
A Rare Breed - (AiE) (AnonXBoxPone) (Chapter 1) by S_Noble

Jun 28th, 2014
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  1. >You are Anonymous.
  2. >No, not Anonymous the Brave, the Bold, the smart.
  3. >Just Anonymous, in Equestria of Course.
  4. >To be certain, you were Anon Y. Mous, the carpenter of the small town of Ponyville. Carver of Oak, Savior of Shacks, and the Warrior of the Morning Wood (no pun intended!). The one and only carpenter this one town has left.
  5. >You see, when you arrived here, you had no skills. No friends (well, if you could count Twilight as a friend. She DID knight you in her Court of Friendship). And definitely no family, at least, you hope not. It would be weird to learn you were distantly related to Applejack, or something of that matter.
  6. >What you did have, were hands. And apparently, "fine ones, at that". That's what an older pony said as you sat at one of the few cafes at town.
  7. >A stallion by the name of Woodrow. The last fletcher, wood crafter, and carpenter Ponyville had to offer. And he was large, dark brown, tan hair, and wild eyed... to a point.
  8. >He asked if you were "any type of smart with 'em", in a Scottish accent. (Well, you say Scottish. You don't know what kind of horse pun could be made with that word, and never really bothered to ask.)
  9. >Of course, you replied yes, and twirled your spoon dexterously around your fingers.
  10. >It gave him a toothy grin.
  11. >"Good. Ye ain't got a job, do yeh?" He asked, leaning back in the chair, drinking his black coffee with a smirk.
  12. "Well, not exactly, no..."
  13. >"Good! Yer hired, laddy. Y'see that building wee over there, by the fruity sugar place, on the left? That's me shop. Be there at eight AM."
  14. >You could only stutter as the earth pony sauntered off, confused on how you just got a job without even trying.
  15. >Twilight was very happy at this fact.
  16. >"See, Anon? You can fit in and make lots of FRIENDS, just like anypony else!"
  17. >Lots of emphasis on the word "friends". You still don't know why. But she did this everytime she saw you.
  18. >Back on topic.
  19. >You arrived early the next day with a heavy knock on the wooden door. The door was very finely crafted, you later took note, like most of the wooden furniture in Woodrow's home.
  20. >Probably because he made it all. A shocking revelation!
  21. >He invites you in and immediately sets you to work, cleaning up shavings with a broom and sharpening tools. You watched him as he worked, humming his homeland tunes and occasionally stopping to take a sip from a flask at his hip.
  22. >You later learned it was just apple cider, but in Equestria, lots of ponies are more forgiving if you're drunk.
  23. >So when somepony got mad at him, he would take another swig and appologize, blaming it on "the good ol' stuff".
  24. >He taught you a lot of bad habits like this.
  25. >Soon, though, you were learning how to widdle wood in your spare time, and he was more than glad to teach you how to make a chair, or bows, or little ornaments.
  26. >Two years went by like this.
  27. >A week after his birthday, he patted you on the back, smiling. A tear welling at his eye.
  28. >"I do believe, Anon me lad, I taught you the last of me tricks. From the bends of the wood, to the springs of saplin's, I think it's finally done."
  29. >"Well, not everything... you still haven't told me why you hired me in the first place."
  30. >He laughed heartily, slamming his hoof into your back, pushing you forward.
  31. >"Boyo, me an' you are a lot alike, y'see. I came here with no friends, no family. Not a bit to me name, nor a trade to help me. I was an odd one in their eyes."
  32. >He leaned in close, waving his hoof forward at an imaginary crowd.
  33. >"I was a youngin'. Me father a drunkard, me mother gone. I left before I got me cutiemark, and was as hungry as I could get. And y'know who took me in?"
  34. >"A wise ol' horse with a bad eye and a knack for woodcraft. Taught me most of what I know, and then some! Not a thing like me father. But he helped me get o'er him, one day at a time. Helped me grow this old, even!" He laughed, setting himself down to the ground with a grunt.
  35. >He really was old. Venerable. You would think of him to be around 75+ in pony years. And it showed.
  36. >His smile slowly left as he begun to think it over.
  37. >"Taught me the little things in life... how to get a mare to love ya, how to smile when she leaves. When he died, he had nobody but me... left everything he had in this world to me. A stranger. A young stallion he knew for several years, lad... it broke my heart to see him go. But he left in good confidence. Good faith I'd watch it all over, till the day it turned t' rot and needed new legs to hold it all up... his business, lad. His everything. It's all he had in this world, besides me."
  38. >"And I would like t' leave the same grace to ya, Anon." His smile returned, tears welling in the old stallion's eyes once more as he pulled a small letter from his kilt.
  39. >"This... is me will. I'm givin' it to ya now, Anon, 'cause... the doctors know I don't have the days left in me. I'm growin' a sickness, and I don't want to go like some... cooked up carrot."
  40. >You open the will, your own tears falling onto the pages as you hear him pour his heart out.
  41. >"This will claims Anon Y. Mous, that tall monkey from earth, as my heir, to receive my business and all of my belongings..."
  42. >"In the event that I shall be rendered comatose, I wish to have myself be freed of my mortal bounds."
  43. "How long... how long have you been sick, Row?" You ask. You didn't know much about ponies.
  44. >"For many a year, Anon."
  45. >"How long do you have?..."
  46. >"The Doctors say a week until I'm in bed. A week more and I'd have counted me last sheep."
  47. >That day came.
  48. >The day where Woodrow couldn't get out of bed.
  49. >You stayed by his side.
  50. >He was like a father to you, if a horse could really be a father.
  51. >And he was slipping.
  52. >He found it hard to stay awake at times, and would sleep the days away if you weren't there.
  53. >Within another eight days, a little longer than you thought, his organs began to fail, and his eyes shut for the final time.
  54. >Comatose.
