

Apr 21st, 2018
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  1. variables:
  2. {world.%player%} = "False"
  3. {world::list} = 0
  4. {worlds::list::list} = "None"
  5. {time.%player%} = "False"
  6. {pvp.%player%} = "False"
  7. {mobs.%player%} = "False"
  8. {mobsgriefing.%player%} = "False"
  9. {animals.%player%} = "False"
  10. {} = "No"
  11. {opped.%player%} = "False"
  12. {banned.%player%} = "False"
  13. {Reason1} = "No Reason"
  14. {Reason2} = "No Reason"
  15. {Reason3} = "No Reason"
  16. {Reason4} = "No Reason"
  17. {Reason5} = "No Reason"
  18. {Reason6} = "No Reason"
  19. {Reason7} = "No Reason"
  20. {Reason8} = "No Reason"
  21. {Reason9} = "No Reason"
  22. {Reason10} = "No Reason"
  23. {Featured1} = "Empty"
  24. {Featured2} = "Empty"
  25. {Featured3} = "Empty"
  26. {Featured4} = "Empty"
  27. {Featured5} = "Empty"
  28. {Featured6} = "Empty"
  29. {Featured7} = "Empty"
  30. {Featured8} = "Empty"
  31. {Featured9} = "Empty"
  32. {Featured10} = "Empty"
  34. every second:
  35. loop all players:
  36. if loop-player is in world "ul_Main":
  37. set action bar of loop-player to "&b&lWorld: &fLobby"
  38. else:
  39. set action bar of loop-player to "&b&lWorld: &f%loop-player's world%"
  42. on quit:
  43. if {world.%player%} is "True":
  44. remove 1 from {world::list}
  45. if {world.%player%} is "False":
  46. stop
  48. on death:
  49. teleport victim to {spawn}
  52. command /timeworld:
  53. trigger:
  54. if {opped.%player%.%player's world%} is "True":
  55. if {time.%player%} is "False":
  56. send "&8» &7You have set the time to &eday" to player
  57. make console execute command "time set day"
  58. set {time.%player%} to "True"
  59. stop
  60. if {opped.%player%.%player's world%} is "True":
  61. if {time.%player%} is "True":
  62. send "&8» &7You have set the time to &enight" to player
  63. make console execute command "time set night"
  64. delete {time.%player%}
  65. stop
  66. command /pvpworld:
  67. trigger:
  68. if {opped.%player%.%player's world%} is "True":
  69. if {pvp.%player%} is "False":
  70. send "&8» &7Pvp has been enabled" to player
  71. make console execute command "mv modify set pvp true"
  72. set {pvp.%player%} to "True"
  73. stop
  74. if {opped.%player%.%player's world%} is "True":
  75. if {pvp.%player%} is "True":
  76. send "&8» &7Pvp has been disabled" to player
  77. make console execute command "mv modify set pvp false"
  78. delete {pvp.%player%}
  79. stop
  80. command /mobsworld:
  81. trigger:
  82. if {mobs.%player%} is "False":
  83. send "&8» &7Mob spawning has been enabled" to player
  84. make console execute command "mv modify set monsters true world-%player%"
  85. set {mobs.%player%} to "True"
  86. stop
  87. if {mobs.%player%} is "True":
  88. send "&8» &7Mob spawning has been disabled" to player
  89. make console execute command "mv modify set monsters false world-%player%"
  90. delete {mobs.%player%}
  91. stop
  92. command /animalsworld:
  93. trigger:
  94. if {animals.%player%} is "False":
  95. send "&8» &7Animal spawning has been enabled" to player
  96. make console execute command "mv modify set animals true world-%player%"
  97. set {animals.%player%} to "True"
  98. stop
  99. if {animals.%player%} is "True":
  100. send "&8» &7Animal spawning has been disabled" to player
  101. make console execute command "mv modify set animals false world-%player%"
  102. delete {animals.%player%}
  103. stop
  104. command /mobsgriefingworld:
  105. trigger:
  106. if {mobsgriefing.%player%} is "False":
  107. send "&8» &7Mob griefing has been enabled" to player
  108. make console execute command "mv gamerule mobGriefing true world-%player%"
  109. set {mobsgriefing.%player%} to "True"
  110. stop
  111. if {mobsgriefing.%player%} is "True":
  112. send "&8» &7Mob griefing has been disabled" to player
  113. make console execute command "mv gamerule mobGriefing false world-%player%"
  114. delete {mobsgriefing.%player%}
  115. stop
  117. command /spawn:
  118. trigger:
  119. set the player's gamemode to survival
  120. send "&8» &7Sent you to the spawn"
  121. teleport player to {spawn}
  122. set {} to "No"
  123. remove player from {worlds::list::list}
  124. remove 1 from {world::list}
  125. remove 1 clock named "&b&lWorld Manager &8[&e%player%&8]" from player
