

Feb 3rd, 2012
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  1. On #Jan28, mass arrests occured in Oakland between Occupy members, My freind was there, arrested at Santa Rita prison, in Dublin California, and just account me that:
  5. Jailed in Santa Rita: went to jail 4 days; oh god. just wounded. but oh so so so so so so much stronger, they tortured us psychologically in jail, and i mean really. badly
  6. Jailed in Santa Rita: i dont know if i can handle getting into it too deeply, but i dont mind crying tonight: 50 people to a 15 person cell 32 degrees celsius
  7. AS: oh shit like in syria!
  8. Jailed in Santa Rita: only very very hot water to drink no toilet paper for women, no toilet paper for their period i was on concrete floor for 80 hours
  9. AS: omg!
  10. Jailed in Santa Rita: always far too many people, no one could lay down, too many ppl i stood while the men held the crying boys, they sprayed pepper spray through the air vents when people were loud the guards pretended to open the door every 2 hours, then walked away they told us the wrong time so we had no idea what time it was, they denied someone with HIV his medicine, there were seizures, diabetic attacks, anxiety attacks, only bologna sandwiches. i ate 12 of them in 4 days,the guards watched a girl pee on purpose, looking her in the eye. they hurt my sisters, feelings so very badly and my brothers, my heart is on fire!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Jailed in Santa Rita: i am crying now
  12. AS: oh dear i am crying too!
  13. Jailed in Santa Rita: it was so sad
  14. AS: let's do a video on that
  15. Jailed in Santa Rita: oh please help
  16. AS: sure
  17. Jailed in Santa Rita: i want you to know many of us did not complain: some did not sleep for 4 days, calmed everyone, told jokes, made games out of out of bread, and came out of this stronger than ever, and more militant. they have made a mistake putting us in there like, they have made a very big one.
  18. AS: we will not let them do it again
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