  55. >You clenched the will in your hands, tears falling freely as you slowly nod to the Doctor.
  56. >He neglected your gaze as he pulled the plug on the life giving machines.
  57. >Slowly, Woodrow's heart began to flutter and die, his lungs unable to give the life giving oxygen anymore.
  58. >You hold his hoof as he passed away, crying as that Scottish bastard died, and took away a piece of you with him.
  59. "Goodnight... Row..."
  60. >The next few weeks were a blur after that, as Woodrow's funeral came and passed.
  61. >Instead of a normal grave like everypony else, you had him cremated and brought him up to a tree on a hill, far from Ponyville's reach.
  62. >Kneeling down in the grass, you dig a very small hole, just enough for the base of Woodrow's urn to fit.
  63. >You plant it firmly, taking your knife from your pocket and other wood working tools.
  64. >And begin to carve.
  65. >You carve and carve, for what feels like hours. But your skill is beyond that, revealing a Masterpiece in minutes.
  66. >"Here lies Woodrow, the Greatest Stallion Equestria ever had the pleasure of meeting from across the seas. He came to this land swinging, and left laughing. And the best damn carpenter you've ever met."
  67. >You consider writing down his date of birth, but realize you never learned how old he really was.
  68. >He didn't tell you those little bits about himself. He was too busy learning about you and your interesting world to share.
  69. >The short time you had with him felt even shorter.
  70. >As you turn to leave, you do one last favor for the old stallion.
  71. >You take your knife, the one you brought from your world, and stab it into the base of the tree, before leaving.
  72. >That... was eight months ago.
  73. >Life had returned to the usual. You take the orders of ponies around town, and fill them.
  74. >Except without guidance. And the room feels much colder, even for Winter.
  75. >Not to mention silent, without Row's booming laugh.
  76. >But you soon recover as you hear the flick of the bell on the door.
  77. >It's Twilight.
  78. "Heeeeeeeey, Twi! The mare from over there!" You point towards the crystal castle in the distance, and she can only smile. "I thought I recognized a familiar face! Been a while... about... eight months." You say, a little cold pushing into your voice. You haven't seen her since the funeral ceremony. You've really just thrown yourself into your work, doing anything to put your mind off of it. When she did knock on the door, you usually didn't let her in. You didn't want to talk about it.
  79. >"Well if it isn't the monkey himself!" She giggles in reply, as you apply the finishing touches to the brand new long bow. You used to practice archery, after Row taught you how to make a bow. You've been finding it hard since.
  80. >This thing was massive. About five feet long, recurve in style, with hand guards and all. With this one, you would actually get back into it, seeing as you had to acquire meat somehow.
  81. >That was another thing. Everyone knew you ate meat. Fluttershy hated you for it, but you promised to only hunt from the far reaches of the Everfree, and only a list of animals she agreed upon.
  82. >Even then, it was still annoying when you got the rare glare from her after you take a bite of jerky.
  83. >"So I can see you're finally free. I wanted to know if you've made any new friends recently."
  84. "Nope."
  85. >"Really? Is it... because, y'know."
  86. >You sigh. She was worried about you not talking to anyone but customers lately.
  87. "Partly... but I'm almost over it. He meant a lot to me, you know?"
  88. >She nods "Well, seeing as you finally let me in without forcing me to try and order something before shooing me away, would you like to take a walk around town a bit? Maybe buy some apples before the fresh ones are all gone?"
  89. >You shrug. Business was slow today.
  90. >"I guess it wouldn't hurt. But don't you dare try to make friends for me like you did last time. I know just about every pony here now, I can talk freely."
  91. >"That's good to hear, Anon!" She chirps, as Twilight as ever. "I read about loss, and if I do say so myself, you're ready!"
  92. >Ready?
  93. "Ready for?..."
  94. >"Ready to get over it, now come on!"
  95. >She pulls you out the door, into the bustling town square. You flip the closed sign on your way out, as she tugs at your wrist with her magic.
  96. >"Now, first, we should talk to Carrot Top. You haven't spoke to her in 148 days. That's unhealthy for good FRIENDships."
  97. "Twi, I can take care of myself... remember the talk?"
  98. >She thinks it over.
  99. >"Oh, right. That one. From earlier."
  100. "Yeah..."
  101. >You instead opt to approach the apple stall, finding Applejack tossing one up into the air.
  102. >"Well I'll be! If it ain't the walking tree himself!" She teased, turning her full attention to you. She liked that joke, because you handled a lot of wood... "What can Ah do ya for, sugahcube?"
  103. >"Well, first I'd like a nice apology for barking up the wrong tree, then a sack of apples will do nicely, AJ." You reply in return, leaning over the counter.
  104. >She could only laugh at your retort.
  105. >"Alright, alright. Enough with the wood puns. Anymore and I may faint... knock on wood." She taps her cart before tossing you a healthy sack, and you drop a few diamond bits on the counter.
  106. >Woah wait, diamond bit? How rich were you at the moment? You haven't counted your money pouch out in forever.
  107. >You quickly take back the change.
  108. >What most people don't know is that there are tree types of currencies in Equestria.
  109. >A gold bit, shiny and cheap... apparently.
  110. >A ruby and sapphire bit. The same thing as a gold bit, with a sapphire and ruby in the middle, one on each side. It was worth ten normal bits.
  111. >And a diamond bit, worth a hundred normal bits.
  112. >There was also a platinum bit, but they were so rare, it was truly an glorious sight. Worth a thousand bits.
  113. >She almost gasps, and you give a sheepish smile.
  114. "Sorry, I haven't left the workshop in a few months. I have lots of change, apparently.."
  115. >She can only laugh and slap the diamond bit into her own bag, passing you nine 10-bits.
  116. >"You're making me consider Wood Work, Anon! How about a tip?" She pokes at you, and you smile. She wasn't serious, but you only took eight of your 10-bits back.