  127. on rightclick:
  128. player is holding clock named "&b&lWorld Manager &8[&e%player%&8]" with lore "&8» &7Right click to open the world manager"
  129. make player execute command "/cp"
  132. command /world [<text>] [<offlineplayer>]:
  133. trigger:
  134. if arg 1 is not set:
  135. if arg 2 is not set:
  136. open chest with 3 row named "&8» &7World Managment" to player
  137. wait 5 tick
  138. play "block_note_pling" to player
  139. format slot 0 of player with gray glass pane named "" to be unstealable
  140. format slot 1 of player with gray glass pane named "" to be unstealable
  141. format slot 2 of player with gray glass pane named "" to be unstealable
  142. format slot 3 of player with gray glass pane named "" to be unstealable
  143. format slot 4 of player with barrier named "&8» &7Reset your private world" with lore "" to close then run [player command "world reset"]
  144. format slot 5 of player with gray glass pane named "" to be unstealable
  145. format slot 6 of player with gray glass pane named "" to be unstealable
  146. format slot 7 of player with gray glass pane named "" to be unstealable
  147. format slot 8 of player with gray glass pane named "" to be unstealable
  148. format slot 9 of player with compass named "&8» &7Create a private world" with lore "" to close then run [player command "world create"]
  149. format slot 10 of player with ender pearl named "&8» &7Teleport to your world spawn" with lore "" to close then run [player command "world teleport"]
  150. format slot 11 of player with grass named "&8» &7Set spawn" with lore "" to close then run [player command "world setspawn"]
  151. format slot 12 of player with clock named "&8» &7Time night/day" with lore "" to close then run [player command "timeworld"]
  152. format slot 13 of player with diamond sword named "&8» &7Pvp enable/disable" with lore "" to close then run [player command "pvpworld"]
  153. format slot 14 of player with spawn egg named "&8» &7Mob spawning enable/disable" with lore "" to close then run [player command "mobsworld"]
  154. format slot 15 of player with tnt named "&8» &7Mob griefing enable/disable" with lore "" to close then run [player command "mobsgriefingworld"]
  155. format slot 16 of player with steak named "&8» &7Animals spawning enable/disable" with lore "" to close then run [player command "animalsworld"]
  156. format slot 18 of player with gray glass pane named "" to be unstealable
  157. format slot 19 of player with gray glass pane named "" to be unstealable
  158. format slot 20 of player with gray glass pane named "" to be unstealable
  159. format slot 21 of player with gray glass pane named "" to be unstealable
  160. format slot 22 of player with gray glass pane named "" to be unstealable
  161. format slot 23 of player with gray glass pane named "" to be unstealable
  162. format slot 24 of player with gray glass pane named "" to be unstealable
  163. format slot 25 of player with gray glass pane named "" to be unstealable
  164. format slot 26 of player with gray glass pane named "" to be unstealable
  165. if arg 1 is "create":
  166. if {world.%player%} is "True":
  167. send "&8» &7You already have a private world"
  168. stop
  169. play "block_note_pling" to player
  170. set {world.%player%} to "True"
  171. add player to {worlds::list::list}
  172. set {} to "Yes"
  173. add 1 to {world::list}
  174. broadcast "&8» &e%player%'s &7world is being created, might be some lag"
  175. wait 2 seconds
  176. send "&8» &7Generating your private world..... &8[&a14%%&8]"
  177. wait 1 second
  178. send "&8» &7Generating your private world..... &8[&a35%%&8]"
  179. wait 1 second
  180. send "&8» &7Generating your private world..... &8[&a56%%&8]"
  181. wait 1 second
  182. send "&8» &7Generating your private world..... &8[&a72%%&8]"
  183. wait 1 second
  184. send "&8» &7Generating your private world..... &8[&a86%%&8]"
  185. wait 1 second
  186. send "&8» &7Generating your private world..... &8[&a94%%&8]"
  187. wait 1 second
  188. send "&8» &7Generating your private world..... &8[&a100%%&8]"
  189. wait 1 second
  190. make console execute command "/mv create %player% normal -t flat"
  191. make console execute command "/mv confirm"
