
Lucy dies, again

Aug 19th, 2013
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  1. 2013-08-19T20:00:31<Lucyne> All hair rises to edge as the GM savors the moment.
  2. 2013-08-19T20:00:37<Honey_Rose> [pls]
  3. 2013-08-19T20:00:45Fluorine hears them laughing and wishes he could join in as well, but town matters and all. It seems that even as Flo he cannot escape fate.
  4. 2013-08-19T20:00:50<Lucyne> You wanted her fixed, hehe
  5. 2013-08-19T20:00:54<Able_Tome> "Someone from engineering or labor, eh."
  6. 2013-08-19T20:00:55<Lucyne> You wanted it all better ha
  7. 2013-08-19T20:00:59Quicksilver cant be asked to roll for magic, but lets say she got a 14 and is now pressing down on Rain's 'spot' on her back "you ok there Rose?"
  8. 2013-08-19T20:01:10<Lucyne> You...wanted her back to normal
  9. 2013-08-19T20:01:19<Rain_Drop> "Nope you seem a little off so I shall fix it!" Rain continues her tickles before freezing "KYA!~"
  10. 2013-08-19T20:01:20<Lucyne> Well, be careful what you wish for.
  11. 2013-08-19T20:01:39<Lucyne> Sometimes...
  12. 2013-08-19T20:01:42Quicksilver keeps the magic up, allowing Honey to escape
  13. 2013-08-19T20:01:45<Lucyne> It may come true.
  14. 2013-08-19T20:01:49<Rain_Drop> "N-not fair..." Rain mumbles atop of Rose limp
  15. 2013-08-19T20:01:54Honey_Rose escapes, yay. ,GM PLS
  16. 2013-08-19T20:02:12Quicksilver releases Rain from the magic
  17. 2013-08-19T20:02:23<Lucyne> From the crops, with a start, a figure too familiar to be true emerges. "YOU!"
  18. 2013-08-19T20:02:28Mysterious_Stranger [] is now known as Real_Lucyne
  19. 2013-08-19T20:02:35<Honey_Rose> [wat]
  20. 2013-08-19T20:02:39Able_Tome looks at Lucyne, "And the estimated time of const- huh."
  21. 2013-08-19T20:02:40<Fluorine> Normal at her condition, please minty prime, she can never be normal... hmmm?
  22. 2013-08-19T20:02:41<Lucyne> The minty pony points at 'Lucy'
  23. 2013-08-19T20:02:47<GreenHoof> [WUT]
  24. 2013-08-19T20:02:50<Rain_Drop> "Quit doing that!" Rain shouts with a blush before staring in shock at the the other pony
  25. 2013-08-19T20:02:57Lucyne whirls around.
  26. 2013-08-19T20:03:00Able_Tome looks back notic... what the.
  27. 2013-08-19T20:03:02<Fluorine> Three mintys now?
  28. 2013-08-19T20:03:12Honey_Rose looks to the new Lucy? "W-"
  29. 2013-08-19T20:03:12Quicksilver does a double take "C-changeling?"
  30. 2013-08-19T20:03:13Hearth [] has joined #FourCannon-Riverside
  31. 2013-08-19T20:03:18<Rain_Drop> "What the what?"
  32. 2013-08-19T20:03:22<Lucyne> You see Lucyne, her hair a mess, her body scarred, wearing a rough lather armor, a stint on her left back leg and sword on her back.
  33. 2013-08-19T20:03:29<Real_Lucyne> "You fey SCUM!"
  34. 2013-08-19T20:03:36Real_Lucyne advances towards 'Lucy'
  35. 2013-08-19T20:03:52Lucyne edges away a bit, mouthing a weak "What?"
  36. 2013-08-19T20:03:53Rain_Drop looks back and forth between the two before getting between them
  37. 2013-08-19T20:03:54Able_Tome 's eyes legitimately widen, the orbs running between two bodies, "What the hell."
  38. 2013-08-19T20:03:54Nova_Flux [] has joined #FourCannon-Riverside
  39. 2013-08-19T20:03:57Alerderna [] has joined #FourCannon-Riverside
  40. 2013-08-19T20:03:57<Rain_Drop> "Whoa whoa whoa!"
  41. 2013-08-19T20:04:03<GreenHoof> [what the fuuuuuuck]
  42. 2013-08-19T20:04:07<Rain_Drop> "Wait just a second!"
  43. 2013-08-19T20:04:07<Honey_Rose> [wat]
  44. 2013-08-19T20:04:14Fluorine blocks her path. "Hold on. Please. Think of what it looks like from our side for a second."
  45. 2013-08-19T20:04:15Quicksilver stares in amazement
  46. 2013-08-19T20:04:19<Real_Lucyne> "YOU DISGUSTING HORRIBLE CREATURE!"
  47. 2013-08-19T20:04:19Able_Tome frowns, "No. Moves."
  48. 2013-08-19T20:04:24Rain_Drop flares her wings obscuring the two lucy's vision of each other
  49. 2013-08-19T20:04:25Real_Lucyne yells at the shrinking Lucy
  50. 2013-08-19T20:04:31<Quicksilver> "Lucy?"
  51. 2013-08-19T20:04:34<Honey_Rose> "Lucy?"
  52. 2013-08-19T20:04:44Real_Lucyne looks to Rain, as her knees faulter.
  53. 2013-08-19T20:04:46<Real_Lucyne> "Rain..."
  54. 2013-08-19T20:04:54Fluorine looks at the one behind her. "IS THIS TRUE?"
  55. 2013-08-19T20:05:09Real_Lucyne carefully extends a hoof, tears forming.
  56. 2013-08-19T20:05:10Able_Tome walks closer to the 'Lucy' figure near him, watching at her intently with a piercing gaze.
  57. 2013-08-19T20:05:13<Real_Lucyne> "Beautiful...Rain Drop."
  58. 2013-08-19T20:05:25Lucyne 's brain begins to fizzle.
  59. 2013-08-19T20:05:31<GreenHoof> [WATCHING INTENSIFIES]
  60. 2013-08-19T20:05:32<Quicksilver> "Wait wait wait wait... hold on for one FUCKING SECOND!"
  61. 2013-08-19T20:05:33<Rain_Drop> "Lucy?" Rain is confused as she looks at her before walking a small step closer heisitant
  62. 2013-08-19T20:05:35<Real_Lucyne> "It-It's me!"
  63. 2013-08-19T20:05:39<Real_Lucyne> "I-I came back!"
  64. 2013-08-19T20:05:57Quicksilver walks up to the real Lucy "Lucy... what...?"
  65. 2013-08-19T20:06:03Lucyne 's head begins to broil as her knees weaken.
  66. 2013-08-19T20:06:11Lucyne cannot even speak.
  67. 2013-08-19T20:06:16<Real_Lucyne> "I did it Rain!"
  68. 2013-08-19T20:06:18<Alerderna> [This is so Doctor Who.]
  69. 2013-08-19T20:06:20<Real_Lucyne> "I made it out!"
  70. 2013-08-19T20:06:26<Lucyne> [totally hue]
  71. 2013-08-19T20:06:27Able_Tome looks back at the mint intruder, his hoof instinctively stretching to his back pocket, "Now wait just a bloody minute."
  72. 2013-08-19T20:06:28Rain_Drop looks back at the Lucy behind her "But, wait I thought..." Rain turns to look at Real_Lucyne "How? I mean what the hell...of the chasm?"
  73. 2013-08-19T20:06:35<Nova_Flux> [N-Now Kiss]
  74. 2013-08-19T20:06:35<Alerderna> [The Flesh.]
  75. 2013-08-19T20:06:39<Nova_Flux> [giggity]
  76. 2013-08-19T20:06:43<Lucyne> [Nova pls]
  77. 2013-08-19T20:06:44Fluorine is stuck, not knowing who to believe. He watchs first intently. "What's going on? How is the other Lucy doing this?"
  78. 2013-08-19T20:07:02Real_Lucyne 's face turns to rage as she wipes away the tears.
  79. 2013-08-19T20:07:04<Real_Lucyne> "THAT!"
  80. 2013-08-19T20:07:05Able_Tome smirks, "This. This is excellent.", he muses
  81. 2013-08-19T20:07:08Real_Lucyne points to 'Lucy'
  82. 2013-08-19T20:07:16<Real_Lucyne> "Is NOT me!"
  83. 2013-08-19T20:07:36Lucyne falls to the ground, reality becoming hazy as axioms disintegrate.
  84. 2013-08-19T20:07:42Quicksilver walks up and pokes the other Lucy "is... is that really you...?"
  85. 2013-08-19T20:07:42<Rain_Drop> "Okay okay! Wait Wait!" Rain walks closer to Real_Lucyne
  86. 2013-08-19T20:07:42Able_Tome notices Lucyne's tears "Heh. Then explain that watery thing on your face."
  87. 2013-08-19T20:07:46<Real_Lucyne> "THAT is a ROBOT!"
  88. 2013-08-19T20:07:48Fluorine turns back to true lucyne. "Then, all those trial we went through to get you back, were for nothing?"
  89. 2013-08-19T20:07:49Boris_ [] has joined #FourCannon-Riverside
  90. 2013-08-19T20:08:04<Real_Lucyne> "Of course it's me!
  91. 2013-08-19T20:08:07Al_MORNANSTUFF [] has joined #FourCannon-Riverside
  92. 2013-08-19T20:08:08<GreenHoof> [all of my wat]
  93. 2013-08-19T20:08:10Honey_Rose follows Quicksilver, mouth agape "But..." Honey looks to other Lucy "What"
  94. 2013-08-19T20:08:11VesuvianMatches [] has joined #FourCannon-Riverside
  95. 2013-08-19T20:08:14Al_MORNANSTUFF [] is now known as Al_Dente
  96. 2013-08-19T20:08:16Feldspar [] has joined #FourCannon-Riverside
  97. 2013-08-19T20:08:21<Honey_Rose> [suddenly everyone joining]
  98. 2013-08-19T20:08:22<Real_Lucyne> "I can EXPLAIN!"
  99. 2013-08-19T20:08:26Rain_Drop wraps Real_Lucyne in a hug "Easy, easy now...."
  100. 2013-08-19T20:08:26<Real_Lucyne> "Easily!"
  101. 2013-08-19T20:08:26<Boris_> [What's this about soumfinh panein]
  102. 2013-08-19T20:08:27Real_Lucyne spits
  103. 2013-08-19T20:08:29<Boris_> [Or sumfin]
  104. 2013-08-19T20:08:40<Quicksilver> "prove it... say something only the real Lucy would know"
  105. 2013-08-19T20:08:41<Alerderna> [tinfoil intensifies]
  106. 2013-08-19T20:08:43Real_Lucyne starts to tremble at the touch
  107. 2013-08-19T20:08:46Able_Tome frowns, "Go on. Just no need for excitement."
  108. 2013-08-19T20:08:52Chinook [] has joined #FourCannon-Riverside
  109. 2013-08-19T20:09:05<Boris_> [>Real Lucyne]
  110. 2013-08-19T20:09:06<Nova_Flux> [>using different color test like a nigger]
  111. 2013-08-19T20:09:07Real_Lucyne wraps Rain in a hug
  112. 2013-08-19T20:09:07<Able_Tome> "And I'd suggest you to... take a seat", he smirks.
  113. 2013-08-19T20:09:07<Boris_> [Wat]
  114. 2013-08-19T20:09:08<VesuvianMatches> [Oh shit! we do have changelings! Oh, HAPPY DAYS]
  115. 2013-08-19T20:09:15<Honey_Rose> [OOC PLS]
  116. 2013-08-19T20:09:17<Able_Tome> [shut up OOC]
  117. 2013-08-19T20:09:18<Rain_Drop> "You look like hell, so take a small teeny break, okay?"
  118. 2013-08-19T20:09:29<Lucyne> "N-No!"
  119. 2013-08-19T20:09:38Lucyne glares to the pile of Pony that was Lucyne
  120. 2013-08-19T20:09:42<Lucyne> wrong Lucyne
  121. 2013-08-19T20:09:45<Lucyne> Fuck this gay earth
  122. 2013-08-19T20:09:45Fluorine examines the now ded lucy to try and determine how it was built. "But she seemed so real..."
  123. 2013-08-19T20:09:51<Nova_Flux> [niggers]
  124. 2013-08-19T20:09:53Real_Lucyne glares to the pile that was Lucyne
  125. 2013-08-19T20:09:57<Rain_Drop> "Flo stop..."
  126. 2013-08-19T20:10:13<Real_Lucyne> "That! Is a robot!"
  127. 2013-08-19T20:10:17<Real_Lucyne> "I can prove it too!"
  128. 2013-08-19T20:10:25<Rain_Drop> "What do you mean?"
  129. 2013-08-19T20:10:39<Rain_Drop> "I mean how do you intend to prove that Lucy?"
  130. 2013-08-19T20:10:39<Able_Tome> "Automaton, eh. Go on with the proves."
  131. 2013-08-19T20:10:41Real_Lucyne glares at the mound.
  132. 2013-08-19T20:10:45<Able_Tome> "Straight to the point."
  133. 2013-08-19T20:10:51<Lucyne> "Easy."
  134. 2013-08-19T20:10:56<Lucyne> fuck
  135. 2013-08-19T20:10:58<Honey_Rose> [wong lucy dumbfuck]
  136. 2013-08-19T20:11:01<Real_Lucyne> "Easy."
  137. 2013-08-19T20:11:03Able_Tome reaches the hilt of his sword and taps it twice.
  138. 2013-08-19T20:11:04<Lucyne> [shit is hard]
  139. 2013-08-19T20:11:18Rain_Drop uses a wing to keep her sword in place "No stabbing, please."
  140. 2013-08-19T20:11:19Real_Lucyne pulls out...a shard of cold iron
  141. 2013-08-19T20:11:26Quicksilver looks back at roboLucy "but... all the time we had together... you arent real?"
  142. 2013-08-19T20:11:28Fluorine rubs his chin and turns back to real lucy. "Can't argue who was what now, unless you're a robot, too."
  143. 2013-08-19T20:11:29<Real_Lucyne> "Only fey and their foul creations are vulnerable to THIS."
  144. 2013-08-19T20:12:05Lucyne 's brain faulters, neurons overloading as magic denies unconsciousness, permanent damage setting in.
  145. 2013-08-19T20:12:06Able_Tome casts an expression of amusement, "Now now. No need for drastic measures."
  146. 2013-08-19T20:12:24<Able_Tome> "Explain your disappearance."
  147. 2013-08-19T20:12:33<Rain_Drop> "Lucy *Rain looks at the ragged Lucy as she says this * Just just wait okay?"
  148. 2013-08-19T20:12:34<Real_Lucyne> "Too easy!"
  149. 2013-08-19T20:12:35Able_Tome frowns, "And be hasty about it."
  150. 2013-08-19T20:12:37Real_Lucyne spits
  151. 2013-08-19T20:12:37<Nova_Flux> [>all this self inserting
  152. 2013-08-19T20:12:53<Real_Lucyne> "I have been in that chasm since the day I fell!"
