

Nov 12th, 2015
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  1. <Eddie> So, you know a parabola right? y = ax² + bx + c
  2. <John_Wolfe_> That could be intepreted as such thing.
  3. <John_Wolfe_> please, do continue.
  4. <Eddie> Now imagine a tangent line to that parabola on one side and a symmetrical one on the other.
  5. <John_Wolfe_> mmhm
  6. <Eddie> (if it's on the vertex, they're both horizontal I guess)
  7. <John_Wolfe_> yes.
  8. <Eddie> The theorem states that the y distance between the tangent points and the vertex is the same as the distance between the vertex and the intersection of the tangent lines.
  9. <Nekohime> If you tilt your head 90degrees left or right, it's no longer horizontal.
  10. <Nekohime> mind = blown
  11. <Eddie> You must prove this now.
  12. <Eddie> Well not 'now' but if you wish :p
  13. <John_Wolfe_> well.
  14. <John_Wolfe_> let P be a point belongnin to the parabola.
  15. <John_Wolfe_> call P' the symmetrical point with respect to the parabola's axis.
  16. <John_Wolfe_> also le V be the vertex of the parabola.
  17. <John_Wolfe_> *let
  18. <Eddie> Aye.
  19. <John_Wolfe_> call t the tangent line at P, and t' the tangent line at P'
  20. <John_Wolfe_> ffs let's say P \neq V
  21. <John_Wolfe_> so there is only one point in the intersection t \cap t'
  22. <John_Wolfe_> call it
  23. <John_Wolfe_> mmmh
  24. <John_Wolfe_> Q
  25. <John_Wolfe_> so.
  26. <John_Wolfe_> you have to prove that PV \equiv VQ
  27. <Eddie> well the y distance of PV
  28. <John_Wolfe_> nah y messes with coordinates.
  29. <John_Wolfe_> can we solve this with analytical arguments or have we to stick to euclidean geometry?
  30. <Eddie> I solved it by playing with the equations I think.
  31. <Eddie> It was a direct proof.
  32. <John_Wolfe_> because im sniffing a geometric argument out
  33. <Eddie> Mind you it was... 8 years ago
  34. <John_Wolfe_> but it's a hassle to get
  35. <Eddie> Somewhat
  36. <Eddie> the only purpose for this to me was to find a formula for the area of the triangle formed
  37. <John_Wolfe_> So
  38. <Eddie> if you close it off between the tangent points
  39. <John_Wolfe_> let's say that the parabola is y = ax^2
  40. <Eddie> okay
  41. <John_Wolfe_> any other form relates to this one by traslation.
  42. <Eddie> aye
  43. <John_Wolfe_> so if we prove the argument here, it holds for any parabola.
  44. <John_Wolfe_> let's take P to have coordinates (x_P,y_P)
  45. <Eddie> Most likely :3
  46. <John_Wolfe_> obviously, y_P = a(x_P)^2
  47. <John_Wolfe_> but who cares
  48. <John_Wolfe_> the coordinates of P' are (-x_P, y_P)
  49. <Eddie> Yes sir
  50. <John_Wolfe_> because the axis of the parabola is now the y axis, x=0
  51. <John_Wolfe_> so the tangent lines t and t' have equazions
  52. <John_Wolfe_> t: y - y_p = 2ax_P (x - x_P)
  53. <John_Wolfe_> and t': y - y_P = -2ax_P (x + x_P)
  54. <John_Wolfe_> these two meet at (0, y_P - 2a(x_P)^2)
  55. * Rae|Shower is now known as Rae
  56. <John_Wolfe_> which is really (0, - a(x_P)^2)
  57. <John_Wolfe_> so the distance VQ is \abs{-a(x_P)^2}
  58. <Solonarv> John_Wolfe_, try not to use latex here
  59. <Solonarv> the notation is not very readable
  60. <John_Wolfe_> uff
  61. <John_Wolfe_> |-a(x_P)^2|
  62. <Solonarv> :3
  63. <John_Wolfe_> whcih is really |a| (x_P)^2 cus no complex numbers are involved.
  64. <John_Wolfe_> now we compute the distance VP
  65. <Solonarv> You can assume a > 0 without loss of generality and drop the '|.|
  66. <John_Wolfe_> since V = (0,0)
  67. <John_Wolfe_> (because the parabola is y = ax^2)
  68. <John_Wolfe_> the distance PV is just the square root of (x_P^2 + y_P^2)
  69. <John_Wolfe_> ah
  70. <John_Wolfe_> im a moron :D
  71. <John_Wolfe_> i did some error :/
  72. <John_Wolfe_> or not?
  73. <Eddie> I'm working at the same time and I agree with Solonarv lol sorry x3
  74. <Solonarv> I barely even said anything :P
  75. <John_Wolfe_> So the theorem is wrong.
  76. <John_Wolfe_> Either me or you misunderstood that thing.
  77. <John_Wolfe_> because QV turn out to be a (x_P)^2
  78. <John_Wolfe_> *|a|(x_P)^2
  79. <John_Wolfe_> and PV is \sqrt{1+a^2}(x_P)
  80. <John_Wolfe_> where \sqrt{@} denotes the square root of @
  81. <Solonarv> mh
  82. <John_Wolfe_> are you sure it's the vertex?
  83. <John_Wolfe_> because if that was the _focus_ of the parabola, the theorem would hold
  84. <Eddie> Does it?
  85. <Eddie> Yes vertex but if you find for the focus too...
  86. <Solonarv> It certainly won't hold for both.
  87. <John_Wolfe_> can i send files over?
  88. <Solonarv> there's DCC but that doesn't work very well through routers
  89. <John_Wolfe_> anyhows.
  90. <Solonarv> just slap it on dropbox or google drive or something and drop a link here.
  91. <John_Wolfe_> Well
  92. <John_Wolfe_> the proof is identical
  93. <Solonarv> ...mostly
  94. <John_Wolfe_> but the focus has coordinates (0, (1+4a)/(4a))
  95. <John_Wolfe_> the equations for t and t' still hold
  96. <John_Wolfe_> so Q is still the point (0, -a(x_P)^2)
  97. * NoIdent ( has joined
  98. * NoIdent has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
  99. <John_Wolfe_> but now the distance PQ would be |a(x_P)^2 + (1+4a)/(4a)|
  100. * Vincent7 has quit (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
  101. <John_Wolfe_> sorry
  102. <John_Wolfe_> the distance QF would be |a(x_P)^2 + (1+4a)/(4a)|
  103. <John_Wolfe_> F being the focus
  104. <John_Wolfe_> and th distance PF would also be |a(x_P)^2 + (1+4a)/(4a)|
  105. <John_Wolfe_> so yes
  106. <John_Wolfe_> the theorem holds if you replace vertex with focus.
  107. <Solonarv> TL;DR the theorem does not hold for the vertex, but it does hold for the focus
  108. <John_Wolfe_> bascially
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