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  5. DAVID WATSON AKA SAM THE SKUNKMAN AKA SAM SELEZNY AKA Dr. FrankenbeanStein AKA Dr. FrankenWeedStein AKA King of Snitchcraft
  7. He Is Quickly Becoming The King Of Copyrighted Strain Genetics
  10. I will begin with the smoking gun as to his bust
  12. Here is an interview with Mel Frank. In the video, Mel talks about his friend from
  13. California, a very good marijuana breeder he says, who was busted twice and
  14. ultimately went to the Netherlands. This friend is alleged to have brought Skunk #1,
  15. Haze, Durban Poison and Afghani #1 to Holland.
  20. Now, on with the show.
  25. [quote]In september 1994 kreeg HortaPharm BV opiumverlof van het ministerie van
  26. volksgezondheid. Het bedrijf van Watson mocht Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) gebruiken
  27. voor chemisch analytisch onderzoek. THC is een van de stoffen uit de hennepplant die
  28. als medicijn gebruikt kunnen worden. Het verlof werd alleen voor het onderzoek
  29. gegeven, niet voor het telen van marihuana. Ook het toedienen bij de mens van THC is
  30. niet toegestaan. Vorig jaar september liep het verlof af en een tweede verzoek is
  31. afgewezen. In kort geding bestreed Watson zonder succes die beslissing en nu dient
  32. zijn hoger beroep. Daarnaast is Watson ook in beroep gegaan bij het College van
  33. beroep. Een advies over de zaak dat nu op het bureau van de minister ligt, stelt
  34. Watson opnieuw in het ongelijk. Watson kan op die laatste stand van zaken geen
  35. commentaar geven. Hij krijgt volgende week pas officieel antwoord. Dat het advies al
  36. is uitgelekt, ziet hij als een hernieuwde blijk van stemmingmakerij tegen zijn
  37. bedrijf. “Blijkbaar is het de bedoeling om de grond onder mijn bedrijf vandaan te
  38. halen”. Al maanden voelt Watson zich met de rug tegen de muur staan en moet hij zich
  39. voor allerlei zaken verdedigen. Zo werd, ook in Kamervragen, gewezen op het feit dat
  40. hij voorkomt in de computer van justitie in Santa Cruz, Californië. Hij zou ruim
  41. dertien jaar geleden zijn opgepakt voor het kweken van hennep. Watson heeft voor die
  42. affaire een advocaat in de arm genomen. Die heeft deze week in Santa Cruz een zaak
  43. aangespannen met als doel de naam van zijn cliënt te zuiveren. Volgens een
  44. medewerkster van advocaat R. Schentz staat Watson in de computer, maar dat is dan ook
  45. alles. Er is geen rechtszaak geweest, en dus ook geen veroordeling. “Ik was de dag
  46. van de arrestatie niet eens in Santa Cruz, maar in Nederland”, is Watsons commentaar.
  47. [/quote]
  50. [quote=google translate]
  51. In September 1994 was HortaPharm BV opium license from the Ministry of Health. The
  52. company Watson was Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) for chemical analytical research. THC
  53. is one of the substances from the hemp plant which may be used as a medicine. The
  54. leave was given only for research, not for growing marijuana. Also, the
  55. administration in man of THC is not allowed. Last September the leave expired and a
  56. second request was rejected. Interim relief Watson fought unsuccessfully that
  57. decision and now serves his appeal. In addition, Watson has also appealed to the
  58. Board of Appeal. An opinion on the case that is now on the desk of the minister,
  59. Watson argues again unsuccessful. Watson can give to that state of affairs no
  60. comment. He will next week only official response. That the advice has already been
  61. leaked, he sees as a renewed expression of animus against his company. "Apparently,
  62. it is the intention to extract from the ground under my company". For months Watson
  63. feels with their backs against the wall and he must defend himself for everything.
  64. Was so, even in a parliamentary question, pointed to the fact that it appears in the
  65. computer prosecutor in Santa Cruz, California. He would have been arrested over
  66. thirteen years ago for growing hemp. Watson for the affair took a lawyer. Who has
  67. this week in Santa Cruz filed a case with the aim of purifying the name of his
  68. client. According to an employee of attorney R. Schentz stands Watson in the
  69. computer, but that is all. There has been no litigation, and therefore no
  70. condemnation. "I was the day of the arrest, not even in Santa Cruz, but in the
  71. Netherlands," is Watson's comments.[/quote]
  74. Not the best translation, but his lawyer was unable to get his name removed in the
  75. dutch court proceedings, he at least admits there was a bust in Santa Cruz which he
  76. now says never happened.
  78. [img][/img]
  81. Do you know what exact bust is Sam referring to when he said he wasn't even in the
  82. US? Is it the Sacred Seeds bust? Sam claims that he never got busted and never served
  83. a day in jail. He also said he was the only founding member of Sacred Seeds he has
  84. never mentioned any other growers/members in S.Seeds. If noone else was a member then
  85. who did the police bust in the US since Sam claims he was in Holland at the time?
  87. LOL
  89. Sam did not start The Sacred Seeds Collective... it dates back to pre-illegalisation
  90. and had seed stored at that time that went all the way back to seeds imported in the
  91. teens and early twenties for the then legal market.
  92. Sam The Skunkman and also Romulan Joe formerly known as Mendocino Joe are both
  93. snitches and thieves who ran off with genetics they did not develop and then claimed
  94. the genetics and made beaucoup money. The ONLY thing Sam did with Skunk #1 was to
  95. remove the skunk from it, yet he has the nerve to use the name "Skunkman".
  97. Watson was never anything more than a hangaround with Sacred Seeds and Joe was a
  98. hangaround who could not make the grade to gain a patch with several East Bay Biker
  99. groups who fell in with the Korean War vets who brought what became Romulan back
  100. during the Korean War and carefully cultivated and selected in greenhouses in the
  101. East Bay and South Bay for a decade and a half before Joe showed up.
  103. Sam the Skunkman was in fact present for the famous Santa Cruz bust of Sacred Seeds. Somehow
  104. he got out before anybody else. Long before. And somehow the DEA threw all the seeds,
  105. stored pollen, equipment and whole plants into a dumpster and left it guarded by
  106. nothing but crime scene tape. And then Sam disappeared. Along with a big chunk of the
  107. Sacred Seeds seed bank.
  110. [quote=Shantibaba]
  111. Hi All
  113. listen as it is a touchy topic depending upon the side of the water you are on,
  114. let`s call it a difference of opinion based on similar evidence. The point to all of
  115. this is that certain things are documented well and have been covered in Holland by a
  116. radio program that authenticated their facts before going to air. Make of it what you
  117. wish to believe and let`s be civilised in discussion or remain silent. I do not wish
  118. to begin to tell off people or ban them so please do not make me start....all the
  119. best Sb
  121. Sam and Nevil use to work a bit on strains together but when it was revealed that Sam
  122. and his crew of Americans in Holland all were part of informants for the DEA in
  123. America on a radio program in Holland they split to the UK to do other things. Sam
  124. never started or owned a seed company so his claim to all the strains that became
  125. famous years ago are not really warranted.[/quote]
  128. Contacting VPRO Argos about the dutch radio station broadcast, below is a very basic
  129. summary of the facts surrounding the VPRO Argos broadcast that is mentioned in the
  130. Dutch Parliamentary records which also spurred a wave of interest in the Dutch media.
  132. [img][/img]
  134. I can't help but notice that the VPRO accepts the possibility that the info about the
  135. case may be imprecise if Sam's legal name is different. On the other hand if the
  136. sheriff gave them such info it may well be valid and true..and probably is
  137. considering all the facts.
  141. [quote]
  142. Thanks to Uncle Sam
  145. After 1985 de quality of Nederwiet improved tremendously. Currently "our" wiet is
  146. considered to be the best. Is that because of Sam Selezny, alias David Watson, the
  147. super breeder from the states? Or is he under orders?
  149. Report: Bas Barkman and Gert Hage
  151. It was a lovely day, spring 1985, when a heavily built American landed at Schiphol
  152. airport. He wore glasses, his long blond hair kept together wih an elastic band.
  153. Without problems he passed customs and shortly afterwards received a warm welcome
  154. from another equally heavily built American.
  155. Seemingly nothing special, certainly not in the crowded arrivals area of an airport.
  156. No one could have known that the lugage of the ponytailed man contained a box full of
  157. seeds- Cannabis seeds.
  159. The box was the reason for Sam Selezny's trip to Holland. He was here by invitation
  160. from two pioneers in the weedgrowing industry. Two companions: Michael Taylor and
  161. Wernard Bruining, the owner of the first coffeeshop in Amsterdam. Although they
  162. already grew some nederwiet, the quality of it was not particulairly special, the
  163. knowledge they possessed of growing wasn't extensive enough.
  165. During that time in Holland, there were probably no more than three big growing
  166. sites, covering a total a maximum of two thousand square meters. In coffeeshops
  167. Marrocan hash was still the most popular.
  168. Sam Selezny, the super grower from the states, as Taylor had announced him to
  169. Bruining, would change this.
  170. It proved to be true. Hardly three months after his arrival the first harvest from
  171. Fat Sam's seeds could be smoked. The connoisseurs where excited, the wiet tasted
  172. good, with a "high" high.
  175. Hardly anyone knew at that time, especially not in Holland, that Sam Selezny, who in
  176. Holland presented himself mainly under the name David Watson, was arrested on the
  177. 20th of march that same year in Santa Cruz, California.
  179. It was nine years later in the summer of 1994, when Mario Lap, at that time working
  180. for the Dutch Alcohol and Drugs Institute, tapped Hedy D'acona on the shoulder in
  181. Brussels.
  182. "Hedy, can you tell me why you provided David Watson with a license (to grow)?" Lap
  183. asked the newly appointed MEP and former minister of Health. Lap had only just before
  184. that found out, to his utter astonishment, that Watson, who he only knew by the name
  185. of Selezny, was granted a license to grow marijuana for scientific purposes.
  186. Why on earth Watson, a man with what he had heard a shady past in the states as
  187. illegal grower, a man who also had been detained and who certainly was not a
  188. scientist?
  189. And why not the Academic Medical Center in Amsterdam, which had been after a license
  190. for years to research the medical workings of the plant?
  191. MEP D"Ancona didn't know.
  192. The ministry itself couln't provide Lap with any clearance on the licence which had
  193. been granted on 16th of september 1994, signed by "plaatsvervangend" director general
  194. of health, Drs RJ Samsom.
  195. Lap; "I couldn't find out how it had happened. Very strange. A bit scary too."
  196. In two big greenhouses in Rijsenhout, a village near Schiphol airport, the process
  197. was already under way to develop a cannabis plant with a high THC content, which in
  198. due course could be used as a basis for medicine. Or rather, it was on those terms
  199. that, after years of negotiating, the license was granted.
  200. Three years, with limiting conditions; only chemical analytical research, not more
  201. than 10 grams of THC and a spotless administration.
  203. The office and lab of Hortapharm are based in Schinkelhavenkade in Amsterdam. A
  204. little green building, a big window which in the evenings is covered with a steel
  205. sliding door. Inside it smells of fresh wiet. David Watson is on his guard. He wants
  206. to talk, but demands the final say on every sentence written about his firm. It is
  207. the end of September and Watson is waiting for the decision on the renewal of his
  208. license. "I want to continue with my research" he says, "I cannot use any publicity
  209. which might be possibly disadvantageous to my business.
  210. He is startled when he hears we know the location of his greenhouse. "There are
  211. millions worth of plants and apparatus, no one is allowed to know."