  153. 2013-08-19T20:12:57<Honey_Rose> [Nova do us a favor and kanye off]
  154. 2013-08-19T20:12:58<Fluorine> Considering what I WENT THROUGH to GET LUCY BACK, and now this, I'm not sure what to believe at this point. Good thing I'm not Chere right now. His head would explode.
  155. 2013-08-19T20:13:00<Real_Lucyne> "And you came to save me, I saw you!"
  156. 2013-08-19T20:13:16<Real_Lucyne> "Thanks about that but..."
  157. 2013-08-19T20:13:18Fluorine rubs his head. "Wut."
  158. 2013-08-19T20:13:21Real_Lucyne glares to the robot.
  159. 2013-08-19T20:13:22<Able_Tome> "Mmhm."
  160. 2013-08-19T20:13:27Rain_Drop walks away from Real_Lucy to the Lucy on the ground staring at her with a unreadable expression
  161. 2013-08-19T20:13:29<Real_Lucyne> "The fey tricked you with a puppet!"
  162. 2013-08-19T20:13:39<Real_Lucyne> "Let me prove with this."
  163. 2013-08-19T20:13:43<Fluorine> "A rather well built one as well."
  164. 2013-08-19T20:13:43<Able_Tome> "Oh now. And who will that be."
  165. 2013-08-19T20:13:43<Real_Lucyne> "Only a tiny little cut."
  166. 2013-08-19T20:13:57Quicksilver stands beside RoboLucyne "NO! you will kill her!"
  167. 2013-08-19T20:13:59<Real_Lucyne> "If she reacts unusually, she is a fey."
  168. 2013-08-19T20:14:08<Rain_Drop> "Lucy wait."
  169. 2013-08-19T20:14:09Able_Tome smirks, "Try the blade on yourself first."
  170. 2013-08-19T20:14:10<Real_Lucyne> "Quick...old friend."
  171. 2013-08-19T20:14:12<Rain_Drop> "Please."
  172. 2013-08-19T20:14:15Real_Lucyne laughs
  173. 2013-08-19T20:14:16<Fluorine> "We already know she's part fey. we sealed her wound in the clinic with it."
  174. 2013-08-19T20:14:17<Real_Lucyne> "Oh?"
  175. 2013-08-19T20:14:17<Hearth> [Quick question: Is this ON the riverside or more towards Rain's farm?]
  176. 2013-08-19T20:14:24<Able_Tome> "I can even assist you in this endeavor."
  177. 2013-08-19T20:14:26<Honey_Rose> [rain's farm]
  178. 2013-08-19T20:14:26Real_Lucyne cuts herself with the blade, drawing some blood.
  179. 2013-08-19T20:14:28<Real_Lucyne> "There ya go."
  180. 2013-08-19T20:14:30<Quicksilver> [in Rains farm]
  181. 2013-08-19T20:14:36<Hearth> [Got it!]
  182. 2013-08-19T20:14:51Able_Tome grins, "Perfect and perfect."
  183. 2013-08-19T20:14:58<Fluorine> oh, you mean, cutting yourself. Could be an upgraded model, though. Like how the robot masters are precusors to reploids.
  184. 2013-08-19T20:15:00<Quicksilver> "Lucy..."
  185. 2013-08-19T20:15:02<Real_Lucyne> "That THING has infiltrated you!"
  186. 2013-08-19T20:15:09<Real_Lucyne> "Come to destroy and cause chaos!"
  187. 2013-08-19T20:15:16<Chinook> [they're onto me....shit]
  188. 2013-08-19T20:15:20<Able_Tome> "Now how, again with such wild accusations."
  189. 2013-08-19T20:15:22Real_Lucyne is quivering in anger.
  190. 2013-08-19T20:15:24<Able_Tome> *now
  191. 2013-08-19T20:15:33<Quicksilver> "if thats really you... tell me something only the real Lucy would know... please"
  192. 2013-08-19T20:15:36<Nova_Flux> [Fuck you honey]
  193. 2013-08-19T20:15:41Lucyne remains a quivering pile as reality dissolves.
  194. 2013-08-19T20:15:56<Real_Lucyne> "Such as? How's your glowing moss doing?"
  195. 2013-08-19T20:16:04Rain_Drop turns to look at the lucy on the ground "She cant be a sure of it....*Rain Looks back to Real_Lucyne* Lucy when she *Rain points at the Lucy on the ground* was convinced she was a robot I showed her she was wrong do you know how?"
  196. 2013-08-19T20:16:04<Real_Lucyne> "Able, I know you gave Lonely that fire potion."
  197. 2013-08-19T20:16:06Fluorine laughs, "Actually most of the chaos was trying to save her because we thought it was you."
  198. 2013-08-19T20:16:08<Real_Lucyne> "Chere, how's the inn?"
  199. 2013-08-19T20:16:19<Fluorine> It hasn't burned down again.
  200. 2013-08-19T20:16:23<Real_Lucyne> "Rain, you still like my fizz taste? Granny smith's eh?"
  201. 2013-08-19T20:16:35<Quicksilver> "..."
  202. 2013-08-19T20:16:42<Quicksilver> "I..."
  203. 2013-08-19T20:16:45Able_Tome begins to walk closer to the 'Real Lucyne', "Me. Giving a potion to someone. Wild accusations again."
  204. 2013-08-19T20:16:56Real_Lucyne pats Able's cheek
  205. 2013-08-19T20:17:03Quicksilver turns back to the puddle Lucyne "really?"
  206. 2013-08-19T20:17:03<Real_Lucyne> "Ah Able, good thing some things never change."
  207. 2013-08-19T20:17:15<Lucyne> "I-I'm real..."
  208. 2013-08-19T20:17:17Able_Tome smirks slowly flanking the new figure, "Mmhm. Right."
  209. 2013-08-19T20:17:19Lucyne mutters hardly audibly
  210. 2013-08-19T20:17:20Rain_Drop chuckles as she picks up the Lucy on the ground "Yeah, true true but let me finish please."
  211. 2013-08-19T20:17:38Rain_Drop regards the Lucy on the ground "Hey can ya hear me?"
  212. 2013-08-19T20:17:50<Rain_Drop> *on her shoulder
  213. 2013-08-19T20:17:54<Able_Tome> "And how will miss perfect explain her oh so sudden escape from the depths of hell."
  214. 2013-08-19T20:17:55Lucyne can hardly perceive anything. It's all just a dream.
  215. 2013-08-19T20:18:02<Quicksilver> "then tell me something from before the chasm... something only Lucy would know...." Quick confronts the robolucy
  216. 2013-08-19T20:18:03<Real_Lucyne> "Oh so sudden?"
  217. 2013-08-19T20:18:09<Real_Lucyne> "Almost a YEAR!"
  218. 2013-08-19T20:18:34<Rain_Drop> "Quick this Lucy can hardly hear any of us."
  219. 2013-08-19T20:18:41Lucyne looks to herself...this was a dream? No, reality! If she would just hit herself, if it was a dream she wouldn't feel it, right?
  220. 2013-08-19T20:18:44<Able_Tome> "Quite a long time. Kept the calendar, eh."
  221. 2013-08-19T20:18:50<Real_Lucyne> No idea!
  222. 2013-08-19T20:18:53<Real_Lucyne> *""
  224. 2013-08-19T20:19:07<Fluorine> At least that's the excuse the copy gave us.
  225. 2013-08-19T20:19:08<Real_Lucyne> "How would I know? Haven't left yet!"
  226. 2013-08-19T20:19:08Rain_Drop frowns as she looks at Able "Able Flo chill."
  227. 2013-08-19T20:19:19<Able_Tome> "At least 7 times."
  228. 2013-08-19T20:19:27Lucyne hits herself weakly with her hoof...feeling...nothing
  229. 2013-08-19T20:19:47Able_Tome frowns looking at Flu, "And stop spilling information."
  230. 2013-08-19T20:19:49Rain_Drop holds tightly to Lucyne "Hey now stop that."
  231. 2013-08-19T20:20:00Quicksilver walks closer to RoboLucy
  232. 2013-08-19T20:20:00Lucyne 's brain sputters as she feels nothing from Rain as well.
  233. 2013-08-19T20:20:06Lucyne sees she ISN'T REAL
  234. 2013-08-19T20:20:27<Rain_Drop> "Lucy, focus."
  235. 2013-08-19T20:20:30Real_Lucyne is still shacking.
  236. 2013-08-19T20:20:41<Rain_Drop> "Focus on me."
  237. 2013-08-19T20:20:46<Lucyne> "I-hrm..."
  238. 2013-08-19T20:20:50Lucyne shakes a bit.
  239. 2013-08-19T20:20:58<Real_Lucyne> "Would you stop TOUCHING that filthy thing?"
  240. 2013-08-19T20:21:05Fluorine looks at Able, "If she is another one sent to dick around with us, it doesn't matter at this point, does it?"
  241. 2013-08-19T20:21:08Rain_Drop holds a wing up at Real_Lucycne as if saying ONE MINUTE PLEASE!
  242. 2013-08-19T20:21:13<Lucyne> Ah, good to have breathing, pre QuickQuest Lucy back
  243. 2013-08-19T20:21:19<Lucyne> Just need to take out the trash.
  244. 2013-08-19T20:21:36<Rain_Drop> "Hang on, getting a few answers Lucy."
  245. 2013-08-19T20:21:37<Quicksilver> [i hate you]
  246. 2013-08-19T20:21:43Fluorine looks at the real one, "She was real to us, we are going to need some time to deal.....kind of a giant mindfuck right now...."
  247. 2013-08-19T20:21:45<Lucyne> Wish granted
  248. 2013-08-19T20:21:46<Alerderna> [PennJilette.jpg]
  249. 2013-08-19T20:22:02Real_Lucyne frowns "...Cherenkov?"
  250. 2013-08-19T20:22:05Able_Tome smiles, circling around the new form, "Well, either they use something better than just fey, considering cold iron, yet."
  251. 2013-08-19T20:22:06<Honey_Rose> [There goes the only Lucy Honey knew well enough. Hahaaaaaaa it's all ogre]
  252. 2013-08-19T20:22:07<Rain_Drop> "Okay, Focus Lucy I need you to focus on me right now."
  253. 2013-08-19T20:22:07<Real_Lucyne> "Jesus, what happened to you?"
  254. 2013-08-19T20:22:21<Rain_Drop> "he dyed himself to cheer you up.'
  255. 2013-08-19T20:22:31Fluorine goes to the fake one. "Long story. Will explain later at the inn. Or that works as well."
  256. 2013-08-19T20:22:33Lucyne nods slowly
  257. 2013-08-19T20:22:41<Rain_Drop> 'or well this you or you er nevermind...."
  258. 2013-08-19T20:22:45<Real_Lucyne> "Thank you for seeing reason at least..."
  259. 2013-08-19T20:22:48VesuvianMatches [] has left #FourCannon-Riverside
  260. 2013-08-19T20:22:59Rain_Drop still has a fadded rainbow color mane thanks to that cloud experiment hue
  261. 2013-08-19T20:23:01Able_Tome chuckles, "Reason. This is not reason."
  262. 2013-08-19T20:23:09SunShower|Work [] is now known as SunShower
  263. 2013-08-19T20:23:14<Real_Lucyne> "Ah is that so Able?"
  264. 2013-08-19T20:23:18<Able_Tome> "This is a comedy right there."
  265. 2013-08-19T20:23:20<Real_Lucyne> "Always the paragon of rationalism."
  266. 2013-08-19T20:23:26<Real_Lucyne> "What do you suggest?"
  267. 2013-08-19T20:23:33<Real_Lucyne> "I want my life back"
  268. 2013-08-19T20:23:43Fluorine tries to touch the fake one. "At least we had fun together, right? In the short time you were with us?"
  269. 2013-08-19T20:23:50Able_Tome stifles a laugh, "And what a comedy this one."
  270. 2013-08-19T20:24:01Lucyne twitches at every word.
  271. 2013-08-19T20:24:09<Rain_Drop> "Okay Lucy do you remember on the night I said I was going to the catacombs to tell the Others to take that curse off you do you remember that?"
  272. 2013-08-19T20:24:20Rain_Drop is talking with Lucyne
  273. 2013-08-19T20:24:26<Able_Tome> "And you arrived back here, when."
  274. 2013-08-19T20:24:26Lucyne slowly shakily nods her head.
  275. 2013-08-19T20:24:33<Able_Tome> "I mean the town and all that."
  276. 2013-08-19T20:24:37<Real_Lucyne> "Hardly a day ago."
  277. 2013-08-19T20:24:40<Real_Lucyne> "This was my first stop."
  278. 2013-08-19T20:24:46<Rain_Drop> "Do you remember what you felt back then?"
  279. 2013-08-19T20:24:47<Real_Lucyne> "But a little lost-"
  280. 2013-08-19T20:24:56Lucyne again slowly nods.
  281. 2013-08-19T20:24:57<Rain_Drop> "Wait howd you get lost?"
  282. 2013-08-19T20:25:01<Able_Tome> "So explain about your little scouting trip."
  283. 2013-08-19T20:25:03Fluorine has tears coming down his cheeks. And experiences deja vu IRL. This has all happened before. and it will again. USELESS ASS PSYCHIC POWERS.
  284. 2013-08-19T20:25:05<Real_Lucyne> "I haven't been up here in a year!"
  285. 2013-08-19T20:25:24Rain_Drop shakes her head "Gah sorry sorry heheh" Rain rubs the back of hear head
  286. 2013-08-19T20:25:26<Quicksilver> "A year.... my god..."
  287. 2013-08-19T20:25:35<Lucyne> [How can you have deja vu of this? hue]
  288. 2013-08-19T20:25:35Able_Tome smirks, "Starting right at the beginning, 'Lucyne'."
  289. 2013-08-19T20:25:51<Real_Lucyne> "Able, with all due respect, I have no time for your bullshit today."
  290. 2013-08-19T20:25:52<Able_Tome> "With the ticket."
  291. 2013-08-19T20:25:59<Real_Lucyne> "Step aside."
  292. 2013-08-19T20:26:04Real_Lucyne walks over to RoboLucy
  293. 2013-08-19T20:26:05Fluorine goes back IC, "I have been, and forever will be, your friend. Thanks for the memories."
  294. 2013-08-19T20:26:20Rain_Drop looks at Real_Lucyne "Lucy wait wait hang on!"
  295. 2013-08-19T20:26:23Able_Tome frowns and dusts his cloak, "Oh is that so. Tell us how you survived."
  296. 2013-08-19T20:26:32Honey_Rose stays sitting quietly, unable wrap her mind around what was happening and unable to deal with any of this
  297. 2013-08-19T20:26:40<Honey_Rose> [this kills the ic]
  298. 2013-08-19T20:26:42Fluorine turns to Able, "Shut up wordsworth, having a moment here."
  299. 2013-08-19T20:26:46<Lucyne> "With my wits, Able. It's harsh down there, but you can live...somehow."
