

Aug 12th, 2017
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  1. <?php
  2. echo "<html>\n";
  3. echo "<head>\n";
  4. echo "<link href=\"\" rel='icon' type='image/png'/>\n";
  5. echo "<title>Touched? :)</title>\n";
  6. echo "\n";
  7. echo "\n";
  8. echo "\n";
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  11. echo "<script>alert(\"Have a nice day , Admin.\")</script>\n";
  12. echo "</a> <meta name=\"description\" content=\"Cipher\">\n";
  13. echo "<meta name=\"keywords\" content=\"Cipher\"/>\n";
  14. echo "<meta name=\"author\" content=\"Cipher\">\n";
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  17. echo "<body bgcolor=\"white\">\n";
  18. echo "<link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'><br>\n";
  19. echo "<font color=\"red\" size=\"15\" face=\"Iceland\">[!] ./Cipher [!]<br>\n";
  20. echo "<img src=\"\" widht=\"450px\" height=\"280px\"/><br>\n";
  21. echo "<font color=\"red\" size=\"15\" face=\"Iceland\">[?] Family Attack Cyber [?]<br>\n";
  22. echo "</font><br>\n";
  23. echo "<font color=\"blue\" size=\"5.5\" face=\"Iceland\">Message : Sukses terus ya Nawwa :) </font><br>\n";
  24. echo "<br>\n";
  25. echo "<br>\n";
  26. echo "<font size='4' color=\"blue\" face=\"Iceland\"> <br>\n";
  27. echo "[<marquee width=\"45%\" behavior=\"alternate\" scrollamount=\"5\" color=\"white\">&nbsp; Hacking is not criminal , But Hacking is Art. &nbsp;</marquee>]\n";
  28. echo "</font></center>\n";
  29. echo "\n";
  30. echo "</tbody></table>\n";
  31. echo "<body oncontextmenu='return false;' onkeydown='return false;' onmousedown='return false;' ondragstart='return false' onselectstart='return false' style='-moz- user- select: none; cursor: default;'>\n";
  32. echo "<embed src=\"\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" wmode=\"transparent\" height=\"1\" width=\"1\">\n";
  33. echo "<!-- CopyRight@ Cipher-->\n";
  34. echo "</body>\n";
  35. echo "</html>\n";
  36. ?>
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