  117. >"Woah nelly, I was only horsin' around."
  118. "Nah, I'm gonna probably blow the extra on something else anyway. You could be my second piggy bank!" You smile, as she slap that bit into her bag as well.
  119. >"Well, if you insist, Anon... I won't argue with ya."
  120. >You toss the apples over your shoulder and walk away, sighing.
  121. >You already want to go home. It's cold, and Twilight didn't let you grab your jacket.
  122. >But Twilight won't be happy to let you get off early. Instead, you have an idea.
  123. >"Hey Twi, let's go to the park. Might be some new ponies I haven't met before." You say, and her eyes light up.
  124. >She's really taking the "Princess of Friendship" too seriously. You don't need 400 friends.
  125. >"Great idea Anon, lets-"
  126. >Suddenly, Rainbow Dash drops down in front of Twilight.
  127. >"Twilight, we've got a problem with the storm clouds. Some kid practicing ice archery shot an arrow in one of the big clouds, and we can't stop it! Quick, follow me!"
  128. >She flies off, and Twilight sighs.
  129. >"I'll meet you there, Anon. Be back soon."
  130. >She flies off after Rainbow Dash, a chilly blast of wind hitting you.
  131. >You sigh, remembering the last time you didn't bother with her instructions concerning "FRIENDship".
  132. >And so does your writing hand. Poor thing, almost got carpal tunnel from that friendship report to her.
  133. >You continue on to the park, pulling out your wallet to pass the time.
  134. >You think over the last few months as you count out your bits.
  135. >And you realized why Row left the business to you.
  136. >He wanted you to be strong, to carry on the name.
  137. >His name, his business. His dream.
  138. >And the best way to do that, is to improve your work and make new clients. Maybe even do some charity, take on an apprentice, like he would have wanted.
  139. >You're not that old yet, though, and instead opt to wave the last option away.
  140. >Charity, yes. You'll have to get with Rarity on that one.
  141. >You finally reach the park, a small weight lifted from your shoulders.
  142. >934 bits.
  143. >Almost a Platinum Bit!
  144. >You shove your money back into the pouch, hearing it jingle as you sit down on the bench, looking up at the sky.
  145. >What to buy, what to buy...
  146. >Movement catches your eye as you look down, focusing on the frozen fountain.
  147. >Before the fountain, though, is a box. Old and slighty wet, damaged. A largish hole in the front.
  148. >You frown. That box is very much so out of place. You wonder who left that piece of trash there.
  149. >As you continue to look, you can see something staring at you through the darkness.
  150. >Is that a cat or something? You would love a pet. You haven't had an animal companion since you came to Ponyville.
  151. >Probably because Row would turn it into haggus the moment it broken something in his shop. Well, your shop.
  152. >You stand up, walking over to the crumpled cardboard.
  153. >There is a sign in front, listing prices for an array of services.
  154. >You frown. A deep, sad one. A prostitute, here, in Ponyville. A homeless one, at that.
  155. >You crouch down and read the sign, the ink runny from recent rains.
  156. >Hoofjob, five bits.
  157. >Fulltime, ten bits.
  158. >Anything at all... twenty bits.
  159. >Your heart drops as you look into the dark hole.
  160. "Hello? Anypony in there?" You ask, pulling out your coinpurse. It felt weird, calling it that, but that's what it was.
  161. >"H-Hello s-sir..." a small mare replied, dirty brown hair and lighter brown coat mixing with her blue eyes, barely illuminated by the dim light of the winter sun. "H-How... m-may I-I p-pleasure you?"
  162. >What you hear is broken, sad, and cold, all in one bundle, it and sends pain deep into your heart. You quickly pull a diamond bit from your bag, placing it in front of the small, gaunt mare.
  163. >Her eyes widen in surprise, then pure fear. Not the reaction you were expecting.
  164. "Five requests..." You start, and you can hear her weakly shuffle towards the entrance of her box.
  165. "What's your name?"
  166. >"M-Morning... G-G-Glory."
  167. >That's a start.
  168. >She slips out of the box, picking up the bit and tucking it into her blanket/scarf. It was ragged, from years of use.
  169. >Four more questions.
  170. "Second question... Are you hungry?" You ask. She nods, the fear not leaving her eyes as they waver, considering fleeing with her new money.
  171. >You place the sack on the ground, opening it and pulling out an apple. You place it in front of her.
  172. >She flinches from the sudden movement, as fear turns to shock.
  173. "Thirdly... eat it. Please. I just bought them." Not a question, but you think she's too terrified to move. You are a weird, foreign creature from another world.
  174. >At the order, she weakly leans forward, biting into it.
  175. >A fit of coughs overtake her from the sudden wealth of nutrients, sniffling softly as tears begin to fall from thin face.
  176. "Fourth... are you hurt, or sick?"
  177. >Instead of nodding and replying verbally, you see her stiffen up as she looks up at you, her head leaning a bit out of the box.
  178. >You can see the bruises and cumstains from here, and you restrain the urge to wince.
  179. >She slowly steps out of the box, much to your surprise. Then you notice she's hardly stepping, more like limping. Her dull tan coat is coated with bruises, at varying stages of healing as her tears fall quicker now, splashing against the freezing ground. Her dark brown mane is knotted and matted with filth, and the stench from her is a tad strong. You can see her ribs through her thin fur, her body sparse with hunger.
  180. >As her hindlegs finally reach the end of the shadows, you take note that one leg seems knocked out of place; the end of the bone jutting out awkwardly.
  181. >Your fists tighten in empathy, as her tail hangs close to her belly. She has no cutiemark.
  182. >She has nothing.
  183. >Your thoughts are broken as she coughs again, weaker this time.
  184. "Final question... would you like to stay with me?..." You ask, shocking yourself.
  185. >Well then, there's your charity act for your lifetime.