  300. 2013-08-19T20:27:04Rain_Drop sighes looking at Lucyne "Lu can you tell me what you remember from that night?"
  301. 2013-08-19T20:27:08Lucyne speaks a bit gibberish, unable to form a coherent sentance.
  302. 2013-08-19T20:27:13<Nova_Flux> [well this took a turn]
  303. 2013-08-19T20:27:17<Lucyne> "I...I love you."
  304. 2013-08-19T20:27:35Real_Lucyne still holds the cold iron shard.
  305. 2013-08-19T20:27:39<Rain_Drop> "Fuckin christ....Guys back up please!" Rain shouts to the others crowding around her
  306. 2013-08-19T20:27:39Able_Tome returns his attention back to *Real* one, "And how about your little ticket."
  307. 2013-08-19T20:27:58<Real_Lucyne> "Able, I do not have time for your shit."
  308. 2013-08-19T20:28:02<Real_Lucyne> "I have proven I'm real."
  309. 2013-08-19T20:28:03Able_Tome frowns, "Right when we were oh so desperately tried to do you know what."
  310. 2013-08-19T20:28:23Rain_Drop points with a wing at Real_Lucyne "Lucy can you come here and sit with me please?"
  311. 2013-08-19T20:28:24Fluorine smiles warmly at the fake. "That may be so, I'll never forget you. Now, tell us why you were sent here, please."
  312. 2013-08-19T20:28:37<Able_Tome> "No proves there."
  313. 2013-08-19T20:28:47Real_Lucyne obliges and sits next to Rain, considering to just outright stab the imposter.
  314. 2013-08-19T20:28:54<Rain_Drop> "I Kinda need you to- Flo back off please she cant talk since her minds is stressed alright?"
  315. 2013-08-19T20:28:59Lucyne stammers some incoherent word fragments.
  316. 2013-08-19T20:29:05<Rain_Drop> "For gods sake she cant even speak proper right not.'
  317. 2013-08-19T20:29:15<Able_Tome> "Only one-sided story without facts."
  318. 2013-08-19T20:29:15Rain_Drop takes a deep breath to get her center back
  319. 2013-08-19T20:29:20<Rain_Drop> "Okay..."
  320. 2013-08-19T20:29:22<Real_Lucyne> "Stupid robot glitching once out of it's programming."
  321. 2013-08-19T20:29:42<Rain_Drop> "The stupid robot also happened to show emotions Lucy...."
  322. 2013-08-19T20:29:55Rain_Drop sits between the two to insure they dont fight
  323. 2013-08-19T20:29:55Able_Tome sits down looking between two same loking figures with amusement.
  324. 2013-08-19T20:29:59<Real_Lucyne> "And happened to STEAL my life!"
  325. 2013-08-19T20:30:01Fluorine nods and retreats to real lucy's side. "Did you learn how to program one when you were down there?"
  326. 2013-08-19T20:30:04<Real_Lucyne> "And you from me!"
  327. 2013-08-19T20:30:18<Lucyne> "Not at all."
  328. 2013-08-19T20:30:34<Lucyne> Wrong client ffs
  329. 2013-08-19T20:30:38<Honey_Rose> [my sides]
  330. 2013-08-19T20:30:41<Real_Lucyne> "Down there was nothing but daily survival and mindfuck."
  331. 2013-08-19T20:30:43<Fluorine> [kek]
  332. 2013-08-19T20:30:49<Lucyne> [I not good with smart]
  333. 2013-08-19T20:30:51Rain_Drop nods wrapping a wing around Real_Lucyne
  334. 2013-08-19T20:31:01<Able_Tome> "Explain the initial impact."
  335. 2013-08-19T20:31:02<Rain_Drop> "I know Lucy I know...."
  336. 2013-08-19T20:31:17<Fluorine> "So, how did you survive the fall anyway?"
  337. 2013-08-19T20:31:24<Able_Tome> "Exactly."
  338. 2013-08-19T20:31:36Quicksilver is still stunned at the proceedings, the pony who she had many heart to heart talks lies on the floor stuttering, while her 'real' double stands over "I... how did... what?"
  339. 2013-08-19T20:31:37<Real_Lucyne> "I landed on the troll, busted my leg. Then...something weird happened..."
  340. 2013-08-19T20:32:00<Rain_Drop> "Did it happen to involve a Other with a harp?"
  341. 2013-08-19T20:32:02<Able_Tome> "Go on. I'm intrigued to compare."
  342. 2013-08-19T20:32:08Lucyne tries desperately to reform her thoughts.
  343. 2013-08-19T20:32:12Real_Lucyne nods
  344. 2013-08-19T20:32:23<Real_Lucyne> "Yes, the others killed the troll, and then one played...the harp."
  345. 2013-08-19T20:32:32<Able_Tome> "So what happened with the Other. You know. After application."
  346. 2013-08-19T20:32:37<Quicksilver> "what happened...?"
  347. 2013-08-19T20:32:43<Real_Lucyne> "They just left, never to be seen again."
  348. 2013-08-19T20:32:53<Fluorine> Let me guess, fey saved you said you owed them a favor and then we went on to save you. wait what aren't you telling us, Able?
  349. 2013-08-19T20:32:57Rain_Drop gently pets Lucyne mane softly as she lets her rest in her lap
  350. 2013-08-19T20:33:10<Nova_Flux> [/me shoots the one on the right, cant take it anymore]
  351. 2013-08-19T20:33:21Lucyne continues to weakly try to reform her broken mind.
  352. 2013-08-19T20:33:24<Fluorine> [/me shoots the one on the left. just to be safe]
  353. 2013-08-19T20:33:31<Able_Tome> "So it played the harp. And..."
  354. 2013-08-19T20:33:37<Honey_Rose> [/me shoots Fluorine, because he also looks like Lucy]
  355. 2013-08-19T20:33:37<Real_Lucyne> "Healed me up...mostly."
  356. 2013-08-19T20:33:39<Rain_Drop> [/me shoot both the idiots for killing her mare]
  357. 2013-08-19T20:33:45<Quicksilver> [/me reminds the others that #noguns]
  358. 2013-08-19T20:33:47<Real_Lucyne> "Leg was still busted, weren't kind enough to fix that, it seems."
  359. 2013-08-19T20:33:50<Nova_Flux> [/me shoots Rain because why not?]
  360. 2013-08-19T20:33:56<Real_Lucyne> "Said I owed them...who was I to reject?"
  361. 2013-08-19T20:34:02<Nova_Flux> [>implying gun]
  362. 2013-08-19T20:34:07<GreenHoof> [/me shoots all minty ponies, just to make sure]
  363. 2013-08-19T20:34:07<Nova_Flux> [>not crossbow]
  364. 2013-08-19T20:34:07Able_Tome looking at Lucyne quizzingly, "And what happened next."
  365. 2013-08-19T20:34:17<Honey_Rose> [/ignore Nova_Flux !!!!]
  366. 2013-08-19T20:34:20<Fluorine> [/me sets off the nuke that's set up underneath the town to be completely safe]
  367. 2013-08-19T20:34:25<Honey_Rose> [so much hue]
  368. 2013-08-19T20:34:30<Quicksilver> [OOC pls]
  369. 2013-08-19T20:34:32<Real_Lucyne> "Wilderness Survival: IRL Edition for a year."
  370. 2013-08-19T20:34:33<Honey_Rose> [sorry]
  371. 2013-08-19T20:34:33<Able_Tome> [how about you niggers shut the fuck up?]
  372. 2013-08-19T20:34:44<Nova_Flux> [Honey please]
  373. 2013-08-19T20:34:46Rain_Drop leans against Real_Lucyne while still petting Lucyne in her lap deep in thought
  374. 2013-08-19T20:34:50<Able_Tome> "And the leg healed up just like that."
  375. 2013-08-19T20:35:02Real_Lucyne points to the stint of her disgustingly deformed leg.
  376. 2013-08-19T20:35:04<Real_Lucyne> "Able please."
  377. 2013-08-19T20:35:13Able_Tome smirks
  378. 2013-08-19T20:35:31Lucyne tries to think of something...anything.
  379. 2013-08-19T20:35:33Quicksilver looks at the leg, shock and horror in her eyes
  380. 2013-08-19T20:35:43<Rain_Drop> "So...when we came into the chasm to save you did you see any of the teams? Also ow."
  381. 2013-08-19T20:35:53<Real_Lucyne> "Yes!"
  382. 2013-08-19T20:36:04<Fluorine> "Which ones?"
  383. 2013-08-19T20:36:10<Real_Lucyne> "I tried to contact you, but...whenver I approached I got farther away."
  384. 2013-08-19T20:36:14<Real_Lucyne> "As if the world wa toying with me."
  385. 2013-08-19T20:36:22<Real_Lucyne> "I wasn't even sure you weren't an illusion."
  386. 2013-08-19T20:36:23Able_Tome places a forehoof on his face, "Delicious. Just wonderful."
  387. 2013-08-19T20:36:30Feldspar [] has left #FourCannon-Riverside
  388. 2013-08-19T20:36:31<Quicksilver> "I... i saw you..."
  389. 2013-08-19T20:36:40<Real_Lucyne> "Well yea, my puppet."
  390. 2013-08-19T20:36:45<Quicksilver> "we tried to get to you..."
  391. 2013-08-19T20:36:50Real_Lucyne throws a stern gaze to the robot
  392. 2013-08-19T20:36:58<Honey_Rose> [OH SHIT]
  393. 2013-08-19T20:37:00<Quicksilver> "thats when the imp came and took us to the tree"
  394. 2013-08-19T20:37:05Real_Lucyne 's murderous urges are only calmed by Rain's closeness.
  395. 2013-08-19T20:37:37Rain_Drop shudders as she tries to stay calm holding both mare close one with her wing the other with her hooves
  396. 2013-08-19T20:37:49<Able_Tome> "So that running form. Hm."
  397. 2013-08-19T20:37:51Honey_Rose remembers seeing Lucyne atop a hill and the desprate race to get to her "Yeah, that hill that never ended... Like the Mario staircase"
  398. 2013-08-19T20:37:58<Fluorine> "I heard of one of the fake lucys being fried by a wyvern on an adventure. Damn, all those fake ones made seem like getting 'you' was much more real."
  399. 2013-08-19T20:38:06Quicksilver thinks, ooking at the real Lucy "so how long ago was it that you saw us in the chasm...?"
  400. 2013-08-19T20:38:14<Rain_Drop> "Did you happen across any other creatures in your travels?"
  401. 2013-08-19T20:38:24<Lucyne> "That was...months and months ago, over half a year."
  402. 2013-08-19T20:38:31<Lucyne> fuck
  403. 2013-08-19T20:38:37<Able_Tome> [Lucyne, pls]
  404. 2013-08-19T20:38:38<Lucyne> You know what I mean
  405. 2013-08-19T20:38:42<Quicksilver> "all that time... all alone...?"
  406. 2013-08-19T20:38:44<Real_Lucyne> "That was...months and months ago, over half a year."
  407. 2013-08-19T20:38:49Fluorine nods.
  408. 2013-08-19T20:38:53<Real_Lucyne> "Oh I met creatures."
  409. 2013-08-19T20:38:58<Real_Lucyne> "LOTS of them."
  410. 2013-08-19T20:39:03<Real_Lucyne> "Fucking fey."
  411. 2013-08-19T20:39:41<Rain_Drop> "Did any of them help you?"
  412. 2013-08-19T20:40:12<Real_Lucyne> "Yea, without some help I wouldn't be standing here."
  413. 2013-08-19T20:40:22Able_Tome brushes his forehead, reminiscing all talks with... mint-colored pony, "Something something..."
  414. 2013-08-19T20:40:25<Rain_Drop> "C-could you name a few?"
  415. 2013-08-19T20:40:27Fluorine has a shiver run down his spine. "Guys... just what was she building in the vault below town?"
  416. 2013-08-19T20:40:43<Honey_Rose> "Did you ever meet a tree? He was a pretty nice tree" Honey aimlessly asks
  417. 2013-08-19T20:40:55Real_Lucyne 's face turns back to rage "I can't sit here idly with this THING still living!"
  418. 2013-08-19T20:41:00<Rain_Drop> "What? You mean the vualt?"
  419. 2013-08-19T20:41:07<Real_Lucyne> "What vault?"
  420. 2013-08-19T20:41:09Able_Tome frowns and looks at Fluo, "The vault is alright. Plans for it appeared way before the troll event happened."
  421. 2013-08-19T20:41:20<Real_Lucyne> "Oh THAT thing."
  422. 2013-08-19T20:41:20<Rain_Drop> "Lucy easy!" Rain latches onto Lucy to calm her down hugging her tight
  423. 2013-08-19T20:41:23<Fluorine> Yes, I never went in it, did you, Able? She suggested.... oh....
  424. 2013-08-19T20:41:40Real_Lucyne melts a little under Rain's touch
  425. 2013-08-19T20:41:49Quicksilver looks to Real Lucy in a bit of alarm "You cant just kill Lucy... thats not who you are"
  426. 2013-08-19T20:42:09<Real_Lucyne> "It is a robot that kept me locked up in hell for a YEAR!"
  427. 2013-08-19T20:42:21<Real_Lucyne> "And did WHO KNOWS WHAT to all of you!"
  428. 2013-08-19T20:42:26<Real_Lucyne> "Damn right I can kill it."
  429. 2013-08-19T20:42:32Able_Tome taps his forehead, "Yes, I was there, Cher, or Fluo, or whatever. The plans existed way before."
  430. 2013-08-19T20:42:55<Able_Tome> "Now wait a second."
  431. 2013-08-19T20:43:08Fluorine looks at the group. "I feared this day may come. Rain, take Lucy and the others to the inn, I'll be along shortly. I hoped that it was you back, but I was prepared for the day.... no, it's is not right at all."
  432. 2013-08-19T20:43:09Lucyne fidgets a bit, trying to formulate some kind of logical defense.
  433. 2013-08-19T20:43:17<Able_Tome> "Robot or not, it was not she who condemed you to that stay."
  434. 2013-08-19T20:43:21<Rain_Drop> "Do you know or have an idea why she would be sent to steal your life?"
  435. 2013-08-19T20:43:29<Able_Tome> "But rather those who created her."
  436. 2013-08-19T20:43:40<Quicksilver> "Exactly Able"
  437. 2013-08-19T20:43:43<Real_Lucyne> "She inserted herself into your rescue mission to deter you from finding me!"
  438. 2013-08-19T20:43:52<Real_Lucyne> "Or her creators."
  439. 2013-08-19T20:43:54<Real_Lucyne> "Whoever they are."
  440. 2013-08-19T20:44:03<Fluorine> "Probably recon, Able, remember, they changed into our shapes at the tree. They want more information on us."
  441. 2013-08-19T20:44:14<Fluorine> Our HUMAN shapes.
  442. 2013-08-19T20:44:19<Quicksilver> "wait so why did they let you escape now?"