  192. make console execute command "/mv tp %player% %player%"
  193. set slot 0 of player to clock named "&b&lWorld Manager &8[&e%player%&8]" with lore "&8» &7Right click to open the world manager"
  194. wait 1 second
  195. set the player's gamemode to creative
  196. wait 2 seconds
  197. set {spawn.%player%} to location of player
  198. if arg 1 is "reset":
  199. if {world.%player%} is "False":
  200. send "&8» &7You do not have a world to reset"
  201. stop
  202. play "block_note_pling" to player
  203. remove 1 from {world::list}
  204. set {} to "No"
  205. remove player from {worlds::list::list}
  206. set {world.%player%} to "False"
  207. send "&8» &7Resetting your private world..... &8[&a14%%&8]"
  208. wait 1 second
  209. send "&8» &7Resetting your private world..... &8[&a35%%&8]"
  210. wait 1 second
  211. send "&8» &7Resetting your private world..... &8[&a56%%&8]"
  212. wait 1 second
  213. send "&8» &7Resetting your private world..... &8[&a72%%&8]"
  214. wait 1 second
  215. send "&8» &7Resetting your private world..... &8[&a86%%&8]"
  216. wait 1 second
  217. send "&8» &7Resetting your private world..... &8[&a94%%&8]"
  218. wait 1 second
  219. send "&8» &7Resetting your private world..... &8[&a100%%&8]"
  220. wait 1 second
  221. make console execute command "/mv delete %player%"
  222. make console execute command "/mv confirm"
  223. delete {spawn.%player%}
  224. teleport player to {spawn}
  225. set the player's gamemode to survival
  226. remove 1 clock named "&b&lWorld Manager &8[&e%player%&8]" with lore "&8» &7Right click to open the world manager" from player
  227. set {world.%player%} to "False"
  228. if arg 1 is "tp" or "teleport":
  229. if arg 2 is not set:
  230. if {world.%player%} is "False":
  231. send "&8» &7You do not have a private world"
  232. stop
  233. play "block_note_pling" to player
  234. add player to {worlds::list::list}
  235. set {} to "Yes"
  236. add 1 to {world::list}
  237. set slot 0 of player to clock named "&b&lWorld Manager &8[&e%player%&8]" with lore "&8» &7Right click to open the world manager"
  238. send "&8» &7Welcome back to your private world"
  239. teleport player to {spawn.%player%}
  240. wait 1 second
  241. set the player's gamemode to creative
  242. if arg 1 is "tp" or "teleport":
  243. if arg 2 is set:
  244. if {opped.%arg 2%.%arg 2's world%} is "True":
  245. set the player's gamemode to creative
  246. teleport player to {spawn.%arg 2%}
  247. stop
  248. if {banned.%arg 2%.%arg 2's world%} is "True":
  249. send "&8» &e%player% &7banned you from there world"
  250. stop
  251. if { 2%} is "True":
  252. send "&8» &7That player has locked there world"
  253. stop
  254. if {world.%arg 2%} is "False":
  255. send "&8» &7That player does not have a world"
  256. stop
  257. play "block_note_pling" to player
  258. remove 1 from {world::list}
  259. set {} to "No"
  260. set the player's gamemode to adventure
  261. remove player from {worlds::list::list}
  262. remove 1 clock named "&b&lWorld Manager &8[&e%player%&8]" with lore "&8» &7Right click to open the world manager" from player
  263. send "&8» &7You have teleport to &e%arg 2%'s &7world"
  264. teleport player to {spawn.%arg 2%}
  265. if arg 1 is "lock":
  266. if {world.%player%} is "False":
  267. send "&8» &7You do not have a private world"
  268. stop
  269. play "block_note_pling" to player
  270. send "&8» &7You have locked your private world"
  271. set {} to "True"
  272. if arg 1 is "unlock":
  273. if {world.%player%} is "False":
  274. send "&8» &7You do not have a private world"
  275. stop
  276. play "block_note_pling" to player
  277. send "&8» &7You have unlocked your private world"
  278. set {} to "False"
  279. if arg 1 is "setspawn":
  280. if {world.%player%} is "False":
  281. send "&8» &7You do not have a world to setspawn"
  282. if the player's world is "%player%":
  283. play "block_note_pling" to player
  284. send "&8» &7You have set your world spawn"
  285. set {spawn.%player%} to location of player
  286. if the player's is not "%player%":
  287. send "&8» &7You have to be in your own world to setspawn"
  288. if arg 1 is "op":
  289. if arg 2 is set:
  290. if {world.%player%} is "False":
  291. send "&8» &7You do not have a world to op that player"
  292. if the player's world is "%player%":
