
Kona, Of maids and Mistresses

Mar 14th, 2014
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  1. [16:44] * Kona is on the street once again. It's raining so she has a black raincoat on top of her. She runs trough the street. She has felt a demonic prencense a powerfull one. At least to her
  2. [16:46] * Kona looks around frenetically. She know that demon pressence is here somewhere. She pushes people and jumps on top of them to get there
  3. [16:46] <Kona> (yt)
  4. [16:46] * Rhema is now known as Kasantri
  5. [16:48] * Kasantri stepped out from a unmarked door at the street, either side were seedy stores selling porn or drugs, looking as if she was 18 years old in a maids outfit wither a long black umbrell, the short red haired girl looked past her umbrella sighing at the rain.
  6. [16:49] * Kasantri yelped and fell, dropping her umbrella as Kona barged into her. Landing on her knee's she scowled up at Kona "Excuse me!" She yelled at the demon hunter. (yt)
  7. [16:52] * Kona reels back fter running into a girl not that older than her yet in clearly a busness that calls for sin.
  8. [16:52] <Kona> "You are excused, Demon!"
  9. [16:53] * Kona summons a ligh knife and points it at Kasantri
  10. [16:53] <Kona> "Now, Run!"
  11. [16:53] <Kona> (yt)
  12. [16:53] * Kasantri blinks and tilts her head. "De.. Demon?" as she slowly got to her feet, frowning as she brushed water from her gown. Back against the wall she looked terrified at the point of the knife. "Wh.. Wha... P... Please.. D.. Don't kill me..".
  13. [16:54] * Kasantri legs shook, still holding up the umbrella. "I.. Didn't mean to yell.. I have no money!" (yt)
  14. [16:55] * Kona presses agaist Kasandri
  15. [16:56] <Kona> "I have no need of such petty...Things? "
  16. [16:56] <Kona> "If a demon has it it must be bad!"
  17. [16:56] * Kona closes her eyes and looks at Kasantri again. Is she really a demon?
  18. [16:56] <Kona> (yt)
  19. [16:58] * Kasantri blushes as Kona presses up against her, back against the door. Looking away as she speaks. "M.. Money.. W.. We all.. use money.. For food... I wor.. work in the maid loft... For r.. rich people.. P.. P.." taking a deep gulp.
  20. [16:58] <Kasantri> Tears welling in her eyes "Please don't kill me!" She was trembling against Kona, eyes shut tightly. (yt)
  21. [17:01] * Kona stops pressing for a moment. She never felt this way before. Like...When she does somthing wrong and doesn't know how to repair it
  22. [17:02] * Kona let's go of Kasantri. She is allright...Demons can't cry can they
  23. [17:02] <Kona> "I...No..Don't ..cry!"
  24. [17:02] <Kona> (yt)
  25. [17:04] * Kasantri continued to shake, lowering her head. "O.. O. Oka.Okay.." Sniffling and whiping her eyes. Looking over her assailent she pauses for a moment. ".. Y.. You.. Loo.. Look tired.." giving a faint and shy smile. "Woul.. W... Would you like some tea?" (yt)
  26. [17:05] <Kona> "I...I'm sorry...
  27. [17:06] * Kona offers her hand to help Kasantri stand up
  28. [17:07] <Kona> "I...Don't know what to do...."
  29. [17:07] * Kona galred at Kasantri awkardly
  30. [17:07] <Kona> (yt)
  31. [17:08] * Kasantri took her hand and slowly stood, wiping her eyes again. "Ugh.. Mistress will be angry I got my dress wet.." Giving her a faint smile "Well.. You should not point a knife at somone! Its rude.. And... S.. Scarey... Why are you in such a rush?" (yt)
  32. [17:10] <Kona> "Mistress?"
  33. [17:11] * Kona tilts her head. Suddenly her eyes looks very incent
  34. [17:11] <Kona> "What's a Mistress?"