  443. 2013-08-19T20:44:25<Lucyne> "I...I remember being human..."
  444. 2013-08-19T20:44:27Lucyne murmurs
  445. 2013-08-19T20:44:32<Quicksilver> "they could have kept you there forever"
  446. 2013-08-19T20:44:40<Able_Tome> "Oh please, Cher. We have a bloody fey shade with a debt inhabiting one of ours here. Right now."
  447. 2013-08-19T20:44:46<Real_Lucyne> "I worked for MONTHS for a powerful fey to accumulate enough debt to get out!"
  448. 2013-08-19T20:44:50<Real_Lucyne> "I went through hell for it."
  449. 2013-08-19T20:44:53<Able_Tome> "A shade that belongs to one of the 'Others'."
  450. 2013-08-19T20:45:09<Quicksilver> "who was this Fey?"
  451. 2013-08-19T20:45:25<Real_Lucyne> "A powerful Wyrd, a prophetic wind spirit."
  452. 2013-08-19T20:45:28<Fluorine> Able, I'm not drunk enough for this shit, please get everyone else back to the inn for a drink. I'll be along shortly.
  453. 2013-08-19T20:45:28<Quicksilver> "what did he make you do....?"
  454. 2013-08-19T20:45:48Fluorine [] is now known as Cherenkov_Light
  455. 2013-08-19T20:45:50<Real_Lucyne> "Everything you can imagine, hard work and dangerous missions every day for months."
  456. 2013-08-19T20:46:06<Rain_Drop> "But, wouldnt she still be you in a sense Lucy? Wait you had to work to get out? Oh shit....Im so sorry..." Rain starts to tear up realizing that for almost a month and a half she failed her special somepony hugging her close
  457. 2013-08-19T20:46:23Cherenkov_Light [] is now known as Cherenkov
  458. 2013-08-19T20:46:40<Real_Lucyne> "THAT! Is not me."
  459. 2013-08-19T20:46:44<Real_Lucyne> "That is a robot."
  460. 2013-08-19T20:46:47<Quicksilver> "I... Im so sorry... i should have realised..."
  461. 2013-08-19T20:46:58Quicksilver looks between the two
  462. 2013-08-19T20:47:07<Lucyne> "I-I'm not a robot...Rain said so..." Lucy softly murmurs barely audible
  463. 2013-08-19T20:47:07Able_Tome tilts his head, "The why'd we want to destroy an asset like that."
  464. 2013-08-19T20:47:19<Real_Lucyne> "I want it DEAD, it's a danger to the town."
  465. 2013-08-19T20:47:32<Able_Tome> "Your logic is flawed and based on emotion."
  466. 2013-08-19T20:47:40<Quicksilver> "She hasnt done anything while here"
  467. 2013-08-19T20:47:43<Able_Tome> "Such a solution is the straightforward one."
  468. 2013-08-19T20:47:44<Real_Lucyne> "And your logic can kiss my ass."
  469. 2013-08-19T20:47:51<Able_Tome> "But not the most efficient and beneficial."
  470. 2013-08-19T20:47:53<Real_Lucyne> "It's me or her."
  471. 2013-08-19T20:48:03Real_Lucyne brandishes the cold iron.
  472. 2013-08-19T20:48:09Rain_Drop hiccups shaking her head "No...thats not true Lucy she's not a danger to the town, and shes at least a small part of you in a small way...I mean...oh god I didnt mean for you...I should have followed you....Fuck.."
  473. 2013-08-19T20:48:26Real_Lucyne stands up in rage again.
  474. 2013-08-19T20:48:40<Real_Lucyne> "It is a DANGER, it has been sent to MANIPULATE this town."
  475. 2013-08-19T20:48:46<Real_Lucyne> "And STEAL MY LIFE."
  476. 2013-08-19T20:48:52<Cherenkov> "Lucyne, please take your party and head off towards the inn, your friendly inkeeper will give you drinks for free and food as well. This is not where you should be right now. And take Edgy here with you."
  477. 2013-08-19T20:48:54<Real_Lucyne> "I will kill it myself if you are too weak."
  478. 2013-08-19T20:49:07<Rain_Drop> "How?! Why would they want to do that in first pace!?"
  479. 2013-08-19T20:49:09Able_Tome smirks, "I'd say put the weapon down. You weren't here to experience our 'manipulation'.."
  480. 2013-08-19T20:49:13Quicksilver moves beween the two mint ponies "why would the fey care about your life and steaking it?"
  481. 2013-08-19T20:49:30<Real_Lucyne> "I don't KNOW what they were planning."
  482. 2013-08-19T20:49:34Real_Lucyne starts to tear up.
  483. 2013-08-19T20:49:42<Real_Lucyne> "I just want my life special somepony..."
  484. 2013-08-19T20:49:57<Quicksilver> "hey hey..." Quick moves to hug her "you are back now..."
  485. 2013-08-19T20:49:58Rain_Drop stands up facing Real Lucyne "Lucy I know your pissed I would be too but you cant just...god Lucy..." Rain hugs Real_Lucyne
  486. 2013-08-19T20:49:59Cherenkov breaths a sigh of relief. "Thank god we never discussed my nuclear equations."
  487. 2013-08-19T20:50:10<Able_Tome> "Good. You can. Just put the weapon aside and we'll think of something."
  488. 2013-08-19T20:50:13<Lucyne> "I...reality is a" Lucyne gibbers
  489. 2013-08-19T20:50:38Real_Lucyne stands tall at the embraces.
  490. 2013-08-19T20:50:46<Real_Lucyne> "I-I can't live with seeing that thing."
  491. 2013-08-19T20:50:48Cherenkov [] has quit IRC: Remote host closed the connection
  492. 2013-08-19T20:51:02Cherenkov [] has joined #FourCannon-Riverside
  493. 2013-08-19T20:51:16<Rain_Drop> "So we just kill her? "
  494. 2013-08-19T20:51:18<Cherenkov> [fuck, what did I miss? Lucy pm plz]
  495. 2013-08-19T20:51:23<Rain_Drop> "Is that what you want?"
  496. 2013-08-19T20:51:26<Able_Tome> "Your object of hate is just a shadow of those who did this to you. No need for exciting bloodsheed, just now."
  497. 2013-08-19T20:51:32<GreenHoof> [you didn't miss anything]
  498. 2013-08-19T20:51:39<Cherenkov> [allright]
  499. 2013-08-19T20:51:41<Real_Lucyne> "I. want. it. dead."
  500. 2013-08-19T20:51:53<Able_Tome> "Killing of a shadow won't do you, nor us, nor anyone any good."
  501. 2013-08-19T20:51:56<Real_Lucyne> "It is just waiting to call home for help."
  502. 2013-08-19T20:52:09<Real_Lucyne> "Hey, you know what? it's clearly suffering."
  503. 2013-08-19T20:52:12<Rain_Drop> "I...I Lucy thats....I cant let you do that....not after goat gate...that fuck up still freaks me out and I wasnt able to stop it."
  504. 2013-08-19T20:52:12<Able_Tome> "Paranoia. She had time."
  505. 2013-08-19T20:52:15<Real_Lucyne> "Put it out of it's misery."
  506. 2013-08-19T20:52:19<Quicksilver> "Then why hasnt it before... we cant just kill her..."
  507. 2013-08-19T20:52:34Rain_Drop steps away from Real Lucyne standing before her
  508. 2013-08-19T20:52:50Lucyne gibbers some unintelligble philosophical concepts
  509. 2013-08-19T20:53:01<Honey_Rose> [the voices]
  510. 2013-08-19T20:53:02<Rain_Drop> "Lucy she still thinks and she still has feelings you cant just kill her."
  511. 2013-08-19T20:53:03<Cherenkov> That Lucy is in pain, Quick, we can't do anything more to help her.
  512. 2013-08-19T20:53:24<Real_Lucyne> "That thing, that is NOT Lucy, needs to be put out of it's misery."
  513. 2013-08-19T20:53:41Able_Tome smiles weakly at Real Lucyne, "Just like that. Kill a construct in cold blood. Quite empathetic and logical of you."
  514. 2013-08-19T20:53:42<Rain_Drop> "Fuck she didnt even know about any of this bullshit how could she?"
  515. 2013-08-19T20:54:02Real_Lucyne slowly advances, rage on her face.
  516. 2013-08-19T20:54:06<Real_Lucyne> "I don't care."
  517. 2013-08-19T20:54:08<Real_Lucyne> "She is an object."
  518. 2013-08-19T20:54:10<Rain_Drop> "And she might not be really you but she's a different kind of person!"
  519. 2013-08-19T20:54:14<Real_Lucyne> "Not a person."
  520. 2013-08-19T20:54:23Cherenkov sighs. "Sorry, but she's been you for so long. And yes, those fucking fey are cruel not telling it it was a fake as well."
  521. 2013-08-19T20:54:25Rain_Drop flares her wings at Lucyne "Bullshit!"
  522. 2013-08-19T20:54:29Able_Tome stands up and begins to walk in the mare's direction, "Calm. Down."
  523. 2013-08-19T20:54:45<Real_Lucyne> "Don't you see."
  524. 2013-08-19T20:54:48Real_Lucyne laughs sarcastically
  525. 2013-08-19T20:54:54<Cherenkov> "But still, it has emotions and deserves some dignaty."
  526. 2013-08-19T20:54:55<Real_Lucyne> "It has manipulated all of you into protecting it."
  527. 2013-08-19T20:55:04<Real_Lucyne> "Then let me put it down in dignity."
  528. 2013-08-19T20:55:05<Able_Tome> "We are not loosing assets like that."
  529. 2013-08-19T20:55:11<Real_Lucyne> "You can have the body Able."
  530. 2013-08-19T20:55:34Cherenkov gets up and walks over to the bot.
  531. 2013-08-19T20:55:43<Able_Tome> "Body? Please. The live subjects provide more data and her condition is - helpful."
  532. 2013-08-19T20:55:44<Quicksilver> "I cant... dont do this Lucy..."
  533. 2013-08-19T20:55:54Lucyne continues to ineffectively grasp at schizoid thoughts.
  534. 2013-08-19T20:55:54Rain_Drop bites her lip seeing this being discussed so cavalierly "We are not doing that."
  535. 2013-08-19T20:56:13Able_Tome frowns, "Jokes aside, halt and sit down."
  536. 2013-08-19T20:56:18<Real_Lucyne> "Able, stick it up your ass."
  537. 2013-08-19T20:56:23Real_Lucyne advances on the robot.
  538. 2013-08-19T20:56:29<Real_Lucyne> "This isn't about science."
  539. 2013-08-19T20:56:35Rain_Drop stands in front of the robot
  540. 2013-08-19T20:56:39<Real_Lucyne> "You never could research anything."
  541. 2013-08-19T20:56:41<Rain_Drop> "Lucy stop please."
  542. 2013-08-19T20:56:46Real_Lucyne comes to a halt before Rain
  543. 2013-08-19T20:56:55<Real_Lucyne> "It's a machine Rain."
  544. 2013-08-19T20:56:57<Cherenkov> Rain, able, look, it's about having respect for a friend. Even if it was a robot.
  545. 2013-08-19T20:57:01<Real_Lucyne> "I want it gone, it hurts me so much."
  546. 2013-08-19T20:57:11Able_Tome brings his hoof to the back pocket, "And a real Lucyne would discard an opportunity like that."
  547. 2013-08-19T20:57:20<Cherenkov> Can't you see it's suffering right now?
  548. 2013-08-19T20:57:27<Real_Lucyne> "So kill it."
  549. 2013-08-19T20:57:34<Real_Lucyne> "Cold iron will kill it swiftly."
  550. 2013-08-19T20:57:42<Real_Lucyne> "No more problems."
  551. 2013-08-19T20:57:46<Able_Tome> "No, Lucyne. That is not the answer."
  552. 2013-08-19T20:57:53<Rain_Drop> "Shes only suffering because she is freaking out!"
  553. 2013-08-19T20:57:59<Real_Lucyne> "Able, shut up, you are not a scientist or wizard."
  554. 2013-08-19T20:58:10Real_Lucyne growls
  555. 2013-08-19T20:58:12<Rain_Drop> "Hell I would be to if another me just popped up wanting to kill me!"
  556. 2013-08-19T20:58:21<Able_Tome> "Says the person who doesn't sees the obvious."
  557. 2013-08-19T20:58:30<Real_Lucyne> "Rain, you are my partner."
  558. 2013-08-19T20:58:36<Real_Lucyne> "And partners believe another."
  559. 2013-08-19T20:58:41<Real_Lucyne> "Trust each other."
  560. 2013-08-19T20:58:48<Real_Lucyne> "Step aside, we need to end this."
  561. 2013-08-19T20:58:50Honey_Rose stands up, a bit of her old fire found as she goes to Rain's aid "Rain is right. We can't just kill someone be they 'real' or not." Honey walks over to Rain, standing in front of the apparently fake Lucyne
  562. 2013-08-19T20:58:52<Real_Lucyne> "Here and now."
  563. 2013-08-19T20:59:02Cherenkov has tears streaming down his face. "Give me the cold iron. It should be done by a friend with a steady hand. And Rain, you're closer to it than I was. I want to save you the emotional damage."
  564. 2013-08-19T20:59:18Real_Lucyne throws Chere the shard.
  565. 2013-08-19T20:59:24<Real_Lucyne> "Knock yourself out."
  566. 2013-08-19T20:59:24Cherenkov catches it.
  567. 2013-08-19T20:59:24Rain_Drop grits her teeth "And Partners know when to stop each other from doing stupid shit!"
  568. 2013-08-19T20:59:57Lucyne converses further in gibberish with her voices trying to reboot her broken mind.
  569. 2013-08-19T20:59:59<Rain_Drop> "Lucy do you know that thanks to a huge as misunderstanding it lead to the genocide of a small clan of goats?
  570. 2013-08-19T21:00:13<Rain_Drop> "This is the same thing! The same FUCKING thing!"
  571. 2013-08-19T21:00:15<Real_Lucyne> "No, I did not. Tell me about it later. Chere?"
  572. 2013-08-19T21:00:22Able_Tome extracts the dart, placing it on his hoof as he looks at the scene, "You know perfectly well about mood swings that she exhibited, Cherenkov."
  573. 2013-08-19T21:00:28Quicksilver shakes her head at Lucy and Cheren, raising to her feet and standing beside Rain "This is not the answer Lucy... i cant stand by while you make us murderers..."
  574. 2013-08-19T21:00:41<Able_Tome> "All we need to do is give her some time and then we can have a dialog."
  575. 2013-08-19T21:00:43<Rain_Drop> "I wasnt able to stop it and Im not letting that happen again....not again..."
  576. 2013-08-19T21:00:52<Real_Lucyne> "Don't you SEE? It has expertly maneuvered itself to give you a false sense of protection!"
  577. 2013-08-19T21:00:53Honey_Rose can't bring herself to protest anymore than she already has, resigning to simply standing there
  578. 2013-08-19T21:01:12<Rain_Drop> "What sense of protection?"