  293. play "block_note_pling" to player
  294. send "&8» &7You have opped &e%arg 2%" to player
  295. send "&8» &e%player% &7has opped you from there world" to arg 2
  296. set the arg 2's gamemode to creative
  297. set {opped.%arg 2%.%player's world%} to "True"
  298. else:
  299. send "&8» &7You have to be in your own world to op players"
  300. stop
  301. if arg 1 is "deop":
  302. if arg 2 is set:
  303. if {world.%player%} is "False":
  304. send "&8» &7You do not have a world to deop that player"
  305. if the player's world is "%player%":
  306. play "block_note_pling" to player
  307. send "&8» &7You have deopped &e%arg 2%" to player
  308. send "&8» &e%player% &7has deopped you from there world" to arg 2
  309. set the arg 2's gamemode to adventure
  310. set {opped.%arg 2%.%player's world%} to "False"
  311. else:
  312. send "&8» &7You have to be in your own world to deop players"
  313. stop
  314. if arg 1 is "help" or "?":
  315. play "block_note_pling" to player
  316. send ""
  317. send "&7 &e&lWORLD HELP&7 "
  318. send ""
  319. send "&8• &e/world create &8» &7Creates a private world"
  320. send "&8• &e/world reset &8» &7Resets your private world"
  321. send "&8• &e/world tp &8» &7Teleport you to your private world"
  322. send "&8• &e/world tp <player> &8» &7Teleport you to other peoples worlds"
  323. send "&8• &e/world setspawn &8» &7Set your own world spawn"
  324. send "&8• &e/world lock &8» &7Locks your private world"
  325. send "&8• &e/world unlock &8» &7Unlocks your private world"
  326. send "&8• &e/world op <player> &8» &7Ops a player in your world &c[GMC'S THEM]"
  327. send "&8• &e/world deop <player> &8» &7Deops a player in your world &c[GMA'S THEM]"
  328. send "&8• &e/world kick <player> &8» &7Kicks a player from your world"
  329. send "&8• &e/world ban <player> &8» &7Bans a player from your world"
  330. send "&8• &e/world unban <player> &8» &7Unbans a player from your world"
  331. send ""
  332. if arg 1 is "kick":
  333. if arg 2 is set:
  334. if {world.%player%} is "False":
  335. send "&8» &7You do not have a world to kick that player"
  336. if the arg 2's world is "%player%":
  337. play "block_note_pling" to player
  338. send "&8» &7You have kicked &e%arg 2% &7from your world" to player
  339. send "&8» &e%player% &7has kicked you from there world" to arg 2
  340. teleport arg 2 to {spawn}
  341. else:
  342. send "&8» &7That player is not in your world"
  343. stop
  344. if arg 1 is "ban":
  345. if arg 2 is set:
  346. if {world.%player%} is "False":
  347. send "&8» &7You do not have a world to ban that player"
  348. if the arg 2's world is "%player%":
  349. play "block_note_pling" to player
  350. send "&8» &7You have banned &e%arg 2% &7from your world" to player
  351. send "&8» &e%player% &7has banned you from there world" to arg 2
  352. set {banned.%arg 2%} to "True"
  353. teleport arg 2 to {spawn}
  354. else:
  355. send "&8» &7That player is not in your world"
  356. stop
  357. if arg 1 is "unban":
  358. if arg 2 is set:
  359. if {world.%player%} is "False":
  360. send "&8» &7You do not have a world to unban that player"
  361. if {banned.%arg 2%} is "True":
  362. play "block_note_pling" to player
  363. send "&8» &7You have unbanned &e%arg 2% &7from your world" to player
  364. send "&8» &e%player% &7has unbanned you from there world" to arg 2
  365. set {banned.%arg 2%} to "False"
  366. teleport arg 2 to {spawn}
  367. if arg 1 is "list":
  368. if the player's world is "%player%":
  369. open chest with 3 row named "&8» &7World Managment" to player
  370. wait 5 tick
  371. play "block_note_pling" to player
  372. format slot 0 of player with gray glass pane named "" to be unstealable
  373. format slot 1 of player with gray glass pane named "" to be unstealable
  374. format slot 2 of player with gray glass pane named "" to be unstealable
  375. format slot 3 of player with gray glass pane named "" to be unstealable
  376. format slot 4 of player with barrier named "&8» &7Reset your private world" with lore "" to close then run [player command "world reset"]
  377. format slot 5 of player with gray glass pane named "" to be unstealable
  378. format slot 6 of player with gray glass pane named "" to be unstealable
