
Corr!Jane+Keen!Roxy RP

May 30th, 2013
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  1. Jane stared down at her erstwhile friend. Once Jane had been a happy young lass, full of vim and innocence. But now she was corrupted by the Batterwitch. Her mind was in turmoil, wrenched about until Jane had become a being without mercy. Once the witch was done with her, Jane had begun work on her friend, corrupting Roxy until she was little more than a subby little slave. And today, Jane had decided to play with her toy. She snapped her fingers and around her the room changed, becoming a replica of her old kitchen. Jane's outfit had also changed, from the red outfit she wore under the Queen's command to her old shirt and skirt. Roxy still lay asleep, now in her old cloths as well, her collar and leash however still about her neck. Jane leaned down, and gave Roxy's ass a tight squeeze, waking her. "Good morning my dear," Jane cooed, "It's time to play"
  2. Roxy yawned a little in her drunken stupor. She had, like usual, passed out drunk. She was used to this kind of awakening by now, rising with a head pounding from last night's drinks, but their effects still not wholly worn off just to do something for her mistress. She had been taught not to speak unless spoken to, as it was very rude to do that to the heiress and she might get beaten. She stretched a little before looking to her mistress, with a drunken, lustful look upon her face. At least it was time to play, which was always a good time. That is, unless Jane took it too far.
  3. "Up up" Jane said, gently tugging on her slave's leash, urging Roxy to crawl through the kitchen "Now my pet, I've been working on my Powers as a Maid of Life and have devised some new ways to use them. We're going to experiment today with some of my latest baking efforts" Jane bent over, removing from an oven a tray of cupcakes, already frosted and smelling delicious. Jane set them down, and waved her hand over them, something subtly changing in them. She turned and snapped her fingers at Roxy. "Alright, now sit up, hands behind your back" Then Jane, with tape in hand advanced on Roxy, taping her hands behind her back.
  4. Roxy drooled at the scent of the cupcakes, doing as Jane said in order to get some of the treats. It had been quite a while since she had the joy to try Jane's baked goods, or sweets in general. Most of her food had been bland and tasteless (well besides her booze), and the promise of some good food was too much. She'd sit erect, well almost due to her drunken state, and look to Jane with eyes full of hunger, mouth open.
  5. "Open wide pet" Jane picked a cake up, and stuffed it into Roxy's mouth, frosting coating her face. As Roxy tried to swallow, Jane stuffed another, and then another into Roxy's mouth. She then stood back and watched, her pet struggling to chew her food while now being frosting covered.
  6. Roxy began chewing the cupcakes up to the best of her abilities. Her cheeks began to bulge out like a chipmunk's as chewing began getting more and more difficult, her jaw getting tired. Her face was frosting covered and some crumbs dribbled from her mouth as she began attempting to swallow. Slowly her cheeks stopped bulging until her mouth was empty. She panted as she opened her mouth once more, looking to Jane expectantly.
  7. "Ah ah, just wait a moment my pet, I wish to see if-" Jane didn't finish that sentence however, as her awaited results had begun to manifest. As she watched, Roxy began to plump up, breasts belly and ass beginning to noticeably and quickly swell!
  8. Roxy gasps from the sensation, jumping a little bit and sending a small jiggle upon herself. She'd look to Jane for more, eyes full of lust and hunger as drool dripped down her cheek. She wanted more, she didn't care what they did to her body. They tasted like heaven, and that's all she cared about right now.
  9. "Mmmmm yes, exactly as I wished" Jane watched as the once stick thin girl became to plump, belly and bum gradually filling out, while Roxy's bust was pudging out at a rapid pace, going from barely B's to certainly C's right on into definitely D's. "Oh this is such a good start my pet, and as a reward you get another" Jane handed down Roxy another cake, stuffing it into her mouth, and then petting the happy girl as she chewed, and swelled
  10. Roxy would swell as she'd devour the cake, frosting and crumbs spreading upon her now chubby cheeks. She'd moan loudly, savoring all of the cupcakey goodness. She'd even attempt getting the frosting from her nose that had smeared when Jane pressed the cakes to her face before.