  579. 2013-08-19T21:01:12<Real_Lucyne> "It's software crashed, it's broken."
  580. 2013-08-19T21:01:29<Real_Lucyne> "It's not more than a puppet."
  581. 2013-08-19T21:01:32<Real_Lucyne> "No real emotions."
  582. 2013-08-19T21:01:33<Cherenkov> Or have it rage and explode. Who knows what is really in the body? We don't have an x-ray machine you know. What will happen once it finally reboots?
  583. 2013-08-19T21:01:35<Real_Lucyne> "It never loved you."
  584. 2013-08-19T21:01:35<Rain_Drop> "IM doing what I was raised to believe in, you dont kill unarmed people whose minds are in shambles!"
  585. 2013-08-19T21:01:45<Real_Lucyne> "Exactly Chere!"
  586. 2013-08-19T21:01:49<Able_Tome> "He software was crashing on several occasions, same as it happened with you *Lucyne*."
  587. 2013-08-19T21:02:09<Real_Lucyne> "It. Isn't. REAL."
  588. 2013-08-19T21:02:16<Real_Lucyne> "It is only simulating a fit to gain sympathy."
  589. 2013-08-19T21:02:23<Cherenkov> DAMN IT, SHE WAS REAL TO US, DON'T YOU GET THAT?
  590. 2013-08-19T21:02:29<Real_Lucyne> "I UNDERSTAND THAT."
  591. 2013-08-19T21:02:33<Real_Lucyne> "BUT IT'S OVER NOW."
  592. 2013-08-19T21:02:35<Honey_Rose> [chere u all over the wall nigga]
  593. 2013-08-19T21:02:37Able_Tome frowns, "Good. Then we can see what can be salvaged."
  594. 2013-08-19T21:02:52<Rain_Drop> "Shes not something that can be scraped like a slag heap Able."
  595. 2013-08-19T21:03:07<Real_Lucyne> "When it reboots, for all we know it will call for help or go on a murderous rage."
  596. 2013-08-19T21:03:17<Able_Tome> "Exactly, Rain. But that's what these wonderful people here propose."
  597. 2013-08-19T21:03:25<Real_Lucyne> "Chere do it."
  598. 2013-08-19T21:03:33<Real_Lucyne> "Be the only real friend it had."
  599. 2013-08-19T21:03:41<Rain_Drop> "And she isnt really Lucy I get that....I think...but that doesnt change the fact that she is a living person!"
  600. 2013-08-19T21:03:42<Cherenkov> NOW EVERYBODY FUCKING LEAVE SO I CAN DO WHAT MUST BE DONE. {Tears are streaming down is face}
  601. 2013-08-19T21:03:56<Real_Lucyne> "No, she is a simulation."
  602. 2013-08-19T21:04:00<Rain_Drop> "Cherenkov Light, no."
  603. 2013-08-19T21:04:01<Real_Lucyne> "She simulates emotions."
  604. 2013-08-19T21:04:05<Honey_Rose> "Fuck you Chere, fuck you... Lucy"
  605. 2013-08-19T21:04:07<Able_Tome> "Cherenkov, use your head."
  606. 2013-08-19T21:04:11<Honey_Rose> "You aren't killing her"
  607. 2013-08-19T21:04:12<Real_Lucyne> "Finish it Chere!"
  608. 2013-08-19T21:04:16Quicksilver walks up to Cheren "Cher... dont...£
  609. 2013-08-19T21:04:16<Real_Lucyne> "I can't TAKE THIS."
  610. 2013-08-19T21:04:32Lucyne lays on her back, squirming a bit, completely confused.
  611. 2013-08-19T21:04:40Cherenkov walks around the blockade and goes to the bot, petting it. "I'm sorry. I hope we can meet together someday in paradise."
  612. 2013-08-19T21:04:48Rain_Drop kicks Chere away
  613. 2013-08-19T21:05:03<Rain_Drop> "Chere I mean this in the nicest way"
  614. 2013-08-19T21:05:05Cherenkov is kicked away.
  615. 2013-08-19T21:05:06<Rain_Drop> "Piss. Off."
  616. 2013-08-19T21:05:07Lucyne stammers "Ch-Cherenkov..."
  617. 2013-08-19T21:05:15Able_Tome walks closer to 'Lucyne', "Don't even think about doing it, Cher."
  618. 2013-08-19T21:05:15<Real_Lucyne> "Rain!"
  619. 2013-08-19T21:05:18<Cherenkov> "Yes?"
  620. 2013-08-19T21:05:29<Real_Lucyne> "You're gonna listen to Able now?"
  621. 2013-08-19T21:05:34<Rain_Drop> "Im not watching anotehr person get killed!"
  622. 2013-08-19T21:05:48<Real_Lucyne> "It. Is. Not. A. Person."
  623. 2013-08-19T21:05:57<Real_Lucyne> "It is a machine."
  624. 2013-08-19T21:05:58Rain_Drop is shaking as she stands over the Lucyne on the ground protectivly
  625. 2013-08-19T21:06:01<Real_Lucyne> "We are just turning it off."
  626. 2013-08-19T21:06:11<Rain_Drop> "Was Legion a machine in Mass Effect?"
  627. 2013-08-19T21:06:14<Cherenkov> Will you allow me to sit by it for a bit then, Rain?
  628. 2013-08-19T21:06:15Able_Tome looks at the allegely real Lucyne as he slowly reaches the other one, "We need to have a talk. Away from here."
  629. 2013-08-19T21:06:22<Rain_Drop> "Or that kid in Artificial Intelligence?"
  630. 2013-08-19T21:06:35<Real_Lucyne> "It is not intelligent."
  631. 2013-08-19T21:06:40<Real_Lucyne> "it does not feel emotions."
  632. 2013-08-19T21:06:43<Quicksilver> "She shows emotions... fear, love, anger..."
  633. 2013-08-19T21:06:43<Able_Tome> "You are not informed enough to do the correct decision."
  634. 2013-08-19T21:06:47<Real_Lucyne> "It only simulates them for manipulation."
  635. 2013-08-19T21:06:48<Rain_Drop> "What about all the different machines that learned and grew a soul!?"
  636. 2013-08-19T21:06:50GreenLight [] has joined #FourCannon-Riverside
  637. 2013-08-19T21:07:09<Cherenkov> Iron Giant....
  638. 2013-08-19T21:07:17<Rain_Drop> "Drop the shard and I'll let you Chere."
  639. 2013-08-19T21:07:23<Real_Lucyne> "I can't LIVE with seeing it!"
  640. 2013-08-19T21:07:33Mary_ONette [] has joined #FourCannon-Riverside
  641. 2013-08-19T21:07:34Real_Lucyne draws her sword.
  642. 2013-08-19T21:07:46<Rain_Drop> "Then we can ask the embassy...Lucy put down the sword."
  643. 2013-08-19T21:07:57<Cherenkov> Damn it Lucy. Now you're playing into its hands, too. It's manipulating you as well.
  644. 2013-08-19T21:08:02<Quicksilver> "And I cant live to see you become a murderer"
  645. 2013-08-19T21:08:02UnifySelf [] has joined #FourCannon-Riverside
  646. 2013-08-19T21:08:03Able_Tome looks at Rain as he reaches the pair, "May I-huh", he glances at the real one, "Oh for Pete's sake."
  647. 2013-08-19T21:08:04<Cherenkov> Well, not it, but the fey
  648. 2013-08-19T21:08:08<Quicksilver> "please Lucy"
  649. 2013-08-19T21:08:18<UnifySelf> [The heck is going on here?]
  650. 2013-08-19T21:08:22<Real_Lucyne> "You all would protect it?"
  651. 2013-08-19T21:08:28<Real_Lucyne> "After what it has done to me?"
  652. 2013-08-19T21:08:36<Rain_Drop> "I would stop you from becoming a murderor."
  653. 2013-08-19T21:08:44Able_Tome turns and slowly walks to the mare with her sword, "It is not even about that. She's not the one who did this to you."
  654. 2013-08-19T21:08:44<Real_Lucyne> "Then let Chere do it!"
  655. 2013-08-19T21:08:46<Real_Lucyne> "I don't care!"
  656. 2013-08-19T21:08:57<Rain_Drop> "But I guess thats a moot point huh? THen chere Becomes a murederor?"
  657. 2013-08-19T21:08:58<GreenLight> [/me offers Uni some popcorn]
  658. 2013-08-19T21:09:05<Rain_Drop> "What the hell!?"
  659. 2013-08-19T21:09:08<Real_Lucyne> "It isn't murder."
  660. 2013-08-19T21:09:10<UnifySelf> [Seriously, what's going on here?]
  661. 2013-08-19T21:09:11<Cherenkov> "It's the fey. And we shall have our vengance upon them later. For both Lucys."
  662. 2013-08-19T21:09:14<Real_Lucyne> "It is like breaking a rock."
  663. 2013-08-19T21:09:25<Real_Lucyne> "It has no emotions or pain."
  664. 2013-08-19T21:09:39<Mary_ONette> [I hvae no idea]
  665. 2013-08-19T21:09:45<Rain_Drop> "Why not just ask the embassy to take her in and let her live somehwere else? Then why did she cry and beg me not to go back to the catacombs?"
  666. 2013-08-19T21:10:03Honey_Rose shakes her head, trembling in her place as she struggles to maintain any kind of sense of up and down in her own mind. She claws at her own ideas of morality and manages to stand her ground for a bit longer, unable to verbally dish out her tried and true argument of treating people as animals. She sees Lucyne draw her sword and sets her jaw, a much more static idea of
  667. 2013-08-19T21:10:03Honey_Rose wrong being presented with the threat "Gods damnit all people, at least postpone the murder until we hear both sides? Can't you just fucking wait?"
  668. 2013-08-19T21:10:03<Real_Lucyne> "Simulation. We can't let her live, she is DANGEROUS."
  669. 2013-08-19T21:10:06<Honey_Rose> [welp]
  670. 2013-08-19T21:10:21<Cherenkov> Please, every else isn't thinking rationally, you can't reason with emotions."
  671. 2013-08-19T21:10:40<Lucyne> "I can't fucking believe you."
  672. 2013-08-19T21:10:42<Cherenkov> *everyone else*
  673. 2013-08-19T21:10:47<Lucyne> "Has so much changed in this year?"
  674. 2013-08-19T21:10:49<Lucyne> fuck
  675. 2013-08-19T21:10:54<Lucyne> You know who I mean
  676. 2013-08-19T21:10:58<UnifySelf> [Who, Honey. The fuck did she do?]
  677. 2013-08-19T21:11:08<Real_Lucyne> "Are you really the same people I left home?"
  678. 2013-08-19T21:11:12<Rain_Drop> "Simulation or not emotions show true! You cant just make that up with a bunch of ones and zeroes!"
  679. 2013-08-19T21:11:12<Quicksilver> "its been a months and a half..."
  680. 2013-08-19T21:11:20<Cherenkov> A lot more than you realize. We aren't all the murderhobos we were when you left.
  681. 2013-08-19T21:11:23Able_Tome reaches the agitated mare, "Lucyne. She might very be dangerous. But..."
  682. 2013-08-19T21:11:37<UnifySelf> [Real Lucy. OH FUCK DON'T TELL ME]
  683. 2013-08-19T21:11:51<UnifySelf> [We had a ruse didn't we?]
  684. 2013-08-19T21:11:56<Honey_Rose> [ooc pls]
  685. 2013-08-19T21:11:57<Quicksilver> [OOC shhh]
  686. 2013-08-19T21:11:57<GreenLight> [Shhhh, OOC pls]
  687. 2013-08-19T21:12:09Cherenkov sees that Lucy mixed up her characters again, or did she?
  688. 2013-08-19T21:12:18<Lucyne> Yes I did
  689. 2013-08-19T21:12:27<Real_Lucyne> "She IS dangerous."
  690. 2013-08-19T21:12:30<Real_Lucyne> "You weren't there."
  691. 2013-08-19T21:12:31Able_Tome sighs, getting increasingly annoyed, but trying to subdue his emotions, "There is another way than blantantly destroying -it- like that."
  692. 2013-08-19T21:12:35<Real_Lucyne> "All those nights in the forest."
  693. 2013-08-19T21:12:42<Real_Lucyne> "All those fey."
  694. 2013-08-19T21:12:45<Real_Lucyne> "I know how they work."
  695. 2013-08-19T21:12:49<Real_Lucyne> "I lived with them."
  696. 2013-08-19T21:12:52<Real_Lucyne> "Fought them."
  697. 2013-08-19T21:12:55<Real_Lucyne> "Every day."
  698. 2013-08-19T21:13:07<Real_Lucyne> "You don't understand."
  699. 2013-08-19T21:13:09Able_Tome frown, "I wasn't there for all that time, true. But I've been in the Ghost Leaf forest more than once."
  700. 2013-08-19T21:13:17<Quicksilver> "Im sorry i wasnt there for you..."
  701. 2013-08-19T21:13:18<Real_Lucyne> "You do NOT understand."
  702. 2013-08-19T21:13:23Real_Lucyne points her sword to the Robot
  703. 2013-08-19T21:13:36<Real_Lucyne> "You do NOT understand what that thing is capable of."
  704. 2013-08-19T21:13:41Able_Tome steps aside from the blade
  705. 2013-08-19T21:13:46<Real_Lucyne> "This is our ONLY CHANCE."
  706. 2013-08-19T21:13:52<Quicksilver> "and what IS it capable of?"
  707. 2013-08-19T21:14:11Cherenkov sees his chance and swiftly delivers the final blow. "I'm sorry. This has to be done."
  708. 2013-08-19T21:14:13<Real_Lucyne> "For all we know, it is stalling for time until reinforcements arrive."
  709. 2013-08-19T21:14:19<Able_Tome> "You do realize that we were able to put her into a... unworking condition without bloodshed, right?"
  710. 2013-08-19T21:14:22<Lucyne> Pause!
  711. 2013-08-19T21:14:30<Lucyne> Chere went for the blow, let me describe
  712. 2013-08-19T21:14:33Rain_Drop dives in front of Chere to knock him ofcourse!
  713. 2013-08-19T21:14:41<Rain_Drop> [ffs...]
  714. 2013-08-19T21:14:46<Lucyne> Rain gets an opposed roll to reflect.
  715. 2013-08-19T21:14:47<Able_Tome> [oh come on!]
  716. 2013-08-19T21:14:50<Lucyne> Only Rain
  717. 2013-08-19T21:14:53<Rain_Drop> !roll d20
  718. 2013-08-19T21:14:54<GameServ> 12 == 12
  719. 2013-08-19T21:15:03<Cherenkov> !roll d20
  720. 2013-08-19T21:15:04<GameServ> 14 == 14
  721. 2013-08-19T21:15:09<Able_Tome> [.....]
  722. 2013-08-19T21:15:11<Lucyne> Chere gets the hit!
  723. 2013-08-19T21:15:14<GreenLight> [...............]