  212. Hanging on the wall behind him are 5 licences, granted by the DEA, a worldwide
  213. operating organization, whose task it is to fight drugs.
  214. Watson doesn't receive his longed for renewal of his license.
  215. The ministry announces at the end of September that, since the minister forbids the
  216. medical supply of cannabis, a license to grow cannabis is no longer in line with the
  217. health ministries' policies. Besides that, during repeated inspections of Hortapharm,
  218. it was found the Admin was not run according to the requirements. The decision is
  219. definite, the two locations where hortapharm is based have to close their doors. On
  220. 29 October the Ministery confirms their decision in writing to Hortapharm: The head
  221. officials of Justice in Haarlem and Amsterdam have been informed of the fact the
  222. license has now expired.
  224. On Schinkelhavenkade however, it is business as usual, the director and only
  225. shareholder told us last Monday. He saw the decision of the minister in a different
  226. light. "There are people who want it that way" he said, was his cryptic explanation,
  227. but there are also people who want it in a different way"
  228. From his point of view nothing has changed, an "on-going situation". "There is info,
  229. and there is correct info. They are false statements from the ministry and it's not
  230. the first time. "
  231. He didn't want to comment any further on the matter.
  233. It is not surprising Watson, Alias Sam Selezny is not very willing to talk. Him and
  234. his firm came under fire only recently during a broadcast from the VPRO. This
  235. broadcast even lead to questions being asked in Parliament (about the licence)
  236. The radiomakers had contacted the sheriff of Santa Cruz, who confirmed the arrest of
  237. Watson on March the 20th in 1985, in relation to illegal cannabis growing.
  238. How it was possible Watson could set foot in Holland a month later, no one
  239. understands. Why wasn't he, caught red handed, in prison? As a rule the American
  240. Justice system doesn't show clemency to drug criminals.
  241. There are presumptions, also mentioned in the radioprogramme. Is it possible Watson
  242. struck a deal with American Justice, mainly the DEA? In other words, has he, in
  243. exchange for his freedom agreed to cooperate with the justice system from time to
  244. time?
  246. Questions which are left unanswered.
  248. The DEA never talks, something the enquetecommitee "van Tra" discovered too.
  250. On the 5th of November, Minister Borst answered the questions in Parliament.
  251. No, there had not been a antecedenten investigation in regards to the person
  252. requesting the license.
  253. There had been doubts though about the reliability of the request, especially wether
  254. the cannabis would only be used for scientific purposes. But there was no proof to
  255. turn these doubts into hard facts. On the basis of doubt a license could not be
  256. rejected, in the court of law.
  257. Actively requesting personal information from the police register had never been
  258. done, but she was planning to do so in due course.
  260. Subject closed.
  262. But the case is even stranger than it actually seems.
  263. How did Watson acquire the funds to found Hortapharm? After some research it shows
  264. Watson wasn't only involved in illegal weed growing in the USA, but in Holland too.
  265. Not weedgrowing as a hobby, but on a grand scale, a business worth millions.
  266. It was clear the Dutch Wietgrowers caught a big fish with getting David Watson on
  267. board. A man fascinated by the secrets of the cannabis plant. A man on a mission,
  268. convinced of the blessings of cannabis.
  270. Like every American, he thought big. Just like Michael Taylor, also known as Michael
  271. Rich. They became companions, throwing themselves on the big scale growing of
  272. nederwiet.
  274. Wernard Bruining declined. "It became too big and too fanatic. They wanted to be the
  275. best and biggest, which wasn't necessary for me."
  276. It was annoying for him though that two of his greenhouses were busted shortly after
  277. wards. A coincidence, the police told him, they just happened to come across it. "But
  278. it was the first time they busted a big greenhouse. Before that they had never
  279. managed to do so"
  281. In the summer two big sites where busted, the third empty upon arrival. Various
  282. employees where arrested, Watson and Taylor stayed out of sight. In the "us knows us"
  283. world of growing they were already for some time known as people who pulled the
  284. strings. Shortly after wards stories circulated the two Americans had started again.
  285. Within a few months they had set up a new greenhouse. This one was busted too, but
  286. again no sign of the Americans.
  288. Were they simply too smart, or was it something else, something invisible
  290. (untouchable)?
  292. No one paid too much attention to it. There were suspicions, but the were erased
  293. when the two continued a few years later, undisturbed.
  294. It was the era when partially thanks to Watsons' seed, Holland's masses switched to
  295. nederwiet.
  297. It became an internationally recognized product, the new pearl of the dutch
  298. horticulture.
  300. But in 1992 the calm tide turned, when in the vicinity of Tilburg two massive
  301. growsites were busted, with according to the police 40.000 plants.
  302. Sirens, squat teams, broken doors and a lot of screaming. Two of the approximately
  303. fifteen suspects broke down practically straight away under questioning and mentioned
  304. the name Watson as the big man and investor behind the wiet operation. Justice didn't
  305. act. Didn't ask questions about him, didn't even investigate the large amount of
  306. funds which apparently left the country via Luxemburg.
  308. Watson was and remained, to the surprise of many, a free man and founded Hortapharm
  309. that same year.
  311. Supported by advisers he started negotiating with the health ministery about
  312. acquiring a license. One of these advisors was ex police commissioner (?) K Sietsema,
  313. at that time already active as Private detective. "If I know Hortapharm? If we're
  314. talking about the same firm then yes, " Sietsema says; "but I don't talk about my
  315. clients, a kind of code of honor"
  317. In the world of the wiet growers suspicion arose. One after the other growsite was
  318. busted, tens of people disappeared behind bars, but one of the biggest and probably
  319. best could continue without any disturbances.
  321. That the American Godfather of Nederwiet had such good contacts that he could
  322. continue to practice his profession legally for three years, the ultimate breeders'
  323. dream, was considered utterly strange.
  325. Coincidence?
  327. The arrest in 1985, the large scale busts of grow sites without any consequences for
  328. Watson or his Companion, Hortapharm and its first license, the advisor Sietsema, it
  329. was too much of a good thing.
  330. Were Watson and Rich DEA informers after all, as some people had claimed them to be
  331. before?
  332. "They started at the right side, but Watson had little choice" Bruining thinks; "It
  333. was or going to jail or cooperate with the American Justice system."
  334. Mario Lap, who amongst other things advices the PVDA (dutch political party) on
  335. drugs problems, is sure of his case.
  337. His last bit of doubt dissapeared upon discovering that the Australian Police was
  338. in possession of a list, compiled by Watson, of renowned Dutch breeders, including a
  339. precise description of their products, even mentioning the genetic codes. Handy
  340. with the eye on the plans of the ministry of health to make growing indoors illegal.
  341. "Instantly those creeps have the monopoly, later on they'll be the only ones
  342. allowed to breed the seeds, which is what it is about" lap says bitterly.
  344. Which would make the DEA mission successful. They have the names of the breeders,
  345. their products and eventually the market of neder weed in hands.
  346. The DEA has thus proven not only to be champion of controlled drug flow, but has
  347. also proven itself to be the best wiet grower in the world."
  349. Copyright: HP/De Tijd 5-12-1997.[/quote]
  353. [quote=Neville]
  354. Neither Marco or Joe Pietri checked the statements that JP attributed to me before
  355. publishing. Before making statements that are damaging to someone's reputation, you
  356. need to be sure of your facts, or have first hand knowledge.
  357. I stand by my testimony re Sam. I was there, I had the documents from the Australian
  358. Federal Police that Sam gave me and I passed them on to Mario Lap. The rest is
  359. history.
  360. I don't know what Sam has said to Marco, to do an about face like that. JP's article
  361. was not factual and therefore an apology is in order, however it does not mean that
  362. ALL of the allegations were false, I know they are not.
  363. N.(nevil)
  365. ......
  367. Very true Nev, Sam has cleverly swung this to look like the victim, there is a thread
  368. at icmag where guys like chimera and tom hill are screaming mad and saying Marco
  369. needs to do this and that to make right, give money to a charity of skunkman's choice
  370. etc.
  371. I would love to step into that thread and say 'hang on, just cos JP was talking
  372. shite, doesn't make Sam an angel' but it would be deleted asap so why bother.
  373. Maybe it is time to tell your side of the story Nev. I've had some articles
  374. published in Marco's magazine, if you wanna provide the info I'd take the time to
  375. write an article, but given Marco's new stance he might not want to publish it.
  377. .......
  379. I've done that. I've limited my story to the facts. I could speculate what else Sam
  380. and Rob had in mind when they tried to get me to explain my pedigrees to the feds
  381. (patents), but the fact remains that they tried to get me to work with the cops in
  382. order to give people more jail time for what we all do, grow dope. This makes him a
  383. "dog" in the Australian vernacular. It's all I need to know.
  384. N.
  385. [/quote]
  390. [quote=dbud1369]It is about seeking the truth. So with that in mind, we all know that
  391. Nev spent time in jail for his bust (about a year) without ever being charged.... but
  392. when Sam got busted in '85, then showed up in Amsterdam - did he spend time in
  393. jail, was he charged? And name ONE other company that has a DEA exemption to use
  394. Cannabis in the US, just one??? any one???? There aren't ANY? There have been
  395. Doctors who have tried to get permission to get and use Cannabis to do studies and
  396. have been repeatedly DENIED > But they [Hortipharm] get the only Import/Export
  397. DEA approved Cannabis use. They (GW) own about 11 patents on cannabis (cannabinoids)
  398. and uses and extractions. How does the ball bounce so high in one direction for
  399. Sam, he got all the breaks in the early 90's and all the way through. I know for a
  400. fact that there have been many uses of Cannabis for testing purposes (like Brown
  401. University) and the DEA won't even acknowledge that they DID a study. But let's
  402. ask someone who would know about the FEDS caring about patients, like their OWN
  403. FEDERAL PATIENT Irv Rosenfeld - the federal gov't never has done a follow up on any
  404. of the 13 original IND patients(ya know the ones who can legally smoke cannabis
  405. WHEREVER THEY WANT per FEDERAL GOV"T) check out the Missoula study for a follow up on
  406. Irv (done by my friends here in Montana)[/quote]
  409. [quote]There's no jail time in '85 for Mr. Sam. and if served it was very short and
  410. un-documented. Then showed up in EUROPE with Ed Rosenthal? weird connection to make
  411. along the way. The "third party DEA " permit to Import/Export Cannabis in US. There
  412. are doctors and universitys that apply for this to to studies and repeatedly get
  413. denied.... In fact there are now reports in one state that when a Laboratory filed
  414. for Sched. I drug handling permit .. they got raided the next week (THIS HAPPEND
  415. TWICE ) - The DEA permit allows the handling and possesion of Cannabis for research
  416. and Scientific purposes only. - (ya know like what GW is doing) but for them to deny
  417. any other University or Doctor access to handle this plant and to continue on with
  418. recoginized studies.... they control it all. The DEA has colaborated with GW and SAM
  419. - in ca-hoots if you will.[/quote]
  423. Marco Renda upon lawyers consult made a public apology to sam for a previous article
  424. written in TY in which Joe Petri, another DEA informant, was quoted outing 'sam the
  425. skunkman' as a fellow DEA Snitch.
  428. [quote=Matt Rize]
  429. TRUTH will never be revealed on this topic, because sam won't let it out. He denies
  430. an '85 arrest...? That's just the start.
  431. He hasn't commented on marco's apology on ic... and you know he has seen it, he is a
  432. damn mod with 1000 snitches/fanboys over there, and they censor every post with
  433. financial and political scrutiny.
