dustTinyGarnetRed
  417. gregtech -> dustTinyGarnetYellow
  418. gregtech -> dustTinyVinteum
  419. gregtech -> dustTinyApatite
  420. gregtech -> dustTinyNiter
  421. gregtech -> dustTinyEnderPearl
  422. gregtech -> dustTinyEnderEye
  423. gregtech -> dustTinyPhosphorus
  424. gregtech -> dustTinyCoal
  425. gregtech -> dustTinyCharcoal
  426. gregtech -> dustTinyJade
  427. gregtech -> dustTinyLignite
  428. gregtech -> dustTinyInfusedAir
  429. gregtech -> dustTinyInfusedFire
  430. gregtech -> dustTinyInfusedEarth
  431. gregtech -> dustTinyInfusedWater
  432. gregtech -> dustTinyInfusedEntropy
  433. gregtech -> dustTinyInfusedOrder
  434. gregtech -> dustTinyIce
  435. gregtech -> dustTinyGunpowder
  436. gregtech -> dustTinyBlaze
  437. gregtech -> dustTinyFlint
  438. gregtech -> dustTinySugar
  439. gregtech -> dustTinyObsidian
  440. gregtech -> dustTinyClay
  441. gregtech -> dustTinyNetherrack
  442. gregtech -> dustTinyEndstone
  443. gregtech -> dustTinyWood
  444. gregtech -> dustTinyRedstone
  445. gregtech -> dustTinyGlowstone
  446. gregtech -> dustTinyNikolite
  447. gregtech -> dustTinyBluestone
  448. gregtech -> dustTinyNetherBrick
  449. gregtech -> dustTinyAsh
  450. gregtech -> dustTinyDarkAsh
  451. gregtech -> dustTinySalt
  452. gregtech -> dustTinyHydratedCoal
  453. gregtech -> dustTinyGraphene
  454. gregtech -> dustTinyAlmandine
  455. gregtech -> dustTinyAndradite
  456. gregtech -> dustTinyBauxite
  457. gregtech -> dustTinyCalcite
  458. gregtech -> dustTinyCassiterite
  459. gregtech -> dustTinyChromite
  460. gregtech -> dustTinyCinnabar
  461. gregtech -> dustTinyCobaltite
  462. gregtech -> dustTinyCooperite
  463. gregtech -> dustTinyDeepIron
  464. gregtech -> dustTinyGalena
  465. gregtech -> dustTinyGrossular
  466. gregtech -> dustTinyLiveRoot
  467. gregtech -> dustTinyPhosphate
  468. gregtech -> dustTinyPyrite
  469. gregtech -> dustTinyPyrope
  470. gregtech -> dustTinySaltpeter
  471. gregtech -> dustTinySiliconDioxide
  472. gregtech -> dustTinySpessartine
  473. gregtech -> dustTinySphalerite
  474. gregtech -> dustTinyTetrahedrite
  475. gregtech -> dustTinyTungstate
  476. gregtech -> dustTinyUvarovite
  477. gregtech -> dustTinyPyrotheum
  478. gregtech -> dustTinyBasalt
  479. gregtech -> dustTinyMarble
  480. gregtech -> dustTinyRedrock
  481. gregtech -> dustTinyPotassiumFeldspar
  482. gregtech -> dustTinyBiotite
  483. gregtech -> dustTinyGraniteBlack
  484. gregtech -> dustTinyGraniteRed
  485. gregtech -> dustTinyBlizz
  486. gregtech -> dustTinyBlueschist
  487. gregtech -> dustTinyCobaltHexahydrate
  488. gregtech -> dustTinyConstructionFoam
  489. gregtech -> dustTinyChalcopyrite
  490. gregtech -> dustTinyChalk
  491. gregtech -> dustTinyChert
  492. gregtech -> dustTinyCrudeOil
  493. gregtech -> dustTinyDacite
  494. gregtech -> dustTinyEclogite
  495. gregtech -> dustTinyEmery
  496. gregtech -> dustTinyEpidote
  497. gregtech -> dustTinyGabbro
  498. gregtech -> dustTinyGneiss
  499. gregtech -> dustTinyGraphite
  500. gregtech -> dustTinyGreenschist
  501. gregtech -> dustTinyGreenstone
  502. gregtech -> dustTinyGreywacke
  503. gregtech -> dustTinyKomatiite
  504. gregtech -> dustTinyMagnetite
  505. gregtech -> dustTinyMalachite
  506. gregtech -> dustTinyMigmatite
  507. gregtech -> dustTinyPitchblende
  508. gregtech -> dustTinyPlastic
  509. gregtech -> dustTinyRhyolite
  510. gregtech -> dustTinySiltstone
  511. gregtech -> dustTinySoapstone
  512. gregtech -> dustTinyOilsands
  513. gregtech -> dustTinyPaper
  514. gregtech -> dustTinyRubber
  515. gregtech -> dustTinyWheat
  516. gregtech -> dustTinyWulfenite
  517. gregtech -> dustTinyPowellite
  518. gregtech -> dustTinyDesh
  519. gregtech -> dustTinyMilk
  520. gregtech -> dustTinyChocolate
  521. gregtech -> dustTinyCocoa
  522. gregtech -> dustTinyCoffee
  523. gregtech -> dustTinyWoodSealed
  524. gregtech -> dustTinyGlass
  525. gregtech -> dustTinyRareEarth
  526. gregtech -> dustTinyMirabilite
  527. gregtech -> dustTinyMica
  528. gregtech -> dustTinyTalc
  529. gregtech -> dustTinyTrona
  530. gregtech -> dustTinyBarite
  531. gregtech -> dustTinyBastnasite
  532. gregtech -> dustTinyGarnierite
  533. gregtech -> dustTinyLepidolite
  534. gregtech -> dustTinyMagnesite
  535. gregtech -> dustTinyPentlandite
  536. gregtech -> dustTinyScheelite
  537. gregtech -> dustTinyAlunite
  538. gregtech -> dustTinyChrysotile
  539. gregtech -> dustTinyCelestine
  540. gregtech -> dustTinyDolomite
  541. gregtech -> dustTinyWollastonite
  542. gregtech -> dustTinyZeolite
  543. gregtech -> dustTinyBandedIron
  544. gregtech -> dustTinyIlmenite
  545. gregtech -> dustTinyPollucite
  546. gregtech -> dustTinySpodumene
  547. gregtech -> dustTinyTantalite
  548. gregtech -> dustTinyUraninite
  549. gregtech -> dustTinyVanadiumMagnetite
  550. gregtech -> dustTinyKyanite
  551. gregtech -> dustTinyPerlite
  552. gregtech -> dustTinyPumice
  553. gregtech -> dustTinyBentonite
  554. gregtech -> dustTinyFullersEarth
  555. gregtech -> dustTinyKaolinite
  556. gregtech -> dustTinyBrownLimonite
  557. gregtech -> dustTinyYellowLimonite
  558. gregtech -> dustTinyVermiculite
  559. gregtech -> dustTinyGlauconite
  560. gregtech -> dustTinyGypsum
  561. gregtech -> dustTinyBasalticMineralSand
  562. gregtech -> dustTinyGraniticMineralSand
  563. gregtech -> dustTinyCassiteriteSand
  564. gregtech -> dustTinyGarnetSand
  565. gregtech -> dustTinyQuartzSand
  566. gregtech -> dustTinyVolcanicAsh
  567. gregtech -> dustTinyBorax
  568. gregtech -> dustTinyMolybdenite
  569. gregtech -> dustTinyPyrolusite
  570. gregtech -> dustTinyRockSalt
  571. gregtech -> dustTinyStibnite
  572. gregtech -> dustTinyAsbestos
  573. gregtech -> dustTinyConcrete
  574. gregtech -> dustTinyDiatomite
  575. gregtech -> dustSmallLithium
  576. gregtech -> dustSmallBeryllium
  577. gregtech -> dustSmallBoron
  578. gregtech -> dustSmallCarbon
  579. gregtech -> dustSmallSodium
  580. gregtech -> dustSmallMagnesium
  581. gregtech -> dustSmallAluminium
  582. gregtech -> dustSmallSilicon
  583. gregtech -> dustSmallPhosphor
  584. gregtech -> dustSmallSulfur
  585. gregtech -> dustSmallPotassium
  586. gregtech -> dustSmallCalcium
  587. gregtech -> dustSmallScandium
  588. gregtech -> dustSmallTitanium
  589. gregtech -> dustSmallVanadium
  590. gregtech -> dustSmallChrome
  591. gregtech -> dustSmallManganese
  592. gregtech -> dustSmallIron
  593. gregtech -> dustSmallCobalt
  594. gregtech -> dustSmallNickel
  595. gregtech -> dustSmallCopper
  596. gregtech -> dustSmallZinc
  597. gregtech -> dustSmallGallium
  598. gregtech -> dustSmallRubidium
  599. gregtech -> dustSmallStrontium
  600. gregtech -> dustSmallYttrium
  601. gregtech -> dustSmallNiobium
  602. gregtech -> dustSmallMolybdenum
  603. gregtech -> dustSmallPalladium
  604. gregtech -> dustSmallSilver
  605. gregtech -> dustSmallCadmium
  606. gregtech -> dustSmallIndium
  607. gregtech -> dustSmallTin
  608. gregtech -> dustSmallAntimony
  609. gregtech -> dustSmallTellurium
  610. gregtech -> dustSmallCaesium
  611. gregtech -> dustSmallBarium
  612. gregtech -> dustSmallLanthanum
  613. gregtech -> dustSmallCerium
  614. gregtech -> dustSmallPraseodymium
  615. gregtech -> dustSmallNeodymium
  616. gregtech -> dustSmallPromethium
  617. gregtech -> dustSmallSamarium
  618. gregtech -> dustSmallEuropium
  619. gregtech -> dustSmallGadolinium
  620. gregtech -> dustSmallTerbium
  621. gregtech -> dustSmallDysprosium
  622. gregtech -> dustSmallHolmium
  623. gregtech -> dustSmallErbium
  624. gregtech -> dustSmallThulium
  625. gregtech -> dustSmallYtterbium
  626. gregtech -> dustSmallLutetium
  627. gregtech -> dustSmallTantalum
  628. gregtech -> dustSmallTungsten
  629. gregtech -> dustSmallOsmium
  630. gregtech -> dustSmallIridium
  631. gregtech -> dustSmallPlatinum
  632. gregtech -> dustSmallGold
  633. gregtech -> dustSmallLead
  634. gregtech -> dustSmallBismuth
  635. gregtech -> dustSmallThorium
  636. gregtech -> dustSmallUranium235
  637. gregtech -> dustSmallUranium
  638. gregtech -> dustSmallPlutonium
  639. gregtech -> dustSmallPlutonium241
  640. gregtech -> dustSmallAmericium
  641. gregtech -> dustSmallNeutronium
  642. gregtech -> dustSmallStone
  643. gregtech -> dustSmallBronze
  644. gregtech -> dustSmallBrass
  645. gregtech -> dustSmallInvar
  646. gregtech -> dustSmallElectrum
  647. gregtech -> dustSmallWroughtIron
  648. gregtech -> dustSmallSteel
  649. gregtech -> dustSmallStainlessSteel
  650. gregtech -> dustSmallPigIron
  651. gregtech -> dustSmallRedAlloy
  652. gregtech -> dustSmallBlueAlloy
  653. gregtech -> dustSmallCupronickel
  654. gregtech -> dustSmallNichrome
  655. gregtech -> dustSmallKanthal
  656. gregtech -> dustSmallMagnalium
  657. gregtech -> dustSmallSolderingAlloy
  658. gregtech -> dustSmallBatteryAlloy
  659. gregtech -> dustSmallTungstenSteel
  660. gregtech -> dustSmallOsmiridium
  661. gregtech -> dustSmallSunnarium
  662. gregtech -> dustSmallAdamantium
  663. gregtech -> dustSmallElectrumFlux
  664. gregtech -> dustSmallEnderium
  665. gregtech -> dustSmallHSLA
  666. gregtech -> dustSmallInfusedGold
  667. gregtech -> dustSmallNaquadah
  668. gregtech -> dustSmallNaquadahAlloy
  669. gregtech -> dustSmallNaquadahEnriched
  670. gregtech -> dustSmallNaquadria
  671. gregtech -> dustSmallDuranium
  672. gregtech -> dustSmallTritanium
  673. gregtech -> dustSmallThaumium
  674. gregtech -> dustSmallMithril
  675. gregtech -> dustSmallMidasium
  676. gregtech -> dustSmallAstralSilver
  677. gregtech -> dustSmallBlackSteel
  678. gregtech -> dustSmallDamascusSteel
  679. gregtech -> dustSmallShadowIron
  680. gregtech -> dustSmallShadowSteel
  681. gregtech -> dustSmallIronWood
  682. gregtech -> dustSmallSteelLeaf
  683. gregtech -> dustSmallMeteoricIron
  684. gregtech -> dustSmallMeteoricSteel
  685. gregtech -> dustSmallDarkIron
  686. gregtech -> dustSmallCobaltBrass
  687. gregtech -> dustSmallUltimet
  688. gregtech -> dustSmallAnnealedCopper
  689. gregtech -> dustSmallFieryBlood
  690. gregtech -> dustSmallFirestone
  691. gregtech -> dustSmallRedSteel
  692. gregtech -> dustSmallBlueSteel
  693. gregtech -> dustSmallSterlingSilver
  694. gregtech -> dustSmallRoseGold
  695. gregtech -> dustSmallBlackBronze
  696. gregtech -> dustSmallBismuthBronze
  697. gregtech -> dustSmallIronMagnetic
  698. gregtech -> dustSmallSteelMagnetic
  699. gregtech -> dustSmallNeodymiumMagnetic
  700. gregtech -> dustSmallVanadiumGallium
  701. gregtech -> dustSmallYttriumBariumCuprate
  702. gregtech -> dustSmallNiobiumNitride
  703. gregtech -> dustSmallNiobiumTitanium
  704. gregtech -> dustSmallChromiumDioxide
  705. gregtech -> dustSmallDiamond
  706. gregtech -> dustSmallEmerald
  707. gregtech -> dustSmallRuby
  708. gregtech -> dustSmallSapphire
  709. gregtech -> dustSmallGreenSapphire
  710. gregtech -> dustSmallOlivine
  711. gregtech -> dustSmallNetherStar
  712. gregtech -> dustSmallTopaz
  713. gregtech -> dustSmallTanzanite
  714. gregtech -> dustSmallAmethyst
  715. gregtech -> dustSmallOpal
  716. gregtech -> dustSmallJasper
  717. gregtech -> dustSmallFoolsRuby
  718. gregtech -> dustSmallBlueTopaz
  719. gregtech -> dustSmallAmber
  720. gregtech -> dustSmallDilithium
  721. gregtech -> dustSmallCertusQuartz
  722. gregtech -> dustSmallForcicium
  723. gregtech -> dustSmallForcillium
  724. gregtech -> dustSmallMonazite
  725. gregtech -> dustSmallForce
  726. gregtech -> dustSmallNetherQuartz
  727. gregtech -> dustSmallQuartzite
  728. gregtech -> dustSmallLazurite
  729. gregtech -> dustSmallSodalite
  730. gregtech -> dustSmallLapis
  731. gregtech -> dustSmallGarnetRed
  732. gregtech -> dustSmallGarnetYellow
  733. gregtech -> dustSmallVinteum
  734. gregtech -> dustSmallApatite
  735. gregtech -> dustSmallNiter
  736. gregtech -> dustSmallEnderPearl
  737. gregtech -> dustSmallEnderEye
  738. gregtech -> dustSmallPhosphorus
  739. gregtech -> dustSmallCoal
  740. gregtech -> dustSmallCharcoal
  741. gregtech -> dustSmallJade
  742. gregtech -> dustSmallLignite
  743. gregtech -> dustSmallInfusedAir
  744. gregtech -> dustSmallInfusedFire
  745. gregtech -> dustSmallInfusedEarth
  746. gregtech -> dustSmallInfusedWater
  747. gregtech -> dustSmallInfusedEntropy
  748. gregtech -> dustSmallInfusedOrder
  749. gregtech -> dustSmallIce
  750. gregtech -> dustSmallGunpowder
  751. gregtech -> dustSmallBlaze
  752. gregtech -> dustSmallFlint
  753. gregtech -> dustSmallSugar
  754. gregtech -> dustSmallObsidian
  755. gregtech -> dustSmallClay
  756. gregtech -> dustSmallNetherrack
  757. gregtech -> dustSmallEndstone
  758. gregtech -> dustSmallWood
  759. gregtech -> dustSmallRedstone
  760. gregtech -> dustSmallGlowstone
  761. gregtech -> dustSmallNikolite
  762. gregtech -> dustSmallBluestone
  763. gregtech -> dustSmallNetherBrick
  764. gregtech -> dustSmallAsh
  765. gregtech -> dustSmallDarkAsh
  766. gregtech -> dustSmallSalt
  767. gregtech -> dustSmallHydratedCoal
  768. gregtech -> dustSmallGraphene
  769. gregtech -> dustSmallAlmandine
  770. gregtech -> dustSmallAndradite
  771. gregtech -> dustSmallBauxite
  772. gregtech -> dustSmallCalcite
  773. gregtech -> dustSmallCassiterite
  774. gregtech -> dustSmallChromite
  775. gregtech -> dustSmallCinnabar
  776. gregtech -> dustSmallCobaltite
  777. gregtech -> dustSmallCooperite
  778. gregtech -> dustSmallDeepIron
  779. gregtech -> dustSmallGalena
  780. gregtech -> dustSmallGrossular
  781. gregtech -> dustSmallLiveRoot
  782. gregtech -> dustSmallPhosphate
  783. gregtech -> dustSmallPyrite
  784. gregtech -> dustSmallPyrope
  785. gregtech -> dustSmallSaltpeter
  786. gregtech -> dustSmallSiliconDioxide
  787. gregtech -> dustSmallSpessartine
  788. gregtech -> dustSmallSphalerite
  789. gregtech -> dustSmallTetrahedrite
  790. gregtech -> dustSmallTungstate
  791. gregtech -> dustSmallUvarovite
  792. gregtech -> dustSmallPyrotheum
  793. gregtech -> dustSmallBasalt
  794. gregtech -> dustSmallMarble
  795. gregtech -> dustSmallRedrock
  796. gregtech -> dustSmallPotassiumFeldspar
  797. gregtech -> dustSmallBiotite
  798. gregtech -> dustSmallGraniteBlack
  799. gregtech -> dustSmallGraniteRed
  800. gregtech -> dustSmallBlizz
  801. gregtech -> dustSmallBlueschist
  802. gregtech -> dustSmallCobaltHexahydrate
  803. gregtech -> dustSmallConstructionFoam
  804. gregtech -> dustSmallChalcopyrite
  805. gregtech -> dustSmallChalk
  806. gregtech -> dustSmallChert
  807. gregtech -> dustSmallCrudeOil
  808. gregtech -> dustSmallDacite
  809. gregtech -> dustSmallEclogite
  810. gregtech -> dustSmallEmery
  811. gregtech -> dustSmallEpidote
  812. gregtech -> dustSmallGabbro
  813. gregtech -> dustSmallGneiss
  814. gregtech -> dustSmallGraphite
  815. gregtech -> dustSmallGreenschist
  816. gregtech -> dustSmallGreenstone
  817. gregtech -> dustSmallGreywacke
  818. gregtech -> dustSmallKomatiite
  819. gregtech -> dustSmallMagnetite
  820. gregtech -> dustSmallMalachite
  821. gregtech -> dustSmallMigmatite
  822. gregtech -> dustSmallPitchblende
  823. gregtech -> dustSmallPlastic
  824. gregtech -> dustSmallRhyolite
  825. gregtech -> dustSmallSiltstone
  826. gregtech -> dustSmallSoapstone
  827. gregtech -> dustSmallOilsands
  828. gregtech -> dustSmallPaper
  829. gregtech -> dustSmallRubber
  830. gregtech -> dustSmallWheat
  831. gregtech -> dustSmallWulfenite
  832. gregtech -> dustSmallPowellite
  833. gregtech -> dustSmallDesh
  834. gregtech -> dustSmallMilk
  835. gregtech -> dustSmallChocolate
  836. gregtech -> dustSmallCocoa
  837. gregtech -> dustSmallCoffee
  838. gregtech -> dustSmallWoodSealed
  839. gregtech -> dustSmallGlass
  840. gregtech -> dustSmallRareEarth
  841. gregtech -> dustSmallMirabilite
  842. gregtech -> dustSmallMica
  843. gregtech -> dustSmallTalc
  844. gregtech -> dustSmallTrona
  845. gregtech -> dustSmallBarite
  846. gregtech -> dustSmallBastnasite
  847. gregtech -> dustSmallGarnierite
  848. gregtech -> dustSmallLepidolite
  849. gregtech -> dustSmallMagnesite
  850. gregtech -> dustSmallPentlandite
  851. gregtech -> dustSmallScheelite
  852. gregtech -> dustSmallAlunite
  853. gregtech -> dustSmallChrysotile
  854. gregtech -> dustSmallCelestine
  855. gregtech -> dustSmallDolomite
  856. gregtech -> dustSmallWollastonite
  857. gregtech -> dustSmallZeolite
  858. gregtech -> dustSmallBandedIron
  859. gregtech -> dustSmallIlmenite
  860. gregtech -> dustSmallPollucite
  861. gregtech -> dustSmallSpodumene
  862. gregtech -> dustSmallTantalite
  863. gregtech -> dustSmallUraninite
  864. gregtech -> dustSmallVanadiumMagnetite
  865. gregtech -> dustSmallKyanite
  866. gregtech -> dustSmallPerlite
  867. gregtech -> dustSmallPumice
  868. gregtech -> dustSmallBentonite
  869. gregtech -> dustSmallFullersEarth
  870. gregtech -> dustSmallKaolinite
  871. gregtech -> dustSmallBrownLimonite
  872. gregtech -> dustSmallYellowLimonite
  873. gregtech -> dustSmallVermiculite
  874. gregtech -> dustSmallGlauconite
  875. gregtech -> dustSmallGypsum
  876. gregtech -> dustSmallBasalticMineralSand
  877. gregtech -> dustSmallGraniticMineralSand
  878. gregtech -> dustSmallCassiteriteSand
  879. gregtech -> dustSmallGarnetSand
  880. gregtech -> dustSmallQuartzSand
  881. gregtech -> dustSmallVolcanicAsh
  882. gregtech -> dustSmallBorax
  883. gregtech -> dustSmallMolybdenite
  884. gregtech -> dustSmallPyrolusite
  885. gregtech -> dustSmallRockSalt
  886. gregtech -> dustSmallStibnite
  887. gregtech -> dustSmallAsbestos
  888. gregtech -> dustSmallConcrete
  889. gregtech -> dustSmallDiatomite
  890. gregtech -> dustLithium
  891. gregtech -> dustBeryllium
  892. gregtech -> dustBoron
  893. gregtech -> dustCarbon
  894. gregtech -> dustSodium
  895. gregtech -> dustMagnesium
  896. gregtech -> dustAluminium
  897. gregtech -> dustSilicon
  898. gregtech -> dustPhosphor
  899. gregtech -> dustSulfur
  900. gregtech -> dustPotassium
  901. gregtech -> dustCalcium
  902. gregtech -> dustScandium
  903. gregtech -> dustTitanium
  904. gregtech -> dustVanadium
  905. gregtech -> dustChrome
  906. gregtech -> dustManganese
  907. gregtech -> dustIron
  908. gregtech -> dustCobalt
  909. gregtech -> dustNickel
  910. gregtech -> dustCopper
  911. gregtech -> dustZinc
  912. gregtech -> dustGallium
  913. gregtech -> dustRubidium
  914. gregtech -> dustStrontium
  915. gregtech -> dustYttrium
  916. gregtech -> dustNiobium
  917. gregtech -> dustMolybdenum
  918. gregtech -> dustPalladium
  919. gregtech -> dustSilver
  920. gregtech -> dustCadmium
  921. gregtech -> dustIndium
  922. gregtech -> dustTin
  923. gregtech -> dustAntimony
  924. gregtech -> dustTellurium
  925. gregtech -> dustCaesium
  926. gregtech -> dustBarium
  927. gregtech -> dustLanthanum
  928. gregtech -> dustCerium
  929. gregtech -> dustPraseodymium
  930. gregtech -> dustNeodymium
  931. gregtech -> dustPromethium
  932. gregtech -> dustSamarium
  933. gregtech -> dustEuropium
  934. gregtech -> dustGadolinium
  935. gregtech -> dustTerbium
  936. gregtech -> dustDysprosium
  937. gregtech -> dustHolmium
  938. gregtech -> dustErbium
  939. gregtech -> dustThulium
  940. gregtech -> dustYtterbium
  941. gregtech -> dustLutetium
  942. gregtech -> dustTantalum
  943. gregtech -> dustTungsten
  944. gregtech -> dustOsmium
  945. gregtech -> dustIridium
  946. gregtech -> dustPlatinum
  947. gregtech -> dustGold
  948. gregtech -> dustLead
  949. gregtech -> dustBismuth
  950. gregtech -> dustThorium
  951. gregtech -> dustUranium235
  952. gregtech -> dustUranium
  953. gregtech -> dustPlutonium
  954. gregtech -> dustPlutonium241
  955. gregtech -> dustAmericium
  956. gregtech -> dustNeutronium
  957. gregtech -> dustStone
  958. gregtech -> dustBronze
  959. gregtech -> dustBrass
  960. gregtech -> dustInvar
  961. gregtech -> dustElectrum
  962. gregtech -> dustWroughtIron
  963. gregtech -> dustSteel
  964. gregtech -> dustStainlessSteel
  965. gregtech -> dustPigIron
  966. gregtech -> dustRedAlloy
  967. gregtech -> dustBlueAlloy
  968. gregtech -> dustCupronickel
  969. gregtech -> dustNichrome
  970. gregtech -> dustKanthal
  971. gregtech -> dustMagnalium
  972. gregtech -> dustSolderingAlloy
  973. gregtech -> dustBatteryAlloy
  974. gregtech -> dustTungstenSteel
  975. gregtech -> dustOsmiridium
  976. gregtech -> dustSunnarium
  977. gregtech -> dustAdamantium
  978. gregtech -> dustElectrumFlux
  979. gregtech -> dustEnderium
  980. gregtech -> dustHSLA
  981. gregtech -> dustInfusedGold
  982. gregtech -> dustNaquadah
  983. gregtech -> dustNaquadahAlloy
  984. gregtech -> dustNaquadahEnriched
  985. gregtech -> dustNaquadria
  986. gregtech -> dustDuranium
  987. gregtech -> dustTritanium
  988. gregtech -> dustThaumium
  989. gregtech -> dustMithril
  990. gregtech -> dustMidasium
  991. gregtech -> dustAstralSilver
  992. gregtech -> dustBlackSteel
  993. gregtech -> dustDamascusSteel
  994. gregtech -> dustShadowIron
  995. gregtech -> dustShadowSteel
  996. gregtech -> dustIronWood
  997. gregtech -> dustSteelLeaf
  998. gregtech -> dustMeteoricIron
  999. gregtech -> dustMeteoricSteel
  1000. gregtech -> dustDarkIron
  1001. gregtech -> dustCobaltBrass
  1002. gregtech -> dustUltimet
  1003. gregtech -> dustAnnealedCopper
  1004. gregtech -> dustFieryBlood
  1005. gregtech -> dustFirestone
  1006. gregtech -> dustRedSteel
  1007. gregtech -> dustBlueSteel
  1008. gregtech -> dustSterlingSilver
  1009. gregtech -> dustRoseGold
  1010. gregtech -> dustBlackBronze
  1011. gregtech -> dustBismuthBronze
  1012. gregtech -> dustIronMagnetic
  1013. gregtech -> dustSteelMagnetic
  1014. gregtech -> dustNeodymiumMagnetic
  1015. gregtech -> dustVanadiumGallium
  1016. gregtech -> dustYttriumBariumCuprate
  1017. gregtech -> dustNiobiumNitride
  1018. gregtech -> dustNiobiumTitanium
  1019. gregtech -> dustChromiumDioxide
  1020. gregtech -> dustDiamond
  1021. gregtech -> dustEmerald
  1022. gregtech -> dustRuby
  1023. gregtech -> dustSapphire
  1024. gregtech -> dustGreenSapphire
  1025. gregtech -> dustOlivine
  1026. gregtech -> dustNetherStar
  1027. gregtech -> dustTopaz
  1028. gregtech -> dustTanzanite
  1029. gregtech -> dustAmethyst
  1030. gregtech -> dustOpal
  1031. gregtech -> dustJasper
  1032. gregtech -> dustFoolsRuby
  1033. gregtech -> dustBlueTopaz
  1034. gregtech -> dustAmber
  1035. gregtech -> dustDilithium
  1036. gregtech -> dustCertusQuartz
  1037. gregtech -> dustForcicium
  1038. gregtech -> dustForcillium
  1039. gregtech -> dustMonazite
  1040. gregtech -> dustForce
  1041. gregtech -> dustNetherQuartz
  1042. gregtech -> dustQuartzite
  1043. gregtech -> dye
  1044. gregtech -> dyeCyan
  1045. gregtech -> dustLazurite
  1046. gregtech -> dye
  1047. gregtech -> dyeBlue
  1048. gregtech -> dustSodalite
  1049. gregtech -> dye
  1050. gregtech -> dyeBlue
  1051. gregtech -> dustLapis
  1052. gregtech -> dustGarnetRed
  1053. gregtech -> dustGarnetYellow
  1054. gregtech -> dustVinteum
  1055. gregtech -> dustApatite
  1056. gregtech -> dustNiter
  1057. gregtech -> dustEnderPearl
  1058. gregtech -> dustEnderEye
  1059. gregtech -> dustPhosphorus
  1060. gregtech -> dustCoal
  1061. gregtech -> dustCharcoal
  1062. gregtech -> dustJade
  1063. gregtech -> dustLignite
  1064. gregtech -> dustInfusedAir
  1065. gregtech -> dustInfusedFire
  1066. gregtech -> dustInfusedEarth
  1067. gregtech -> dustInfusedWater
  1068. gregtech -> dustInfusedEntropy
  1069. gregtech -> dustInfusedOrder
  1070. gregtech -> dustIce
  1071. gregtech -> dustFlint
  1072. gregtech -> dustObsidian
  1073. gregtech -> dustClay
  1074. gregtech -> dustNetherrack
  1075. gregtech -> dustEndstone
  1076. gregtech -> dustWood
  1077. gregtech -> dustNikolite
  1078. gregtech -> dustBluestone
  1079. gregtech -> dustNetherBrick
  1080. gregtech -> dustAsh
  1081. gregtech -> dustDarkAsh
  1082. gregtech -> itemSalt
  1083. gregtech -> dustSalt
  1084. gregtech -> dustHydratedCoal
  1085. gregtech -> dustGraphene
  1086. gregtech -> dustAlmandine
  1087. gregtech -> dustAndradite
  1088. gregtech -> dustBauxite
  1089. gregtech -> dustCalcite
  1090. gregtech -> dustCassiterite
  1091. gregtech -> dustChromite
  1092. gregtech -> dustCinnabar
  1093. gregtech -> dustCobaltite
  1094. gregtech -> dustCooperite
  1095. gregtech -> dustDeepIron
  1096. gregtech -> dustGalena
  1097. gregtech -> dustGrossular
  1098. gregtech -> dustLiveRoot
  1099. gregtech -> dustPhosphate
  1100. gregtech -> dustPyrite
  1101. gregtech -> dustPyrope
  1102. gregtech -> dustSaltpeter
  1103. gregtech -> dustSiliconDioxide
  1104. gregtech -> dustSpessartine
  1105. gregtech -> dustSphalerite
  1106. gregtech -> dustTetrahedrite
  1107. gregtech -> dustTungstate
  1108. gregtech -> dustUvarovite
  1109. gregtech -> dustPyrotheum
  1110. gregtech -> dustBasalt
  1111. gregtech -> dustMarble
  1112. gregtech -> dustRedrock
  1113. gregtech -> dustPotassiumFeldspar
  1114. gregtech -> dustBiotite
  1115. gregtech -> dustGraniteBlack
  1116. gregtech -> dustGraniteRed
  1117. gregtech -> dustBlizz
  1118. gregtech -> dustBlueschist
  1119. gregtech -> dustCobaltHexahydrate
  1120. gregtech -> dustConstructionFoam
  1121. gregtech -> dustChalcopyrite
  1122. gregtech -> dustChalk
  1123. gregtech -> dustChert
  1124. gregtech -> dustCrudeOil
  1125. gregtech -> dustDacite
  1126. gregtech -> dustEclogite
  1127. gregtech -> dustEmery
  1128. gregtech -> dustEpidote
  1129. gregtech -> dustGabbro
  1130. gregtech -> dustGneiss
  1131. gregtech -> dustGraphite
  1132. gregtech -> dustGreenschist
  1133. gregtech -> dustGreenstone
  1134. gregtech -> dustGreywacke
  1135. gregtech -> dustKomatiite
  1136. gregtech -> dustMagnetite
  1137. gregtech -> dustMalachite
  1138. gregtech -> dustMigmatite
  1139. gregtech -> dustPitchblende
  1140. gregtech -> dustPlastic
  1141. gregtech -> dustRhyolite
  1142. gregtech -> dustSiltstone
  1143. gregtech -> dustSoapstone
  1144. gregtech -> dustOilsands
  1145. gregtech -> dustPaper
  1146. gregtech -> dustRubber
  1147. gregtech -> dustWheat
  1148. gregtech -> dustWulfenite
  1149. gregtech -> dustPowellite
  1150. gregtech -> dustDesh
  1151. gregtech -> dustMilk
  1152. gregtech -> dustChocolate
  1153. gregtech -> dye
  1154. gregtech -> dyeBrown
  1155. gregtech -> foodCocoapowder
  1156. gregtech -> dustCocoa
  1157. gregtech -> dye
  1158. gregtech -> dyeBrown
  1159. gregtech -> dustCoffee
  1160. gregtech -> dustWoodSealed
  1161. gregtech -> dustGlass
  1162. gregtech -> dustRareEarth
  1163. gregtech -> dustMirabilite
  1164. gregtech -> dustMica
  1165. gregtech -> dustTalc
  1166. gregtech -> dustTrona
  1167. gregtech -> dustBarite
  1168. gregtech -> dustBastnasite
  1169. gregtech -> dustGarnierite
  1170. gregtech -> dustLepidolite
  1171. gregtech -> dustMagnesite
  1172. gregtech -> dustPentlandite
  1173. gregtech -> dustScheelite
  1174. gregtech -> dustAlunite
  1175. gregtech -> dustChrysotile
  1176. gregtech -> dustCelestine
  1177. gregtech -> dustDolomite
  1178. gregtech -> dustWollastonite
  1179. gregtech -> dustZeolite
  1180. gregtech -> dustBandedIron
  1181. gregtech -> dustIlmenite
  1182. gregtech -> dustPollucite
  1183. gregtech -> dustSpodumene
  1184. gregtech -> dustTantalite
  1185. gregtech -> dustUraninite
  1186. gregtech -> dustVanadiumMagnetite
  1187. gregtech -> dustKyanite
  1188. gregtech -> dustPerlite
  1189. gregtech -> dustPumice
  1190. gregtech -> dustBentonite
  1191. gregtech -> dustFullersEarth
  1192. gregtech -> dustKaolinite
  1193. gregtech -> dye
  1194. gregtech -> dyeBrown
  1195. gregtech -> dustBrownLimonite
  1196. gregtech -> dye
  1197. gregtech -> dyeYellow
  1198. gregtech -> dustYellowLimonite
  1199. gregtech -> dustVermiculite
  1200. gregtech -> dustGlauconite
  1201. gregtech -> dustGypsum
  1202. gregtech -> dustBasalticMineralSand
  1203. gregtech -> dustGraniticMineralSand
  1204. gregtech -> dustCassiteriteSand
  1205. gregtech -> dustGarnetSand
  1206. gregtech -> dustQuartzSand
  1207. gregtech -> dustVolcanicAsh
  1208. gregtech -> dustBorax
  1209. gregtech -> dustMolybdenite
  1210. gregtech -> dustPyrolusite
  1211. gregtech -> dustRockSalt
  1212. gregtech -> dustStibnite
  1213. gregtech -> dustAsbestos
  1214. gregtech -> dustConcrete
  1215. gregtech -> dustDiatomite
  1216. gregtech -> dustImpureLithium
  1217. gregtech -> dustImpureBeryllium
  1218. gregtech -> dustImpureBoron
  1219. gregtech -> dustImpureMagnesium
  1220. gregtech -> dustImpureAluminium
  1221. gregtech -> dustImpureSilicon
  1222. gregtech -> dustImpurePhosphor
  1223. gregtech -> dustImpureSulfur
  1224. gregtech -> dustImpureScandium
  1225. gregtech -> dustImpureTitanium
  1226. gregtech -> dustImpureVanadium
  1227. gregtech -> dustImpureChrome
  1228. gregtech -> dustImpureManganese
  1229. gregtech -> dustImpureIron
  1230. gregtech -> dustImpureCobalt
  1231. gregtech -> dustImpureNickel
  1232. gregtech -> dustImpureCopper
  1233. gregtech -> dustImpureZinc
  1234. gregtech -> dustImpureGallium
  1235. gregtech -> dustImpureRubidium
  1236. gregtech -> dustImpureStrontium
  1237. gregtech -> dustImpureYttrium
  1238. gregtech -> dustImpureNiobium
  1239. gregtech -> dustImpureMolybdenum
  1240. gregtech -> dustImpurePalladium
  1241. gregtech -> dustImpureSilver
  1242. gregtech -> dustImpureCadmium
  1243. gregtech -> dustImpureIndium
  1244. gregtech -> dustImpureTin
  1245. gregtech -> dustImpureAntimony
  1246. gregtech -> dustImpureTellurium
  1247. gregtech -> dustImpureCaesium
  1248. gregtech -> dustImpureBarium
  1249. gregtech -> dustImpureLanthanum
  1250. gregtech -> dustImpureCerium
  1251. gregtech -> dustImpurePraseodymium
  1252. gregtech -> dustImpureNeodymium
  1253. gregtech -> dustImpurePromethium
  1254. gregtech -> dustImpureSamarium
  1255. gregtech -> dustImpureEuropium
  1256. gregtech -> dustImpureGadolinium
  1257. gregtech -> dustImpureTerbium
  1258. gregtech -> dustImpureDysprosium
  1259. gregtech -> dustImpureHolmium
  1260. gregtech -> dustImpureErbium
  1261. gregtech -> dustImpureThulium
  1262. gregtech -> dustImpureYtterbium
  1263. gregtech -> dustImpureLutetium
  1264. gregtech -> dustImpureTantalum
  1265. gregtech -> dustImpureTungsten
  1266. gregtech -> dustImpureOsmium
  1267. gregtech -> dustImpureIridium
  1268. gregtech -> dustImpurePlatinum
  1269. gregtech -> dustImpureGold
  1270. gregtech -> dustImpureLead
  1271. gregtech -> dustImpureBismuth
  1272. gregtech -> dustImpureThorium
  1273. gregtech -> dustImpureUranium235
  1274. gregtech -> dustImpureUranium
  1275. gregtech -> dustImpurePlutonium
  1276. gregtech -> dustImpurePlutonium241
  1277. gregtech -> dustImpureAmericium
  1278. gregtech -> dustImpureNeutronium
  1279. gregtech -> dustImpureStone
  1280. gregtech -> dustImpurePigIron
  1281. gregtech -> dustImpureAdamantium
  1282. gregtech -> dustImpureInfusedGold
  1283. gregtech -> dustImpureNaquadah
  1284. gregtech -> dustImpureNaquadahEnriched
  1285. gregtech -> dustImpureNaquadria
  1286. gregtech -> dustImpureMithril
  1287. gregtech -> dustImpureMidasium
  1288. gregtech -> dustImpureAstralSilver
  1289. gregtech -> dustImpureShadowIron
  1290. gregtech -> dustImpureMeteoricIron
  1291. gregtech -> dustImpureDarkIron
  1292. gregtech -> dustImpureFirestone
  1293. gregtech -> dustImpureDiamond
  1294. gregtech -> dustImpureEmerald
  1295. gregtech -> dustImpureRuby
  1296. gregtech -> dustImpureSapphire
  1297. gregtech -> dustImpureGreenSapphire
  1298. gregtech -> dustImpureOlivine
  1299. gregtech -> dustImpureTopaz
  1300. gregtech -> dustImpureTanzanite
  1301. gregtech -> dustImpureAmethyst
  1302. gregtech -> dustImpureOpal
  1303. gregtech -> dustImpureJasper
  1304. gregtech -> dustImpureFoolsRuby
  1305. gregtech -> dustImpureBlueTopaz
  1306. gregtech -> dustImpureAmber
  1307. gregtech -> dustImpureDilithium
  1308. gregtech -> dustImpureCertusQuartz
  1309. gregtech -> dustImpureForcicium
  1310. gregtech -> dustImpureForcillium
  1311. gregtech -> dustImpureMonazite
  1312. gregtech -> dustImpureForce
  1313. gregtech -> dustImpureNetherQuartz
  1314. gregtech -> dustImpureQuartzite
  1315. gregtech -> dustImpureLazurite
  1316. gregtech -> dustImpureSodalite
  1317. gregtech -> dustImpureLapis
  1318. gregtech -> dustImpureGarnetRed
  1319. gregtech -> dustImpureGarnetYellow
  1320. gregtech -> dustImpureVinteum
  1321. gregtech -> dustImpureApatite
  1322. gregtech -> dustImpureNiter
  1323. gregtech -> dustImpurePhosphorus
  1324. gregtech -> dustImpureCoal
  1325. gregtech -> dustImpureJade
  1326. gregtech -> dustImpureLignite
  1327. gregtech -> dustImpureInfusedAir
  1328. gregtech -> dustImpureInfusedFire
  1329. gregtech -> dustImpureInfusedEarth
  1330. gregtech -> dustImpureInfusedWater
  1331. gregtech -> dustImpureInfusedEntropy
  1332. gregtech -> dustImpureInfusedOrder
  1333. gregtech -> dustImpureFlint
  1334. gregtech -> dustImpureNetherrack
  1335. gregtech -> dustImpureEndstone
  1336. gregtech -> dustImpureRedstone
  1337. gregtech -> dustImpureNikolite
  1338. gregtech -> dustImpureSalt
  1339. gregtech -> dustImpureAlmandine
  1340. gregtech -> dustImpureAndradite
  1341. gregtech -> dustImpureBauxite
  1342. gregtech -> dustImpureCalcite
  1343. gregtech -> dustImpureCassiterite
  1344. gregtech -> dustImpureChromite
  1345. gregtech -> dustImpureCinnabar
  1346. gregtech -> dustImpureCobaltite
  1347. gregtech -> dustImpureCooperite
  1348. gregtech -> dustImpureDeepIron
  1349. gregtech -> dustImpureGalena
  1350. gregtech -> dustImpureGrossular
  1351. gregtech -> dustImpurePhosphate
  1352. gregtech -> dustImpurePyrite
  1353. gregtech -> dustImpurePyrope
  1354. gregtech -> dustImpureSaltpeter
  1355. gregtech -> dustImpureSpessartine
  1356. gregtech -> dustImpureSphalerite
  1357. gregtech -> dustImpureTetrahedrite
  1358. gregtech -> dustImpureTungstate
  1359. gregtech -> dustImpureUvarovite
  1360. gregtech -> dustImpureBasalt
  1361. gregtech -> dustImpureMarble
  1362. gregtech -> dustImpureRedrock
  1363. gregtech -> dustImpureGraniteBlack
  1364. gregtech -> dustImpureGraniteRed
  1365. gregtech -> dustImpureChalcopyrite
  1366. gregtech -> dustImpureEmery
  1367. gregtech -> dustImpureGraphite
  1368. gregtech -> dustImpureMagnetite
  1369. gregtech -> dustImpureMalachite
  1370. gregtech -> dustImpurePitchblende
  1371. gregtech -> dustImpureSoapstone
  1372. gregtech -> dustImpureOilsands
  1373. gregtech -> dustImpureWulfenite
  1374. gregtech -> dustImpurePowellite
  1375. gregtech -> dustImpureDesh
  1376. gregtech -> dustImpureMirabilite
  1377. gregtech -> dustImpureMica
  1378. gregtech -> dustImpureTalc
  1379. gregtech -> dustImpureTrona
  1380. gregtech -> dustImpureBarite
  1381. gregtech -> dustImpureBastnasite
  1382. gregtech -> dustImpureGarnierite
  1383. gregtech -> dustImpureLepidolite
  1384. gregtech -> dustImpureMagnesite
  1385. gregtech -> dustImpurePentlandite
  1386. gregtech -> dustImpureScheelite
  1387. gregtech -> dustImpureAlunite
  1388. gregtech -> dustImpureChrysotile
  1389. gregtech -> dustImpureCelestine
  1390. gregtech -> dustImpureDolomite
  1391. gregtech -> dustImpureWollastonite
  1392. gregtech -> dustImpureZeolite
  1393. gregtech -> dustImpureBandedIron
  1394. gregtech -> dustImpureIlmenite
  1395. gregtech -> dustImpurePollucite
  1396. gregtech -> dustImpureSpodumene
  1397. gregtech -> dustImpureTantalite
  1398. gregtech -> dustImpureUraninite
  1399. gregtech -> dustImpureVanadiumMagnetite
  1400. gregtech -> dustImpureKyanite
  1401. gregtech -> dustImpurePerlite
  1402. gregtech -> dustImpurePumice
  1403. gregtech -> dustImpureBentonite
  1404. gregtech -> dustImpureFullersEarth
  1405. gregtech -> dustImpureKaolinite
  1406. gregtech -> dustImpureBrownLimonite
  1407. gregtech -> dustImpureYellowLimonite
  1408. gregtech -> dustImpureVermiculite
  1409. gregtech -> dustImpureGlauconite
  1410. gregtech -> dustImpureGypsum
  1411. gregtech -> dustImpureBasalticMineralSand
  1412. gregtech -> dustImpureGraniticMineralSand
  1413. gregtech -> dustImpureCassiteriteSand
  1414. gregtech -> dustImpureGarnetSand
  1415. gregtech -> dustImpureQuartzSand
  1416. gregtech -> dustImpureBorax
  1417. gregtech -> dustImpureMolybdenite
  1418. gregtech -> dustImpurePyrolusite
  1419. gregtech -> dustImpureRockSalt
  1420. gregtech -> dustImpureStibnite
  1421. gregtech -> dustImpureAsbestos
  1422. gregtech -> dustImpureDiatomite
  1423. gregtech -> dustPureLithium
  1424. gregtech -> dustPureBeryllium
  1425. gregtech -> dustPureBoron
  1426. gregtech -> dustPureMagnesium
  1427. gregtech -> dustPureAluminium
  1428. gregtech -> dustPureSilicon
  1429. gregtech -> dustPurePhosphor
  1430. gregtech -> dustPureSulfur
  1431. gregtech -> dustPureScandium
  1432. gregtech -> dustPureTitanium
  1433. gregtech -> dustPureVanadium
  1434. gregtech -> dustPureChrome
  1435. gregtech -> dustPureManganese
  1436. gregtech -> dustPureIron
  1437. gregtech -> dustPureCobalt
  1438. gregtech -> dustPureNickel
  1439. gregtech -> dustPureCopper
  1440. gregtech -> dustPureZinc
  1441. gregtech -> dustPureGallium
  1442. gregtech -> dustPureRubidium
  1443. gregtech -> dustPureStrontium
  1444. gregtech -> dustPureYttrium
  1445. gregtech -> dustPureNiobium
  1446. gregtech -> dustPureMolybdenum
  1447. gregtech -> dustPurePalladium
  1448. gregtech -> dustPureSilver
  1449. gregtech -> dustPureCadmium
  1450. gregtech -> dustPureIndium
  1451. gregtech -> dustPureTin
  1452. gregtech -> dustPureAntimony
  1453. gregtech -> dustPureTellurium
  1454. gregtech -> dustPureCaesium
  1455. gregtech -> dustPureBarium
  1456. gregtech -> dustPureLanthanum
  1457. gregtech -> dustPureCerium
  1458. gregtech -> dustPurePraseodymium
  1459. gregtech -> dustPureNeodymium
  1460. gregtech -> dustPurePromethium
  1461. gregtech -> dustPureSamarium
  1462. gregtech -> dustPureEuropium
  1463. gregtech -> dustPureGadolinium
  1464. gregtech -> dustPureTerbium
  1465. gregtech -> dustPureDysprosium
  1466. gregtech -> dustPureHolmium
  1467. gregtech -> dustPureErbium
  1468. gregtech -> dustPureThulium
  1469. gregtech -> dustPureYtterbium
  1470. gregtech -> dustPureLutetium
  1471. gregtech -> dustPureTantalum
  1472. gregtech -> dustPureTungsten
  1473. gregtech -> dustPureOsmium
  1474. gregtech -> dustPureIridium
  1475. gregtech -> dustPurePlatinum
  1476. gregtech -> dustPureGold
  1477. gregtech -> dustPureLead
  1478. gregtech -> dustPureBismuth
  1479. gregtech -> dustPureThorium
  1480. gregtech -> dustPureUranium235
  1481. gregtech -> dustPureUranium
  1482. gregtech -> dustPurePlutonium
  1483. gregtech -> dustPurePlutonium241
  1484. gregtech -> dustPureAmericium
  1485. gregtech -> dustPureNeutronium
  1486. gregtech -> dustPurePigIron
  1487. gregtech -> dustPureAdamantium
  1488. gregtech -> dustPureInfusedGold
  1489. gregtech -> dustPureNaquadah
  1490. gregtech -> dustPureNaquadahEnriched
  1491. gregtech -> dustPureNaquadria
  1492. gregtech -> dustPureMithril
  1493. gregtech -> dustPureMidasium
  1494. gregtech -> dustPureAstralSilver
  1495. gregtech -> dustPureShadowIron
  1496. gregtech -> dustPureMeteoricIron
  1497. gregtech -> dustPureDarkIron
  1498. gregtech -> dustPureFirestone
  1499. gregtech -> dustPureDiamond
  1500. gregtech -> dustPureEmerald
  1501. gregtech -> dustPureRuby
  1502. gregtech -> dustPureSapphire
  1503. gregtech -> dustPureGreenSapphire
  1504. gregtech -> dustPureOlivine
  1505. gregtech -> dustPureTopaz
  1506. gregtech -> dustPureTanzanite
  1507. gregtech -> dustPureAmethyst
  1508. gregtech -> dustPureOpal
  1509. gregtech -> dustPureJasper
  1510. gregtech -> dustPureFoolsRuby
  1511. gregtech -> dustPureBlueTopaz
  1512. gregtech -> dustPureAmber
  1513. gregtech -> dustPureDilithium
  1514. gregtech -> dustPureCertusQuartz
  1515. gregtech -> dustPureForcicium
  1516. gregtech -> dustPureForcillium
  1517. gregtech -> dustPureMonazite
  1518. gregtech -> dustPureForce
  1519. gregtech -> dustPureNetherQuartz
  1520. gregtech -> dustPureQuartzite
  1521. gregtech -> dustPureLazurite
  1522. gregtech -> dustPureSodalite
  1523. gregtech -> dustPureLapis
  1524. gregtech -> dustPureGarnetRed
  1525. gregtech -> dustPureGarnetYellow
  1526. gregtech -> dustPureVinteum
  1527. gregtech -> dustPureApatite
  1528. gregtech -> dustPureNiter
  1529. gregtech -> dustPurePhosphorus
  1530. gregtech -> dustPureCoal
  1531. gregtech -> dustPureJade
  1532. gregtech -> dustPureLignite
  1533. gregtech -> dustPureInfusedAir
  1534. gregtech -> dustPureInfusedFire
  1535. gregtech -> dustPureInfusedEarth
  1536. gregtech -> dustPureInfusedWater
  1537. gregtech -> dustPureInfusedEntropy
  1538. gregtech -> dustPureInfusedOrder
  1539. gregtech -> dustPureRedstone
  1540. gregtech -> dustPureNikolite
  1541. gregtech -> dustPureSalt
  1542. gregtech -> dustPureAlmandine
  1543. gregtech -> dustPureAndradite
  1544. gregtech -> dustPureBauxite
  1545. gregtech -> dustPureCalcite
  1546. gregtech -> dustPureCassiterite
  1547. gregtech -> dustPureChromite
  1548. gregtech -> dustPureCinnabar
  1549. gregtech -> dustPureCobaltite
  1550. gregtech -> dustPureCooperite
  1551. gregtech -> dustPureDeepIron
  1552. gregtech -> dustPureGalena
  1553. gregtech -> dustPureGrossular
  1554. gregtech -> dustPurePhosphate
  1555. gregtech -> dustPurePyrite
  1556. gregtech -> dustPurePyrope
  1557. gregtech -> dustPureSaltpeter
  1558. gregtech -> dustPureSpessartine
  1559. gregtech -> dustPureSphalerite
  1560. gregtech -> dustPureTetrahedrite
  1561. gregtech -> dustPureTungstate
  1562. gregtech -> dustPureUvarovite
  1563. gregtech -> dustPureChalcopyrite
  1564. gregtech -> dustPureEmery
  1565. gregtech -> dustPureGraphite
  1566. gregtech -> dustPureMagnetite
  1567. gregtech -> dustPureMalachite
  1568. gregtech -> dustPurePitchblende
  1569. gregtech -> dustPureSoapstone
  1570. gregtech -> dustPureOilsands
  1571. gregtech -> dustPureWulfenite
  1572. gregtech -> dustPurePowellite
  1573. gregtech -> dustPureDesh
  1574. gregtech -> dustPureMirabilite
  1575. gregtech -> dustPureMica
  1576. gregtech -> dustPureTalc
  1577. gregtech -> dustPureTrona
  1578. gregtech -> dustPureBarite
  1579. gregtech -> dustPureBastnasite
  1580. gregtech -> dustPureGarnierite
  1581. gregtech -> dustPureLepidolite
  1582. gregtech -> dustPureMagnesite
  1583. gregtech -> dustPurePentlandite
  1584. gregtech -> dustPureScheelite
  1585. gregtech -> dustPureAlunite
  1586. gregtech -> dustPureChrysotile
  1587. gregtech -> dustPureCelestine
  1588. gregtech -> dustPureDolomite
  1589. gregtech -> dustPureWollastonite
  1590. gregtech -> dustPureZeolite
  1591. gregtech -> dustPureBandedIron
  1592. gregtech -> dustPureIlmenite
  1593. gregtech -> dustPurePollucite
  1594. gregtech -> dustPureSpodumene
  1595. gregtech -> dustPureTantalite
  1596. gregtech -> dustPureUraninite
  1597. gregtech -> dustPureVanadiumMagnetite
  1598. gregtech -> dustPureKyanite
  1599. gregtech -> dustPurePerlite
  1600. gregtech -> dustPurePumice
  1601. gregtech -> dustPureBentonite
  1602. gregtech -> dustPureFullersEarth
  1603. gregtech -> dustPureKaolinite
  1604. gregtech -> dustPureBrownLimonite
  1605. gregtech -> dustPureYellowLimonite
  1606. gregtech -> dustPureVermiculite
  1607. gregtech -> dustPureGlauconite
  1608. gregtech -> dustPureGypsum
  1609. gregtech -> dustPureBasalticMineralSand
  1610. gregtech -> dustPureGraniticMineralSand
  1611. gregtech -> dustPureCassiteriteSand
  1612. gregtech -> dustPureGarnetSand
  1613. gregtech -> dustPureQuartzSand
  1614. gregtech -> dustPureBorax
  1615. gregtech -> dustPureMolybdenite
  1616. gregtech -> dustPurePyrolusite
  1617. gregtech -> dustPureRockSalt
  1618. gregtech -> dustPureStibnite
  1619. gregtech -> dustPureAsbestos
  1620. gregtech -> dustPureDiatomite
  1621. gregtech -> crushedLithium
  1622. gregtech -> crushedBeryllium
  1623. gregtech -> crushedBoron
  1624. gregtech -> crushedMagnesium
  1625. gregtech -> crushedAluminium
  1626. gregtech -> crushedSilicon
  1627. gregtech -> crushedPhosphor
  1628. gregtech -> crushedSulfur
  1629. gregtech -> crushedScandium
  1630. gregtech -> crushedTitanium
  1631. gregtech -> crushedVanadium
  1632. gregtech -> crushedChrome
  1633. gregtech -> crushedManganese
  1634. gregtech -> crushedIron
  1635. gregtech -> crushedCobalt
  1636. gregtech -> crushedNickel
  1637. gregtech -> crushedCopper
  1638. gregtech -> crushedZinc
  1639. gregtech -> crushedGallium
  1640. gregtech -> crushedRubidium
  1641. gregtech -> crushedStrontium
  1642. gregtech -> crushedYttrium
  1643. gregtech -> crushedNiobium
  1644. gregtech -> crushedMolybdenum
  1645. gregtech -> crushedPalladium
  1646. gregtech -> crushedSilver
  1647. gregtech -> crushedCadmium
  1648. gregtech -> crushedIndium
  1649. gregtech -> crushedTin
  1650. gregtech -> crushedAntimony
  1651. gregtech -> crushedTellurium
  1652. gregtech -> crushedCaesium
  1653. gregtech -> crushedBarium
  1654. gregtech -> crushedLanthanum
  1655. gregtech -> crushedCerium
  1656. gregtech -> crushedPraseodymium
  1657. gregtech -> crushedNeodymium
  1658. gregtech -> crushedPromethium
  1659. gregtech -> crushedSamarium
  1660. gregtech -> crushedEuropium
  1661. gregtech -> crushedGadolinium
