

Jun 27th, 2016
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  1. <DarnellJermaine> -beep boop I'mma scoop-
  2. <DarnellJermaine> Theodore steps out into the commons- yup, typical Theodore- fully recovered from cardiac arrest, now that it's been a few days. He's taking his first stroll that he /doesn't/ have to monitor around the campus- a thermos in hand (surprise it's full of tea).
  3. <DedBud> Oh wouldn't you know, a wild, normal Izzy is in commons as well, although she seems.. perched on the window still, staring down, watching.
  4. * Karaoke has quit ()
  5. <DarnellJermaine> Theodore raises an eyebrow- he doesn't believe he's seen this girl before. He's already been here just over a month now- though to be fair he may just have never met her before. "Oi! Hello there" he says with a bright smile, making his way over to her and peering over her shoulder, "Whatcha lookin at, love?"
  6. <DedBud> "Oh nothing, just trying to see how far down from here the ground is. And if I can make it or not. Whaddya do you think will happen if I jump?"
  7. <DarnellJermaine> Theodore seems quite interested now- "Jump? You gonna ma-" well, it is /this/ school, "I dunno, would love to see ya try" he lets out a soft chuckle, "Whatcha gonna do once ya jump down?"
  8. <DedBud> "Hm.. well you're gonna have to wait and see because bottoms up!" And she slides off before activating her magnetism and floating back up. "...yep, didn't die." Shw climbs back in. "Hi."
  9. <DedBud> *she
  10. <DarnellJermaine> He's definitely impressed by the display, "Oh oh- good show, love!" he gives her a short round of applause before asking, "And how exactly did you manage that, huh?"
  11. <DedBud> "I'll tell you, but what's your deal? You just seem a little bit too happy and I'm not sure if you're trying very hard to be nice or you have some sort of issue in the head. Mind you, if its latter, there's nothing wrong with that. I'm just saying."
  12. <DarnellJermaine> Theo seems hardly perturbed by her little question- though he'd be lying if he said it didn't hurt his feelings a bit, "I'm not really err, trying. I guess it's how I am. Err, sorry?" he lets out another little laugh- his mood slightly deflated but still fairly cheery.
  13. <DedBud> "Nah its fine, just tone it down a bit, I literally just fell and floated back up. I'm pretty sure that wouldn't be something new for you. Anyway, your name, what is it?"
  14. <DarnellJermaine> Well- believe it or not, it was new for him. Now he was just a bit irritated- thankfully, Theo's good at concealing when people irritate him- well, except weebs. Fuck them. "Theodore" he says, still smiling, but much less excitable now. He hesitantly reaches out his hand in greeting.
  15. * inque (inqueling@2600:100e:b04c:lggs:hott:nmrw:ppl:ysrn) has joined
  16. <DedBud> She makes a mental note to not push his buttons anymore as she shakes his hand. "Isabelle, but people call me Izzy. Nice to meet ya, love." She says jokingly, sort of copying him to tease him.
  17. <DarnellJermaine> Ok, that was pretty funny- he laughs a little bit at that, letting his British accent slip this time, "Sorry- not from around here. Pleasure, Izzy" he says, his mood lifted a little bit at that, but still wary. "So you float and stuff?"
  18. <DedBud> She wasn't sure what not being around here had to do with anything, but again, no button pushing and it wasn't a big deal. "Not.. really, that was more electromagnetism."
  19. <DarnellJermaine> "Electromagnetism?" he asks, puzzled. Theodore's no idiot but...he isn't the brightest. "Is that sciency stuff or somethin?"
  20. <DedBud> "'re kidding, right? Okay, I use electricity to magnetize myself."
  21. <DarnellJermaine> "Ah- makes sense to me!" he says, nodding his head- no questions needed. "So electricity stuff- that's pretty neat!"
  22. * LipstickThespian ( has joined
  23. * ChanServ gives channel operator status to LipstickThespian
  24. <DedBud> "That is definitely is. Any more questions or are you satisfied?"
  25. * Endorb is now known as WorkOrb
  26. <DarnellJermaine> "Err, guess that satiates my curiosity" he tries to choose his words carefully- he isn't quite used to being scrutinized this much :O! "Umm- I'm gonna head out for a walk. Want to come?"
