
Dolphin Surf

Jun 7th, 2021
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  1. Day 9: Dolphin Surf
  2. As I was riding the lunar rover, the astronaut proceeded to go faster and faster. I didn't know how fast these things are supposed to go, but it definitely wasn't as fast as this thing was going. The astronaut stopped the rover abruptly, and I went flying forward, the gray floor disappearing from my vision.
  4. My vision wasn't obscured by anything, but that didn't mean I couldn't see. That didn't stay in my mind for too long as I collided with a wall of water, and, in an instant, I was back in the ocean, still flying forward with the speed I had on the Moon.
  6. I went with the flow, insisting that I would be okay if I didn't try and resist the forced movement.
  7. Apparently this was the right decision, as I soon heard clicking noises and the sounds of splashing behind me.
  9. As I looked back, several dolphins were swimming in a sort of formation, presumably with me leading them. They'd occasionally whistle and click to try and communicate with me, but I for the life of me couldn't understand them at all, so I just tried my best to make sure nothing got in our way.
  10. While leading the pod of dolphins through this section of the deep blue, I suddenly felt an urge to get to the surface of the water. I quickly angled my body upwards, and soon I was above the water; not just my head, but the rest of my body, too.
  12. Soon, I was flying low to the surface of the water. Shortly after I emerged from it, the dolphins jumped out to get their own air to breathe. Unlike me, though, they couldn't fly, so they kept swimming, their speed roughly matching mine.
  14. I turned around to completely face them. Their jumps, their sounds, almost everything about them were perfectly coordinated, much like dancers on a stage. There was an elegance to their movements; an elegance I couldn't quite describe. I spent the rest of the time I had admiring the blueness of the ocean and sky, the intermittent jumps of the dolphins, and the loud calls of the seagulls flying above us. It really grew my appreciation for marine life.
  16. This would soon fade, as the dolphins performed one last jump before I got dragged away again...
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