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Dec 22nd, 2019
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  1. Floor 1:
  3. Enter in coop (for skill boosts).
  5. * Player 1 manually targets Furi and matches for maximum firepower to kill the Wood Devinyan and hit the Goblin to resolve, or at least under the resolve threshold. Deal as much damage to the Furi as possible. Hopefully she's under half.
  7. * Player 2 pops Ea, or if there are <6 woods on the board, Ea and Maeda to try to get 6 woods (Maeda will also get rid of the fixed starting orb position). Player 2 now quits, so Player 1 gets access to Healer Killers on Quetzlcoatl. Match a Wood Row + 7c to kill.
  9. * If Furi puts up her 10c shield (which she'll always do) just quit. It's not worth stalling the 10 turns or popping Ea to try to climb over it - in fact, it's quite difficult to kill it from full health.
  11. Floor 2:
  13. * Pop Quetzlcoatl asap, fish for hearts in the spinners and try to make a FUA on the left or rightmost column, 7c and either kill or bring under resolve. Bringing under resolve is actually better than OHKOing, but the FUA is for safety as if you hit Arianrhod to resolve you may as well quit and try again. Matching a light TPA helps with damage.
  15. * If you bring her under half, pop Maeda Keiji and try to kill with the second turn of Quetzal. If you don't kill her after 2 turns, you can maybe try again with the other Quetzal, but I'd just restart - you'll need the second Quetzal later and it's really hard to stall between now and the time you'll need it.
  17. Floor 3:
  19. (If you took 2 turns to kill Arianrhod, there should be 3 turns of spinner left, if you oneshotted here there should be 4.)
  21. * Your goal is to now stall (make 7 combos, no blobs until there are 2 turns of spinners left, then pop Distel so the last turn of the buff is still active when the spinners go away. If Arianrhod did her <50% lock skyfall skillset this becomes much easier. (If you feel confident in killing through spinners, you can pop Distel 1 turn early.)
  23. * When Distel shield is active but before the spinners go away, match away as many fires as possible and combo minimally while healing up.
  25. * After the spinners go away, you should still have 1 turn of Distel's buff which should let you OHKO Alrescha or bring her very low if you matched fires. She gives you one more turn to kill her when she goes under half, so pop Orya and do so.
  27. Floor 4:
  29. * If Maeda is online upon entering this floor, or online in 1 turn, you can stall a turn by letting her do her poison + lock skill set then refreshing it away. Otherwise, pop Quetzlcoatl immediately. If there are 5 hearts you can go for the FUA kill (you'll need some skyfalls and luck), or just hit her as hard as possible, hopefully to under half.
  31. * Under half she'll do her buff, combo shield, and bottom row super blind. Try to kill here, you will still have 2x movetime and +1 combo but you HAVE to memorize the blinded row as much as possible.
  33. * If you fail to kill she'll reapply the debuff...hopefully your other Quetzal is up, or you can get a fast solve in and pop Ea for combos. Good luck.
  35. Floor 5:
  37. * You can take a breather, as long as you 7c and heal Perseus won't be able to kill you. On the first moveset, if possible try to save hearts in the middle 4 columns. If you're out of hearts pop Ea to survive. Save a Quetzal for the low-health execution moveset if you end up triggering it.
  40. Floor 6:
  42. Be prepared to grind it out and pray for skyfalls. Hopefully you have Ea and/or Quetzal active online upon entering this floor.
  44. * Quetzal rotates between putting up 8c shield and void + 2 turns of her "whirlwind moveset" and random lead swap + 50% shield + 2 turns of her "calm winds" moveset. You can take a breather with healing on the turn she switches movesets as she won't hit you.
  46. * "Whirling Tornado" is really obnoxious since it can bind leaders, especially if she does it twice and it hits both leaders, at which point you're almost shit out of luck. Heal as hard as you can, pop Ea if you have it, and pray.
  48. * "Stormy Hurricane" is the easiest, just plan more carefully according with the loss in move time and heal while 7c'ing.
  50. * "Blazing Cyclone" gives you a 6c board which is extremely obnoxious. If you save a locked orb it could give you a 7c board, but otherwise you'll have to pop Ea, Quetzal, or start praying for skyfalls to survive.
  52. * Her "calm winds" movesets aren't bad, just watch out for Fire Storm eating away hearts and Breeze Mist converting Woods to Hearts on the first turn.
  54. * On the turn before you hit her to under 50%, pop Distel then burst as hard as you can. When she's under 50 she'll skill delay for 5 turns then put 4 spinners in each of the 4 corners for 5 turns. You will have to tough it out and 7c while the spinners are on the board. Distel can buy you 2 turns, but after that you're on your own.
  56. * Ideally bring Quetzal under 10% on the last turn of "calm winds" or the "whirlwind" by bursting hard with Distel, then finish her off while she doesn't have a 50% shield, 8c shield, or void. If she's too close to 10% then just burst down whenever, although preferrably with Distel active.
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