  379. format slot 7 of player with gray glass pane named "" to be unstealable
  380. format slot 8 of player with gray glass pane named "" to be unstealable
  381. format slot 9 of player with compass named "&8» &7Create a private world" with lore "" to close then run [player command "world create"]
  382. format slot 10 of player with ender pearl named "&8» &7Teleport to your world spawn" with lore "" to close then run [player command "world teleport"]
  383. format slot 11 of player with grass named "&8» &7Set spawn" with lore "" to close then run [player command "world setspawn"]
  384. format slot 12 of player with clock named "&8» &7Time night/day" with lore "" to close then run [player command "timeworld"]
  385. format slot 13 of player with diamond sword named "&8» &7Pvp enable/disable" with lore "" to close then run [player command "pvpworld"]
  386. format slot 14 of player with spawn egg named "&8» &7Mob spawning enable/disable" with lore "" to close then run [player command "mobsworld"]
  387. format slot 15 of player with tnt named "&8» &7Mob griefing enable/disable" with lore "" to close then run [player command "mobsgriefingworld"]
  388. format slot 16 of player with steak named "&8» &7Animals spawning enable/disable" with lore "" to close then run [player command "animalsworld"]
  389. format slot 18 of player with gray glass pane named "" to be unstealable
  390. format slot 19 of player with gray glass pane named "" to be unstealable
  391. format slot 20 of player with gray glass pane named "" to be unstealable
  392. format slot 21 of player with gray glass pane named "" to be unstealable
  393. format slot 22 of player with gray glass pane named "" to be unstealable
  394. format slot 23 of player with gray glass pane named "" to be unstealable
  395. format slot 24 of player with gray glass pane named "" to be unstealable
  396. format slot 25 of player with gray glass pane named "" to be unstealable
  397. format slot 26 of player with gray glass pane named "" to be unstealable
  398. else:
  399. send "&8» &7This is not your own world"
  400. stop
  401. if arg 1 is "worlds":
  402. set {_num} to -1
  403. open chest with 6 rows named "World List (" to player
  404. loop all players:
  405. if loop-player is not in world "ul_Main":
  406. set {_amount} to amount of players in world "%loop-player%"
  407. add 1 to {_num}
  408. format slot {_num} of player with skull of ("%loop-player%" parsed as offline player) named "&3%loop-player%" with lore "&7||&bLocation/World: &3%loop-player's world%||&bOwner: &3%loop-player's world%||&7||&bPlaying: &3%{_amount}%/1000||&7" to close then run [make player execute "/join %loop-player's world%"]
  409. if loop-player is in world "ul_Main":
  410. set {_amount} to amount of players in world "%loop-player%"
  411. add 1 to {_num}
  412. format slot {_num} of player with skull of ("%loop-player%" parsed as offline player) named "&3%loop-player%" with lore "&7||&bLocation/World: &3Lobby||&bOwner: &3Lobby||&7" to close then run [make player execute "/spawn"]
  413. if arg 1 is "gmc":
  414. if arg 2 is set:
  415. if {world.%player%} is "False":
  416. send "&8» &7You do not have a world to gamemode creative that player"
  417. if the player's world is "%player%":
  418. play "block_note_pling" to player
  419. send "&8» &7You have given &e%arg 2% &7creative" to player
  420. send "&8» &e%player% &7has given you creative" to arg 2
  421. set the arg 2's gamemode to creative
  422. set {opped.%arg 2%.%player's world%} to "True"
  423. else:
  424. send "&8» &7You have to be in your own world to gamemode creative players"
  425. stop
  426. if arg 1 is "gma":
  427. if arg 2 is set:
  428. if {world.%player%} is "False":
  429. send "&8» &7You do not have a world to gamemode adventure that player"
  430. if the player's world is "%player%":
  431. play "block_note_pling" to player
  432. send "&8» &7You have given &e%arg 2% &7adventure mode" to player
  433. send "&8» &e%player% &7has given you adventure mode" to arg 2
  434. set the arg 2's gamemode to adventure
  435. set {opped.%arg 2%.%player's world%} to "True"
  436. else:
  437. send "&8» &7You have to be in your own world to gamemode adventure players"
  438. stop
  439. if arg 1 is "gms":
  440. if arg 2 is set:
  441. if {world.%player%} is "False":