  724. 2013-08-19T21:15:15<Rain_Drop> [aw fuck awcufk fukc fuckf ucfkc ufkcf]
  725. 2013-08-19T21:15:20<Lucyne> Shh now
  726. 2013-08-19T21:15:22<Able_Tome> [fucking faggots]
  727. 2013-08-19T21:15:23<UnifySelf> [/me grabs popcorn]
  728. 2013-08-19T21:15:24<Lucyne> Sit and listen.
  729. 2013-08-19T21:15:29<GreenLight> [You had one job Chere]
  730. 2013-08-19T21:15:30<Quicksilver> [you dumb ass fuck]
  731. 2013-08-19T21:15:34<Rain_Drop> [i swear to god if Chere just killed Lucy I am gonna be pissed...]
  732. 2013-08-19T21:15:39<GreenLight> [huehuehue]
  733. 2013-08-19T21:15:52<Quicksilver> [i will murder him slowly]
  734. 2013-08-19T21:16:01<Cherenkov> [/me grabs the popcorn as well]
  735. 2013-08-19T21:16:04<Rain_Drop> [ah fuck what if it was the imp posing as Lucy?! And we just killed Lucy?! #tinfoil not fun!]
  736. 2013-08-19T21:16:04<Able_Tome> [If I won't murder him first]
  737. 2013-08-19T21:16:11<GreenLight> [/me does not share with Chere]
  738. 2013-08-19T21:16:21<Lucyne> Swiftly jumps as the others are distracted, his makeshift nice moving to his target. All goes slow as the blade draws close.
  739. 2013-08-19T21:16:21<Cherenkov> [/me has his own bag]
  740. 2013-08-19T21:16:22<Lucyne>
  741. 2013-08-19T21:16:30<Mary_ONette> [oh damn]
  742. 2013-08-19T21:16:32<Honey_Rose> [wut]
  743. 2013-08-19T21:16:33<Lucyne> Chere jumps
  744. 2013-08-19T21:16:39<GreenLight> [Shit]
  745. 2013-08-19T21:16:46<Rain_Drop> [AH SHIT NOT GREEN BIRD!]
  746. 2013-08-19T21:16:46<Lucyne> The blade slowly moving towards the heart.
  747. 2013-08-19T21:16:53<Honey_Rose> [...]
  748. 2013-08-19T21:16:57<Lucyne> Her eyes widen as memories run by her inner eye.
  749. 2013-08-19T21:16:58<Quicksilver> [fuuuuuk yooooou and this song]
  750. 2013-08-19T21:16:59<Able_Tome> [>dat song]
  751. 2013-08-19T21:17:04<Able_Tome> [FFS]
  752. 2013-08-19T21:17:10<Honey_Rose> [it was the real lucy that just died]
  753. 2013-08-19T21:17:10<Lucyne> All that has happened in this last month.
  754. 2013-08-19T21:17:10<GreenLight> [FUCK PASTEBIN PLOX]
  755. 2013-08-19T21:17:12GreenLight [] has quit IRC: Quit: Web client closed
  756. 2013-08-19T21:17:15<UnifySelf> [Whelp, we fucked up didn't we?]
  757. 2013-08-19T21:17:18<Lucyne> All the times with her friends.
  758. 2013-08-19T21:17:27<Rain_Drop> [GoD DAMNIT! LEMME TAKE THE HIT!}
  759. 2013-08-19T21:17:29<Lucyne> Rain...her lover
  760. 2013-08-19T21:17:33<Lucyne> All the times
  761. 2013-08-19T21:17:36<Lucyne> All the people
  762. 2013-08-19T21:17:41<Nova_Flux> [oh boy here we go]
  763. 2013-08-19T21:17:43<Lucyne> A whole life
  764. 2013-08-19T21:17:50<Able_Tome> [goddamnit]
  765. 2013-08-19T21:17:59<Lucyne> Her hooves weakly shuffle to her neck, grabbing...
  766. 2013-08-19T21:18:02<Lucyne> holding onto...
  767. 2013-08-19T21:18:07<Lucyne> her last connection to reality...
  768. 2013-08-19T21:18:09<UnifySelf> [Lucy? Lucy!? LUUUCCYY!!]
  769. 2013-08-19T21:18:11<Mary_ONette> [and I feel feels]
  770. 2013-08-19T21:18:12<Lucyne> the feather around her neck...
  771. 2013-08-19T21:18:13<SunShower> [You dumb motherfuckers]
  772. 2013-08-19T21:18:15<Quicksilver> [oh god why...]
  773. 2013-08-19T21:18:19<Honey_Rose> [ooc...]
  774. 2013-08-19T21:18:21<Lucyne> given to her by Rain
  775. 2013-08-19T21:18:24<Lucyne> She never took it off
  776. 2013-08-19T21:18:31<Lucyne> Wore it when she was saved
  777. 2013-08-19T21:18:36<Lucyne> Wore it to this day
  778. 2013-08-19T21:18:37<Rain_Drop> "LUCY!" Rain screams as she tries to get in the way
  779. 2013-08-19T21:18:43<Quicksilver> [oh fuck sake]
  780. 2013-08-19T21:18:51<Lucyne> Cherenkov, roll for damage
  781. 2013-08-19T21:19:04Cherenkov wails and sobs, tears streaming down his face as he deals the blow. [d6?]
  782. 2013-08-19T21:19:09<Quicksilver> [does it even matter]
  783. 2013-08-19T21:19:13<Able_Tome> [d6 + 2]
  784. 2013-08-19T21:19:13<Lucyne> d4, it's shit quality
  785. 2013-08-19T21:19:19<Cherenkov> !roll d4 + 2
  786. 2013-08-19T21:19:19<GameServ> 2 == 2
  787. 2013-08-19T21:19:28<Cherenkov> [4]
  788. 2013-08-19T21:19:46<Lucyne> The damage is quadrupled.
  789. 2013-08-19T21:19:50<Quicksilver> [inb4 20]
  790. 2013-08-19T21:19:58<Honey_Rose> [>16]
  791. 2013-08-19T21:19:58<Cherenkov> [16]
  792. 2013-08-19T21:19:58<Lucyne> Final roll to survive.
  793. 2013-08-19T21:20:00Able_Tome head darts swifly at the sound of the scream "Oh g-",
  794. 2013-08-19T21:20:17<Lucyne> Pray to kek
  795. 2013-08-19T21:20:24<Quicksilver> [i feel sick]
  796. 2013-08-19T21:20:31<Lucyne> !roll 1d20+5 to resist instantaneous death
  797. 2013-08-19T21:20:31<GameServ> (9) + 5 == 14
  798. 2013-08-19T21:20:34<Cherenkov> [how do you think I feel?]
  799. 2013-08-19T21:20:35<Lucyne> Resisted
  800. 2013-08-19T21:20:41<Able_Tome> [...]
  801. 2013-08-19T21:20:42<Chinook> [Relieved?]
  802. 2013-08-19T21:20:43<UnifySelf> [Oh thank kek]
  803. 2013-08-19T21:20:46<Chinook> [Cos I do]
  804. 2013-08-19T21:20:57<SunShower> [You dumb motherfuckers]
  805. 2013-08-19T21:20:58<Able_Tome> [instant death averted, but...]
  806. 2013-08-19T21:21:07<Rain_Drop> [ABLE POTIONS NOW !}
  807. 2013-08-19T21:21:12<Rain_Drop> {BERRY MIX!]
  808. 2013-08-19T21:21:15<Honey_Rose> [What potions?]
  809. 2013-08-19T21:21:16<Quicksilver> [we have NONE]
  810. 2013-08-19T21:21:23<Lucyne> The blade pierces her skin, a hiss emerges as she screams in pain, rolling to the side, still holding the feather tight.
  811. 2013-08-19T21:21:25<Able_Tome> [we have berries and the extract]
  812. 2013-08-19T21:21:36<Rain_Drop> [FUCKER HAS BERRIES THAT RESTORE HP I METAING FUCK OFF!]
  813. 2013-08-19T21:21:42<Real_Lucyne> "It's still alive!"
  814. 2013-08-19T21:21:51Rain_Drop punches Chere away screaming in rage
  815. 2013-08-19T21:21:55Lucyne rolls and wails, never letting the feather go.
  816. 2013-08-19T21:22:04Cherenkov has broken down in tears.
  817. 2013-08-19T21:22:06<Quicksilver> [doesn Real Lucy have a feather too?]
  818. 2013-08-19T21:22:14Cherenkov drops the knife.
  819. 2013-08-19T21:22:19<Lucyne> [Nope]
  820. 2013-08-19T21:22:19Able_Tome screams in rage, "GET THE FUCK AWAY!"
  821. 2013-08-19T21:22:34Rain_Drop grabs onto Lucy trying to keep her steady shouting "BAndages NOW!"
  822. 2013-08-19T21:22:36Lucyne stumbles and retches, never letting the feather fall.
  823. 2013-08-19T21:22:37<Able_Tome> "TAKE THE BLOODY SHARD ALREADY."
  824. 2013-08-19T21:22:42<Cherenkov> "I wanted you all to get away so this could end peacefully and she could have some dignity."
  825. 2013-08-19T21:22:52Real_Lucyne runs in for a coup de grace
  826. 2013-08-19T21:23:03<Real_Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  827. 2013-08-19T21:23:03<GameServ> 18 == 18
  828. 2013-08-19T21:23:03Quicksilver screams and rushes over to Real Lucy "NOO!"
  829. 2013-08-19T21:23:05<Real_Lucyne> hit!
  830. 2013-08-19T21:23:05Rain_Drop has tears in her eyes as she tries to hold the wound down
  831. 2013-08-19T21:23:08Able_Tome tries to restrain Lucyne
  832. 2013-08-19T21:23:11<Rain_Drop> !roll d20 STOP HER!
  833. 2013-08-19T21:23:12<GameServ> 18 == 18
  834. 2013-08-19T21:23:18<Able_Tome> [awww yiss]
  835. 2013-08-19T21:23:21<Lucyne> Stalemate
  836. 2013-08-19T21:23:22<Lucyne> Reroll
  837. 2013-08-19T21:23:29<Real_Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  838. 2013-08-19T21:23:30<GameServ> 18 == 18
  839. 2013-08-19T21:23:36<Rain_Drop> !roll d20
  840. 2013-08-19T21:23:36<GameServ> 8 == 8
  841. 2013-08-19T21:23:36<Able_Tome> [oh fuck you Kek]
  842. 2013-08-19T21:23:46Honey_Rose can't move, legs locked as she stares at Lucy writhing on the ground, heart sunk and mind blank
  843. 2013-08-19T21:23:47<UnifySelf> [I don't even know who's who, so i don't care who wins...yet]
  844. 2013-08-19T21:23:48Cherenkov sobs, "Why didn't you leave when I asked?"
  845. 2013-08-19T21:23:49<Lucyne> Real Lucy takes the swipe
  846. 2013-08-19T21:23:57<Honey_Rose> [I can't]
  847. 2013-08-19T21:23:59<Real_Lucyne> !roll 1d8
  848. 2013-08-19T21:23:59<GameServ> 1 == 1
  849. 2013-08-19T21:24:06<Lucyne> But only lightly nicks her.
  850. 2013-08-19T21:24:09<Lucyne> Enough to call for a roll.
  851. 2013-08-19T21:24:09<Honey_Rose> [>only more pain]
  852. 2013-08-19T21:24:16Rain_Drop kicks at the bitch
  853. 2013-08-19T21:24:19<Lucyne> !roll 1d20+10 to resist unconsciousness.
  854. 2013-08-19T21:24:20<GameServ> (1) + 10 == 11
  855. 2013-08-19T21:24:22<Lucyne> Nat 1
  856. 2013-08-19T21:24:31Quicksilver dives on Real Lucy
  857. 2013-08-19T21:24:34<Rain_Drop> "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HER!"
  858. 2013-08-19T21:24:35<Honey_Rose> no god
  859. 2013-08-19T21:24:36Lucyne spasms "Rain..." and falls dead.
  860. 2013-08-19T21:24:50Able_Tome runs to the place where cold iron shard landed and picks it up
  861. 2013-08-19T21:24:52Real_Lucyne is tackled.
  862. 2013-08-19T21:24:56<UnifySelf> []
  863. 2013-08-19T21:24:57Cherenkov sits there, tears streaming down his face.
  864. 2013-08-19T21:25:06Quicksilver pins her down "WHY!"
  865. 2013-08-19T21:25:15<Chinook> [>Savalas]
  866. 2013-08-19T21:25:16Lucyne remains laying, completely unmoving.
  867. 2013-08-19T21:25:18<Rain_Drop> "Hold there! ABle do you have anything?!" Rain shouts as she tries to stem the blood loss
  868. 2013-08-19T21:25:25<Rain_Drop> "Rose! Bandage in the hosue now!"
  869. 2013-08-19T21:25:32Real_Lucyne starts to cry
  870. 2013-08-19T21:25:34SunShower [] is now known as SunShower|TabletShopping
  871. 2013-08-19T21:25:34<Real_Lucyne> "I HAD TO!"
  872. 2013-08-19T21:25:46Quicksilver has tears dripping down her face "Why why why!"
  873. 2013-08-19T21:25:59Rain_Drop curses to herself as the blood is still dripping around her hooves "ROSE BANDAGED!"
  874. 2013-08-19T21:26:05<Cherenkov> [damn it lucy, I never thought you would use our ooc for this]
  875. 2013-08-19T21:26:07Honey_Rose stares at Rain, mouth open to respond but otherwise frozen "I... Di-"
  876. 2013-08-19T21:26:09Able_Tome freezes up, as he picks up the shard, his face twitching, "Something..."
  877. 2013-08-19T21:26:17<Rain_Drop> "IN THE HOUSE GO!"
  878. 2013-08-19T21:26:18<Lucyne> [I didn't force you!]
  879. 2013-08-19T21:26:39Real_Lucyne begins to cry violently.
  880. 2013-08-19T21:26:41<Real_Lucyne> "I'm so sorry."
  881. 2013-08-19T21:26:44Rain_Drop mutters "Stabilize patient, prep for movement get to clinic...."
  882. 2013-08-19T21:26:51<Rain_Drop> "Come Lucy come on....:
  883. 2013-08-19T21:26:59<Quicksilver> "She never did anything to you! why did you do it!"
  884. 2013-08-19T21:27:00<Lucyne> Corpse spots begin forming on Lucy.
  885. 2013-08-19T21:27:04Honey_Rose blinks, thoughts finally rushing back into her head as she cracks into a gallop to find bandages
  886. 2013-08-19T21:27:06<Honey_Rose> [>already]
  887. 2013-08-19T21:27:09<Real_Lucyne> "SHE RUINED MY LIFE!"
  888. 2013-08-19T21:27:11Real_Lucyne wails.
  889. 2013-08-19T21:27:14<Rain_Drop> [Corpse spots?]
  890. 2013-08-19T21:27:14<Cherenkov> [no, but duty requires me to do what had to be done. For the good of the town, and so we can move on.]