  35. [17:11] <Kona> (yt)
  36. [17:12] * Kasantri blinks a couple of times. "Oh! She is my boss, she taught me Japanise tea ceremonys.. And Customs. Come and see! It's very nice, you look like you could use some tea!".
  37. [17:15] * Kasantri smiles warmly, opening the door to step in and shake off the umbrella, behind her were stairs leading upto a hallway with oriental art and some coat hooks. Giving Kona a friendly bow "Please come in!" Propping the umbrella against the wall.
  38. [17:15] <Kasantri> "You'll have to take your shoes off at the top of the stairs." As she takes a few steps up and smiles to Kona, waiting for her to accept or continue on.
  39. [17:15] <Kasantri> (yt)
  40. [17:15] * Kona 's eyes widen "Tea? Bad people drink tea too?"
  41. [17:16] * Kona keeps her arms really close and walks near Kasantri no longer like a demon huntress but as a child.
  42. [17:16] * Kona takes of her shows and follows Kasantri
  43. [17:16] <Kona> (yt)
  44. [17:18] * Kasantri tilts her head and giggles softly. "Everyone drinks tea!" as she walks down the corridor and waits at the end door for Kona, opening it to call in "Mistress! We have a guest, she is cold and wet could we give her some tea?".
  45. [17:20] <Kasantri> A older, wise sounding voice called back "Ofcourse Kasantri, bring her in I will prepare the pot." The maid girl smiles and moves next to Kona offering to take her rainjacket off and hang it up. "Come through, it will be good practice for me!"
  46. [17:21] <Kasantri> Behind the door it would feel like a beautifully decorated Japanese room, with false paper walls, doors, several small rooms with a table. Several kneeling cushions placed around it. (yt)
  47. [17:22] * Kona blinks in disbelief as she sees the place. It's so different from what she tough.
  48. [17:23] <Kona> "Thank you..."
  49. [17:23] * Kona snaps her fingers making her light knifes dissapear. She still feels the pressence of a demon close to her but the demon can wait at least until she explores this place further
  50. [17:23] <Kona> (yt)
  51. [17:25] * Kasantri steps in behind Kona and walks off behind one of the panel doors, her shadow bowed to a much taller one, wearing robes? Or A kimono from the style of the place. Walking around the Maid carried a tray of cakes and a tea pot with several small cups.
  52. [17:26] * Kasantri motioned for her to take a place at the table as she kneeled and set out a mug, plate and began to pour some tea.
  53. [17:26] <Kasantri> "There we go, might calm you down as well! That was a very strange knife you had." Stepping back against the wall with a formal bow. (yt)
  54. [17:27] ->> Kasantri is ~RhemaRyon@ (RhemaRyona)
  55. [17:27] ->> Kasantri is on: #ryonani
  56. [17:27] ->> Kasantri using (A distant star. (Seattle, WA, USA))
  57. [17:27] ->> Kasantri :End of /WHOIS list.
  58. [17:27] <Kona> "Yes!"
  59. [17:27] <Kona> "The other fathers tell me I am not allowed to talk about it"
  60. [17:28] * Kona blsushes as she sees the cake. She was not allowed to eat them often and she alrady had one that weekend. Maybe another one wouldn't hurt
  61. [17:28] * Kona looks down
  62. [17:28] <Kona> "I'm sorry I made you cry...."
  63. [17:28] <Kona> "I-I cried to..."
  64. [17:28] <Kona> (yt)
  65. [17:29] * Kasantri frowns and shuffles forward, shaking her head slowly "Well.. That is strange.. And holding a knife to somone will do that!.. W... Why did you cr.."
  66. [17:30] <Kasantri> The older voice spoke as the wall woman walked around the door, she looked 40 or so, but her skin was smooth, narrowing her eyes at Kona before barking at the maid "She held a knife at you, you bring her in here?!"
