
Bright 1154

Jun 20th, 2012
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  1. First, oh my god the grammar. Capitals are your friend!
  3. Item #: Scp 1154
  5. And it begins. If you look through all the thousand plus SCPs on this site, you may notice they are all formatted as SCP-XXX. Capital letters, and a dash. A small thing, but this lets the users know you just don't care to get thinks right.
  7. Object Class: Safe
  8. Special Containment Procedures: Scp 1154 isn’t able to be moved to a containment area. Scp 1154 is to be sealed off any entrances to the public, construction of a secluded entrance for researchers of level two or higher is under way. Any public access is not permitted. Researchers, agents and guards are to dress in construction/maintenance worker uniforms exiting and returning to the site at all times to keep public suspicion level down. Entire floor is to be contained no public access is not permitted.
  10. So, we can't just, say, shut down the building, or otherwise repurpose it to keep people out? No? We have to act like we're in a bad spy movie and dress like construction and maintenance people? okay, I see.
  12. Description: Scp 1154 is an standard restroom mirror [manufacture is unknown], in the ██████████ hotel located on the ██ floor,
  14. We don't even get to know what floor it's on? So, people coming in have to wander around, hoping they find the right bathroom?
  16. Scp 1154was reported by the hotels custodian, on Dec 4,2009.
  18. Reported by the hotels custodian. To whom? Did they call the SCP hotline?
  20. Agents were sent to the site for further investigation. Investigation revealed that Scp 1154 is not an ordinary mirror but what researchers explain to be a “portal to another dimension”
  22. Oh my god! a portal to another dimension!How shocking! And unprofessional.
  24. when walking in front and facing Scp 1154 subject will start to hear a humming sound. When looking at mirror subject isn’t able to see self but able to see the content, which is behind them.
  26. How dare you abuse the poor comma like that! For shame!
  28. Scp 1154 consists of silver metal frame and a marble white Sink with sliver knobs and faucet.
  30. So, you CAN use capital letters, just not where they're supposed to go. Also, if these knobs are just slivers, what wore them down?
  32. below which is now not operational due to shut off water lines to the floor which Scp 1154 is located. All of the mirrors other than Scp 1154 seem to be normal. When lights are turned off Scp 1154 “refection” has not changed its light is still on, when lights are turned back none of out of the ordinary happens,
  34. Won't somebody PLEASE think of the punctuation! Also, i belive you mean 'nothing' not 'none.'
  36. Scp 1154 has been recorded to have its lights shut off at random times during the day and the night. When closing and opening the stall if front of Scp 1154 no changes in the face of the mirror accrued. When examining the mirror further Scp 1154 has no glass but is another room. What makes V strange is there isn’t another room on the other side of Scp 1154. Due to construction of the building.
  38. Wait. There is no glass? That, uh, that means it isn't a mirror, just a frame. Also, why the random V?
  40. Addendum: Further inspection of Scp 1154, is that it is a “regular restroom” words of doctor ████████.
  42. Riiiiight.
  44. It has been recorded of other humans being on the other side of Scp 1154 all though it seems SScp 1154 subjects are unaware of the mirror being abnormal in any way. When trying to intact with subjects the mirror becomes hard and not able to pass throw. Agent Weatherborn volunteered to enter Scp 1154 since lack of class D from the local prisons.
  46. What about no local prisons? The point of Class D is generally that we have an un ending supply of them.
  48. Agent Weatherborn enter his nightstick throw the “glass” of the mirror with no break of consistency, soon after he was helped throw the Scp- 1154 in to its corresponding room.
  50. through
  52. As soon as the agent’s feet hit the floor the lights shut off for several hours as a normal response to it being late at night.
  54. Because it was late at night, the lights shut off ONLY when the agent entered?
  56. Further investigation the door leading out of the restroom we locked for the night. Approximately nine and a half hours later the lights turn on and the agent was confronted by a custodian.[conversation will be displayed bellow]
  58. And the agent can't, uhm, kick down the door, or anything?
  60. NoteResearches confirmed that Scp 1154is a portal to another dimension. Which dimension is still unknown. Doctor ████████ theorizes that Scp 1154 is part of a parallel universe, Tests are still on going.
  62. You say the same thing twice, with different words. Also… seriously, it's not like we have a list of alternate dimensions. Oooh, idea for an SCP!
  64. Conversation
  65. *lights flip on and custodian walks in the door of restroom*
  66. Agent: Well hello there…
  67. Custodian:*silent break*Hello, how long have you, been waiting here.
  68. Agent: I’ll be the one asking the questions.
  69. Custodian: *gulping* whatever you say buddy.
  70. Agent: Step away from the door please.
  71. Custodian: I don’t see why I shou….*interrupted by agent*
  72. *pulling gun out and showing badge*
  73. Agent: step away from the door.
  74. Custodian: uhhh,yes sir… I don’t see why I am……*connection lost*
  76. Connection was lost between Agent Weatherborn headset and rest of conversation was lost.
  78. And then what happened? We could still see him through the mirror, right?
  80. Table removed because there was no point to it. So much empty space.
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