  442. send "&8» &7You do not have a world to gamemode survival that player"
  443. if the player's world is "%player%":
  444. play "block_note_pling" to player
  445. send "&8» &7You have given &e%arg 2% &7survival" to player
  446. send "&8» &e%player% &7has given you survival" to arg 2
  447. set the arg 2's gamemode to survival
  448. set {opped.%arg 2%.%player's world%} to "True"
  449. else:
  450. send "&8» &7You have to be in your own world to gamemode survival players"
  451. stop
  453. command /cp:
  454. aliases: /controlpanel, /b, /panel, /control
  455. trigger:
  456. if player's world is not "%player%":
  457. send "&8» &7You are not op in this world"
  458. stop
  459. if the player's world is not "ul_Main":
  460. if {opped.%player%.%player's world%} is "True":
  461. open chest with 3 row named "&8» &7World Managment" to player
  462. wait 5 tick
  463. play "block_note_pling" to player
  464. format slot 0 of player with gray glass pane named "" to be unstealable
  465. format slot 1 of player with gray glass pane named "" to be unstealable
  466. format slot 2 of player with gray glass pane named "" to be unstealable
  467. format slot 3 of player with gray glass pane named "" to be unstealable
  468. format slot 4 of player with barrier named "&8» &7Reset your private world" with lore "" to close then run [player command "world reset"]
  469. format slot 5 of player with gray glass pane named "" to be unstealable
  470. format slot 6 of player with gray glass pane named "" to be unstealable
  471. format slot 7 of player with gray glass pane named "" to be unstealable
  472. format slot 8 of player with gray glass pane named "" to be unstealable
  473. format slot 9 of player with compass named "&8» &7Create a private world" with lore "" to close then run [player command "world create"]
  474. format slot 10 of player with ender pearl named "&8» &7Teleport to your world spawn" with lore "" to close then run [player command "world teleport"]
  475. format slot 11 of player with grass named "&8» &7Set spawn" with lore "" to close then run [player command "world setspawn"]
  476. format slot 12 of player with clock named "&8» &7Time night/day" with lore "" to close then run [player command "timeworld"]
  477. format slot 13 of player with diamond sword named "&8» &7Pvp enable/disable" with lore "" to close then run [player command "pvpworld"]
  478. format slot 14 of player with spawn egg named "&8» &7Mob spawning enable/disable" with lore "" to close then run [player command "mobsworld"]
  479. format slot 15 of player with tnt named "&8» &7Mob griefing enable/disable" with lore "" to close then run [player command "mobsgriefingworld"]
  480. format slot 16 of player with steak named "&8» &7Animals spawning enable/disable" with lore "" to close then run [player command "animalsworld"]
  481. format slot 18 of player with gray glass pane named "" to be unstealable
  482. format slot 19 of player with gray glass pane named "" to be unstealable
  483. format slot 20 of player with gray glass pane named "" to be unstealable
  484. format slot 21 of player with gray glass pane named "" to be unstealable
  485. format slot 22 of player with gray glass pane named "" to be unstealable
  486. format slot 23 of player with gray glass pane named "" to be unstealable
  487. format slot 24 of player with gray glass pane named "" to be unstealable
  488. format slot 25 of player with gray glass pane named "" to be unstealable
  489. format slot 26 of player with gray glass pane named "" to be unstealable
  490. else:
  491. send "&8» &7You are not op in this world"
  492. stop
  493. if player's world is "%player%":
  494. open chest with 3 row named "&8» &7World Managment" to player
  495. wait 5 tick
  496. play "block_note_pling" to player
  497. format slot 0 of player with gray glass pane named "" to be unstealable
  498. format slot 1 of player with gray glass pane named "" to be unstealable
  499. format slot 2 of player with gray glass pane named "" to be unstealable
  500. format slot 3 of player with gray glass pane named "" to be unstealable
  501. format slot 4 of player with barrier named "&8» &7Reset your private world" with lore "" to close then run [player command "world reset"]