  434. Seems if he is hiding the truth it is most likely for a good reason. No one wants to
  435. deal with the skeletons, especially regarding huge illegal transactions, lol.[/quote]
  438. [quote=Marco Renda]
  439. All I was told is that Sam has 3rd party contracts. Sorry but I have never seen a DEA
  440. contract before so I really don't know what is on 1.[/quote]
  443. Sam the Skunkman is the one collaborating with Monsanto to produce GMO modified
  444. cannabis along with herbicide ready varieties and strains ****with NO THC content****
  445. HortiPharm ( Clarke and Watson) sold the HortiPharm genetic library to GW
  446. Pharmaceuticals. And GW is connected to Bayer Pharmaceuticals. Bayer is the money
  447. behind the acquisition of close to 40k acres within the Emerald Triangle. That
  448. partnership bought Bayer the licensing for Sativex in the US as the only competitor
  449. for Marinol.
  451. Read Dr. David Malmo-Levine sometime on where all this crap is going
  453. Google patent number 6,630,507
  456. "sam" is a conspiring thief who cornered the market by turning in his competition to
  457. the DEA
  459. Lets put another myth to rest , Sam wasn't the FIRST American to get to The
  460. Netherlands , nor was he the first to bring Kush region genetics to Norcal or even
  461. the primary source of 'em.
  462. In point of *fact* there are records of Indica genetics in this country dating
  463. ***from the days of prior legality*** and mostly in the regions in which the medical
  464. cannabis of that time were raised. And Bigpharma of THAT era was heavily invested in
  465. cannabis.
  468. Sam's beef with Neville seems clear enough: Neville sold strains to Ben Dronkers’
  469. Sensi Seeds while Sam sold the same ones to GW Pharm leaving questions of "property
  470. rights" for when cannabis became normalized.
  472. If it was just ego on the line, that would be one thing. Unfortunately there is much
  473. more at stake, especially in light of the fact the Bitter Petrols, Original Gangsters
  474. and M16s of the world are all in fact hybrids derived from lines Skunkman and company
  475. would like everyone to believe are their responsibility. And it doesnt take very long
  476. to see how that benefits these individuals in the long run and how that could affect
  477. the "community" later.
  480. Its amazing what one can find with a little bit of research. I found the information
  481. below quite significant, in that it clearly shows Hortapharm is providing samples of
  482. cannabis (presumably Skunk #1 and other common varieties used in today's modern
  483. breeding scene) which are being used to "establish conspiracy in the cultivation of
  484. marijuana"
  486. How many varieties of cannabis are hybridized with Skunk#1, or Northern Lights,
  487. White Widow, Haze, etc? If these samples are sent to testing facilities funded by the
  488. United States government, which are then being used as evidence in conspiracy charges
  489. against growers and maybe even breeders, think of the ultimate implications of
  490. Hortapharms cooperation with the Drug Enforcement Administration. If you've got a
  491. variety of cannabis related to the samples provided by Hortapharm, and find yourself
  492. on the wrong end of the law and your plants are then analyzed and found to be
  493. genetically related to the samples provided by Hortapharm, that information can then
  494. be used as evidence to support a conspiracy in cultivation charge not just against
  495. you, but perhaps those who provided the seeds to you and even the breeder themselves.
  497. With some time pondering over the ultimate outcome(s) that this research could yield
  498. in terms of potential legal ramifications against many well known names in the
  499. industry today, one can not take this information lightly or simply over look it as
  500. so many of you have chosen to do thus far. Potentially anyone not associated with
  501. Hortapharm could find themselves a target from the samples of cannabis provided to
  502. the US government for this research. Pillars of the breeding industry such as Skunk
  503. #1, Northern Lights, Haze, White Widow etc. are the basic building blocks of
  504. commercialized seed today. Their prevalence in breeding programs around the world
  505. today is not questioned, thus making professional and amateur seed alike related in
  506. some shape, form or fashion to these lines extremely common. And thus rounding into
  507. the potential for anyone not associated with Hortapharm to become a target simply
  508. based on genetic relation of their strains to those of the samples Hortapharm has
  509. provided the government to use in the aiding and abetting of bringing conspiracy of
  510. cultivation charges against anyone who finds themselves on the wrong end of the law.
  514. Genetic Variation in Hemp and Marijuana (Cannabis sativa L.) According to Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphisms*
  515. Shannon L. Datwyler, Ph.D. 1,2 ; and George D. Weiblen, Ph.D. 2
  516. 1 Department of Plant Biology, University of Minnesota, 1445 Gortner Avenue, Saint
  517. Paul, MN 55108.
  518. 2 Present Address: Department of Biological Sciences, California State University,
  519. Sacramento, 6000 J Street, Sacramento, CA 95819.
  520. Correspondence to Additional information and reprint requests:
  521. George D. Weiblen, Ph.D
  522. Department of Plant Biology
  523. University of Minnesota
  524. 1445 Gortner Avenue
  525. Saint Paul, MN 55108
  526. E-mail:
  528. *HortaPharm B.V. (the Netherlands) and Kenex Ltd. (Canada) provided controlled
  529. substances for research registered and permitted by the United States Drug
  530. Enforcement Administration and the Minnesota Board of Pharmacy with support from the
  531. David and Lucille Packard Foundation and the Minnesota Agricultural Experiment
  532. Station. The study was first presented at the Botanical Society of America Annual
  533. Meeting in 2004 at Snowbird, Utah.
  534. Copyright Copyright © 2006 by American Academy of Forensic Sciences
  536. forensic science • DNA typing • amplified fragment length polymorphism • analysis of
  537. molecular variance • heterozygosity • DNA fingerprinting • sex linkage
  541. ABSTRACT: Cannabis sativa L. (Cannabaceae) is one of the earliest known cultivated
  542. plants and is important in the global economy today as a licit and an illicit crop.
  543. Molecular markers distinguishing licit and illicit cultivars have forensic utility,
  544. but no direct comparison of hemp and marijuana amplified fragment length polymorphism
  545. (AFLP) has been made to date. Genetic variation was surveyed in three populations of
  546. fiber hemp and a potent cultivar of marijuana using AFLP markers. Ten primer pairs
  547. yielded 1206 bands, of which 88% were polymorphic. Eighteen bands represented fixed
  548. differences between all fiber populations and the drug cultivar. These markers have
  549. practical utility for (1) establishing conspiracy in the cultivation and distribution
  550. of marijuana, (2) identifying geographic sources of seized drugs, and (3)
  551. discriminating illegal, potent marijuana cultivars from hemp where the cultivation of
  552. industrial hemp is permitted.
  554. Received 17 Dec. 2005; and in revised form 21 July and 3 Oct. 2005; accepted 22 Oct.
  555. 2005; published 13 Feb. 2006.
  559. Here's another one.
  564. Identification of candidate genes affecting Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol biosynthesis in Cannabis sativa
  565. M. David Marks,1* Li Tian,2† Jonathan P. Wenger,1 Stephanie N. Omburo,1 Wilfredo
  566. Soto-Fuentes,1 Ji He,2 David R. Gang,3 George D. Weiblen,1 and Richard A. Dixon2
  568. Plant growth and gland isolation
  570. Seeds from the marijuana cultivar Skunk no. 1 were provided by HortaPharm BV
  571. (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) and imported under a US Drug Enforcement Administration
  572. (DEA) permit to a registered controlled substance research facility.
  578. Here are some quotes from, and about ole' sam, the crusader for cannabis.
  581. Speaking at the International Cannabinoid Research Society (ICRS) conference in
  582. Montpellier, Dr Geoffrey W Guy, Chairman of GW Pharmaceuticals, said that HortaPharm
  583. will provide GW with exclusive access to its entire range of cannabis varieties for
  584. the development of medicines. The worldwide rights acquired by GW for an undisclosed
  585. sum cover varieties grown to date with certain exceptions and all varieties to be
  586. bred in future.
  589. In addition GW will fund HortaPharm's botanical research and HortaPharm scientists
  590. will assist in the UK Glasshouse propagation, cloning and cultivation programme.
  591. Dr Guy, said: "There has been much speculation as to the exact role of the various
  592. chemical components of cannabis in treating patients with illnesses such as Multiple
  593. Sclerosis and AIDS wasting syndrome. In particular THC (the psychoactive constituent
  594. chemical) has received much attention. Historical medical reports and more recent
  595. work may point to the influence of cannabidiol (CBD) in epilepsy and stroke for
  596. example. We wish to explore the therapeutic benefits and the potential for reduction
  597. in unwanted effects that may be offered through administration of complete extracts
  598. containing various defined ratios of the principal cannabinoids."
  600. Mr David Watson, Chief Executive of HortaPharm commented "HortaPharm leads the world
  601. in its understanding of cannabis botany and has built up over many years the most
  602. extensive 'Living Library' of Medicinal Cannabis varieties. As soon as Dr Guy's
  603. clinical research indicates the exact desired composition our scientists can breed
  604. and register new medicinal varieties".
  611. "It looks like dope, but really it's hope," explains the proprietor, American
  612. entrepreneur David Watson. What he means is that many of these plants have been
  613. specifically bred not to produce an intoxicating resin or hashish. Indeed, HortaPharm
  614. hopes to thwart the aims of the average recreational user.
  616. The team are already close to finding their own commercial Holy Grail - seeds that
  617. will produce a one-off, female, seedless crop of plants with no psychotropic effects
  618. (or THC highs, to the layman) for the consumer. Why, you might ask, would they want
  619. to do that?
  621. .....
  624. Mr Watson and his Dutch colleague, biochemist Etienne de Meijer, are confident that
  625. by using their own exclusive cross-breeding methods, they can develop healthy plants
  626. which will combine only the desired chemical make-up of individual medicines.
  628. There will be no generational deterioration and no genetic difference between each
  629. plant because they will be bred from themselves: they will be cloned. "You can clone
  630. a plant 10 times," explains Mr de Meijer, "and every time it will be exactly the
  631. same."
  632. Mr de Meijer has developed his own technique of "self-progeny" - or "selfing" -
  633. where he turns half of one female plant temporarily into a male. Fertilising a plant
  634. with itself in this way means the same genetic make-up can be reproduced.
  636. "I can make 20,000 clones with 'selfed' parents in two weeks," he says. "Humans may
  637. degenerate from inbreeding, but these plants do not. I'm sure I am the first person
  638. to apply this method of inbreeding to cannabis and I found the selfing process was
  639. amazingly simple."
  641. But the unique research has no market in Holland. "Because the sale of the drug is
  642. tolerated in coffee shops, there is no interest - though people don't really know
  643. what they are buying," says Mr Watson.
  645. .....
  648. As a result, the seeds that HortaPharm is producing are passed straight on to Britain
  649. to take their place in the soil at the ground-breaking facility set up this summer by
  650. Dr Geoffrey Guy in south-east England. "We hooked up with Dr Guy in January and right
  651. now all we are doing is providing the basic building blocks for his work," says Mr
  652. Watson. "We were rather surprised that it would happen in England first."
  653. HortaPharm's sample plants are analysed in the laboratory with a gas chromatographer
  654. and with each new batch the team homes in on the plant's distinct chemical components
  655. or cannabinoids - THC, CBD, CBC, CBG and THCV. When Dr Guy completes his medical
  656. research in Britain, HortaPharm will breed plants to supply the right combination of
  657. active ingredients for his treatments. "Once Dr Guy has worked out what he wants in
  658. chemical form, we will find him the right physical characteristics, too, by combining
  659. desirable features from plants found around the world - high-resin production and
  660. resistance to disease," says Mr de Meijer.
  662. HortaPharm is only interested in developing female plants that are sterile, but this
  663. is not just to protect their genetic copyright. "If a plant is not kept busy
  664. producing seeds, all its energy can go into resin production," says Mr de Miejer.