  186. >Her face clouds with fear again, as she whimpers softly, a small sob escaping her.
  187. >She nods, before turning back and slipping back into her box.
  188. >You think she's gathering her things, but after three minutes of waiting, you realize she has nothing to gather. Instead you only hear crying.
  189. >You paid her for four questions and a request.
  190. >You guess she took them as four questions and a request.
  191. >She must have thought you were simply torturing her... what kind of cruel being would break her like this, where she can't even trust genuine generosity?
  192. >You place another twenty bits forward.
  193. "Come live with me, Glory. It's warm, and safe, not to mention dry..."
  194. >Her crying slows, as she sees the money.
  195. >She quickly hobbles out of the box, looking up at you as she ignores the coins on the ground, searching your eyes.
  196. >Looking for sincerity.
  197. >You guess she finds what she's looking for, as she wraps a hoof feebly around your leg, crying into your pants as she accepts your offer.
  198. >They weren't the pained, hurtful sobs you heard earlier.
  199. >They were tears of joy.
  200. >"P-Please!" She begged, not letting go of you.
  201. >You pick up the apple and wrap your arms around her, pulling her into a soft hug as you feel her weak, cold body against you.
  202. >She's lighter than a pegasus supermodel, that's for sure (though you never held one in your life). You didn't even need to lift with your legs, or hold her in your arms. She clinged to your neck in a tight hug, not letting go for anything.
  203. >You placed the apple around your head, where you think her snout is.
  204. >She bit into it tiredly, sounds of sobbing hunger following shortly afterword as the mare polished off the apple.
  205. >You hold the bag of apples in your other hand, and for safety, cup the weak Morning Glory with your other.
  206. >You walk quickly, wanting to bring her home to wash her up.
  207. >As much as you enjoyed the hug, you'd prefer your new friend to be clean. It was just a preference. You would like to believe she wants to be clean, too.
  208. >You are soon at your door, stepping into the shop with the pony in tow.
  209. >You look over the dull workshop, rather cold for the formally cheery place. You would light the heater, but you have more important matters to attend to.
  210. >You step to a door on your right, the "second" front door, as you call it. Entering the actual living space of the two story house.
  211. >While most of the ground floor was a work area, the whole top floor was the opposite. Pictures line the walls of the stairway as you head on up, your guest nuzzling into your neck tiredly.
  212. >It certainly is warmer than the workshop, at least.
  213. >The top of the stairs leads immediately to the living room, two finely crafted chairs in front of the stone fireplace, with a shared table between them. A square carpet fills the small room with color as the couch sits under a large portrait of Woodrow and his family in... better years. A window to the left of it, with two little tables lining the side. A large coffee table sits in front.
  214. >All of this was made by Woodrow, or his teacher. You liked it that way.
  215. >Instead of setting her down on the couch, you brought her to the bathtub, gently placing the poor thing on top of the toilet seat. Now, unlike the other wooden furniture, you had this replaced with something more of your size, along with the bathtub. Luckily for you, Minotaurs are your height, and there are special things just for them, though a bit more expensive.
  216. >You turn the water on as Morning shivers on the makeshift stool, watching you in a daze. Finding it warm enough, you snatch the little mare up and set her in the warm bathwater.
  217. >It's instantly polluted by brown as the muck begins to wash from her.
  218. >You sigh. Hoping the pipes could handle this.
  219. "Do you need any help cleaning up?" You ask, the shivering pony timidly stroking her left hoof with the other one, more of the dirt coming loose.
  220. >She looks up at you, unsure of herself as she nods.
  221. >You notice once more her twisted leg.
  222. "I'll be right back to help, I just need to get a doctor for you, okay? I'll be in the other room..."
  223. >Reaching up, you grab a large bottle of Mane and Shoulders, placing it near the edge of the slowly filling bath.
  224. "Remember to turn it off if it gets too full, okay, Morning?"
  225. >You leave the door open, leaving the mare to clean what she can as you enter the kitchen, picking up the telephone and small phonebook.
  226. >From the kitchen, you can see the door of the bathroom, the windows behind you brightening a little as a cloud moves from the sun's path.
  227. >You find the number and dial it.
  228. >The thing about these phones were that they were old timey. Not in a sense that you swipe the pad around to dial, but that an operator had to connect you. Thus, at night, you couldn't make any calls.
  229. >Ponyville's third phone operator connects your line, and you are answered by the receptionist.
  230. >"Ponyville Health Clinic, how may I help you today?~" The mare over the line said, humming.
  231. "Yes, it's Anon, y'know... 'that thing from Earth'... I found this sickly mare in need of medical attention. When will the next doctor be free to assist her?"
  232. >"Oh hi Nonny! That rocking chair you made my Nana rocks! She loves it to death, says it's the best one she's had in a while. Anyway, Doctor Feel Good is in, would you like for him to come over?" She said, flirting with you a bit. If you could remember her name, you would go on to think of her as the biggest flirt this side of Equestria has ever seen. But more important things clog your mind, like the mare in your tub.
  233. "Please do, she's just been through so much. I think she has a cold, and her hindleg seems jarred out of socket."
  234. >"Oh Nonny, wouldn't you like to bring her in? If her leg is hurt, it may be worse than you think!"
  235. >You picture a mare leaning back in an office chair, curling a hoof around some stray hair from her mane.
  236. "It's fine, ma'am. Besides, medical bills get expensive after a catscan. Plus, she wouldn't be able to walk if it was a fracture. Just in case, a splint would help."
  237. >"Alright Mr. NonNon, I'll buzz Feel Good to head over~ oh! And don't try chasing after any Timber Wolves, sounds like you got your hooves full as it is! As much as I LOVE examining you, I don't like examining broken bones or claw marks~"
  238. >You grunt. This mare is getting annoying.
  239. >"Thank you ma'am. Take care."
  240. >And you promptly hang up, turning towards the bathroom. The water has stopped.