  502. format slot 5 of player with gray glass pane named "" to be unstealable
  503. format slot 6 of player with gray glass pane named "" to be unstealable
  504. format slot 7 of player with gray glass pane named "" to be unstealable
  505. format slot 8 of player with gray glass pane named "" to be unstealable
  506. format slot 9 of player with compass named "&8» &7Create a private world" with lore "" to close then run [player command "world create"]
  507. format slot 10 of player with ender pearl named "&8» &7Teleport to your world spawn" with lore "" to close then run [player command "world teleport"]
  508. format slot 11 of player with grass named "&8» &7Set spawn" with lore "" to close then run [player command "world setspawn"]
  509. format slot 12 of player with clock named "&8» &7Time night/day" with lore "" to close then run [player command "timeworld"]
  510. format slot 13 of player with diamond sword named "&8» &7Pvp enable/disable" with lore "" to close then run [player command "pvpworld"]
  511. format slot 14 of player with spawn egg named "&8» &7Mob spawning enable/disable" with lore "" to close then run [player command "mobsworld"]
  512. format slot 15 of player with tnt named "&8» &7Mob griefing enable/disable" with lore "" to close then run [player command "mobsgriefingworld"]
  513. format slot 16 of player with steak named "&8» &7Animals spawning enable/disable" with lore "" to close then run [player command "animalsworld"]
  514. format slot 18 of player with gray glass pane named "" to be unstealable
  515. format slot 19 of player with gray glass pane named "" to be unstealable
  516. format slot 20 of player with gray glass pane named "" to be unstealable
  517. format slot 21 of player with gray glass pane named "" to be unstealable
  518. format slot 22 of player with gray glass pane named "" to be unstealable
  519. format slot 23 of player with gray glass pane named "" to be unstealable
  520. format slot 24 of player with gray glass pane named "" to be unstealable
  521. format slot 25 of player with gray glass pane named "" to be unstealable
  522. format slot 26 of player with gray glass pane named "" to be unstealable
  524. command /loc [<player>]:
  525. trigger:
  526. if world of arg 1 is "ul_Main":
  527. send "&8» &e%arg 1% &7is in the world &8[&eLobby&8]" to player
  528. stop
  529. if arg 1 is set:
  530. send "&8» &e%arg 1% &7is in the world &8[&e%arg 1's world%&8]" to player
  531. stop
  532. if arg 1 is offline:
  533. send "&8» &c%arg 1% is not online" to player
  534. stop
  536. command /join [<offlineplayer>]:
  537. trigger:
  538. if arg 1 is not set:
  539. send "&8» &cCorrect Usage: /join <player>"
  540. stop
  541. if arg 1 is set:
  542. if {opped.%player%.%arg 1's world%} is "True":
  543. set the player's gamemode to creative
  544. teleport player to {spawn.%arg 1%}
  545. stop
  546. if { 1%} is "True":
  547. send "&8» &7That player has locked there world"
  548. stop
  549. if {world.%arg 1%} is "False":
  550. send "&8» &7That player does not have a world"
  551. stop
  552. if {banned.%player%} is "True":
  553. send "&8» &e%player% &7banned you from there world"
  554. stop
  555. play "block_note_pling" to player
  556. remove 1 from {world::list}
  557. set {} to "No"
  558. set the player's gamemode to adventure
  559. remove player from {worlds::list::list}
  560. remove 1 clock named "&b&lWorld Manager &8[&e%player%&8]" with lore "&8» &7Right click to open the world manager" from player
  561. send "&8» &7You have teleport to &e%arg 1%'s &7world"
  562. teleport player to {spawn.%arg 1%}
  564. on rightclick on dispenser:
  565. if player's world is "ul_Main":
  566. cancel event
  567. make player execute command "/world create"
  568. on rightclick on chest:
  569. if player's world is "ul_Main":
  570. cancel event
  571. make player execute command "/cosmetics"
  572. on rightclick on command_block:
  573. if player's world is "ul_Main":
  574. cancel event
  575. make player execute command "/world worlds"
  577. Options:
  578. GUIName: Staff
  580. MainGlassColour: white glass
  582. SecondGlassColour: gray glass
  584. command /featured [<text>] [<offlineplayer>] [<number>] [<text>]:
  585. trigger:
  586. if arg 1 is not set:
  587. if arg 2 is not set:
  588. if arg 3 is not set:
