

Dec 28th, 2016
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  1. "The Myth of Evil"
  2. πŸ“ForewardπŸ“
  3. So most people don't know this but the reason I even have a "following" on Facebook is because in middle school and highschool I would make edgy posts, cause controversy and I would delete them.
  4. I'm not deleting this.
  6. 🎈Main post
  7. I remember in highschool, I made saying all people have some good in them. Including Hitler and Bin Laden. My general idea was that all people have good qualities within them, even the biggest pond scum on the planet.
  8. Now, I don't advocate for genocide nor do I think they're great guys. However the way I see it, nobody is "pure evil" and I hate that term. The term pure evil gives us a scapegoat. It provides us a Disney-esque villain to pin all our problems on. Pure Evil as a concept allows a catalyst for us, so we can avoid the "evil" qualities within all of us. The truth is, Hitler couldn't do anything that he did without the support of millions of regular folks. And Bin Laden? We have American war criminals who have been responsible for many more atrocities however they're not considered "evil".
  9. It's easy blaming the Klu Klux Klan. Instead of dealing with the poverty of white southerners post-reconstruction, systemic problems, and social hierarchies as a whole we call a singular group "pure evil". It's easy. It's easy blaming a child serial rapist and murderer. He's just--evil. It's easy. Humans aren't easy. We are complex creatures and simply calling someone evil or "saintly" isn't realistic. Some folks are better than others, however how do you even call someone good or even?
  10. The truth is, good, evil, everything in-between isn't measured by some universal system. How do you quantify good? How do you quantify evil? It's only based on societal ethics and moral. It's almost completely meme over gene. Who decides what's good? The people in charge? The masses? The church? A secular Union? Us? Them? It's difficult, but even though you can't quantify good in my opinion, all people aren't one thing.
  11. The myth of evil is simply a method of distraction.
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