  1662. gregtech -> crushedTerbium
  1663. gregtech -> crushedDysprosium
  1664. gregtech -> crushedHolmium
  1665. gregtech -> crushedErbium
  1666. gregtech -> crushedThulium
  1667. gregtech -> crushedYtterbium
  1668. gregtech -> crushedLutetium
  1669. gregtech -> crushedTantalum
  1670. gregtech -> crushedTungsten
  1671. gregtech -> crushedOsmium
  1672. gregtech -> crushedIridium
  1673. gregtech -> crushedPlatinum
  1674. gregtech -> crushedGold
  1675. gregtech -> crushedLead
  1676. gregtech -> crushedBismuth
  1677. gregtech -> crushedThorium
  1678. gregtech -> crushedUranium235
  1679. gregtech -> crushedUranium
  1680. gregtech -> crushedPlutonium
  1681. gregtech -> crushedPlutonium241
  1682. gregtech -> crushedAmericium
  1683. gregtech -> crushedNeutronium
  1684. gregtech -> crushedPigIron
  1685. gregtech -> crushedAdamantium
  1686. gregtech -> crushedInfusedGold
  1687. gregtech -> crushedNaquadah
  1688. gregtech -> crushedNaquadahEnriched
  1689. gregtech -> crushedNaquadria
  1690. gregtech -> crushedMithril
  1691. gregtech -> crushedMidasium
  1692. gregtech -> crushedAstralSilver
  1693. gregtech -> crushedShadowIron
  1694. gregtech -> crushedMeteoricIron
  1695. gregtech -> crushedDarkIron
  1696. gregtech -> crushedFirestone
  1697. gregtech -> crushedDiamond
  1698. gregtech -> crushedEmerald
  1699. gregtech -> crushedRuby
  1700. gregtech -> crushedSapphire
  1701. gregtech -> crushedGreenSapphire
  1702. gregtech -> crushedOlivine
  1703. gregtech -> crushedTopaz
  1704. gregtech -> crushedTanzanite
  1705. gregtech -> crushedAmethyst
  1706. gregtech -> crushedOpal
  1707. gregtech -> crushedJasper
  1708. gregtech -> crushedFoolsRuby
  1709. gregtech -> crushedBlueTopaz
  1710. gregtech -> crushedAmber
  1711. gregtech -> crushedDilithium
  1712. gregtech -> crushedCertusQuartz
  1713. gregtech -> crushedForcicium
  1714. gregtech -> crushedForcillium
  1715. gregtech -> crushedMonazite
  1716. gregtech -> crushedForce
  1717. gregtech -> crushedNetherQuartz
  1718. gregtech -> crushedQuartzite
  1719. gregtech -> crushedLazurite
  1720. gregtech -> crushedSodalite
  1721. gregtech -> crushedLapis
  1722. gregtech -> crushedGarnetRed
  1723. gregtech -> crushedGarnetYellow
  1724. gregtech -> crushedVinteum
  1725. gregtech -> crushedApatite
  1726. gregtech -> crushedNiter
  1727. gregtech -> crushedPhosphorus
  1728. gregtech -> crushedCoal
  1729. gregtech -> crushedJade
  1730. gregtech -> crushedLignite
  1731. gregtech -> crushedInfusedAir
  1732. gregtech -> crushedInfusedFire
  1733. gregtech -> crushedInfusedEarth
  1734. gregtech -> crushedInfusedWater
  1735. gregtech -> crushedInfusedEntropy
  1736. gregtech -> crushedInfusedOrder
  1737. gregtech -> crushedRedstone
  1738. gregtech -> crushedNikolite
  1739. gregtech -> crushedSalt
  1740. gregtech -> crushedAlmandine
  1741. gregtech -> crushedAndradite
  1742. gregtech -> crushedBauxite
  1743. gregtech -> crushedCalcite
  1744. gregtech -> crushedCassiterite
  1745. gregtech -> crushedChromite
  1746. gregtech -> crushedCinnabar
  1747. gregtech -> crushedCobaltite
  1748. gregtech -> crushedCooperite
  1749. gregtech -> crushedDeepIron
  1750. gregtech -> crushedGalena
  1751. gregtech -> crushedGrossular
  1752. gregtech -> crushedPhosphate
  1753. gregtech -> crushedPyrite
  1754. gregtech -> crushedPyrope
  1755. gregtech -> crushedSaltpeter
  1756. gregtech -> crushedSpessartine
  1757. gregtech -> crushedSphalerite
  1758. gregtech -> crushedTetrahedrite
  1759. gregtech -> crushedTungstate
  1760. gregtech -> crushedUvarovite
  1761. gregtech -> crushedChalcopyrite
  1762. gregtech -> crushedEmery
  1763. gregtech -> crushedGraphite
  1764. gregtech -> crushedMagnetite
  1765. gregtech -> crushedMalachite
  1766. gregtech -> crushedPitchblende
  1767. gregtech -> crushedSoapstone
  1768. gregtech -> crushedOilsands
  1769. gregtech -> crushedWulfenite
  1770. gregtech -> crushedPowellite
  1771. gregtech -> crushedDesh
  1772. gregtech -> crushedMirabilite
  1773. gregtech -> crushedMica
  1774. gregtech -> crushedTalc
  1775. gregtech -> crushedTrona
  1776. gregtech -> crushedBarite
  1777. gregtech -> crushedBastnasite
  1778. gregtech -> crushedGarnierite
  1779. gregtech -> crushedLepidolite
  1780. gregtech -> crushedMagnesite
  1781. gregtech -> crushedPentlandite
  1782. gregtech -> crushedScheelite
  1783. gregtech -> crushedAlunite
  1784. gregtech -> crushedChrysotile
  1785. gregtech -> crushedCelestine
  1786. gregtech -> crushedDolomite
  1787. gregtech -> crushedWollastonite
  1788. gregtech -> crushedZeolite
  1789. gregtech -> crushedBandedIron
  1790. gregtech -> crushedIlmenite
  1791. gregtech -> crushedPollucite
  1792. gregtech -> crushedSpodumene
  1793. gregtech -> crushedTantalite
  1794. gregtech -> crushedUraninite
  1795. gregtech -> crushedVanadiumMagnetite
  1796. gregtech -> crushedKyanite
  1797. gregtech -> crushedPerlite
  1798. gregtech -> crushedPumice
  1799. gregtech -> crushedBentonite
  1800. gregtech -> crushedFullersEarth
  1801. gregtech -> crushedKaolinite
  1802. gregtech -> crushedBrownLimonite
  1803. gregtech -> crushedYellowLimonite
  1804. gregtech -> crushedVermiculite
  1805. gregtech -> crushedGlauconite
  1806. gregtech -> crushedGypsum
  1807. gregtech -> crushedBasalticMineralSand
  1808. gregtech -> crushedGraniticMineralSand
  1809. gregtech -> crushedCassiteriteSand
  1810. gregtech -> crushedGarnetSand
  1811. gregtech -> crushedQuartzSand
  1812. gregtech -> crushedBorax
  1813. gregtech -> crushedMolybdenite
  1814. gregtech -> crushedPyrolusite
  1815. gregtech -> crushedRockSalt
  1816. gregtech -> crushedStibnite
  1817. gregtech -> crushedAsbestos
  1818. gregtech -> crushedDiatomite
  1819. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedLithium
  1820. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedBeryllium
  1821. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedBoron
  1822. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedMagnesium
  1823. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedAluminium
  1824. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedSilicon
  1825. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedPhosphor
  1826. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedSulfur
  1827. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedScandium
  1828. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedTitanium
  1829. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedVanadium
  1830. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedChrome
  1831. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedManganese
  1832. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedIron
  1833. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedCobalt
  1834. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedNickel
  1835. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedCopper
  1836. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedZinc
  1837. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedGallium
  1838. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedRubidium
  1839. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedStrontium
  1840. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedYttrium
  1841. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedNiobium
  1842. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedMolybdenum
  1843. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedPalladium
  1844. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedSilver
  1845. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedCadmium
  1846. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedIndium
  1847. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedTin
  1848. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedAntimony
  1849. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedTellurium
  1850. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedCaesium
  1851. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedBarium
  1852. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedLanthanum
  1853. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedCerium
  1854. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedPraseodymium
  1855. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedNeodymium
  1856. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedPromethium
  1857. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedSamarium
  1858. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedEuropium
  1859. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedGadolinium
  1860. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedTerbium
  1861. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedDysprosium
  1862. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedHolmium
  1863. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedErbium
  1864. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedThulium
  1865. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedYtterbium
  1866. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedLutetium
  1867. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedTantalum
  1868. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedTungsten
  1869. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedOsmium
  1870. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedIridium
  1871. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedPlatinum
  1872. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedGold
  1873. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedLead
  1874. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedBismuth
  1875. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedThorium
  1876. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedUranium235
  1877. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedUranium
  1878. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedPlutonium
  1879. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedPlutonium241
  1880. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedAmericium
  1881. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedNeutronium
  1882. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedPigIron
  1883. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedAdamantium
  1884. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedInfusedGold
  1885. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedNaquadah
  1886. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedNaquadahEnriched
  1887. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedNaquadria
  1888. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedMithril
  1889. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedMidasium
  1890. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedAstralSilver
  1891. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedShadowIron
  1892. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedMeteoricIron
  1893. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedDarkIron
  1894. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedFirestone
  1895. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedDiamond
  1896. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedEmerald
  1897. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedRuby
  1898. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedSapphire
  1899. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedGreenSapphire
  1900. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedOlivine
  1901. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedTopaz
  1902. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedTanzanite
  1903. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedAmethyst
  1904. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedOpal
  1905. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedJasper
  1906. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedFoolsRuby
  1907. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedBlueTopaz
  1908. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedAmber
  1909. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedDilithium
  1910. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedCertusQuartz
  1911. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedForcicium
  1912. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedForcillium
  1913. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedMonazite
  1914. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedForce
  1915. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedNetherQuartz
  1916. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedQuartzite
  1917. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedLazurite
  1918. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedSodalite
  1919. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedLapis
  1920. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedGarnetRed
  1921. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedGarnetYellow
  1922. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedVinteum
  1923. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedApatite
  1924. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedNiter
  1925. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedPhosphorus
  1926. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedCoal
  1927. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedJade
  1928. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedLignite
  1929. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedInfusedAir
  1930. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedInfusedFire
  1931. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedInfusedEarth
  1932. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedInfusedWater
  1933. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedInfusedEntropy
  1934. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedInfusedOrder
  1935. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedRedstone
  1936. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedNikolite
  1937. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedSalt
  1938. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedAlmandine
  1939. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedAndradite
  1940. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedBauxite
  1941. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedCalcite
  1942. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedCassiterite
  1943. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedChromite
  1944. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedCinnabar
  1945. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedCobaltite
  1946. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedCooperite
  1947. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedDeepIron
  1948. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedGalena
  1949. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedGrossular
  1950. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedPhosphate
  1951. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedPyrite
  1952. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedPyrope
  1953. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedSaltpeter
  1954. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedSpessartine
  1955. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedSphalerite
  1956. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedTetrahedrite
  1957. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedTungstate
  1958. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedUvarovite
  1959. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedChalcopyrite
  1960. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedEmery
  1961. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedGraphite
  1962. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedMagnetite
  1963. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedMalachite
  1964. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedPitchblende
  1965. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedSoapstone
  1966. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedOilsands
  1967. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedWulfenite
  1968. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedPowellite
  1969. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedDesh
  1970. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedMirabilite
  1971. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedMica
  1972. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedTalc
  1973. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedTrona
  1974. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedBarite
  1975. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedBastnasite
  1976. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedGarnierite
  1977. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedLepidolite
  1978. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedMagnesite
  1979. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedPentlandite
  1980. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedScheelite
  1981. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedAlunite
  1982. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedChrysotile
  1983. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedCelestine
  1984. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedDolomite
  1985. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedWollastonite
  1986. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedZeolite
  1987. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedBandedIron
  1988. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedIlmenite
  1989. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedPollucite
  1990. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedSpodumene
  1991. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedTantalite
  1992. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedUraninite
  1993. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedVanadiumMagnetite
  1994. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedKyanite
  1995. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedPerlite
  1996. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedPumice
  1997. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedBentonite
  1998. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedFullersEarth
  1999. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedKaolinite
  2000. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedBrownLimonite
  2001. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedYellowLimonite
  2002. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedVermiculite
  2003. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedGlauconite
  2004. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedGypsum
  2005. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedBasalticMineralSand
  2006. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedGraniticMineralSand
  2007. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedCassiteriteSand
  2008. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedGarnetSand
  2009. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedQuartzSand
  2010. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedBorax
  2011. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedMolybdenite
  2012. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedPyrolusite
  2013. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedRockSalt
  2014. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedStibnite
  2015. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedAsbestos
  2016. gregtech -> crushedPurifiedDiatomite
  2017. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedLithium
  2018. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedBeryllium
  2019. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedBoron
  2020. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedMagnesium
  2021. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedAluminium
  2022. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedSilicon
  2023. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedPhosphor
  2024. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedSulfur
  2025. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedScandium
  2026. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedTitanium
  2027. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedVanadium
  2028. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedChrome
  2029. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedManganese
  2030. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedIron
  2031. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedCobalt
  2032. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedNickel
  2033. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedCopper
  2034. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedZinc
  2035. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedGallium
  2036. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedRubidium
  2037. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedStrontium
  2038. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedYttrium
  2039. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedNiobium
  2040. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedMolybdenum
  2041. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedPalladium
  2042. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedSilver
  2043. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedCadmium
  2044. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedIndium
  2045. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedTin
  2046. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedAntimony
  2047. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedTellurium
  2048. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedCaesium
  2049. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedBarium
  2050. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedLanthanum
  2051. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedCerium
  2052. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedPraseodymium
  2053. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedNeodymium
  2054. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedPromethium
  2055. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedSamarium
  2056. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedEuropium
  2057. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedGadolinium
  2058. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedTerbium
  2059. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedDysprosium
  2060. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedHolmium
  2061. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedErbium
  2062. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedThulium
  2063. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedYtterbium
  2064. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedLutetium
  2065. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedTantalum
  2066. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedTungsten
  2067. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedOsmium
  2068. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedIridium
  2069. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedPlatinum
  2070. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedGold
  2071. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedLead
  2072. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedBismuth
  2073. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedThorium
  2074. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedUranium235
  2075. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedUranium
  2076. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedPlutonium
  2077. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedPlutonium241
  2078. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedAmericium
  2079. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedNeutronium
  2080. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedPigIron
  2081. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedAdamantium
  2082. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedInfusedGold
  2083. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedNaquadah
  2084. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedNaquadahEnriched
  2085. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedNaquadria
  2086. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedMithril
  2087. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedMidasium
  2088. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedAstralSilver
  2089. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedShadowIron
  2090. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedMeteoricIron
  2091. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedDarkIron
  2092. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedFirestone
  2093. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedDiamond
  2094. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedEmerald
  2095. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedRuby
  2096. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedSapphire
  2097. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedGreenSapphire
  2098. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedOlivine
  2099. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedTopaz
  2100. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedTanzanite
  2101. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedAmethyst
  2102. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedOpal
  2103. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedJasper
  2104. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedFoolsRuby
  2105. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedBlueTopaz
  2106. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedAmber
  2107. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedDilithium
  2108. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedCertusQuartz
  2109. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedForcicium
  2110. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedForcillium
  2111. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedMonazite
  2112. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedForce
  2113. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedNetherQuartz
  2114. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedQuartzite
  2115. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedLazurite
  2116. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedSodalite
  2117. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedLapis
  2118. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedGarnetRed
  2119. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedGarnetYellow
  2120. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedVinteum
  2121. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedApatite
  2122. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedNiter
  2123. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedPhosphorus
  2124. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedCoal
  2125. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedJade
  2126. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedLignite
  2127. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedInfusedAir
  2128. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedInfusedFire
  2129. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedInfusedEarth
  2130. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedInfusedWater
  2131. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedInfusedEntropy
  2132. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedInfusedOrder
  2133. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedRedstone
  2134. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedNikolite
  2135. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedSalt
  2136. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedAlmandine
  2137. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedAndradite
  2138. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedBauxite
  2139. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedCalcite
  2140. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedCassiterite
  2141. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedChromite
  2142. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedCinnabar
  2143. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedCobaltite
  2144. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedCooperite
  2145. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedDeepIron
  2146. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedGalena
  2147. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedGrossular
  2148. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedPhosphate
  2149. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedPyrite
  2150. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedPyrope
  2151. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedSaltpeter
  2152. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedSpessartine
  2153. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedSphalerite
  2154. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedTetrahedrite
  2155. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedTungstate
  2156. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedUvarovite
  2157. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedChalcopyrite
  2158. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedEmery
  2159. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedGraphite
  2160. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedMagnetite
  2161. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedMalachite
  2162. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedPitchblende
  2163. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedSoapstone
  2164. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedOilsands
  2165. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedWulfenite
  2166. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedPowellite
  2167. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedDesh
  2168. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedMirabilite
  2169. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedMica
  2170. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedTalc
  2171. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedTrona
  2172. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedBarite
  2173. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedBastnasite
  2174. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedGarnierite
  2175. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedLepidolite
  2176. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedMagnesite
  2177. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedPentlandite
  2178. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedScheelite
  2179. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedAlunite
  2180. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedChrysotile
  2181. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedCelestine
  2182. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedDolomite
  2183. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedWollastonite
  2184. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedZeolite
  2185. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedBandedIron
  2186. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedIlmenite
  2187. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedPollucite
  2188. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedSpodumene
  2189. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedTantalite
  2190. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedUraninite
  2191. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedVanadiumMagnetite
  2192. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedKyanite
  2193. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedPerlite
  2194. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedPumice
  2195. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedBentonite
  2196. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedFullersEarth
  2197. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedKaolinite
  2198. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedBrownLimonite
  2199. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedYellowLimonite
  2200. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedVermiculite
  2201. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedGlauconite
  2202. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedGypsum
  2203. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedBasalticMineralSand
  2204. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedGraniticMineralSand
  2205. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedCassiteriteSand
  2206. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedGarnetSand
  2207. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedQuartzSand
  2208. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedBorax
  2209. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedMolybdenite
  2210. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedPyrolusite
  2211. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedRockSalt
  2212. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedStibnite
  2213. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedAsbestos
  2214. gregtech -> crushedCentrifugedDiatomite
  2215. gregtech -> gemFirestone
  2216. gregtech -> gemRuby
  2217. gregtech -> gemSapphire
  2218. gregtech -> gemGreenSapphire
  2219. gregtech -> gemOlivine
  2220. gregtech -> gemTopaz
  2221. gregtech -> gemTanzanite
  2222. gregtech -> gemAmethyst
  2223. gregtech -> gemOpal
  2224. gregtech -> gemJasper
  2225. gregtech -> gemFoolsRuby
  2226. gregtech -> gemBlueTopaz
  2227. gregtech -> gemAmber
  2228. gregtech -> gemDilithium
  2229. gregtech -> crystalCertusQuartz
  2230. gregtech -> craftingQuartz
  2231. gregtech -> gemCertusQuartz
  2232. gregtech -> gemForcicium
  2233. gregtech -> gemForcillium
  2234. gregtech -> gemMonazite
  2235. gregtech -> gemForce
  2236. gregtech -> crystalQuartzite
  2237. gregtech -> craftingQuartz
  2238. gregtech -> gemQuartzite
  2239. gregtech -> dye
  2240. gregtech -> dyeCyan
  2241. gregtech -> gemLazurite
  2242. gregtech -> dye
  2243. gregtech -> dyeBlue
  2244. gregtech -> gemSodalite
  2245. gregtech -> gemGarnetRed
  2246. gregtech -> gemGarnetYellow
  2247. gregtech -> gemVinteum
  2248. gregtech -> gemApatite
  2249. gregtech -> gemNiter
  2250. gregtech -> gemPhosphorus
  2251. gregtech -> gemLignite
  2252. gregtech -> gemInfusedAir
  2253. gregtech -> gemInfusedFire
  2254. gregtech -> gemInfusedEarth
  2255. gregtech -> gemInfusedWater
  2256. gregtech -> gemInfusedEntropy
  2257. gregtech -> gemInfusedOrder
  2258. gregtech -> nuggetBeryllium
  2259. gregtech -> nuggetMagnesium
  2260. gregtech -> nuggetAluminium
  2261. gregtech -> nuggetSilicon
  2262. gregtech -> nuggetScandium
  2263. gregtech -> nuggetTitanium
  2264. gregtech -> nuggetVanadium
  2265. gregtech -> nuggetChrome
  2266. gregtech -> nuggetManganese
  2267. gregtech -> nuggetIron
  2268. gregtech -> nuggetCobalt
  2269. gregtech -> nuggetNickel
  2270. gregtech -> nuggetCopper
  2271. gregtech -> nuggetZinc
  2272. gregtech -> nuggetGallium
  2273. gregtech -> nuggetRubidium
  2274. gregtech -> nuggetYttrium
  2275. gregtech -> nuggetNiobium
  2276. gregtech -> nuggetMolybdenum
  2277. gregtech -> nuggetPalladium
  2278. gregtech -> nuggetSilver
  2279. gregtech -> nuggetIndium
  2280. gregtech -> nuggetTin
  2281. gregtech -> nuggetAntimony
  2282. gregtech -> nuggetTellurium
  2283. gregtech -> nuggetCaesium
  2284. gregtech -> nuggetLanthanum
  2285. gregtech -> nuggetCerium
  2286. gregtech -> nuggetPraseodymium
  2287. gregtech -> nuggetNeodymium
  2288. gregtech -> nuggetPromethium
  2289. gregtech -> nuggetSamarium
  2290. gregtech -> nuggetEuropium
  2291. gregtech -> nuggetGadolinium
  2292. gregtech -> nuggetTerbium
  2293. gregtech -> nuggetDysprosium
  2294. gregtech -> nuggetHolmium
  2295. gregtech -> nuggetErbium
  2296. gregtech -> nuggetThulium
  2297. gregtech -> nuggetYtterbium
  2298. gregtech -> nuggetLutetium
  2299. gregtech -> nuggetTantalum
  2300. gregtech -> nuggetTungsten
  2301. gregtech -> nuggetOsmium
  2302. gregtech -> nuggetIridium
  2303. gregtech -> nuggetPlatinum
  2304. gregtech -> nuggetLead
  2305. gregtech -> nuggetBismuth
  2306. gregtech -> nuggetThorium
  2307. gregtech -> nuggetUranium235
  2308. gregtech -> nuggetUranium
  2309. gregtech -> nuggetPlutonium
  2310. gregtech -> nuggetPlutonium241
  2311. gregtech -> nuggetAmericium
  2312. gregtech -> nuggetNeutronium
  2313. gregtech -> nuggetBronze
  2314. gregtech -> nuggetBrass
  2315. gregtech -> nuggetInvar
  2316. gregtech -> nuggetElectrum
  2317. gregtech -> nuggetWroughtIron
  2318. gregtech -> nuggetSteel
  2319. gregtech -> nuggetStainlessSteel
  2320. gregtech -> nuggetPigIron
  2321. gregtech -> nuggetRedAlloy
  2322. gregtech -> nuggetBlueAlloy
  2323. gregtech -> nuggetCupronickel
  2324. gregtech -> nuggetNichrome
  2325. gregtech -> nuggetKanthal
  2326. gregtech -> nuggetMagnalium
  2327. gregtech -> nuggetSolderingAlloy
  2328. gregtech -> nuggetBatteryAlloy
  2329. gregtech -> nuggetTungstenSteel
  2330. gregtech -> nuggetOsmiridium
  2331. gregtech -> nuggetSunnarium
  2332. gregtech -> nuggetAdamantium
  2333. gregtech -> nuggetElectrumFlux
  2334. gregtech -> nuggetEnderium
  2335. gregtech -> nuggetHSLA
  2336. gregtech -> nuggetInfusedGold
  2337. gregtech -> nuggetNaquadah
  2338. gregtech -> nuggetNaquadahAlloy
  2339. gregtech -> nuggetNaquadahEnriched
  2340. gregtech -> nuggetNaquadria
  2341. gregtech -> nuggetDuranium
  2342. gregtech -> nuggetTritanium
  2343. gregtech -> nuggetThaumium
  2344. gregtech -> nuggetMithril
  2345. gregtech -> nuggetMidasium
  2346. gregtech -> nuggetAstralSilver
  2347. gregtech -> nuggetBlackSteel
  2348. gregtech -> nuggetDamascusSteel
  2349. gregtech -> nuggetShadowIron
  2350. gregtech -> nuggetShadowSteel
  2351. gregtech -> nuggetIronWood
  2352. gregtech -> nuggetSteelLeaf
  2353. gregtech -> nuggetMeteoricIron
  2354. gregtech -> nuggetMeteoricSteel
  2355. gregtech -> nuggetDarkIron
  2356. gregtech -> nuggetCobaltBrass
  2357. gregtech -> nuggetUltimet
  2358. gregtech -> nuggetAnnealedCopper
  2359. gregtech -> nuggetFieryBlood
  2360. gregtech -> nuggetRedSteel
  2361. gregtech -> nuggetBlueSteel
  2362. gregtech -> nuggetSterlingSilver
  2363. gregtech -> nuggetRoseGold
  2364. gregtech -> nuggetBlackBronze
  2365. gregtech -> nuggetBismuthBronze
  2366. gregtech -> nuggetIronMagnetic
  2367. gregtech -> nuggetSteelMagnetic
  2368. gregtech -> nuggetNeodymiumMagnetic
  2369. gregtech -> nuggetVanadiumGallium
  2370. gregtech -> nuggetYttriumBariumCuprate
  2371. gregtech -> nuggetNiobiumNitride
  2372. gregtech -> nuggetNiobiumTitanium
  2373. gregtech -> nuggetChromiumDioxide
  2374. gregtech -> nuggetForce
  2375. gregtech -> nuggetWood
  2376. gregtech -> nuggetDeepIron
  2377. gregtech -> nuggetPlastic
  2378. gregtech -> nuggetRubber
  2379. gregtech -> nuggetDesh
  2380. gregtech -> nuggetWoodSealed
  2381. gregtech -> ingotBeryllium
  2382. gregtech -> ingotMagnesium
  2383. gregtech -> ingotAluminium
  2384. gregtech -> ingotSilicon
  2385. gregtech -> ingotScandium
  2386. gregtech -> ingotTitanium
  2387. gregtech -> ingotVanadium
  2388. gregtech -> ingotChrome
  2389. gregtech -> ingotManganese
  2390. gregtech -> ingotCobalt
  2391. gregtech -> ingotNickel
  2392. gregtech -> ingotCopper
  2393. gregtech -> ingotZinc
  2394. gregtech -> ingotGallium
  2395. gregtech -> ingotRubidium
  2396. gregtech -> ingotYttrium
  2397. gregtech -> ingotNiobium
  2398. gregtech -> ingotMolybdenum
  2399. gregtech -> ingotPalladium
  2400. gregtech -> ingotSilver
  2401. gregtech -> ingotIndium
  2402. gregtech -> ingotTin
  2403. gregtech -> ingotAntimony
  2404. gregtech -> ingotTellurium
  2405. gregtech -> ingotCaesium
  2406. gregtech -> ingotLanthanum
  2407. gregtech -> ingotCerium
  2408. gregtech -> ingotPraseodymium
  2409. gregtech -> ingotNeodymium
  2410. gregtech -> ingotPromethium
  2411. gregtech -> ingotSamarium
  2412. gregtech -> ingotEuropium
  2413. gregtech -> ingotGadolinium
  2414. gregtech -> ingotTerbium
  2415. gregtech -> ingotDysprosium
  2416. gregtech -> ingotHolmium
  2417. gregtech -> ingotErbium
  2418. gregtech -> ingotThulium
  2419. gregtech -> ingotYtterbium
  2420. gregtech -> ingotLutetium
  2421. gregtech -> ingotTantalum
  2422. gregtech -> ingotTungsten
  2423. gregtech -> ingotOsmium
  2424. gregtech -> ingotIridium
  2425. gregtech -> ingotPlatinum
  2426. gregtech -> ingotLead
  2427. gregtech -> ingotBismuth
  2428. gregtech -> ingotThorium
  2429. gregtech -> ingotUranium235
  2430. gregtech -> ingotUranium
  2431. gregtech -> ingotPlutonium
  2432. gregtech -> ingotPlutonium241
  2433. gregtech -> ingotAmericium
  2434. gregtech -> ingotNeutronium
  2435. gregtech -> ingotBronze
  2436. gregtech -> ingotBrass
  2437. gregtech -> ingotInvar
  2438. gregtech -> ingotElectrum
  2439. gregtech -> ingotWroughtIron
  2440. gregtech -> ingotSteel
  2441. gregtech -> ingotStainlessSteel
  2442. gregtech -> ingotPigIron
  2443. gregtech -> ingotRedAlloy
  2444. gregtech -> ingotBlueAlloy
  2445. gregtech -> ingotCupronickel
  2446. gregtech -> ingotNichrome
  2447. gregtech -> ingotKanthal
  2448. gregtech -> ingotMagnalium
  2449. gregtech -> ingotSolderingAlloy
  2450. gregtech -> ingotBatteryAlloy
  2451. gregtech -> ingotTungstenSteel
  2452. gregtech -> ingotOsmiridium
  2453. gregtech -> ingotSunnarium
  2454. gregtech -> ingotAdamantium
  2455. gregtech -> ingotElectrumFlux
  2456. gregtech -> ingotEnderium
  2457. gregtech -> ingotHSLA
  2458. gregtech -> ingotInfusedGold
  2459. gregtech -> ingotNaquadah
  2460. gregtech -> ingotNaquadahAlloy
  2461. gregtech -> ingotNaquadahEnriched
  2462. gregtech -> ingotNaquadria
  2463. gregtech -> ingotDuranium
  2464. gregtech -> ingotTritanium
  2465. gregtech -> ingotThaumium
  2466. gregtech -> ingotMithril
  2467. gregtech -> ingotMidasium
  2468. gregtech -> ingotAstralSilver
  2469. gregtech -> ingotBlackSteel
  2470. gregtech -> ingotDamascusSteel
  2471. gregtech -> ingotShadowIron
  2472. gregtech -> ingotShadowSteel
  2473. gregtech -> ingotIronWood
  2474. gregtech -> ingotSteelLeaf
  2475. gregtech -> ingotMeteoricIron
  2476. gregtech -> ingotMeteoricSteel
  2477. gregtech -> ingotDarkIron
  2478. gregtech -> ingotCobaltBrass
  2479. gregtech -> ingotUltimet
  2480. gregtech -> ingotAnnealedCopper
  2481. gregtech -> ingotFieryBlood
  2482. gregtech -> ingotRedSteel
  2483. gregtech -> ingotBlueSteel
  2484. gregtech -> ingotSterlingSilver
  2485. gregtech -> ingotRoseGold
  2486. gregtech -> ingotBlackBronze
  2487. gregtech -> ingotBismuthBronze
  2488. gregtech -> ingotIronMagnetic
  2489. gregtech -> ingotSteelMagnetic
  2490. gregtech -> ingotNeodymiumMagnetic
  2491. gregtech -> ingotVanadiumGallium
  2492. gregtech -> ingotYttriumBariumCuprate
  2493. gregtech -> ingotNiobiumNitride
  2494. gregtech -> ingotNiobiumTitanium
  2495. gregtech -> ingotChromiumDioxide
  2496. gregtech -> ingotForce
  2497. gregtech -> ingotDeepIron
  2498. gregtech -> ingotPlastic
  2499. gregtech -> itemRubber
  2500. gregtech -> ingotRubber
  2501. gregtech -> ingotDesh
  2502. gregtech -> ingotHotScandium
  2503. gregtech -> ingotHotVanadium
  2504. gregtech -> ingotHotYttrium
  2505. gregtech -> ingotHotNiobium
  2506. gregtech -> ingotHotErbium
  2507. gregtech -> ingotHotThulium
  2508. gregtech -> ingotHotLutetium
  2509. gregtech -> ingotHotTungsten
  2510. gregtech -> ingotHotNichrome
  2511. gregtech -> ingotHotKanthal
  2512. gregtech -> ingotHotTungstenSteel
  2513. gregtech -> ingotHotElectrumFlux
  2514. gregtech -> ingotHotEnderium
  2515. gregtech -> ingotHotNaquadah
  2516. gregtech -> ingotHotNaquadahAlloy
  2517. gregtech -> ingotHotNaquadahEnriched
  2518. gregtech -> ingotHotNaquadria
  2519. gregtech -> ingotHotUltimet
  2520. gregtech -> ingotHotBlackBronze
  2521. gregtech -> ingotHotVanadiumGallium
  2522. gregtech -> ingotHotNiobiumNitride
  2523. gregtech -> ingotHotNiobiumTitanium
  2524. gregtech -> plateBeryllium
  2525. gregtech -> plateMagnesium
  2526. gregtech -> plateAluminium
  2527. gregtech -> plateSilicon
  2528. gregtech -> plateScandium
  2529. gregtech -> plateTitanium
  2530. gregtech -> plateVanadium
  2531. gregtech -> plateChrome
  2532. gregtech -> plateManganese
  2533. gregtech -> plateIron
  2534. gregtech -> plateCobalt
  2535. gregtech -> plateNickel
  2536. gregtech -> plateCopper
  2537. gregtech -> plateZinc
  2538. gregtech -> plateGallium
  2539. gregtech -> plateRubidium
  2540. gregtech -> plateYttrium
  2541. gregtech -> plateNiobium