  589. send ""
  590. send " &e&lFEATURED WORLD LIST:"
  591. send ""
  592. json("%player%","&8&l• &e1) &7%{Featured1}% &8» &eReason: &7%{Reason1}%||cmd:/sudo %player% world tp %{Featured1}%||ttp:&8» &7Want to be on the featured list, contact an admin+ %newline%to check out your world%newline%&7%newline%&8&l• &eClick to teleport")
  593. json("%player%","&8&l• &e2) &7%{Featured2}% &8» &eReason: &7%{Reason2}%||cmd:/sudo %player% world tp %{Featured2}%||ttp:&8» &7Want to be on the featured list, contact an admin+ %newline%to check out your world%newline%&7%newline%&8&l• &eClick to teleport")
  594. json("%player%","&8&l• &e3) &7%{Featured3}% &8» &eReason: &7%{Reason3}%||cmd:/sudo %player% world tp %{Featured3}%||ttp:&8» &7Want to be on the featured list, contact an admin+ %newline%to check out your world%newline%&7%newline%&8&l• &eClick to teleport")
  595. json("%player%","&8&l• &e4) &7%{Featured4}% &8» &eReason: &7%{Reason4}%||cmd:/sudo %player% world tp %{Featured4}%||ttp:&8» &7Want to be on the featured list, contact an admin+ %newline%to check out your world%newline%&7%newline%&8&l• &eClick to teleport")
  596. json("%player%","&8&l• &e5) &7%{Featured5}% &8» &eReason: &7%{Reason5}%||cmd:/sudo %player% world tp %{Featured5}%||ttp:&8» &7Want to be on the featured list, contact an admin+ %newline%to check out your world%newline%&7%newline%&8&l• &eClick to teleport")
  597. json("%player%","&8&l• &e6) &7%{Featured6}% &8» &eReason: &7%{Reason6}%||cmd:/sudo %player% world tp %{Featured6}%||ttp:&8» &7Want to be on the featured list, contact an admin+ %newline%to check out your world%newline%&7%newline%&8&l• &eClick to teleport")
  598. json("%player%","&8&l• &e7) &7%{Featured7}% &8» &eReason: &7%{Reason7}%||cmd:/sudo %player% world tp %{Featured7}%||ttp:&8» &7Want to be on the featured list, contact an admin+ %newline%to check out your world%newline%&7%newline%&8&l• &eClick to teleport")
  599. json("%player%","&8&l• &e8) &7%{Featured8}% &8» &eReason: &7%{Reason8}%||cmd:/sudo %player% world tp %{Featured8}%||ttp:&8» &7Want to be on the featured list, contact an admin+ %newline%to check out your world%newline%&7%newline%&8&l• &eClick to teleport")
  600. json("%player%","&8&l• &e9) &7%{Featured9}% &8» &eReason: &7%{Reason9}%||cmd:/sudo %player% world tp %{Featured9}%||ttp:&8» &7Want to be on the featured list, contact an admin+ %newline%to check out your world%newline%&7%newline%&8&l• &eClick to teleport")
  601. json("%player%","&8&l• &e10) &7%{Featured10}% &8» &eReason: &7%{Reason10}%||cmd:/sudo %player% world tp %{Featured10}%||ttp:&8» &7Want to be on the featured list, contact an admin+ %newline%to check out your world%newline%&7%newline%&8&l• &eClick to teleport")
  602. send ""
  603. if arg 2 is set:
  604. if arg 3 is set:
  605. if arg 1 is "add":
  606. set {Featured%arg 3%} to arg 2
  607. set {Reason%arg 3%} to "%arg 4%"
  608. send "&8» &7Added &e%arg 2% &7to the &e##%arg 3% &7spot, with reason: &e%arg 4%"
  609. if arg 2 is set:
  610. if arg 3 is set:
  611. if arg 1 is "remove":
  612. set {Featured%arg 3%} to "&7Empty"
  613. set {Reason%arg 3%} to "No Reason"
  614. send "&8» &7Removed &e%arg 2% &7from the &e##%arg 3% &7spot"
  630. command /staff:
  631. description: Shows online staff
  632. trigger:
  633. loop all players:
  634. loop-player has permission "staff.list"
  635. add loop-player to {_online staff::*}
  637. size of {_online staff::*} is 0:
  638. message "&8» &7There are no staff currently online! Happy griefing ;)"
  639. else:
  640. message "&8» &7Online staff: &e%{_online staff::*}%"
  644. command /setspawn:
  645. aliases: spawnset, sethub, hubset, setlobby, lobbyset
  646. permission: spawn.setspawn
  647. permission message: &cSorry, but you don't have permission to execute this command!
  648. description: Set spawn at your location.
  649. trigger:
  650. message "&6You have &cset spawn&6 at your location!"
  651. set {spawn} to location of player
  653. command /delspawn:
  654. permission: spawn.spawn.delete
  655. permission message: &cSorry, but you don't have permission to execute this command!
  656. description: Unset spawn location.
  657. trigger:
  658. delete {spawn}
  659. message "&6You have successfully unset &cspawn6!"
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