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  1. #Activity - Letter from Birmingham Jail - April 16, 1963
  3.     1)) What role do you think that the author had in the 1963 Birmingham movement?
  4. While "King never explicitly states a title" or role
  6.     2)) What motivated King to write this letter?
  7. King wrote the letter in "response"
  9.     3)) Describe Kings point of view regarding the state of race relations in 1963 Birmingham.
  10. King believed that a “dialogue”
  12.     4)) What forms of direct action did MLK support?   
  13. "Sit-ins"
  15.     5)) How did King answer the question “How can you advocate breaking some laws and obeying others?” 
  16. King believed that "just laws" aligned with the moral code
  18.     6)) How does the news photo of bomb damage done to MLKs headquarters corroborate his grievances in the Birmingham letter?
  19. in Birmingham were "resorting to violent means"
  21.     7)) What did King believe would happen if ones “yearning for freedom” remained oppressed?  
  22. if ones yearning for freedom is not "manifested"
  24.     8)) What do you believe is the legacy, or lasting impact, of Kings efforts on America and Americans today?
  25. Kings efforts have allowed for America to be less segregated and it has made corporations accept people for who they are not what they look like.
  27. The student uses complete sentences to satisfactorily and clearly explain an opinion about the impact of Martin Luther King, Jr. on America and Americans today. (100 pts)
  28. The student uses complete sentences to somewhat clearly explain an opinion about the impact of Martin Luther King, Jr. on America and Americans today. (85 pts)
  29. The student fails to use complete sentences or to satisfactorily and clearly explain an opinion about the impact of Martin Luther King, Jr. on America and Americans today. (70 pts)
  30. The student fails to attempt to answer the question. (0 pts)
  31. Total: 75/100
  32. 75 of 100 Calculated from rubric
  39. #Lesson 5 - Kennedy Administration
  41.     1)) President "Eisenhower" and Premier "Khruschev" agreed to attend a summit meeting in Paris in 1960 to discuss issues of mutual interest. During the summit, news came that an American "U-2" spy plane had been shot down over the Soviet Union.
  43.     2)) The U-2 incident "increased" tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union.
  45.     3))  In the 1960 Presidential election, "Richard Nixon" , the Vice President, was given the Republican nomination as Presidential candidate. His opponent was the Democratic Senator from Massachusetts, "John Fitzgerald Kennedy".
  47.     4)) More than any before it, the 1960 presidential election was a(n) "TELEVISION" campaign.
  49.     5)) Before Kennedy, no member of the "ROMAN CATHOLIC" religion had ever been elected President.
  51.     6)) Kennedys "NEW FRONTIER" plan included proposals providing health insurance for the elderly, federal aid to education, and federal support for other social programs.
  53.     7)) JFK was convinced that the United States needed to base its defenses on "NUCLEAR" weapons. He also wanted a strong and flexible "MILITARY" that could meet any crisis in any part of the world.
  55.     8)) Concern for Latin American nations increased when Cuba fell to a communist rebellion under "FIDEL CASTRO" in 1959.
  57.     9)) The "BAY OF PIGS" invasion was a failed attempt in 1961 to overthrow Cubas communist government.
  59.     10)) In June 1961, Premier Khrushchev constructed the "BERLIN WALL" to prevent East Germans from finding asylum in West Germany.
  61.     11))  The "CUBAN" Crisis began in the late summer of 1962, when American spy planes found evidence that Soviet "NUCLEAR MISSILES" had been installed on the island of Cuba. President Kennedy ordered a(n) "BLOCKADE" of Cuba to keep the missiles from being delivered.
  63.     12)) The Cuban Missile Crisis ended after Khrushchev agreed to bring the ships home, and the United States agreed to remove missiles from "TURKEY".
  65.     13)) The "PEACE CORPS" involved sending trained volunteers, mostly college graduates, to countries that needed technical assistance to help these countries become modernized.
  67.     14)) Shortly after JFKs death, "Lyndon Baines Johnson" was sworn in as the 36th President of the United States.
  69.     15)) Type in the blank the events of JFKs assassination in chronological order using the numbers 1-5.
  71. 1 "President Kennedy arrives" in Dallas. He takes part in a motorcade from Love Field airport to the Dallas Trade Mart.
  72. 5 "Jack Ruby", a Dallas night club owner, murders Oswald on live nationwide television.
  73. 3 "Lee Harvey Oswald", who had shot the President, flees the Depository. He is confronted by a Dallas policeman, J. D. Tippit, whom Oswald shoots and kills.