  67. [17:31] <Kasantri> The maid bowed and shook her head. "She was sorry! I thought some tea may he.." The long, brown haired woman shook her head with a sigh and knelt at the table, the maid stepping forward to place another cup and fill it. The older woman just glared at Kona. "Kasantri.. Go home now."
  68. [17:33] * Kasantri almost jumps and shook her head "Did I do wrong mistress? I'm sorry!" the older woman motioned for her to step closer, petting Kasantri's head. "You did not young one. You were kind. But you need to go home.. Now."
  69. [17:33] <Kasantri> (yt)
  70. [17:35] * Kona tilts her head.. She doesn't know what to do and will probably be punished by the one she calls Mistress
  71. [17:35] <Kona> "I raised a knife agaist an inocent one"
  72. [17:36] <Kona> "I don't deserver your kindness. I' ll leave"
  73. [17:36] <Kona> "Please don't punish her"
  74. [17:37] <Kona> (yt)
  75. [17:38] <Kasantri> The older woman shook her head slowly. "No one will be punnished.." As Kasantri grabbed her rucksack from another room and stepped out with a coat on. Bowing to the pair. "No! Stay, Mistress is wise. And tea helps everything!" bowing again she went to the door and left.
  76. [17:38] * Kasantri is now known as Dejah
  77. [17:40] * Dejah stared at Kona for some time, taking a sip of her tea before speaking. "I could not bring myself to feed on her.." Her eyes going from pupils to slits, reaching out to take a cake and bite from it. "You have much to learn." As the tips of her ears grew to poke out from behind her hair. (yt)
  78. [17:41] * Kona 's eyes widen as she puts 2 and 2 together.
  79. [17:41] <Kona> "I-It can't be...."
  80. [17:42] <Kona> "You can't be one...."
  81. [17:43] <Kona> "You are nice and wise...And...And..."
  82. [17:43] <Kona> (yt)
  83. [17:44] * Dejah took another sip from her tea, eyes fixed on Kona. "If I can't be one.. Then I am not one?" smirking as she wiped her lips with a cloth. "The fathers did a terrible job training you.. A shame, I will be sure to send them a limb or ear.." (yt)
  84. [17:47] * Kona is not moving. Unable to react or say anything
  85. [17:47] <Kona> "W-What are you going to do?"
  86. [17:47] <Kona> (Yt)
  87. [17:50] * Dejah brushes the hair behind her ears and thinks for a moment. "Well.. I enjoy playing with my food.. I am sure you will enjoy it, but after that I'm afraid I will feed on you. Sleep for abit and open up the tea room again." With a warm smile she shuffles back and takes the table and carefully moves it to the side.
  88. [17:51] * Dejah then walks around Kona, placing a warm hand on her shoulder to gently squeese and gnead. Kneeling down to whisper softly into her ear "Shhhhh.. Just relax.." her other hand running down Kona's back softly, her touch felt comforting but corrupt. (yt)
  89. [17:53] * Kona 's eyes close for a monute to open themm again. She looks at the demoness as she is.
  90. [17:53] <Kona> "T-That why I tough she was a demon....."
  91. [17:53] <Kona> "You....Aaah~"
  92. [17:54] * Kona blushes feeling that odd sensation again. She didn't knew what it was but she didn't wanted her to stop
  93. [17:54] <Kona> (yt)
  94. [17:56] * Dejah lean in and brushed her cheek against Kona's kneeling behind her pressing her ample chest against her back, pulling her hands free to drop the Kimino. Before reaching to slowly remove Kona's top, her hands feeling over her chest and stomach as she did.
  95. [17:57] <Dejah> Just.. Relax for me..
  96. [17:58] * Dejah went to pull the top free, her hand started to rub the back of Kona's neck. That strange sensation only seemed to happen when she touched her. (yt)
  97. [18:00] * Kona 's lip was shivvering. She tried to summon a weapon....But she couldn't concentrate when Dejah's cheeck was near hers
  98. [18:01] <Kona> "Aah...N-Noo..." she moaned
  99. [18:02] * Kona 's face was enterely red and she looked back at Dejah doing her stuff. She only could shiver in exiement as she look into the demoness eyes. She felt a cold wind come her way when her Shirt fall and her top too
  100. [18:02] <Kona> "Please...Don't look...."
