
Ch 5: Part 4: Thorn's End: Session 87

Nov 29th, 2013
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  1. [15:35] <Kilarra> *****Second Darkness*****
  2. [15:35] <Kilarra> ~~~Chapter 5: A Memory of Darkness~~~
  3. [15:35] <Kilarra> \Part 4: Thorn's End/
  4. [15:35] <Kilarra> -Session 87-
  5. [15:38] <Kilarra> After dealing with the Banshee of Lichgate, the party spent a night licking their rather significant wounds before resuming the trek to Tanglebriar. Awaiting them on the other side were a pair of bebelths, one of whom nearly rotted Kjell's sword arm off. A bit of restoration from Kilarra undid the damage, and now the party stands ready to proceed. Or do they?
  6. [15:39] <Kilarra> Quilindra looks relieved as she eyes the now quite deceased bebilith corpses. She then looks to Kjell and Kilarra, "How's his arm?"
  7. [15:40] * Kilarra responds "He's fine, although it was bad enough to call for some diamond dust. I should have thought to pick some more up before we left Iadara."
  8. [15:40] <Kilarra> Quilindra nods and looks to Kahree, "How about you?"
  9. [15:43] <@Aluthyra> Kahree nods. "Fine." She looks around. "But we should move before more of those things come upon us."
  10. [15:44] <Kilarra> Kjell looks to Quilindra, "Not quite yet. I think there's something our guide should tell us about first."
  11. [15:45] <@Aluthyra> Kahree quirks her head, looking to Kilarra. "...Huh?"
  12. [15:46] * Kilarra nods, glancing at Quilindra, "Before we go any further, I'd like for all of us to have all our cards on the table."
  13. [15:46] <Kilarra> Quilindra blinks, "Surely, I don't know what you're talking about."
  14. [15:48] <@Aluthyra> Kahree looks between both of them, thoroughly confused.
  15. [15:50] * Kilarra nods, "Then perhaps I should enlighten you. Do you remeber when we escaped the Paradise Chamber? I used the power of True Sight to cut through the illusory constructions."
  16. [15:50] <Kilarra> Quilindra frowns, but says nothing just yet.
  17. [15:52] <Kilarra> Quilindra does however, look to Kahree, her experssion looking hurt and confused.
  18. [15:53] <@Aluthyra> Kahree glares at Kilarra, but waits for her to finish her point, still having no idea what Kilarra's on about.
  19. [15:53] * Aluthyra still holds her bow, watching Quilindra.
  20. [15:56] * Kilarra just looks at Quilindra, "I saw through your disguise, I simply chose not to say anytthing while you were helping us. However, now that we've come this far, I want to be sure that you're going to continue being helpful. Succubus."
  21. [15:57] <@Aluthyra> Kahree's glare is now accompanied by a harsh frown. "She is not a succubus," she states, matter-of-factly.
  22. [16:01] * Kilarra looks to Kahree, "Isn't she now? Haven't you noticed how quickly you seem to have fallen for her?"
  23. [16:01] <Kilarra> Quilindra remains quiet, looking between Kahree and Kilarra. The cleric knew, and she knew she knew because of that damned spell. Still, they had accepted her help this far in spite of knowing that.
  24. [16:02] <@Aluthyra> Kahree fidgets. "That's... that's none of your business! I finally have someone to relate to... and you're jealous, or something!"
  25. [16:04] * Kilarra shakes her head, "I have ALuthyra, I don't need to be jealous of anyone. But let's see how you feel now." She points to Kahree, "Calistria, end this bewitchment."
  26. [16:05] <Kilarra> Kahree feels strange, as though Quilindra was, as attractive as she remains, not quite as appealing as she seemed to be moments earlier.
  27. [16:57] <@Aluthyra> Kahree blinks, rubbing her head. She looks to Kilarra with confusion. "What... what are you on about?"
  28. [16:58] <Kilarra> Quilindra frowns. "And if your accusations are true?"
  29. [16:59] <@Aluthyra> Kahree turns on Quilindra. "It isn't true." Her eyebrows furrow in worry. "Is it?"
  30. [16:59] * Kilarra frowns back, "That would depend on how cooperative you're willing to be. Much as I hate to admit it, you did save my life when it came to that Banshee."
  31. [17:05] <Kilarra> Quilindra sighs, "Alright. I would prefer to avoid a fight anyways, and we do still have a common enemy." She looks to Kahree, "Yes, your friend is right about me. That doesn't change the fact that I spent years imprisoned, and that I did enjoy your company."
  32. [17:06] * Kahree's frown lessens, but only slightly. "What about all the stuff we talked about? What that all a lie too?"
  33. [17:08] <Kilarra> Quilindra shakes her head, "Only the parts about my identity. I do sympathize with what happened to you. Being held against your will is an awful situation for anyone to be in."
  34. [17:11] * Kilarra looks to Quilindra, "So then, I assume you know the way to Thorn's End from here?"
