
Joyful and Triumphant (FR Christmas Special)

Dec 24th, 2013
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  1. >One early evening.
  2. >December 24th.
  3. >A quiet howl of wind gently rattles your window as snowflakes pelt the glass.
  4. >You sit solemnly in your room, holding your calendar in your hands.
  5. >You rub your thumb softly across the 24th.
  6. >Exhaling a little, you put on a soft smile.
  7. >For who? You aren't sure.
  8. >Yourself, you guess.
  9. >...Right about now, you'd probably be going to Christmas Eve mass with your family.
  10. >Not that you're an incredibly religious person or anything, but seeing the church all lit up with Christmas lights, and singing Christmas hymns with your family...
  11. >Those are memories you've always cherished.
  12. >And memories you'll never make again.
  13. >You sit in silence for a moment, letting that all sink in.
  14. >It hurts. You take a deep breath and sigh, attempting to relieve it, but it doesn't work.
  15. >You listen to the snow for a few moments more.
  16. >Then, putting the calendar down, you walk over to your closet and grab your coat.
  17. >You need to go for a walk...
  18. >You leave your room and swing your coat around onto each arm.
  19. >Descending your stairs, a wooden thump knocking with each step, you reach your ground floor and open the door.
  20. >An immediate breeze of chilling, nipping air blows softly past your face.
  21. >But that's okay.
  22. >You've always enjoyed this kind of weather.
  23. >Closing the door behind you, you take a moment to collect yourself, then begin a slow stroll down the winding path that leads to your house.
  24. >Snowflakes flitter down from the sky, made visible by several lamps that illuminate the forest-like area you live in on the outskirts of town.
  25. >The snow crunches under your feet with each step.
  26. >You put your hands in your coat and exhale from your mouth, leaving a visible burst of hot breath.
  27. >You watch the ground move under your feet with each step, subconsciously counting your footsteps.
  28. >...Where are you even going?
  29. >Into P0nyville, you guess.
  30. >You more or less just want to get out of the house. Walk around a bit.
  31. >You lift up your head finally, and begin watching where you're going.
  32. >The image of snowflakes passing by the lamps catches your eye...
  33. >...It's rather pretty.
  34. >Beautiful, even. Picturesque.
  35. >You stop, for just a moment, to appreciate it.
  36. >And the instant you do, you notice footsteps.
  37. >Or, rather, hoofsteps.
  38. >Timed to be in line with yours.
  39. >It'd be a rather frightening realization... were you not completely aware of who it was, and why.
  40. >But you don't let it get to you.
  41. >You laugh a little bit, a smile again gracing your face, and sigh.
  42. "Hey, Fluttershy,"
  43. >You hear an "eep" from not too far behind you.
  44. "Come look at this with me."
  45. >It's silent for a moment, but soon, the hoofsteps approach and stop next to you.
  46. >You take your hand out of your coat, then point to what you're looking at.
  47. "Pretty, isn't it?"
  48. >You turn to look at the yellow pegasus. She has a white and green striped scarf wrapped around her neck.
  49. >She timidly looks at you, then to what you're pointing at.
  50. >You give her a second.
  51. "...It's the little things in life, you know?"
  52. >A small smile grows on her face.
  53. >You sigh once more, then begin on your way again.
  54. "Come. Walk with me."
  55. >The crunching under your feet begins.
  56. >You hear Fluttershy trot up next to you.
  57. >"R-Really? You'd be okay with me coming along with you?"
  58. >...Well, it is true.
  59. >Fluttershy has been more or less a nuisance ever since you started living here.
  60. >Always trying to get into your heart, or pants, in odd, strange ways.
  61. >But there was something about her. She's timid, shy, and introverted.
  62. >...Seems like the perfect company for a night like this.
  63. "Yeah."
  64. >You respond simply.
  65. "No one should be alone on Christmas Eve, anyway."
  66. >She looks up to you quizzically.
  67. >"Christmas Eve?"
  68. >You take a breath and exhale deeply.
  69. >You knew she wouldn't know anything about it.
  70. >Hell, these p0nies have already celebrated their equivalent.
  71. >Hearth's Warming, you think it was.
  72. >It was a fun time with your friends, but...
  73. >It was no Christmas.
  74. >It wasn't the same.
  75. >Didn't have the same heart to it, you felt.
  76. "Yeah. Christmas. My favorite time of year."
  77. >"This is a... human thing?"
  78. "To a lot of cultures, yeah."
  79. >A cold, pleasant breeze blows past your face. P0nyville is starting to appear over the horizon.
  80. "A time for giving. A time to spend with the ones you love. Friends, family, whoever."
  81. >Fluttershy looks to you with interest.
  82. "A festive time. Carols are sung, lights are displayed... the spirit is just in the air, you know?"
  83. >You stop for a moment and think over your own words.
  84. >Fluttershy watches you as you stay still, staring off into the distance in your own little world.