  101. [18:02] <Kona> (yt)
  102. [18:04] * Dejah chuckled quietly as her hands smoothed down over her chest, running her thumbs over her nipples. Speaking in a soothing musical tone "You should enjoy it huntress.. It will be the last thing you know." Two fingers reaching to squeeze and tweek her right nipple.
  103. [18:05] * Dejah continued to squeeze and play as she shuffles beside Kona and pulls her back gently to lie on the floor, joining beside her as she brought her ample chest up against Kona's nose. "This is natural for humans.. Just let it happen." Her voice went demonic for a moment, a harsh deep tone to it. (yt)
  104. [18:10] * Kona was sweating as she felr Dejah's hand near her nipple. Her breaths slowed down as her nipple was touched. As she got more and more relaxed
  105. [18:11] * Kona sunbled to the floor like a ragdoll. She didn't felt fear she felt eximent. She tried to thing but the only word on her mouth was "Y-Yes....."
  106. [18:12] * Kona moaned as she was more and more relaxed.
  107. [18:12] <Kona> "Uuh..."
  108. [18:13] * Kona 's unexpirience with the world would be her salvation however since she never had a love interest, let alone one for the sex she bited Dejah's nipples as hard as she could
  109. [18:13] <Kona> (yt)
  110. [18:14] * Dejah eyes opened wide as groaned out in pain at the Huntress latched onto her nipple, quickly raising her fist she pounded down into Kona's breast. Snarling in her throat as her other hand grabbed at Kona's jaw, trying to prey it free from her nipple.
  111. [18:15] * Dejah shuffled back as it stretched and caused her more pain. "UGNNHhMff.. You should be powerless!" Wondering why her soothing touch hadn't drained all resistance from her prey. (yt)
  112. [18:16] * Kona 's eyes go back to the one of a Huntress.
  113. [18:16] * Kona pulls out a light rapier and stabs the demonees while she is still with in reach. Jumping out backwards after that.
  114. [18:17] <Kona> "Aaah! You mean you didn't liked that?"
  115. [18:17] <Kona> said the Huntress soundind more ofended than anything else
  116. [18:17] <Kona> (yt)
  117. [18:18] * Dejah shreiks out loudly as the rapier stabs into her, shuffling back and moving to all fours, her feet growing claw like. Her nails growing longer "You can play rough if you like..".
  118. [18:18] <Dejah> Lunging in at Kona with a sweep of her nails to try and parry the blade aside, jamming her other hand and nails towards the center of Kona's chest.
  119. [18:21] <Kona> (My turn?)
  120. [18:21] <Dejah> (yes! sorry XD
  121. [18:23] * Kona managues to summon a sai between her oponet's claws and her exposed chest.
  122. [18:23] <Kona> "Uugh!"
  123. [18:24] <Kona> "You don't have to do this...Please!"
  124. [18:24] <Kona> (yT)
  125. [18:26] * Dejah hissed as her fingers were slashed by the sai, staring into Kona's eyes "You could of just let me play!" bringing her knee up between Kona's legs, flattening the sai and fingers against Kona's chest to try and force her onto the floor. "Or if I stop will you just walk away?" (yt)
  126. [18:29] * Kona gasp as she finder herself once again agaist the floor
  127. [18:29] <Kona> "Why..Why you coulnd't kill that girl..."
  128. [18:29] <Kona> (yt)
  129. [18:31] * Dejah narrows her eyes, growling down at Kona "How do you know she is not a demon? Tricked to think she's human? How do you know she doesn't know I'm a demon.. Do not talk about her!" Hissing as she brought a knee up between Kona's legs.