  74. 4 Oswald "flees into a theater", where he is arrested by Dallas Police.
  75. 2 The President "dies" just a few minutes after arrival at Parkland Hospital.
  77.     16)) What do you think President Kennedy meant when he said, Ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country?  
  78. Kennedy wanted Americans to see that they were the power or agent of change behind government and he challenged them to not wait passively for government assistance, but "instead" work to "improve" the nation.
  80.     17)) What were three things JFK did to advance the rights of women?
  85.     18)) What were the findings of the Warren Commission?
  86. The commission reached the conclusion that Lee Harvey Oswald "acted alone" in targeting Kennedy, and Jack Ruby had "acted alone" in the shooting of Oswald.
  93. #Lesson 6 - Johnson Administration
  95.     1)) President "JOHNSON" was a veteran in Washington, well-known and slightly "FEARED" by almost everyone who knew him. He could be "FRIENDLY", but in debate (whether personal or public), he could be fierce and intimidating.
  97. 2) LBJ was an ardent supporter and admirer of _________, and he believed that much remained to be done to help some Americans share in the prosperity of the times.    
  98. "Franklin D. Roosevelt"
  100. 3) President Johnson wanted to see an end to "POVERTY" in America. He had taught school in a(n) "POVERTY-STRICKEN" area, and his own family had seen hard times during the Great Depression.
  102. 4) LBJs efforts led to the "CIVIL RIGHTS" Act of 1964 and the "VOTER RIGHTS" Act of 1965.
  104. 5) The _______ Resolution authorized the President to conduct military operations against North Vietnam.   
  105. "Tonkin Gulf"
  107. 6) President Johnsons opponent in the 1964 election was ______. He was a very conservative Republican Senator from Arizona.
  108. "Barry Goldwater"
  110. 7) Johnson won the ____ election in a landslide.   
  111. "1964"
  113. 8) The speech A Time for "CHOOSING" set forth the conservative ideals of Goldwater, but it also brought "RONALD REAGAN" to political prominence.
  115. 9) President Johnsons ________ proposals were intended to help the young, the elderly, the sick, the unemployed, and the taxpayer and business owner.      
  116. "Great Society"
  118. 10) Over time, it became apparent that Great Society programs were creating a(n) _________ on the government for basic needs such as food and shelter. 
  119. "dependency"
  121. 11) On July 20, 1969, Apollo 11 landed safely on _____________.    
  122. "the moon"
  124. 12) After stepping onto the lunar surface, Astronaut _______ said, Thats one small step for (a) man, one giant leap for mankind.   
  125. "Neil Armstrong"
  127. 13) Former President ___________ attended the launch of Apollo 11 and was justifiably proud of his part in putting a man on the moon.
  128. "Johnson"
  130. 14) Match the programs created by the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 with their definitions.
  131. "HEAD START"    a government-run preschool
  132. "JOB CORPS"     trained young people and helped them find jobs
  133. "VISTA"         a domestic equivalent of the Peace Corps
  135. 15) What was the Constitutional implication of the Tonkin Gulf Resolution? 
  136. The Tonkin Gulf Resolution gave the "executive branch" new powers. It empowered the President to commit U.S. armed forces "without a declaration of war from Congress."
  138. 16) In what ways did the Apollo program fulfill President Kennedys promise, We choose to go to the moon in this decade . . .?  
  139. "It allowed Americans to reach the moon."  
  140. "It was the culmination of the Space Race."
  141. "It allowed Americans to make successful lunar landings."
  149. #Lesson 7 - The Modern Civil Rights Movement
  151. 1) Dr. ________ and Dr. _________ began speaking and organizing peaceful protests in many towns and cities after the Montgomery Bus Boycott.   
  152. "King"
  154. 2) In April 1963, the SCLC initiated a protest movement against segregation laws in ________, Alabama. 
  155. "Birmingham"
  157. 3) In the summer of 1963, as many as 200,000 protestors gathered in ______________, to ask Congress and the President to pass new civil rights legislation.
  158. "Washington, D.C."
  160. 4) Dr. King addressed a massive crowd from the steps of the _____.
  161. "Lincoln Memorial"
  163. 5) Dr. Kings I Have a _______ speech is considered one of the most influential speeches in American History.       
  164. "Dream"
  166. 6) With President Johnsons encouragement, the Congress passed the ________ Act of 1964.    