  667. Sitting at his computer screen in Amsterdam, Mr Watson can keep an eye on the
  668. perimeter fence at Dr Guy's British farm via the internet. "The security he has there
  669. is amazing," says Mr Watson, who flew out to plant the first seeds there two months
  670. ago.
  672. In June, Dr Guy's company, G W Pharmaceuticals, secured the first British licence to
  673. grow the plant for medical purposes. By arrangement with the Home Office, the doctor
  674. can farm cannabis plants and investigate their properties with a view to marketing a
  675. cheap herbal-based answer to the debilitating symptoms of MS, Glaucoma, Parkinson's,
  676. cancer, asthma and Aids.
  679. .....
  682. There is no question that GW plans to enforce its patents on Sativex, which is a
  683. precisely dosed medicine. Warns Guy: “To protect our extensive investment, we have
  684. sought to identify and patent certain inventions throughout the growing, extraction
  685. and manufacturing process. My comments to Mr. Lucas were made as a friendly and,
  686. hopefully, helpful gesture as I did not wish him to invest a great amount of effort
  687. into obtaining approval for a product as a prescription medicine only to find that he
  688. did not have the freedom to operate in the first place.”
  690. Guy’s warning was reiterated shortly after I arrived in England to interview him,
  691. when Mark Rogerson, GW’s grey-templed, elegantly dressed, public relations man, met
  692. me at the Oxford train station. “Once it’s approved and Sativex becomes a medicine
  693. under the law, there needs to be a minor change in legislation so it can be
  694. prescribed,” he said, as he steered his Hyundai (his Audi was in the shop) into
  695. near-gridlock. “The Home Office has already said they will do that, and then patients
  696. will be taking a legal medicine. But if you are an MS sufferer, it would still be
  697. illegal for you to grow cannabis at the bottom of the garden to treat your symptoms.
  698. Our medicine will be legal, but anything else will not be.”
  701. ............
  704. Speaking at the International Cannabinoid Research Society (ICRS) conference in
  705. Montpellier, Dr Geoffrey W Guy, Chairman of GW Pharmaceuticals, said that HortaPharm
  706. will provide GW with exclusive access to its entire range of cannabis varieties for
  707. the development of medicines. The worldwide rights acquired by GW for an undisclosed
  708. sum cover varieties grown to date with certain exceptions and all varieties to be
  709. bred in future. Plant registrations arising from the Dutch breeding programme will be
  710. owned by GW.
  713. ........
  716. At a secret location in southeastern England, GW Pharmaceuticals has built what
  717. might well be the most high-tech pot palace on the planet. Surrounded by electrified
  718. razor wire, video cameras, and motion detectors, the greenhouse sprawls across more
  719. than an acre of land. At any one time, more than 15,000 marijuana plants are growing
  720. under its 14-foot ceiling, with its banks of lights. Inside is a sea of green,
  721. comprised of some of the world's most potent strains of pot: Hindu Kush, White Widow,
  722. Skunk, Northern Lights. Outside of the Netherlands, GW is the only commercial
  723. organization in Europe licensed to cultivate cannabis on this scale.
  726. .....
  729. “Monsanto terminator technology is being applied to Cannabis by (David Watson) at Hortapharm in Holland".'
  733. Quote: “Terminator seeds are genetically engineered to produce a plant that will not
  734. produce viable seed, meaning that growers would be forced to go back to Monsanto each
  735. year to buy more seed stock to replant. Governments and public alike became wary of
  736. the concept when it was discovered that the terminator seed could possibly cross the
  737. species barrier, possibly spreading infertility among the plant kingdom like a
  738. disease.”
  740. Quote: As we can learn from the Mayans in the foregoing article, the concept of
  741. saving seeds is sacred and central to their spiritual and physical way of life. The
  742. same is true for cultural and religious practices all around the world, whether
  743. you’re a Christian, Buddhists, Hindu, Muslim, Jew, or just a plain old Human Being,
  744. the concept of saving seed is as old as human society itself. If corporations like
  745. Monsanto, GW Pharma, Bayer and HortaPharm are allowed to carry out there interests,
  746. they will hold the genetic copyrights to all Cannabis strains on the planet. GW
  747. Pharma and HortaPharm have stated their intent to engineer Cannabis strains similar
  748. to Monsanto’s terminator seed technology. Their strains seem to be artificially
  749. manipulated to produce "one-off sterile females" which prevents reproduction of
  750. harvest-able seeds. These are the kinds of strains that are waiting to be controlled,
  751. regulated, licensed and taxed after the potential passage of proposition 19 in
  752. California and many similar initiatives across the United States being funded
  753. directly by Monsanto shareholders.
  755. Quote: “Cannabis seeds from Monsanto are almost definitely genetically engineered.
  756. Genetically engineered plants can be patented, and it is in Monsanto's best interest
  757. to hold a patent on any seed they sell. Seed patents ensure that companies like
  758. Monsanto can continue to profit from seeds from year to year, as farmers are legally
  759. bound to buy patented seeds from the patent holder rather than simply store them from
  760. the last year's crop.”
  762. Quote: “Evidence of an attempted Canadian medical marijuana monopoly began back in
  763. 2000, with a leaked, unpublished document entitled "Draft Statement of Work for The
  764. Development of a Comprehensive Operation for the Cultivation and Fabrication of
  765. Marijuana in Canada". The plan called for a seed monopoly - "a licit source" only -
  766. and the eventual phase-out of all but a pharmaceutical "inhaler" device. According to
  767. the anonymous source who leaked the document, the first version of the plan also
  768. called for cannabis strains to be patented "as if they had been genetically
  769. modified". It appears that GW Pharmaceutical and Bayer have now done so with the
  770. Cannabis strain "Grace".”
  772. Quote: “Cannabis monopolies are nothing new. One can argue that the prohibition of
  773. Moses's holy kanneh-bosm annointing oil - found in Exodus 30:32 - a prohibition for
  774. people other than priests and kings - was a type of cannabis monopoly. When botanical
  775. medicine became popular again in the fourteen hundreds, women healers were first
  776. called "unschooled" and later called "witches" to prevent them from competing with
  777. the newly emerging male pharmacists. The same thing happened in the mid eighteen
  778. hundreds, except this time instead of "witches", these botanical healers were called
  779. "quacks".”
  781. Quote: “A source within the Ministry of Health, who wishes to remain anonymous, has
  782. provided documents and information to Cannabis Culture, describing how Canadian pot
  783. is to be grown for upcoming medical trials. The documents call for 185 kg (408
  784. pounds) of pot to be grown in the first year, and double that amount for the second
  785. through fifth years.”
  786. “The thirty-five page guideline document, with the weighty title, Draft Statement of
  787. Work for The Development of a Comprehensive Operation for the Cultivation and
  788. Fabrication of Marijuana in Canada, is still open to revisions. It includes proposals
  789. for how marijuana should be grown, processed and fabricated. Included in these
  790. guidelines is the potential to give a notorious pharmaceutical company exclusive
  791. rights for selling seeds to the budding medpot industry.”
  794. Round-Up ready cannabis here we come!
  797. That is sam's contribution to our community aside from ruining Skunk.
  798. Terminator seeds owned by GW pharm
  799. How much in royalties might be owed once all common "building block" strains are
  800. patented like romulan, white widow, haze, skunk #1, northern lights
  803. Patents on cannabis strains are not gonna be a good thing for anyone but ole' sam.
  805. Especially since Bayer now has been licensed by GW Pharma to produce Sativex ,
  806. Monsanto is in the mix and of course HortiPharm turned over and licensed their
  807. genetic base to GW (and of course ya need to research Kennex an Novartis in all this)
  808. All courtesy of the sellout of the weed world and friggin pirate extraordinaire David
  809. Watson pissant snitch that he was/is along with the bitch known as Robert Connell
  810. Clarke
  811. The powergrab by BigPharma on MMJ is already here , the folks that *think* they're "
  812. movers and shakers" within the industry currently such as Richard Lee , Ken Estes (
  813. both of whom have the ethics of a shithouse rat) , Harborside etc are being moved out
  814. for the arrival of the BIG players.
  815. And they're after patenting the genetics. Especially around the new high CBD strain
  816. push. And of course the jackass pirates have moved into THAT area too , like it's
  817. anything new since the pre-prohibition " Hemp" strains were very high in CBD and CBN
  818. while having a low THC content. But since those strains ***are still in existence and
  819. grown in much of the world for industrial hemp*** the seed companies are trying to
  820. keep 'em from the Med market , and JUST the "medical" seed market worldwide is a
  821. MULTI billion dollar a year business.
  823. And again, HortiPharm is the **ONLY** DEA licensed seed and gentics production
  824. company in the world. Supplies genetics to the labs and facility at U of Miss , and
  825. David Watson didn't exist prior to his arrival in A'Dam in '85 , somehow toting along
  826. somewhere between 5 and 20 lbs of seed..........odd isn't it that HE got out after
  827. the Sacred Seeds bust and the rest of the folks didn't , and when you're running from
  828. the DEA how do you turn up in A'Dam with pretty much ALL the NorCal genetics in tow?
  835. More history from Shantibaba, to give you insight:
  837. Now to clear up the story and myths that go around, due mainly to people in the
  838. industry(other seed companies) who are more interested in making money than giving
  839. information that is correct. Haze brothers worked on the Haze’s and they did get to
  840. Sam and Nevil(owner of THE SEEDBANK…and then Ben Dronkers retailed Nevils strains
  841. under the label of SENSI SEEDBANK after Nevil had some jail time in Australia .Nevil
  842. was the first seed bank or company to exist in Holland so his legendary strains such
  843. as Northern lights 5, Ultra skunk , Nl5 Haze, Early pearl , Early girl, Shiva
  844. Skunk….and so on became the basis for a lot of offspring seed companies that followed
  845. in the 90s.
  847. In fact companies like Dutch passion and Nirvana began by copying Nevils seeds from
  848. the F1 seed…but most of them would never say so as they are Dutch business men who
  849. see dollars first and not genetics….Sam and Nevil use to work a bit on strains
  850. together but when it was revealed that Sam and his crew of Americans in Holland all
  851. were part of informants for the DEA in America on a radio program in Holland they
  852. split to the UK to do other things. Sam never started or owned a seed company so his
  853. claim to all the strains that became famous years ago are not really warranted. He
  854. did however do a lot of work on Skunk and shared some seed with Nevil, but as you
  855. know for breeding you cannot just take any plant and make a strain like Greenhouse
  856. does nowadays. I was working in Australia on varieties like Mullumbimby madness and
  857. Thai and Columbia strains of sativas, as well as a lot of original Afghan stock. When
  858. I came to Holland in 1990 with my seed stock I linked up with Nevil , and used
  859. Arjan’s coffeeshops to introduce strains of cannabis and a little later the seed
  860. versions, but we never gave any of the plants to him.Arjan just sold seed produced by
  861. Nevil and myself. I co founded the Greenhouse Seed Company with Arjan in 1994(unlike
  862. Arjan’s claim it began in 1985 from him alone…he was angry that I sold my half share
  863. to him and left in 1998 to Switzerland and to open Mr Nice Seedbank with Nevil and
  864. Howard…but I was and still am the sole owner of MNS). In 1995 I came out with the
  865. seed version of White widow, then White Rhino 1996 and White Shark 1997…el nino1998 ,
  866. Himalayan gold and so on. Nevil and I co worked on some Haze strains during the early
  867. to mid 90s of which Super Silver Haze and Mango Haze were two strains that eventually
  868. came out of this work.The seed was sold under the Greenhouse Seed co label but Nevil
  869. held those plants and only sold the seed of these varieties as well as the weed
  870. version that won all those awards.So as to help Arjan sell the correct weed we set up
  871. our own independent grow rooms and produced those weeds and Arjan bought them all so
  872. as no other Dutch shop could compete. In those days the Greenhouse sold the correct
  873. weed and seed.But in 1998 when I won all the cups with Nevil(including Shantibaba’s
  874. Hash for best nederhash) I was givien a better offer by a Swiss group to set up a
  875. medical cannabis farm and distil oil…so I sold my share to Arjan and left. A lot of
  876. people were shocked as they thought we were a solid unit but actually Arjan was over
  877. the top already with his success and his ego was too much to listen to and
  878. considering the Swiss thing had unlimited possibility where as Holland was stuck at
  879. being glorified dope dealers….as it still is today. Medical was more my interest.
