

Jan 5th, 2022
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  1. When the Martians came and went, Iowa didn't fare too well just like its neighbors up north in Minnesota. The state government quite frankly didn't survive the invasion all too well. In Des Moines there is the so called "Iowa Administration", a government plagued by corruption and weakness. It is soon likely to be picked off by its many enemies. Bandits. Raiders. Equalists. Wait...Equalists? Who are they?
  3. Well, the Equalists aren't quite like the others. They were actually fairly late to the party so to speak. Unified in the year 1911. Their leader was a woman, strangely enough. Erica Mazen is her real name, but nobody calls her that. They simply call her 'Starlight'. Erica Mazen was comparatively young for being the founder of a nation after all, she was only 23.
  5. Her ideas struck her in the dead of winter in 1909. Literally. During a storm a tree branch had fell through the top part of roof. Part of the branch struck Erica in the head roughly. It was enough to rattle her mind. Well, that's putting it lightly. After she was rescued from the home, the woman was never the same again.
  7. The woman would take refuge in an abandoned barn, from the makeshift hospital in Spirit Lake, Dickinson County. Nobody would really hear from her after the event. Close friends and surviving family could tell she changed. There she wrote the original manifesto of the Equalists. Her entire personality had warped after this and she began to have delusions about her leading a revolution and seizing control of her situation to improve the lives of others. Ontop of this, a healthy dose of delusional nonsense and aspects of schizophrenia would work its way into the manifesto.
  9. What did the manifesto outline, exactly? Plans for a society known as the 'Equalist Union' were outlined. It would be a society with aspects of agrarian socialism combined with intense militarism to deal with outside threats. Everyone would be educated on surviving using whatever means they could, provided it wasn't immoral unless all other options failed.
  11. The manifesto also included the decree that all of mankind is Equal, and should be one in brotherly harmony within the Collective. This would mean no racism, sexism, or other sorts. Politicians would be removed, democracy would be removed to make way for this new Collective that would dominate over society itself. The military would also have prominent position.
  13. In this manifesto, there was a very detailed plan on achieving 'ascension' through deep meditation and collective will. In the Equalists mindset, all of humanity is one and has one singular consciousness. If one could tap into this resource and make use of it, one could wield destiny itself. Using this, the Equalists would bring Utopia to the world. A perfect world without borders, nor problems. There were many other such things contained within this text which surprisingly, was very coherent and intelligently written.
  15. When she spread this to others, the ideology caught on like wildfire. The people of the area she lived were desperate and had no government. Nobody to help them but they themselves. With this, she would hold rallies and speeches that captivated the minds of many. Naturally, once the Union was a few thousand strong it began to export its ideology across its region.
  17. Erica Mazen was no more. Instead, she was now Starlight. She found a way to permanently die her hair purple with hints of Cyan. After encountering derelict wreckage of a martian spaceship and whatever chemicals it had came into contact with her. The specific nature of this was unknown, but her skin turned a light purple as well. Whatever the case, this was specific to Starlight herself.
  19. The Equalist Union would begin to grow throughout the state like wildfire. Its cultist like demeanor and ravenous loyalty to it's leader would likely terrify many. Starlight would have the Union focus on arming themselves to the teeth and they would obliterate opposing movements and induct any members they could.
  21. The Economic system they had would share crop earnings collectively throughout the farming population in a communal like system. This would also apply to other gains, although the military would receive the most of the earnings since they were off fighting in the various wars. By the 1910's, Starlight had turned her attention north towards Minnesota.
  23. The Equalists had managed to invade a ways into the various cliques and communities that were there and brought them into the fold. The Giant Bees in Austin as well as other enemies, not to mention the toxic Minnesota River would prove that they were not invincible, so they had to abandon all out invasion.
  25. The Equalists had made an enemy in the Kingdom of Rochester. Rather than the new beliefs that Starlight had brought, they had hardened their belief in Christianity. A belief Starlight found particularly appalling. Starlight is one to turn away from threats whenever possible, and had occupied the southern part of the state when it was possible.
  27. Looking out west, the Equalists made use of Calvary. They would combine metallic armor with that of metal from the crashed martian spaceships, pointing the metal into very sharp spears and arrows that the Equalists would add to their weaponry - in a similar manner to the Mongols. Weaponry in the Equalist Union varies wildly from makeshift swords, rifles and muskets, all the way up to more exotic things they cobbled together from Martian Ships.
  29. The Equalists would appeal to various native groups and only the most fearsome and strong would remain independent, with the majority being inducted into the Equalist ranks. The Equalists themselves are very hardy people, using the natural terrain and weather to their advantage while laying claim to any abandoned town and city they can find. They will scavenge and pick apart anything if it means serving their cause.
  31. The Equalists have also dug tunnels within the various cities they have conquered. Using these tunnels, they can ride out the worst of the winter weather conditions as well as the dangerous wildlife, and whatever beasts may lay out there.
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