  241. >You should probably bring some supplies with you.
  242. >You grab two cups, and fill one with hot cocoa. Deciding it's the best during winter time colds, you add extra love just in case. After all, love is like... the second best medicine, right? Afterwords, you set the stove up and begin to cook some potato soup from the can.
  243. >Hey, it's food. May not be good food, but it's better than no food.
  244. >You walk to the bathroom, finding your new friend curled up in the water, still shivering though slightly less so.
  245. >You don't want to think about all of the nights she stood out in the cold, pleasuring stallions for chump change.
  246. >Maybe you could take an apprentice, after all.
  247. >You set the thought aside as you set the drink down on the side of the tub, which she snatches without a second thought.
  248. >She regrets the decision as she burns her mouth on the hot drink, mewling in pain.
  249. >Wait, mewling? Wow, that was beyond cute. And also heart breaking.
  250. >You quickly take it from her hooves so she doesn't do it again, setting it back down.
  251. "Shhhh... it can wait. relax. Here, let's get some of this grime off of you so we can drain the water and actually work on cleaning you up!" You smile, filling the cup with warm as you dump it on her her.
  252. >She flinches, closing her eyes as more filth washes from her.
  253. >You need to get her to talk more. The best way to calm someone down is to make them think aloud.
  254. "How long have you been on the street?" You ask, keeping away from the more touchy subjects.
  255. >After a few moments, she mumbles quietly, at which you dump more warm water onto her head.
  256. "Hmm?"
  257. >"F-Four years..."
  258. >FOUR YEARS? How the hay... you mean, HELL was she still alive?
  259. >Four years, on the street? You couldn't do that. Mostly because you would've built a house by then.
  260. >That's another good point you like to think about on occasion. If you got lost in the Everfree, and decided to stay put and wait for rescue, you would just build a house and live there. They would arrive and you would simply say "I'm not lost, I live here now" and make them bring you your things from your old house.
  261. >But enough of that.
  262. >You get the lufa from above and press it into her mane, getting some of the more nestled in grime out.
  263. "I wish I would have known sooner, Morning..." You frown in reply, grabbing your hairbrush from nearby.
  264. >Your brush is ready.
  265. >You grab her mane near the split ends as she sees your hold it aggressively.
  266. >She is not ready. this is going to hurt.
  267. >You spend the next time minutes roughly bringing your brush through her hair, as she grits her teeth.
  268. "Sorry... we've got to clean you up, Glory. If you're going to live with me, you're going to shower at least once a day. Unless if you WANT me to do this..."
  269. >You reaffirm your point as you pull out another knot from her mane, and she quickly shakes her head 'no'.
  270. >You begin to drain the tub, scrubbing her down.
  271. >She was at least four shades lighter.
  272. >Fifty Shades Of BROWN.
  273. >The title suddenly pops into your head as you laugh aloud.
  274. >"W-What's so funny?" She asked, whimpering a little.
  275. "Nothing, nothing... just a joke."
  276. >She tilts her head a little.
  277. >"I-I uhm... like jokes..."
  278. >You smile. You know Equestria has the book too, just in a different... format.
  279. "Fifty Shades of Brown."
  280. >"...I don't get it."
  281. >You sigh. How would she even afford the book?
  282. >Idiot.
  283. "There's a book called Fifty Shades of Grey... it's a uh... Romance Thing. When I was cleaning you, I saw the dirt melt away and it made me think of it. 'Fifty Shades of Brown.'"
  284. >"Oh. I forgot that ponies still read..."
  285. >You sigh. That one really hit home. She probably hasn't touched a book since... what did happen to her?
  286. "How did you end up on the street?..." You ask, finally filling the tub up with another batch of warm water.
  287. >She turns her head away, finding a new interest in the water below.
  288. >She could get a Cold Shoulder cutiemark at this rate.
  289. >"Well uh... have you always lived in Ponyville?"
  290. >"N-No..."
  291. "..."
  292. >"..."
  293. >Well this is going far.
  294. "I should get a bucket. Because look how WELL this is going! Eh? Funny?"
  295. >You try to get her to smile. Anything.
  296. >Nothing. She just looks hurt, all the time.
  297. >What would Pinkie Pie do.
  298. >Party. Eat cake. Force cake down your throat. Apologize for your near death experience. Do it again. Tell a joke when you threaten to get a restraining order. Be upset when you actually file for a restraining order.
  299. >None of these options seem viable at this moment.
  300. >You instead pour a large portion of soup into her mane, smiling as she gasps from the suddenly cold sensation creeping down her wet mane.
  301. >Well it's better than the Restraining Order option, at least. She needs someone within 10 feet of her at all times.
  302. >You press your hands into her mane and begin to scrub away at the deep clinging filth.
  303. >You get a nice layer of lather going as you tackle that mess of a tale.
  304. >If she wants to get clean, she'll have to let that shampoo soak in for a long, looooong time.
  305. >With comb in hand, you begin to smooth out her matted tail.
  306. >It's been a while, when is the Doctor going to arrive?
  307. >He's probably stuck listening to that chatty Nurse as she flirts up a storm.
  308. >That or something popped up.
  309. >Regardless, it gives you more time to clean your new friend.
  310. >Twilight would be proud-
  311. >Your door is bucked open.
  312. >Oh yeah, Twilight is a thing.
  313. >You mentally prepare your wrist as she barges down the hallway.
  314. >"ANON, I TOLD you to wait for me at the PARK! You don't even know what I've been through-who is this?"
  315. >You want to salute as her Knight of Friendship. It always pisses her off when you do that.
  316. >But your hand is covered in soap, and there's a hurt mare in your bathtub.
  317. "Twilight, this is Morning Glory. Morning Glory, this is Twilight..."
  318. >You turn your head to see Morning Glory with her hooves tucked over her head, head submerged partly under the soothing warmth of the water.