  881. I took all my plants which made the seeds, especially my fathers and Nevil put all
  882. his plants with me so together we had a library of all genetics possible in the
  883. cannabis world. Nevil soon sold his part in one of the coffeeshops and had a big
  884. problem with Arjan too…but it took another year or two for them to split. Take a look
  885. at the High times Cannabis cup after 1998, so 1999 onwards….only while Nevil was
  886. there did they win with SSH, but that soon left with Nevil and Arjan even got caught
  887. cheating or trying to bribe people to win cup…so was disqualified one year.
  889. A lot of stories exist about the Widow family and a lot of people had access to some
  890. of the female versions I left in Holland and soon began claiming to be the creature
  891. etc….but the original seed versions that won the first cup in 1995 came from my
  892. plants not anyone else’s. Till today we have all the plants in original form. Franco,
  893. the Italian working for Arjan now does not even know the original plants as he did
  894. not come on the scene till after I left. I have nothing against him at all but he is
  895. paid by Arjan and is part of that show so believes what ever is feed to him. The GHSco
  896. tried to get things going by buying some seed Nev and I had for sale from a guy in
  897. Holland during this time. The guy called me up and told me Arjan bought a few
  898. thousand euros of this seed and a year later came out with seed under the well known
  899. names he had used previously. The growers could not know this until they grew it out
  900. and considering a lot of people never grew it before they did not even know what they
  901. were looking at and still do not.So many seed companies use the names like White
  902. widow but the genetics are all different. I wrote out the true origins of the plant
  903. and everyone copied that so it looks like everyone is selling the same genetics but
  904. it is they are all selling a name that sells…nothing more.Ask Franco to show you a
  905. photo of the original parents that make the widow…he cannot as he has never seen
  906. them.The Ghsco linked up with others like Ingemar who claims to be the widow breeder
  907. but he is only a grower and he never came out with a seed version until after I made
  908. it in 1995. But all the facts have become mixed and people try to confuse the grower
  909. by claiming things that no one else can prove to be correct or wrong…as there are no
  910. rules in the seed game since all cannabis is actually not recognized in the official
  911. plant world as sub species due to it being drug related. So in actual fact no one
  912. owns nothing…even all the trademarked R after the names you see from various seed
  913. companies are all bullshit as they are not really able to protect any names as the
  914. plants do not officially exist…but that is another story.
  916. In the late 90s I gave plants to Soma, and he began a seed company a year later
  917. too…mixing his skunks to my males. This has occurred many times to me just look at
  918. the Spanish seed companies and 10 years ago…none existed until I went there in 1995
  919. and gave away 3 kilos of seed to growers via Canamo magazine….but that is another
  920. story too.
  922. Now the female seed story saved a lot of seed companies who never really breed seed
  923. as you only need a F1 female and chemicals….no need for a male… go figure why
  924. companies like the Greenhouse or Dinafem etc…set up selling female seed…..the money
  925. the demand and not really needing skill with males are all prerequisites to make a
  926. female seed. It is therefore obvious to me why Arjan (who is a very marketing person
  927. nothing more) and Franco come out every year with a new name plant…they buy an
  928. original F1 seed and donk it with silver nitrates and there you have there products…
  929. but now adays there are so many doing it it is incredible. Even companies have called
  930. me to tell me they feminised a clone of Critical mass in spain and call it critical
  931. plus….but say nothing more than thanks. So actually I really do not care any longer
  932. about other companies and what they say. We at MNS sell the real versions that won
  933. the original awards and made the legends…nowadays it is all confused and everyone is
  934. going feminised…except MNS. We exist so people who like to breed will be able to with
  935. the original true breed plants that come from selection and natural collection from
  936. traveling around the world. As they say, an empty barrel makes a louder noise…and we
  937. are full.
  939. ShantiBaba
  943. [quote=Cannabis Farmer]
  944. Who is Sam the Skunkman and where did he come from? Better yet, whom is he really
  945. backed by?
  946. As with almost everything these days the hidden agendas of those who are trying to
  947. control the weed market, or any power organization, the theories abound. To me, in my
  948. opinion, there is only the gut feelings and organizational independence to keep you
  949. on a straight path.
  950. Cannabis Farmer is always interested in weed, how to grow and how to cultivate.
  951. Having spent the better part of 45 years in the search for knowledge and power in the
  952. plant have provided an abundance of providence.
  953. In the first case I should admit to personally knowing Joe Petri both in the early
  954. days in the Far East and these later days of his activism on the west coast of the
  955. USA. For the most part I stay the Cannabis Farmer, just dedicated to growing and
  956. sharing – as we did back in San Francisco during the mid sixties. It was Joe who
  957. brought the first, and best, water pressed Afghan to us. I remember it well. Smoking
  958. it for the first time in Aaron Russo’s rock venue in Chicago.
  960. I watched as Joe worked the scene in Bombay and created the market for American
  961. Touristers to Australia. An amazing run. Joe was creative and helped a lot of people
  962. make a living from their lifestyles. I do not know of one instance where Joe “turned”
  963. on anyone but I did see some abandoned runners. Who they were running for is where it
  964. gets cloudy and Joe was not close enough to be on the bad edge.
  966. Perhaps Joe’s abrasive tone does not sit well with many, but his idea is straight as
  967. an arrow. Cannabis is a plant, its use is no business of governments and there should
  968. be no laws granting or taking any right to a natural plant or imbibing in it. Freedom
  969. does not allow governments to tell you what to do with plants unless you give them
  970. the rights to tell you how to live. Did you?
  972. Joe Petri reflects what Cannabis Farmer’s live for – weed for whatever you want. This
  973. puts him at odds with the sellouts who try to subvert the effort at ending
  974. prohibition using the lame excuse of medical necessity. Who does not have some pain,
  975. some problem, something? So what?
  977. Cannabis is a simple plant, a weed, and its control by government is just wrong. What
  978. started as a corporate terrorist action to tax cannabis out of existence by Morgan
  979. banks and Dupont Chemicals (to capitalize the patents for synthetic fiber – which are
  980. running out and the reason laws are being eased) has been replaced with extreme
  981. disinformation about a simple weed. All this obscuring the fact that government,
  982. particularly one under the original US Constitution, has no right making a plant
  983. illegal. Joe Petri campaigness for the end of prohibition, he, and we, fight for the
  984. same thing. Others want to allow continued government control over what we can and
  985. cant do with plants – by letting government control the plant under their medical
  986. system.
  988. This allows a joke to be made of medical marijuana in so far as you only need to find
  989. your doctor Feelgood and get a paper to buy it. But it leaves the control of a plant
  990. under the government.
  992. Sam the Skunkman? Well, I have not had any personal contact with this gentleman and
  993. the contact here is the most I have had. I had seen him around the “scene” for years
  994. promoting bubble bags at the various conferences, but he did not make it to my level.
  995. Maybe he was too much in Amsterdam and not in the world of global marketing? Mostly I
  996. have seen him pushing the mud bags, the worst rip off in Cannabis history. Trying to
  997. sell bags and more bags to ignorant stoners, sort of an easy job.
  998. The case Sam the Skunkman makes on my blog to lambaste Petri is weak at best. Calling
  999. him a snitch when it is he who should be wary of such labels. Skunkman has spent his
  1000. time in trying to corner the coming legal cannabis market by getting on the top of
  1001. the government distribution. One must have some kind of connection to get to this
  1002. level and that is why Sam the Skunkman has problems with credibility.
  1004. Since the DEA and CIA will not disclose the names of their agents or snitches it will
  1005. be impossible to verify the veracity of anyone working for them. It is up to you to
  1006. decide where you will place your confidence.
  1008. As for me, the Cannabis Farmer, I like Joe and I think Skunkman an arrogant agent of
  1009. mis-information as he pushes a lot of people at the top of the junk pile and his
  1010. horrible bubble bags.
  1011. [/quote]
  1016. [quote=Detroitmike]
  1017. High Times-Operation Green Merchant-Cannabis Cup
  1021. On March 20th 1985 David Watson was busted for growing in Santa Cruz, California,
  1022. Watson a junior member of the Sacred Seed collective. The Sacred Seed bank collective
  1023. was created in the 1940’s, most original members long gone or well into there 70’s, a
  1024. generation or more older than I, I’m 63, and have been in Cannabis trade 50 years
  1025. and I can only speak from my 50 years experience of fighting the drug war.
  1026. A month later, Watson, now traveling as Sam Selezny arrived in Amsterdam in the
  1027. company of Ed Rosenthal. In his baggage, were the research from the sacred seed
  1028. collective, and 250,000 cannabis seeds. Ed Rosenthal introduced Sam Selezny as David
  1029. Watson to everyone who was anyone at the time on the Dutch scene. Which was very
  1030. small compared to what it is today.
  1031. Surviving members still question how Watson managed to pull this off? A collective
  1032. member states that Watson was a junior member, had nothing to do with creating Skunk
  1033. or`haze strains attributed to Skunk-man as he is now known. Original Skunk had the
  1034. real skunk spray smell, impossible to mask.
  1036. The first time I met Skunk-man at the 2007 cup his first comment to me was that I
  1037. blew his cover due to a chapter in my book King of Nepal The Ice Wars edition? He
  1038. even put up wanted posters for me at the cup calling me a snitch. On the scenes I
  1039. came from if was a snitch I’d be dead long ago.
  1041. By the time you finish this article you may realize that Sam Selezny aka David Watson
  1042. aka Skunk-man started as a DEA undercover agent, whose undercover career makes Donnie
  1043. Brasco pale when compared, since he finally became a DEA licensee and ”private
  1044. contractor” with the power to make the agency move against competitors
  1045. and anybody in his way and to cut deals with Bayer, Monsanto, and the Dutch and
  1046. English Government. Ed Rosenthal’s duped by Watson as well? Rosenthal was the
  1047. cultivation expert at High Times at that time.
  1049. Was Watson/Selezny working undercover to bring Sacred Seed collective down? Then used
  1050. Ed Rosenthal to develop his Skunk-man cover and go deeper undercover in Amsterdam?
  1051. Did Rosenthal make his fortune from selling our scene to the Dutch due to Reagan drug
  1052. war policy, which shut down ol skool, and any High Times competitor upstart? At what
  1053. point did Ed Rosenthal realize that Skunk-man was DEA undercover?
  1054. Neiderweit went from shit to shineola with the introduction of the sacred seed
  1055. collective’s seed bank, now renamed Cultivator’s Choice.
  1057. In 1987 Steven Hager was named the new editor for High Times. Operation Green
  1058. Merchant was also created in 1987 the brainchild of DEA agent Jim Stewart. The target
  1059. being High Times, and Sensimilla Tips, as well as the blossoming Indoor grow
  1060. industry. Sensimilla Tips, the all time best grow magazine was put out of business.
