
WarpedRealm release 1.32

Oct 23rd, 2022
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  2. Release 1.32 Changes:
  3. - Added green gem slot to the Voters chestpiece
  4. - Halved required placed blocks for the weekly quest
  5. - Fix with automatic broadcasts sometimes not triggering
  6. - Added tooltip to scrolls and keys that both are needed to enter the dungeon
  7. - Fixed swords skill exp curve being ~4 times too high
  8. - Fixed /enchant lore cost appending being from the top down instead of the other way around
  9. - Adjusted item sorting inside of the forge to be more inline with the armorsets
  10. - Decreased needed flowers for the dryad set from 32 -> 16
  11. - Adjusted the mentioned jobs in /ranks to support the new increased job slots
  12. - Fixed false negatives for steady clickrates
  13. - Adjusted needed ethereal leaves for the dryad set to fit into the vanilla cost
  14. - Increased cost of experience bottles from 0.01 -> 1.5
  15. - Adjusted name tag updating of stacked mobs and spawners from 10 ticks to 30
  16. - Fixed Lumberjack job description mentioning planting trees
  17. - Fixed entire mob stacks transforming when struck by lightning instead of just the main entity
  18. - Fixed named mobs from spawners still stacking
  19. - Fixed old mobstacks with squids still having no AI bugging out
  20. - Added the past few patchnotes to the wiki (Pastebins)
  21. - Patched an exploit where people could still vote to trigger VP's for themselves
  22. - Slightly decreased zombie bomber awareness range
  23. - Renamed "Treefeller" job to "Lumberjack"
  24. - Added 20x ascended repair multiplier
  25. - Slightly increased job EXP payouts for Lumberjack and Digger
  26. - Fixed /mentiontoggle only working once for each join-session
  27. - **Added +1 job slots to every rank (Default too)**
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