  35. [17:12] <@Aluthyra> Kahree simply stares. "I... don't know if I can believe you." She turns to Aluthyra and Kilarra. "I-I want to. Is she lying?" She stares, expression stoic. She's had just about enough of being lied to.
  36. [17:13] * Kilarra shakes her head, "I don't think so. She seems to actually like you, although I wager she saw you as more something to play with than a partner."
  37. [17:13] * Aluthyra shakes her head. "I am unsure."
  38. [17:13] <Kilarra> Quilindra nods to Kilarra, "I do know the way. As an added bonus, my companionship would behoove you, pardon the pun, should we encounter any other followers of Treerazr."
  39. [17:14] <@Aluthyra> Kahree turns back to Quilindra, her throat feeling dry and her head feeling fuzzy. "About what you said, after all of this, do you actually want to... do we actually have anything, between us, after this is done?"
  40. [17:16] <Kilarra> Quilindra nods, "Of course. Deception and assassination are all well and good for ones enemies, but even we demons occasionally desire some real companionship. My kind in particular, given our... appetites."
  41. [17:17] <Kilarra> Quilindra smirks, "And you do have such a lovely form." Kahree can hear something via her telepathic link to the succubus. 'Trust me for now; once the Winter Council is gone, you can make your choice.'
  42. [17:20] * Kilarra groans. Was Kahree really being legitimately seduced? That would almost certainly not end well for her.
  43. [17:21] <@Aluthyra> Kahree nods her head, silent. 'I'll wait,' she replies.
  44. [17:24] <Kilarra> Quilindra smiles. "To reach Thorn's End, we have to travel three miles due west. That said, the terrain is unpleasant and will slow us considerably. It will likely take a few hours."
  45. [17:25] * Kilarra is glad she came with a dismissal prepared. The succubus couldn't be trusted, obviously, once the Winter COuncil was dealt with, to keep her word in any way shape or form.
  46. [17:25] * Aluthyra nods. "Very well. We best move quickly then."
  47. [17:27] <Kilarra> Quilindra notes, "I would advise against flying, there's plenty of Vrock's around that would love to rip those lovely wings off your back."
  48. [17:27] * Aluthyra frowns, nodding. "I shall stick to the ground then."
  49. [17:28] * Kilarra nods to ALuthyra, glad of that decision. Those wings were far to lovely to be damaged.
  50. [17:28] <Kilarra> too
  51. [17:30] * Aluthyra gestures for Quilindra to take lead, keeping her bow ready.
  52. [17:31] <Kilarra> Quilindra smirks deviously and leads the party west. She seems to know her way around the area quite well, and in spite of the twists and turns, she keeps them going in the right direction.
  53. [17:32] <Kilarra> no trails exist in Tanglebriar, and the forest lives up to its name. Thick coils of stinging nettles, swaths of glistening mold and poisonous fungi, spiky vines and razor-sharp branches, and thick, sucking patches of soggy ground present a very real threat to any who would try to traverse the woodland.
  54. [17:43] <Kilarra> Kjell catchs a bit of poison on the trip
  55. [17:43] * Kilarra can fix that
  56. [17:51] <Kilarra> As the party grows closer to Thorn's End, the level activity amidst the sickened forest increases. As they pass through a small clearing, so does a band of five babaus, all carrying longspears. They all stop bickering immediately and point their spears at the newcomers.
  57. [17:52] <Kilarra> Quilindra steps forward, motioning for them to lower their weapons. She speaks to them in Abyssal. ("I am the succubus Quilindra. These mortals are my thralls, and are, I believe, the agents we need to finally penetrate Thorn's End.")
  58. [17:54] * Kilarra translates that for the rest of the party quietly, "She's claiming we're her thralls, and going to infiltrate Thorn's End for her."
  59. [17:55] <Kilarra> The babau's bicker amongst each other wildly, shaking their spears and looking at the party as if to size them up. However, it seems that either Quilindra's words or the even five on five odds convinced them not to attack. They resume their trek and wander off, their shrill bickering continuing.
  60. [17:56] * Kilarra blinks, "Huh. I'm surprised that actually worked."
  61. [17:57] <Kilarra> Quilindra smirks, "WHat can I say? I've always been very convincing."
  62. [17:57] <@Aluthyra> Kahree frowns, thinking on whether or not Quilindra was using her... she remains silent however.
  63. [18:00] <Kilarra> Quilindra continues on after the run in with the Babau's, eventually leading the party to their destination...
  64. [18:02] <Kilarra> The once-mighty gatehouse of this ancient elven fortress has collapsed, transforming into a jagged rent in the curtain wall that opens onto a courtyard perhaps once used as a marshalling yard. Thick, dripping vines and soggy, drooping mushrooms grow thick on the walls and ground surrounding the castle, and the tangled woodland presses in against its outer walls like a malignant sea of verdant tumors.
  65. [18:03] * Kilarra raises an eyebrow, then looks to Quilindra, "It looks like someone else got here before us."