  1061. In 1989, raids were conducted in 46 states on grow shops and wholesalers. The only
  1062. one to remain unscathed was High Times, amazingly?
  1064. Operation Green Merchant worked many angles. One that they pulled off in Hawaii was
  1065. they opened a grow store in Kona, partied, smoked and got to know some growers,. They
  1066. offered growers a deal, we will give you seeds, nutrients, what ever you need, you
  1067. grow the product and bring it here where we will ship it to your people, you collect
  1068. the money and pay us a share. Only a few went for the deal at first, that went super
  1069. smooth, all packages arrived safely, monies paid, and the share given to grow shop.
  1070. 2nd year everyone jumped on board, they busted people from Kona to Brooklyn, You can
  1071. only imagine the numbers, 100’s of folks lost everything, many went to prison..
  1072. Nearly all busted in 46 States came from information seized from High Times and
  1073. Sensimilla tips, hell all they needed to do was read the magazine, which is how DEA
  1074. Jim Stewart came up with the idea for Green Merchant, shooting fish in a barrel. At
  1075. this point was High Times compromised? Or?
  1077. In 1987 Hager went to Amsterdam to interview Nevil of the Seed Bank, while there he
  1078. meets the Skunk-man, who relates tales to him about harvest festivals in Santa Cruz
  1079. and suggests having a Cannabis Cup in Amsterdam as a yearly event. The Skunk-man
  1080. spins his web and Hager is taken in, from this point on everything stated by either
  1081. Skunk-man or his partner Robert C Clarke is taken as fact, Remember Rosenthal is
  1082. cultivation editor, and Clarke used to write under R. Connoisseur at High Times as
  1083. well. Hager being a newbie was enthralled by the lies coming from this trio. At this
  1084. point cannabis history starts to be rewritten by High Times.
  1086. In 1988 the first Cannabis Cup was held and lo and behold Cultivators Choice wins for
  1087. Skunk #1. Imagine what an intelligence bonanza the Cannabis Cup, where every grower
  1088. comes to judge the best strains and buy seeds. The database created a DEA agent’s wet
  1089. dream. Funny things started to happen around Amsterdam, seems as if a lot of
  1091. Cultivators Choice competition were being busted, and even Skunk-man’s own warehouse
  1092. grows are busted as well but he remained untouched, took his money to Luxemburg and
  1093. returned to go on, while everyone else went to jail.
  1095. In 1990, Nevil Shoenmakers who was also targeted by Green Merchant for his seed bank,
  1096. was not extradited by Holland but was arrested in Australia, where his lawyer in
  1097. court records noted that the police had dossier on Nevil as well as everyone who was
  1098. anyone on the Dutch scene, and that they were complied by Sam Selezny, now known as
  1099. David Watson AKA Skunk-man. This is public knowledge in Amsterdam, noted by Dutch
  1100. crime investigator Mario Lap. Lap investigated Selezny/ Watson as well as Ed
  1101. Rosenthal. Skunkman according to Hager in High Times article sold seeds to Nevil..
  1103. You have to wonder if the Cannabis Cup an idea the Skunk-man proposed
  1104. had been an operation of Green Merchant? How best for DEA to get information on
  1105. growers than to open a seed bank in Holland, create a cannabis cup, and even win the
  1106. 1st cup awarded?
  1108. Every top grower in the world goes to Amsterdam for the Cannabis Cup, a bonanza of
  1109. information for DEA and law enforcement around the globe. One has to wonder when
  1110. Rosenthal and Hager realized that Skunk-man was DEA undercover? Without a doubt
  1111. Skunk-man had his claws in High Times, who printed his every word as if gospel.
  1113. Everyone busted but High Times, the smell of sulfur coming to my nose, certainly not
  1114. true skunk. Had a deal been struck between Government and High Times and so they
  1115. could remain in business? Since this time much of what has been written by High Times
  1116. is in fact fantasy made up by the Skunk-man to build up his mystique as well as his
  1117. cover. The Haze brothers a figment of Skunk-mans imagination, a play created for
  1118. stoners in order to hype their products. Frankly I shouldn’t blame the Dutch so much
  1119. for fraud as Skunk-man was the one who taught the Dutch the ropes and they fear him,
  1120. as we fear DEA here.
  1122. It’s beyond question that the Skunk-man has been a source of information to police
  1123. agencies around the globe.
  1125. 1994 David Watson/ Selezny was issued a cannabis research license for Hortapharm R &
  1126. D along with his partner Robert C. Clarke aka R. Connisseur, above legitimate
  1127. Universities and PHD’s due to the strong endorsement of DEA, instead of extraditing
  1128. him back to Santa Cruz for that grow bust in 1985? To this day he is one of two
  1129. companies allowed to import cannabis products into US, and the only supplier licensed
  1130. by DEA to supply seeds of predictable quality for research. In a 1998 interview in UK
  1131. Journal, he stated that Hortapharm only wants to produce sterile females, to protect
  1132. the genetic copyright? He has sent botanist’s around the globe to contaminate and
  1133. collect inbred landrace strains, in order to confuse origin in order to claim
  1134. intellectual copyright. Now he claims to have the largest library of medicinal
  1135. cannabis seeds in the world. In other words he patented the munchie effect amongst
  1136. others. Wherever you go on the planet you will find skunk gene pool, this is a war
  1137. crime, to contaminate the original medical strains so as to be able to call them your
  1138. intellectual property is obscene. Just as the making of Mother Nature’s healing
  1139. plants illegal is a war crime, so is the research Hortapharm is doing. Instead of
  1140. extraditing Watson back to Santa Cruz for his 1985 grow bust, he was praised and
  1142. supported by DEA.
  1144. In 1997 the inventor, Reinhard Delp introduced the Ice Water Method at the 97
  1145. Cannabis cup and it was off to the races, the most copied and ripped off formula in
  1146. Cannabis history, and who designed and created the fraud? Skunk-man with Clarke, Mel
  1147. Frank and High Times. He did this in order to confuse the origin of the patent.
  1148. During the 97 Cup Reinhard had offers promising the world for an exclusive license
  1149. for the method patent pending by “an English Pharmaceutical outfit”, he did a
  1150. comparison test for them with a bigger machine, where he trashed a Pollinator as to
  1151. quality and quality, but finally refused the “exclusive” and insisted on real
  1152. “publishing”, for immediate use for everybody.
  1153. At the end of the 97 Cup Hortapharm set up a meeting with Reinhard where Clarke
  1154. demanded “we can’t publish that” and asked why, responded “the people can not handle
  1155. it, it is too strong.” Unaware of the “powers” of Hortapharm, the inventor told
  1156. Clarke that he was full of it and they had a “fall out”. Reinhard never wanted to
  1157. play monopoly with characters like Hortapharm, Bayer or Monsanto.
  1158. The meeting happened at Bill Barth’s place, a much liked, very outspoken fellow,
  1159. equally unimpressed by Clarke at the meeting. The inventor was later told that Bill
  1160. passed away in his sleep.
  1162. Crazed by their money and the power they had due to their DEA connection,
  1163. High Times and most European Cannabis publications in their pocket, Hortapharm’s
  1164. Watson and Clarke set out to erase the introduction of the Xtractor 420 and the Ice-
  1165. Water-Method on the 97 Cannabis Cup from Cannabis history. One year later Mila, who
  1166. just broke a license contract with Reinhard was now the proud owner of the Hemp
  1167. Hotel, received a government grant to develop her invention and Clarke was marketing
  1168. Mila and her new invention: the Ice-O-lator. But Mila was stupid enough to sell her
  1169. “new creation” with the instructions she received with the XTR 420 .
  1170. Another glitch in the scam: some journalistic conscience managed to record the event
  1171. from 1997, simply explaining the new Method in High Times May 98 issue.
  1173. In his book Clarke spins the Ice-Water-Method back to the old unsuccessful “Sadu Sam
  1174. Secret” Recipe, which Ed Rosenthal did not mention anymore in a 96 High-Times article
  1175. about Hash, even though he was selling the recipe on a 900 fax years earlier.
  1176. Clarke streamlined the recipe for his book, cold water became “chilled”, Mila was
  1177. introduced as the Lady Of Hash and the 1997 XTR 420 was otherwise blacked out of the
  1178. Media. “No limit”- Skunkman approaches the inventor in e-mails, boasting about 10 000
  1179. square meter grows, claimed to have designed Mila’s and the Canadian “Bubble man’s” ,
  1180. Mark Richardson’s inventions and threatens legal action, “prior artwork” and “what
  1181. have you”.
  1183. In May 2009 Reinhard’s financial lifelines and got busted by
  1184. the DEA, the company and home vandalized, company inventory destroyed, all private
  1185. and company money taken. (, issue 19 “Update”)
  1186. He does not stop to sue them for patent infringement.
  1187. Also taken was the Cannabis Collective’s seedbank, ten pounds high quality Cannabis
  1188. seeds from landrace strains -sounds familiar?
  1190. Skunkman stole the method like the strains he had stolen, created GW Pharmaceuticals
  1191. on the promise of the Ice-Water-Method and hoped to control all cannabis based
  1192. medicines. In fact Sativex was created from Thai genetics, I wonder how the Thai
  1193. government feels about that since cannabis has 8400year history as medicine in
  1194. Thailand?
  1196. Watson due to his control of information has been able to pull scam after scam as an
  1197. endorsement from High Times is all you used to need in this business. He knows that
  1198. young stoners and medical patients have no cannabis knowledge and that he can sell
  1199. anything he wants, the frauds have had a tremendous effect on the quality of medicine
  1200. produced. At the same time he has been a mentor to the Dutch who now play from the
  1201. same deck of control of information.
  1203. I know by now you have reached the WTF moment in this article, how much more stinky
  1204. is this going to get?
  1206. Let’s face it no corporation has more at stake that cannabis continues to be illegal,
  1207. so that only they can produce cannabis based medicine than GW Pharmaceuticals, now
  1208. part of Bayer. GW not only bought strains from Hortapharm but also funds botanical
  1209. research. They paid to collect medicinal strains around the globe while contaminating
  1210. them with skunk strain to confuse origin. By doing this they legally could shut down
  1211. all medical grows for infringing on intellectual property of GW and Hortapharm. Does
  1212. the GW stand for Guy & Watson? When asked now, that GW made it, they inform that
  1213. Watson and Clarke are no longer with them.
  1215. WTF, talk about quantum leap, from being wanted for a grow bust in Santa Cruz, to
  1216. being the CEO of Hortapharm, with 5 DEA licenses and partners with GW and Bayer.
  1217. Dude, not only did the the DEA seedbank win the 1st cannabis cup, but last year Danny
  1218. Don’t Know, the new cultivation expert at High Times, named the DEA seed-bank
  1219. Cultivators Choice as the all time greatest seed-bank. Then went on to state that
  1220. Skunk-man was the founder of Sacred seeds, when that collective can be traced back to
  1221. before prohibition. There is no foundation of truth from Danny Don’t
  1222. Know nor from High Times when it comes to Skunk-man, they were duped, hoodwinked,
  1223. bamboozled, led down a trail of tears.
  1225. From setting up grow shops to operating seed banks in Holland is no quantum leap in
  1226. information gathering during Operation Green Harvest. Or that some of their assets
  1227. from that time, continue to provide information to this day.
  1228. Worse thing of all is that for the past 22 years or more everything written on
  1229. cannabis is written in support of frauds these people created. So they have you
  1230. spending more for growing less. That the quality of cannabis and cannabis seed has
  1231. gone down from what ol skool medical imports were originally is without doubt. The
  1232. best cannabis was grown during the golden age of Cannabis 1840-1940, when it was
  1233. legally farmed for medicinal use, Sacred Seeds sought to preserve those strains.