  85. >"Anon?"
  86. "...Yeah?"
  87. >"This 'Christmas' is really important to you, isn't it?"
  88. >You shrug.
  89. "I suppose. It's just a time of year I really like."
  90. >You reach your hand out and play around with the snowflakes a bit.
  91. "It never really dawned on me until recently that I'd never celebrate it again."
  92. >Fluttershy doesn't say anything. She just continues walking next to you silently once you pick back up.
  93. "...I'm sorry, I didn't mean to drag down the mood or anything."
  94. >"No, it's okay, Anon."
  95. >You take a breath. Then, a thought comes to your mind.
  96. >Maybe you just need a little reminder of the season with you. That should be enough.
  97. >But... what would be a good way to do that?
  98. >...Oh, maybe...
  99. "Hey Fluttershy... are there any pine trees around here?"
  100. >She looks up to you with a questioning look on her face.
  101. >"...There are a few on the pathway over to my cottage..."
  102. >You smile softly.
  103. "Hey... how would you like to come do something with me?"
  104. >You can see a smile form on her as well, but she catches herself, masking it as she glances off to the side.
  105. >"O-Oh, I'd love to Anon, but... I have something I need to do..."
  106. >You raise your eyebrows.
  107. >Huh... normally, Fluttershy would jump at the chance to do anything with you...
  108. >...Well. So much for being with someone on Christmas.
  109. >You bite your tongue, glance to the side, and nod.
  110. "Alright Fluttershy. I'll see you later then."
  111. >She nods and says her goodbyes, and you both go your separate ways once you arrive into town.
  112. >You stand in place for a while, enjoying the lights of the village casting aside the darkness. Snowflakes sprinkling down.
  113. >Jack Frost nips at your nose.
  114. >Again, picturesque.
  115. >But soon, you realize you'll catch cold if you stand still too long.
  116. >...You wonder if the hardware store is still open.
  117. >It's not too far of a walk, so you briskly make your way over.
  118. >Arriving with a good amount of time to spare, you spy and enter the building. A welcome burst of warm air greets you.
  119. >You don't want to spend too much time out and about anymore. Not now that you have a goal in mind. You quickly make your way over to a selection of items and pick out a nice axe.
  120. >Striding over to the counter, you make your purchase and depart into the chilled town once more.
  121. >Okay, so Fluttershy's cottage is... this way.
  122. >With your axe slung over your shoulder, you begin heading out in its direction.
  123. >It's getting later into the evening, so most of the townsp0nies are settling in, but you do see a few here and there who give a polite smile and wave.
  124. >Some Hearth's Warming decorations are still hung about.
  125. >They're festive in its own way. Though a little different than Christmas.
  126. >With each snow-crunching step, you approach the path to Fluttershy's cottage.
  127. >As you walk down, you keep an eye out on each side of you for a...
  128. >...Ah, there we go.
  129. >You spot a small pine tree off to the side.
  130. >It's no more than five feet tall.
  131. >With a smile and a shrug, you're reminded of the Charlie Brown Christmas Special.
  132. >You walk up to it and run your hand across its spiny, green pines.
  133. >It smells just like it would on Earth.
  134. "...You can be my project for the night."
  135. >You run your hand down the whole tree, then back up and ready your axe.
  136. >With a simple swing or two, the small tree falls.
  137. "Timber."
  138. >You laugh to yourself, then bend down and haul the tree over your shoulder.
  139. >Alright... now it's time to get this back to your place.
  140. >Man... how long have you been gone already?
  141. >...It's been at least twenty minutes, maybe half an hour, since you split with Fluttershy.
  142. >And it's gotta be a ten or fifteen minute walk back home.
  143. >...Ah well. If you need to, you can just continue your little project tomorrow.
  144. >On Christmas Day.
  145. >With your prize over your shoulder, you begin the cold walk back.
  146. >You like the weather, but being outside so long has started to wear on you.
  147. >It feels like the cold has seeped through your coat, into your skin, and is chilling your bones.
  148. >Come on, Anon.
  149. >Not too much longer.
  150. >You power through the freezing minutes and walk back through the town.
  151. >The snow begins to pick up when you're finally on the path back to your house.
  152. >Soon, you see your front door, and...
  153. >You stop in place for a second, squinting your eyes a little.
  154. >...Huh. That's odd.
  155. >You know you closed your door when you left.
  156. >But there it is, hanging open.
  157. >You bite your tongue a bit.
  158. >Slowly approaching the door, you keep an ear out, and you can hear a mumbling from inside.
  159. >You quietly and carefully nudge your door open, and from inside, in your living room, you can see a yellow figure hovering near your ceiling.
  160. >All worry leaves your mind.
  161. >...It's not like she hasn't done this before.
  162. >You shake your head and sigh with a slight smile.
  163. >What's she up to?
  164. >You open your door noiselessly and step into your home.