  319. "I think you scared her Twi."
  320. >You gently tap her shoulder, her head slowly pulling free of her hiding spot.
  321. >She looks fearfully at the crazy Alicorn standing in the room, an incredibly long scroll, four ink pots, and seven quills held in her magic.
  322. >"Am I... interrupting something?"
  323. "Yes. A bath."
  324. >"Should I go?..."
  325. "Not if you don't want to. I'm cleaning my friend here. And I already called a doctor, too. Will you please check on the soup in the kitchen? Just add all of the extra stuff I set out to it."
  326. >"Uhm... yeeeaaah, sure."
  327. >It feels good knowing you can sometimes make a Princess do you favors.
  328. >You soon finish with her tail, lathering it up as you finally throw out the old comb. All of the teeth were bent from the knots, anyway.
  329. >You grab your "coat" shampoo, pouring it onto her back.
  330. >She gasps yet again, not expecting the cold dribbles to be so... well, cold, against the warm water.
  331. >It was soothing in a way, massaging the thick shampoo into her soft fur, cleaning away some of the thicker, nastier dark splotches that appeared over time.
  332. >Still, some bruises remain, and you try to be tender with them.
  333. >Maybe one day, you can unlock the secret that is Morning Glory.
  334. >Twilight returns with the soup in her magic, having filled a bowl up with it.
  335. "Would you mind feeding her? I have to finish cleaning her up before the doctor arrives."
  336. >This is going well. Twilight nods, using her magic to lift a spoon out of the bowl, placing it in front of the mare.
  337. >Morning is more careful this time, blowing at the spoon before swallowing it carefully.
  338. "Better, Morning?"
  339. >She nods once again, a very small, but brief smile breaking through her features as she enjoys the soup.
  340. >"Will you please tell me what's going on?" Twilight said, feeding Morning another spoonful. You carefully scrub at her jutting ribs, being as gently as possible where the bruises are.
  341. "I found her living in this box near the water fountain... you should have seen her, Twi. Terrible, absolutely terrible. It hurt me to see it... reminded me a lot of my own world when I did. So I took her home."
  342. >Morning nods to Twilight, taking in the Alicorn's features.
  343. >Wait she just realized something.
  344. >Alicorn.
  345. >"P-PRINCESS TWILIGHT!" Morning jumps, actually speaking for the first time in a while. She somehow manages to get onto all four hooves again, bowing her head again and again.
  346. >That was unexpected.
  347. >Twilight flinches, almost dropping the soup as the wet pony shows respect.
  348. >"Uh... hi." Twilight said in return, watching the young mare humble herself before her.
  349. >This is awkward. And cute.
  350. >"I-I'm so sorry for not recognizing you before!" She stutters, finally standing up to look the Alicorn in the eyes.
  351. >"It's uh... fine, really, Morning. The last time I went to Manehatten, nopony recognized me, either! Don't worry, it happens more often than you would think." She said, smiling, subconsciously bringing another spoonful of the now cheesy potato soup to the pony's maw.
  352. >"I-I'm being spoonfed by a Princess..." She gasps, her mouth hanging open. Twilight gently pushes the spoon inside with a short giggle.
  353. >Morning must feel like royalty by now.
  354. >"I like her, Anon. She's funny, and cute, too. She reminds me of you, in a way." Twilight says, instinctively making "coochi coo" faces as she fed the hurt earth pony.
  355. "Let me guess, homeless, hungry, and shocked as ever? Sounds just like my first day here."
  356. >"Yep!" Twilight chirps again, letting Morning glow finish the bowl. Twilight notices the now cold cup of cocoa by on the tub, and heats it up a bit with a spell.
  357. "So... how old are you, Morning?"
  358. >She thinks for a moment, picking up the warm cocoa with her hooves. You begin to pour soapy water over her, almost finished with the little mare.
  359. >"Seventeen..." She says shyly. Twilight tilts her head.
  360. >"That's pretty young to be out there for... how long, Anon?"
  361. "Four years."
  362. >"FOUR YEARS?!" She repeats, kinda like you did in your head.
  363. "Yep... though the way she did it is not something we should talk about in the company of small children, if you understand, Twilight."
  364. >"Oh, I saw the box already. Didn't know if it was a joke or not... coming from Canterlot, you only ever hear of these things, and that's from distant people. I didn't think it really happened, at least, not to that point..."
  365. >You facepalm. Twilight needs to get out more.
  366. "Of course it happens. In my world, it happened all the time."
  367. >"In... your world?"
  368. >Oh yeah, she probably doesn't know that bit yet.
  369. "Yep! Twilight here accidentally summoned me from another world, simple as that. That was three years ago, though. It wasn't that big of an issue, compared to some of the stuff that's happened before then. But I've actually enjoyed it here, a lot more than my own world! Had a caring father, an ever present teacher, and very little stress so far. Well, besides my surrogate dad passing. That was hard on me... but I got over it. Recently, in fact. It was today, when I met you."
  370. >You finish rinsing the soup from the mare, grabbing a new hair brush from the cabinet as you comb it through her smooth, untangled mane. Waterfalls of water pouring downwards.
  371. >"Not only that, but he's actually been quite helpful around town. Very nice pony, in my opinion. Which is why he needs to make some FRIENDS..." She knocked you on the head with her hoof. You didn't send in your friendship reports for the last few months. To be honest, you didn't take any of it seriously, but she was really trying to teach friendship to you.
  372. >All because Celestia did that to her. And look at her now, famous for five miles, with wings, to boot!
  373. >You wonder when Twilight is gonna give you your wings. You've seen some shit, man. You deserve them.
  374. >"And I'm not giving you wings or a horn, Anon. Quit thinking that."
  375. >"I wasn't! I swear!"
  376. >Curse that purple pony. She was too smart for her own good.