  130. [18:31] * Dejah seemed enraged at the mention of the maid, rolling over and grabbing Kona to throw her across the room and against the wall. (yt)
  131. [18:33] * Kona means as the demoness leg curls up between her special area. She drops her sais to try and push the demoness back. Another mistake since now she was thown agaist the gall.
  132. [18:34] * Kona gasp as her back smashes agaist the wall. She bounces and falls flat on her face. She tries to get up
  133. [18:34] <Kona> "B-Beacuse you told me...You couldn't....Feed from her...."
  134. [18:34] <Kona> "If she was another demon you wouldn't even think of that...."
  135. [18:34] <Kona> (yt)
  136. [18:36] * Dejah gets to all fours, then onto two feet as she storms across the room and grabs Kona's hair, lifting her to meet eye to eye. "Shut UP!" Swinging her fist for the huntresses stomach. (yt)
  137. [18:39] * Kona shreiks as she is lifted and sobs a little.
  138. [18:39] <Kona> "P-Please...Don't...."
  139. [18:39] <Kona> "Aaaah!"
  140. [18:39] * Kona doubles as her belly is meeted with the fist of a beast. She spits out blood and it keeps dripping from her mouth
  141. [18:39] <Kona> (yt)
  142. [18:41] * Dejah shook her head "I let you go, more.. REAL.. strong hunters will come. I have a good setup here.. While she is busy I can feed and dispose of customers." Smirking at the blood spat out and dripping down her chest.
  143. [18:41] * Dejah brings her fist back ready to punch, if she wasnt stopped she would do so a good three more times. (yt)
  144. [18:42] * Kona closes her eyes and whispers.
  145. [18:42] <Kona> "I'm sorry"
  146. [18:43] * Kona snaps her fingers and re-summons her sais. She aims for a one hit strike percing Dejah's head
  147. [18:43] <Kona> (yt)
  148. [18:45] * Dejah eyes go wide as she drops Kona and shuffles back at the click, the Sai stabbing into her chest. The Demon shriek and stumbles back. Swiping her claws at Kona desperate as black, ooze like blood pours from the demons wound.
  149. [18:45] <Dejah> (yt)
  150. [18:47] * Kona uses this as an oportunity to use the demons momentum on her advantague. She waits until Dejah is near to stab her again with the sais
  151. [18:47] <Kona> (yt)
  152. [18:48] * Dejah shrieks out again as the blade stabs into her throat, eyes wide she falls to her knees. Garggling up some blood "W.. Wuugh.. WuUGghh... WUghhilll Ennndd Youuughgh.." (yt)
  153. [18:49] * Kona snaps her finger and the sais disapear.
  154. [18:50] * Kona summons a medieval sword and decapitates the demoness. Her eyes full of tears
  155. [18:50] <Kona> (yt)
  156. [18:50] * Dejah head falls from it's shoulders, slumping and rolling across the ground as the body kneels upright for a few moments before it's skin starts to shrivel and turn black.
  157. [18:51] <Dejah> The body ignites and slowly starts to burn away to dust, the demon blood on the floor too starts to burn untill nothing is left but ash. (yt)
  158. [18:52] * Dejah is now known as Kasantri
  159. [18:52] <Kasantri> (yt^
  160. [18:52] * Kona kneels down to the floor. She slowly picks her bra and her shirt and dresses herself
  161. [18:53] * Kona looks at the Kimono that Dejah used to wear. She grabs it and hugs it. She doesn't really undertans why
  162. [18:53] <Kona> *At least she doesn't want to understand
  163. [18:53] <Kona> "I'm sorry.....I'm sorry...."
  164. [18:54] * Kona hugs it for about an hour. She grabs it and goes to looks for Kasantri
  165. [18:54] <Kona> (yt)
  166. [18:54] * Kasantri knocks at the door "Mistress! I forgot the house keys, may I come in?"