  167. "Civil Rights"
  169. 7) The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was highly specific, removing some ambiguities that had made these acts easy to ignore. It enforced the constitutional right to "VOTE", ended "SEGREGATION" in public places, and prevented "DISCRIMINATION" in federally assisted programs.
  171. 8) The Civil Rights Act of _____ also empowered the Attorney General and the courts to enforce these measures.     
  172. "1964"
  174. 9) The Voting Rights Act of _____ sought to do away with the literacy test for voting.     
  175. "1965"
  177. 10) The "SELMA"-to-"MONTGOMERY" March had its desired effect. President Johnson talked to Governor Wallace in a face-to-face meeting to ask the governor not to resist the federal laws.
  179. 11) Type in the blank the Selma civil rights events in chronological order using the numbers 1-7.
  180. 7 A march from Selma to Montgomery ends after a judge issues a restraining order.
  181. 5 White officials in the town use intimidation and violence to keep blacks from registering.
  182. 1 A letter of protest is hand-delivered to Governor Wallaces secretary. President Johnson meets with Wallace, encouraging him to not to resist federal laws.
  183. 6 A march from Selma to Montgomery ends after state troopers attack the marchers with billy clubs and  tear gas.
  184. 4 A crowd swelling to 40,000 successfully marches into Montgomery for a rally.
  185. 3 A march to Selmas courthouse organized by Dr. King was broken up, and a young teenager is shot and  killed by a white officer.
  186. 2 Activists started a voter registration drive among Selmas black residents.
  188. 12) What are three ways in which Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and Dr. Ralph Abernathy suffered in the cause for civil rights?  
  189. They were "arrested".  
  190. They were "threatened" with lynching by opponents.
  191. They were "forced from their homes" by bombings and fires.
  193. 13) How did the use of powerful fire hoses on Birmingham demonstrators work in favor of the civil rights movement?     
  194. The use of fire hoses on the demonstrators was recorded and broadcast on "television". The treatment of the protestors appalled Americans and "led many whites to believe" it was time for a change.
  196. 14) Why did some Southern whites fear allowing blacks to vote? 
  197. Whites in some areas feared black voters because blacks outnumbered whites. The whites knew that "white politicians would be voted out of office".
  199. 15) Follow the instructions under the Activity header, then answer the following question. What was the date of the March? 
  200. "Wednesday", August, "28", 1963
  202. 16) Follow the instructions under the Activity header, then answer the following question. Select all who organized the March. 
  203. "labor organizations"  
  204. "religious organizations"      
  205. "Civil Rights leaders"
  207. 17) Follow the instructions under the Activity header, then answer the following question.     
  208. to ask the federal government to help with "joblessness"
  210. 18) Follow the instructions under the Activity header, then answer the following question. What was the major concern of both the March leaders and government officials?  
  211. They were concerned about the "potential for violence".
  213. 19) Follow the instructions under the Activity header, then answer the following question. How many demonstrators attended the March?      
  214. between "200,000 and 300,000"
  216. 20) Follow the instructions under the Activity header, then answer the following question. Whom did Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., follow in the program?
  217. "Rabbi Joachim Prinz"
  219. 21) Follow the instructions under the Activity header, then answer the following question. In his speech, how did Dr. King describe the current condition of the Negro?
  220. He said that the Negro was still not free—“an exile in his own land."
  222. 22) Follow the instructions under the Activity header, then answer the following question. Select the five "dreams" mentioned by King in his speech.   
  223.     Dr. King dreamed that the "nation would live up to the ideals" in the creed, We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal.  
  224.     Dr. King dreamed that his "children would live" in a country that would judge their character, not their skin color.   
  225.     Dr. King dreamed that "sons of slaves and slave owners" would be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.
  226.     Dr. King dreamed that Mississippi, ". . . sweltering with the heat of injustice . . ." would become a state that embraced freedom and justice.
  227.     Dr. King dreamed that "black" children and "white" children in Alabama would join hands as brothers and sisters.
  229. 23) Follow the instructions under the Activity header, then answer the following question. What 1964 legislation was the March instrumental in helping become law?
  230. "The 1964 Civil Rights Act"
  237. #Lesson 8 - Violence Comes to the Civil Rights Movement
  239. 1) In "WATTS", a black section in LOS ANGELES", people were killed in riots each year between 1964 and 1967.
  241. 2) African-American young people began to seek leadership that would work for black _________, not integration.
  242. "separatism"
  244. 3) Black separatism found a voice in _______. He adopted his last name in honor of his African name, which was lost to him.    