  165. >The mumbling becomes clear, and you can see what Fluttershy is doing.
  166. >She's hanging... what looks like lightbulbs... high on the wall connected by string.
  167. >"Oh... I'm not sure this is right..." You notice she's talking to Angel Bunny, who's tossing her more lights to hang. "I'm not even sure if these are the right kind... oh... maybe I should have asked him more questions..."
  168. >You smile, and lean your tree against the wall.
  169. "Ahem."
  170. >Fluttershy eeps, and her wings snap to her side, causing her to fall a few feet right onto her rear.
  171. >She turns and looks at you. "O-Oh! Anon! I-I thought you'd be gone a little longer than that..."
  172. >You walk into the room and observe what she's done.
  173. >Nothing beyond hang lightbulbs, it seems.
  174. >She rises to her hooves and glances away. "I-I'm sorry for entering your home again... I-I just thought that maybe..."
  175. >You look to the lights she's hung once more.
  176. >It's... so far off.
  177. >But... you can't help but be touched. It warms your heart.
  178. >You look over to Fluttershy, biting her lip as she sits on the floor, a worried expression on her face.
  179. >She tries to avoid eye contact.
  180. >You walk over to her, then kneel down in front of her.
  181. >She turns her head away, but keeps her eyes on you.
  182. >"A-Are you mad...?"
  183. >You laugh a little through your nose, and shake your head.
  184. >"N-No?"
  185. >You put your hand to her cheek, turning her head towards you...
  186. >And kiss her on the nose.
  187. >Instantly, her entire face flushes red.
  188. >It makes you laugh a little.
  189. "This is wonderful, Fluttershy. Thank you."
  190. >She starts stuttering incomprehensibly.
  191. >Soon, some understandable words begin to form.
  192. >"S-S-So is th-this y-your..." She quiets herself down, [spoiler]"I-Is this y-your fetish?"[/spoiler]
  193. >You laugh again, then shake your head.
  194. "Afraid not, Fluttershy."
  195. >She blushes a little more. "O-Oh..."
  196. >"Fluttershy!" you hear called from outside. You both turn your head to the door. It's pushed open further by a hovering box, coated in a purple aura. Very soon after, the unicorn responsible, Twilight, comes through. "We found a box of Hearth's Warming decorations at the library!"
  197. >Dash flies in above her. "Yeah! We figure, hey, it might be close enough if--!"
  198. >They both pause in place when they lay eyes upon you. They seemed shocked.
  199. >You look to them, then Fluttershy with a smile, and back to them. Soon, the rest of the p0nies, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Rarity, enter behind them.
  200. >You rise to your feet and laugh, then walk over to the ponies.
  201. >"Anon! W-Weren't you supposed to be out?" Twilight asks.
  202. >You shrug with a smile, then open up her levitating box.
  203. >You see various Hearth's Warming ornaments, decorations, ribbons, etc.
  204. >You nod rhythmically as you look at them.
  205. "...Yeah, these will do."
  206. >"Will do for what?" Applejack asks. "Decorations, right?"
  207. "Yeah."
  208. >You point to your prize leaning against the wall.
  209. "Specifically with that."
  210. >"What is that, darling?" Rarity asks.
  211. >"A pine tree?"
  212. "Mhmm."
  213. >You walk over and pick it up.
  214. "Soon to be a Christmas Tree."
  215. >The p0nies all look to you in slight wonder.
  216. >It makes you smile.
  217. >You glance over to Fluttershy, giving her a genuine, happy expression.
  218. >She lowers her head bashfully and smiles.
  219. "Want to help me make it one?"
  220. >The rest of the p0nies walk further inside with Fluttershy, all smiling and nodding.
  221. >It makes you smile too.
  222. >A warm, light feeling grows in your chest.
  223. "Perfect."
  224. >You bring it over to them.
  225. >These six p0nies who have, on a dime, spent their evening trying to cheer you up.
  226. "I can't think of a better way to spend Christmas Eve."
  227. >You kneel down in front of them.
  228. "With my friends."
  229. >They smile back to you.
  230. >You stand back up to your feet and reach into the box.
  231. >Gripping something cloth-like, you pull out your prize and reveal a pink ribbon.
  232. >It's long and flowing... it'll definitely work.
  233. >You walk over to the tree, then begin wrapping it around. Your p0ny friends join you.
  234. >Soon, you're all decorating the tree.
  235. >It happens in silence for the most part.
  236. >...
  237. "Oh co-ome all ye faithful,"
  238. >The p0nies stop what they're doing...
  239. "Joyful and triumphant,"
  240. "Oh come ye, oh come ye to Bethlehem."
  241. >...And just listen.
  242. "Co-ome and behold him,"
  243. "Born the king of angels."
  244. "Oh come let us adore him,"
  245. "Oh come let us adore him,"
  246. "Oh come let us ado-ore hi-im,
  247. "Chri-ist the Lord..."
  248. >...
  250. The End
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