  66. [18:04] <Kilarra> Quilindra shakes her head, "Though the outer wall is breached, the fortress remains warded. Years ago, though none of us yet discovered why, the wards dropped, and for a few minutes, we beseiged the fortress. The wards were restored, but not before the damage was done, and our host grew ever closer to victory."
  67. [18:06] <Kilarra> Quilindra leads the party into the courtyard, unless any of them object.
  68. [18:06] * Aluthyra raises an eyebrow. "So then, is it only demons that it is warded from?"
  69. [18:07] <Kilarra> Quilindra nods, "Yes. The walls repair damage done to them, although this apparently does not affect those already broken when the ward was down, and any demon who attempts to step inside will perish within minutes."
  70. [18:08] <Kilarra> Quilindra adds, "There is also no way to teleport inside."
  71. [18:09] * Kilarra uses her alter self ability as a precaution to take the form of an elf. She wobbles a bit, but her time in a drow body had gotten her more experience at balancing on feet and without her tail
  72. [18:10] * Aluthyra raises an eyebrow. "So then you do not plan on entering?"
  73. [18:11] <Kilarra> Quilindra snorts, "Of course not. At least, not until either the Winter Council is dead or the wards are removed. Or both."
  74. [18:11] <Kilarra> The grace of elven architecture and design is still visible in the lines of the structure surrounding this large courtyard, but the yard itself has been polluted beyond redemption. A thick layer of mud, fungus, and refuse lies heaped on the ground, trampled flat in the middle of the yard but lying in mounds against the walls. To the south, a bloodstained and muddy set of stairs rises up to a set of filth-caked double doors of cold iron
  75. [18:13] <Kilarra> The courtyard is absolutely crawling with fiendish creatures. Demons of multiple shapes, sizes and colours, as well as a contingent of what looks to be barbaric, fiendish looking satyrs
  76. [18:13] <Kilarra> Overseeing the squabbling, howling mob is a single bloated nalfeshnee demon
  77. [18:14] <Kilarra> The mob sees poised to attack as soon as something new approaches, but the Nalfeshnee stomps an enormous foot and they stop. Quilindra then removes her disguise and resumes her natural form. At that, the howling turns to cheering and applause, the demonic horde apparently greatly amused by her return.
  78. [18:15] * Aluthyra remains quiet, assuming that they are still to act as thralls.
  79. [18:16] <Kilarra> The Nalfeshnee greets them with an uncharacteristic civility. "Welcome back Quilindra. I see you brought some friends." He sneers, then looks to the party. "If you are here with Quilindra, then I suspect you will have at least some interest in doing a favour for me."
  80. [18:16] <Kilarra> The Nalfeshnee adds, "My name is Viggrizzur."
  81. [18:18] * Kilarra rolls her eyes. Demons with names now. It made her a little sick inside to think they were being aided by such foul creatures, her heritage notwithstanding
  82. [18:19] <Kilarra> Kjell keeps his weapons sheathed, but keeps his spell arm flexed. "What favour would you ask of us?"
  83. [18:19] * Aluthyra still has her bow out in the open, not trusting these creatures.
  84. [18:20] <Kilarra> Viggrizzur smiles horridly. "Simply make your way inside, and convince the elves to lower their defences. Or, if you wish, take care of them yourself. Once the fortress is ours, you will be welcome to all the treasure left inside." Quildinra chuckles, making a mock gag face, "Too much cold iron."
  85. [18:22] * Quilindra looks to the party, "Considering the Winter Council wanted to 'meet' us, getting in shouldn't require too much finesse."
  86. [18:23] * Aluthyra nods. "Yes," she whispers, "but we may need an escape mechanism. These demons will surely betray us..."
  87. [18:23] * Kilarra gives Aluthyra a 'duh' look. However, once they were inside, the wards would protect them. Regardless of whether they convince the Winter COuncil to help them, or got them out of the way, they could simply leave whatever protection in place and, if they wanted to, have the run of the place.
  88. [18:24] <Kilarra> Kjell nods, "The Winter Council sent assassins after us in the night, which is what led to our meeting Quilindra and discovering our mutual enemy. We shall see to it that they are dealt with."
  89. [18:26] <Kilarra> Whether or not Viggrizzur buys what Kjell says, he knows full well if they tried to fight, his host could crush a few measly mortals. There were always more of those that could be found anyways
  90. [18:27] <@Aluthyra> Kahree nods. "Yeah, we'll take care of them. Just let us through."
  91. [18:28] <Kilarra> Viggrizzur belows to the assembled horde, who part to let the party pass.
  92. [18:29] <Kilarra> Quilindra sticks with the demons and waves to the party, "Good luck." She smirks, addressing Viggrizzur telepathically. 'Regardless of the outcome, I'd like to keep the ifrit for myself. She's been an enjoyable plaything.'
  93. [18:30] <Kilarra> Viggrizzur shrugs, apparently not caring much either way
  94. [18:30] <Kilarra> -End Session-
  95. [18:30] <Kilarra> Rewards: 1 EL 11; 3200 Experience Each
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