  245. "Malcolm X"
  247. 4) While Malcolm X did not actively pursue __________, he believed it could be effective.
  248. "violence"
  250. 5) A few years after joining the "NATION" of "ISLAM" movement, Malcolm X became disenchanted with its leader, "ELIJAH MUHAMMAD". He then turned to Arabic Islam.
  252. 6) ____________, an escaped convict, pled guilty of MLKs murder and was sentenced to a 99-year prison term.
  253. "James Earl Ray"
  255. 7)tryAGAIN Type in the blank the Memphis sanitation workers strike events in chronological order using the numbers 1-7.
  256. 1MLK and other SCLC leaders join negotiations to end the strike.
  257. 6The city of Memphis hires replacement workers, who are harassed by the strikers.
  258. 2While following city rules, two black sanitation workers are crushed to death in the back of a truck.
  259. 7Dr. King is shot while standing on the balcony of his hotel room. He dies a short time later.
  260. 4Memphis city officials agree to a settlement that they later unsuccessfully try to negate.
  261. 5Workers stage a strike and attempt to join a union of municipal workers.
  262. 3Race riots erupt in Washington, D.C., Chicago, and other towns.
  264. 8) Who assassinated Malcolm X? 
  265. "three men from the Nation of Islam"
  267. 9) What was the ideology behind the theme of Black Power?      
  268. Blacks should "remain separate" from white society and celebrate their African roots.
  270. 10) The theme song of the civil rights movement was ___ by Charles Albert Tindley. 
  271. "We Shall Overcome"
  273. 11) What were two growing frustrations of African Americans even after civil rights gains? 
  274. Blacks were angry that whites were still finding "overt and veiled" ways to lock them out of society.  
  275. Blacks were frustrated that the "job situation had not improved".
  282. #Lesson 9 - The Warren Court
  284. 1) As Chief Justice, ___________ led the Supreme Court into a new era of prominence and power.
  285. "EARL WARREN"
  287. 2) Justice Warren did not have extreme leanings "POLITICALLY". Rather, he believed in the "LAW".
  289. 3) Justice Warren often said that the judicial system was for "CRIMINALS". It did not exist to support the current political views or "EQUITABLE" laws.
  291. 4) Critics believe the Warren Court carved out too much "POWER" for itself and did not have a(n) "STRICT" enough view of the Constitution.
  293. 5) The Warren Courts willingness to break with ___________ and its view of the Constitution made it very powerful in terms of change in the nation.
  296. 6) The Warren Court ruled that "SOME" lines needed to be redrawn frequently to ensure that all voters were represented fairly in their state "WAHT".
  298. 7) President Johnson appointed ___________ to the Court in 1967, making him the first African-American Supreme Court justice.  
  299. "Thurgood Marshall"
  301. 8) Match the Warren Court rulings with the case names.
  303. "A" The Court established that "police must follow" procedure when making an arrest to ensure that the person understood his rights.
  304. "C" The Court clarified the "illegality of forced segregation" in dealing with interracial marriages.
  305. "B" The Court ruled that state laws "could not set aside" the Courts decision to end segregation of public education.
  306. "F" Stating that it "amounted to government-sponsored" establishment of religion, the Court removed the recitation of prayers prepared for students by government officials.
  307. "D" This "ruling overturned the segregation" of "public education".
  308. "E" The Court ruled that public "schools could not require students" to read the "Bible" nor hear the Bible read as part of official school activities.
  309. a. Miranda v. Arizona
  310. b. Cooper v. Aaron
  311. c. Loving v. Virginia
  312. d. Brown v. Board of Education
  313. e. Abington School District v. Schempp
  314. f. Engel v. Vitale
  316. 9) What reasons were cited by critics against removing prayer and Bible reading from public schools?   
  317. The critics argued that the Founders "did not intend" to take God out of the public arena, but to "prevent the federal government" from establishing a national religion.
  324. #Lesson 9 - Activity - The Twenty-third Amendment
  326. 1) Activity - The Twenty-third Amendment
  328. Research the Twenty-third Amendment and write an essay (minimum of four paragraphs) answering these questions.
  330. 1 What is the subject and purpose of the Twenty-third Amendment?
  331. 2 What were the circumstances that led to its adoption and  ratification?
  332. 3 Did it face opposition?
  333. 4 When was it passed?
  335. The twenty-third amendment gives citizens in the District of Columbia the right to vote. It was proposed on June 16, 1960 and was ratified March 29, 1961.
  337. Total: 75/100
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