  1235. September 2010, Danny Don’t Know states that High Times has no connection to Skunk-
  1236. man. Wow has he changed his tune, but is it the truth?
  1238. No, Robert C Clarke, partner of David Watson - Skunk-man in Hortapharm and GW
  1239. Pharmaceuticals, continues to promote fraud.
  1240. In a special issue of High Times that basically introduces new products to consumers.
  1241. Clarke brought the bubble bag fraud full circle again, calling it a new innovative
  1242. technique, basically using the same information they used when they introduced these
  1243. frauds in 1998-2000. They have a new generation of young stoners and medical patients
  1244. with no cannabis knowledge to cheat.
  1246. There are 3 photographs that show the fraud for what it is:
  1250. 1. You see resins glands at bottom of glass, valuable oils and terpenes
  1251. floating on top, and on top of that water floating, clear separation seen. You lose
  1252. immediately 30-40% using either 25 or 33 micron catch bag. From this point you should
  1253. have gone to coffee filter 5 micron, but you don’t make money selling paper coffee
  1254. filters. Everything about bags works against and retards the Ice Water technique, the
  1255. US patent was granted in 2000, but for Europe and Canada only in 2006 (!). Every time
  1256. you add a bag on top of the 2 bag system you can add a dilution, in a 9 bag system
  1257. you have diluted formula a dozen times. What they neglected to tell you is that
  1258. Mother Nature does all the work for you. The ice method made sieving and all forms of
  1259. processing cannabis obsolete.
  1260. 2. In Clarke’s article he states nylon sieving bags as new innovative technique.
  1261. Well thank Soumi La Valle for leaving us his great work on Hashish. Circa 1979 there's
  1262. pictures of a Lebanese cannabis worker holding her 70- micron sieve. This is the final
  1263. sieve used in making the finest Lebanese hashish, they started with metal window
  1264. screen to remove seeds and stems and that material they processed threw 3 sizes of
  1265. nylon sieves the 1st being 150 micron –120 micron-70 micro being the last sieve used
  1266. to make 00 hashish the finest. . They attached this Lebanese technique to the Ice
  1267. Method and called it new innovative technique, when reality the Ice method made
  1268. sieving obsolete. They told you to grind up your material, why? As in the ice water
  1269. environment leaves become flexible, fiber matter stays intact, and resin glands fall
  1270. off with simple agitation. What they don’t tell you is that the method releases the
  1271. oils in trichomes, and that the bags have no way of collecting them, flavor, taste,
  1272. aroma lost. Clarke calls it a new innovative technique, when sieving of Hashish goes
  1273. back to Alexander the Great in the Bekaa Valley of Lebanon, and is one of the oldest
  1274. techniques used by Chinese farmers in Asia going back 1000’s of years, before nylon
  1275. they used silk, metal sieves were introduced in the 19th century and are still in use
  1276. in Afghanistan to this day. What’s funny is that all the grow gurus never show you
  1277. the Lebanese technique, as that would expose the fraud.
  1278. 3. There is a photo of the back of a Lebanese hash factory and mounds are
  1279. leftover cannabis from the hash making process. I can reprocess that left over
  1280. material, and give you more and better hashish than you made to begin with, because
  1281. everything under 70 micron was left behind. I can do the same with any material run
  1282. threw any bag system, flavor, aroma, taste I will recapture using correct technique.
  1285. All these years the same people have profited enormously due to the illegality of
  1286. cannabis.. The very people who claim to be Free Da Weed are actually working to keep
  1287. it illegal so only they can profit. The learning curves and misinformation these
  1288. people have put out never ceases to amaze me.
  1290. Mark Heinrich who recently did a 2hour interview with Nevil, who is now living in
  1291. Perth. This interview will appear in TY. Stated that not only had Skunkman written a
  1292. dossier on him for DEA, but was recently offered a deal from his bail jumping charge
  1293. from 1990, stemming from Operation Green Merchant. Auzzies would drop charges if
  1294. Nevil would allow Skunkman access to his genetics, so that he could get their DNA and
  1295. track crops around the globe. He refused.
  1296. The Cannabis Cup has the stink of Skunkman and operation Green Merchant, who knows
  1297. how many folks have been arrested and sent to prison due to intelligence gathered at
  1298. the High Times Cannabis Cup in Amsterdam.
  1299. [/quote]
  1302. [quote=Steven Hager]
  1303. Truth is, Sam had no idea I’d be inventing the Cannabis Cup later that year, as I
  1304. didn’t even get the idea until I was on the plane home. Did Sam’s stories of the
  1305. Santa Cruz harvest festivals of the 1970s influence me? Of course. But Sam never
  1306. presented himself as a major player in those harvest festivals, or even the boss of
  1307. Sacred Seeds, or the breeder of Skunk #1, which was his primary strain. The story I
  1308. got was Skunk #1 popped up unexpectedly and everybody loved it, and it won some early
  1309. harvest festivals. Which is pretty much the story you get about most of the really
  1310. famous strains.
  1311. When I returned to Holland for the first Cannabis Cup months later, Sam was there to
  1312. greet me. He wasn’t sure he wanted Cultivator’s Choice, the name of his new Seed
  1313. Company, to enter the first Cannabis Cup, which so far consisted of Nevil’s Seed Bank
  1314. and Ben Dronkers’ Sensi Seeds. As I recall the Sensi Seed strains were all freshly
  1315. harvested and we couldn’t smoke them without running the samples through a microwave.
  1316. It would take another year for many to catch on to the importance of curing, and keep
  1317. in mind some people in the industry weren’t even stoners. Nevil didn’t care whether
  1318. he won, or whether Skunk #1 won, because he had both Skunk #1 and Northern Lights.
  1319. The final decision was not Dave Watson’s, but something entirely decided by grow guru
  1320. Bram Frank and I because we liked the taste. The only other judge was the
  1321. photographer Jiffy Schnack, who preferred Northern Lights. Nevil at the time was into
  1322. dry sift made from Haze, which he kept to himself, while Sam and Robert were smoking
  1323. full-melt Skunk #1, and were giddy about the way it turned to liquid when they hit it
  1324. with a flame. This was all new to me.
  1325. A few years later, Arjan of the Greenhouse showed me a report by Mario Lap indicating
  1326. Sam was really Dave Watson, who’d been busted in Santa Cruz one month before arriving
  1327. in Amsterdam. And he’d supposedly arrived in Amsterdam with hundreds of thousands of
  1328. seeds for sale one month after his bust. After selling the seeds to Nevil, who was
  1329. making a fortune at the time in cash sales, Watson got the only license to study
  1330. medicinal cannabis in Holland. It sure looked like Watson was secretly working with
  1331. the DEA, and those operations might include tracking the ID’s of all the strains of
  1332. the world and documenting the growers and dealers distributing them.
  1333. I don’t know if this database was real, or, if so, if it is still being pursued, but
  1334. Mario claimed Watson had written a profile on the situation in Australia that named
  1335. many growers and dealers.
  1337. I would not be surprised if Watson is a spook, and I can guarantee the world of
  1338. illegal drugs is filled with spooks in all possible nooks and crannies. He went on to
  1339. co-found Hortapham, which made the deal with GW Pharma, which made the bigger, better
  1340. deal with Bayer, the powerhouse in European medicine. Surely you realize big money is
  1341. an Octopus that pulls strings everywhere it goes?[/quote]
  1344. Treating Yourself - Meet Dr. Frankenbeanstein
  1345. Konsupsa's picture
  1346. Mon, 06/29/2009 - 08:24 — Konsupsa
  1348. Are your expensive Dutch female seeds hard to clone, or when you try to breed them,
  1349. all you get are hermaphrodites?
  1350. Thank Dr Frankenbeanstein, aka the Skunkman, real name David Watson.
  1352. A bit of history:
  1353. At a 1997 Vancouver Hemp conference, Watson spoke of his research. His main focus
  1354. was to stop growers from cloning nor being able to create any seeds, from strains
  1355. being bred in Amsterdam. The funding for this research came partially from the Dutch
  1356. Government, the rest from DEA. Watson had been busted for growing in Santa Cruz
  1357. California 3-20-85 and resurfaced in Amsterdam to start his seed company Cultivator’s
  1358. Choice. DEA supported the Skunkman’s application for a license to grow for research
  1359. in Holland, even though they should have been extraditing him back to Cali for his
  1360. 1985 in Santa Cruz grow bust! DEA endorsement was so strong that he was the first to
  1361. be granted a permit in Holland when several universities and domestic research groups
  1362. with PHD’s and legitimate reasons for research were denied! The Dutch government even
  1363. supplied three greenhouses for Dr. Frankenbeanstein to do his heinous experiments,
  1364. while normal Dutch growers lost all their equipment and had to serve murder-like
  1365. sentences at that time! Dutch seed companies have become the Monsanto of the cannabis
  1366. seed industry, and hope to make us all seed junkies at $20 a seed.!
  1368. The license gave Hortapharm/Skunkman/DEA control over what researchers are allowed
  1369. access to pedigreed seeds of predictable quality! The object is to patent up every
  1370. possible combination of cannabinoids and terpenes with efficacy for every possible
  1371. disease they can treat, and every possible genetic sequence! Once ready to make the
  1372. move, they will shut down every medical cannabis grower for patent fraud, and those
  1373. they can’t will be run out when they produce a more effective product for
  1374. significantly less than $250 an ounce the growers are getting! The Skunkman’s company
  1375. Hortapharm, is the only private organization approved by the Drug Enforcement Agency
  1376. to supply genetics to researchers to this day!
  1378. Gibberillen is a natural growth stimulant, that also changes the sex in plants, male
  1379. to female, female to male. First discovered in the 1930's by researchers looking for
  1380. hormones to stop elongation of the stem during early growth stages of rice and
  1381. prevent crop failures due to to drought or excessive rain, during early growth
  1382. stages. After many years of research, in the 1950's, gibberillens were found that had
  1383. the optimum of success in treating this problem. This is also when researchers
  1384. discovered that gibberillens had beneficial effects on many food crops, increasing
  1385. their yields ten fold! Professor Carlson of Midwestern University created sonic bloom
  1386. in the late 70's, using gibberillens and fertilizers, that when applied to crops ,
  1387. then bombarded with sonic waves at a specific frequency, produced yields in most
  1388. crops that were increased 4-10 fold!
  1389. The discovery of the effects of gibberillens were first noted by Sues who discovered
  1390. the product in the early 80's, and tried it as sold by Carlson for increasing his
  1391. gardens yield by using their product and playing (Music) to his plants. It worked! It
  1392. not only increased his yields but produced a few seeds in his stable of pure females
  1393. plants! The ingredient was gibberillens! After using the product several times, he
  1394. has seeds in every crop there after. Confused as to why, his research discovered the
  1395. main active ingredient was gibberillen. After using this for several years, he
  1396. noticed that depending on when you sprayed gibberillens that there would be a few
  1397. seeds or a large amount of seeds! Size was pretty much increased every time. From
  1398. these experiments he discovered that pure stable female plants could be sprayed at
  1399. the (right) times, and produce a few a few male stamens that would create, exact
  1400. duplicates of the mother and would be feminized seeds, sprouting out as females every
  1401. seed!