  2542. gregtech -> plateMolybdenum
  2543. gregtech -> platePalladium
  2544. gregtech -> plateSilver
  2545. gregtech -> plateIndium
  2546. gregtech -> plateTin
  2547. gregtech -> plateAntimony
  2548. gregtech -> plateTellurium
  2549. gregtech -> plateCaesium
  2550. gregtech -> plateLanthanum
  2551. gregtech -> plateCerium
  2552. gregtech -> platePraseodymium
  2553. gregtech -> plateNeodymium
  2554. gregtech -> platePromethium
  2555. gregtech -> plateSamarium
  2556. gregtech -> plateEuropium
  2557. gregtech -> plateGadolinium
  2558. gregtech -> plateTerbium
  2559. gregtech -> plateDysprosium
  2560. gregtech -> plateHolmium
  2561. gregtech -> plateErbium
  2562. gregtech -> plateThulium
  2563. gregtech -> plateYtterbium
  2564. gregtech -> plateLutetium
  2565. gregtech -> plateTantalum
  2566. gregtech -> plateTungsten
  2567. gregtech -> plateOsmium
  2568. gregtech -> plateIridium
  2569. gregtech -> platePlatinum
  2570. gregtech -> plateGold
  2571. gregtech -> plateLead
  2572. gregtech -> plateBismuth
  2573. gregtech -> plateThorium
  2574. gregtech -> plateUranium235
  2575. gregtech -> plateUranium
  2576. gregtech -> platePlutonium
  2577. gregtech -> platePlutonium241
  2578. gregtech -> plateAmericium
  2579. gregtech -> plateNeutronium
  2580. gregtech -> plateBronze
  2581. gregtech -> plateBrass
  2582. gregtech -> plateInvar
  2583. gregtech -> plateElectrum
  2584. gregtech -> plateWroughtIron
  2585. gregtech -> plateSteel
  2586. gregtech -> plateStainlessSteel
  2587. gregtech -> platePigIron
  2588. gregtech -> plateRedAlloy
  2589. gregtech -> plateBlueAlloy
  2590. gregtech -> plateCupronickel
  2591. gregtech -> plateNichrome
  2592. gregtech -> plateKanthal
  2593. gregtech -> plateMagnalium
  2594. gregtech -> plateSolderingAlloy
  2595. gregtech -> plateBatteryAlloy
  2596. gregtech -> plateTungstenSteel
  2597. gregtech -> plateOsmiridium
  2598. gregtech -> plateSunnarium
  2599. gregtech -> plateAdamantium
  2600. gregtech -> plateElectrumFlux
  2601. gregtech -> plateEnderium
  2602. gregtech -> plateHSLA
  2603. gregtech -> plateInfusedGold
  2604. gregtech -> plateNaquadah
  2605. gregtech -> plateNaquadahAlloy
  2606. gregtech -> plateNaquadahEnriched
  2607. gregtech -> plateNaquadria
  2608. gregtech -> plateDuranium
  2609. gregtech -> plateTritanium
  2610. gregtech -> plateThaumium
  2611. gregtech -> plateMithril
  2612. gregtech -> plateMidasium
  2613. gregtech -> plateAstralSilver
  2614. gregtech -> plateBlackSteel
  2615. gregtech -> plateDamascusSteel
  2616. gregtech -> plateShadowIron
  2617. gregtech -> plateShadowSteel
  2618. gregtech -> plateIronWood
  2619. gregtech -> plateSteelLeaf
  2620. gregtech -> plateMeteoricIron
  2621. gregtech -> plateMeteoricSteel
  2622. gregtech -> plateDarkIron
  2623. gregtech -> plateCobaltBrass
  2624. gregtech -> plateUltimet
  2625. gregtech -> plateAnnealedCopper
  2626. gregtech -> plateFieryBlood
  2627. gregtech -> plateFirestone
  2628. gregtech -> plateRedSteel
  2629. gregtech -> plateBlueSteel
  2630. gregtech -> plateSterlingSilver
  2631. gregtech -> plateRoseGold
  2632. gregtech -> plateBlackBronze
  2633. gregtech -> plateBismuthBronze
  2634. gregtech -> plateIronMagnetic
  2635. gregtech -> plateSteelMagnetic
  2636. gregtech -> plateNeodymiumMagnetic
  2637. gregtech -> plateVanadiumGallium
  2638. gregtech -> plateYttriumBariumCuprate
  2639. gregtech -> plateNiobiumNitride
  2640. gregtech -> plateNiobiumTitanium
  2641. gregtech -> plateChromiumDioxide
  2642. gregtech -> plateDiamond
  2643. gregtech -> plateEmerald
  2644. gregtech -> plateRuby
  2645. gregtech -> plateSapphire
  2646. gregtech -> plateGreenSapphire
  2647. gregtech -> plateOlivine
  2648. gregtech -> plateNetherStar
  2649. gregtech -> plateTopaz
  2650. gregtech -> plateTanzanite
  2651. gregtech -> plateAmethyst
  2652. gregtech -> plateOpal
  2653. gregtech -> plateJasper
  2654. gregtech -> plateFoolsRuby
  2655. gregtech -> plateBlueTopaz
  2656. gregtech -> plateAmber
  2657. gregtech -> plateDilithium
  2658. gregtech -> plateCertusQuartz
  2659. gregtech -> plateForcicium
  2660. gregtech -> plateForcillium
  2661. gregtech -> plateMonazite
  2662. gregtech -> plateForce
  2663. gregtech -> plateNetherQuartz
  2664. gregtech -> plateQuartzite
  2665. gregtech -> plateLazurite
  2666. gregtech -> plateSodalite
  2667. gregtech -> plateLapis
  2668. gregtech -> plateGarnetRed
  2669. gregtech -> plateGarnetYellow
  2670. gregtech -> plateVinteum
  2671. gregtech -> plateApatite
  2672. gregtech -> plateNiter
  2673. gregtech -> plateEnderPearl
  2674. gregtech -> plateEnderEye
  2675. gregtech -> platePhosphorus
  2676. gregtech -> plateCoal
  2677. gregtech -> plateCharcoal
  2678. gregtech -> plateLignite
  2679. gregtech -> plateInfusedAir
  2680. gregtech -> plateInfusedFire
  2681. gregtech -> plateInfusedEarth
  2682. gregtech -> plateInfusedWater
  2683. gregtech -> plateInfusedEntropy
  2684. gregtech -> plateInfusedOrder
  2685. gregtech -> plateObsidian
  2686. gregtech -> plankWood
  2687. gregtech -> plateRedstone
  2688. gregtech -> plateGlowstone
  2689. gregtech -> plateNikolite
  2690. gregtech -> plateDeepIron
  2691. gregtech -> plateGraniteBlack
  2692. gregtech -> plateGraniteRed
  2693. gregtech -> sheetPlastic
  2694. gregtech -> platePlastic
  2695. gregtech -> sheetRubber
  2696. gregtech -> plateRubber
  2697. gregtech -> plateDesh
  2698. gregtech -> plateWoodSealed
  2699. gregtech -> plateGlass
  2700. gregtech -> plateConcrete
  2701. gregtech -> plateDoublePaper
  2702. gregtech -> plateTriplePaper
  2703. gregtech -> plateQuadruplePaper
  2704. gregtech -> plateQuintuplePaper
  2705. gregtech -> stickBeryllium
  2706. gregtech -> stickMagnesium
  2707. gregtech -> stickAluminium
  2708. gregtech -> stickSilicon
  2709. gregtech -> stickScandium
  2710. gregtech -> stickTitanium
  2711. gregtech -> stickVanadium
  2712. gregtech -> stickChrome
  2713. gregtech -> stickManganese
  2714. gregtech -> stickIron
  2715. gregtech -> stickCobalt
  2716. gregtech -> stickNickel
  2717. gregtech -> stickCopper
  2718. gregtech -> stickZinc
  2719. gregtech -> stickGallium
  2720. gregtech -> stickRubidium
  2721. gregtech -> stickYttrium
  2722. gregtech -> stickNiobium
  2723. gregtech -> stickMolybdenum
  2724. gregtech -> stickPalladium
  2725. gregtech -> stickSilver
  2726. gregtech -> stickIndium
  2727. gregtech -> craftingToolSolderingMetal
  2728. gregtech -> stickTin
  2729. gregtech -> stickAntimony
  2730. gregtech -> stickTellurium
  2731. gregtech -> stickCaesium
  2732. gregtech -> stickLanthanum
  2733. gregtech -> stickCerium
  2734. gregtech -> stickPraseodymium
  2735. gregtech -> stickNeodymium
  2736. gregtech -> stickPromethium
  2737. gregtech -> stickSamarium
  2738. gregtech -> stickEuropium
  2739. gregtech -> stickGadolinium
  2740. gregtech -> stickTerbium
  2741. gregtech -> stickDysprosium
  2742. gregtech -> stickHolmium
  2743. gregtech -> stickErbium
  2744. gregtech -> stickThulium
  2745. gregtech -> stickYtterbium
  2746. gregtech -> stickLutetium
  2747. gregtech -> stickTantalum
  2748. gregtech -> stickTungsten
  2749. gregtech -> stickOsmium
  2750. gregtech -> stickIridium
  2751. gregtech -> stickPlatinum
  2752. gregtech -> stickGold
  2753. gregtech -> craftingToolSolderingMetal
  2754. gregtech -> stickLead
  2755. gregtech -> stickBismuth
  2756. gregtech -> stickThorium
  2757. gregtech -> stickUranium235
  2758. gregtech -> stickUranium
  2759. gregtech -> stickPlutonium
  2760. gregtech -> stickPlutonium241
  2761. gregtech -> stickAmericium
  2762. gregtech -> stickNeutronium
  2763. gregtech -> stickBronze
  2764. gregtech -> stickBrass
  2765. gregtech -> stickInvar
  2766. gregtech -> stickElectrum
  2767. gregtech -> stickWroughtIron
  2768. gregtech -> stickSteel
  2769. gregtech -> stickStainlessSteel
  2770. gregtech -> stickPigIron
  2771. gregtech -> stickRedAlloy
  2772. gregtech -> stickBlueAlloy
  2773. gregtech -> stickCupronickel
  2774. gregtech -> stickNichrome
  2775. gregtech -> stickKanthal
  2776. gregtech -> stickMagnalium
  2777. gregtech -> craftingToolSolderingMetal
  2778. gregtech -> stickSolderingAlloy
  2779. gregtech -> stickBatteryAlloy
  2780. gregtech -> stickTungstenSteel
  2781. gregtech -> stickOsmiridium
  2782. gregtech -> stickSunnarium
  2783. gregtech -> stickAdamantium
  2784. gregtech -> stickElectrumFlux
  2785. gregtech -> stickEnderium
  2786. gregtech -> stickHSLA
  2787. gregtech -> stickInfusedGold
  2788. gregtech -> stickNaquadah
  2789. gregtech -> stickNaquadahAlloy
  2790. gregtech -> stickNaquadahEnriched
  2791. gregtech -> stickNaquadria
  2792. gregtech -> stickDuranium
  2793. gregtech -> stickTritanium
  2794. gregtech -> stickThaumium
  2795. gregtech -> stickMithril
  2796. gregtech -> stickMidasium
  2797. gregtech -> stickAstralSilver
  2798. gregtech -> stickBlackSteel
  2799. gregtech -> stickDamascusSteel
  2800. gregtech -> stickShadowIron
  2801. gregtech -> stickShadowSteel
  2802. gregtech -> stickIronWood
  2803. gregtech -> stickSteelLeaf
  2804. gregtech -> stickMeteoricIron
  2805. gregtech -> stickMeteoricSteel
  2806. gregtech -> stickDarkIron
  2807. gregtech -> stickCobaltBrass
  2808. gregtech -> stickUltimet
  2809. gregtech -> stickAnnealedCopper
  2810. gregtech -> stickFieryBlood
  2811. gregtech -> stickFirestone
  2812. gregtech -> stickRedSteel
  2813. gregtech -> stickBlueSteel
  2814. gregtech -> stickSterlingSilver
  2815. gregtech -> stickRoseGold
  2816. gregtech -> stickBlackBronze
  2817. gregtech -> stickBismuthBronze
  2818. gregtech -> stickIronMagnetic
  2819. gregtech -> stickSteelMagnetic
  2820. gregtech -> stickNeodymiumMagnetic
  2821. gregtech -> stickVanadiumGallium
  2822. gregtech -> stickYttriumBariumCuprate
  2823. gregtech -> stickNiobiumNitride
  2824. gregtech -> stickNiobiumTitanium
  2825. gregtech -> stickChromiumDioxide
  2826. gregtech -> stickDiamond
  2827. gregtech -> stickEmerald
  2828. gregtech -> stickRuby
  2829. gregtech -> stickSapphire
  2830. gregtech -> stickGreenSapphire
  2831. gregtech -> stickOlivine
  2832. gregtech -> stickNetherStar
  2833. gregtech -> stickTopaz
  2834. gregtech -> stickTanzanite
  2835. gregtech -> stickAmethyst
  2836. gregtech -> stickOpal
  2837. gregtech -> stickJasper
  2838. gregtech -> stickFoolsRuby
  2839. gregtech -> stickBlueTopaz
  2840. gregtech -> stickAmber
  2841. gregtech -> stickDilithium
  2842. gregtech -> stickCertusQuartz
  2843. gregtech -> stickForcicium
  2844. gregtech -> stickForcillium
  2845. gregtech -> stickMonazite
  2846. gregtech -> stickForce
  2847. gregtech -> stickNetherQuartz
  2848. gregtech -> stickQuartzite
  2849. gregtech -> stickLazurite
  2850. gregtech -> stickSodalite
  2851. gregtech -> stickLapis
  2852. gregtech -> stickGarnetRed
  2853. gregtech -> stickGarnetYellow
  2854. gregtech -> stickVinteum
  2855. gregtech -> stickApatite
  2856. gregtech -> stickNiter
  2857. gregtech -> stickEnderPearl
  2858. gregtech -> stickEnderEye
  2859. gregtech -> stickPhosphorus
  2860. gregtech -> stickCoal
  2861. gregtech -> stickCharcoal
  2862. gregtech -> stickLignite
  2863. gregtech -> stickInfusedAir
  2864. gregtech -> stickInfusedFire
  2865. gregtech -> stickInfusedEarth
  2866. gregtech -> stickInfusedWater
  2867. gregtech -> stickInfusedEntropy
  2868. gregtech -> stickInfusedOrder
  2869. gregtech -> stickDeepIron
  2870. gregtech -> stickPlastic
  2871. gregtech -> stickRubber
  2872. gregtech -> stickDesh
  2873. gregtech -> stickWoodSealed
  2874. gregtech -> stickGlass
  2875. gregtech -> craftingLensWhite
  2876. gregtech -> lensDiamond
  2877. gregtech -> craftingLensGreen
  2878. gregtech -> lensEmerald
  2879. gregtech -> craftingLensRed
  2880. gregtech -> lensRuby
  2881. gregtech -> craftingLensBlue
  2882. gregtech -> lensSapphire
  2883. gregtech -> craftingLensCyan
  2884. gregtech -> lensGreenSapphire
  2885. gregtech -> craftingLensLime
  2886. gregtech -> lensOlivine
  2887. gregtech -> craftingLensOrange
  2888. gregtech -> lensTopaz
  2889. gregtech -> craftingLensPurple
  2890. gregtech -> lensTanzanite
  2891. gregtech -> craftingLensPink
  2892. gregtech -> lensAmethyst
  2893. gregtech -> craftingLensBlue
  2894. gregtech -> lensOpal
  2895. gregtech -> craftingLensRed
  2896. gregtech -> lensJasper
  2897. gregtech -> craftingLensRed
  2898. gregtech -> lensFoolsRuby
  2899. gregtech -> craftingLensBlue
  2900. gregtech -> lensBlueTopaz
  2901. gregtech -> craftingLensOrange
  2902. gregtech -> lensAmber
  2903. gregtech -> craftingLensWhite
  2904. gregtech -> lensDilithium
  2905. gregtech -> craftingLensRed
  2906. gregtech -> lensGarnetRed
  2907. gregtech -> craftingLensYellow
  2908. gregtech -> lensGarnetYellow
  2909. gregtech -> lensEnderPearl
  2910. gregtech -> lensEnderEye
  2911. gregtech -> craftingLensYellow
  2912. gregtech -> lensInfusedAir
  2913. gregtech -> craftingLensRed
  2914. gregtech -> lensInfusedFire
  2915. gregtech -> craftingLensGreen
  2916. gregtech -> lensInfusedEarth
  2917. gregtech -> craftingLensBlue
  2918. gregtech -> lensInfusedWater
  2919. gregtech -> craftingLensBlack
  2920. gregtech -> lensInfusedEntropy
  2921. gregtech -> craftingLensWhite
  2922. gregtech -> lensInfusedOrder
  2923. gregtech -> craftingLensWhite
  2924. gregtech -> lensGlass
  2925. gregtech -> roundBeryllium
  2926. gregtech -> roundMagnesium
  2927. gregtech -> roundAluminium
  2928. gregtech -> roundSilicon
  2929. gregtech -> roundScandium
  2930. gregtech -> roundTitanium
  2931. gregtech -> roundVanadium
  2932. gregtech -> roundChrome
  2933. gregtech -> roundManganese
  2934. gregtech -> roundIron
  2935. gregtech -> roundCobalt
  2936. gregtech -> roundNickel
  2937. gregtech -> roundCopper
  2938. gregtech -> roundZinc
  2939. gregtech -> roundGallium
  2940. gregtech -> roundRubidium
  2941. gregtech -> roundYttrium
  2942. gregtech -> roundNiobium
  2943. gregtech -> roundMolybdenum
  2944. gregtech -> roundPalladium
  2945. gregtech -> roundSilver
  2946. gregtech -> roundIndium
  2947. gregtech -> roundTin
  2948. gregtech -> roundAntimony
  2949. gregtech -> roundTellurium
  2950. gregtech -> roundCaesium
  2951. gregtech -> roundLanthanum
  2952. gregtech -> roundCerium
  2953. gregtech -> roundPraseodymium
  2954. gregtech -> roundNeodymium
  2955. gregtech -> roundPromethium
  2956. gregtech -> roundSamarium
  2957. gregtech -> roundEuropium
  2958. gregtech -> roundGadolinium
  2959. gregtech -> roundTerbium
  2960. gregtech -> roundDysprosium
  2961. gregtech -> roundHolmium
  2962. gregtech -> roundErbium
  2963. gregtech -> roundThulium
  2964. gregtech -> roundYtterbium
  2965. gregtech -> roundLutetium
  2966. gregtech -> roundTantalum
  2967. gregtech -> roundTungsten
  2968. gregtech -> roundOsmium
  2969. gregtech -> roundIridium
  2970. gregtech -> roundPlatinum
  2971. gregtech -> roundGold
  2972. gregtech -> roundLead
  2973. gregtech -> roundBismuth
  2974. gregtech -> roundThorium
  2975. gregtech -> roundUranium235
  2976. gregtech -> roundUranium
  2977. gregtech -> roundPlutonium
  2978. gregtech -> roundPlutonium241
  2979. gregtech -> roundAmericium
  2980. gregtech -> roundNeutronium
  2981. gregtech -> roundBronze
  2982. gregtech -> roundBrass
  2983. gregtech -> roundInvar
  2984. gregtech -> roundElectrum
  2985. gregtech -> roundWroughtIron
  2986. gregtech -> roundSteel
  2987. gregtech -> roundStainlessSteel
  2988. gregtech -> roundPigIron
  2989. gregtech -> roundRedAlloy
  2990. gregtech -> roundBlueAlloy
  2991. gregtech -> roundCupronickel
  2992. gregtech -> roundNichrome
  2993. gregtech -> roundKanthal
  2994. gregtech -> roundMagnalium
  2995. gregtech -> roundSolderingAlloy
  2996. gregtech -> roundBatteryAlloy
  2997. gregtech -> roundTungstenSteel
  2998. gregtech -> roundOsmiridium
  2999. gregtech -> roundSunnarium
  3000. gregtech -> roundAdamantium
  3001. gregtech -> roundElectrumFlux
  3002. gregtech -> roundEnderium
  3003. gregtech -> roundHSLA
  3004. gregtech -> roundInfusedGold
  3005. gregtech -> roundNaquadah
  3006. gregtech -> roundNaquadahAlloy
  3007. gregtech -> roundNaquadahEnriched
  3008. gregtech -> roundNaquadria
  3009. gregtech -> roundDuranium
  3010. gregtech -> roundTritanium
  3011. gregtech -> roundThaumium
  3012. gregtech -> roundMithril
  3013. gregtech -> roundMidasium
  3014. gregtech -> roundAstralSilver
  3015. gregtech -> roundBlackSteel
  3016. gregtech -> roundDamascusSteel
  3017. gregtech -> roundShadowIron
  3018. gregtech -> roundShadowSteel
  3019. gregtech -> roundIronWood
  3020. gregtech -> roundSteelLeaf
  3021. gregtech -> roundMeteoricIron
  3022. gregtech -> roundMeteoricSteel
  3023. gregtech -> roundDarkIron
  3024. gregtech -> roundCobaltBrass
  3025. gregtech -> roundUltimet
  3026. gregtech -> roundAnnealedCopper
  3027. gregtech -> roundFieryBlood
  3028. gregtech -> roundRedSteel
  3029. gregtech -> roundBlueSteel
  3030. gregtech -> roundSterlingSilver
  3031. gregtech -> roundRoseGold
  3032. gregtech -> roundBlackBronze
  3033. gregtech -> roundBismuthBronze
  3034. gregtech -> roundIronMagnetic
  3035. gregtech -> roundSteelMagnetic
  3036. gregtech -> roundNeodymiumMagnetic
  3037. gregtech -> roundVanadiumGallium
  3038. gregtech -> roundYttriumBariumCuprate
  3039. gregtech -> roundNiobiumNitride
  3040. gregtech -> roundNiobiumTitanium
  3041. gregtech -> roundChromiumDioxide
  3042. gregtech -> roundForce
  3043. gregtech -> roundWood
  3044. gregtech -> roundDeepIron
  3045. gregtech -> roundPlastic
  3046. gregtech -> roundRubber
  3047. gregtech -> roundDesh
  3048. gregtech -> roundWoodSealed
  3049. gregtech -> boltBeryllium
  3050. gregtech -> boltMagnesium
  3051. gregtech -> boltAluminium
  3052. gregtech -> boltSilicon
  3053. gregtech -> boltScandium
  3054. gregtech -> boltTitanium
  3055. gregtech -> boltVanadium
  3056. gregtech -> boltChrome
  3057. gregtech -> boltManganese
  3058. gregtech -> boltIron
  3059. gregtech -> boltCobalt
  3060. gregtech -> boltNickel
  3061. gregtech -> boltCopper
  3062. gregtech -> boltZinc
  3063. gregtech -> boltGallium
  3064. gregtech -> boltRubidium
  3065. gregtech -> boltYttrium
  3066. gregtech -> boltNiobium
  3067. gregtech -> boltMolybdenum
  3068. gregtech -> boltPalladium
  3069. gregtech -> boltSilver
  3070. gregtech -> boltIndium
  3071. gregtech -> boltTin
  3072. gregtech -> boltAntimony
  3073. gregtech -> boltTellurium
  3074. gregtech -> boltCaesium
  3075. gregtech -> boltLanthanum
  3076. gregtech -> boltCerium
  3077. gregtech -> boltPraseodymium
  3078. gregtech -> boltNeodymium
  3079. gregtech -> boltPromethium
  3080. gregtech -> boltSamarium
  3081. gregtech -> boltEuropium
  3082. gregtech -> boltGadolinium
  3083. gregtech -> boltTerbium
  3084. gregtech -> boltDysprosium
  3085. gregtech -> boltHolmium
  3086. gregtech -> boltErbium
  3087. gregtech -> boltThulium
  3088. gregtech -> boltYtterbium
  3089. gregtech -> boltLutetium
  3090. gregtech -> boltTantalum
  3091. gregtech -> boltTungsten
  3092. gregtech -> boltOsmium
  3093. gregtech -> boltIridium
  3094. gregtech -> boltPlatinum
  3095. gregtech -> boltGold
  3096. gregtech -> boltLead
  3097. gregtech -> boltBismuth
  3098. gregtech -> boltThorium
  3099. gregtech -> boltUranium235
  3100. gregtech -> boltUranium
  3101. gregtech -> boltPlutonium
  3102. gregtech -> boltPlutonium241
  3103. gregtech -> boltAmericium
  3104. gregtech -> boltNeutronium
  3105. gregtech -> boltBronze
  3106. gregtech -> boltBrass
  3107. gregtech -> boltInvar
  3108. gregtech -> boltElectrum
  3109. gregtech -> boltWroughtIron
  3110. gregtech -> boltSteel
  3111. gregtech -> boltStainlessSteel
  3112. gregtech -> boltPigIron
  3113. gregtech -> boltRedAlloy
  3114. gregtech -> boltBlueAlloy
  3115. gregtech -> boltCupronickel
  3116. gregtech -> boltNichrome
  3117. gregtech -> boltKanthal
  3118. gregtech -> boltMagnalium
  3119. gregtech -> boltSolderingAlloy
  3120. gregtech -> boltBatteryAlloy
  3121. gregtech -> boltTungstenSteel
  3122. gregtech -> boltOsmiridium
  3123. gregtech -> boltSunnarium
  3124. gregtech -> boltAdamantium
  3125. gregtech -> boltElectrumFlux
  3126. gregtech -> boltEnderium
  3127. gregtech -> boltHSLA
  3128. gregtech -> boltInfusedGold
  3129. gregtech -> boltNaquadah
  3130. gregtech -> boltNaquadahAlloy
  3131. gregtech -> boltNaquadahEnriched
  3132. gregtech -> boltNaquadria
  3133. gregtech -> boltDuranium
  3134. gregtech -> boltTritanium
  3135. gregtech -> boltThaumium
  3136. gregtech -> boltMithril
  3137. gregtech -> boltMidasium
  3138. gregtech -> boltAstralSilver
  3139. gregtech -> boltBlackSteel
  3140. gregtech -> boltDamascusSteel
  3141. gregtech -> boltShadowIron
  3142. gregtech -> boltShadowSteel
  3143. gregtech -> boltIronWood
  3144. gregtech -> boltSteelLeaf
  3145. gregtech -> boltMeteoricIron
  3146. gregtech -> boltMeteoricSteel
  3147. gregtech -> boltDarkIron
  3148. gregtech -> boltCobaltBrass
  3149. gregtech -> boltUltimet
  3150. gregtech -> boltAnnealedCopper
  3151. gregtech -> boltFieryBlood
  3152. gregtech -> boltFirestone
  3153. gregtech -> boltRedSteel
  3154. gregtech -> boltBlueSteel
  3155. gregtech -> boltSterlingSilver
  3156. gregtech -> boltRoseGold
  3157. gregtech -> boltBlackBronze
  3158. gregtech -> boltBismuthBronze
  3159. gregtech -> boltIronMagnetic
  3160. gregtech -> boltSteelMagnetic
  3161. gregtech -> boltNeodymiumMagnetic
  3162. gregtech -> boltVanadiumGallium
  3163. gregtech -> boltYttriumBariumCuprate
  3164. gregtech -> boltNiobiumNitride
  3165. gregtech -> boltNiobiumTitanium
  3166. gregtech -> boltChromiumDioxide
  3167. gregtech -> boltDiamond
  3168. gregtech -> boltEmerald
  3169. gregtech -> boltRuby
  3170. gregtech -> boltSapphire
  3171. gregtech -> boltGreenSapphire
  3172. gregtech -> boltOlivine
  3173. gregtech -> boltNetherStar
  3174. gregtech -> boltTopaz
  3175. gregtech -> boltTanzanite
  3176. gregtech -> boltAmethyst
  3177. gregtech -> boltOpal
  3178. gregtech -> boltJasper
  3179. gregtech -> boltFoolsRuby
  3180. gregtech -> boltBlueTopaz
  3181. gregtech -> boltAmber
  3182. gregtech -> boltDilithium
  3183. gregtech -> boltCertusQuartz
  3184. gregtech -> boltForcicium
  3185. gregtech -> boltForcillium
  3186. gregtech -> boltMonazite
  3187. gregtech -> boltForce
  3188. gregtech -> boltNetherQuartz
  3189. gregtech -> boltQuartzite
  3190. gregtech -> boltLazurite
  3191. gregtech -> boltSodalite
  3192. gregtech -> boltLapis
  3193. gregtech -> boltGarnetRed
  3194. gregtech -> boltGarnetYellow
  3195. gregtech -> boltVinteum
  3196. gregtech -> boltApatite
  3197. gregtech -> boltNiter
  3198. gregtech -> boltEnderPearl
  3199. gregtech -> boltEnderEye
  3200. gregtech -> boltPhosphorus
  3201. gregtech -> boltCoal
  3202. gregtech -> boltCharcoal
  3203. gregtech -> boltLignite
  3204. gregtech -> boltInfusedAir
  3205. gregtech -> boltInfusedFire
  3206. gregtech -> boltInfusedEarth
  3207. gregtech -> boltInfusedWater
  3208. gregtech -> boltInfusedEntropy
  3209. gregtech -> boltInfusedOrder
  3210. gregtech -> boltWood
  3211. gregtech -> boltDeepIron
  3212. gregtech -> boltPlastic
  3213. gregtech -> boltRubber
  3214. gregtech -> boltDesh
  3215. gregtech -> boltWoodSealed
  3216. gregtech -> boltGlass
  3217. gregtech -> screwBeryllium
  3218. gregtech -> screwMagnesium
  3219. gregtech -> screwAluminium
  3220. gregtech -> screwSilicon
  3221. gregtech -> screwScandium
  3222. gregtech -> screwTitanium
  3223. gregtech -> screwVanadium
  3224. gregtech -> screwChrome
  3225. gregtech -> screwManganese
  3226. gregtech -> screwIron
  3227. gregtech -> screwCobalt
  3228. gregtech -> screwNickel
  3229. gregtech -> screwCopper
  3230. gregtech -> screwZinc
  3231. gregtech -> screwGallium
  3232. gregtech -> screwRubidium
  3233. gregtech -> screwYttrium
  3234. gregtech -> screwNiobium
  3235. gregtech -> screwMolybdenum
  3236. gregtech -> screwPalladium
  3237. gregtech -> screwSilver
  3238. gregtech -> screwIndium
  3239. gregtech -> screwTin
  3240. gregtech -> screwAntimony
  3241. gregtech -> screwTellurium
  3242. gregtech -> screwCaesium
  3243. gregtech -> screwLanthanum
  3244. gregtech -> screwCerium
  3245. gregtech -> screwPraseodymium
  3246. gregtech -> screwNeodymium
  3247. gregtech -> screwPromethium
  3248. gregtech -> screwSamarium
  3249. gregtech -> screwEuropium
  3250. gregtech -> screwGadolinium
  3251. gregtech -> screwTerbium
  3252. gregtech -> screwDysprosium
  3253. gregtech -> screwHolmium
  3254. gregtech -> screwErbium
  3255. gregtech -> screwThulium
  3256. gregtech -> screwYtterbium
  3257. gregtech -> screwLutetium
  3258. gregtech -> screwTantalum
  3259. gregtech -> screwTungsten
  3260. gregtech -> screwOsmium
  3261. gregtech -> screwIridium
  3262. gregtech -> screwPlatinum
  3263. gregtech -> screwGold
  3264. gregtech -> screwLead
  3265. gregtech -> screwBismuth
  3266. gregtech -> screwThorium
  3267. gregtech -> screwUranium235
  3268. gregtech -> screwUranium
  3269. gregtech -> screwPlutonium
  3270. gregtech -> screwPlutonium241
  3271. gregtech -> screwAmericium
  3272. gregtech -> screwNeutronium
  3273. gregtech -> screwBronze
  3274. gregtech -> screwBrass
  3275. gregtech -> screwInvar
  3276. gregtech -> screwElectrum
  3277. gregtech -> screwWroughtIron
  3278. gregtech -> screwSteel
  3279. gregtech -> screwStainlessSteel
  3280. gregtech -> screwPigIron
  3281. gregtech -> screwRedAlloy
  3282. gregtech -> screwBlueAlloy
  3283. gregtech -> screwCupronickel
  3284. gregtech -> screwNichrome
  3285. gregtech -> screwKanthal
  3286. gregtech -> screwMagnalium
  3287. gregtech -> screwSolderingAlloy
  3288. gregtech -> screwBatteryAlloy
  3289. gregtech -> screwTungstenSteel
  3290. gregtech -> screwOsmiridium
  3291. gregtech -> screwSunnarium
  3292. gregtech -> screwAdamantium
  3293. gregtech -> screwElectrumFlux
  3294. gregtech -> screwEnderium
  3295. gregtech -> screwHSLA
  3296. gregtech -> screwInfusedGold
  3297. gregtech -> screwNaquadah
  3298. gregtech -> screwNaquadahAlloy
  3299. gregtech -> screwNaquadahEnriched
  3300. gregtech -> screwNaquadria
  3301. gregtech -> screwDuranium
  3302. gregtech -> screwTritanium
  3303. gregtech -> screwThaumium
  3304. gregtech -> screwMithril
  3305. gregtech -> screwMidasium
  3306. gregtech -> screwAstralSilver
  3307. gregtech -> screwBlackSteel
  3308. gregtech -> screwDamascusSteel
  3309. gregtech -> screwShadowIron
  3310. gregtech -> screwShadowSteel
  3311. gregtech -> screwIronWood
  3312. gregtech -> screwSteelLeaf
  3313. gregtech -> screwMeteoricIron
  3314. gregtech -> screwMeteoricSteel
  3315. gregtech -> screwDarkIron
  3316. gregtech -> screwCobaltBrass
  3317. gregtech -> screwUltimet
  3318. gregtech -> screwAnnealedCopper
  3319. gregtech -> screwFieryBlood
  3320. gregtech -> screwFirestone
  3321. gregtech -> screwRedSteel
  3322. gregtech -> screwBlueSteel
  3323. gregtech -> screwSterlingSilver
  3324. gregtech -> screwRoseGold
  3325. gregtech -> screwBlackBronze
  3326. gregtech -> screwBismuthBronze
  3327. gregtech -> screwIronMagnetic
  3328. gregtech -> screwSteelMagnetic
  3329. gregtech -> screwNeodymiumMagnetic
  3330. gregtech -> screwVanadiumGallium
  3331. gregtech -> screwYttriumBariumCuprate
  3332. gregtech -> screwNiobiumNitride
  3333. gregtech -> screwNiobiumTitanium
  3334. gregtech -> screwChromiumDioxide
  3335. gregtech -> screwDiamond
  3336. gregtech -> screwEmerald
  3337. gregtech -> screwRuby
  3338. gregtech -> screwSapphire
  3339. gregtech -> screwGreenSapphire
  3340. gregtech -> screwOlivine
  3341. gregtech -> screwNetherStar
  3342. gregtech -> screwTopaz
  3343. gregtech -> screwTanzanite
  3344. gregtech -> screwAmethyst
  3345. gregtech -> screwOpal
  3346. gregtech -> screwJasper
  3347. gregtech -> screwFoolsRuby
  3348. gregtech -> screwBlueTopaz
  3349. gregtech -> screwAmber
  3350. gregtech -> screwDilithium
  3351. gregtech -> screwCertusQuartz
  3352. gregtech -> screwForcicium
  3353. gregtech -> screwForcillium
  3354. gregtech -> screwMonazite
  3355. gregtech -> screwForce
  3356. gregtech -> screwNetherQuartz
  3357. gregtech -> screwQuartzite
  3358. gregtech -> screwLazurite
  3359. gregtech -> screwSodalite
  3360. gregtech -> screwLapis
  3361. gregtech -> screwGarnetRed
  3362. gregtech -> screwGarnetYellow
  3363. gregtech -> screwVinteum
  3364. gregtech -> screwApatite
  3365. gregtech -> screwNiter
  3366. gregtech -> screwEnderPearl
  3367. gregtech -> screwEnderEye
  3368. gregtech -> screwPhosphorus
  3369. gregtech -> screwCoal
  3370. gregtech -> screwCharcoal
  3371. gregtech -> screwLignite
  3372. gregtech -> screwInfusedAir
  3373. gregtech -> screwInfusedFire
  3374. gregtech -> screwInfusedEarth
  3375. gregtech -> screwInfusedWater
  3376. gregtech -> screwInfusedEntropy
  3377. gregtech -> screwInfusedOrder
  3378. gregtech -> screwWood
  3379. gregtech -> screwDeepIron
  3380. gregtech -> screwPlastic
  3381. gregtech -> screwRubber
  3382. gregtech -> screwDesh
  3383. gregtech -> screwWoodSealed
  3384. gregtech -> screwGlass
  3385. gregtech -> ringBeryllium
  3386. gregtech -> ringMagnesium
  3387. gregtech -> ringAluminium
  3388. gregtech -> ringSilicon
  3389. gregtech -> ringScandium
  3390. gregtech -> ringTitanium
  3391. gregtech -> ringVanadium
  3392. gregtech -> ringChrome
  3393. gregtech -> ringManganese
  3394. gregtech -> ringIron
  3395. gregtech -> ringCobalt
  3396. gregtech -> ringNickel
  3397. gregtech -> ringCopper
  3398. gregtech -> ringZinc
  3399. gregtech -> ringGallium
  3400. gregtech -> ringRubidium
  3401. gregtech -> ringYttrium
  3402. gregtech -> ringNiobium
  3403. gregtech -> ringMolybdenum
  3404. gregtech -> ringPalladium
  3405. gregtech -> ringSilver
  3406. gregtech -> ringIndium
  3407. gregtech -> ringTin
  3408. gregtech -> ringAntimony
  3409. gregtech -> ringTellurium
  3410. gregtech -> ringCaesium
  3411. gregtech -> ringLanthanum
  3412. gregtech -> ringCerium
  3413. gregtech -> ringPraseodymium
  3414. gregtech -> ringNeodymium
  3415. gregtech -> ringPromethium
  3416. gregtech -> ringSamarium
  3417. gregtech -> ringEuropium
  3418. gregtech -> ringGadolinium
  3419. gregtech -> ringTerbium
  3420. gregtech -> ringDysprosium
  3421. gregtech -> ringHolmium
  3422. gregtech -> ringErbium
  3423. gregtech -> ringThulium
  3424. gregtech -> ringYtterbium
  3425. gregtech -> ringLutetium
  3426. gregtech -> ringTantalum
  3427. gregtech -> ringTungsten
  3428. gregtech -> ringOsmium
  3429. gregtech -> ringIridium
  3430. gregtech -> ringPlatinum
  3431. gregtech -> ringGold
  3432. gregtech -> ringLead
  3433. gregtech -> ringBismuth
  3434. gregtech -> ringThorium
  3435. gregtech -> ringUranium235
  3436. gregtech -> ringUranium
  3437. gregtech -> ringPlutonium
  3438. gregtech -> ringPlutonium241
  3439. gregtech -> ringAmericium
  3440. gregtech -> ringNeutronium
  3441. gregtech -> ringBronze
  3442. gregtech -> ringBrass
  3443. gregtech -> ringInvar
  3444. gregtech -> ringElectrum
  3445. gregtech -> ringWroughtIron
  3446. gregtech -> ringSteel
  3447. gregtech -> ringStainlessSteel
  3448. gregtech -> ringPigIron
  3449. gregtech -> ringRedAlloy
  3450. gregtech -> ringBlueAlloy
  3451. gregtech -> ringCupronickel
  3452. gregtech -> ringNichrome
  3453. gregtech -> ringKanthal
  3454. gregtech -> ringMagnalium
  3455. gregtech -> ringSolderingAlloy
  3456. gregtech -> ringBatteryAlloy
  3457. gregtech -> ringTungstenSteel
  3458. gregtech -> ringOsmiridium
  3459. gregtech -> ringSunnarium
  3460. gregtech -> ringAdamantium
  3461. gregtech -> ringElectrumFlux
  3462. gregtech -> ringEnderium
  3463. gregtech -> ringHSLA
  3464. gregtech -> ringInfusedGold
  3465. gregtech -> ringNaquadah
  3466. gregtech -> ringNaquadahAlloy
  3467. gregtech -> ringNaquadahEnriched
  3468. gregtech -> ringNaquadria
  3469. gregtech -> ringDuranium
  3470. gregtech -> ringTritanium
  3471. gregtech -> ringThaumium
  3472. gregtech -> ringMithril
  3473. gregtech -> ringMidasium
  3474. gregtech -> ringAstralSilver
  3475. gregtech -> ringBlackSteel
  3476. gregtech -> ringDamascusSteel
  3477. gregtech -> ringShadowIron
  3478. gregtech -> ringShadowSteel
  3479. gregtech -> ringIronWood
  3480. gregtech -> ringSteelLeaf
  3481. gregtech -> ringMeteoricIron
  3482. gregtech -> ringMeteoricSteel
  3483. gregtech -> ringDarkIron
  3484. gregtech -> ringCobaltBrass
  3485. gregtech -> ringUltimet
  3486. gregtech -> ringAnnealedCopper
  3487. gregtech -> ringFieryBlood
  3488. gregtech -> ringRedSteel
  3489. gregtech -> ringBlueSteel
  3490. gregtech -> ringSterlingSilver
  3491. gregtech -> ringRoseGold
  3492. gregtech -> ringBlackBronze
  3493. gregtech -> ringBismuthBronze
  3494. gregtech -> ringIronMagnetic
  3495. gregtech -> ringSteelMagnetic
  3496. gregtech -> ringNeodymiumMagnetic
  3497. gregtech -> ringVanadiumGallium
  3498. gregtech -> ringYttriumBariumCuprate
  3499. gregtech -> ringNiobiumNitride
  3500. gregtech -> ringNiobiumTitanium
  3501. gregtech -> ringChromiumDioxide
  3502. gregtech -> ringForce
  3503. gregtech -> ringWood
  3504. gregtech -> ringDeepIron
  3505. gregtech -> ringPlastic
  3506. gregtech -> ringRubber
  3507. gregtech -> ringDesh
  3508. gregtech -> ringWoodSealed
  3509. gregtech -> foilBeryllium
  3510. gregtech -> foilMagnesium
  3511. gregtech -> foilAluminium
  3512. gregtech -> foilSilicon
  3513. gregtech -> foilScandium
  3514. gregtech -> foilTitanium
  3515. gregtech -> foilVanadium
  3516. gregtech -> foilChrome
  3517. gregtech -> foilManganese
  3518. gregtech -> foilIron
  3519. gregtech -> foilCobalt
  3520. gregtech -> foilNickel
  3521. gregtech -> foilCopper
  3522. gregtech -> foilZinc
  3523. gregtech -> foilGallium
  3524. gregtech -> foilRubidium
  3525. gregtech -> foilYttrium
  3526. gregtech -> foilNiobium
  3527. gregtech -> foilMolybdenum
  3528. gregtech -> foilPalladium
  3529. gregtech -> foilSilver
  3530. gregtech -> foilIndium
  3531. gregtech -> foilTin
  3532. gregtech -> foilAntimony
  3533. gregtech -> foilTellurium
  3534. gregtech -> foilCaesium
  3535. gregtech -> foilLanthanum
  3536. gregtech -> foilCerium
  3537. gregtech -> foilPraseodymium
  3538. gregtech -> foilNeodymium
  3539. gregtech -> foilPromethium
  3540. gregtech -> foilSamarium
  3541. gregtech -> foilEuropium
  3542. gregtech -> foilGadolinium
  3543. gregtech -> foilTerbium
  3544. gregtech -> foilDysprosium
  3545. gregtech -> foilHolmium
  3546. gregtech -> foilErbium
  3547. gregtech -> foilThulium
  3548. gregtech -> foilYtterbium
  3549. gregtech -> foilLutetium
  3550. gregtech -> foilTantalum
  3551. gregtech -> foilTungsten
  3552. gregtech -> foilOsmium
  3553. gregtech -> foilIridium
  3554. gregtech -> foilPlatinum
  3555. gregtech -> foilGold
  3556. gregtech -> foilLead
  3557. gregtech -> foilBismuth
  3558. gregtech -> foilThorium
  3559. gregtech -> foilUranium235
  3560. gregtech -> foilUranium
  3561. gregtech -> foilPlutonium
  3562. gregtech -> foilPlutonium241
  3563. gregtech -> foilAmericium
  3564. gregtech -> foilNeutronium
  3565. gregtech -> foilBronze
  3566. gregtech -> foilBrass
  3567. gregtech -> foilInvar
  3568. gregtech -> foilElectrum
  3569. gregtech -> foilWroughtIron
  3570. gregtech -> foilSteel
  3571. gregtech -> foilStainlessSteel
  3572. gregtech -> foilPigIron
  3573. gregtech -> foilRedAlloy
  3574. gregtech -> foilBlueAlloy
  3575. gregtech -> foilCupronickel
  3576. gregtech -> foilNichrome
  3577. gregtech -> foilKanthal
  3578. gregtech -> foilMagnalium
  3579. gregtech -> foilSolderingAlloy
  3580. gregtech -> foilBatteryAlloy
  3581. gregtech -> foilTungstenSteel
  3582. gregtech -> foilOsmiridium
  3583. gregtech -> foilSunnarium
  3584. gregtech -> foilAdamantium
  3585. gregtech -> foilElectrumFlux
  3586. gregtech -> foilEnderium
  3587. gregtech -> foilHSLA
  3588. gregtech -> foilInfusedGold
  3589. gregtech -> foilNaquadah
  3590. gregtech -> foilNaquadahAlloy
  3591. gregtech -> foilNaquadahEnriched
  3592. gregtech -> foilNaquadria
  3593. gregtech -> foilDuranium
  3594. gregtech -> foilTritanium
  3595. gregtech -> foilThaumium
  3596. gregtech -> foilMithril
  3597. gregtech -> foilMidasium
  3598. gregtech -> foilAstralSilver
  3599. gregtech -> foilBlackSteel
  3600. gregtech -> foilDamascusSteel
  3601. gregtech -> foilShadowIron
  3602. gregtech -> foilShadowSteel
  3603. gregtech -> foilIronWood
  3604. gregtech -> foilSteelLeaf
  3605. gregtech -> foilMeteoricIron
  3606. gregtech -> foilMeteoricSteel
  3607. gregtech -> foilDarkIron
  3608. gregtech -> foilCobaltBrass
  3609. gregtech -> foilUltimet
  3610. gregtech -> foilAnnealedCopper
  3611. gregtech -> foilFieryBlood
  3612. gregtech -> foilRedSteel
  3613. gregtech -> foilBlueSteel
  3614. gregtech -> foilSterlingSilver
  3615. gregtech -> foilRoseGold
  3616. gregtech -> foilBlackBronze
  3617. gregtech -> foilBismuthBronze
  3618. gregtech -> foilIronMagnetic
  3619. gregtech -> foilSteelMagnetic
  3620. gregtech -> foilNeodymiumMagnetic
  3621. gregtech -> foilVanadiumGallium
  3622. gregtech -> foilYttriumBariumCuprate
  3623. gregtech -> foilNiobiumNitride
  3624. gregtech -> foilNiobiumTitanium
  3625. gregtech -> foilChromiumDioxide
  3626. gregtech -> foilForce
  3627. gregtech -> foilWood
  3628. gregtech -> foilDeepIron
  3629. gregtech -> foilPlastic
  3630. gregtech -> foilRubber
  3631. gregtech -> foilDesh
  3632. gregtech -> foilWoodSealed
  3633. gregtech -> cellHydrogen
  3634. gregtech -> cellDeuterium
  3635. gregtech -> cellTritium
  3636. gregtech -> cellHelium
  3637. gregtech -> cellHelium_3
  3638. gregtech -> cellNitrogen
  3639. gregtech -> cellOxygen
  3640. gregtech -> cellFluorine
  3641. gregtech -> cellChlorine
  3642. gregtech -> cellArgon
  3643. gregtech -> cellArsenic
  3644. gregtech -> cellMercury
  3645. gregtech -> cellRadon
  3646. gregtech -> cellNaquadah
  3647. gregtech -> cellNaquadahEnriched
  3648. gregtech -> cellDilithium
  3649. gregtech -> cellForcicium
  3650. gregtech -> cellForcillium
  3651. gregtech -> cellPhosphorus
  3652. gregtech -> cellIce
  3653. gregtech -> cellBiomass
  3654. gregtech -> cellEthanol
  3655. gregtech -> cellOil
  3656. gregtech -> cellFuel
  3657. gregtech -> cellNitroFuel
  3658. gregtech -> cellFishOil
  3659. gregtech -> cellCreosote
  3660. gregtech -> cellSeedOil
  3661. gregtech -> cellGlyceryl
  3662. gregtech -> cellMethane
  3663. gregtech -> cellNitroCarbon
  3664. gregtech -> cellNitrogenDioxide
  3665. gregtech -> cellSodiumPersulfate
  3666. gregtech -> cellSodiumSulfide
  3667. gregtech -> cellSulfuricAcid
  3668. gregtech -> cellUUAmplifier
  3669. gregtech -> cellSeedOilHemp
  3670. gregtech -> cellSeedOilLin
  3671. gregtech -> cellLubricant
  3672. gregtech -> cellHoney
  3673. gregtech -> cellGlue
  3674. gregtech -> cellGlowstone
  3675. gregtech -> cellPhosphate
  3676. gregtech -> cellSiliconDioxide
  3677. gregtech -> cellCobaltHexahydrate
  3678. gregtech -> cellMilk
  3679. gregtech -> cellMcGuffium239
  3680. gregtech -> cellPlasmaHydrogen
  3681. gregtech -> cellPlasmaDeuterium
  3682. gregtech -> cellPlasmaTritium
  3683. gregtech -> cellPlasmaHelium
  3684. gregtech -> cellPlasmaHelium_3
  3685. gregtech -> cellPlasmaLithium
  3686. gregtech -> cellPlasmaBeryllium
  3687. gregtech -> cellPlasmaBoron
  3688. gregtech -> cellPlasmaCarbon
  3689. gregtech -> cellPlasmaNitrogen
  3690. gregtech -> cellPlasmaOxygen
  3691. gregtech -> cellPlasmaFluorine
  3692. gregtech -> cellPlasmaSodium
  3693. gregtech -> cellPlasmaMagnesium
  3694. gregtech -> cellPlasmaAluminium
  3695. gregtech -> cellPlasmaSilicon
  3696. gregtech -> cellPlasmaPhosphor
  3697. gregtech -> cellPlasmaSulfur
  3698. gregtech -> cellPlasmaChlorine
  3699. gregtech -> cellPlasmaArgon
  3700. gregtech -> cellPlasmaPotassium
  3701. gregtech -> cellPlasmaCalcium
  3702. gregtech -> cellPlasmaScandium
  3703. gregtech -> cellPlasmaTitanium
  3704. gregtech -> cellPlasmaVanadium
  3705. gregtech -> cellPlasmaChrome
  3706. gregtech -> cellPlasmaManganese
  3707. gregtech -> cellPlasmaIron
  3708. gregtech -> cellPlasmaCobalt
  3709. gregtech -> cellPlasmaNickel
  3710. gregtech -> cellPlasmaCopper
  3711. gregtech -> cellPlasmaZinc
  3712. gregtech -> cellPlasmaGallium
  3713. gregtech -> cellPlasmaArsenic
  3714. gregtech -> cellPlasmaRubidium
  3715. gregtech -> cellPlasmaStrontium
  3716. gregtech -> cellPlasmaYttrium
  3717. gregtech -> cellPlasmaNiobium
  3718. gregtech -> cellPlasmaMolybdenum
  3719. gregtech -> cellPlasmaPalladium
  3720. gregtech -> cellPlasmaSilver
  3721. gregtech -> cellPlasmaCadmium
  3722. gregtech -> cellPlasmaIndium
  3723. gregtech -> cellPlasmaTin
  3724. gregtech -> cellPlasmaAntimony
  3725. gregtech -> cellPlasmaTellurium
  3726. gregtech -> cellPlasmaCaesium
  3727. gregtech -> cellPlasmaBarium
  3728. gregtech -> cellPlasmaLanthanum
  3729. gregtech -> cellPlasmaCerium
  3730. gregtech -> cellPlasmaPraseodymium
  3731. gregtech -> cellPlasmaNeodymium
  3732. gregtech -> cellPlasmaPromethium
  3733. gregtech -> cellPlasmaSamarium
  3734. gregtech -> cellPlasmaEuropium
  3735. gregtech -> cellPlasmaGadolinium
  3736. gregtech -> cellPlasmaTerbium
  3737. gregtech -> cellPlasmaDysprosium
  3738. gregtech -> cellPlasmaHolmium
  3739. gregtech -> cellPlasmaErbium
  3740. gregtech -> cellPlasmaThulium
  3741. gregtech -> cellPlasmaYtterbium
  3742. gregtech -> cellPlasmaLutetium
  3743. gregtech -> cellPlasmaTantalum
  3744. gregtech -> cellPlasmaTungsten
  3745. gregtech -> cellPlasmaOsmium
  3746. gregtech -> cellPlasmaIridium
  3747. gregtech -> cellPlasmaPlatinum
  3748. gregtech -> cellPlasmaGold
  3749. gregtech -> cellPlasmaMercury
  3750. gregtech -> cellPlasmaLead
  3751. gregtech -> cellPlasmaBismuth
  3752. gregtech -> cellPlasmaRadon
  3753. gregtech -> cellPlasmaThorium
  3754. gregtech -> cellPlasmaUranium235
  3755. gregtech -> cellPlasmaUranium
  3756. gregtech -> cellPlasmaPlutonium
  3757. gregtech -> cellPlasmaPlutonium241
  3758. gregtech -> cellPlasmaAmericium
  3759. gregtech -> cellPlasmaNeutronium
  3760. gregtech -> calclavia:ADVANCED_BATTERY is using a private Prefix and is therefor getting ignored properly.
  3761. gregtech -> calclavia:ADVANCED_BATTERY is using a private Prefix and is therefor getting ignored properly.
  3762. gregtech -> calclavia:ADVANCED_BATTERY is using a private Prefix and is therefor getting ignored properly.
  3763. gregtech -> batteryUltimate
  3764. gregtech -> circuitPrimitive
  3765. gregtech -> circuitBasic
  3766. gregtech -> circuitGood
  3767. gregtech -> circuitAdvanced
  3768. gregtech -> circuitData
  3769. gregtech -> circuitElite
  3770. gregtech -> circuitMaster
  3771. gregtech -> circuitUltimate
  3772. gregtech -> craftingDiamondBlade
  3773. gregtech -> craftingGrinder
  3774. gregtech -> craftingGrinder
  3775. gregtech -> craftingFilter
  3776. gregtech -> craftingDuctTape
  3777. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordBeryllium
  3778. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordCarbon
  3779. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordAluminium
  3780. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordTitanium
  3781. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordChrome
  3782. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordManganese
  3783. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordIron
  3784. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordCobalt
  3785. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordNickel
  3786. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordMolybdenum
  3787. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordPalladium
  3788. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordSilver
  3789. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordNeodymium
  3790. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordTungsten
  3791. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordOsmium
  3792. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordIridium
  3793. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordPlatinum
  3794. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordGold
  3795. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordLead
  3796. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordBismuth
  3797. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordThorium
  3798. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordUranium235
  3799. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordUranium
  3800. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordPlutonium
  3801. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordPlutonium241
  3802. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordNeutronium
  3803. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordStone
  3804. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordBronze
  3805. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordBrass
  3806. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordInvar
  3807. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordElectrum
  3808. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordWroughtIron
  3809. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordSteel
  3810. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordStainlessSteel
  3811. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordPigIron
  3812. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordCupronickel
  3813. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordNichrome
  3814. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordKanthal
  3815. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordMagnalium
  3816. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordTungstenSteel
  3817. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordOsmiridium
  3818. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordAdamantium
  3819. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordElectrumFlux
  3820. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordEnderium
  3821. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordHSLA
  3822. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordInfusedGold
  3823. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordNaquadah
  3824. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordNaquadahAlloy
  3825. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordNaquadahEnriched
  3826. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordNaquadria
  3827. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordDuranium
  3828. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordTritanium
  3829. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordThaumium
  3830. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordMithril
  3831. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordMidasium
  3832. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordAstralSilver
  3833. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordBlackSteel
  3834. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordDamascusSteel
  3835. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordShadowIron
  3836. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordShadowSteel
  3837. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordIronWood
  3838. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordSteelLeaf
  3839. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordMeteoricIron
  3840. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordMeteoricSteel
  3841. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordDarkIron
  3842. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordCobaltBrass
  3843. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordUltimet
  3844. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordFieryBlood
  3845. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordFirestone
  3846. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordRedSteel
  3847. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordBlueSteel
  3848. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordSterlingSilver
  3849. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordRoseGold
  3850. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordBlackBronze
  3851. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordBismuthBronze
  3852. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordIronMagnetic
  3853. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordSteelMagnetic
  3854. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordNeodymiumMagnetic
  3855. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordDiamond
  3856. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordEmerald
  3857. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordRuby
  3858. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordSapphire
  3859. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordGreenSapphire
  3860. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordOlivine
  3861. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordNetherStar
  3862. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordTopaz
  3863. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordTanzanite
  3864. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordAmethyst
  3865. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordOpal
  3866. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordBlueTopaz
  3867. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordCertusQuartz
  3868. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordForce
  3869. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordNetherQuartz
  3870. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordGarnetRed
  3871. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordGarnetYellow
  3872. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordVinteum
  3873. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordInfusedAir
  3874. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordInfusedFire
  3875. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordInfusedEarth
  3876. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordInfusedWater
  3877. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordInfusedEntropy
  3878. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordInfusedOrder
  3879. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordBlaze
  3880. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordFlint
  3881. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordWood
  3882. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordGraphene
  3883. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordDeepIron
  3884. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordGraniteBlack
  3885. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordGraniteRed
  3886. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordGraphite
  3887. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordPlastic
  3888. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordRubber
  3889. gregtech -> toolHeadSwordWoodSealed
  3890. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeBeryllium
  3891. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeCarbon
  3892. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeAluminium
  3893. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeTitanium
  3894. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeChrome
  3895. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeManganese
  3896. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeIron
  3897. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeCobalt
  3898. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeNickel
  3899. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeMolybdenum
  3900. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxePalladium
  3901. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeSilver
  3902. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeNeodymium
  3903. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeTungsten
  3904. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeOsmium
  3905. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeIridium
  3906. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxePlatinum
  3907. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeGold
  3908. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeLead
  3909. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeBismuth
  3910. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeThorium
  3911. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeUranium235
  3912. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeUranium
  3913. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxePlutonium
  3914. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxePlutonium241
  3915. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeNeutronium
  3916. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeStone
  3917. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeBronze
  3918. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeBrass
  3919. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeInvar
  3920. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeElectrum
  3921. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeWroughtIron
  3922. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeSteel
  3923. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeStainlessSteel
  3924. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxePigIron
  3925. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeCupronickel
  3926. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeNichrome
  3927. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeKanthal
  3928. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeMagnalium
  3929. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeTungstenSteel
  3930. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeOsmiridium
  3931. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeAdamantium
  3932. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeElectrumFlux
  3933. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeEnderium
  3934. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeHSLA
  3935. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeInfusedGold
  3936. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeNaquadah
  3937. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeNaquadahAlloy
  3938. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeNaquadahEnriched
  3939. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeNaquadria
  3940. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeDuranium
  3941. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeTritanium
  3942. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeThaumium
  3943. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeMithril
  3944. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeMidasium
  3945. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeAstralSilver
  3946. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeBlackSteel
  3947. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeDamascusSteel
  3948. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeShadowIron
  3949. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeShadowSteel
  3950. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeIronWood
  3951. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeSteelLeaf
  3952. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeMeteoricIron
  3953. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeMeteoricSteel
  3954. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeDarkIron
  3955. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeCobaltBrass
  3956. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeUltimet
  3957. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeFieryBlood
  3958. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeFirestone
  3959. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeRedSteel
  3960. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeBlueSteel
  3961. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeSterlingSilver
  3962. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeRoseGold
  3963. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeBlackBronze
  3964. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeBismuthBronze
  3965. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeIronMagnetic
  3966. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeSteelMagnetic
  3967. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeNeodymiumMagnetic
  3968. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeDiamond
  3969. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeEmerald
  3970. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeRuby
  3971. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeSapphire
  3972. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeGreenSapphire
  3973. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeOlivine
  3974. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeNetherStar
  3975. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeTopaz
  3976. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeTanzanite
  3977. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeAmethyst
  3978. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeOpal
  3979. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeBlueTopaz
  3980. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeCertusQuartz
  3981. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeForce
  3982. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeNetherQuartz
  3983. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeGarnetRed
  3984. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeGarnetYellow
  3985. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeVinteum
  3986. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeInfusedAir
  3987. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeInfusedFire
  3988. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeInfusedEarth
  3989. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeInfusedWater
  3990. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeInfusedEntropy
  3991. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeInfusedOrder
  3992. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeBlaze
  3993. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeFlint
  3994. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeWood
  3995. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeGraphene
  3996. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeDeepIron
  3997. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeGraniteBlack
  3998. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeGraniteRed
  3999. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeGraphite
  4000. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxePlastic
  4001. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeRubber
  4002. gregtech -> toolHeadPickaxeWoodSealed
  4003. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelBeryllium
  4004. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelCarbon
  4005. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelAluminium
  4006. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelTitanium
  4007. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelChrome
  4008. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelManganese
  4009. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelIron
  4010. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelCobalt
  4011. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelNickel
  4012. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelMolybdenum
  4013. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelPalladium
  4014. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelSilver
  4015. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelNeodymium
  4016. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelTungsten
  4017. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelOsmium
  4018. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelIridium
  4019. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelPlatinum
  4020. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelGold
  4021. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelLead
  4022. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelBismuth
  4023. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelThorium
  4024. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelUranium235
  4025. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelUranium
  4026. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelPlutonium
  4027. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelPlutonium241
  4028. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelNeutronium
  4029. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelStone
  4030. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelBronze
  4031. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelBrass
  4032. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelInvar
  4033. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelElectrum
  4034. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelWroughtIron
  4035. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelSteel
  4036. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelStainlessSteel
  4037. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelPigIron
  4038. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelCupronickel
  4039. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelNichrome
  4040. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelKanthal
  4041. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelMagnalium
  4042. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelTungstenSteel
  4043. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelOsmiridium
  4044. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelAdamantium
  4045. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelElectrumFlux
  4046. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelEnderium
  4047. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelHSLA
  4048. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelInfusedGold
  4049. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelNaquadah
  4050. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelNaquadahAlloy
  4051. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelNaquadahEnriched
  4052. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelNaquadria
  4053. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelDuranium
  4054. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelTritanium
  4055. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelThaumium
  4056. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelMithril
  4057. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelMidasium
  4058. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelAstralSilver
  4059. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelBlackSteel
  4060. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelDamascusSteel
  4061. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelShadowIron
  4062. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelShadowSteel
  4063. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelIronWood
  4064. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelSteelLeaf
  4065. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelMeteoricIron
  4066. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelMeteoricSteel
  4067. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelDarkIron
  4068. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelCobaltBrass
  4069. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelUltimet
  4070. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelFieryBlood
  4071. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelFirestone
  4072. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelRedSteel
  4073. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelBlueSteel
  4074. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelSterlingSilver
  4075. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelRoseGold
  4076. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelBlackBronze
  4077. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelBismuthBronze
  4078. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelIronMagnetic
  4079. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelSteelMagnetic
  4080. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelNeodymiumMagnetic
  4081. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelDiamond
  4082. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelEmerald
  4083. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelRuby
  4084. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelSapphire
  4085. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelGreenSapphire
  4086. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelOlivine
  4087. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelNetherStar
  4088. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelTopaz
  4089. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelTanzanite
  4090. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelAmethyst
  4091. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelOpal
  4092. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelBlueTopaz
  4093. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelCertusQuartz
  4094. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelForce
  4095. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelNetherQuartz
  4096. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelGarnetRed
  4097. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelGarnetYellow
  4098. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelVinteum
  4099. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelInfusedAir
  4100. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelInfusedFire
  4101. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelInfusedEarth
  4102. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelInfusedWater
  4103. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelInfusedEntropy
  4104. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelInfusedOrder
  4105. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelBlaze
  4106. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelFlint
  4107. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelWood
  4108. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelGraphene
  4109. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelDeepIron
  4110. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelGraniteBlack
  4111. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelGraniteRed
  4112. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelGraphite
  4113. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelPlastic
  4114. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelRubber
  4115. gregtech -> toolHeadShovelWoodSealed
  4116. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeBeryllium
  4117. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeCarbon
  4118. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeAluminium
  4119. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeTitanium
  4120. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeChrome
  4121. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeManganese
  4122. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeIron
  4123. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeCobalt
  4124. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeNickel
  4125. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeMolybdenum
  4126. gregtech -> toolHeadAxePalladium
  4127. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeSilver
  4128. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeNeodymium
  4129. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeTungsten
  4130. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeOsmium
  4131. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeIridium
  4132. gregtech -> toolHeadAxePlatinum
  4133. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeGold
  4134. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeLead
  4135. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeBismuth
  4136. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeThorium
  4137. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeUranium235
  4138. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeUranium
  4139. gregtech -> toolHeadAxePlutonium
  4140. gregtech -> toolHeadAxePlutonium241
  4141. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeNeutronium
  4142. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeStone
  4143. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeBronze
  4144. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeBrass
  4145. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeInvar
  4146. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeElectrum
  4147. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeWroughtIron
  4148. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeSteel
  4149. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeStainlessSteel
  4150. gregtech -> toolHeadAxePigIron
  4151. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeCupronickel
  4152. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeNichrome
  4153. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeKanthal
  4154. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeMagnalium
  4155. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeTungstenSteel
  4156. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeOsmiridium
  4157. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeAdamantium
  4158. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeElectrumFlux
  4159. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeEnderium
  4160. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeHSLA
  4161. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeInfusedGold
  4162. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeNaquadah
  4163. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeNaquadahAlloy
  4164. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeNaquadahEnriched
  4165. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeNaquadria
  4166. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeDuranium
  4167. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeTritanium
  4168. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeThaumium
  4169. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeMithril
  4170. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeMidasium
  4171. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeAstralSilver
  4172. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeBlackSteel
  4173. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeDamascusSteel
  4174. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeShadowIron
  4175. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeShadowSteel
  4176. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeIronWood
  4177. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeSteelLeaf
  4178. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeMeteoricIron
  4179. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeMeteoricSteel
  4180. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeDarkIron
  4181. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeCobaltBrass
  4182. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeUltimet
  4183. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeFieryBlood
  4184. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeFirestone
  4185. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeRedSteel
  4186. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeBlueSteel
  4187. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeSterlingSilver
  4188. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeRoseGold
  4189. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeBlackBronze
  4190. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeBismuthBronze
  4191. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeIronMagnetic
  4192. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeSteelMagnetic
  4193. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeNeodymiumMagnetic
  4194. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeDiamond
  4195. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeEmerald
  4196. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeRuby
  4197. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeSapphire
  4198. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeGreenSapphire
  4199. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeOlivine
  4200. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeNetherStar
  4201. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeTopaz
  4202. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeTanzanite
  4203. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeAmethyst
  4204. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeOpal
  4205. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeBlueTopaz
  4206. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeCertusQuartz
  4207. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeForce
  4208. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeNetherQuartz
  4209. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeGarnetRed
  4210. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeGarnetYellow
  4211. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeVinteum
  4212. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeInfusedAir
  4213. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeInfusedFire
  4214. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeInfusedEarth
  4215. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeInfusedWater
  4216. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeInfusedEntropy
  4217. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeInfusedOrder
  4218. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeBlaze
  4219. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeFlint
  4220. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeWood
  4221. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeGraphene
  4222. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeDeepIron
  4223. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeGraniteBlack
  4224. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeGraniteRed
  4225. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeGraphite
  4226. gregtech -> toolHeadAxePlastic
  4227. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeRubber
  4228. gregtech -> toolHeadAxeWoodSealed
  4229. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeBeryllium
  4230. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeCarbon
  4231. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeAluminium
  4232. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeTitanium
  4233. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeChrome
  4234. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeManganese
  4235. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeIron
  4236. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeCobalt
  4237. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeNickel
  4238. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeMolybdenum
  4239. gregtech -> toolHeadHoePalladium
  4240. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeSilver
  4241. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeNeodymium
  4242. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeTungsten
  4243. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeOsmium
  4244. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeIridium
  4245. gregtech -> toolHeadHoePlatinum
  4246. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeGold
  4247. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeLead
  4248. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeBismuth
  4249. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeThorium
  4250. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeUranium235
  4251. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeUranium
  4252. gregtech -> toolHeadHoePlutonium
  4253. gregtech -> toolHeadHoePlutonium241
  4254. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeNeutronium
  4255. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeStone
  4256. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeBronze
  4257. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeBrass
  4258. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeInvar
  4259. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeElectrum
  4260. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeWroughtIron
  4261. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeSteel
  4262. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeStainlessSteel
  4263. gregtech -> toolHeadHoePigIron
  4264. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeCupronickel
  4265. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeNichrome
  4266. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeKanthal
  4267. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeMagnalium
  4268. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeTungstenSteel
  4269. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeOsmiridium
  4270. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeAdamantium
  4271. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeElectrumFlux
  4272. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeEnderium
  4273. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeHSLA
  4274. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeInfusedGold
  4275. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeNaquadah
  4276. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeNaquadahAlloy
  4277. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeNaquadahEnriched
  4278. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeNaquadria
  4279. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeDuranium
  4280. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeTritanium
  4281. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeThaumium
  4282. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeMithril
  4283. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeMidasium
  4284. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeAstralSilver
  4285. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeBlackSteel
  4286. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeDamascusSteel
  4287. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeShadowIron
  4288. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeShadowSteel
  4289. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeIronWood
  4290. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeSteelLeaf
  4291. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeMeteoricIron
  4292. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeMeteoricSteel
  4293. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeDarkIron
  4294. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeCobaltBrass
  4295. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeUltimet
  4296. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeFieryBlood
  4297. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeFirestone
  4298. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeRedSteel
  4299. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeBlueSteel
  4300. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeSterlingSilver
  4301. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeRoseGold
  4302. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeBlackBronze
  4303. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeBismuthBronze
  4304. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeIronMagnetic
  4305. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeSteelMagnetic
  4306. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeNeodymiumMagnetic
  4307. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeDiamond
  4308. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeEmerald
  4309. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeRuby
  4310. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeSapphire
  4311. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeGreenSapphire
  4312. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeOlivine
  4313. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeNetherStar
  4314. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeTopaz
  4315. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeTanzanite
  4316. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeAmethyst
  4317. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeOpal
  4318. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeBlueTopaz
  4319. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeCertusQuartz
  4320. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeForce
  4321. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeNetherQuartz
  4322. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeGarnetRed
  4323. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeGarnetYellow
  4324. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeVinteum
  4325. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeInfusedAir
  4326. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeInfusedFire
  4327. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeInfusedEarth
  4328. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeInfusedWater
  4329. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeInfusedEntropy
  4330. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeInfusedOrder
  4331. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeBlaze
  4332. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeFlint
  4333. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeWood
  4334. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeGraphene
  4335. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeDeepIron
  4336. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeGraniteBlack
  4337. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeGraniteRed
  4338. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeGraphite
  4339. gregtech -> toolHeadHoePlastic
  4340. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeRubber
  4341. gregtech -> toolHeadHoeWoodSealed
  4342. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerBeryllium
  4343. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerCarbon
  4344. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerAluminium
  4345. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerTitanium
  4346. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerChrome
  4347. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerManganese
  4348. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerIron
  4349. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerCobalt
  4350. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerNickel
  4351. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerMolybdenum
  4352. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerPalladium
  4353. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerSilver
  4354. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerNeodymium
  4355. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerTungsten
  4356. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerOsmium
  4357. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerIridium
  4358. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerPlatinum
  4359. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerGold
  4360. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerLead
  4361. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerBismuth
  4362. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerThorium
  4363. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerUranium235
  4364. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerUranium
  4365. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerPlutonium
  4366. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerPlutonium241
  4367. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerNeutronium
  4368. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerStone
  4369. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerBronze
  4370. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerBrass
  4371. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerInvar
  4372. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerElectrum
  4373. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerWroughtIron
  4374. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerSteel
  4375. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerStainlessSteel
  4376. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerPigIron
  4377. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerCupronickel
  4378. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerNichrome
  4379. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerKanthal
  4380. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerMagnalium
  4381. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerTungstenSteel
  4382. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerOsmiridium
  4383. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerAdamantium
  4384. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerElectrumFlux
  4385. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerEnderium
  4386. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerHSLA
  4387. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerInfusedGold
  4388. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerNaquadah
  4389. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerNaquadahAlloy
  4390. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerNaquadahEnriched
  4391. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerNaquadria
  4392. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerDuranium
  4393. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerTritanium
  4394. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerThaumium
  4395. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerMithril
  4396. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerMidasium
  4397. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerAstralSilver
  4398. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerBlackSteel
  4399. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerDamascusSteel
  4400. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerShadowIron
  4401. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerShadowSteel
  4402. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerIronWood
  4403. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerSteelLeaf
  4404. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerMeteoricIron
  4405. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerMeteoricSteel
  4406. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerDarkIron
  4407. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerCobaltBrass
  4408. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerUltimet
  4409. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerFieryBlood
  4410. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerFirestone
  4411. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerRedSteel
  4412. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerBlueSteel
  4413. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerSterlingSilver
  4414. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerRoseGold
  4415. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerBlackBronze
  4416. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerBismuthBronze
  4417. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerIronMagnetic
  4418. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerSteelMagnetic
  4419. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerNeodymiumMagnetic
  4420. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerDiamond
  4421. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerEmerald
  4422. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerRuby
  4423. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerSapphire
  4424. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerGreenSapphire
  4425. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerOlivine
  4426. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerNetherStar
  4427. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerTopaz
  4428. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerTanzanite
  4429. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerAmethyst
  4430. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerOpal
  4431. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerBlueTopaz
  4432. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerCertusQuartz
  4433. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerForce
  4434. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerNetherQuartz
  4435. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerGarnetRed
  4436. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerGarnetYellow
  4437. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerVinteum
  4438. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerInfusedAir
  4439. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerInfusedFire
  4440. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerInfusedEarth
  4441. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerInfusedWater
  4442. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerInfusedEntropy
  4443. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerInfusedOrder
  4444. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerBlaze
  4445. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerFlint
  4446. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerWood
  4447. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerGraphene
  4448. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerDeepIron
  4449. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerGraniteBlack
  4450. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerGraniteRed
  4451. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerGraphite
  4452. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerPlastic
  4453. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerRubber
  4454. gregtech -> toolHeadHammerWoodSealed
  4455. gregtech -> toolHeadFileBeryllium
  4456. gregtech -> toolHeadFileCarbon
  4457. gregtech -> toolHeadFileAluminium
  4458. gregtech -> toolHeadFileTitanium
  4459. gregtech -> toolHeadFileChrome
  4460. gregtech -> toolHeadFileManganese
  4461. gregtech -> toolHeadFileIron
  4462. gregtech -> toolHeadFileCobalt
  4463. gregtech -> toolHeadFileNickel
  4464. gregtech -> toolHeadFileMolybdenum
  4465. gregtech -> toolHeadFilePalladium
  4466. gregtech -> toolHeadFileSilver
  4467. gregtech -> toolHeadFileNeodymium
  4468. gregtech -> toolHeadFileTungsten
  4469. gregtech -> toolHeadFileOsmium
  4470. gregtech -> toolHeadFileIridium
  4471. gregtech -> toolHeadFilePlatinum
  4472. gregtech -> toolHeadFileGold
  4473. gregtech -> toolHeadFileLead
  4474. gregtech -> toolHeadFileBismuth
  4475. gregtech -> toolHeadFileThorium
  4476. gregtech -> toolHeadFileUranium235
  4477. gregtech -> toolHeadFileUranium
  4478. gregtech -> toolHeadFilePlutonium
  4479. gregtech -> toolHeadFilePlutonium241
  4480. gregtech -> toolHeadFileNeutronium
  4481. gregtech -> toolHeadFileBronze
  4482. gregtech -> toolHeadFileBrass
  4483. gregtech -> toolHeadFileInvar
  4484. gregtech -> toolHeadFileElectrum
  4485. gregtech -> toolHeadFileWroughtIron
  4486. gregtech -> toolHeadFileSteel
  4487. gregtech -> toolHeadFileStainlessSteel
  4488. gregtech -> toolHeadFilePigIron
  4489. gregtech -> toolHeadFileCupronickel
  4490. gregtech -> toolHeadFileNichrome
  4491. gregtech -> toolHeadFileKanthal
  4492. gregtech -> toolHeadFileMagnalium
  4493. gregtech -> toolHeadFileTungstenSteel
  4494. gregtech -> toolHeadFileOsmiridium
  4495. gregtech -> toolHeadFileAdamantium
  4496. gregtech -> toolHeadFileElectrumFlux
  4497. gregtech -> toolHeadFileEnderium
  4498. gregtech -> toolHeadFileHSLA
  4499. gregtech -> toolHeadFileInfusedGold
  4500. gregtech -> toolHeadFileNaquadah
  4501. gregtech -> toolHeadFileNaquadahAlloy
  4502. gregtech -> toolHeadFileNaquadahEnriched
  4503. gregtech -> toolHeadFileNaquadria
  4504. gregtech -> toolHeadFileDuranium
  4505. gregtech -> toolHeadFileTritanium
  4506. gregtech -> toolHeadFileThaumium
  4507. gregtech -> toolHeadFileMithril
  4508. gregtech -> toolHeadFileMidasium
  4509. gregtech -> toolHeadFileAstralSilver
  4510. gregtech -> toolHeadFileBlackSteel
  4511. gregtech -> toolHeadFileDamascusSteel
  4512. gregtech -> toolHeadFileShadowIron
  4513. gregtech -> toolHeadFileShadowSteel
  4514. gregtech -> toolHeadFileIronWood
  4515. gregtech -> toolHeadFileSteelLeaf
  4516. gregtech -> toolHeadFileMeteoricIron
  4517. gregtech -> toolHeadFileMeteoricSteel
  4518. gregtech -> toolHeadFileDarkIron
  4519. gregtech -> toolHeadFileCobaltBrass
  4520. gregtech -> toolHeadFileUltimet
  4521. gregtech -> toolHeadFileFieryBlood
  4522. gregtech -> toolHeadFileFirestone
  4523. gregtech -> toolHeadFileRedSteel
  4524. gregtech -> toolHeadFileBlueSteel
  4525. gregtech -> toolHeadFileSterlingSilver
  4526. gregtech -> toolHeadFileRoseGold
  4527. gregtech -> toolHeadFileBlackBronze
  4528. gregtech -> toolHeadFileBismuthBronze
  4529. gregtech -> toolHeadFileIronMagnetic
  4530. gregtech -> toolHeadFileSteelMagnetic
  4531. gregtech -> toolHeadFileNeodymiumMagnetic
  4532. gregtech -> toolHeadFileDiamond
  4533. gregtech -> toolHeadFileEmerald
  4534. gregtech -> toolHeadFileRuby
  4535. gregtech -> toolHeadFileSapphire
  4536. gregtech -> toolHeadFileGreenSapphire
  4537. gregtech -> toolHeadFileOlivine
  4538. gregtech -> toolHeadFileNetherStar
  4539. gregtech -> toolHeadFileTopaz
  4540. gregtech -> toolHeadFileTanzanite
  4541. gregtech -> toolHeadFileAmethyst
  4542. gregtech -> toolHeadFileOpal
  4543. gregtech -> toolHeadFileBlueTopaz
  4544. gregtech -> toolHeadFileCertusQuartz
  4545. gregtech -> toolHeadFileForce
  4546. gregtech -> toolHeadFileNetherQuartz
  4547. gregtech -> toolHeadFileGarnetRed
  4548. gregtech -> toolHeadFileGarnetYellow
  4549. gregtech -> toolHeadFileVinteum
  4550. gregtech -> toolHeadFileInfusedAir
  4551. gregtech -> toolHeadFileInfusedFire
  4552. gregtech -> toolHeadFileInfusedEarth
  4553. gregtech -> toolHeadFileInfusedWater
  4554. gregtech -> toolHeadFileInfusedEntropy
  4555. gregtech -> toolHeadFileInfusedOrder
  4556. gregtech -> toolHeadFileBlaze
  4557. gregtech -> toolHeadFileGraphene
  4558. gregtech -> toolHeadFileDeepIron
  4559. gregtech -> toolHeadFileGraphite
  4560. gregtech -> toolHeadSawBeryllium
  4561. gregtech -> toolHeadSawCarbon
  4562. gregtech -> toolHeadSawAluminium
  4563. gregtech -> toolHeadSawTitanium
  4564. gregtech -> toolHeadSawChrome
  4565. gregtech -> toolHeadSawManganese
  4566. gregtech -> toolHeadSawIron
  4567. gregtech -> toolHeadSawCobalt
  4568. gregtech -> toolHeadSawNickel
  4569. gregtech -> toolHeadSawMolybdenum
  4570. gregtech -> toolHeadSawPalladium
  4571. gregtech -> toolHeadSawSilver
  4572. gregtech -> toolHeadSawNeodymium
  4573. gregtech -> toolHeadSawTungsten
  4574. gregtech -> toolHeadSawOsmium
  4575. gregtech -> toolHeadSawIridium
  4576. gregtech -> toolHeadSawPlatinum
  4577. gregtech -> toolHeadSawGold
  4578. gregtech -> toolHeadSawLead
  4579. gregtech -> toolHeadSawBismuth
  4580. gregtech -> toolHeadSawThorium
  4581. gregtech -> toolHeadSawUranium235
  4582. gregtech -> toolHeadSawUranium
  4583. gregtech -> toolHeadSawPlutonium
  4584. gregtech -> toolHeadSawPlutonium241
  4585. gregtech -> toolHeadSawNeutronium
  4586. gregtech -> toolHeadSawBronze
  4587. gregtech -> toolHeadSawBrass
  4588. gregtech -> toolHeadSawInvar
  4589. gregtech -> toolHeadSawElectrum
  4590. gregtech -> toolHeadSawWroughtIron
  4591. gregtech -> toolHeadSawSteel
  4592. gregtech -> toolHeadSawStainlessSteel
  4593. gregtech -> toolHeadSawPigIron
  4594. gregtech -> toolHeadSawCupronickel
  4595. gregtech -> toolHeadSawNichrome
  4596. gregtech -> toolHeadSawKanthal
  4597. gregtech -> toolHeadSawMagnalium
  4598. gregtech -> toolHeadSawTungstenSteel
  4599. gregtech -> toolHeadSawOsmiridium
  4600. gregtech -> toolHeadSawAdamantium
  4601. gregtech -> toolHeadSawElectrumFlux
  4602. gregtech -> toolHeadSawEnderium
  4603. gregtech -> toolHeadSawHSLA
  4604. gregtech -> toolHeadSawInfusedGold
  4605. gregtech -> toolHeadSawNaquadah
  4606. gregtech -> toolHeadSawNaquadahAlloy
  4607. gregtech -> toolHeadSawNaquadahEnriched
  4608. gregtech -> toolHeadSawNaquadria
  4609. gregtech -> toolHeadSawDuranium
  4610. gregtech -> toolHeadSawTritanium
  4611. gregtech -> toolHeadSawThaumium
  4612. gregtech -> toolHeadSawMithril
  4613. gregtech -> toolHeadSawMidasium
  4614. gregtech -> toolHeadSawAstralSilver
  4615. gregtech -> toolHeadSawBlackSteel
  4616. gregtech -> toolHeadSawDamascusSteel
  4617. gregtech -> toolHeadSawShadowIron
  4618. gregtech -> toolHeadSawShadowSteel
  4619. gregtech -> toolHeadSawIronWood
  4620. gregtech -> toolHeadSawSteelLeaf
  4621. gregtech -> toolHeadSawMeteoricIron
  4622. gregtech -> toolHeadSawMeteoricSteel
  4623. gregtech -> toolHeadSawDarkIron
  4624. gregtech -> toolHeadSawCobaltBrass
  4625. gregtech -> toolHeadSawUltimet
  4626. gregtech -> toolHeadSawFieryBlood
  4627. gregtech -> toolHeadSawFirestone
  4628. gregtech -> toolHeadSawRedSteel
  4629. gregtech -> toolHeadSawBlueSteel
  4630. gregtech -> toolHeadSawSterlingSilver
  4631. gregtech -> toolHeadSawRoseGold
  4632. gregtech -> toolHeadSawBlackBronze
  4633. gregtech -> toolHeadSawBismuthBronze
  4634. gregtech -> toolHeadSawIronMagnetic
  4635. gregtech -> toolHeadSawSteelMagnetic
  4636. gregtech -> toolHeadSawNeodymiumMagnetic
  4637. gregtech -> toolHeadSawDiamond
  4638. gregtech -> toolHeadSawEmerald
  4639. gregtech -> toolHeadSawRuby
  4640. gregtech -> toolHeadSawSapphire
  4641. gregtech -> toolHeadSawGreenSapphire
  4642. gregtech -> toolHeadSawOlivine
  4643. gregtech -> toolHeadSawNetherStar
  4644. gregtech -> toolHeadSawTopaz
  4645. gregtech -> toolHeadSawTanzanite
  4646. gregtech -> toolHeadSawAmethyst
  4647. gregtech -> toolHeadSawOpal
  4648. gregtech -> toolHeadSawBlueTopaz
  4649. gregtech -> toolHeadSawCertusQuartz
  4650. gregtech -> toolHeadSawForce
  4651. gregtech -> toolHeadSawNetherQuartz
  4652. gregtech -> toolHeadSawGarnetRed
  4653. gregtech -> toolHeadSawGarnetYellow
  4654. gregtech -> toolHeadSawVinteum
  4655. gregtech -> toolHeadSawInfusedAir
  4656. gregtech -> toolHeadSawInfusedFire
  4657. gregtech -> toolHeadSawInfusedEarth
  4658. gregtech -> toolHeadSawInfusedWater
  4659. gregtech -> toolHeadSawInfusedEntropy
  4660. gregtech -> toolHeadSawInfusedOrder
  4661. gregtech -> toolHeadSawBlaze
  4662. gregtech -> toolHeadSawGraphene
  4663. gregtech -> toolHeadSawDeepIron
  4664. gregtech -> toolHeadSawGraphite
  4665. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillBeryllium
  4666. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillCarbon
  4667. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillAluminium
  4668. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillTitanium
  4669. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillChrome
  4670. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillManganese
  4671. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillIron
  4672. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillCobalt
  4673. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillNickel
  4674. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillMolybdenum
  4675. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillPalladium
  4676. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillSilver
  4677. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillNeodymium
  4678. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillTungsten
  4679. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillOsmium
  4680. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillIridium
  4681. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillPlatinum
  4682. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillGold
  4683. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillLead
  4684. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillBismuth
  4685. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillThorium
  4686. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillUranium235
  4687. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillUranium
  4688. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillPlutonium
  4689. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillPlutonium241
  4690. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillNeutronium
  4691. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillBronze
  4692. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillBrass
  4693. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillInvar
  4694. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillElectrum
  4695. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillWroughtIron
  4696. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillSteel
  4697. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillStainlessSteel
  4698. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillPigIron
  4699. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillCupronickel
  4700. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillNichrome
  4701. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillKanthal
  4702. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillMagnalium
  4703. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillTungstenSteel
  4704. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillOsmiridium
  4705. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillAdamantium
  4706. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillElectrumFlux
  4707. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillEnderium
  4708. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillHSLA
  4709. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillInfusedGold
  4710. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillNaquadah
  4711. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillNaquadahAlloy
  4712. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillNaquadahEnriched
  4713. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillNaquadria
  4714. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillDuranium
  4715. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillTritanium
  4716. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillThaumium
  4717. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillMithril
  4718. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillMidasium
  4719. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillAstralSilver
  4720. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillBlackSteel
  4721. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillDamascusSteel
  4722. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillShadowIron
  4723. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillShadowSteel
  4724. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillIronWood
  4725. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillSteelLeaf
  4726. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillMeteoricIron
  4727. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillMeteoricSteel
  4728. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillDarkIron
  4729. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillCobaltBrass
  4730. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillUltimet
  4731. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillFieryBlood
  4732. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillFirestone
  4733. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillRedSteel
  4734. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillBlueSteel
  4735. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillSterlingSilver
  4736. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillRoseGold
  4737. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillBlackBronze
  4738. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillBismuthBronze
  4739. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillIronMagnetic
  4740. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillSteelMagnetic
  4741. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillNeodymiumMagnetic
  4742. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillDiamond
  4743. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillEmerald
  4744. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillRuby
  4745. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillSapphire
  4746. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillGreenSapphire
  4747. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillOlivine
  4748. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillNetherStar
  4749. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillTopaz
  4750. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillTanzanite
  4751. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillAmethyst
  4752. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillOpal
  4753. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillBlueTopaz
  4754. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillCertusQuartz
  4755. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillForce
  4756. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillNetherQuartz
  4757. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillGarnetRed
  4758. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillGarnetYellow
  4759. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillVinteum
  4760. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillInfusedAir
  4761. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillInfusedFire
  4762. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillInfusedEarth
  4763. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillInfusedWater
  4764. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillInfusedEntropy
  4765. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillInfusedOrder
  4766. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillBlaze
  4767. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillGraphene
  4768. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillDeepIron
  4769. gregtech -> toolHeadDrillGraphite
  4770. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawBeryllium
  4771. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawCarbon
  4772. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawAluminium
  4773. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawTitanium
  4774. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawChrome
  4775. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawManganese
  4776. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawIron
  4777. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawCobalt
  4778. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawNickel
  4779. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawMolybdenum
  4780. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawPalladium
  4781. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawSilver
  4782. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawNeodymium
  4783. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawTungsten
  4784. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawOsmium
  4785. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawIridium
  4786. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawPlatinum
  4787. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawGold
  4788. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawLead
  4789. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawBismuth
  4790. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawThorium
  4791. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawUranium235
  4792. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawUranium
  4793. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawPlutonium
  4794. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawPlutonium241
  4795. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawNeutronium
  4796. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawBronze
  4797. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawBrass
  4798. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawInvar
  4799. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawElectrum
  4800. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawWroughtIron
  4801. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawSteel
  4802. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawStainlessSteel
  4803. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawPigIron
  4804. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawCupronickel
  4805. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawNichrome
  4806. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawKanthal
  4807. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawMagnalium
  4808. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawTungstenSteel
  4809. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawOsmiridium
  4810. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawAdamantium
  4811. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawElectrumFlux
  4812. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawEnderium
  4813. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawHSLA
  4814. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawInfusedGold
  4815. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawNaquadah
  4816. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawNaquadahAlloy
  4817. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawNaquadahEnriched
  4818. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawNaquadria
  4819. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawDuranium
  4820. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawTritanium
  4821. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawThaumium
  4822. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawMithril
  4823. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawMidasium
  4824. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawAstralSilver
  4825. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawBlackSteel
  4826. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawDamascusSteel
  4827. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawShadowIron
  4828. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawShadowSteel
  4829. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawIronWood
  4830. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawSteelLeaf
  4831. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawMeteoricIron
  4832. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawMeteoricSteel
  4833. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawDarkIron
  4834. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawCobaltBrass
  4835. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawUltimet
  4836. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawFieryBlood
  4837. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawFirestone
  4838. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawRedSteel
  4839. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawBlueSteel
  4840. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawSterlingSilver
  4841. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawRoseGold
  4842. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawBlackBronze
  4843. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawBismuthBronze
  4844. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawIronMagnetic
  4845. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawSteelMagnetic
  4846. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawNeodymiumMagnetic
  4847. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawDiamond
  4848. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawEmerald
  4849. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawRuby
  4850. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawSapphire
  4851. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawGreenSapphire
  4852. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawOlivine
  4853. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawNetherStar
  4854. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawTopaz
  4855. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawTanzanite
  4856. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawAmethyst
  4857. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawOpal
  4858. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawBlueTopaz
  4859. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawCertusQuartz
  4860. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawForce
  4861. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawNetherQuartz
  4862. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawGarnetRed
  4863. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawGarnetYellow
  4864. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawVinteum
  4865. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawInfusedAir
  4866. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawInfusedFire
  4867. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawInfusedEarth
  4868. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawInfusedWater
  4869. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawInfusedEntropy
  4870. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawInfusedOrder
  4871. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawBlaze
  4872. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawGraphene
  4873. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawDeepIron
  4874. gregtech -> toolHeadChainsawGraphite
  4875. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchBeryllium
  4876. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchCarbon
  4877. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchAluminium
  4878. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchTitanium
  4879. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchChrome
  4880. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchManganese
  4881. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchIron
  4882. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchCobalt
  4883. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchNickel
  4884. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchMolybdenum
  4885. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchPalladium
  4886. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchSilver
  4887. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchNeodymium
  4888. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchTungsten
  4889. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchOsmium
  4890. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchIridium
  4891. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchPlatinum
  4892. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchGold
  4893. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchLead
  4894. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchBismuth
  4895. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchThorium
  4896. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchUranium235
  4897. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchUranium
  4898. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchPlutonium
  4899. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchPlutonium241
  4900. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchNeutronium
  4901. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchBronze
  4902. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchBrass
  4903. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchInvar
  4904. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchElectrum
  4905. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchWroughtIron
  4906. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchSteel
  4907. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchStainlessSteel
  4908. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchPigIron
  4909. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchCupronickel
  4910. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchNichrome
  4911. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchKanthal
  4912. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchMagnalium
  4913. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchTungstenSteel
  4914. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchOsmiridium
  4915. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchAdamantium
  4916. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchElectrumFlux
  4917. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchEnderium
  4918. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchHSLA
  4919. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchInfusedGold
  4920. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchNaquadah
  4921. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchNaquadahAlloy
  4922. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchNaquadahEnriched
  4923. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchNaquadria
  4924. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchDuranium
  4925. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchTritanium
  4926. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchThaumium
  4927. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchMithril
  4928. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchMidasium
  4929. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchAstralSilver
  4930. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchBlackSteel
  4931. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchDamascusSteel
  4932. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchShadowIron
  4933. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchShadowSteel
  4934. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchIronWood
  4935. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchSteelLeaf
  4936. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchMeteoricIron
  4937. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchMeteoricSteel
  4938. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchDarkIron
  4939. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchCobaltBrass
  4940. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchUltimet
  4941. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchFieryBlood
  4942. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchFirestone
  4943. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchRedSteel
  4944. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchBlueSteel
  4945. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchSterlingSilver
  4946. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchRoseGold
  4947. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchBlackBronze
  4948. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchBismuthBronze
  4949. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchIronMagnetic
  4950. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchSteelMagnetic
  4951. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchNeodymiumMagnetic
  4952. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchDiamond
  4953. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchEmerald
  4954. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchRuby
  4955. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchSapphire
  4956. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchGreenSapphire
  4957. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchOlivine
  4958. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchNetherStar
  4959. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchTopaz
  4960. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchTanzanite
  4961. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchAmethyst
  4962. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchOpal
  4963. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchBlueTopaz
  4964. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchCertusQuartz
  4965. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchForce
  4966. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchNetherQuartz
  4967. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchGarnetRed
  4968. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchGarnetYellow
  4969. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchVinteum
  4970. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchInfusedAir
  4971. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchInfusedFire
  4972. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchInfusedEarth
  4973. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchInfusedWater
  4974. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchInfusedEntropy
  4975. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchInfusedOrder
  4976. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchBlaze
  4977. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchGraphene
  4978. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchDeepIron
  4979. gregtech -> toolHeadWrenchGraphite
  4980. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeBeryllium
  4981. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeAluminium
  4982. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeTitanium
  4983. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeChrome
  4984. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeManganese
  4985. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeIron
  4986. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeCobalt
  4987. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeNickel
  4988. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeMolybdenum
  4989. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadePalladium
  4990. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeSilver
  4991. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeNeodymium
  4992. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeTungsten
  4993. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeOsmium
  4994. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeIridium
  4995. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadePlatinum
  4996. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeGold
  4997. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeLead
  4998. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeBismuth
  4999. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeThorium
  5000. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeUranium235
  5001. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeUranium
  5002. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadePlutonium
  5003. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadePlutonium241
  5004. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeNeutronium
  5005. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeBronze
  5006. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeBrass
  5007. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeInvar
  5008. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeElectrum
  5009. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeWroughtIron
  5010. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeSteel
  5011. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeStainlessSteel
  5012. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadePigIron
  5013. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeCupronickel
  5014. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeNichrome
  5015. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeKanthal
  5016. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeMagnalium
  5017. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeTungstenSteel
  5018. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeOsmiridium
  5019. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeAdamantium
  5020. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeElectrumFlux
  5021. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeEnderium
  5022. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeHSLA
  5023. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeInfusedGold
  5024. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeNaquadah
  5025. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeNaquadahAlloy
  5026. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeNaquadahEnriched
  5027. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeNaquadria
  5028. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeDuranium
  5029. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeTritanium
  5030. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeThaumium
  5031. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeMithril
  5032. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeMidasium
  5033. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeAstralSilver
  5034. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeBlackSteel
  5035. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeDamascusSteel
  5036. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeShadowIron
  5037. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeShadowSteel
  5038. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeIronWood
  5039. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeSteelLeaf
  5040. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeMeteoricIron
  5041. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeMeteoricSteel
  5042. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeDarkIron
  5043. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeCobaltBrass
  5044. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeUltimet
  5045. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeFieryBlood
  5046. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeFirestone
  5047. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeRedSteel
  5048. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeBlueSteel
  5049. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeSterlingSilver
  5050. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeRoseGold
  5051. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeBlackBronze
  5052. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeBismuthBronze
  5053. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeIronMagnetic
  5054. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeSteelMagnetic
  5055. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeNeodymiumMagnetic
  5056. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeDiamond
  5057. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeEmerald
  5058. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeRuby
  5059. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeSapphire
  5060. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeGreenSapphire
  5061. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeOlivine
  5062. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeNetherStar
  5063. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeTopaz
  5064. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeTanzanite
  5065. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeAmethyst
  5066. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeOpal
  5067. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeBlueTopaz
  5068. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeCertusQuartz
  5069. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeForce
  5070. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeNetherQuartz
  5071. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeGarnetRed
  5072. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeGarnetYellow
  5073. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeVinteum
  5074. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeInfusedAir
  5075. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeInfusedFire
  5076. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeInfusedEarth
  5077. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeInfusedWater
  5078. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeInfusedEntropy
  5079. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeInfusedOrder
  5080. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeWood
  5081. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeDeepIron
  5082. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadePlastic
  5083. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeRubber
  5084. gregtech -> toolHeadUniversalSpadeWoodSealed
  5085. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseBeryllium
  5086. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseCarbon
  5087. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseAluminium
  5088. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseTitanium
  5089. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseChrome
  5090. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseManganese
  5091. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseIron
  5092. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseCobalt
  5093. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseNickel
  5094. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseMolybdenum
  5095. gregtech -> toolHeadSensePalladium
  5096. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseSilver
  5097. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseNeodymium
  5098. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseTungsten
  5099. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseOsmium
  5100. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseIridium
  5101. gregtech -> toolHeadSensePlatinum
  5102. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseGold
  5103. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseLead
  5104. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseBismuth
  5105. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseThorium
  5106. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseUranium235
  5107. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseUranium
  5108. gregtech -> toolHeadSensePlutonium
  5109. gregtech -> toolHeadSensePlutonium241
  5110. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseNeutronium
  5111. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseStone
  5112. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseBronze
  5113. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseBrass
  5114. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseInvar
  5115. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseElectrum
  5116. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseWroughtIron
  5117. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseSteel
  5118. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseStainlessSteel
  5119. gregtech -> toolHeadSensePigIron
  5120. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseCupronickel
  5121. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseNichrome
  5122. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseKanthal
  5123. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseMagnalium
  5124. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseTungstenSteel
  5125. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseOsmiridium
  5126. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseAdamantium
  5127. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseElectrumFlux
  5128. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseEnderium
  5129. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseHSLA
  5130. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseInfusedGold
  5131. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseNaquadah
  5132. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseNaquadahAlloy
  5133. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseNaquadahEnriched
  5134. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseNaquadria
  5135. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseDuranium
  5136. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseTritanium
  5137. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseThaumium
  5138. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseMithril
  5139. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseMidasium
  5140. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseAstralSilver
  5141. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseBlackSteel
  5142. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseDamascusSteel
  5143. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseShadowIron
  5144. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseShadowSteel
  5145. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseIronWood
  5146. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseSteelLeaf
  5147. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseMeteoricIron
  5148. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseMeteoricSteel
  5149. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseDarkIron
  5150. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseCobaltBrass
  5151. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseUltimet
  5152. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseFieryBlood
  5153. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseFirestone
  5154. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseRedSteel
  5155. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseBlueSteel
  5156. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseSterlingSilver
  5157. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseRoseGold
  5158. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseBlackBronze
  5159. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseBismuthBronze
  5160. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseIronMagnetic
  5161. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseSteelMagnetic
  5162. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseNeodymiumMagnetic
  5163. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseDiamond
  5164. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseEmerald
  5165. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseRuby
  5166. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseSapphire
  5167. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseGreenSapphire
  5168. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseOlivine
  5169. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseNetherStar
  5170. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseTopaz
  5171. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseTanzanite
  5172. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseAmethyst
  5173. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseOpal
  5174. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseBlueTopaz
  5175. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseCertusQuartz
  5176. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseForce
  5177. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseNetherQuartz
  5178. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseGarnetRed
  5179. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseGarnetYellow
  5180. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseVinteum
  5181. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseInfusedAir
  5182. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseInfusedFire
  5183. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseInfusedEarth
  5184. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseInfusedWater
  5185. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseInfusedEntropy
  5186. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseInfusedOrder
  5187. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseBlaze
  5188. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseFlint
  5189. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseWood
  5190. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseGraphene
  5191. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseDeepIron
  5192. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseGraniteBlack
  5193. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseGraniteRed
  5194. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseGraphite
  5195. gregtech -> toolHeadSensePlastic
  5196. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseRubber
  5197. gregtech -> toolHeadSenseWoodSealed
  5198. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowBeryllium
  5199. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowCarbon
  5200. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowAluminium
  5201. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowTitanium
  5202. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowChrome
  5203. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowManganese
  5204. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowIron
  5205. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowCobalt
  5206. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowNickel
  5207. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowMolybdenum
  5208. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowPalladium
  5209. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowSilver
  5210. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowNeodymium
  5211. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowTungsten
  5212. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowOsmium
  5213. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowIridium
  5214. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowPlatinum
  5215. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowGold
  5216. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowLead
  5217. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowBismuth
  5218. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowThorium
  5219. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowUranium235
  5220. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowUranium
  5221. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowPlutonium
  5222. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowPlutonium241
  5223. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowNeutronium
  5224. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowStone
  5225. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowBronze
  5226. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowBrass
  5227. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowInvar
  5228. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowElectrum
  5229. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowWroughtIron
  5230. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowSteel
  5231. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowStainlessSteel
  5232. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowPigIron
  5233. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowCupronickel
  5234. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowNichrome
  5235. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowKanthal
  5236. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowMagnalium
  5237. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowTungstenSteel
  5238. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowOsmiridium
  5239. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowAdamantium
  5240. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowElectrumFlux
  5241. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowEnderium
  5242. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowHSLA
  5243. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowInfusedGold
  5244. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowNaquadah
  5245. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowNaquadahAlloy
  5246. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowNaquadahEnriched
  5247. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowNaquadria
  5248. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowDuranium
  5249. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowTritanium
  5250. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowThaumium
  5251. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowMithril
  5252. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowMidasium
  5253. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowAstralSilver
  5254. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowBlackSteel
  5255. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowDamascusSteel
  5256. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowShadowIron
  5257. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowShadowSteel
  5258. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowIronWood
  5259. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowSteelLeaf
  5260. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowMeteoricIron
  5261. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowMeteoricSteel
  5262. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowDarkIron
  5263. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowCobaltBrass
  5264. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowUltimet
  5265. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowFieryBlood
  5266. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowFirestone
  5267. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowRedSteel
  5268. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowBlueSteel
  5269. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowSterlingSilver
  5270. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowRoseGold
  5271. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowBlackBronze
  5272. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowBismuthBronze
  5273. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowIronMagnetic
  5274. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowSteelMagnetic
  5275. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowNeodymiumMagnetic
  5276. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowDiamond
  5277. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowEmerald
  5278. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowRuby
  5279. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowSapphire
  5280. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowGreenSapphire
  5281. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowOlivine
  5282. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowNetherStar
  5283. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowTopaz
  5284. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowTanzanite
  5285. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowAmethyst
  5286. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowOpal
  5287. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowBlueTopaz
  5288. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowCertusQuartz
  5289. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowForce
  5290. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowNetherQuartz
  5291. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowGarnetRed
  5292. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowGarnetYellow
  5293. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowVinteum
  5294. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowInfusedAir
  5295. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowInfusedFire
  5296. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowInfusedEarth
  5297. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowInfusedWater
  5298. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowInfusedEntropy
  5299. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowInfusedOrder
  5300. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowBlaze
  5301. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowFlint
  5302. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowWood
  5303. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowGraphene
  5304. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowDeepIron
  5305. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowGraniteBlack
  5306. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowGraniteRed
  5307. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowGraphite
  5308. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowPlastic
  5309. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowRubber
  5310. gregtech -> toolHeadPlowWoodSealed
  5311. gregtech -> gearCarbon
  5312. gregtech -> gearGtCarbon
  5313. gregtech -> gearAluminium
  5314. gregtech -> gearGtAluminium
  5315. gregtech -> gearTitanium
  5316. gregtech -> gearGtTitanium
  5317. gregtech -> gearChrome
  5318. gregtech -> gearGtChrome
  5319. gregtech -> gearIron
  5320. gregtech -> gearGtIron
  5321. gregtech -> gearNickel
  5322. gregtech -> gearGtNickel
  5323. gregtech -> gearCopper
  5324. gregtech -> gearGtCopper
  5325. gregtech -> gearPalladium
  5326. gregtech -> gearGtPalladium
  5327. gregtech -> gearSilver
  5328. gregtech -> gearGtSilver
  5329. gregtech -> gearTin
  5330. gregtech -> gearGtTin
  5331. gregtech -> gearNeodymium
  5332. gregtech -> gearGtNeodymium
  5333. gregtech -> gearTungsten
  5334. gregtech -> gearGtTungsten
  5335. gregtech -> gearOsmium
  5336. gregtech -> gearGtOsmium
  5337. gregtech -> gearIridium
  5338. gregtech -> gearGtIridium
  5339. gregtech -> gearPlatinum
  5340. gregtech -> gearGtPlatinum
  5341. gregtech -> gearGold
  5342. gregtech -> gearGtGold
  5343. gregtech -> gearLead
  5344. gregtech -> gearGtLead
  5345. gregtech -> gearBismuth
  5346. gregtech -> gearGtBismuth
  5347. gregtech -> gearNeutronium
  5348. gregtech -> gearGtNeutronium
  5349. gregtech -> gearStone
  5350. gregtech -> gearGtStone
  5351. gregtech -> gearBronze
  5352. gregtech -> gearGtBronze
  5353. gregtech -> gearBrass
  5354. gregtech -> gearGtBrass
  5355. gregtech -> gearInvar
  5356. gregtech -> gearGtInvar
  5357. gregtech -> gearElectrum
  5358. gregtech -> gearGtElectrum
  5359. gregtech -> gearSteel
  5360. gregtech -> gearGtSteel
  5361. gregtech -> gearStainlessSteel
  5362. gregtech -> gearGtStainlessSteel
  5363. gregtech -> gearMagnalium
  5364. gregtech -> gearGtMagnalium
  5365. gregtech -> gearTungstenSteel
  5366. gregtech -> gearGtTungstenSteel
  5367. gregtech -> gearOsmiridium
  5368. gregtech -> gearGtOsmiridium
  5369. gregtech -> gearAdamantium
  5370. gregtech -> gearGtAdamantium
  5371. gregtech -> gearHSLA
  5372. gregtech -> gearGtHSLA
  5373. gregtech -> gearInfusedGold
  5374. gregtech -> gearGtInfusedGold
  5375. gregtech -> gearNaquadahAlloy
  5376. gregtech -> gearGtNaquadahAlloy
  5377. gregtech -> gearThaumium
  5378. gregtech -> gearGtThaumium
  5379. gregtech -> gearIronWood
  5380. gregtech -> gearGtIronWood
  5381. gregtech -> gearCobaltBrass
  5382. gregtech -> gearGtCobaltBrass
  5383. gregtech -> gearUltimet
  5384. gregtech -> gearGtUltimet
  5385. gregtech -> gearAnnealedCopper
  5386. gregtech -> gearGtAnnealedCopper
  5387. gregtech -> gearSterlingSilver
  5388. gregtech -> gearGtSterlingSilver
  5389. gregtech -> gearRoseGold
  5390. gregtech -> gearGtRoseGold
  5391. gregtech -> gearBlackBronze
  5392. gregtech -> gearGtBlackBronze
  5393. gregtech -> gearBismuthBronze
  5394. gregtech -> gearGtBismuthBronze
  5395. gregtech -> gearIronMagnetic
  5396. gregtech -> gearGtIronMagnetic
  5397. gregtech -> gearSteelMagnetic
  5398. gregtech -> gearGtSteelMagnetic
  5399. gregtech -> gearNeodymiumMagnetic
  5400. gregtech -> gearGtNeodymiumMagnetic
  5401. gregtech -> gearDiamond
  5402. gregtech -> gearGtDiamond
  5403. gregtech -> gearForce
  5404. gregtech -> gearGtForce
  5405. gregtech -> gearInfusedAir
  5406. gregtech -> gearGtInfusedAir
  5407. gregtech -> gearInfusedFire
  5408. gregtech -> gearGtInfusedFire
  5409. gregtech -> gearInfusedEarth
  5410. gregtech -> gearGtInfusedEarth
  5411. gregtech -> gearInfusedWater
  5412. gregtech -> gearGtInfusedWater
  5413. gregtech -> gearInfusedEntropy
  5414. gregtech -> gearGtInfusedEntropy
  5415. gregtech -> gearInfusedOrder
  5416. gregtech -> gearGtInfusedOrder
  5417. gregtech -> gearWood
  5418. gregtech -> gearGtWood
  5419. gregtech -> gearGraphene
  5420. gregtech -> gearGtGraphene
  5421. gregtech -> gearGraniteBlack
  5422. gregtech -> gearGtGraniteBlack
  5423. gregtech -> gearGraniteRed
  5424. gregtech -> gearGtGraniteRed
  5425. gregtech -> gearGraphite
  5426. gregtech -> gearGtGraphite
  5427. gregtech -> gearPlastic
  5428. gregtech -> gearGtPlastic
  5429. gregtech -> gearRubber
  5430. gregtech -> gearGtRubber
  5431. gregtech -> gearWoodSealed
  5432. gregtech -> gearGtWoodSealed
  5433. gregtech -> bottleMilk
  5434. gregtech -> dye
  5435. gregtech -> dyeBlue
  5436. gregtech -> cropTea
  5437. gregtech -> cropChilipepper
  5438. gregtech -> cropLemon
  5439. gregtech -> cropTomato
  5440. gregtech -> cropTomato
  5441. gregtech -> cropGrape
  5442. gregtech -> cropOnion
  5443. gregtech -> crateGtDustLithium
  5444. gregtech -> crateGtDustBeryllium
  5445. gregtech -> crateGtDustBoron
  5446. gregtech -> crateGtDustCarbon
  5447. gregtech -> crateGtDustSodium
  5448. gregtech -> crateGtDustMagnesium
  5449. gregtech -> crateGtDustAluminium
  5450. gregtech -> crateGtDustSilicon
  5451. gregtech -> crateGtDustPhosphor
  5452. gregtech -> crateGtDustSulfur
  5453. gregtech -> crateGtDustPotassium
  5454. gregtech -> crateGtDustCalcium
  5455. gregtech -> crateGtDustScandium
  5456. gregtech -> crateGtDustTitanium
  5457. gregtech -> crateGtDustVanadium
  5458. gregtech -> crateGtDustChrome
  5459. gregtech -> crateGtDustManganese
  5460. gregtech -> crateGtDustIron
  5461. gregtech -> crateGtDustCobalt
  5462. gregtech -> crateGtDustNickel
  5463. gregtech -> crateGtDustCopper
  5464. gregtech -> crateGtDustZinc
  5465. gregtech -> crateGtDustGallium
  5466. gregtech -> crateGtDustRubidium
  5467. gregtech -> crateGtDustStrontium
  5468. gregtech -> crateGtDustYttrium
  5469. gregtech -> crateGtDustNiobium
  5470. gregtech -> crateGtDustMolybdenum
  5471. gregtech -> crateGtDustPalladium
  5472. gregtech -> crateGtDustSilver
  5473. gregtech -> crateGtDustCadmium
  5474. gregtech -> crateGtDustIndium
  5475. gregtech -> crateGtDustTin
  5476. gregtech -> crateGtDustAntimony
  5477. gregtech -> crateGtDustTellurium
  5478. gregtech -> crateGtDustCaesium
  5479. gregtech -> crateGtDustBarium
  5480. gregtech -> crateGtDustLanthanum
  5481. gregtech -> crateGtDustCerium
  5482. gregtech -> crateGtDustPraseodymium
  5483. gregtech -> crateGtDustNeodymium
  5484. gregtech -> crateGtDustPromethium
  5485. gregtech -> crateGtDustSamarium
  5486. gregtech -> crateGtDustEuropium
  5487. gregtech -> crateGtDustGadolinium
  5488. gregtech -> crateGtDustTerbium
  5489. gregtech -> crateGtDustDysprosium
  5490. gregtech -> crateGtDustHolmium
  5491. gregtech -> crateGtDustErbium
  5492. gregtech -> crateGtDustThulium
  5493. gregtech -> crateGtDustYtterbium
  5494. gregtech -> crateGtDustLutetium
  5495. gregtech -> crateGtDustTantalum
  5496. gregtech -> crateGtDustTungsten
  5497. gregtech -> crateGtDustOsmium
  5498. gregtech -> crateGtDustIridium
  5499. gregtech -> crateGtDustPlatinum
  5500. gregtech -> crateGtDustGold
  5501. gregtech -> crateGtDustLead
  5502. gregtech -> crateGtDustBismuth
  5503. gregtech -> crateGtDustThorium
  5504. gregtech -> crateGtDustUranium235
  5505. gregtech -> crateGtDustUranium
  5506. gregtech -> crateGtDustPlutonium
  5507. gregtech -> crateGtDustPlutonium241
  5508. gregtech -> crateGtDustAmericium
  5509. gregtech -> crateGtDustNeutronium
  5510. gregtech -> crateGtDustStone
  5511. gregtech -> crateGtDustBronze
  5512. gregtech -> crateGtDustBrass
  5513. gregtech -> crateGtDustInvar
  5514. gregtech -> crateGtDustElectrum
  5515. gregtech -> crateGtDustWroughtIron
  5516. gregtech -> crateGtDustSteel
  5517. gregtech -> crateGtDustStainlessSteel
  5518. gregtech -> crateGtDustPigIron
  5519. gregtech -> crateGtDustRedAlloy
  5520. gregtech -> crateGtDustBlueAlloy
  5521. gregtech -> crateGtDustCupronickel
  5522. gregtech -> crateGtDustNichrome
  5523. gregtech -> crateGtDustKanthal
  5524. gregtech -> crateGtDustMagnalium
  5525. gregtech -> crateGtDustSolderingAlloy
  5526. gregtech -> crateGtDustBatteryAlloy
  5527. gregtech -> crateGtDustTungstenSteel
  5528. gregtech -> crateGtDustOsmiridium
  5529. gregtech -> crateGtDustSunnarium
  5530. gregtech -> crateGtDustAdamantium
  5531. gregtech -> crateGtDustElectrumFlux
  5532. gregtech -> crateGtDustEnderium
  5533. gregtech -> crateGtDustHSLA
  5534. gregtech -> crateGtDustInfusedGold
  5535. gregtech -> crateGtDustNaquadah
  5536. gregtech -> crateGtDustNaquadahAlloy
  5537. gregtech -> crateGtDustNaquadahEnriched
  5538. gregtech -> crateGtDustNaquadria
  5539. gregtech -> crateGtDustDuranium
  5540. gregtech -> crateGtDustTritanium
  5541. gregtech -> crateGtDustThaumium
  5542. gregtech -> crateGtDustMithril
  5543. gregtech -> crateGtDustMidasium
  5544. gregtech -> crateGtDustAstralSilver
  5545. gregtech -> crateGtDustBlackSteel
  5546. gregtech -> crateGtDustDamascusSteel
  5547. gregtech -> crateGtDustShadowIron
  5548. gregtech -> crateGtDustShadowSteel
  5549. gregtech -> crateGtDustIronWood
  5550. gregtech -> crateGtDustSteelLeaf
  5551. gregtech -> crateGtDustMeteoricIron
  5552. gregtech -> crateGtDustMeteoricSteel
  5553. gregtech -> crateGtDustDarkIron
  5554. gregtech -> crateGtDustCobaltBrass
  5555. gregtech -> crateGtDustUltimet
  5556. gregtech -> crateGtDustAnnealedCopper
  5557. gregtech -> crateGtDustFieryBlood
  5558. gregtech -> crateGtDustFirestone
  5559. gregtech -> crateGtDustRedSteel
  5560. gregtech -> crateGtDustBlueSteel
  5561. gregtech -> crateGtDustSterlingSilver
  5562. gregtech -> crateGtDustRoseGold
  5563. gregtech -> crateGtDustBlackBronze
  5564. gregtech -> crateGtDustBismuthBronze
  5565. gregtech -> crateGtDustIronMagnetic
  5566. gregtech -> crateGtDustSteelMagnetic
  5567. gregtech -> crateGtDustNeodymiumMagnetic
  5568. gregtech -> crateGtDustVanadiumGallium
  5569. gregtech -> crateGtDustYttriumBariumCuprate
  5570. gregtech -> crateGtDustNiobiumNitride
  5571. gregtech -> crateGtDustNiobiumTitanium
  5572. gregtech -> crateGtDustChromiumDioxide
  5573. gregtech -> crateGtDustDiamond
  5574. gregtech -> crateGtDustEmerald
  5575. gregtech -> crateGtDustRuby
  5576. gregtech -> crateGtDustSapphire
  5577. gregtech -> crateGtDustGreenSapphire
  5578. gregtech -> crateGtDustOlivine
  5579. gregtech -> crateGtDustNetherStar
  5580. gregtech -> crateGtDustTopaz
  5581. gregtech -> crateGtDustTanzanite
  5582. gregtech -> crateGtDustAmethyst
  5583. gregtech -> crateGtDustOpal
  5584. gregtech -> crateGtDustJasper
  5585. gregtech -> crateGtDustFoolsRuby
  5586. gregtech -> crateGtDustBlueTopaz
  5587. gregtech -> crateGtDustAmber
  5588. gregtech -> crateGtDustDilithium
  5589. gregtech -> crateGtDustCertusQuartz
  5590. gregtech -> crateGtDustForcicium
  5591. gregtech -> crateGtDustForcillium
  5592. gregtech -> crateGtDustMonazite
  5593. gregtech -> crateGtDustForce
  5594. gregtech -> crateGtDustNetherQuartz
  5595. gregtech -> crateGtDustQuartzite
  5596. gregtech -> crateGtDustLazurite
  5597. gregtech -> crateGtDustSodalite
  5598. gregtech -> crateGtDustLapis
  5599. gregtech -> crateGtDustGarnetRed
  5600. gregtech -> crateGtDustGarnetYellow
  5601. gregtech -> crateGtDustVinteum
  5602. gregtech -> crateGtDustApatite
  5603. gregtech -> crateGtDustNiter
  5604. gregtech -> crateGtDustEnderPearl
  5605. gregtech -> crateGtDustEnderEye
  5606. gregtech -> crateGtDustPhosphorus
  5607. gregtech -> crateGtDustCoal
  5608. gregtech -> crateGtDustCharcoal
  5609. gregtech -> crateGtDustJade
  5610. gregtech -> crateGtDustLignite
  5611. gregtech -> crateGtDustInfusedAir
  5612. gregtech -> crateGtDustInfusedFire
  5613. gregtech -> crateGtDustInfusedEarth
  5614. gregtech -> crateGtDustInfusedWater
  5615. gregtech -> crateGtDustInfusedEntropy
  5616. gregtech -> crateGtDustInfusedOrder
  5617. gregtech -> crateGtDustIce
  5618. gregtech -> crateGtDustGunpowder
  5619. gregtech -> crateGtDustBlaze
  5620. gregtech -> crateGtDustFlint
  5621. gregtech -> crateGtDustSugar
  5622. gregtech -> crateGtDustObsidian
  5623. gregtech -> crateGtDustClay
  5624. gregtech -> crateGtDustNetherrack
  5625. gregtech -> crateGtDustEndstone
  5626. gregtech -> crateGtDustWood
  5627. gregtech -> crateGtDustRedstone
  5628. gregtech -> crateGtDustGlowstone
  5629. gregtech -> crateGtDustNikolite
  5630. gregtech -> crateGtDustBluestone
  5631. gregtech -> crateGtDustNetherBrick
  5632. gregtech -> crateGtDustAsh
  5633. gregtech -> crateGtDustDarkAsh
  5634. gregtech -> crateGtDustSalt
  5635. gregtech -> crateGtDustHydratedCoal
  5636. gregtech -> crateGtDustGraphene
  5637. gregtech -> crateGtDustAlmandine
  5638. gregtech -> crateGtDustAndradite
  5639. gregtech -> crateGtDustBauxite
  5640. gregtech -> crateGtDustCalcite
  5641. gregtech -> crateGtDustCassiterite
  5642. gregtech -> crateGtDustChromite
  5643. gregtech -> crateGtDustCinnabar
  5644. gregtech -> crateGtDustCobaltite
  5645. gregtech -> crateGtDustCooperite
  5646. gregtech -> crateGtDustDeepIron
  5647. gregtech -> crateGtDustGalena
  5648. gregtech -> crateGtDustGrossular
  5649. gregtech -> crateGtDustLiveRoot
  5650. gregtech -> crateGtDustPhosphate
  5651. gregtech -> crateGtDustPyrite
  5652. gregtech -> crateGtDustPyrope
  5653. gregtech -> crateGtDustSaltpeter
  5654. gregtech -> crateGtDustSiliconDioxide
  5655. gregtech -> crateGtDustSpessartine
  5656. gregtech -> crateGtDustSphalerite
  5657. gregtech -> crateGtDustTetrahedrite
  5658. gregtech -> crateGtDustTungstate
  5659. gregtech -> crateGtDustUvarovite
  5660. gregtech -> crateGtDustPyrotheum
  5661. gregtech -> crateGtDustBasalt
  5662. gregtech -> crateGtDustMarble
  5663. gregtech -> crateGtDustRedrock
  5664. gregtech -> crateGtDustPotassiumFeldspar
  5665. gregtech -> crateGtDustBiotite
  5666. gregtech -> crateGtDustGraniteBlack
  5667. gregtech -> crateGtDustGraniteRed
  5668. gregtech -> crateGtDustBlizz
  5669. gregtech -> crateGtDustBlueschist
  5670. gregtech -> crateGtDustCobaltHexahydrate
  5671. gregtech -> crateGtDustConstructionFoam
  5672. gregtech -> crateGtDustChalcopyrite
  5673. gregtech -> crateGtDustChalk
  5674. gregtech -> crateGtDustChert
  5675. gregtech -> crateGtDustCrudeOil
  5676. gregtech -> crateGtDustDacite
  5677. gregtech -> crateGtDustEclogite
  5678. gregtech -> crateGtDustEmery
  5679. gregtech -> crateGtDustEpidote
  5680. gregtech -> crateGtDustGabbro
  5681. gregtech -> crateGtDustGneiss
  5682. gregtech -> crateGtDustGraphite
  5683. gregtech -> crateGtDustGreenschist
  5684. gregtech -> crateGtDustGreenstone
  5685. gregtech -> crateGtDustGreywacke
  5686. gregtech -> crateGtDustKomatiite
  5687. gregtech -> crateGtDustMagnetite
  5688. gregtech -> crateGtDustMalachite
  5689. gregtech -> crateGtDustMigmatite
  5690. gregtech -> crateGtDustPitchblende
  5691. gregtech -> crateGtDustPlastic
  5692. gregtech -> crateGtDustRhyolite
  5693. gregtech -> crateGtDustSiltstone
  5694. gregtech -> crateGtDustSoapstone
  5695. gregtech -> crateGtDustOilsands
  5696. gregtech -> crateGtDustPaper
  5697. gregtech -> crateGtDustRubber
  5698. gregtech -> crateGtDustWheat
  5699. gregtech -> crateGtDustWulfenite
  5700. gregtech -> crateGtDustPowellite
  5701. gregtech -> crateGtDustDesh
  5702. gregtech -> crateGtDustMilk
  5703. gregtech -> crateGtDustChocolate
  5704. gregtech -> crateGtDustCocoa
  5705. gregtech -> crateGtDustCoffee
  5706. gregtech -> crateGtDustWoodSealed
  5707. gregtech -> crateGtDustGlass
  5708. gregtech -> crateGtDustRareEarth
  5709. gregtech -> crateGtDustMirabilite
  5710. gregtech -> crateGtDustMica
  5711. gregtech -> crateGtDustTalc
  5712. gregtech -> crateGtDustTrona
  5713. gregtech -> crateGtDustBarite
  5714. gregtech -> crateGtDustBastnasite
  5715. gregtech -> crateGtDustGarnierite
  5716. gregtech -> crateGtDustLepidolite
  5717. gregtech -> crateGtDustMagnesite
  5718. gregtech -> crateGtDustPentlandite
  5719. gregtech -> crateGtDustScheelite
  5720. gregtech -> crateGtDustAlunite
  5721. gregtech -> crateGtDustChrysotile
  5722. gregtech -> crateGtDustCelestine
  5723. gregtech -> crateGtDustDolomite
  5724. gregtech -> crateGtDustWollastonite
  5725. gregtech -> crateGtDustZeolite
  5726. gregtech -> crateGtDustBandedIron
  5727. gregtech -> crateGtDustIlmenite
  5728. gregtech -> crateGtDustPollucite
  5729. gregtech -> crateGtDustSpodumene
  5730. gregtech -> crateGtDustTantalite
  5731. gregtech -> crateGtDustUraninite
  5732. gregtech -> crateGtDustVanadiumMagnetite
  5733. gregtech -> crateGtDustKyanite
  5734. gregtech -> crateGtDustPerlite
  5735. gregtech -> crateGtDustPumice
  5736. gregtech -> crateGtDustBentonite
  5737. gregtech -> crateGtDustFullersEarth
  5738. gregtech -> crateGtDustKaolinite
  5739. gregtech -> crateGtDustBrownLimonite
  5740. gregtech -> crateGtDustYellowLimonite
  5741. gregtech -> crateGtDustVermiculite
  5742. gregtech -> crateGtDustGlauconite
  5743. gregtech -> crateGtDustGypsum
  5744. gregtech -> crateGtDustBasalticMineralSand
  5745. gregtech -> crateGtDustGraniticMineralSand
  5746. gregtech -> crateGtDustCassiteriteSand
  5747. gregtech -> crateGtDustGarnetSand
  5748. gregtech -> crateGtDustQuartzSand
  5749. gregtech -> crateGtDustVolcanicAsh
  5750. gregtech -> crateGtDustBorax
  5751. gregtech -> crateGtDustMolybdenite
  5752. gregtech -> crateGtDustPyrolusite
  5753. gregtech -> crateGtDustRockSalt
  5754. gregtech -> crateGtDustStibnite
  5755. gregtech -> crateGtDustAsbestos
  5756. gregtech -> crateGtDustConcrete
  5757. gregtech -> crateGtDustDiatomite
  5758. gregtech -> crateGtIngotBeryllium
  5759. gregtech -> crateGtIngotMagnesium
  5760. gregtech -> crateGtIngotAluminium
  5761. gregtech -> crateGtIngotSilicon
  5762. gregtech -> crateGtIngotScandium
  5763. gregtech -> crateGtIngotTitanium
  5764. gregtech -> crateGtIngotVanadium
  5765. gregtech -> crateGtIngotChrome
  5766. gregtech -> crateGtIngotManganese
  5767. gregtech -> crateGtIngotIron
  5768. gregtech -> crateGtIngotCobalt
  5769. gregtech -> crateGtIngotNickel
  5770. gregtech -> crateGtIngotCopper
  5771. gregtech -> crateGtIngotZinc
  5772. gregtech -> crateGtIngotGallium
  5773. gregtech -> crateGtIngotRubidium
  5774. gregtech -> crateGtIngotYttrium
  5775. gregtech -> crateGtIngotNiobium
  5776. gregtech -> crateGtIngotMolybdenum
  5777. gregtech -> crateGtIngotPalladium
  5778. gregtech -> crateGtIngotSilver
  5779. gregtech -> crateGtIngotIndium
  5780. gregtech -> crateGtIngotTin
  5781. gregtech -> crateGtIngotAntimony
  5782. gregtech -> crateGtIngotTellurium
  5783. gregtech -> crateGtIngotCaesium
  5784. gregtech -> crateGtIngotLanthanum
  5785. gregtech -> crateGtIngotCerium
  5786. gregtech -> crateGtIngotPraseodymium
  5787. gregtech -> crateGtIngotNeodymium
  5788. gregtech -> crateGtIngotPromethium
  5789. gregtech -> crateGtIngotSamarium
  5790. gregtech -> crateGtIngotEuropium
  5791. gregtech -> crateGtIngotGadolinium
  5792. gregtech -> crateGtIngotTerbium
  5793. gregtech -> crateGtIngotDysprosium
  5794. gregtech -> crateGtIngotHolmium
  5795. gregtech -> crateGtIngotErbium
  5796. gregtech -> crateGtIngotThulium
  5797. gregtech -> crateGtIngotYtterbium
  5798. gregtech -> crateGtIngotLutetium
  5799. gregtech -> crateGtIngotTantalum
  5800. gregtech -> crateGtIngotTungsten
  5801. gregtech -> crateGtIngotOsmium
  5802. gregtech -> crateGtIngotIridium
  5803. gregtech -> crateGtIngotPlatinum
  5804. gregtech -> crateGtIngotGold
  5805. gregtech -> crateGtIngotLead
  5806. gregtech -> crateGtIngotBismuth
  5807. gregtech -> crateGtIngotThorium
  5808. gregtech -> crateGtIngotUranium235
  5809. gregtech -> crateGtIngotUranium
  5810. gregtech -> crateGtIngotPlutonium
  5811. gregtech -> crateGtIngotPlutonium241
  5812. gregtech -> crateGtIngotAmericium
  5813. gregtech -> crateGtIngotNeutronium
  5814. gregtech -> crateGtIngotBronze
  5815. gregtech -> crateGtIngotBrass
  5816. gregtech -> crateGtIngotInvar
  5817. gregtech -> crateGtIngotElectrum
  5818. gregtech -> crateGtIngotWroughtIron
  5819. gregtech -> crateGtIngotSteel
  5820. gregtech -> crateGtIngotStainlessSteel
  5821. gregtech -> crateGtIngotPigIron
  5822. gregtech -> crateGtIngotRedAlloy
  5823. gregtech -> crateGtIngotBlueAlloy
  5824. gregtech -> crateGtIngotCupronickel
  5825. gregtech -> crateGtIngotNichrome
  5826. gregtech -> crateGtIngotKanthal
  5827. gregtech -> crateGtIngotMagnalium
  5828. gregtech -> crateGtIngotSolderingAlloy
  5829. gregtech -> crateGtIngotBatteryAlloy
  5830. gregtech -> crateGtIngotTungstenSteel
  5831. gregtech -> crateGtIngotOsmiridium
  5832. gregtech -> crateGtIngotSunnarium
  5833. gregtech -> crateGtIngotAdamantium
  5834. gregtech -> crateGtIngotElectrumFlux
  5835. gregtech -> crateGtIngotEnderium
  5836. gregtech -> crateGtIngotHSLA
  5837. gregtech -> crateGtIngotInfusedGold
  5838. gregtech -> crateGtIngotNaquadah
  5839. gregtech -> crateGtIngotNaquadahAlloy
  5840. gregtech -> crateGtIngotNaquadahEnriched
  5841. gregtech -> crateGtIngotNaquadria
  5842. gregtech -> crateGtIngotDuranium
  5843. gregtech -> crateGtIngotTritanium
  5844. gregtech -> crateGtIngotThaumium
  5845. gregtech -> crateGtIngotMithril
  5846. gregtech -> crateGtIngotMidasium
  5847. gregtech -> crateGtIngotAstralSilver
  5848. gregtech -> crateGtIngotBlackSteel
  5849. gregtech -> crateGtIngotDamascusSteel
  5850. gregtech -> crateGtIngotShadowIron
  5851. gregtech -> crateGtIngotShadowSteel
  5852. gregtech -> crateGtIngotIronWood
  5853. gregtech -> crateGtIngotSteelLeaf
  5854. gregtech -> crateGtIngotMeteoricIron
  5855. gregtech -> crateGtIngotMeteoricSteel
  5856. gregtech -> crateGtIngotDarkIron
  5857. gregtech -> crateGtIngotCobaltBrass
  5858. gregtech -> crateGtIngotUltimet
  5859. gregtech -> crateGtIngotAnnealedCopper
  5860. gregtech -> crateGtIngotFieryBlood
  5861. gregtech -> crateGtIngotRedSteel
  5862. gregtech -> crateGtIngotBlueSteel
  5863. gregtech -> crateGtIngotSterlingSilver
  5864. gregtech -> crateGtIngotRoseGold
  5865. gregtech -> crateGtIngotBlackBronze
  5866. gregtech -> crateGtIngotBismuthBronze
  5867. gregtech -> crateGtIngotIronMagnetic
  5868. gregtech -> crateGtIngotSteelMagnetic
  5869. gregtech -> crateGtIngotNeodymiumMagnetic
  5870. gregtech -> crateGtIngotVanadiumGallium
  5871. gregtech -> crateGtIngotYttriumBariumCuprate
  5872. gregtech -> crateGtIngotNiobiumNitride
  5873. gregtech -> crateGtIngotNiobiumTitanium
  5874. gregtech -> crateGtIngotChromiumDioxide
  5875. gregtech -> crateGtIngotForce
  5876. gregtech -> crateGtIngotWood
  5877. gregtech -> crateGtIngotDeepIron
  5878. gregtech -> crateGtIngotPlastic
  5879. gregtech -> crateGtIngotRubber
  5880. gregtech -> crateGtIngotDesh
  5881. gregtech -> crateGtIngotWoodSealed
  5882. gregtech -> crateGtGemFirestone
  5883. gregtech -> crateGtGemDiamond
  5884. gregtech -> crateGtGemEmerald
  5885. gregtech -> crateGtGemRuby
  5886. gregtech -> crateGtGemSapphire
  5887. gregtech -> crateGtGemGreenSapphire
  5888. gregtech -> crateGtGemOlivine
  5889. gregtech -> crateGtGemNetherStar
  5890. gregtech -> crateGtGemTopaz
  5891. gregtech -> crateGtGemTanzanite
  5892. gregtech -> crateGtGemAmethyst
  5893. gregtech -> crateGtGemOpal
  5894. gregtech -> crateGtGemJasper
  5895. gregtech -> crateGtGemFoolsRuby
  5896. gregtech -> crateGtGemBlueTopaz
  5897. gregtech -> crateGtGemAmber
  5898. gregtech -> crateGtGemDilithium
  5899. gregtech -> crateGtGemCertusQuartz
  5900. gregtech -> crateGtGemForcicium
  5901. gregtech -> crateGtGemForcillium
  5902. gregtech -> crateGtGemMonazite
  5903. gregtech -> crateGtGemForce
  5904. gregtech -> crateGtGemNetherQuartz
  5905. gregtech -> crateGtGemQuartzite
  5906. gregtech -> crateGtGemLazurite
  5907. gregtech -> crateGtGemSodalite
  5908. gregtech -> crateGtGemLapis
  5909. gregtech -> crateGtGemGarnetRed
  5910. gregtech -> crateGtGemGarnetYellow
  5911. gregtech -> crateGtGemVinteum
  5912. gregtech -> crateGtGemApatite
  5913. gregtech -> crateGtGemNiter
  5914. gregtech -> crateGtGemEnderPearl
  5915. gregtech -> crateGtGemEnderEye
  5916. gregtech -> crateGtGemPhosphorus
  5917. gregtech -> crateGtGemCoal
  5918. gregtech -> crateGtGemCharcoal
  5919. gregtech -> crateGtGemLignite
  5920. gregtech -> crateGtGemInfusedAir
  5921. gregtech -> crateGtGemInfusedFire
  5922. gregtech -> crateGtGemInfusedEarth
  5923. gregtech -> crateGtGemInfusedWater
  5924. gregtech -> crateGtGemInfusedEntropy
  5925. gregtech -> crateGtGemInfusedOrder
  5926. gregtech -> crateGtGemGlass
  5927. gregtech -> crateGtPlateBeryllium
  5928. gregtech -> crateGtPlateMagnesium
  5929. gregtech -> crateGtPlateAluminium
  5930. gregtech -> crateGtPlateSilicon
  5931. gregtech -> crateGtPlateScandium
  5932. gregtech -> crateGtPlateTitanium
  5933. gregtech -> crateGtPlateVanadium
  5934. gregtech -> crateGtPlateChrome
  5935. gregtech -> crateGtPlateManganese
  5936. gregtech -> crateGtPlateIron
  5937. gregtech -> crateGtPlateCobalt
  5938. gregtech -> crateGtPlateNickel
  5939. gregtech -> crateGtPlateCopper
  5940. gregtech -> crateGtPlateZinc
  5941. gregtech -> crateGtPlateGallium
  5942. gregtech -> crateGtPlateRubidium
  5943. gregtech -> crateGtPlateYttrium
  5944. gregtech -> crateGtPlateNiobium
  5945. gregtech -> crateGtPlateMolybdenum
  5946. gregtech -> crateGtPlatePalladium
  5947. gregtech -> crateGtPlateSilver
  5948. gregtech -> crateGtPlateIndium
  5949. gregtech -> crateGtPlateTin
  5950. gregtech -> crateGtPlateAntimony
  5951. gregtech -> crateGtPlateTellurium
  5952. gregtech -> crateGtPlateCaesium
  5953. gregtech -> crateGtPlateLanthanum
  5954. gregtech -> crateGtPlateCerium
  5955. gregtech -> crateGtPlatePraseodymium
  5956. gregtech -> crateGtPlateNeodymium
  5957. gregtech -> crateGtPlatePromethium
  5958. gregtech -> crateGtPlateSamarium
  5959. gregtech -> crateGtPlateEuropium
  5960. gregtech -> crateGtPlateGadolinium
  5961. gregtech -> crateGtPlateTerbium
  5962. gregtech -> crateGtPlateDysprosium
  5963. gregtech -> crateGtPlateHolmium
  5964. gregtech -> crateGtPlateErbium
  5965. gregtech -> crateGtPlateThulium
  5966. gregtech -> crateGtPlateYtterbium
  5967. gregtech -> crateGtPlateLutetium
  5968. gregtech -> crateGtPlateTantalum
  5969. gregtech -> crateGtPlateTungsten
  5970. gregtech -> crateGtPlateOsmium
  5971. gregtech -> crateGtPlateIridium
  5972. gregtech -> crateGtPlatePlatinum
  5973. gregtech -> crateGtPlateGold
  5974. gregtech -> crateGtPlateLead
  5975. gregtech -> crateGtPlateBismuth
  5976. gregtech -> crateGtPlateThorium
  5977. gregtech -> crateGtPlateUranium235
  5978. gregtech -> crateGtPlateUranium
  5979. gregtech -> crateGtPlatePlutonium
  5980. gregtech -> crateGtPlatePlutonium241
  5981. gregtech -> crateGtPlateAmericium
  5982. gregtech -> crateGtPlateNeutronium
  5983. gregtech -> crateGtPlateBronze
  5984. gregtech -> crateGtPlateBrass
  5985. gregtech -> crateGtPlateInvar
  5986. gregtech -> crateGtPlateElectrum
  5987. gregtech -> crateGtPlateWroughtIron
  5988. gregtech -> crateGtPlateSteel
  5989. gregtech -> crateGtPlateStainlessSteel
  5990. gregtech -> crateGtPlatePigIron
  5991. gregtech -> crateGtPlateRedAlloy
  5992. gregtech -> crateGtPlateBlueAlloy
  5993. gregtech -> crateGtPlateCupronickel
  5994. gregtech -> crateGtPlateNichrome
  5995. gregtech -> crateGtPlateKanthal
  5996. gregtech -> crateGtPlateMagnalium
  5997. gregtech -> crateGtPlateSolderingAlloy
  5998. gregtech -> crateGtPlateBatteryAlloy
  5999. gregtech -> crateGtPlateTungstenSteel
  6000. gregtech -> crateGtPlateOsmiridium
  6001. gregtech -> crateGtPlateSunnarium
  6002. gregtech -> crateGtPlateAdamantium
  6003. gregtech -> crateGtPlateElectrumFlux
  6004. gregtech -> crateGtPlateEnderium
  6005. gregtech -> crateGtPlateHSLA
  6006. gregtech -> crateGtPlateInfusedGold
  6007. gregtech -> crateGtPlateNaquadah
  6008. gregtech -> crateGtPlateNaquadahAlloy
  6009. gregtech -> crateGtPlateNaquadahEnriched
  6010. gregtech -> crateGtPlateNaquadria
  6011. gregtech -> crateGtPlateDuranium
  6012. gregtech -> crateGtPlateTritanium
  6013. gregtech -> crateGtPlateThaumium
  6014. gregtech -> crateGtPlateMithril
  6015. gregtech -> crateGtPlateMidasium
  6016. gregtech -> crateGtPlateAstralSilver
  6017. gregtech -> crateGtPlateBlackSteel
  6018. gregtech -> crateGtPlateDamascusSteel
  6019. gregtech -> crateGtPlateShadowIron
  6020. gregtech -> crateGtPlateShadowSteel
  6021. gregtech -> crateGtPlateIronWood
  6022. gregtech -> crateGtPlateSteelLeaf
  6023. gregtech -> crateGtPlateMeteoricIron
  6024. gregtech -> crateGtPlateMeteoricSteel
  6025. gregtech -> crateGtPlateDarkIron
  6026. gregtech -> crateGtPlateCobaltBrass
  6027. gregtech -> crateGtPlateUltimet
  6028. gregtech -> crateGtPlateAnnealedCopper
  6029. gregtech -> crateGtPlateFieryBlood
  6030. gregtech -> crateGtPlateFirestone
  6031. gregtech -> crateGtPlateRedSteel
  6032. gregtech -> crateGtPlateBlueSteel
  6033. gregtech -> crateGtPlateSterlingSilver
  6034. gregtech -> crateGtPlateRoseGold
  6035. gregtech -> crateGtPlateBlackBronze
  6036. gregtech -> crateGtPlateBismuthBronze
  6037. gregtech -> crateGtPlateIronMagnetic
  6038. gregtech -> crateGtPlateSteelMagnetic
  6039. gregtech -> crateGtPlateNeodymiumMagnetic
  6040. gregtech -> crateGtPlateVanadiumGallium
  6041. gregtech -> crateGtPlateYttriumBariumCuprate
  6042. gregtech -> crateGtPlateNiobiumNitride
  6043. gregtech -> crateGtPlateNiobiumTitanium
  6044. gregtech -> crateGtPlateChromiumDioxide
  6045. gregtech -> crateGtPlateDiamond
  6046. gregtech -> crateGtPlateEmerald
  6047. gregtech -> crateGtPlateRuby
  6048. gregtech -> crateGtPlateSapphire
  6049. gregtech -> crateGtPlateGreenSapphire
  6050. gregtech -> crateGtPlateOlivine
  6051. gregtech -> crateGtPlateNetherStar
  6052. gregtech -> crateGtPlateTopaz
  6053. gregtech -> crateGtPlateTanzanite
  6054. gregtech -> crateGtPlateAmethyst
  6055. gregtech -> crateGtPlateOpal
  6056. gregtech -> crateGtPlateJasper
  6057. gregtech -> crateGtPlateFoolsRuby
  6058. gregtech -> crateGtPlateBlueTopaz
  6059. gregtech -> crateGtPlateAmber
  6060. gregtech -> crateGtPlateDilithium
  6061. gregtech -> crateGtPlateCertusQuartz
  6062. gregtech -> crateGtPlateForcicium
  6063. gregtech -> crateGtPlateForcillium
  6064. gregtech -> crateGtPlateMonazite
  6065. gregtech -> crateGtPlateForce
  6066. gregtech -> crateGtPlateNetherQuartz
  6067. gregtech -> crateGtPlateQuartzite
  6068. gregtech -> crateGtPlateLazurite
  6069. gregtech -> crateGtPlateSodalite
  6070. gregtech -> crateGtPlateLapis
  6071. gregtech -> crateGtPlateGarnetRed
  6072. gregtech -> crateGtPlateGarnetYellow
  6073. gregtech -> crateGtPlateVinteum
  6074. gregtech -> crateGtPlateApatite
  6075. gregtech -> crateGtPlateNiter
  6076. gregtech -> crateGtPlateEnderPearl
  6077. gregtech -> crateGtPlateEnderEye
  6078. gregtech -> crateGtPlatePhosphorus
  6079. gregtech -> crateGtPlateCoal
  6080. gregtech -> crateGtPlateCharcoal
  6081. gregtech -> crateGtPlateLignite
  6082. gregtech -> crateGtPlateInfusedAir
  6083. gregtech -> crateGtPlateInfusedFire
  6084. gregtech -> crateGtPlateInfusedEarth
  6085. gregtech -> crateGtPlateInfusedWater
  6086. gregtech -> crateGtPlateInfusedEntropy
  6087. gregtech -> crateGtPlateInfusedOrder
  6088. gregtech -> crateGtPlateObsidian
  6089. gregtech -> crateGtPlateWood
  6090. gregtech -> crateGtPlateRedstone
  6091. gregtech -> crateGtPlateGlowstone
  6092. gregtech -> crateGtPlateNikolite
  6093. gregtech -> crateGtPlateDeepIron
  6094. gregtech -> crateGtPlateGraniteBlack
  6095. gregtech -> crateGtPlateGraniteRed
  6096. gregtech -> crateGtPlatePlastic
  6097. gregtech -> crateGtPlatePaper
  6098. gregtech -> crateGtPlateRubber
  6099. gregtech -> crateGtPlateDesh
  6100. gregtech -> crateGtPlateWoodSealed
  6101. gregtech -> crateGtPlateGlass
  6102. gregtech -> craftingToolSword
  6103. gregtech -> craftingToolBlade
  6104. gregtech -> craftingToolPickaxe
  6105. gregtech -> craftingToolShovel
  6106. gregtech -> craftingToolAxe
  6107. gregtech -> craftingToolHoe
  6108. gregtech -> craftingToolSaw
  6109. gregtech -> craftingToolHardHammer
  6110. gregtech -> craftingToolSoftHammer
  6111. gregtech -> craftingToolWrench
  6112. gregtech -> craftingToolFile
  6113. gregtech -> craftingToolCrowbar
  6114. gregtech -> craftingToolScrewdriver
  6115. gregtech -> craftingToolMortar
  6116. gregtech -> craftingToolWireCutter
  6117. gregtech -> craftingToolScoop
  6118. gregtech -> craftingToolBranchCutter
  6119. gregtech -> craftingToolBlade
  6120. gregtech -> craftingToolShovel
  6121. gregtech -> craftingToolCrowbar
  6122. gregtech -> craftingToolSaw
  6123. gregtech -> craftingToolBlade
  6124. gregtech -> craftingToolKnife
  6125. gregtech -> craftingToolBlade
  6126. gregtech -> craftingToolBlade
  6127. gregtech -> craftingToolPlow
  6128. gregtech -> craftingToolPlunger
  6129. gregtech -> craftingToolMiningDrill
  6130. gregtech -> craftingToolMiningDrill
  6131. gregtech -> craftingToolMiningDrill
  6132. gregtech -> craftingToolSaw
  6133. gregtech -> craftingToolSaw
  6134. gregtech -> craftingToolSaw
  6135. gregtech -> craftingToolWrench
  6136. gregtech -> craftingToolWrench
  6137. gregtech -> craftingToolWrench
  6138. gregtech -> craftingToolJackHammer
  6139. gregtech -> stoneGraniteBlack
  6140. gregtech -> stoneGraniteBlack
  6141. gregtech -> stoneGraniteBlack
  6142. gregtech -> stoneGraniteBlack
  6143. gregtech -> stoneGraniteBlack
  6144. gregtech -> stoneGraniteBlack
  6145. gregtech -> stoneGraniteBlack
  6146. gregtech -> stoneGraniteBlack
  6147. gregtech -> stoneGraniteRed
  6148. gregtech -> stoneGraniteRed
  6149. gregtech -> stoneGraniteRed
  6150. gregtech -> stoneGraniteRed
  6151. gregtech -> stoneGraniteRed
  6152. gregtech -> stoneGraniteRed
  6153. gregtech -> stoneGraniteRed
  6154. gregtech -> stoneGraniteRed
  6155. gregtech -> stoneConcrete
  6156. gregtech -> stoneConcrete
  6157. gregtech -> stoneConcrete
  6158. gregtech -> stoneConcrete
  6159. gregtech -> stoneConcrete
  6160. gregtech -> stoneConcrete
  6161. gregtech -> stoneConcrete
  6162. gregtech -> stoneConcrete
  6163. gregtech -> stoneConcrete
  6164. gregtech -> stoneConcrete
  6165. gregtech -> stoneConcrete
  6166. gregtech -> stoneConcrete
  6167. gregtech -> stoneConcrete
  6168. gregtech -> stoneConcrete
  6169. gregtech -> stoneConcrete
  6170. gregtech -> stoneConcrete
  6171. gregtech -> oreLithium
  6172. gregtech -> oreNetherrackLithium
  6173. gregtech -> oreEndstoneLithium
  6174. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteLithium
  6175. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteLithium
  6176. gregtech -> oreBeryllium
  6177. gregtech -> oreNetherrackBeryllium
  6178. gregtech -> oreEndstoneBeryllium
  6179. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteBeryllium
  6180. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteBeryllium
  6181. gregtech -> oreBoron
  6182. gregtech -> oreNetherrackBoron
  6183. gregtech -> oreEndstoneBoron
  6184. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteBoron
  6185. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteBoron
  6186. gregtech -> oreMagnesium
  6187. gregtech -> oreNetherrackMagnesium
  6188. gregtech -> oreEndstoneMagnesium
  6189. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteMagnesium
  6190. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteMagnesium
  6191. gregtech -> oreAluminium
  6192. gregtech -> oreNetherrackAluminium
  6193. gregtech -> oreEndstoneAluminium
  6194. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteAluminium
  6195. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteAluminium
  6196. gregtech -> oreSilicon
  6197. gregtech -> oreNetherrackSilicon
  6198. gregtech -> oreEndstoneSilicon
  6199. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteSilicon
  6200. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteSilicon
  6201. gregtech -> orePhosphor
  6202. gregtech -> oreNetherrackPhosphor
  6203. gregtech -> oreEndstonePhosphor
  6204. gregtech -> oreBlackgranitePhosphor
  6205. gregtech -> oreRedgranitePhosphor