  27. <DedBud> Don't worry, Izzy isn't that judgemental. Maybe. "Sure, why not. Bored as fuck as it is anyway."
  28. <DarnellJermaine> He starts to offer a big smile- and then quickly stops himself. He was not in the mood to be criticized- besides, maybe she had a point. He was still a bit self conscious at the fact that nobody besides Elspeth visited him in the infirmary- maybe he needed to change the way he acted a bit. "Righto then- shall we head off?" he said, making his way to the door.
  29. * Duno666|Mobile has quit (Quit: Leaving)
  30. <DedBud> She nodded following along, quietly, thinking.
  31. <DarnellJermaine> "Gotta say, haven't seen you around before- then again I've only been here a month. You new too, or are you one of those Sunnydale people?" Sunnybrook, Theo.
  32. <DedBud> "Mmm I'm new, very new. As in like two days ago. Month is pretty long tho."
  33. <DedBud> *a month
  34. <DedBud> *though
  35. <DarnellJermaine> "Ya think? It does feel a lot longer than it's been" so much has happened in that month- Vietnam, Cafeteria craze, Plant cultists, Desoph, all his other friends- it's really been one /hell/ of a ride so far. He turns to her and actually offers a warm, genuine, smile- "I think you'll like it here. This is the kinda place where memories are made"
  36. <DedBud> "Well, time is an asshole." She remarks, keeping quiet until Theo said that last part. She snickered. "That's literally one of the cheesiest things I've ever heard someone and I"ve seen those old anti-smoking ads."
  37. <DedBud> "No shit this is a place where memories are made, unless I have amnesia, I'm not gonna be forgetting everyday life."
  38. <DedBud> "And I do know what you mean by 'memories'" She adds. "But really? Its just a school for people who can do cool shit."
  39. <DarnellJermaine> "Well- wait until you go on one of their 'missions'. Then maybe you won't think I'm so cheesy- that shits dangerous. I've almost died here before, you know"
  40. * Kioku ( has joined
  41. * ChanServ gives channel operator status to Kioku
  42. <DedBud> "Yeah, yeah, I've heard this already, don't threatening me with info. So, what was that about making memories? Cause its so weird how you just said this place is dangerous and shit.. but right before you were smiling about how this was a place where you made 'memories'." She keeps snickering. "Real smooth, love." She says again, copying him once more.
  43. <DarnellJermaine> Theodore's feelings are a bit hurt- but he's not gonna let this go so easily! "Well, it is dangerous, but that comes with the territory. You get to explore your powers- and let me tell you, making a friend over sharing a near death experience is a lot stronger of a bond then liking the same sports team or something. You really get to /see/ people for who they are- and I think that's quite the rare experience"
  44. <DedBud> "Ten out of ten, would love to hear this again, but I really do not care. I'm sure soldiers bond real well after losing an arm or leg, because while they did lose limbs and they did see other friends die right in front of them, but yeah, totally man. They survived together. You're real good with those good vibes. You know what's also a rare experience?
  45. <DedBud> This level of cheesiness. Its like so cheesy that.. wait a minute, needa think of something funny that isn't stupid. Mmm.. sorry, I'm kinda outta of it today."
  46. * SolongStarbird is now known as Dinnerbirb
  47. <DedBud> "I'm already at the school, don't need to advertise anymore than before.:
  48. <DarnellJermaine> Wow- that was... harsh. Theodore stops in his tracks- a bit of a sad look on his face. "I...I think I'm gonna go back to my room. Nice meeting you and stuff" he says as he turns around and walks back to the dorms. Jeez, what a jerk!
  49. <DedBud> *"
  50. <DedBud> She sighs. Maybe she went just a little too far, but it was all in good fun. "Come on, don't be like that, I was joking around." She follows him, hoping he didn't actually brush her off.
  51. <DarnellJermaine> He turns back around, but the cheeriness is clearly gone. He just had sort of a slightly down look on his face- not depressed or anything, but his day was pretty much ruined. "What do /you/ want?"
  52. <DedBud> "I wanted to say sorry.. kinda went too far and I said some pretty rude stuff.. so yeah, sorry."
  53. <DarnellJermaine> He nods his head a bit, but he still looks kinda down. "It's fine. Sorry, I know I'm a bit too cheery and stuff- just trying to make small talk though" he looks down at the ground and kicks his feet at the snow a bit.
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