  167. [18:54] <Kasantri> (yt)
  168. [18:56] * Kona looks at Kasantri, Not even looking at her on the eye. She understoof why she was so sad. She gave her Mistress Kimono sobbing
  169. [18:57] * Kona 's legs trembled.
  170. [18:57] <Kona> (yt)
  171. [18:57] * Kasantri tilts her head and looks at the Kimono, peering at the pile of ash on the floor. "Has somone been smoking?" before looking to Kona.
  172. [18:58] * Kasantri frowns and steps in to hug her tightly. "I'm sorry if she said some harsh things, but she is wise.. Is she in?" Pulling from the hug, giving Kona a friendly smile, pulling a tissue from her pocket to offer Kona. (yt)
  173. [19:00] * Kona breaks into tears. She can't take it and falls to her knees still crying. She can't tell her the truth. She can't do anything
  174. [19:00] * Kona pushes Kasantri out from the door and runs away. Still sobbing. Not looking back
  175. [19:00] <Kona> (yt)
  176. [19:01] * Kasantri blinks and tilts her head, looking over at the ash she walks over to place the robe on the table. Looking up at a dent in the wall she gasps and covers her mouth as it clicks.. Turning to run down the hall and stairs.
  177. [19:02] <Kasantri> "Did you hurt her?!! Were is Mistress!" She yelled out reaching the door, peering around the stree for kona.
  178. [19:02] <Kasantri> (yt)
  179. [19:03] <Kona> *Another hunter would have stayed to help her. To talk to her. Give her money to look for her or tell the inocent one a lie.
  180. [19:04] * Kona didn't knew what to do. She runned until her wound took the best of her and she collapsed on the street. Still unsure of what to do.
  181. [19:04] <Kona> (yt)
  182. [19:06] <Kasantri> (Would you rather she be friendly or angry?
  183. [19:06] <Kona> (Angry would be the more common reacting, Yes)
  184. [19:06] <Kasantri> (or want to end it?
  185. [19:07] <Kona> (I'm cuttrious of what could happen)
  186. [19:07] <Kona> ( Do you need to go?)
  187. [19:07] * Kasantri comes around the corner, holding her umbrella like a weapon as she glares at Kona. "What did you do?! Did you burn her alive? MONSTER!" Charging in at Kona, umbrella raised, although she never faught in her life.
  188. [19:07] <Kasantri> (nope :3
  189. [19:08] <Kasantri> 9yt)
  190. [19:09] * Kona is on her knees and does nothing to defend herslef
  191. [19:09] <Kona> (yt)
  192. [19:11] * Kasantri starts to lightly whack at Kona with her umbrella! "Talk! What did you do to her?!" After a few more thwacks she seems tired out, stepping back with a huff she glared down at Kona. "Explain yourself!" Pulling out her phone ready to call the police. (yt)
  193. [19:12] * Kona bow's down to Kasantri
  194. [19:12] <Kona> "I'm sorry!"
  195. [19:12] <Kona> "Your Mistress....."
  196. [19:13] <Kona> "Your Mistress....was...."
  197. [19:13] <Kona> "She...We...."
  198. [19:14] * Kona 's forehead bleed.
  199. [19:14] <Kona> "I can't! I can't tell you!"
  200. [19:14] <Kona> "Please....Please..."
  201. [19:14] <Kona> (Yt)
  202. [19:15] * Kasantri by the third word had dialed the police, holding the phone to her ear "I got mistress killed... I should of let you run on! Your a monst.. Yes police please!" Staring down, upset at Kona.
  203. [19:16] <Kasantri> There gonna lock you up, were you belong! She cared for me! Took me off the street! *as she waited for her call to connect, which seemed to be taking a very very long time*
  204. [19:16] <Kasantri> (yt)
  205. [19:17] * Kona throw an knife atKasantri's hand to make sure drops the phone
  206. [19:17] <Kona> "We...We fought...."
  207. [19:18] <Kona> "Your Mistress was a demon...."
  208. [19:18] <Kona> "A good one...."