  377. Morning Glow turned her attention back to you, finishing her hot cocoa as you go over your interesting, though short life story.
  378. >"Were you always like this?..."
  379. "Hmm? How so?..."
  380. >"Loving... caring..."
  381. >You think it over. Y'know, you're not sure. Everything before Ponyville seems like a blur to you. Nothing really worth going back to.
  382. >Well, maybe your mom. She made pretty good cookies.
  383. >But your dad... he didn't try as hard as Row did.
  384. "Ask Twilight on that on. Twilight, have I been 'wubbing' and 'cawing' to wooooo?" You say, leaning over to rub your nose against her cheek. She groans.
  385. >Twilight pushes you away with her other hoof. You fall to the ground in mock agony.
  386. "MY LEEEEG~"
  387. >"More so annoying and whining... but I guess he's been SOMEWHAT tolerable. Somewhat."
  388. >Morning Glow gives a small giggle, finding your shenanigans fun to watch.
  389. >From your new position from the ground, you check the clock on the wall.
  390. >You've been washing Morning for a little over an hour now.
  391. "I wonder when Doctor Feel Good is going to get here."
  392. >"OH! Anon! That's what I was talking about earlier; you distracted me. There was an accident with the cloud... and a Pegasus broke their wing. He won't be able to make it for another half hour, I bet. Just has to get everything in order at the hospital, and leave them in the hands of Nurse Redheart." She says, thinking it over.
  393. >"Speaking of which, Anon..."
  394. "Nuh uh uh, my hand still hurts from last time, Twi. You can write your letters, you can write your notes, but don't you DARE make me write another three feet of parchment's worth of friendship reports. You're too good at English."
  395. >"Equestrian." Twilight corrects.
  396. "Same thing."
  397. >Twilight facehooves as Morning steps out of the bath.
  398. "Here Glory, let me help you with that." You say, reaching your hand out. She looks a little unsure, but seeing the Princess there really seems to calm her. Probably because Twilight could slam you into the wall if you became an insane monkey.
  399. >She weakly steps out of the water, biting her lip a little in pain as she seems to have energy again, able to do something other than stare down.
  400. >"T-Thank you... Anon. And Princess Twilight. You've both been so kind. And really weird, like siblings."
  401. >Well Twilight can bicker like a sibling, given the chance. You resist the urge to say that aloud, though.
  402. >"Pffft, Anon is hardly my BBBFF. I see him as my... YMBFF.
  403. >YMBFF?
  404. >"YMBFF?" Morning Asks, leaning against you for support.
  405. >"Yep! 'Young Monkey Best Friend Forever'. But if he keeps this up, we'll have to change that to 'Young Monkey Zapped Dead Forever', because I'm trying my hardest to teach him about friendship, and he just can't seem to keep the letters coming!"
  406. "It's not MY fault they keep getting lost in the mail..."
  407. >"YOU LIVE LIKE A HUNDRED HOOVES AWAY!" She facehooves harder. You want to see an imprint there at the end of the day.
  408. >Morning was smiling now. Making Twilight mad made everyone happy for some reason.
  409. >Grabbing a towel from the hook, you gently toss it over the soft, injured pony.
  410. >She groans as it hits her dislocated leg, hanging her head in pain.
  411. "You alright?" You ask, rubbing her side gently. She leans further against you, nuzzling your leg.
  412. >Hnng.
  413. >Twilight turns to inspect her damaged leg, brows knitting in concentration.
  414. >She isn't speaking. Never a good sign coming from Twilight Sparkle, in a case where thought is required.
  415. >Before you can do anything about it, Twilight squints her eyes.
  416. >Oh shit, here it comes.
  417. >She slips her hoof and presses it against Morning's misplaced bone, before quickly snapping her hoof back.
  418. >The bone pops back into place and Morning screams in agony.
  419. "WHAT THE FUCK, TWILIGHT? YOU COULDN'T WAIT FOR THE DOCTOR?!" You yell, as the broken pony wraps her forehooves around your chest, pressing her snout into your belly. It's like the hurt mare is trying to squeeze the life out of you, as the crying slowly stifles, and stops.
  420. >"Well, a good friend would have fixed the problem earlier!"
  421. "You're supposed to ASK!" You cling to Morning tightly, hand stroking through her wet mane. The crying stops.
  422. >"...T-Thank you, Twilight..."
  423. >Your gaze softens as you look down at Morning.
  424. >"Anon, if I asked, she would have braced against it and it would have only made it worse. That's what my medical journal states, at least. Now that it's back in order, it should be good as new!"
  425. "What the fuck Twilight. C'mon, you could have really hurt her."
  426. >"The only way to learn sometimes, is through practice. She was in agony, Anon. I didn't want her to wait any longer for the doctor.
  427. >Morning nods softly.
  428. >"She fixed it, Anon. Twilight got rid of the pain... please don't yell at her." She says, looking up at you teary eyed.
  429. >You can't resist those adawable eyes. So you sigh, instead.
  430. "I still want you to apologize to Morning Glory."
  431. >Twilight steps forward, wrapping her hooves around the wet pony as she gives her a hug.
  432. >"I'm sorry for hurting you, Morning. But it was for your own good, okay?"
  433. >The urge to punch purple smart rises. But you let it go.
  434. >Morning hugs back softly, sighing in her embrace.
  435. >These fucking horses, man. You punch them in the nose and it breaks. Their friend sees it's broken, and punches the other way to fix it.
  436. >Fucking insane.
  437. >Regardless you take that somewhat heartfelt apology and finally start to dry Morning.
  438. >Except there's one problem.
  439. >Morning has turned back to hug you, and won't let go of you.
  440. >You feel more like a massive plushie than you do a carpenter.
  441. >You instead opt to handing the towel to Twilight, as you sit down, defeated. She sighs and begins to clean off the wet pony, yourself unable to reach half of her body.