  11. "Aww, little piggy is getting quite chubby isn't she? Do you want more?" Jane bent, squeezing and pinching all of Roxy's new plumpness, especially teasing her nipples, now packed inside of her straining shirt and bra, "Well you're gonna have to beg for it. What would you do for more my little pet?"
  12. "anythig", she'd say in her usual slur, eyes full of lust and hunger. She was now quite plump, her body filling out to a voluptuous hourglass. "ill do anythin fer sum more", she'd say, drooling.
  13. "Oh that's what I like to hear," Jane ran a hand across Roxy's cheek, gently pushing her thumb into her mouth, as she reached for another cake, before wedging the cake in Roxy's cleavage, "I want to see if you can eat it from there. Go on,"
  14. Roxy of course would lean down, licking and attempting to eat the cake. Her face became covered in frosting and crumbs as she struggled to eat it. She probably looked like a mess, struggling just for a small cupcake like this.
  15. Jane giggles, watching her captured friend struggle to devour the cake, watching as the mess covered slave plumped up even fuller, her broadening rump beginning to noticeably lift her up into the air, her breast now easily bigger then her head, and beginning to rip her shirt in places. A Roxy finished, Jane pushed her onto her back, straddling her, and began to shove cakes into the bloating girl.
  16. The girl would devour them happily, moaning loudly as drool, crumbs, and frosting dribbled down her chin from her mouth. She wouldn't even struggle as she plumped up more and more, probably licking Jane's hands as they neared to get frosting off of them.
  17. Jane could literally feel herself lifting into the air, as Roxy's swell broke her bra and shredded her skirt and shirt, leaving her in a pair of panties, stretched beyond belief and dripping with girl cum. Jane flicked off the remains of Roxy's shirt, giving her nipples a squeeze, being reward with a stream of warm milk from Roxy's over filled jugs. Jane Began to suck on the nipple, absentmindedly shoving more cakes into Roxy's mouth
  18. Roxy would soon be almost completely immobile, just swallowing and moaning as she drooled from both sets of lips. She'd lick and suckle on Jane's fingers, attempting to get more.
  19. "Hmmm my plump little pet I seem to be out of cakes for you, do you know what that means?" Jane leaned down onto Roxy, licking her lips and looking her immobile slave in the eyes, a hungry glow lighting them, "It means that I get to eat MY cake now" Jane snapped her fingers, and the bindings on Roxy's arms popped off. Jane rolled off her now massive pet and went down to her her cut little feet. With a little lick first, Jane put both feet into her mouth and gulped, making it up to Roxy's fat knees in one gulp!
  20. Roxy would moan, quite used to being eaten by her mistress. She also was incredibly content in being both fat and full, and fodder for Jane. She'd squirm lightly to give her mistress more fun, but it was accompanied by moans of arousal.
  21. With another gulp Jane had engulfed Roxy's thighs, her nose pressed against Roxy's soaked panties, another gulp and Roxy's fat rump was in her mouth and she could taste Roxy's juices, her own arousal building, her own panties beginning to be soaked in girlcum. One more mighty gulp and Jane sat back, massive tits covering her face. But with gravity on her side she gulped Roxy down fully, belching as her friend filled out her belly, ripping her shirt as Roxy was forced into the hot, tight sack of Jane's tummy.
  22. Roxy would squirm and struggle, completely content with being like this. She'd whine a little bit though, due to her wanting a few more cupcakes. She'd continue squirming until she ran out of air within Jade's stomach, passing out before the pain of digestion would start.
  23. Jane drifted off to sleep, contented as poor Roxy began to digest, gurgling around her slave as she was digested all away.
  24. When Jane woke up, many hours later, now much pudgier, her slave was there, fully reformed as always, napping at her mistresses feet. Jane bent down, lovingly patting her slaves head, and thinking up new ways to play with her.
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