  209. [19:20] <Kona> "She almost killed me"
  210. [19:20] <Kona> "And I pleaded her to stop...."
  211. [19:21] <Kona> "BEacuse I knew this would happen"
  212. [19:21] <Kona> (Yt)
  213. [19:21] * Kasantri eeks as the phone drops and shatters, utterly confused at were the dagger came from.. Stumbling back against the wall she stares at Kona. "Y.. Your mad... Demon's are all.. Bible stuff!"
  214. [19:21] <Kasantri> You must of burned her.. To... Dust...
  215. [19:21] * Kasantri face goes red with anger again, stepping forward to light bash Kona with her umbrella!
  216. [19:21] <Kasantri> (yt)
  217. [19:23] * Kona stops Kasantri's unbrella bashing and her eyes glow white
  218. [19:23] <Kona> "This is not a game! Do not make fun of the bible!"
  219. [19:24] <Kona> (yt)
  220. [19:25] * Kasantri drops the umbrella and stares at Kona, scowling. "The bible is a bunch of stories!" As she got more angery, you would feel a demonic presence. Stumbling back she picked up the remains of her phone starting to cry before running off back home. (yt)
  221. [19:27] * Kona runs a lot faster than Kasantri and tackles her her.
  222. [19:27] <Kona> "Please! Listen to me!"
  223. [19:27] * Kona 's eyes are still glowing white
  224. [19:28] <Kona> "Look at me! I am an agent of the light. I cannot lie!"
  225. [19:28] <Kona> (yt)
  226. [19:29] * Kasantri slams into the pavement, looking back and seemingly terrofied at her eyes. "EEEKK! DEMON! DEEEEMOOONNNN!" Starting to thrash and kick about in hopes of squirming free. (yt)
  227. [19:31] <Kona> "Ah! That's it!"
  228. [19:32] * Kona headbutts Kasantri aiming to knock her out. She is truly human she will fall with no problem
  229. [19:33] <Kona> (yt)
  230. [19:33] * Kasantri head bounces off the pavement, still awake as she lays there whimpering and sobbing. "Ge.. G.. Geet off.. Pleeassseee..." (yt)
  231. [19:33] <Kona> "I know I said this a lot but I am sorry"
  232. [19:33] * Kona headbutts again
  233. [19:33] <Kona> (yt)
  234. [19:34] * Kasantri head cracks against the pavemnt and she falls out cold. The side of her head heavily bruised. (yt)
  235. [19:35] <Kona> *As Kasantri awakes she finds herself on an old curch. What wakes her up are nor the choirs but the disscution between a girl and an old man
  236. [19:35] <Kona> "What was I supposed to do!"
  237. [19:35] <Kona> Screamed the voice of Krona
  238. [19:36] <Kona> "Kill her! As far as we know she is a demon too!" said the old man.
  239. [19:36] <Kona> "I killed her mother!" said Kona while her voice started to tremble
  240. [19:37] <Kona> "You killed a demon! What happens to her pet is none of your interest..."
  241. [19:39] <Kona> *The discussion stayed liked that for a while. Kansadri was tied up to a chair near the altar. The curch was an old one and made out of stone. It had no electic light and the only light that came out was the one from the windows.
  242. [19:39] <Kona> (yt)
  243. [19:40] * Kasantri sat tied to the chair, eyes wide as she thought to herself that she was kidnapped by religous nutters.. Peering around she tried to catch sight of Kona and who ever she was talking to.
  244. [19:40] <Kasantri> (Were's her backpack?
  245. [19:40] <Kona> (On Kona's hand)
  246. [19:43] * Kasantri shook and rattled in the chair as she saw her backpack in Kona's hand, watching it buldge and squirm, eyes going wide as a small demon underling, like a spikey hissing spider tried to sneakily crawl out of her back and keep out of sight of the two. Although it would be a low demonic presence, Kona should be able to sence it. Weather she thought it was the Maid or not.. (yt)
  247. [19:44] <Kona> "Stop treating me like a child! I am a huntresss"
  248. [19:45] * Kona feels the demonic pressence and looks at her hand and screams like a little girl.