  6206. gregtech -> oreSulfur
  6207. gregtech -> oreNetherrackSulfur
  6208. gregtech -> oreEndstoneSulfur
  6209. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteSulfur
  6210. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteSulfur
  6211. gregtech -> oreScandium
  6212. gregtech -> oreNetherrackScandium
  6213. gregtech -> oreEndstoneScandium
  6214. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteScandium
  6215. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteScandium
  6216. gregtech -> oreTitanium
  6217. gregtech -> oreNetherrackTitanium
  6218. gregtech -> oreEndstoneTitanium
  6219. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteTitanium
  6220. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteTitanium
  6221. gregtech -> oreVanadium
  6222. gregtech -> oreNetherrackVanadium
  6223. gregtech -> oreEndstoneVanadium
  6224. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteVanadium
  6225. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteVanadium
  6226. gregtech -> oreChrome
  6227. gregtech -> oreNetherrackChrome
  6228. gregtech -> oreEndstoneChrome
  6229. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteChrome
  6230. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteChrome
  6231. gregtech -> oreManganese
  6232. gregtech -> oreNetherrackManganese
  6233. gregtech -> oreEndstoneManganese
  6234. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteManganese
  6235. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteManganese
  6236. gregtech -> oreIron
  6237. gregtech -> oreNetherrackIron
  6238. gregtech -> oreEndstoneIron
  6239. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteIron
  6240. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteIron
  6241. gregtech -> oreCobalt
  6242. gregtech -> oreNetherrackCobalt
  6243. gregtech -> oreEndstoneCobalt
  6244. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteCobalt
  6245. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteCobalt
  6246. gregtech -> oreNickel
  6247. gregtech -> oreNetherrackNickel
  6248. gregtech -> oreEndstoneNickel
  6249. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteNickel
  6250. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteNickel
  6251. gregtech -> oreCopper
  6252. gregtech -> oreNetherrackCopper
  6253. gregtech -> oreEndstoneCopper
  6254. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteCopper
  6255. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteCopper
  6256. gregtech -> oreZinc
  6257. gregtech -> oreNetherrackZinc
  6258. gregtech -> oreEndstoneZinc
  6259. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteZinc
  6260. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteZinc
  6261. gregtech -> oreGallium
  6262. gregtech -> oreNetherrackGallium
  6263. gregtech -> oreEndstoneGallium
  6264. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteGallium
  6265. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteGallium
  6266. gregtech -> oreRubidium
  6267. gregtech -> oreNetherrackRubidium
  6268. gregtech -> oreEndstoneRubidium
  6269. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteRubidium
  6270. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteRubidium
  6271. gregtech -> oreStrontium
  6272. gregtech -> oreNetherrackStrontium
  6273. gregtech -> oreEndstoneStrontium
  6274. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteStrontium
  6275. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteStrontium
  6276. gregtech -> oreYttrium
  6277. gregtech -> oreNetherrackYttrium
  6278. gregtech -> oreEndstoneYttrium
  6279. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteYttrium
  6280. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteYttrium
  6281. gregtech -> oreNiobium
  6282. gregtech -> oreNetherrackNiobium
  6283. gregtech -> oreEndstoneNiobium
  6284. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteNiobium
  6285. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteNiobium
  6286. gregtech -> oreMolybdenum
  6287. gregtech -> oreNetherrackMolybdenum
  6288. gregtech -> oreEndstoneMolybdenum
  6289. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteMolybdenum
  6290. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteMolybdenum
  6291. gregtech -> orePalladium
  6292. gregtech -> oreNetherrackPalladium
  6293. gregtech -> oreEndstonePalladium
  6294. gregtech -> oreBlackgranitePalladium
  6295. gregtech -> oreRedgranitePalladium
  6296. gregtech -> oreSilver
  6297. gregtech -> oreNetherrackSilver
  6298. gregtech -> oreEndstoneSilver
  6299. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteSilver
  6300. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteSilver
  6301. gregtech -> oreCadmium
  6302. gregtech -> oreNetherrackCadmium
  6303. gregtech -> oreEndstoneCadmium
  6304. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteCadmium
  6305. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteCadmium
  6306. gregtech -> oreIndium
  6307. gregtech -> oreNetherrackIndium
  6308. gregtech -> oreEndstoneIndium
  6309. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteIndium
  6310. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteIndium
  6311. gregtech -> oreTin
  6312. gregtech -> oreNetherrackTin
  6313. gregtech -> oreEndstoneTin
  6314. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteTin
  6315. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteTin
  6316. gregtech -> oreAntimony
  6317. gregtech -> oreNetherrackAntimony
  6318. gregtech -> oreEndstoneAntimony
  6319. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteAntimony
  6320. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteAntimony
  6321. gregtech -> oreTellurium
  6322. gregtech -> oreNetherrackTellurium
  6323. gregtech -> oreEndstoneTellurium
  6324. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteTellurium
  6325. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteTellurium
  6326. gregtech -> oreCaesium
  6327. gregtech -> oreNetherrackCaesium
  6328. gregtech -> oreEndstoneCaesium
  6329. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteCaesium
  6330. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteCaesium
  6331. gregtech -> oreBarium
  6332. gregtech -> oreNetherrackBarium
  6333. gregtech -> oreEndstoneBarium
  6334. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteBarium
  6335. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteBarium
  6336. gregtech -> oreLanthanum
  6337. gregtech -> oreNetherrackLanthanum
  6338. gregtech -> oreEndstoneLanthanum
  6339. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteLanthanum
  6340. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteLanthanum
  6341. gregtech -> oreCerium
  6342. gregtech -> oreNetherrackCerium
  6343. gregtech -> oreEndstoneCerium
  6344. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteCerium
  6345. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteCerium
  6346. gregtech -> orePraseodymium
  6347. gregtech -> oreNetherrackPraseodymium
  6348. gregtech -> oreEndstonePraseodymium
  6349. gregtech -> oreBlackgranitePraseodymium
  6350. gregtech -> oreRedgranitePraseodymium
  6351. gregtech -> oreNeodymium
  6352. gregtech -> oreNetherrackNeodymium
  6353. gregtech -> oreEndstoneNeodymium
  6354. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteNeodymium
  6355. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteNeodymium
  6356. gregtech -> orePromethium
  6357. gregtech -> oreNetherrackPromethium
  6358. gregtech -> oreEndstonePromethium
  6359. gregtech -> oreBlackgranitePromethium
  6360. gregtech -> oreRedgranitePromethium
  6361. gregtech -> oreSamarium
  6362. gregtech -> oreNetherrackSamarium
  6363. gregtech -> oreEndstoneSamarium
  6364. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteSamarium
  6365. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteSamarium
  6366. gregtech -> oreEuropium
  6367. gregtech -> oreNetherrackEuropium
  6368. gregtech -> oreEndstoneEuropium
  6369. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteEuropium
  6370. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteEuropium
  6371. gregtech -> oreGadolinium
  6372. gregtech -> oreNetherrackGadolinium
  6373. gregtech -> oreEndstoneGadolinium
  6374. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteGadolinium
  6375. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteGadolinium
  6376. gregtech -> oreTerbium
  6377. gregtech -> oreNetherrackTerbium
  6378. gregtech -> oreEndstoneTerbium
  6379. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteTerbium
  6380. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteTerbium
  6381. gregtech -> oreDysprosium
  6382. gregtech -> oreNetherrackDysprosium
  6383. gregtech -> oreEndstoneDysprosium
  6384. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteDysprosium
  6385. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteDysprosium
  6386. gregtech -> oreHolmium
  6387. gregtech -> oreNetherrackHolmium
  6388. gregtech -> oreEndstoneHolmium
  6389. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteHolmium
  6390. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteHolmium
  6391. gregtech -> oreErbium
  6392. gregtech -> oreNetherrackErbium
  6393. gregtech -> oreEndstoneErbium
  6394. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteErbium
  6395. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteErbium
  6396. gregtech -> oreThulium
  6397. gregtech -> oreNetherrackThulium
  6398. gregtech -> oreEndstoneThulium
  6399. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteThulium
  6400. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteThulium
  6401. gregtech -> oreYtterbium
  6402. gregtech -> oreNetherrackYtterbium
  6403. gregtech -> oreEndstoneYtterbium
  6404. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteYtterbium
  6405. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteYtterbium
  6406. gregtech -> oreLutetium
  6407. gregtech -> oreNetherrackLutetium
  6408. gregtech -> oreEndstoneLutetium
  6409. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteLutetium
  6410. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteLutetium
  6411. gregtech -> oreTantalum
  6412. gregtech -> oreNetherrackTantalum
  6413. gregtech -> oreEndstoneTantalum
  6414. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteTantalum
  6415. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteTantalum
  6416. gregtech -> oreTungsten
  6417. gregtech -> oreNetherrackTungsten
  6418. gregtech -> oreEndstoneTungsten
  6419. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteTungsten
  6420. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteTungsten
  6421. gregtech -> oreOsmium
  6422. gregtech -> oreNetherrackOsmium
  6423. gregtech -> oreEndstoneOsmium
  6424. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteOsmium
  6425. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteOsmium
  6426. gregtech -> oreIridium
  6427. gregtech -> oreNetherrackIridium
  6428. gregtech -> oreEndstoneIridium
  6429. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteIridium
  6430. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteIridium
  6431. gregtech -> orePlatinum
  6432. gregtech -> oreNetherrackPlatinum
  6433. gregtech -> oreEndstonePlatinum
  6434. gregtech -> oreBlackgranitePlatinum
  6435. gregtech -> oreRedgranitePlatinum
  6436. gregtech -> oreGold
  6437. gregtech -> oreNetherrackGold
  6438. gregtech -> oreEndstoneGold
  6439. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteGold
  6440. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteGold
  6441. gregtech -> oreLead
  6442. gregtech -> oreNetherrackLead
  6443. gregtech -> oreEndstoneLead
  6444. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteLead
  6445. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteLead
  6446. gregtech -> oreBismuth
  6447. gregtech -> oreNetherrackBismuth
  6448. gregtech -> oreEndstoneBismuth
  6449. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteBismuth
  6450. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteBismuth
  6451. gregtech -> oreThorium
  6452. gregtech -> oreNetherrackThorium
  6453. gregtech -> oreEndstoneThorium
  6454. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteThorium
  6455. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteThorium
  6456. gregtech -> oreUranium235
  6457. gregtech -> oreNetherrackUranium235
  6458. gregtech -> oreEndstoneUranium235
  6459. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteUranium235
  6460. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteUranium235
  6461. gregtech -> oreUranium
  6462. gregtech -> oreNetherrackUranium
  6463. gregtech -> oreEndstoneUranium
  6464. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteUranium
  6465. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteUranium
  6466. gregtech -> orePlutonium
  6467. gregtech -> oreNetherrackPlutonium
  6468. gregtech -> oreEndstonePlutonium
  6469. gregtech -> oreBlackgranitePlutonium
  6470. gregtech -> oreRedgranitePlutonium
  6471. gregtech -> orePlutonium241
  6472. gregtech -> oreNetherrackPlutonium241
  6473. gregtech -> oreEndstonePlutonium241
  6474. gregtech -> oreBlackgranitePlutonium241
  6475. gregtech -> oreRedgranitePlutonium241
  6476. gregtech -> oreAmericium
  6477. gregtech -> oreNetherrackAmericium
  6478. gregtech -> oreEndstoneAmericium
  6479. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteAmericium
  6480. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteAmericium
  6481. gregtech -> oreNeutronium
  6482. gregtech -> oreNetherrackNeutronium
  6483. gregtech -> oreEndstoneNeutronium
  6484. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteNeutronium
  6485. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteNeutronium
  6486. gregtech -> orePigIron
  6487. gregtech -> oreNetherrackPigIron
  6488. gregtech -> oreEndstonePigIron
  6489. gregtech -> oreBlackgranitePigIron
  6490. gregtech -> oreRedgranitePigIron
  6491. gregtech -> oreAdamantium
  6492. gregtech -> oreNetherrackAdamantium
  6493. gregtech -> oreEndstoneAdamantium
  6494. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteAdamantium
  6495. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteAdamantium
  6496. gregtech -> oreInfusedGold
  6497. gregtech -> oreNetherrackInfusedGold
  6498. gregtech -> oreEndstoneInfusedGold
  6499. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteInfusedGold
  6500. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteInfusedGold
  6501. gregtech -> oreNaquadah
  6502. gregtech -> oreNetherrackNaquadah
  6503. gregtech -> oreEndstoneNaquadah
  6504. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteNaquadah
  6505. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteNaquadah
  6506. gregtech -> oreNaquadahEnriched
  6507. gregtech -> oreNetherrackNaquadahEnriched
  6508. gregtech -> oreEndstoneNaquadahEnriched
  6509. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteNaquadahEnriched
  6510. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteNaquadahEnriched
  6511. gregtech -> oreNaquadria
  6512. gregtech -> oreNetherrackNaquadria
  6513. gregtech -> oreEndstoneNaquadria
  6514. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteNaquadria
  6515. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteNaquadria
  6516. gregtech -> oreMithril
  6517. gregtech -> oreNetherrackMithril
  6518. gregtech -> oreEndstoneMithril
  6519. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteMithril
  6520. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteMithril
  6521. gregtech -> oreMidasium
  6522. gregtech -> oreNetherrackMidasium
  6523. gregtech -> oreEndstoneMidasium
  6524. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteMidasium
  6525. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteMidasium
  6526. gregtech -> oreAstralSilver
  6527. gregtech -> oreNetherrackAstralSilver
  6528. gregtech -> oreEndstoneAstralSilver
  6529. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteAstralSilver
  6530. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteAstralSilver
  6531. gregtech -> oreShadowIron
  6532. gregtech -> oreNetherrackShadowIron
  6533. gregtech -> oreEndstoneShadowIron
  6534. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteShadowIron
  6535. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteShadowIron
  6536. gregtech -> oreMeteoricIron
  6537. gregtech -> oreNetherrackMeteoricIron
  6538. gregtech -> oreEndstoneMeteoricIron
  6539. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteMeteoricIron
  6540. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteMeteoricIron
  6541. gregtech -> oreDarkIron
  6542. gregtech -> oreNetherrackDarkIron
  6543. gregtech -> oreEndstoneDarkIron
  6544. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteDarkIron
  6545. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteDarkIron
  6546. gregtech -> oreFirestone
  6547. gregtech -> oreNetherrackFirestone
  6548. gregtech -> oreEndstoneFirestone
  6549. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteFirestone
  6550. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteFirestone
  6551. gregtech -> oreDiamond
  6552. gregtech -> oreNetherrackDiamond
  6553. gregtech -> oreEndstoneDiamond
  6554. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteDiamond
  6555. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteDiamond
  6556. gregtech -> oreEmerald
  6557. gregtech -> oreNetherrackEmerald
  6558. gregtech -> oreEndstoneEmerald
  6559. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteEmerald
  6560. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteEmerald
  6561. gregtech -> oreRuby
  6562. gregtech -> oreNetherrackRuby
  6563. gregtech -> oreEndstoneRuby
  6564. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteRuby
  6565. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteRuby
  6566. gregtech -> oreSapphire
  6567. gregtech -> oreNetherrackSapphire
  6568. gregtech -> oreEndstoneSapphire
  6569. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteSapphire
  6570. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteSapphire
  6571. gregtech -> oreGreenSapphire
  6572. gregtech -> oreNetherrackGreenSapphire
  6573. gregtech -> oreEndstoneGreenSapphire
  6574. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteGreenSapphire
  6575. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteGreenSapphire
  6576. gregtech -> oreOlivine
  6577. gregtech -> oreNetherrackOlivine
  6578. gregtech -> oreEndstoneOlivine
  6579. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteOlivine
  6580. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteOlivine
  6581. gregtech -> oreTopaz
  6582. gregtech -> oreNetherrackTopaz
  6583. gregtech -> oreEndstoneTopaz
  6584. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteTopaz
  6585. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteTopaz
  6586. gregtech -> oreTanzanite
  6587. gregtech -> oreNetherrackTanzanite
  6588. gregtech -> oreEndstoneTanzanite
  6589. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteTanzanite
  6590. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteTanzanite
  6591. gregtech -> oreAmethyst
  6592. gregtech -> oreNetherrackAmethyst
  6593. gregtech -> oreEndstoneAmethyst
  6594. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteAmethyst
  6595. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteAmethyst
  6596. gregtech -> oreOpal
  6597. gregtech -> oreNetherrackOpal
  6598. gregtech -> oreEndstoneOpal
  6599. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteOpal
  6600. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteOpal
  6601. gregtech -> oreJasper
  6602. gregtech -> oreNetherrackJasper
  6603. gregtech -> oreEndstoneJasper
  6604. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteJasper
  6605. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteJasper
  6606. gregtech -> oreFoolsRuby
  6607. gregtech -> oreNetherrackFoolsRuby
  6608. gregtech -> oreEndstoneFoolsRuby
  6609. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteFoolsRuby
  6610. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteFoolsRuby
  6611. gregtech -> oreBlueTopaz
  6612. gregtech -> oreNetherrackBlueTopaz
  6613. gregtech -> oreEndstoneBlueTopaz
  6614. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteBlueTopaz
  6615. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteBlueTopaz
  6616. gregtech -> oreAmber
  6617. gregtech -> oreNetherrackAmber
  6618. gregtech -> oreEndstoneAmber
  6619. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteAmber
  6620. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteAmber
  6621. gregtech -> oreDilithium
  6622. gregtech -> oreNetherrackDilithium
  6623. gregtech -> oreEndstoneDilithium
  6624. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteDilithium
  6625. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteDilithium
  6626. gregtech -> oreCertusQuartz
  6627. gregtech -> oreNetherrackCertusQuartz
  6628. gregtech -> oreEndstoneCertusQuartz
  6629. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteCertusQuartz
  6630. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteCertusQuartz
  6631. gregtech -> oreForcicium
  6632. gregtech -> oreNetherrackForcicium
  6633. gregtech -> oreEndstoneForcicium
  6634. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteForcicium
  6635. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteForcicium
  6636. gregtech -> oreForcillium
  6637. gregtech -> oreNetherrackForcillium
  6638. gregtech -> oreEndstoneForcillium
  6639. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteForcillium
  6640. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteForcillium
  6641. gregtech -> oreMonazite
  6642. gregtech -> oreNetherrackMonazite
  6643. gregtech -> oreEndstoneMonazite
  6644. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteMonazite
  6645. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteMonazite
  6646. gregtech -> oreForce
  6647. gregtech -> oreNetherrackForce
  6648. gregtech -> oreEndstoneForce
  6649. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteForce
  6650. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteForce
  6651. gregtech -> oreNetherQuartz
  6652. gregtech -> oreNetherrackNetherQuartz
  6653. gregtech -> oreEndstoneNetherQuartz
  6654. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteNetherQuartz
  6655. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteNetherQuartz
  6656. gregtech -> oreQuartzite
  6657. gregtech -> oreNetherrackQuartzite
  6658. gregtech -> oreEndstoneQuartzite
  6659. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteQuartzite
  6660. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteQuartzite
  6661. gregtech -> oreLazurite
  6662. gregtech -> oreNetherrackLazurite
  6663. gregtech -> oreEndstoneLazurite
  6664. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteLazurite
  6665. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteLazurite
  6666. gregtech -> oreSodalite
  6667. gregtech -> oreNetherrackSodalite
  6668. gregtech -> oreEndstoneSodalite
  6669. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteSodalite
  6670. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteSodalite
  6671. gregtech -> oreLapis
  6672. gregtech -> oreNetherrackLapis
  6673. gregtech -> oreEndstoneLapis
  6674. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteLapis
  6675. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteLapis
  6676. gregtech -> oreGarnetRed
  6677. gregtech -> oreNetherrackGarnetRed
  6678. gregtech -> oreEndstoneGarnetRed
  6679. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteGarnetRed
  6680. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteGarnetRed
  6681. gregtech -> oreGarnetYellow
  6682. gregtech -> oreNetherrackGarnetYellow
  6683. gregtech -> oreEndstoneGarnetYellow
  6684. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteGarnetYellow
  6685. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteGarnetYellow
  6686. gregtech -> oreVinteum
  6687. gregtech -> oreNetherrackVinteum
  6688. gregtech -> oreEndstoneVinteum
  6689. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteVinteum
  6690. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteVinteum
  6691. gregtech -> oreApatite
  6692. gregtech -> oreNetherrackApatite
  6693. gregtech -> oreEndstoneApatite
  6694. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteApatite
  6695. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteApatite
  6696. gregtech -> oreNiter
  6697. gregtech -> oreNetherrackNiter
  6698. gregtech -> oreEndstoneNiter
  6699. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteNiter
  6700. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteNiter
  6701. gregtech -> orePhosphorus
  6702. gregtech -> oreNetherrackPhosphorus
  6703. gregtech -> oreEndstonePhosphorus
  6704. gregtech -> oreBlackgranitePhosphorus
  6705. gregtech -> oreRedgranitePhosphorus
  6706. gregtech -> oreCoal
  6707. gregtech -> oreNetherrackCoal
  6708. gregtech -> oreEndstoneCoal
  6709. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteCoal
  6710. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteCoal
  6711. gregtech -> oreJade
  6712. gregtech -> oreNetherrackJade
  6713. gregtech -> oreEndstoneJade
  6714. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteJade
  6715. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteJade
  6716. gregtech -> oreLignite
  6717. gregtech -> oreNetherrackLignite
  6718. gregtech -> oreEndstoneLignite
  6719. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteLignite
  6720. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteLignite
  6721. gregtech -> oreInfusedAir
  6722. gregtech -> oreNetherrackInfusedAir
  6723. gregtech -> oreEndstoneInfusedAir
  6724. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteInfusedAir
  6725. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteInfusedAir
  6726. gregtech -> oreInfusedFire
  6727. gregtech -> oreNetherrackInfusedFire
  6728. gregtech -> oreEndstoneInfusedFire
  6729. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteInfusedFire
  6730. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteInfusedFire
  6731. gregtech -> oreInfusedEarth
  6732. gregtech -> oreNetherrackInfusedEarth
  6733. gregtech -> oreEndstoneInfusedEarth
  6734. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteInfusedEarth
  6735. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteInfusedEarth
  6736. gregtech -> oreInfusedWater
  6737. gregtech -> oreNetherrackInfusedWater
  6738. gregtech -> oreEndstoneInfusedWater
  6739. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteInfusedWater
  6740. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteInfusedWater
  6741. gregtech -> oreInfusedEntropy
  6742. gregtech -> oreNetherrackInfusedEntropy
  6743. gregtech -> oreEndstoneInfusedEntropy
  6744. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteInfusedEntropy
  6745. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteInfusedEntropy
  6746. gregtech -> oreInfusedOrder
  6747. gregtech -> oreNetherrackInfusedOrder
  6748. gregtech -> oreEndstoneInfusedOrder
  6749. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteInfusedOrder
  6750. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteInfusedOrder
  6751. gregtech -> oreRedstone
  6752. gregtech -> oreNetherrackRedstone
  6753. gregtech -> oreEndstoneRedstone
  6754. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteRedstone
  6755. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteRedstone
  6756. gregtech -> oreNikolite
  6757. gregtech -> oreNetherrackNikolite
  6758. gregtech -> oreEndstoneNikolite
  6759. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteNikolite
  6760. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteNikolite
  6761. gregtech -> oreSalt
  6762. gregtech -> oreNetherrackSalt
  6763. gregtech -> oreEndstoneSalt
  6764. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteSalt
  6765. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteSalt
  6766. gregtech -> oreAlmandine
  6767. gregtech -> oreNetherrackAlmandine
  6768. gregtech -> oreEndstoneAlmandine
  6769. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteAlmandine
  6770. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteAlmandine
  6771. gregtech -> oreAndradite
  6772. gregtech -> oreNetherrackAndradite
  6773. gregtech -> oreEndstoneAndradite
  6774. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteAndradite
  6775. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteAndradite
  6776. gregtech -> oreBauxite
  6777. gregtech -> oreNetherrackBauxite
  6778. gregtech -> oreEndstoneBauxite
  6779. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteBauxite
  6780. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteBauxite
  6781. gregtech -> oreCalcite
  6782. gregtech -> oreNetherrackCalcite
  6783. gregtech -> oreEndstoneCalcite
  6784. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteCalcite
  6785. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteCalcite
  6786. gregtech -> oreCassiterite
  6787. gregtech -> oreNetherrackCassiterite
  6788. gregtech -> oreEndstoneCassiterite
  6789. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteCassiterite
  6790. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteCassiterite
  6791. gregtech -> oreChromite
  6792. gregtech -> oreNetherrackChromite
  6793. gregtech -> oreEndstoneChromite
  6794. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteChromite
  6795. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteChromite
  6796. gregtech -> oreCinnabar
  6797. gregtech -> oreNetherrackCinnabar
  6798. gregtech -> oreEndstoneCinnabar
  6799. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteCinnabar
  6800. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteCinnabar
  6801. gregtech -> oreCobaltite
  6802. gregtech -> oreNetherrackCobaltite
  6803. gregtech -> oreEndstoneCobaltite
  6804. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteCobaltite
  6805. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteCobaltite
  6806. gregtech -> oreCooperite
  6807. gregtech -> oreNetherrackCooperite
  6808. gregtech -> oreEndstoneCooperite
  6809. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteCooperite
  6810. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteCooperite
  6811. gregtech -> oreDeepIron
  6812. gregtech -> oreNetherrackDeepIron
  6813. gregtech -> oreEndstoneDeepIron
  6814. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteDeepIron
  6815. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteDeepIron
  6816. gregtech -> oreGalena
  6817. gregtech -> oreNetherrackGalena
  6818. gregtech -> oreEndstoneGalena
  6819. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteGalena
  6820. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteGalena
  6821. gregtech -> oreGrossular
  6822. gregtech -> oreNetherrackGrossular
  6823. gregtech -> oreEndstoneGrossular
  6824. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteGrossular
  6825. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteGrossular
  6826. gregtech -> orePhosphate
  6827. gregtech -> oreNetherrackPhosphate
  6828. gregtech -> oreEndstonePhosphate
  6829. gregtech -> oreBlackgranitePhosphate
  6830. gregtech -> oreRedgranitePhosphate
  6831. gregtech -> orePyrite
  6832. gregtech -> oreNetherrackPyrite
  6833. gregtech -> oreEndstonePyrite
  6834. gregtech -> oreBlackgranitePyrite
  6835. gregtech -> oreRedgranitePyrite
  6836. gregtech -> orePyrope
  6837. gregtech -> oreNetherrackPyrope
  6838. gregtech -> oreEndstonePyrope
  6839. gregtech -> oreBlackgranitePyrope
  6840. gregtech -> oreRedgranitePyrope
  6841. gregtech -> oreSaltpeter
  6842. gregtech -> oreNetherrackSaltpeter
  6843. gregtech -> oreEndstoneSaltpeter
  6844. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteSaltpeter
  6845. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteSaltpeter
  6846. gregtech -> oreSpessartine
  6847. gregtech -> oreNetherrackSpessartine
  6848. gregtech -> oreEndstoneSpessartine
  6849. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteSpessartine
  6850. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteSpessartine
  6851. gregtech -> oreSphalerite
  6852. gregtech -> oreNetherrackSphalerite
  6853. gregtech -> oreEndstoneSphalerite
  6854. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteSphalerite
  6855. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteSphalerite
  6856. gregtech -> oreTetrahedrite
  6857. gregtech -> oreNetherrackTetrahedrite
  6858. gregtech -> oreEndstoneTetrahedrite
  6859. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteTetrahedrite
  6860. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteTetrahedrite
  6861. gregtech -> oreTungstate
  6862. gregtech -> oreNetherrackTungstate
  6863. gregtech -> oreEndstoneTungstate
  6864. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteTungstate
  6865. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteTungstate
  6866. gregtech -> oreUvarovite
  6867. gregtech -> oreNetherrackUvarovite
  6868. gregtech -> oreEndstoneUvarovite
  6869. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteUvarovite
  6870. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteUvarovite
  6871. gregtech -> oreChalcopyrite
  6872. gregtech -> oreNetherrackChalcopyrite
  6873. gregtech -> oreEndstoneChalcopyrite
  6874. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteChalcopyrite
  6875. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteChalcopyrite
  6876. gregtech -> oreEmery
  6877. gregtech -> oreNetherrackEmery
  6878. gregtech -> oreEndstoneEmery
  6879. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteEmery
  6880. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteEmery
  6881. gregtech -> oreGraphite
  6882. gregtech -> oreNetherrackGraphite
  6883. gregtech -> oreEndstoneGraphite
  6884. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteGraphite
  6885. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteGraphite
  6886. gregtech -> oreMagnetite
  6887. gregtech -> oreNetherrackMagnetite
  6888. gregtech -> oreEndstoneMagnetite
  6889. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteMagnetite
  6890. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteMagnetite
  6891. gregtech -> oreMalachite
  6892. gregtech -> oreNetherrackMalachite
  6893. gregtech -> oreEndstoneMalachite
  6894. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteMalachite
  6895. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteMalachite
  6896. gregtech -> orePitchblende
  6897. gregtech -> oreNetherrackPitchblende
  6898. gregtech -> oreEndstonePitchblende
  6899. gregtech -> oreBlackgranitePitchblende
  6900. gregtech -> oreRedgranitePitchblende
  6901. gregtech -> oreSoapstone
  6902. gregtech -> oreNetherrackSoapstone
  6903. gregtech -> oreEndstoneSoapstone
  6904. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteSoapstone
  6905. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteSoapstone
  6906. gregtech -> oreOilsands
  6907. gregtech -> oreNetherrackOilsands
  6908. gregtech -> oreEndstoneOilsands
  6909. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteOilsands
  6910. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteOilsands
  6911. gregtech -> oreWulfenite
  6912. gregtech -> oreNetherrackWulfenite
  6913. gregtech -> oreEndstoneWulfenite
  6914. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteWulfenite
  6915. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteWulfenite
  6916. gregtech -> orePowellite
  6917. gregtech -> oreNetherrackPowellite
  6918. gregtech -> oreEndstonePowellite
  6919. gregtech -> oreBlackgranitePowellite
  6920. gregtech -> oreRedgranitePowellite
  6921. gregtech -> oreDesh
  6922. gregtech -> oreNetherrackDesh
  6923. gregtech -> oreEndstoneDesh
  6924. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteDesh
  6925. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteDesh
  6926. gregtech -> oreMirabilite
  6927. gregtech -> oreNetherrackMirabilite
  6928. gregtech -> oreEndstoneMirabilite
  6929. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteMirabilite
  6930. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteMirabilite
  6931. gregtech -> oreMica
  6932. gregtech -> oreNetherrackMica
  6933. gregtech -> oreEndstoneMica
  6934. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteMica
  6935. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteMica
  6936. gregtech -> oreTalc
  6937. gregtech -> oreNetherrackTalc
  6938. gregtech -> oreEndstoneTalc
  6939. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteTalc
  6940. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteTalc
  6941. gregtech -> oreTrona
  6942. gregtech -> oreNetherrackTrona
  6943. gregtech -> oreEndstoneTrona
  6944. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteTrona
  6945. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteTrona
  6946. gregtech -> oreBarite
  6947. gregtech -> oreNetherrackBarite
  6948. gregtech -> oreEndstoneBarite
  6949. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteBarite
  6950. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteBarite
  6951. gregtech -> oreBastnasite
  6952. gregtech -> oreNetherrackBastnasite
  6953. gregtech -> oreEndstoneBastnasite
  6954. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteBastnasite
  6955. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteBastnasite
  6956. gregtech -> oreGarnierite
  6957. gregtech -> oreNetherrackGarnierite
  6958. gregtech -> oreEndstoneGarnierite
  6959. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteGarnierite
  6960. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteGarnierite
  6961. gregtech -> oreLepidolite
  6962. gregtech -> oreNetherrackLepidolite
  6963. gregtech -> oreEndstoneLepidolite
  6964. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteLepidolite
  6965. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteLepidolite
  6966. gregtech -> oreMagnesite
  6967. gregtech -> oreNetherrackMagnesite
  6968. gregtech -> oreEndstoneMagnesite
  6969. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteMagnesite
  6970. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteMagnesite
  6971. gregtech -> orePentlandite
  6972. gregtech -> oreNetherrackPentlandite
  6973. gregtech -> oreEndstonePentlandite
  6974. gregtech -> oreBlackgranitePentlandite
  6975. gregtech -> oreRedgranitePentlandite
  6976. gregtech -> oreScheelite
  6977. gregtech -> oreNetherrackScheelite
  6978. gregtech -> oreEndstoneScheelite
  6979. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteScheelite
  6980. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteScheelite
  6981. gregtech -> oreAlunite
  6982. gregtech -> oreNetherrackAlunite
  6983. gregtech -> oreEndstoneAlunite
  6984. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteAlunite
  6985. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteAlunite
  6986. gregtech -> oreChrysotile
  6987. gregtech -> oreNetherrackChrysotile
  6988. gregtech -> oreEndstoneChrysotile
  6989. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteChrysotile
  6990. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteChrysotile
  6991. gregtech -> oreCelestine
  6992. gregtech -> oreNetherrackCelestine
  6993. gregtech -> oreEndstoneCelestine
  6994. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteCelestine
  6995. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteCelestine
  6996. gregtech -> oreDolomite
  6997. gregtech -> oreNetherrackDolomite
  6998. gregtech -> oreEndstoneDolomite
  6999. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteDolomite
  7000. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteDolomite
  7001. gregtech -> oreWollastonite
  7002. gregtech -> oreNetherrackWollastonite
  7003. gregtech -> oreEndstoneWollastonite
  7004. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteWollastonite
  7005. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteWollastonite
  7006. gregtech -> oreZeolite
  7007. gregtech -> oreNetherrackZeolite
  7008. gregtech -> oreEndstoneZeolite
  7009. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteZeolite
  7010. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteZeolite
  7011. gregtech -> oreBandedIron
  7012. gregtech -> oreNetherrackBandedIron
  7013. gregtech -> oreEndstoneBandedIron
  7014. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteBandedIron
  7015. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteBandedIron
  7016. gregtech -> oreIlmenite
  7017. gregtech -> oreNetherrackIlmenite
  7018. gregtech -> oreEndstoneIlmenite
  7019. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteIlmenite
  7020. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteIlmenite
  7021. gregtech -> orePollucite
  7022. gregtech -> oreNetherrackPollucite
  7023. gregtech -> oreEndstonePollucite
  7024. gregtech -> oreBlackgranitePollucite
  7025. gregtech -> oreRedgranitePollucite
  7026. gregtech -> oreSpodumene
  7027. gregtech -> oreNetherrackSpodumene
  7028. gregtech -> oreEndstoneSpodumene
  7029. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteSpodumene
  7030. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteSpodumene
  7031. gregtech -> oreTantalite
  7032. gregtech -> oreNetherrackTantalite
  7033. gregtech -> oreEndstoneTantalite
  7034. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteTantalite
  7035. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteTantalite
  7036. gregtech -> oreUraninite
  7037. gregtech -> oreNetherrackUraninite
  7038. gregtech -> oreEndstoneUraninite
  7039. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteUraninite
  7040. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteUraninite
  7041. gregtech -> oreVanadiumMagnetite
  7042. gregtech -> oreNetherrackVanadiumMagnetite
  7043. gregtech -> oreEndstoneVanadiumMagnetite
  7044. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteVanadiumMagnetite
  7045. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteVanadiumMagnetite
  7046. gregtech -> oreKyanite
  7047. gregtech -> oreNetherrackKyanite
  7048. gregtech -> oreEndstoneKyanite
  7049. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteKyanite
  7050. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteKyanite
  7051. gregtech -> orePerlite
  7052. gregtech -> oreNetherrackPerlite
  7053. gregtech -> oreEndstonePerlite
  7054. gregtech -> oreBlackgranitePerlite
  7055. gregtech -> oreRedgranitePerlite
  7056. gregtech -> orePumice
  7057. gregtech -> oreNetherrackPumice
  7058. gregtech -> oreEndstonePumice
  7059. gregtech -> oreBlackgranitePumice
  7060. gregtech -> oreRedgranitePumice
  7061. gregtech -> oreBentonite
  7062. gregtech -> oreNetherrackBentonite
  7063. gregtech -> oreEndstoneBentonite
  7064. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteBentonite
  7065. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteBentonite
  7066. gregtech -> oreFullersEarth
  7067. gregtech -> oreNetherrackFullersEarth
  7068. gregtech -> oreEndstoneFullersEarth
  7069. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteFullersEarth
  7070. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteFullersEarth
  7071. gregtech -> oreKaolinite
  7072. gregtech -> oreNetherrackKaolinite
  7073. gregtech -> oreEndstoneKaolinite
  7074. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteKaolinite
  7075. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteKaolinite
  7076. gregtech -> oreBrownLimonite
  7077. gregtech -> oreNetherrackBrownLimonite
  7078. gregtech -> oreEndstoneBrownLimonite
  7079. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteBrownLimonite
  7080. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteBrownLimonite
  7081. gregtech -> oreYellowLimonite
  7082. gregtech -> oreNetherrackYellowLimonite
  7083. gregtech -> oreEndstoneYellowLimonite
  7084. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteYellowLimonite
  7085. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteYellowLimonite
  7086. gregtech -> oreVermiculite
  7087. gregtech -> oreNetherrackVermiculite
  7088. gregtech -> oreEndstoneVermiculite
  7089. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteVermiculite
  7090. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteVermiculite
  7091. gregtech -> oreGlauconite
  7092. gregtech -> oreNetherrackGlauconite
  7093. gregtech -> oreEndstoneGlauconite
  7094. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteGlauconite
  7095. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteGlauconite
  7096. gregtech -> oreGypsum
  7097. gregtech -> oreNetherrackGypsum
  7098. gregtech -> oreEndstoneGypsum
  7099. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteGypsum
  7100. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteGypsum
  7101. gregtech -> oreBasalticMineralSand
  7102. gregtech -> oreNetherrackBasalticMineralSand
  7103. gregtech -> oreEndstoneBasalticMineralSand
  7104. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteBasalticMineralSand
  7105. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteBasalticMineralSand
  7106. gregtech -> oreGraniticMineralSand
  7107. gregtech -> oreNetherrackGraniticMineralSand
  7108. gregtech -> oreEndstoneGraniticMineralSand
  7109. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteGraniticMineralSand
  7110. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteGraniticMineralSand
  7111. gregtech -> oreCassiteriteSand
  7112. gregtech -> oreNetherrackCassiteriteSand
  7113. gregtech -> oreEndstoneCassiteriteSand
  7114. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteCassiteriteSand
  7115. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteCassiteriteSand
  7116. gregtech -> oreGarnetSand
  7117. gregtech -> oreNetherrackGarnetSand
  7118. gregtech -> oreEndstoneGarnetSand
  7119. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteGarnetSand
  7120. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteGarnetSand
  7121. gregtech -> oreQuartzSand
  7122. gregtech -> oreNetherrackQuartzSand
  7123. gregtech -> oreEndstoneQuartzSand
  7124. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteQuartzSand
  7125. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteQuartzSand
  7126. gregtech -> oreBorax
  7127. gregtech -> oreNetherrackBorax
  7128. gregtech -> oreEndstoneBorax
  7129. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteBorax
  7130. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteBorax
  7131. gregtech -> oreMolybdenite
  7132. gregtech -> oreNetherrackMolybdenite
  7133. gregtech -> oreEndstoneMolybdenite
  7134. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteMolybdenite
  7135. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteMolybdenite
  7136. gregtech -> orePyrolusite
  7137. gregtech -> oreNetherrackPyrolusite
  7138. gregtech -> oreEndstonePyrolusite
  7139. gregtech -> oreBlackgranitePyrolusite
  7140. gregtech -> oreRedgranitePyrolusite
  7141. gregtech -> oreRockSalt
  7142. gregtech -> oreNetherrackRockSalt
  7143. gregtech -> oreEndstoneRockSalt
  7144. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteRockSalt
  7145. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteRockSalt
  7146. gregtech -> oreStibnite
  7147. gregtech -> oreNetherrackStibnite
  7148. gregtech -> oreEndstoneStibnite
  7149. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteStibnite
  7150. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteStibnite
  7151. gregtech -> oreAsbestos
  7152. gregtech -> oreNetherrackAsbestos
  7153. gregtech -> oreEndstoneAsbestos
  7154. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteAsbestos
  7155. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteAsbestos
  7156. gregtech -> oreDiatomite
  7157. gregtech -> oreNetherrackDiatomite
  7158. gregtech -> oreEndstoneDiatomite
  7159. gregtech -> oreBlackgraniteDiatomite
  7160. gregtech -> oreRedgraniteDiatomite
  7161. gregtech -> frameGtBeryllium
  7162. gregtech -> frameGtMagnesium
  7163. gregtech -> frameGtAluminium
  7164. gregtech -> frameGtSilicon
  7165. gregtech -> frameGtScandium
  7166. gregtech -> frameGtTitanium
  7167. gregtech -> frameGtVanadium
  7168. gregtech -> frameGtChrome
  7169. gregtech -> frameGtManganese
  7170. gregtech -> frameGtIron
  7171. gregtech -> frameGtCobalt
  7172. gregtech -> frameGtNickel
  7173. gregtech -> frameGtCopper
  7174. gregtech -> frameGtZinc
  7175. gregtech -> frameGtGallium
  7176. gregtech -> frameGtRubidium
  7177. gregtech -> frameGtYttrium
  7178. gregtech -> frameGtNiobium
  7179. gregtech -> frameGtMolybdenum
  7180. gregtech -> frameGtPalladium
  7181. gregtech -> frameGtSilver
  7182. gregtech -> frameGtIndium
  7183. gregtech -> frameGtTin
  7184. gregtech -> frameGtAntimony
  7185. gregtech -> frameGtTellurium
  7186. gregtech -> frameGtCaesium
  7187. gregtech -> frameGtLanthanum
  7188. gregtech -> frameGtCerium
  7189. gregtech -> frameGtPraseodymium
  7190. gregtech -> frameGtNeodymium
  7191. gregtech -> frameGtPromethium
  7192. gregtech -> frameGtSamarium
  7193. gregtech -> frameGtEuropium
  7194. gregtech -> frameGtGadolinium
  7195. gregtech -> frameGtTerbium
  7196. gregtech -> frameGtDysprosium
  7197. gregtech -> frameGtHolmium
  7198. gregtech -> frameGtErbium
  7199. gregtech -> frameGtThulium
  7200. gregtech -> frameGtYtterbium
  7201. gregtech -> frameGtLutetium
  7202. gregtech -> frameGtTantalum
  7203. gregtech -> frameGtTungsten
  7204. gregtech -> frameGtOsmium
  7205. gregtech -> frameGtIridium
  7206. gregtech -> frameGtPlatinum
  7207. gregtech -> frameGtGold
  7208. gregtech -> frameGtLead
  7209. gregtech -> frameGtBismuth
  7210. gregtech -> frameGtThorium
  7211. gregtech -> frameGtUranium235
  7212. gregtech -> frameGtUranium
  7213. gregtech -> frameGtPlutonium
  7214. gregtech -> frameGtPlutonium241
  7215. gregtech -> frameGtAmericium
  7216. gregtech -> frameGtNeutronium
  7217. gregtech -> frameGtBronze
  7218. gregtech -> frameGtBrass
  7219. gregtech -> frameGtInvar
  7220. gregtech -> frameGtElectrum
  7221. gregtech -> frameGtWroughtIron
  7222. gregtech -> frameGtSteel
  7223. gregtech -> frameGtStainlessSteel
  7224. gregtech -> frameGtPigIron
  7225. gregtech -> frameGtRedAlloy
  7226. gregtech -> frameGtBlueAlloy
  7227. gregtech -> frameGtCupronickel
  7228. gregtech -> frameGtNichrome
  7229. gregtech -> frameGtKanthal
  7230. gregtech -> frameGtMagnalium
  7231. gregtech -> frameGtSolderingAlloy
  7232. gregtech -> frameGtBatteryAlloy
  7233. gregtech -> frameGtTungstenSteel
  7234. gregtech -> frameGtOsmiridium
  7235. gregtech -> frameGtSunnarium
  7236. gregtech -> frameGtAdamantium
  7237. gregtech -> frameGtElectrumFlux
  7238. gregtech -> frameGtEnderium
  7239. gregtech -> frameGtHSLA
  7240. gregtech -> frameGtInfusedGold
  7241. gregtech -> frameGtNaquadah
  7242. gregtech -> frameGtNaquadahAlloy
  7243. gregtech -> frameGtNaquadahEnriched
  7244. gregtech -> frameGtNaquadria
  7245. gregtech -> frameGtDuranium
  7246. gregtech -> frameGtTritanium
  7247. gregtech -> frameGtThaumium
  7248. gregtech -> frameGtMithril
  7249. gregtech -> frameGtMidasium
  7250. gregtech -> frameGtAstralSilver
  7251. gregtech -> frameGtBlackSteel
  7252. gregtech -> frameGtDamascusSteel
  7253. gregtech -> frameGtShadowIron
  7254. gregtech -> frameGtShadowSteel
  7255. gregtech -> frameGtIronWood
  7256. gregtech -> frameGtSteelLeaf
  7257. gregtech -> frameGtMeteoricIron
  7258. gregtech -> frameGtMeteoricSteel
  7259. gregtech -> frameGtDarkIron
  7260. gregtech -> frameGtCobaltBrass
  7261. gregtech -> frameGtUltimet
  7262. gregtech -> frameGtAnnealedCopper
  7263. gregtech -> frameGtFieryBlood
  7264. gregtech -> frameGtRedSteel
  7265. gregtech -> frameGtBlueSteel
  7266. gregtech -> frameGtSterlingSilver
  7267. gregtech -> frameGtRoseGold
  7268. gregtech -> frameGtBlackBronze
  7269. gregtech -> frameGtBismuthBronze
  7270. gregtech -> frameGtIronMagnetic
  7271. gregtech -> frameGtSteelMagnetic
  7272. gregtech -> frameGtNeodymiumMagnetic
  7273. gregtech -> frameGtVanadiumGallium
  7274. gregtech -> frameGtYttriumBariumCuprate
  7275. gregtech -> frameGtNiobiumNitride
  7276. gregtech -> frameGtNiobiumTitanium
  7277. gregtech -> frameGtChromiumDioxide
  7278. gregtech -> frameGtForce
  7279. gregtech -> frameGtWood
  7280. gregtech -> frameGtDeepIron
  7281. gregtech -> frameGtPlastic
  7282. gregtech -> frameGtRubber
  7283. gregtech -> frameGtDesh
  7284. gregtech -> frameGtWoodSealed
  7285. gregtech -> wireGt01Cobalt
  7286. gregtech -> wireGt02Cobalt
  7287. gregtech -> wireGt04Cobalt
  7288. gregtech -> wireGt08Cobalt
  7289. gregtech -> wireGt12Cobalt
  7290. gregtech -> wireGt16Cobalt
  7291. gregtech -> cableGt01Cobalt
  7292. gregtech -> cableGt02Cobalt
  7293. gregtech -> cableGt04Cobalt
  7294. gregtech -> cableGt08Cobalt
  7295. gregtech -> cableGt12Cobalt
  7296. gregtech -> wireGt01Lead
  7297. gregtech -> wireGt02Lead
  7298. gregtech -> wireGt04Lead
  7299. gregtech -> wireGt08Lead
  7300. gregtech -> wireGt12Lead
  7301. gregtech -> wireGt16Lead
  7302. gregtech -> cableGt01Lead
  7303. gregtech -> cableGt02Lead
  7304. gregtech -> cableGt04Lead
  7305. gregtech -> cableGt08Lead
  7306. gregtech -> cableGt12Lead
  7307. gregtech -> wireGt01Tin
  7308. gregtech -> wireGt02Tin
  7309. gregtech -> wireGt04Tin
  7310. gregtech -> wireGt08Tin
  7311. gregtech -> wireGt12Tin
  7312. gregtech -> wireGt16Tin
  7313. gregtech -> craftingWireTin
  7314. gregtech -> cableGt01Tin
  7315. gregtech -> cableGt02Tin
  7316. gregtech -> cableGt04Tin
  7317. gregtech -> cableGt08Tin
  7318. gregtech -> cableGt12Tin
  7319. gregtech -> wireGt01Zinc
  7320. gregtech -> wireGt02Zinc
  7321. gregtech -> wireGt04Zinc
  7322. gregtech -> wireGt08Zinc
  7323. gregtech -> wireGt12Zinc
  7324. gregtech -> wireGt16Zinc
  7325. gregtech -> cableGt01Zinc
  7326. gregtech -> cableGt02Zinc
  7327. gregtech -> cableGt04Zinc
  7328. gregtech -> cableGt08Zinc
  7329. gregtech -> cableGt12Zinc
  7330. gregtech -> wireGt01SolderingAlloy
  7331. gregtech -> wireGt02SolderingAlloy
  7332. gregtech -> wireGt04SolderingAlloy
  7333. gregtech -> wireGt08SolderingAlloy
  7334. gregtech -> wireGt12SolderingAlloy
  7335. gregtech -> wireGt16SolderingAlloy
  7336. gregtech -> cableGt01SolderingAlloy
  7337. gregtech -> cableGt02SolderingAlloy
  7338. gregtech -> cableGt04SolderingAlloy
  7339. gregtech -> cableGt08SolderingAlloy
  7340. gregtech -> cableGt12SolderingAlloy
  7341. gregtech -> wireGt01Iron
  7342. gregtech -> wireGt02Iron
  7343. gregtech -> wireGt04Iron
  7344. gregtech -> wireGt08Iron
  7345. gregtech -> wireGt12Iron
  7346. gregtech -> wireGt16Iron
  7347. gregtech -> craftingWireIron
  7348. gregtech -> cableGt01Iron
  7349. gregtech -> cableGt02Iron
  7350. gregtech -> cableGt04Iron
  7351. gregtech -> cableGt08Iron
  7352. gregtech -> cableGt12Iron
  7353. gregtech -> wireGt01Nickel
  7354. gregtech -> wireGt02Nickel
  7355. gregtech -> wireGt04Nickel
  7356. gregtech -> wireGt08Nickel
  7357. gregtech -> wireGt12Nickel
  7358. gregtech -> wireGt16Nickel
  7359. gregtech -> cableGt01Nickel
  7360. gregtech -> cableGt02Nickel
  7361. gregtech -> cableGt04Nickel
  7362. gregtech -> cableGt08Nickel
  7363. gregtech -> cableGt12Nickel
  7364. gregtech -> wireGt01Cupronickel
  7365. gregtech -> wireGt02Cupronickel
  7366. gregtech -> wireGt04Cupronickel
  7367. gregtech -> wireGt08Cupronickel
  7368. gregtech -> wireGt12Cupronickel
  7369. gregtech -> wireGt16Cupronickel
  7370. gregtech -> cableGt01Cupronickel
  7371. gregtech -> cableGt02Cupronickel
  7372. gregtech -> cableGt04Cupronickel
  7373. gregtech -> cableGt08Cupronickel
  7374. gregtech -> cableGt12Cupronickel
  7375. gregtech -> wireGt01Copper
  7376. gregtech -> wireGt02Copper
  7377. gregtech -> wireGt04Copper
  7378. gregtech -> wireGt08Copper
  7379. gregtech -> wireGt12Copper
  7380. gregtech -> wireGt16Copper
  7381. gregtech -> wireCopper
  7382. gregtech -> craftingWireCopper
  7383. gregtech -> cableGt01Copper
  7384. gregtech -> cableGt02Copper
  7385. gregtech -> cableGt04Copper
  7386. gregtech -> cableGt08Copper
  7387. gregtech -> cableGt12Copper
  7388. gregtech -> wireGt01AnnealedCopper
  7389. gregtech -> wireGt02AnnealedCopper
  7390. gregtech -> wireGt04AnnealedCopper
  7391. gregtech -> wireGt08AnnealedCopper
  7392. gregtech -> wireGt12AnnealedCopper
  7393. gregtech -> wireGt16AnnealedCopper
  7394. gregtech -> cableGt01AnnealedCopper
  7395. gregtech -> cableGt02AnnealedCopper
  7396. gregtech -> cableGt04AnnealedCopper
  7397. gregtech -> cableGt08AnnealedCopper
  7398. gregtech -> cableGt12AnnealedCopper
  7399. gregtech -> wireGt01Kanthal
  7400. gregtech -> wireGt02Kanthal
  7401. gregtech -> wireGt04Kanthal
  7402. gregtech -> wireGt08Kanthal
  7403. gregtech -> wireGt12Kanthal
  7404. gregtech -> wireGt16Kanthal
  7405. gregtech -> cableGt01Kanthal
  7406. gregtech -> cableGt02Kanthal
  7407. gregtech -> cableGt04Kanthal
  7408. gregtech -> cableGt08Kanthal
  7409. gregtech -> cableGt12Kanthal
  7410. gregtech -> wireGt01Gold
  7411. gregtech -> wireGt02Gold
  7412. gregtech -> wireGt04Gold
  7413. gregtech -> wireGt08Gold
  7414. gregtech -> wireGt12Gold
  7415. gregtech -> wireGt16Gold
  7416. gregtech -> craftingWireGold
  7417. gregtech -> cableGt01Gold
  7418. gregtech -> cableGt02Gold
  7419. gregtech -> cableGt04Gold
  7420. gregtech -> cableGt08Gold
  7421. gregtech -> cableGt12Gold
  7422. gregtech -> wireGt01Electrum
  7423. gregtech -> wireGt02Electrum
  7424. gregtech -> wireGt04Electrum
  7425. gregtech -> wireGt08Electrum
  7426. gregtech -> wireGt12Electrum
  7427. gregtech -> wireGt16Electrum
  7428. gregtech -> cableGt01Electrum
  7429. gregtech -> cableGt02Electrum
  7430. gregtech -> cableGt04Electrum
  7431. gregtech -> cableGt08Electrum
  7432. gregtech -> cableGt12Electrum
  7433. gregtech -> wireGt01Silver
  7434. gregtech -> wireGt02Silver
  7435. gregtech -> wireGt04Silver
  7436. gregtech -> wireGt08Silver
  7437. gregtech -> wireGt12Silver
  7438. gregtech -> wireGt16Silver
  7439. gregtech -> cableGt01Silver
  7440. gregtech -> cableGt02Silver
  7441. gregtech -> cableGt04Silver
  7442. gregtech -> cableGt08Silver
  7443. gregtech -> cableGt12Silver
  7444. gregtech -> wireGt01BlueAlloy
  7445. gregtech -> wireGt02BlueAlloy
  7446. gregtech -> wireGt04BlueAlloy
  7447. gregtech -> wireGt08BlueAlloy
  7448. gregtech -> wireGt12BlueAlloy
  7449. gregtech -> wireGt16BlueAlloy
  7450. gregtech -> cableGt01BlueAlloy
  7451. gregtech -> cableGt02BlueAlloy
  7452. gregtech -> cableGt04BlueAlloy
  7453. gregtech -> cableGt08BlueAlloy
  7454. gregtech -> cableGt12BlueAlloy
  7455. gregtech -> wireGt01Nichrome
  7456. gregtech -> wireGt02Nichrome
  7457. gregtech -> wireGt04Nichrome
  7458. gregtech -> wireGt08Nichrome
  7459. gregtech -> wireGt12Nichrome
  7460. gregtech -> wireGt16Nichrome
  7461. gregtech -> cableGt01Nichrome
  7462. gregtech -> cableGt02Nichrome
  7463. gregtech -> cableGt04Nichrome
  7464. gregtech -> cableGt08Nichrome
  7465. gregtech -> cableGt12Nichrome
  7466. gregtech -> wireGt01Steel
  7467. gregtech -> wireGt02Steel
  7468. gregtech -> wireGt04Steel
  7469. gregtech -> wireGt08Steel
  7470. gregtech -> wireGt12Steel
  7471. gregtech -> wireGt16Steel
  7472. gregtech -> cableGt01Steel
  7473. gregtech -> cableGt02Steel
  7474. gregtech -> cableGt04Steel
  7475. gregtech -> cableGt08Steel
  7476. gregtech -> cableGt12Steel
  7477. gregtech -> wireGt01TungstenSteel
  7478. gregtech -> wireGt02TungstenSteel
  7479. gregtech -> wireGt04TungstenSteel
  7480. gregtech -> wireGt08TungstenSteel
  7481. gregtech -> wireGt12TungstenSteel
  7482. gregtech -> wireGt16TungstenSteel
  7483. gregtech -> cableGt01TungstenSteel
  7484. gregtech -> cableGt02TungstenSteel
  7485. gregtech -> cableGt04TungstenSteel
  7486. gregtech -> cableGt08TungstenSteel
  7487. gregtech -> cableGt12TungstenSteel
  7488. gregtech -> wireGt01Tungsten
  7489. gregtech -> wireGt02Tungsten
  7490. gregtech -> wireGt04Tungsten
  7491. gregtech -> wireGt08Tungsten
  7492. gregtech -> wireGt12Tungsten
  7493. gregtech -> wireGt16Tungsten
  7494. gregtech -> cableGt01Tungsten
  7495. gregtech -> cableGt02Tungsten
  7496. gregtech -> cableGt04Tungsten
  7497. gregtech -> cableGt08Tungsten
  7498. gregtech -> cableGt12Tungsten
  7499. gregtech -> wireGt01Aluminium
  7500. gregtech -> wireGt02Aluminium
  7501. gregtech -> wireGt04Aluminium
  7502. gregtech -> wireGt08Aluminium
  7503. gregtech -> wireGt12Aluminium
  7504. gregtech -> wireGt16Aluminium
  7505. gregtech -> cableGt01Aluminium
  7506. gregtech -> cableGt02Aluminium
  7507. gregtech -> cableGt04Aluminium
  7508. gregtech -> cableGt08Aluminium
  7509. gregtech -> cableGt12Aluminium
  7510. gregtech -> wireGt01Graphene
  7511. gregtech -> wireGt02Graphene
  7512. gregtech -> wireGt04Graphene
  7513. gregtech -> wireGt08Graphene
  7514. gregtech -> wireGt12Graphene
  7515. gregtech -> wireGt16Graphene
  7516. gregtech -> wireGt01Osmium
  7517. gregtech -> wireGt02Osmium
  7518. gregtech -> wireGt04Osmium
  7519. gregtech -> wireGt08Osmium
  7520. gregtech -> wireGt12Osmium
  7521. gregtech -> wireGt16Osmium
  7522. gregtech -> cableGt01Osmium
  7523. gregtech -> cableGt02Osmium
  7524. gregtech -> cableGt04Osmium
  7525. gregtech -> cableGt08Osmium
  7526. gregtech -> cableGt12Osmium
  7527. gregtech -> wireGt01Platinum
  7528. gregtech -> wireGt02Platinum
  7529. gregtech -> wireGt04Platinum
  7530. gregtech -> wireGt08Platinum
  7531. gregtech -> wireGt12Platinum
  7532. gregtech -> wireGt16Platinum
  7533. gregtech -> cableGt01Platinum
  7534. gregtech -> cableGt02Platinum
  7535. gregtech -> cableGt04Platinum
  7536. gregtech -> cableGt08Platinum
  7537. gregtech -> cableGt12Platinum
  7538. gregtech -> wireGt01Naquadah
  7539. gregtech -> wireGt02Naquadah
  7540. gregtech -> wireGt04Naquadah
  7541. gregtech -> wireGt08Naquadah
  7542. gregtech -> wireGt12Naquadah
  7543. gregtech -> wireGt16Naquadah
  7544. gregtech -> cableGt01Naquadah
  7545. gregtech -> cableGt02Naquadah
  7546. gregtech -> cableGt04Naquadah
  7547. gregtech -> cableGt08Naquadah
  7548. gregtech -> cableGt12Naquadah
  7549. gregtech -> wireGt01NiobiumTitanium
  7550. gregtech -> wireGt02NiobiumTitanium
  7551. gregtech -> wireGt04NiobiumTitanium
  7552. gregtech -> wireGt08NiobiumTitanium
  7553. gregtech -> wireGt12NiobiumTitanium
  7554. gregtech -> wireGt16NiobiumTitanium
  7555. gregtech -> cableGt01NiobiumTitanium
  7556. gregtech -> cableGt02NiobiumTitanium
  7557. gregtech -> cableGt04NiobiumTitanium
  7558. gregtech -> cableGt08NiobiumTitanium
  7559. gregtech -> cableGt12NiobiumTitanium
  7560. gregtech -> wireGt01VanadiumGallium
  7561. gregtech -> wireGt02VanadiumGallium
  7562. gregtech -> wireGt04VanadiumGallium
  7563. gregtech -> wireGt08VanadiumGallium
  7564. gregtech -> wireGt12VanadiumGallium
  7565. gregtech -> wireGt16VanadiumGallium
  7566. gregtech -> cableGt01VanadiumGallium
  7567. gregtech -> cableGt02VanadiumGallium
  7568. gregtech -> cableGt04VanadiumGallium
  7569. gregtech -> cableGt08VanadiumGallium
  7570. gregtech -> cableGt12VanadiumGallium
  7571. gregtech -> wireGt01YttriumBariumCuprate
  7572. gregtech -> wireGt02YttriumBariumCuprate
  7573. gregtech -> wireGt04YttriumBariumCuprate
  7574. gregtech -> wireGt08YttriumBariumCuprate
  7575. gregtech -> wireGt12YttriumBariumCuprate
  7576. gregtech -> wireGt16YttriumBariumCuprate
  7577. gregtech -> cableGt01YttriumBariumCuprate
  7578. gregtech -> cableGt02YttriumBariumCuprate
  7579. gregtech -> cableGt04YttriumBariumCuprate
  7580. gregtech -> cableGt08YttriumBariumCuprate
  7581. gregtech -> cableGt12YttriumBariumCuprate
  7582. gregtech -> wireGt01RedAlloy
  7583. gregtech -> wireGt02RedAlloy
  7584. gregtech -> wireGt04RedAlloy
  7585. gregtech -> wireGt08RedAlloy
  7586. gregtech -> wireGt12RedAlloy
  7587. gregtech -> wireGt16RedAlloy
  7588. gregtech -> cableGt01RedAlloy
  7589. gregtech -> cableGt02RedAlloy
  7590. gregtech -> cableGt04RedAlloy
  7591. gregtech -> cableGt08RedAlloy
  7592. gregtech -> cableGt12RedAlloy
  7593. gregtech -> wireGt01Superconductor
  7594. gregtech -> wireGt02Superconductor
  7595. gregtech -> wireGt04Superconductor
  7596. gregtech -> wireGt08Superconductor
  7597. gregtech -> wireGt12Superconductor
  7598. gregtech -> wireGt16Superconductor
  7599. gregtech -> pipeSmallWood
  7600. gregtech -> pipeMediumWood
  7601. gregtech -> pipeLargeWood
  7602. gregtech -> pipeTinyCopper
  7603. gregtech -> pipeSmallCopper
  7604. gregtech -> pipeMediumCopper
  7605. gregtech -> pipeLargeCopper
  7606. gregtech -> pipeHugeCopper
  7607. gregtech -> pipeTinyBronze
  7608. gregtech -> pipeSmallBronze
  7609. gregtech -> pipeMediumBronze
  7610. gregtech -> pipeLargeBronze
  7611. gregtech -> pipeHugeBronze
  7612. gregtech -> pipeTinySteel
  7613. gregtech -> pipeSmallSteel
  7614. gregtech -> pipeMediumSteel
  7615. gregtech -> pipeLargeSteel
  7616. gregtech -> pipeHugeSteel
  7617. gregtech -> pipeTinyStainlessSteel
  7618. gregtech -> pipeSmallStainlessSteel
  7619. gregtech -> pipeMediumStainlessSteel
  7620. gregtech -> pipeLargeStainlessSteel
  7621. gregtech -> pipeHugeStainlessSteel
  7622. gregtech -> pipeTinyTitanium
  7623. gregtech -> pipeSmallTitanium
  7624. gregtech -> pipeMediumTitanium
  7625. gregtech -> pipeLargeTitanium
  7626. gregtech -> pipeHugeTitanium
  7627. gregtech -> pipeTinyTungstenSteel
  7628. gregtech -> pipeSmallTungstenSteel
  7629. gregtech -> pipeMediumTungstenSteel
  7630. gregtech -> pipeLargeTungstenSteel
  7631. gregtech -> pipeHugeTungstenSteel
  7632. gregtech -> pipeMediumBrass
  7633. gregtech -> pipeLargeBrass
  7634. gregtech -> pipeHugeBrass
  7635. gregtech -> pipeRestrictiveMediumBrass
  7636. gregtech -> pipeRestrictiveLargeBrass
  7637. gregtech -> pipeRestrictiveHugeBrass
  7638. gregtech -> pipeMediumElectrum
  7639. gregtech -> pipeLargeElectrum
  7640. gregtech -> pipeHugeElectrum
  7641. gregtech -> pipeRestrictiveMediumElectrum
  7642. gregtech -> pipeRestrictiveLargeElectrum
  7643. gregtech -> pipeRestrictiveHugeElectrum
  7644. gregtech -> pipeMediumPlatinum
  7645. gregtech -> pipeLargePlatinum
  7646. gregtech -> pipeHugePlatinum
  7647. gregtech -> pipeRestrictiveMediumPlatinum
  7648. gregtech -> pipeRestrictiveLargePlatinum
  7649. gregtech -> pipeRestrictiveHugePlatinum
  7650. gregtech -> pipeMediumOsmium
  7651. gregtech -> pipeLargeOsmium
  7652. gregtech -> pipeHugeOsmium
  7653. gregtech -> pipeRestrictiveMediumOsmium
  7654. gregtech -> pipeRestrictiveLargeOsmium
  7655. gregtech -> pipeRestrictiveHugeOsmium
  7656. gregtech -> dye
  7657. gregtech -> dyeBrown
  7658. gregtech -> dustCoffee
  7659. gregtech -> cropCoffee
  7660. gregtech -> calclavia:BATTERY is using a private Prefix and is therefor getting ignored properly.
  7661. gregtech -> calclavia:BATTERY is using a private Prefix and is therefor getting ignored properly.
  7662. gregtech -> batteryBasic
  7663. gregtech -> batteryBasic
  7664. gregtech -> batteryAdvanced
  7665. gregtech -> batteryElite
  7666. gregtech -> batteryMaster
  7667. gregtech -> wireCopper
  7668. gregtech -> craftingWireCopper
  7669. gregtech -> craftingWireGold
  7670. gregtech -> craftingWireIron
  7671. gregtech -> craftingWireTin
  7672. gregtech -> craftingRedstoneTorch
  7673. gregtech -> craftingWorkBench
  7674. gregtech -> craftingWorkBench
  7675. gregtech -> craftingPiston
  7676. gregtech -> craftingPiston
  7677. gregtech -> craftingSafe
  7678. gregtech -> craftingSafe
  7679. gregtech -> craftingChest
  7680. gregtech -> craftingChest
  7681. gregtech -> craftingFurnace
  7682. gregtech -> craftingFurnace
  7683. gregtech -> craftingPump
  7684. gregtech -> craftingElectromagnet
  7685. gregtech -> craftingTeleporter
  7686. gregtech -> craftingMacerator
  7687. gregtech -> craftingMacerator
  7688. gregtech -> craftingExtractor
  7689. gregtech -> craftingExtractor
  7690. gregtech -> craftingCompressor
  7691. gregtech -> craftingCompressor
  7692. gregtech -> craftingRecycler
  7693. gregtech -> craftingRecycler
  7694. gregtech -> craftingIronFurnace
  7695. gregtech -> craftingCentrifuge
  7696. gregtech -> craftingInductionFurnace
  7697. gregtech -> craftingElectricFurnace
  7698. gregtech -> craftingElectricFurnace
  7699. gregtech -> craftingGenerator
  7700. gregtech -> craftingGeothermalGenerator
  7701. gregtech -> paperEmpty
  7702. gregtech -> paperMap
  7703. gregtech -> paperMap
  7704. gregtech -> bookEmpty
  7705. gregtech -> bookWritable
  7706. gregtech -> bookWritten
  7707. gregtech -> bookEnchanted
  7708. GT_Mod: Preload-Phase finished!
  7709. terrafirmacraft -> logWood
  7710. terrafirmacraft -> plankWood
  7711. terrafirmacraft -> plankWood
  7712. terrafirmacraft -> woodLumber
  7713. terrafirmacraft -> stickWood
  7714. terrafirmacraft -> treeSapling
  7715. terrafirmacraft -> treeSapling
  7716. terrafirmacraft -> treeLeaves
  7717. terrafirmacraft -> treeLeaves
  7718. terrafirmacraft -> oreCopper
  7719. terrafirmacraft -> oreCopper
  7720. terrafirmacraft -> oreCopper
  7721. terrafirmacraft -> oreSmallCopper uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7722. terrafirmacraft -> oreSmallCopper uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7723. terrafirmacraft -> oreSmallCopper uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7724. terrafirmacraft -> oreRichCopper uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7725. terrafirmacraft -> oreRichCopper uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7726. terrafirmacraft -> oreRichCopper uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7727. terrafirmacraft -> orePoorCopper
  7728. terrafirmacraft -> orePoorCopper
  7729. terrafirmacraft -> orePoorCopper
  7730. terrafirmacraft -> oreGold
  7731. terrafirmacraft -> oreSmallGold uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7732. terrafirmacraft -> oreRichGold uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7733. terrafirmacraft -> orePoorGold
  7734. terrafirmacraft -> orePlatinum
  7735. terrafirmacraft -> oreSmallPlatinum uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7736. terrafirmacraft -> oreRichPlatinum uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7737. terrafirmacraft -> orePoorPlatinum
  7738. terrafirmacraft -> oreIron
  7739. terrafirmacraft -> oreIron
  7740. terrafirmacraft -> oreIron
  7741. terrafirmacraft -> oreSmallIron uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7742. terrafirmacraft -> oreSmallIron uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7743. terrafirmacraft -> oreSmallIron uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7744. terrafirmacraft -> oreRichIron uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7745. terrafirmacraft -> oreRichIron uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7746. terrafirmacraft -> oreRichIron uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7747. terrafirmacraft -> orePoorIron
  7748. terrafirmacraft -> orePoorIron
  7749. terrafirmacraft -> orePoorIron
  7750. terrafirmacraft -> oreSilver
  7751. terrafirmacraft -> oreSmallSilver uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7752. terrafirmacraft -> oreRichSilver uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7753. terrafirmacraft -> orePoorSilver
  7754. terrafirmacraft -> oreTin
  7755. terrafirmacraft -> oreSmallTin uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7756. terrafirmacraft -> oreRichTin uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7757. terrafirmacraft -> orePoorTin
  7758. terrafirmacraft -> oreLead
  7759. terrafirmacraft -> oreSmallLead uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7760. terrafirmacraft -> oreRichLead uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7761. terrafirmacraft -> orePoorLead
  7762. terrafirmacraft -> oreBismuth
  7763. terrafirmacraft -> oreSmallBismuth uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7764. terrafirmacraft -> oreRichBismuth uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7765. terrafirmacraft -> orePoorBismuth
  7766. terrafirmacraft -> oreNickel
  7767. terrafirmacraft -> oreSmallNickel uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7768. terrafirmacraft -> oreRichNickel uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7769. terrafirmacraft -> orePoorNickel
  7770. terrafirmacraft -> oreZinc
  7771. terrafirmacraft -> oreSmallZinc uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7772. terrafirmacraft -> oreRichZinc uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7773. terrafirmacraft -> orePoorZinc
  7774. terrafirmacraft -> oreCoal
  7775. terrafirmacraft -> oreCoal
  7776. terrafirmacraft -> oreKaolinite
  7777. terrafirmacraft -> oreGypsum
  7778. terrafirmacraft -> oreSatinspar uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7779. terrafirmacraft -> oreSelenite uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7780. terrafirmacraft -> oreGraphite
  7781. terrafirmacraft -> oreDiamond
  7782. terrafirmacraft -> orePetrifiedWood uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7783. terrafirmacraft -> oreSulfur
  7784. terrafirmacraft -> oreJet uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7785. terrafirmacraft -> oreMicrocline uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7786. terrafirmacraft -> oreUranium
  7787. terrafirmacraft -> oreRedstone
  7788. terrafirmacraft -> oreRedstone
  7789. terrafirmacraft -> oreSaltpeter
  7790. terrafirmacraft -> oreSerpentine uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7791. terrafirmacraft -> oreSylvite uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7792. terrafirmacraft -> oreBorax
  7793. terrafirmacraft -> oreOlivine
  7794. terrafirmacraft -> oreLapis
  7795. terrafirmacraft -> ingotBismuth
  7796. terrafirmacraft -> ingotTin
  7797. terrafirmacraft -> ingotZinc
  7798. terrafirmacraft -> ingotCopper
  7799. terrafirmacraft -> ingotBronze
  7800. terrafirmacraft -> ingotBismuthBronze
  7801. terrafirmacraft -> ingotBlackBronze
  7802. terrafirmacraft -> ingotBrass
  7803. terrafirmacraft -> ingotLead
  7804. terrafirmacraft -> ingotGold
  7805. terrafirmacraft -> ingotRoseGold
  7806. terrafirmacraft -> ingotSilver
  7807. terrafirmacraft -> ingotSterlingSilver
  7808. terrafirmacraft -> ingotPlatinum
  7809. terrafirmacraft -> ingotWroughtIron
  7810. terrafirmacraft -> ingotIron
  7811. terrafirmacraft -> ingotNickel
  7812. terrafirmacraft -> ingotPigIron
  7813. terrafirmacraft -> ingotSteel
  7814. terrafirmacraft -> ingotBlackSteel
  7815. terrafirmacraft -> ingotRedSteel
  7816. terrafirmacraft -> ingotBlueSteel
  7817. terrafirmacraft -> ingotUnknown uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7818. terrafirmacraft -> ingotDoubleBismuth
  7819. terrafirmacraft -> ingotDoubleTin
  7820. terrafirmacraft -> ingotDoubleZinc
  7821. terrafirmacraft -> ingotDoubleCopper
  7822. terrafirmacraft -> ingotDoubleBronze
  7823. terrafirmacraft -> ingotDoubleBismuthBronze
  7824. terrafirmacraft -> ingotDoubleBlackBronze
  7825. terrafirmacraft -> ingotDoubleBrass
  7826. terrafirmacraft -> ingotDoubleLead
  7827. terrafirmacraft -> ingotDoubleGold
  7828. terrafirmacraft -> ingotDoubleRoseGold
  7829. terrafirmacraft -> ingotDoubleSilver
  7830. terrafirmacraft -> ingotDoubleSterlingSilver
  7831. terrafirmacraft -> ingotDoublePlatinum
  7832. terrafirmacraft -> ingotDoubleWroughtIron
  7833. terrafirmacraft -> ingotDoubleNickel
  7834. terrafirmacraft -> ingotDoublePigIron
  7835. terrafirmacraft -> ingotDoubleSteel
  7836. terrafirmacraft -> ingotDoubleBlackSteel
  7837. terrafirmacraft -> ingotDoubleRedSteel
  7838. terrafirmacraft -> ingotDoubleBlueSteel
  7839. terrafirmacraft -> sheetBismuth
  7840. terrafirmacraft -> sheetTin
  7841. terrafirmacraft -> sheetZinc
  7842. terrafirmacraft -> sheetCopper
  7843. terrafirmacraft -> sheetBronze
  7844. terrafirmacraft -> sheetBismuthBronze
  7845. terrafirmacraft -> sheetBlackBronze
  7846. terrafirmacraft -> sheetBrass
  7847. terrafirmacraft -> sheetLead
  7848. terrafirmacraft -> sheetGold
  7849. terrafirmacraft -> sheetRoseGold
  7850. terrafirmacraft -> sheetSilver
  7851. terrafirmacraft -> sheetSterlingSilver
  7852. terrafirmacraft -> sheetPlatinum
  7853. terrafirmacraft -> sheetWroughtIron
  7854. terrafirmacraft -> sheetNickel
  7855. terrafirmacraft -> sheetPigIron
  7856. terrafirmacraft -> sheetSteel
  7857. terrafirmacraft -> sheetBlackSteel
  7858. terrafirmacraft -> sheetRedSteel
  7859. terrafirmacraft -> sheetBlueSteel
  7860. terrafirmacraft -> sheetDoubleBismuth
  7861. terrafirmacraft -> sheetDoubleTin
  7862. terrafirmacraft -> sheetDoubleZinc
  7863. terrafirmacraft -> sheetDoubleCopper
  7864. terrafirmacraft -> sheetDoubleBronze
  7865. terrafirmacraft -> sheetDoubleBismuthBronze
  7866. terrafirmacraft -> sheetDoubleBlackBronze
  7867. terrafirmacraft -> sheetDoubleBrass
  7868. terrafirmacraft -> sheetDoubleLead
  7869. terrafirmacraft -> sheetDoubleGold
  7870. terrafirmacraft -> sheetDoubleRoseGold
  7871. terrafirmacraft -> sheetDoubleSilver
  7872. terrafirmacraft -> sheetDoubleSterlingSilver
  7873. terrafirmacraft -> sheetDoublePlatinum
  7874. terrafirmacraft -> sheetDoubleWroughtIron
  7875. terrafirmacraft -> sheetDoubleNickel
  7876. terrafirmacraft -> sheetDoublePigIron
  7877. terrafirmacraft -> sheetDoubleSteel
  7878. terrafirmacraft -> sheetDoubleBlackSteel
  7879. terrafirmacraft -> sheetDoubleRedSteel
  7880. terrafirmacraft -> sheetDoubleBlueSteel
  7881. terrafirmacraft -> sheetDoubleAnyBronze
  7882. terrafirmacraft -> sheetDoubleAnyBronze
  7883. terrafirmacraft -> sheetDoubleAnyBronze
  7884. terrafirmacraft -> gemChippedAgate uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7885. terrafirmacraft -> gemChippedAmethyst uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7886. terrafirmacraft -> gemChippedBeryl uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7887. terrafirmacraft -> gemChippedDiamond uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7888. terrafirmacraft -> gemChippedEmerald uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7889. terrafirmacraft -> gemChippedGarnet uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7890. terrafirmacraft -> gemChippedJade uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7891. terrafirmacraft -> gemChippedJasper uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7892. terrafirmacraft -> gemChippedOpal uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7893. terrafirmacraft -> gemChippedRuby uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7894. terrafirmacraft -> gemChippedSapphire uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7895. terrafirmacraft -> gemChippedTopaz uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7896. terrafirmacraft -> gemChippedTourmaline uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7897. terrafirmacraft -> gemChipped uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7898. terrafirmacraft -> gemChipped uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7899. terrafirmacraft -> gemChipped uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7900. terrafirmacraft -> gemChipped uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7901. terrafirmacraft -> gemChipped uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7902. terrafirmacraft -> gemChipped uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7903. terrafirmacraft -> gemChipped uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7904. terrafirmacraft -> gemChipped uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7905. terrafirmacraft -> gemChipped uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7906. terrafirmacraft -> gemChipped uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7907. terrafirmacraft -> gemChipped uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7908. terrafirmacraft -> gemChipped uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7909. terrafirmacraft -> gemChipped uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7910. terrafirmacraft -> gemFlawedAgate uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7911. terrafirmacraft -> gemFlawedAmethyst uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7912. terrafirmacraft -> gemFlawedBeryl uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7913. terrafirmacraft -> gemFlawedDiamond uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7914. terrafirmacraft -> gemFlawedEmerald uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7915. terrafirmacraft -> gemFlawedGarnet uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7916. terrafirmacraft -> gemFlawedJade uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7917. terrafirmacraft -> gemFlawedJasper uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7918. terrafirmacraft -> gemFlawedOpal uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7919. terrafirmacraft -> gemFlawedRuby uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7920. terrafirmacraft -> gemFlawedSapphire uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7921. terrafirmacraft -> gemFlawedTopaz uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7922. terrafirmacraft -> gemFlawedTourmaline uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7923. terrafirmacraft -> gemAgate
  7924. terrafirmacraft -> gemAmethyst
  7925. gregtech -> gemEmerald
  7926. terrafirmacraft -> gemBeryl uses a deprecated Material and is getting re-registered as gemEmerald
  7927. terrafirmacraft -> gemDiamond
  7928. terrafirmacraft -> gemEmerald
  7929. gregtech -> gemGarnetRed
  7930. terrafirmacraft -> gemGarnet uses a deprecated Material and is getting re-registered as gemGarnetRed
  7931. terrafirmacraft -> gemJade
  7932. terrafirmacraft -> gemJasper
  7933. terrafirmacraft -> gemOpal
  7934. terrafirmacraft -> gemRuby
  7935. terrafirmacraft -> gemSapphire
  7936. terrafirmacraft -> gemTopaz
  7937. terrafirmacraft -> gemTourmaline
  7938. terrafirmacraft -> gemFlawlessAgate uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7939. terrafirmacraft -> gemFlawlessAmethyst uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7940. terrafirmacraft -> gemFlawlessBeryl uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7941. terrafirmacraft -> gemFlawlessDiamond uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7942. terrafirmacraft -> gemFlawlessEmerald uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7943. terrafirmacraft -> gemFlawlessGarnet uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7944. terrafirmacraft -> gemFlawlessJade uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7945. terrafirmacraft -> gemFlawlessJasper uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7946. terrafirmacraft -> gemFlawlessOpal uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7947. terrafirmacraft -> gemFlawlessRuby uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7948. terrafirmacraft -> gemFlawlessSapphire uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7949. terrafirmacraft -> gemFlawlessTopaz uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7950. terrafirmacraft -> gemFlawlessTourmaline uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7951. terrafirmacraft -> gemExquisiteAgate uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7952. terrafirmacraft -> gemExquisiteAmethyst uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7953. terrafirmacraft -> gemExquisiteBeryl uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7954. terrafirmacraft -> gemExquisiteDiamond uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7955. terrafirmacraft -> gemExquisiteEmerald uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7956. terrafirmacraft -> gemExquisiteGarnet uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7957. terrafirmacraft -> gemExquisiteJade uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7958. terrafirmacraft -> gemExquisiteJasper uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7959. terrafirmacraft -> gemExquisiteOpal uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7960. terrafirmacraft -> gemExquisiteRuby uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7961. terrafirmacraft -> gemExquisiteSapphire uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7962. terrafirmacraft -> gemExquisiteTopaz uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7963. terrafirmacraft -> gemExquisiteTourmaline uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  7964. terrafirmacraft -> fuelCoal
  7965. terrafirmacraft -> fuelCoal
  7966. terrafirmacraft -> fuelCharcoal
  7967. terrafirmacraft -> fuelCharcoal
  7968. gregtech -> stoneSmooth
  7969. gregtech -> stoneSmooth
  7970. gregtech -> stoneSmooth
  7971. gregtech -> stoneSmooth
  7972. gregtech -> stoneCobble
  7973. gregtech -> stoneCobble
  7974. gregtech -> stoneCobble
  7975. gregtech -> stoneCobble
  7976. terrafirmacraft -> stoneBrick uses a depricated Prefix, and is getting re-registered as stoneBricks
  7977. terrafirmacraft -> stoneBrick uses a depricated Prefix, and is getting re-registered as stoneBricks
  7978. gregtech -> stoneBricks
  7979. terrafirmacraft -> stoneBrick uses a depricated Prefix, and is getting re-registered as stoneBricks
  7980. gregtech -> stoneBricks
  7981. terrafirmacraft -> stoneBrick uses a depricated Prefix, and is getting re-registered as stoneBricks
  7982. gregtech -> stoneBricks
  7983. terrafirmacraft -> stoneBrick uses a depricated Prefix, and is getting re-registered as stoneBricks
  7984. gregtech -> stoneBricks
  7985. terrafirmacraft -> stoneSmooth
  7986. terrafirmacraft -> stoneSmooth
  7987. terrafirmacraft -> stoneSmooth
  7988. terrafirmacraft -> stoneSmooth
  7989. terrafirmacraft -> craftingTableWood
  7990. terrafirmacraft -> craftingTableWood
  7991. gregtech -> dye
  7992. terrafirmacraft -> dyeBlack
  7993. gregtech -> dye
  7994. terrafirmacraft -> dyeRed
  7995. gregtech -> dye
  7996. terrafirmacraft -> dyeRed
  7997. gregtech -> dye
  7998. terrafirmacraft -> dyeGreen
  7999. gregtech -> dye
  8000. terrafirmacraft -> dyeGreen
  8001. gregtech -> dye
  8002. terrafirmacraft -> dyeBrown
  8003. gregtech -> dye
  8004. terrafirmacraft -> dyeBlue
  8005. gregtech -> dye
  8006. terrafirmacraft -> dyeBlue
  8007. gregtech -> dye
  8008. terrafirmacraft -> dyePurple
  8009. gregtech -> dye
  8010. terrafirmacraft -> dyeCyan
  8011. gregtech -> dye
  8012. terrafirmacraft -> dyeLightGray
  8013. gregtech -> dye
  8014. terrafirmacraft -> dyeGray
  8015. gregtech -> dye
  8016. terrafirmacraft -> dyePink
  8017. gregtech -> dye
  8018. terrafirmacraft -> dyeLime
  8019. gregtech -> dye
  8020. terrafirmacraft -> dyeYellow
  8021. gregtech -> dye
  8022. terrafirmacraft -> dyeYellow
  8023. gregtech -> dye
  8024. terrafirmacraft -> dyeLightBlue
  8025. gregtech -> dye
  8026. terrafirmacraft -> dyeMagenta
  8027. gregtech -> dye
  8028. terrafirmacraft -> dyeOrange
  8029. gregtech -> dye
  8030. terrafirmacraft -> dyeWhite
  8031. terrafirmacraft -> materialLeather
  8032. terrafirmacraft -> materialLeather
  8033. terrafirmacraft -> materialString
  8034. terrafirmacraft -> materialString
  8035. terrafirmacraft -> materialCloth
  8036. terrafirmacraft -> materialCloth
  8037. terrafirmacraft -> materialWool
  8038. terrafirmacraft -> itemChisel
  8039. terrafirmacraft -> itemChisel
  8040. terrafirmacraft -> itemChisel
  8041. terrafirmacraft -> itemChisel
  8042. terrafirmacraft -> itemChisel
  8043. terrafirmacraft -> itemChisel
  8044. terrafirmacraft -> itemChisel
  8045. terrafirmacraft -> itemChisel
  8046. terrafirmacraft -> itemChisel
  8047. terrafirmacraft -> itemHammer
  8048. terrafirmacraft -> itemHammer
  8049. terrafirmacraft -> itemHammer
  8050. terrafirmacraft -> itemHammer
  8051. terrafirmacraft -> itemHammer
  8052. terrafirmacraft -> itemHammer
  8053. terrafirmacraft -> itemHammer
  8054. terrafirmacraft -> itemHammer
  8055. terrafirmacraft -> itemHammer
  8056. terrafirmacraft -> itemHammer
  8057. terrafirmacraft -> itemKnife
  8058. terrafirmacraft -> itemKnife
  8059. terrafirmacraft -> itemKnife
  8060. terrafirmacraft -> itemKnife
  8061. terrafirmacraft -> itemKnife
  8062. terrafirmacraft -> itemKnife
  8063. terrafirmacraft -> itemKnife
  8064. terrafirmacraft -> itemKnife
  8065. terrafirmacraft -> itemKnife
  8066. terrafirmacraft -> itemKnife
  8067. terrafirmacraft -> itemSaw
  8068. terrafirmacraft -> itemSaw
  8069. terrafirmacraft -> itemSaw
  8070. terrafirmacraft -> itemSaw
  8071. terrafirmacraft -> itemSaw
  8072. terrafirmacraft -> itemSaw
  8073. terrafirmacraft -> itemSaw
  8074. terrafirmacraft -> itemSaw
  8075. terrafirmacraft -> itemSaw
  8076. terrafirmacraft -> lumpClay
  8077. terrafirmacraft -> lumpClay
  8078. terrafirmacraft -> itemArrow
  8079. terrafirmacraft -> itemArrow
  8080. terrafirmacraft -> itemReed
  8081. terrafirmacraft -> itemReed
  8082. terrafirmacraft -> itemRock
  8083. terrafirmacraft -> itemBucketWater
  8084. terrafirmacraft -> itemBucketWater
  8085. terrafirmacraft -> itemBucketWater
  8086. terrafirmacraft -> itemBucketWater
  8087. terrafirmacraft -> itemBucketWater
  8088. terrafirmacraft -> itemBucketFreshWater
  8089. terrafirmacraft -> itemBucketFreshWater
  8090. terrafirmacraft -> itemBucketSaltWater
  8091. terrafirmacraft -> itemBucketSaltWater
  8092. terrafirmacraft -> blockSand
  8093. terrafirmacraft -> blockSand
  8094. terrafirmacraft -> blockSand
  8095. terrafirmacraft -> blockDirt is getting ignored via hardcode.
  8096. terrafirmacraft -> blockDirt is getting ignored via hardcode.
  8097. terrafirmacraft -> blockDirt is getting ignored via hardcode.
  8098. terrafirmacraft -> blockTorch uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  8099. terrafirmacraft -> blockTorch uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  8100. terrafirmacraft -> blockPumpkin uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  8101. terrafirmacraft -> blockPumpkin uses an unknown Material. Report this to GregTech.
  8102. GT_Mod: Beginning Load-Phase.
  8103. GT_Mod: Load-Phase finished!
  8104. GT_Mod: Beginning PostLoad-Phase.
  8105. GT_Mod: PostLoad-Phase finished!
  8106. GT_Mod: ServerStarting-Phase started!
  8107. GT_Mod: ServerStarting-Phase finished!
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