
Saikawa Minazashi

Jul 21st, 2018
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  1. Name: Koharu Minazashi
  2. Race: Cursed Child
  3. Gastrea Factor: Fox model
  4. Age: 10
  5. Height: 4'0"
  6. Weight: 78 lbs.
  8. Abilities: Nightvision and enhanced sight, enhanced smell and hearing, enhanced stamina and regeneration, enhanced running speeds.
  10. Method of combat: Close quarters hit and fade.
  12. Weapons: Retractable claws
  14. Appearance: Before you stands a little girl with flowing auburn hair and two black-tipped fox ears sprouting from her skull. Her demeanor is that of a playful hunter, and in her red eyes one can see the keen drive of a predator. One can also see the markings of someone who has clearly seen her fair share of hell. Her clothing reflects this, the girl wearing a tattered dress and looking quite dirty, as though she's been rolling in the dirt which probably isn't too far off from the truth. The most striking part about her aside from her overall appearance and fox ears are her nails which are able to extend to 4-inch long razors capable of cutting through metal with minimal effort.
  16. Bio: Like all Cursed Children, Saikawa was the result of a Gastrea entering her mother while she was pregnant and infectin the embryo before cell specialization was able to take place. As such she was, as all Cursed Children are, born as a female due to the genetic corruption of the viral parasite. Unlike most Cursed Children however, her parents did not fear nor despise her and treated her like all parents should treat their children: with love, affection and understanding.
  18. Of course, this made both her and her parents an even larger target for the hatred of other humans who weren't so open-minded and understanding. This made her parents even more protective of their daughter and prompted them to lash out against those who threatened them with violence though her parents never responded with violence unless provoked. Many a night was spent huddled up in their home in fear of lynchmobs and her parents never let her outside to keep her safe. One day however, she went outsde despite her parents' wishes to see the outside world in all its beauty.
  20. As you can expect, this was a bad idea; evil men and women were lying in ambush and jumped her with intent to kill what they perceived as a monster. She fought back as best she could, but was inexperienced and easily subdued, though as she was being taken away she left a trail of her distinctive auburn hair in hopes her parents would come save her. When her parents found out she was missing, they indeed set about searching for her eventually finding the trail and following it while calling her name.
  22. They found her curled up against a tree with multiple gunshot wounds and blood soaking her clothing and hair and surrounded by an angry group of men and women. They flew into a rage then and leapt on the group assaulting their daughter, fighting them off to allow her time to escape. She cried for her parents wanting to stay and help, but they urged her to flee. Reluctantly, she conceded and fled the scene, escaping into the forest to hide while trying to block out the sounds of the mob and the cries of her parents. After what felt like an eternity of crying and shivering in a scared little ball, the sounds of violence finally died down. Thinking her parents managed to fight the mob off, she slowly went back to the sight of the attack. She found her parents with several gunshot w0unds to their chests and torsos, bleeding out and rapidly dying.
  24. This caused something inside the young girl to snap, and all the rage she never felt until that day flooded her mind, her red eyes turning an even brighter crimson as claws grew from her fingers. She crouched in front of her parents and glared hatred at the mob, who had turned back towards her and saw her in all her fury. She charged them with blinding speed and drove her claws into the leader of the mob, gouging a chunk out of his chest and felling him before fleeing into the forest to draw the rest of the mob away from her parents, leading them to their deaths. She returned to her parents covered in blood, and cried over their bodies, weeping tears of blood.
  26. And this is where her story begins.
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