
Call my name KWON JISEOK

May 21st, 2019
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  1. ━━━「GENERAL」
  2. username: GlisteningHobi
  3. birth name: Kwon Jiseok
  4. other names (s): n/a
  5. stage name: Jiseok
  6. birthdate: 22nd January 1996
  7. height: 175cm
  8. weight: 72kg
  9. birthplace: Gwangju, South Korea
  10. hometown: Gwangju, South Korea
  11. ethnicity: Korean
  12. nationality: Korean
  13. blood type: AB
  14. face claim: B.I (iKon)
  15. back up: J-Hope (BTS)
  17. ━━━「OTHER」
  19. - Exercising
  20. - Cooking
  21. - Making noises
  22. - Watching Tv shows
  23. - Dogs
  25. dislikes:
  26. - Over-sleeping
  27. - Being ill
  28. - Coffee
  29. - Insects
  30. - Cleaning
  31. - Inspirational quotes
  33. skills:
  34. - Acting
  35. - Swimming
  36. - Composing
  37. - Drawing
  39. languages:
  40. - English
  41. - Spanish
  43. background:
  44. - Born and raised in Gwangju with 2 brothers and a sister.
  45. - He was quite sociable in school and could comfortably talk to anyone.
  46. - When he was younger, he wanted to be a forensic scientist because he used to love watching CSI on television. Then when he was around 15/16 years old, he realised his true passion was for music.
  47. - He was part of the drama club when he was at school and he performed in many school plays such as Grease (he played Ken) and Romeo and Juliet (he played Mercutio).
  48. - He studied in England for about 4 years since him and his family had to move their due to his dad's business but once he was old enough, he moved back to Korea by himself and bought himself an apartment.
  49. - Jiseok has a group of close friends of about 5 girls and 4 boys. They have known each other since they were 6 years old and some a bit later.
  51. personality:
  52. - Realistic; He knows his own limits and likes to be realistic about things. That is why he doesn't like inspirational quotes because nobody is going to read one and go "Hmm, I think I am going to do well now"
  53. - Confident; He is a social butterfly and doesn't easily get embarrassed, even when in an awkward situation.
  54. - Blunt; He likes being honest and sometimes it can come off as rude but he does apologise once he realises that he may have offended you.
  55. - Independent; He is able to cope well when working on his own because he constantly has ideas flowing through his mind.
  56. - Loud; He likes to make noise because it is just a very weird habit of his.
  57. - Annoying; He is annoying but in a good way. He is not annoying where you would just constantly want to scream at him but his constant loud noises and horrible jokes are just very annoying.
  58. - Observant; He is able to pick up on the moods of people quite easily and is quick to try and make them feel better.
  59. - Dirty-minded; He will not miss an opportunity to make a dirty comment or joke in the middle of a conversation.
  61. ━━━「PERFORMANCE」
  62. company: Brave
  63. backup company: Fantagio
  64. years trained: 2.5 years
  65. main skill: Rap
  66. weakest skill: Vocal
  67. rap: 20/20
  68. vocal: 6/20
  69. dance: 19/20
  70. visual: 10/20
  71. duality: 15/20
  72. stage presence: 16/20
  73. overall: 80/80 (you can not go over 80 points, even though the max is technically 120, this is to ensure fair play)
  75. ━━━「EXTRA」
  76. winning speech: Thank you so much to the people who supported me through this whole journey especially my family. I could not have done this without you. Also, I would like to thank my fellow contestants because it was you guys that made me push myself. I have mad some amazing relationships with everyone here and I hope we can keep in touch. Thank you to the incredible staff that did an amazing job throughout this whole and experience. Thank you for seeing potential in me and I hope I don't disappoint.
  78. elimination speech: Thank you to everyone that has helped me throughout this experience. Unfortunately, my time here has been cut short. It is sad to see that I did not quite meet your expectations but hopefully I can grow from this and become a better artist in the long run. Thank you so much for this experience.
  80. self-introduction: Hello my name is Kwon Jiseok and I am coming from Brave Entertainment.
  81. anything else?: Not that I can think of but good luck!!
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