

Sep 29th, 2019
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  1. Cali is a greedy and egotistical former businesswoman who says that her friends must be dealt with kindness. In reality, she rarely cares about anything or anyone other than herself or her own ambitions.
  3. She hails from the world of Alignot, a world run by corporations and businessmen rather than countries. This world seemingly lacks much realism, some say it is the success of the old businessmen, or by pure chance. It is heavily polluted and has a vaguely 1900's feel to it, and has various steampunk aspects. This world has strict guidelines for how businesses conduct themselves, though often times they go ignored due to the lack of checks on powers. The world is governed by alliances of companies, often competing alliances. Often big oil, market industries, or machine industries. This world is mainly urban, though it has areas for the rural area, with stark boundaries between the 2.
  5. With a lack of renewable energy sources the planet has begun to exhaust its resources and has become polluted in the main areas. They have magical abilities, however most prefer to use their economic thinking and power to gain power and control. Cali's family was running one of the oil companies, it did decently well, though it was not the biggest. It was free market capitalism at its finest, with everyone buying and selling products. This society was doomed to fail from the start, however Cali herself was just like the rest. At the start of it all she was just like any other business owner or employee, merely wanting to get more, get the best product.
  7. When her parents died in an unfortunate accident she was heartbroken, though she quickly gained the reigns of this corporation and worked on ways as to how get it the most powerful on the entire planet. The power she was granted went to her head, originally grief stricken, she used that to her advantage and blamed the accident on another oil company. Hiring a bunch of thugs, thieves, and criminals, she destroyed that entire company and absorbed it into her own. Marksman Oil Co. Marksman was her last name after all.
  9. She took part in thieving and the elimination of competition of other companies. These companies had mined the planet and at this point only very few resources were left on the planet. Though Cali was determined to make the rest her own, for she, and she alone would rule the world of Alignot. This would later work out, when she found a collection of gems in the vault of her rival company that gave the CEO's powers beyond their wildest dreams, however just before they could use them, Cali had them murdered so she could claim the gems for herself. These gems were the luck gem (granter of economic luck), shift gem (granter of shapeshifting), and electrical gem (granter of power of electricity). When she touched them she went berserk for power and control, and their magical powers ripped away at her already almost logic-less mind.
  11. After this happened she declared herself the World Chief, the leader of all the corporations. Though she was not. She had machines built that thwarted the other companies from expanding. Once that was completed, she was indeed, the World Chief. However unfortunately for her, the other companies and remaining CEO's had teamed up against her and used their magical might and their economic power in an ultimate plan. The death of Cali, and the re-establishment of their control.
  13. Cali had dreams of going into other worlds to plunder their power and energy for herself, however even her own didn't follow through with her orders. In a grand collaboration, a massive bomb would be built, and this bomb would take the life of Cali. They cried and cheered as it went off, finally they were free! However what was least expected was that Cali's spirit had survived! She looked down from the site of explosion with pity before saying, "You'll all end up the same way, some day!" before she flew into the unknown.
  15. The remaining companies and CEOs had set up a great compact, to make sure this would never happen again, as they would slowly rebuild their homeworld, though it was vastly debated at the time whether it was worth saving or not. Months of debate followed, before they decided to leave their world in a mass exodus, leaving a husk and resource-less world, that once was a blue marble just like ours. They would go elsewhere, but so did Cali.
  17. Cali's soul floated amongst the stars for eons, now being less intelligent, less evil, and is now very cowardly (due to her manner of death). Nonetheless, her selfishness and greed still remained. But a new desire came to fruition, she realized her mistakes, she realized her wrongs. Her magical power had laid dormant, and with it her critical thinking had returned. She sought to descend upon another world and save them from people like herself. Save them from corporations and greedy businessmen, despite being one herself. However that might be what she says...however at the core she is just as the same, just a bit different.
  19. However in time, she managed to repair her body, though took the form of a vessel of power as it floated through the stars. And, so she descended on the world of 'Advanced Wars', eons after her 'death'.
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