  891. 2013-08-19T21:27:23<Rain_Drop> [FCUK OFF!}
  892. 2013-08-19T21:27:25Able_Tome puts the shard into his pocket and begins walks to the lying body, "She didn't you *idiot*."
  893. 2013-08-19T21:27:30<Honey_Rose> [You're a murderer now, Cheren]
  894. 2013-08-19T21:27:41<Lucyne> [Corpse spots are when blood begins to pool, which happens fast because she has little blood pressure to being with]
  895. 2013-08-19T21:27:48<Lucyne> [fuck off, I want something nice to describe]
  896. 2013-08-19T21:27:56<Rain_Drop> "Able! Get me something to bandage this NOW!"
  897. 2013-08-19T21:28:15Rain_Drop has blood staining her hooves as she tries to keep the blood inside her lover
  898. 2013-08-19T21:28:16<Lucyne> >nat 1 on second roll
  899. 2013-08-19T21:28:17<Lucyne> So bitter
  900. 2013-08-19T21:28:23<Lucyne> Good night sweet princess
  901. 2013-08-19T21:28:36<Cherenkov> You will be missed by everyone.
  902. 2013-08-19T21:28:40<Quicksilver> "You didnt have to kill her..." Quick breaks down and sobs on top of real Lucy
  903. 2013-08-19T21:28:51Honey_Rose runs right past the barn, not stopping as she flees the scene desperately
  904. 2013-08-19T21:28:53Able_Tome picks out one of the last bandage wraps from yesterday out of his cloak and sighs, giving it to Rain, "No use."
  905. 2013-08-19T21:28:55<Honey_Rose> [kk I'm gone, gg]
  906. 2013-08-19T21:29:01Real_Lucyne weakly flails and sobs, unable to do anything.
  907. 2013-08-19T21:29:05<Rain_Drop> [YOU bitch....]
  908. 2013-08-19T21:29:22<Able_Tome> "Though. She did survived bloodloss in the past."
  909. 2013-08-19T21:29:33Rain_Drop snags the bandage from Able and starts to bandage the wound
  910. 2013-08-19T21:29:44<Lucyne> Despite all intentions, there is little to save.
  911. 2013-08-19T21:29:57<Lucyne> Heartbeat and all other vital processes having shut down completely.
  912. 2013-08-19T21:30:00<Rain_Drop> "Pack it tight...snug and rung....fuck..fuckfuckfuckfuck..."
  913. 2013-08-19T21:30:04<Able_Tome> "You know that a wrap won't help for her condition."
  914. 2013-08-19T21:30:15<UnifySelf> [I'm confused, yet saddened]
  915. 2013-08-19T21:30:24Quicksilver hugs Real Lucy and cries into her shoulder "She... I... you... why?"
  916. 2013-08-19T21:30:25<Rain_Drop> "Fuck off!" Rain starts cpr to manually pump Lucy's heart
  917. 2013-08-19T21:30:31Able_Tome walks around the pegasus mare and sits down besides her, leaning over the body
  918. 2013-08-19T21:30:38Real_Lucyne says nothing inbetween sobs.
  919. 2013-08-19T21:30:51<Lucyne> The body is as unresponsive as any corpse.
  920. 2013-08-19T21:31:14Rain_Drop counts off in sets of three blowing into her mouth as a sort of primitive life support
  921. 2013-08-19T21:31:31<UnifySelf> [She's dead, Rain]
  922. 2013-08-19T21:31:40<Rain_Drop> "Come on...come on....Comeon.....COME ON!"
  923. 2013-08-19T21:32:43Able_Tome shakes his head leaning back as he sighs, "And another bearer of memories lost. Good job. Swell. Perfect."
  924. 2013-08-19T21:32:58<Cherenkov> [tl;dnr version roboLucy had a great life and then broke down one final time, unable to reboot. Her minty companion had to deliver the blow in front of the others because they wouldn't fuck off and go back to the inn. I wanted her to have a peaceful death, not a violent one.]
  925. 2013-08-19T21:33:06Real_Lucyne shakily tries to get up.
  926. 2013-08-19T21:33:09Rain_Drop continues her ministrations trying to get a response a breath a flutter anythign!
  927. 2013-08-19T21:33:21<UnifySelf> [roboLucy? So the one we got was a fake?]
  928. 2013-08-19T21:33:23Quicksilver cant even form coherent words now and just hugs Lucy close as she cries
  929. 2013-08-19T21:34:04<Lucyne> So, Lucy is fixed
  930. 2013-08-19T21:34:06<Honey_Rose> [Just saying chere, she wasn't even "dead". She was having a fit]
  931. 2013-08-19T21:34:07<Lucyne> There you go
  932. 2013-08-19T21:34:09<Rain_Drop> [No....she had the necklace I made her.....]
  933. 2013-08-19T21:34:10<Honey_Rose> [>fixed]
  934. 2013-08-19T21:34:12<Lucyne> Everything back to how it used to be
  935. 2013-08-19T21:34:19<Lucyne> HAHAHAHAH
  936. 2013-08-19T21:34:23Cheren-bfast [] has joined #FourCannon-Riverside
  937. 2013-08-19T21:34:37<Lucyne> WISH GRANTED
  938. 2013-08-19T21:34:38Cheren-bfast [] is now known as Cheren-dedInside
  939. 2013-08-19T21:34:40<Boris_> Wat
  940. 2013-08-19T21:34:43Rain_Drop grits her teeth as streams of tears fall down her face "Come on cmoe on come on!"
  941. 2013-08-19T21:34:47<UnifySelf> [So we killed a fake Lucy?]
  942. 2013-08-19T21:34:53<Lucyne> [MAYBE]
  943. 2013-08-19T21:34:56<Quicksilver> [so we killed the real Lucy]
  944. 2013-08-19T21:35:01<UnifySelf> [OK JUST REALLY FUCKING CONFUSED]
  945. 2013-08-19T21:35:01<Lucyne> [PROBABLY]
  946. 2013-08-19T21:35:09<Mary_ONette> [...wat]
  947. 2013-08-19T21:35:11<Rain_Drop> "Fuck iT! CLINIC TRAUMA TIME!"
  948. 2013-08-19T21:35:12<Boris_> [gg guys, I knew you all had it in you]
  949. 2013-08-19T21:35:17<GreenHoof> [I FUCKING CALLED IT]
  950. 2013-08-19T21:35:28Cheren-dedInside begins to gag and throws up the meal from earlier, the first in days really, in realiziation of what he's just done.
  951. 2013-08-19T21:35:34<Able_Tome> [...I still don't fucking get how Cheren would fucken rationalize this...]
  952. 2013-08-19T21:35:43Rain_Drop lifts Lucy onto her back trying to keep her steady so she does not fall
  953. 2013-08-19T21:35:45<Able_Tome> [this is retarded]
  954. 2013-08-19T21:35:46<Quicksilver> [ugh... i feel sick, why Cheren?]
  955. 2013-08-19T21:35:58<GreenHoof> [>no one found it odd that "real Lucyne" was so eager to kill]
  956. 2013-08-19T21:36:02<Rain_Drop> "Hang on...hang on...."
  957. 2013-08-19T21:36:03<Able_Tome> [^]
  958. 2013-08-19T21:36:05<Nova_Flux> [this whole thing was retarded]
  959. 2013-08-19T21:36:08Cherenkov [] has quit IRC: Ping timeout: 182 seconds
  960. 2013-08-19T21:36:09<Able_Tome> [what Hoof said]
  961. 2013-08-19T21:36:12<Nova_Flux> [you all have been luced]
  962. 2013-08-19T21:36:22<Able_Tome> [thought she -did- had a joyful ride in the chasm]
  963. 2013-08-19T21:36:23<Nova_Flux> [/me tell camramen to come out]
  964. 2013-08-19T21:36:27<Lucyne> Thank you thank you, you have all been trolled
  965. 2013-08-19T21:36:30<Lucyne> By the faithful GM
  966. 2013-08-19T21:36:31Rain_Drop walks to the clinic as fast as she can
  967. 2013-08-19T21:36:32<Lucyne> As usual
  968. 2013-08-19T21:36:33<UnifySelf> Master ruse
  969. 2013-08-19T21:36:48<Able_Tome> [>inb4 time to oil it up]
  970. 2013-08-19T21:36:53<Chinook> [HAKAN]
  971. 2013-08-19T21:36:55<Mary_ONette> [oh crap I'm in the clinic]
  972. 2013-08-19T21:37:04<Able_Tome> [do it faggot]
  973. 2013-08-19T21:37:07<Honey_Rose> a year of torment can explain a deepset hate...
  974. 2013-08-19T21:37:12<Cheren-dedInside> [because of my military training, and that the fake one has been a spy. Doesn't mean I still cared for her, though.]
  975. 2013-08-19T21:37:27<Lucyne> No one was 'wrong'
  976. 2013-08-19T21:37:35<Lucyne> There is no right and wrong
  977. 2013-08-19T21:37:40<Lucyne> Only perception
  978. 2013-08-19T21:37:47<Honey_Rose> fug u lucy
  979. 2013-08-19T21:37:55<Honey_Rose> fug u me
  980. 2013-08-19T21:38:05Real_Lucyne shakily gets up
  981. 2013-08-19T21:38:10<Real_Lucyne> "F-Finally..."
  982. 2013-08-19T21:38:16Cheren-dedInside is still unable to do anything
  983. 2013-08-19T21:38:17<Lucyne> It ain't over yet niggs
  984. 2013-08-19T21:38:17Quicksilver stands back and looks 'real' Lucy in the eye "So she is dead now... if you arent really Lucy... then you may as well reveal yourself... the deed is done"
  985. 2013-08-19T21:38:33<Boris_> [Does this mean you're dead or not]
  986. 2013-08-19T21:38:37Quicksilver has a dead tone and expression
  987. 2013-08-19T21:38:40<Real_Lucyne> "What? I am the real Lucy! I proved it."
  988. 2013-08-19T21:38:41<Boris_> [Cause I'm calling the insureance company]
  989. 2013-08-19T21:39:43<Cheren-dedInside> It's LucyBot v.2.0 Straight from the faye factory!
  990. 2013-08-19T21:39:45Able_Tome stands up and walks to the 'real' Lucyne, "You haven't."
  991. 2013-08-19T21:39:57<Quicksilver> "I... i need some time... i just saw my best freind for the past month killed... i just... keep saying things ok... keep saying thinfs only the real Lucy would say..."
  992. 2013-08-19T21:39:59<Able_Tome> "The only thing that you've proved is that you are willing to destroy things."
  993. 2013-08-19T21:40:12<Able_Tome> "Or kill."
  994. 2013-08-19T21:40:13<Real_Lucyne> "One year."
  995. 2013-08-19T21:40:16<Real_Lucyne> "An entire year."
  996. 2013-08-19T21:40:20<Real_Lucyne> "Nothing but violence."
  997. 2013-08-19T21:40:30<Real_Lucyne> "Eternal struggle for survival."
  998. 2013-08-19T21:40:41<Real_Lucyne> "A lone mare fighting to return home."
  999. 2013-08-19T21:40:49Able_Tome spits on the ground, "What a -hero-."
  1000. 2013-08-19T21:41:02<Real_Lucyne> "You think I wanted this Able?"
  1001. 2013-08-19T21:41:06<Real_Lucyne> "You think I'm happy?"
  1002. 2013-08-19T21:41:15<Real_Lucyne> "It needed to be done."
  1003. 2013-08-19T21:41:20<Real_Lucyne> "For all of our sake."
  1004. 2013-08-19T21:42:02<Able_Tome> "Not it wasn't. It was unnecessary."
  1005. 2013-08-19T21:42:08<Able_Tome> *no
  1006. 2013-08-19T21:42:12<Real_Lucyne> "You didn't see them."
  1007. 2013-08-19T21:42:30<Real_Lucyne> "You never had to fear for your life in a world that doesn't follow the rules of logic for a year of your life."
  1008. 2013-08-19T21:42:43Cherenkov [] has joined #FourCannon-Riverside
  1009. 2013-08-19T21:43:01<Real_Lucyne> "You don't know shit."
  1010. 2013-08-19T21:43:11<Real_Lucyne> "Cherenkov is the only one that can see past emotions."
  1011. 2013-08-19T21:43:14Able_Tome puts the hoof on his chest, "I've. Been. There. Several. Time. And I have enough brain matter to know that dealing with them directly is questionable at best."
  1012. 2013-08-19T21:43:36<Honey_Rose> [>not even one full day]
  1013. 2013-08-19T21:43:37<Able_Tome> "As for you. Stay caged up in your little world of experiences."
  1014. 2013-08-19T21:43:38<Real_Lucyne> 7me snorts
  1015. 2013-08-19T21:43:50<Real_Lucyne> "And how long was that then?"
  1016. 2013-08-19T21:43:53<Real_Lucyne> "All together."
  1017. 2013-08-19T21:43:59<Cherenkov> !roll d20 to return to reality
  1018. 2013-08-19T21:44:00<GameServ> 4 == 4
  1019. 2013-08-19T21:44:00<Real_Lucyne> "5 hours?"
  1020. 2013-08-19T21:44:01<Able_Tome> "Enough."
  1021. 2013-08-19T21:44:04<Real_Lucyne> "10?"
  1022. 2013-08-19T21:44:23<Able_Tome> "And many more hours to interact with the subject."
  1023. 2013-08-19T21:44:25Cherenkov is still looking at the spot where the replicant once layed.
  1024. 2013-08-19T21:44:33Able_Tome smirks, "She told a lot of things about you."
  1025. 2013-08-19T21:44:41<Real_Lucyne> "You are so full of shit."
  1026. 2013-08-19T21:44:51<Real_Lucyne> "Learn to control your emotions for once."
  1027. 2013-08-19T21:44:55<Able_Tome> "A lot of interesting things that you, seemed to, have lost."
  1028. 2013-08-19T21:44:59GreenLight [] has joined #FourCannon-Riverside
  1029. 2013-08-19T21:45:03<Real_Lucyne> "Lost? What are you talking about?"
  1030. 2013-08-19T21:46:17Cheren-dedInside [] has quit IRC: Ping timeout: 380 seconds
  1031. 2013-08-19T21:46:27cherenkov-3g [] has joined #FourCannon-Riverside
  1032. 2013-08-19T21:46:53<Quicksilver> [incoming text wall]
  1033. 2013-08-19T21:47:06Able_Tome continues to keep a gaze on mare "Oh, I don't know. Experience changing and skewing the original personas. The helpful, empathetic and logic-using little mare loosing herself to violence."
  1034. 2013-08-19T21:47:41<Real_Lucyne> "Oh please, I have better things to do than listen to you talk out of your ass."
  1035. 2013-08-19T21:47:44<Able_Tome> "The one who, oh so, lost her friend dearest of friends. Way way before."
  1036. 2013-08-19T21:47:59<Able_Tome> "Due to her mistakes, heh."