  1403. At that 1997 Vancouver Hemp conference Master Grower Seus met Watson and explained
  1404. his discovery and findings on gibberillens. That information went back with Dr
  1405. Frankenbeanstein, and when he got back to Amsterdam he called it his own invention
  1406. and from there came the feminized seed phenomenon.. Watson sold his new discovery to
  1407. all takers. One Dutch seed bank even claim that it is their own invention, I guess
  1408. cause the bought the formula from Skunkman? Over application of gibberillens cause
  1409. smaller and less vigorous seed! The habit of not letting them fully finish, the seeds
  1410. are grey, in distinct and hard to sprout.
  1412. Recently Dr Frankenbeanstein testified at another conference in Canada against the
  1413. use of industrial hemp in Canada! GW Pharm/Hortapharm are scared of the hemp
  1414. industry, why? You see, low industrial hemp produces GW’s miracle drug, CBD as a by
  1415. product! There is primariy one gene that tells a plant to be either a primary CBD
  1416. producer or a primary THC producer! The Bd gene produces the enzyme that converts
  1417. cannabigerol into CBD, and the gene Bt gene produces enzyme that converts cannabigerl
  1418. into THC. If a plant inherits a Bt gene from each parent it will only produce low
  1419. cannabigerol of CBD, and visa versa if it gets a Bd gene from each parent. If it
  1420. receives a Bd from one parent, and Bt from another, it will be roughly 50/50
  1421. chemotype, but this is not true breeding. Most herb in the med clubs is homozygous
  1422. for BT, meaning that it does not produce appreciable amounts of CBD. Since CBD
  1423. actually blocks the psychoactive effects of THC, it was selected against by American
  1424. breeders, even though it is extremely effective in boosting the medical efficacy of
  1425. cannabis, especially with regards to degenerative nervous condition, without any
  1426. psychoactivity! CBD by itself has also been shown to be very effective in treating
  1427. anxiety disorders with effectiveness of valium and other benzo drugs, without the
  1428. extreme addictiveness and potential for overdose! Valium and benzos are the most
  1429. dangerous drugs to detox from! Their withdrawal many times worse than crack or
  1430. heroin!
  1432. The only time cannabis users ever really had assess to a higher level of CBD was
  1433. with hashish farmed with populations with varying ratios of Bd and Bt genes! So as it
  1434. stands now, CBD is not available to any real extent to medical cannabis users! If
  1435. industrial hemp farmers were to catch on, that they’re producing a very needed
  1436. medicine, it will harm GW Pharm/Hortapharm!
  1438. In the UK all you hear is the dangers of the new Skunk-weed, that it leads to
  1439. psychosis, that it drives people insane. Just a few years back it looked like
  1440. cannabis laws in the UK were loosening. Cannabis was re-classified back down to level
  1441. 2, it was the lowest priority for the police. Then all of a sudden this new Skunk
  1442. strain is introduced causing mass hysteria and reefer madness, to the extent that
  1443. cannabis is reclassified back up to level1! What happened?
  1445. One thing we know, the last thing that GWPharm/Hortapharm want is the medical
  1446. cannabis scene catching hold as it has in California, and many other states in the
  1447. US, in the UK! Hortapharm with the support of DEA and GW Pharm have introduce a
  1448. geneticly engineered super strain of Skunkweed, that makes people paranoid,
  1449. psychotic, and makes you completely stupid. If your not an experienced smoker you may
  1450. not handle it well. First time smoker’s can be scared straight, never to use cannabis
  1451. again! Remember chief lobbyist/ spokeperson for GW Pharm is an X DEA head!
  1452. Cannabis has only been illegal 72 years, it had all ways been legal. 100 years ago
  1453. you could buy Cannabis Sativa Americana and Cannabis Indica extract from Parke Davis
  1454. Pharmaceuticals at your local drug store! In fact in the early 20th century Parke
  1455. Davis seed collectors introduced Indian sub-continent seed into Southern Appalachia
  1456. to create Cannabis Americana of equal or greater potency to the Indian sub-continent
  1457. product they were having difficulty importing due to disruption of shipping from
  1458. world war one! Parke Davis collected seeds from India, Turkestan, and Nepal, and sent
  1459. them back to be grown in the Blue Ridge mountains and Mexico! Parke Davis Scientist
  1460. conducted blind trials on themselves and found the American product both more
  1461. pleasant and more potent! Those heritage medical strains were selected from 100's of
  1462. years of selective breeding legally! Nothing today comes close to the heirloom
  1463. medical strains from that period. Anyone who states that the cannabis of today is
  1464. stronger than yesteryear is dreaming. The pot they smoked in the tea pads of Harlem
  1465. in the 1920's-30's was much better than any concocted strains today! Dr.
  1466. Frankenbeanstein with the help of Rob Clarke, Mel Frank, Ed Rosenthal, Milla
  1467. engineered the largest misinformation ripoff campaign in Cannabis history, that only
  1468. diluted the original Ice Water technique by attaching the ancient dry seiving method,
  1469. to confuse the origin of the now patented Ice Water Method. Attaching this seiving
  1470. technique to the Ice Water method, enabled them to sell Nylon at wedding dress
  1471. prices, but makes no sense! Due to their scam most of the bag product is no progress
  1472. since it contains more fiber than old style quality dry seived Hash and lost taste
  1473. and aroma!
  1475. In the Soumi LaValle book on hashish, you see first hand the seiving technique used
  1476. by a Lebanese family in Baalbek , the different screening process is shown in it’s
  1477. entirety, from that book came the idea for bags. In a dry seive you don’t release
  1478. oils, so the naturals terepenes are in the hash, which is sticky. The bag technique
  1479. releases the oils but only collects broken pieces of resin akin to kief not hash! The
  1480. Lebanese women doing the seiving, could out perform 1000 people using bags. It wasn’t
  1481. a revolutionary technique in hash making it was backward steps!
  1483. Yet clever Dutch and Canadian marketing sent out a huge learning curve, and people
  1484. have been ruining there medicine ever since! This ripoff of a patent method will soon
  1485. be settled in a Canadian court. I hate to burst your bubble but Milla and Bubbleman
  1486. had nothing to do with inventing the Ice Water technique! A patent which made all
  1487. traditional forms of processing cannabis obsolete. Dr Frankenbeans sold a patented
  1488. method that did not belong to him, and laid the foundation for GW Pharmaceuticals, we
  1489. all know that the first step of making Sativex is Ice Water Extraction! The damage
  1490. that has been done to Cannabis is immeasurable! He even sold Mexican and Central
  1491. American genetics, as well as Afghan genetics to GW, as his own!! A call to GW and we
  1492. were told that David Watson and Robert C. Clarke no longer work there. Robert
  1494. Clarke’s book on hashish, as well as Rosenthal, Cervantes, Mel Frank, all wrote in
  1495. support of the fraud. You see those idiots go by one rule, all stoner’s are stupid,
  1496. they feed on young stoner’s and medical patients with no cannabis knowledge. Since
  1497. Dutch seed companies control the media and information, they feel that cannabis
  1498. consumers will buy whatever they tell them to buy!
  1500. When old school ran the cannabis scene, you paid $30-50 an ounce for super Columbian
  1501. gold and red, $60-75 an ounce for high altitude seedless Mexican sativa, $100 an
  1502. ounce for the best Thai, $150 for Hawaiian so strong you thought you were on acid.!
  1503. Now you pay $35 for one seed of Jack Herer, which is Mexican genetics. Ed Rosenthal
  1504. sold our pot culture to the Dutch Monopoly, and now the Dutch seed companies are
  1505. selling it back to us at $20 a seed!
  1507. By 2009, several old school pioneers whose books debunked all the myth and out right
  1508. lying surrounding David Watson/Dr Frankenbeanstein. Dutch cannabis industry should
  1509. thank Ronald Reagan by naming a sewer canal after him! Reagan shut us down,
  1510. imprisoned for years, stripped of their wealth and left with nothing to defend
  1511. themselves. In fact The Black Tuna gang leaders still in prison nearly 30 years,
  1512. Brian Daniels the Thai Stick King recently released after 27 years. Howard Marks who
  1513. no doubt sold a lot of cannabis, was a spoke in the Daniels wheel! They used the US
  1514. Air force, Navy, and the Coast Guard to shut down the entire Caribbean, Gulf of
  1515. Mexico, the Eastern and Western seaboard, to finally shut us down, but before we were
  1516. shut down we had a baby, and that baby was called Home Grown American, from the seeds
  1517. we brought back from Asia!
  1519. Watson’s claim that he was the breeder of California Orange debunked by Jerry
  1520. Beisler’s book, The Bandit of Kabul. In the book Jerry shows his creation California
  1521. Orange, and some of the earliest photos of outdoor grows known circa 1973-74, Jerry
  1522. ran one of the earliest documented seed banks in California!
  1523. Without Ronald Reagan the Dutch cannabis industry would have never happened, the pot
  1524. scene is an American phenomenon that spread around the globe!
  1525. It is just a matter of time before one of the medical states legalizes and taxes and
  1526. regulates cannabis. In fact there is a bill being presented in California that would
  1527. do just that! It would tax cannabis $50 an ounce! The Billions in revenue that would
  1528. generate would cause other medical states to follow, remember folks we are in a
  1529. depression! California legalization is the Dutch Cannabis industry’s worst nightmare.
  1530. Once the coffee shops open in San Francisco, that will be the death of the Dutch
  1531. ripoff scene. American seed banks will be able to operate openly on the world stage!
  1532. Organic land race American seed unpolluted by Dutch genetics will take over the
  1533. market world wide!
  1535. The original strains are still available and wild cannabis still flourishes.
  1536. American growers are going back to the original heirloom medical strains and creating
  1537. there own hybrids. Most of the original American strains have been bred and re-bred,
  1538. engineered and re-engineered by the Dutch seed companies, that at this point are
  1539. useless to the breeder.
  1541. Monsanto terminator technology is being applied to our beloved Cannabis by Dr.
  1542. Frankenbeanstein at Hortapharm in Holland. Let me explain exactly what this means and
  1543. use cotton as example!
  1545. In the cotton example, the goal is to develop a variety of cotton that will grow
  1546. normal until the crop is almost mature. Then, and only then, a toxin will be produced
  1547. in the (seed) embryos, specifically killing the entire next generation of seeds. The
  1548. system has three components: 1. A gene for a toxin that will kill the seed late in
  1549. development, but that will not kill any other part of the plant. 2. A method for
  1550. allowing a plant breeder to grow several generations of cotton plants, already
  1551. genetically-engineered to contain the seed-specific toxin gene, without any seeds
  1552. dying. This is required to produce enough seeds to sell for farmers’ to plant. 3. A
  1553. method for activating the engineered seed- specific toxin gene after the farmer
  1554. plants the seeds, so that the farmer’s second generation will be killed.. These three
  1555. tasks are accomplished by engineering a series of genes, which are all transferred
  1556. permanently to the plant, so that they are passed on via the normal reproduction of
  1557. the plant.
  1559. Dr Frankenbeanstein threatened Skunk magazine to have all Dutch advertizing
  1560. cancelled, which amount to 60% of their revenue, after printing part one of this
  1561. article! This is the complete article. Skunk, High Times, Cannabis Culture, Weed-
  1562. World in reality are trade pamphlets, that support the continuing rip off of our
  1563. cannabis community by Hortapharm/GW Pharm/DEA, and the Dutch Cannabis Industry.
  1564. The one beacon of truth telling is Treating yourself magazine in our community. My
  1565. only claim to fame being that I have always been a general in Lord Shiva’s Ganja
  1566. Army. Bom Shiva Bom Shankar Joe Pietri
  1568. King of Nepal
  1571. ^Joe is also a strain stealing snitch who admits in his book to helping the DEA but the fact remains, there is an abundance of evidence that Sam is a DEA snitch and is actively working to both control, and ruin the cannabis gene pool with terminator technology.
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