  249. [19:45] <Kona> "Kyaah!"
  250. [19:45] * Kona summons the buster sword
  251. [19:45] <Kona> (yt)
  252. [19:46] * Kasantri looked terrified more at the spider then the girl summoning a buster sword! Wriggling from side to side in the chair "Kill it kill it kill it!!!" Hair nearly standing on end, she didn't like spiders and this one would put the fear into a petstore owner!
  253. [19:47] <Kasantri> The spider leapt up onto Kona's leg started crawling up, it had a big oversized set of fang's but didn't seem to use them.. Yet! (yt)
  254. [19:49] * Kona slams her buster sword agaist the floor still screaming
  255. [19:49] <Kona> "Aaaah!"
  256. [19:49] * Kona looks at it's fangs and summoned a sai trying to stab the creature
  257. [19:49] <Kona> (yt)
  258. [19:50] * Kasantri sighs in relief as the creature shreaks and bites at the air as it gets stabbed and pulled free from her leg. After a few moments of squirming it turns to ash and falls to the floor. (yt)
  259. [19:52] * Kona sighs too and laughs a little
  260. [19:53] <Kona> *The old man comes out from behind the altar. Shaking in fear
  261. [19:53] <Kona> "Is the demon gone?"
  262. [19:53] <Kona> (yT)+
  263. [19:54] * Kasantri starts shaking on the chair "Let me go!! LET ME GOO!" As the demon spider was gone, any demonic precene would be gone.
  264. [19:58] <Kasantri> (yt0
  265. [19:58] * Kona 's eyes widen
  266. [19:58] <Kona> "No!"
  267. [19:59] <Kona> "I need you to listen to me!"
  268. [19:59] <Kona> "We are the good guys!"
  269. [19:59] <Kona> *The father sighted and walked
  270. [19:59] <Kona> "Just let her go, She'll be fine!"
  271. [20:00] * Kona pushes the father
  272. [20:00] <Kona> "No she won't! I killed the only creature that loved her!"
  273. [20:00] <Kona> "Demon or nor now it's my resposability!"
  274. [20:00] <Kona> (yt)
  275. [20:01] * Kasantri scowled and stared at Kona as she spoke "Yes.. You di.." Trying not to get angery she shook her head "Yes your the good guys.. I'll never a speak a word! Let me go.... Please.." (yt)
  276. [20:02] * Kona kneels down
  277. [20:03] <Kona> "Please...Listen to me..."
  278. [20:03] * Kona 's eyes are full of tears
  279. [20:03] <Kona> "I'll prove it to you...Please..."
  280. [20:03] <Kona> (yt)
  281. [20:04] * Kasantri bit her lip, wanting to scream at the girl but she shook her head "I beleive you! I do! I beleive... N.. Now... unti.. Untie me!" (yt)
  282. [20:04] <Kona> "If you are going to hate me please....Hate me...."
  283. [20:05] <Kona> "At least after knowing the truth
  284. [20:05] <Kona> *The father pushed Kona aside
  285. [20:05] <Kona> "ENOUGH!"
  286. [20:06] <Kona> "She is free to go, You are not to dweal in the lives of others anymore"
  287. [20:06] <Kona> "She cannot stay here unless she doesn't want to..."
  288. [20:07] * Kona is about to say something but it's to late. The father with a quick move cuts the ropes and throws Kasantri her backpack
  289. [20:07] <Kona> (yt)
  290. [20:08] * Kasantri catches her backpack, staring angrily at Kona as she turns and literally sprints off! Barging through the door and dashing off down the street. (yt or the end?
  291. [20:10] * Kona looks at Kasantri. The Father helps her get up. Kona dried her tears and sniffed a bit. The father putted his hand on her shoulder
  292. [20:10] <Kona> (The End)
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