  1037. 2013-08-19T21:48:27<Able_Tome> "Very nice. Things returning back into their original loop."
  1038. 2013-08-19T21:48:34<Real_Lucyne> "I do not know what you are talking about and frankly, right now, I don't care."
  1039. 2013-08-19T21:48:54GreenLight [] has quit IRC: Ping timeout: 192 seconds
  1040. 2013-08-19T21:49:27Able_Tome smiles, "Your past life behind the veil of colorful ponies, of course, though it seems like your journey have killed off that side of you."
  1041. 2013-08-19T21:49:34Quicksilver whirls on Able, eyes flaring with anger "Go away Able... you arent helping anybody... just... go... there has been enough pain here for one day..."
  1042. 2013-08-19T21:50:00Rain_Drop is currently at the clinic if anyone cares to know....
  1043. 2013-08-19T21:50:12<Quicksilver> [i know Rainy]
  1044. 2013-08-19T21:50:52Cherenkov [] has quit IRC: Ping timeout: 380 seconds
  1045. 2013-08-19T21:51:28<Nova_Flux> [yall niggas need mental help
  1046. 2013-08-19T21:51:49<Mary_ONette> [I'm helping]
  1047. 2013-08-19T21:51:50<Lucyne> [>not thinking of the feather >not restraining murder Lucy]
  1048. 2013-08-19T21:51:56Able_Tome looks at Quicksilver with a bit of amusement, "Quite enough. A comedy and tragedy of a show. And here I wanted to have a good talk about scientific community finally coming together."
  1049. 2013-08-19T21:52:12<Quicksilver> [i tried ok]
  1050. 2013-08-19T21:52:17<Able_Tome> "Courtesy of a destroyed robot."
  1051. 2013-08-19T21:52:31<Lucyne> [>letting Chere have the shard]
  1052. 2013-08-19T21:52:36<Quicksilver> [ffs, i wasnt counting on cheren]
  1053. 2013-08-19T21:52:38<Real_Lucyne> "Able, get off my farm."
  1054. 2013-08-19T21:52:47<Real_Lucyne> "Come back when you are less controlled by your emotions."
  1055. 2013-08-19T21:52:56<Quicksilver> [i wasnt counting on him being a fucking idiot about it]
  1056. 2013-08-19T21:53:06<Lucyne> [He said multiple times he'd do it]
  1057. 2013-08-19T21:53:09<Lucyne> [Sheesh]
  1058. 2013-08-19T21:53:25<GreenHoof> [I found it odd that no one wanted to just sit down, relax, think rationally, and get to the bottom of this, restraining MurderLucy if necessary and calming her down enough to explain]
  1059. 2013-08-19T21:53:30<Quicksilver> [shut up]
  1060. 2013-08-19T21:53:37<Bacon_Grease> (Cut out the fucking OOC)
  1061. 2013-08-19T21:53:41<GreenHoof> [;_; okay]
  1062. 2013-08-19T21:53:42<Quicksilver> [fuck off]
  1063. 2013-08-19T21:53:46<Hearth> [#BlameBadPCs]
  1064. 2013-08-19T21:54:30Quicksilver just shakes her head, anger and sadness burning away "Just fuck off Able..."
  1065. 2013-08-19T21:54:40<cherenkov-3g> (i would have if everyone fucked off. but nooo. don't listen to the one person in the middle here)
  1066. 2013-08-19T21:55:06Able_Tome 's expression changes, the ever-vigilant smirk disappearing and giving way to an emotionless mask, eyes going cold as he looks at Lucyne, "So be it. There are lots of things that need to be discussed."
  1067. 2013-08-19T21:56:02GreenLight [] has joined #FourCannon-Riverside
  1068. 2013-08-19T21:56:14<Able_Tome> "Besides. The asset is lost as it is. No need to squabble for something that cannot be brought back."
  1069. 2013-08-19T21:57:47<Able_Tome> "There is a matter of several other fey dwellers that currently reside in Four Cannon."
  1070. 2013-08-19T21:57:58<Able_Tome> "Just so that you'd know."
  1071. 2013-08-19T21:58:27<GreenLight> [Bob was a Fey]
  1072. 2013-08-19T21:59:02<Real_Lucyne> "Good to know then...come back when we're all...more rational."
  1073. 2013-08-19T21:59:04Real_Lucyne huffs
  1074. 2013-08-19T21:59:21Quicksilver just lays there on the floor
  1075. 2013-08-19T22:00:21<Rain_Drop> [i notice how real_lucyne didnt come after me...]
  1076. 2013-08-19T22:00:36<GreenLight> [Rain...]
  1077. 2013-08-19T22:00:45<GreenLight> [;_;]
  1078. 2013-08-19T22:01:06GreenLight [] has quit IRC: Quit: Web client closed
  1079. 2013-08-19T22:01:13<Able_Tome> "Oh now. Then find me when you will need an update on your clone's little... backscene machinations, miss rationality."
  1080. 2013-08-19T22:01:46Able_Tome dusts his cloak, "I am pretty sure that you will want to know about that one."
  1081. 2013-08-19T22:02:42<Real_Lucyne> "Quite so."
  1082. 2013-08-19T22:02:50<Real_Lucyne> "We can talk another day."
  1083. 2013-08-19T22:02:52Able_Tome turns around looking at the crops, "Quite many things out there.", he says with a monotonous voice, "As for now, stay safe. You know where to find me."
  1084. 2013-08-19T22:03:24Real_Lucyne nods "Same house?"
  1085. 2013-08-19T22:03:29GreenLight [] has joined #FourCannon-Riverside
  1086. 2013-08-19T22:04:07<cherenkov-3g> !roll d20 to recover
  1087. 2013-08-19T22:04:07<GameServ> 14 == 14
  1088. 2013-08-19T22:04:29cherenkov-3g snaps back to reality.
  1089. 2013-08-19T22:05:04cherenkov-3g looks. "where did everyone go?"
  1090. 2013-08-19T22:05:28Able_Tome slowly walks closer to Quicksilver, "Indeed. Though our numeral designation system have changed."
  1091. 2013-08-19T22:06:45Quicksilver [] is now known as Quick_gone
  1092. 2013-08-19T22:07:54Able_Tome glances at Quick with a cold gaze, "You too, Quicksilver. Stay safe.", and begins to walk away, "Now clean up your mess yourself, if you don't want any help, Lucyne. You know where to find me."
  1093. 2013-08-19T22:08:33<Real_Lucyne> "I appreciate the offer, see you soon."
  1094. 2013-08-19T22:10:18<cherenkov-3g> I don't know what i should feel right now....
  1095. 2013-08-19T22:10:25<GreenLight> [Bad]
  1096. 2013-08-19T22:10:58<Real_Lucyne> "Now we...pick up the shards..."
  1097. 2013-08-19T22:11:54<Real_Lucyne> "Thank you Chere...I am so sorry."
  1098. 2013-08-19T22:11:59Real_Lucyne sits down next to Cherenkov.
  1099. 2013-08-19T22:13:06<cherenkov-3g> if only you didn't draw on rain...
  1100. 2013-08-19T22:13:44<cherenkov-3g> this could have ended peacefully
  1101. 2013-08-19T22:14:33<Real_Lucyne> "I'm sorry..."
  1102. 2013-08-19T22:14:37<Real_Lucyne> "I...just..."
  1103. 2013-08-19T22:14:40<Real_Lucyne> "It's so hard..."
  1104. 2013-08-19T22:14:45cherenkov-3g sighs. "i wanted her to be happy."
  1105. 2013-08-19T22:15:05<Real_Lucyne> "Well, I'm back, right?"
  1106. 2013-08-19T22:15:08Real_Lucyne smiles to Chere
  1107. 2013-08-19T22:15:12Quick_gone [] is now known as Quicksilver
  1108. 2013-08-19T22:15:31<cherenkov-3g> a year survivng changes a person. i had to change a lot to srvive the navy.
  1109. 2013-08-19T22:16:48<cherenkov-3g> fuck i can't deal with this as cherenkov any more. always putting others ahead of himself....
  1110. 2013-08-19T22:16:53<Real_Lucyne> "Yes..."
  1111. 2013-08-19T22:16:57Quicksilver contiues to stare at the spot where her friend once lay, blood covering the ground
  1112. 2013-08-19T22:17:28<Quicksilver> [wait cher are yu talking IC or OOC?]
  1113. 2013-08-19T22:17:29GreenHoof [webchat@] is now known as GreenHoof|Airport
  1114. 2013-08-19T22:18:51<cherenkov-3g> damn it. you're too stubborn nothing has changed. did you learn nothing about charging in against thr troll?
  1115. 2013-08-19T22:19:20<cherenkov-3g> DAMN IT LUCYNE
  1116. 2013-08-19T22:19:38<GreenLight> [Exactly.]
  1117. 2013-08-19T22:19:40cherenkov-3g pounds on her chest, sobbing
  1118. 2013-08-19T22:19:43Real_Lucyne turns to Chere
  1119. 2013-08-19T22:19:51<Real_Lucyne> "I am so sorry Chere..."
  1120. 2013-08-19T22:20:18<cherenkov-3g> at least rain will hate me instead of you
  1121. 2013-08-19T22:21:31<cherenkov-3g> i apply to the council for immunity from being charged with the death at this point
  1122. 2013-08-19T22:21:49<cherenkov-3g> your science team i mean
  1123. 2013-08-19T22:21:50<Real_Lucyne> "You killed a machine and saved my life."
  1124. 2013-08-19T22:21:59<cherenkov-3g> ...
  1125. 2013-08-19T22:22:38<cherenkov-3g> it was more than a machine to us! THINK WITH YOUR HEART FOR A DAMN SECOND.
  1126. 2013-08-19T22:23:04<GreenLight> [She doesn't have one~~~]
  1127. 2013-08-19T22:23:06<Real_Lucyne> "..."
  1128. 2013-08-19T22:23:09<Real_Lucyne> "I..."
  1129. 2013-08-19T22:23:17<cherenkov-3g> go to rain. comfort her. be happy.
  1130. 2013-08-19T22:23:49<cherenkov-3g> save me if you get a chance as well.
  1131. 2013-08-19T22:23:51<Real_Lucyne> "I..."
  1132. 2013-08-19T22:23:58<Real_Lucyne> "I don't know if I can face her..."
  1133. 2013-08-19T22:24:32<cherenkov-3g> will take time.
  1134. 2013-08-19T22:25:31<cherenkov-3g> feel free to stay at the inn... though damn it. why did things have to end like this?
  1135. 2013-08-19T22:26:06<Real_Lucyne> "It was fate...a cruel prank those fey played on us."
  1136. 2013-08-19T22:27:17<cherenkov-3g> and how do i know you're not their next trick on us? She has had time to gather lots of intel.
  1137. 2013-08-19T22:28:02<Real_Lucyne> "How can I prove it to you?"
  1138. 2013-08-19T22:28:08<Real_Lucyne> "I don't know Chere...I'm so tired..."
  1139. 2013-08-19T22:28:44Quicksilver stares with a dead expression, her mind convincing herself over and over again that her real best friend was dead.
  1140. 2013-08-19T22:28:53<cherenkov-3g> /me hisses. "Robots, clones, fuck. the real one might as well have died in the chasm. I will never know.
  1141. 2013-08-19T22:29:07GreenLight_ [] has joined #FourCannon-Riverside
  1142. 2013-08-19T22:29:44GreenLight [] has quit IRC: Quit: Web client closed
  1143. 2013-08-19T22:29:53GreenLight_ [] is now known as GreenLight
  1144. 2013-08-19T22:30:05<cherenkov-3g> Mark my words. We will destroy that cave one day. End all thrir dickery.
  1145. 2013-08-19T22:30:48<cherenkov-3g> for lucyne, and for lucy.
  1146. 2013-08-19T22:31:11<cherenkov-3g> for four cannon, and myself as well.
  1147. 2013-08-19T22:31:24Real_Lucyne sighs
  1148. 2013-08-19T22:32:11<cherenkov-3g> it will be a long road. it will take years, maybe generations
  1149. 2013-08-19T22:33:07<cherenkov-3g> but my friendship with her will not be forgotten and they will rue the day they fucked us over.
  1150. 2013-08-19T22:33:23<Real_Lucyne> "You are a noble man Chere...but we can't fight them."
  1151. 2013-08-19T22:33:30<Real_Lucyne> "Don't even think about it."
  1152. 2013-08-19T22:33:31<cherenkov-3g> The last thing they will see is mint.
  1153. 2013-08-19T22:33:36<Real_Lucyne> "We are flies compared to some fey."
  1154. 2013-08-19T22:34:17<cherenkov-3g> and even flies can carry disease that can kill something much larger
  1155. 2013-08-19T22:34:59<cherenkov-3g> we will use their tech against them somehow.
  1156. 2013-08-19T22:35:40<Real_Lucyne> "But...not today..."
  1157. 2013-08-19T22:35:43<Real_Lucyne> "I'm so tired."
  1158. 2013-08-19T22:35:46<Real_Lucyne> "We all are."
  1159. 2013-08-19T22:35:56<cherenkov-3g> obviously not today.
  1160. 2013-08-19T22:37:09Real_Lucyne nods softly
  1161. 2013-08-19T22:37:24<Real_Lucyne> "I haven't seen the stars in so long..."
  1162. 2013-08-19T22:37:27<cherenkov-3g> you can stay at my place for now. i need you close, and Feather has gone off to who knows where
  1163. 2013-08-19T22:37:44<Real_Lucyne> "That would be nice Chere...but Rain..."
  1164. 2013-08-19T22:37:51<GreenLight> [FeyLucyXCheren OTP]
  1165. 2013-08-19T22:38:52<cherenkov-3g> enjoy them. we aren't on earth any more. you said ot yourself. she might not be able to look at you right now.
  1166. 2013-08-19T22:39:11<Real_Lucyne> "I...I want to see Rain so bad.."
  1167. 2013-08-19T22:39:41<cherenkov-3g> then go. door will be open any time for you
  1168. 2013-08-19T22:39:56<Real_Lucyne> "But I'm so afraid..."
  1169. 2013-08-19T22:40:02<Real_Lucyne> "I haven't seen another pony in a year..."
  1170. 2013-08-19T22:40:29<cherenkov-3g> inn then?
  1171. 2013-08-19T22:40:48cherenkov-3g sighs.
  1172. 2013-08-19T22:40:54<Real_Lucyne> " there someplace me and you could be there in private...I need someone to...update me."
  1173. 2013-08-19T22:41:03<Real_Lucyne> "And the sky is making me...agoraphobic."
  1174. 2013-08-19T22:42:11<cherenkov-3g> there's my office.
  1175. 2013-08-19T22:42:43<Real_Lucyne> That would be something...anything with a ceiling...
  1176. 2013-08-19T22:43:14<cherenkov-3g> (afk for a bit)
  1177. 2013-08-19T22:43:22<Lucyne> (I'll be the real Lucy from now on=
  1178. 2013-08-19T22:43:27<Lucyne> (Ok, see ya then)
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