  442. >Regardless of how much you hate Twilight at times, she really is like a big sister to you. Even though she's half your size.
  443. >And even if she's awkward, she still gets the job done.
  444. >But she shouldn't have done that. That was stupid, even for her. But you won't challenge her on it.
  445. >Ten more minutes pass as the Doctor finally arrives.
  446. >He steps through the already open door, calling in a confused hello.
  447. "In the bathroom, Feel Good. We fixed her leg, but she's still pretty beat up. Please tell me you brought the jaws of life."
  448. >As much as you loved hugs, especially from something so hug-able, she couldn't seem to let go of you.
  449. >He enters to find you leaning against the wall with his patient tightly wrapped around you, laying on you and the floor contently. Twilight just finished drying off her tail with a flourish, setting town the towel with her hooves.
  450. >"Well then... I uh, seemed to have found the right house." He said, chuckling a little as Morning lifts her head, blinking tiredly.
  451. >She had apparently fallen asleep on your chest.
  452. >Well alrighty then.
  453. >"I'm afraid we need space for this..." He said, stuffing an old pair of rubber gloves... if you can really call them gloves, more like horse condoms... into an outer compartment of his bag. "It's been a while since I made a house call. Usually, I tell my patients to come in."
  454. >Well you didn't want to bring her through town looking like that, you thought guiltily. You should have focused more on her health at the time, besides her stench.
  455. "I know this, after I received your first bill as an actual citizen. They should call you Mr. Price Hike. You hike up two sets of stairs, and you give me your price!" You tease, standing up with the now terrifyingly light pony in your midst.
  456. >She lost some weight from that deep clean you gave her. And luckily, her coat returned to normal, besides the bruises.
  457. >You'll have to work on those. Maybe some leeches will do.
  458. >"My price would be much lower if I were a vet, I can assure you, Mr. Anon. Monkeys aren't my specialty." He smartly replies as you sit down on the couch. Twilight yawns and follows suit, taking the wooden chair by the fireplace and turning it to face the two of you.
  459. >Dr. Feel Good prefers to stand, "thank you very much", as he would say. His business is usually short lived.
  460. >In fact, he was one of the many ponies you met on your first day in Equestria. Twilight wanted to have a Doctor look you over. This is the very same one that came. In a nutshell, he poked you with a stick, took an Xray, ran a few blood tests, and could only confirm that "This 'Anon' appears to be a thing." Well, something along those lines. He really just handed Twilight a folder you never bothered to ask about.
  461. >He then recommended that she bring animals to a vet next time.
  462. >It would Feel Good to kick Feel Good somewhere where it doesn't... feel good.
  463. >But you're not that violent. Instead, you let him look over your new friend.
  464. >He first starts with a stethoscope, thermometer, and one of the those blood pressure bags you tried to pop when you were young in a Doctor's Office, asking various questions to the skinny pony in your grasp.
  465. >"How often do you eat?" >"Not enough."
  466. >"Are you drinking enough fluids daily?" >"Usually from ponds or rivers... sometimes puddles."
  467. >"How long have you known Mr. Anon?" "I met him this afternoon..."
  468. >"How old is this particular bruise?" "Two weeks."
  469. >"Does it hurt when I do this?" "O-Ow! Y-Yes..."
  470. >Eventually, the questions come to an end, as does Feel Good with his clipboard.
  471. >"I'm suspecting just a simple cold, but her malnutrition is the primary issue here. I can tell she recently ate today, which is good news. For now, bed rest, lots of bread and high calorie foods, and for the cold, take two of these..." He digs around in his bag, pulling out a common bottle of medicine. "...A day. Once at breakfast, and once at supper."
  472. >You listen intently to the Doctor's instructions, nodding.
  473. >"Is there anything we can do to help the bruises heal faster?" Twilight pitches in, finding herself leaning back in your favorite wooden chair.
  474. >"I'm afraid not, unless if you want to try less conventional methods of healing. I would contact your... friend, in the Everfree."
  475. >He obviously doesn't like Zecora, probably because she took away some of his usual customers with more cost effective cures.
  476. >"Other than that, you can purchase iron boosters to help excel the recovery rate from my pharmacy. That's all I can do."
  477. >He begins to pack up his bag, sighing as he talks to you specifically.
  478. >"That will be 90 for the visit, and 40 for the prescription. And an extra five because I don't like Pets."
  479. >You grunt. That bastard always adds an extra five if you're involved. He really doesn't like you, but he's one of the few Doctors in town.
  480. You dig around in your coin pouch, handing him the requested amount bitterly. Two Diamond bits. He dropped five 10-bits into your hand.
  481. >You frown, waiting for your last five back.
  482. >He turns and walks away.
  483. "Jackass..." You say under your breath, where only Twilight and Morning can hear you.
  484. >"Goodbye, Anonymous." He said, closing the door behind it.
  485. "What a jerk." You say quietly, now that you hear him leaving the workshop area.
  486. >"Well, you did take a swing at him on your first day here." Twilight said, mocking what would appear to be a slow version of yourself.
  487. >"Huuuuuuh dis Doctah scary!" She swung her hoof limply, watching it fall back into her lap.
  489. >"He wanted you to open your mouth!"
  490. "He was a TALKING HORSE!" You fall back into the chair laughing, cuddling the pony in your lap like a plushie.
  491. >Somehow, the tables have turned. You are now the one cuddling.
  492. >As Twilight regains her senses, she sighs, standing up.
  493. >"Anyway, I think I should go. It's kinda getting late, and I AM a Princess. I have... Princessy things to go do!"
  494. "We all know sitting on your throne, waving your golden stick is your favorite Princess task."
  495. >"Along with ordering you to stop being such a monkey and get back to work." She retorts, trotting to the door.
  496. >"Bye Anon, bye Morning Glory! Anon, I want a Friendship Report about your new friend within the next two hours!"
  497. >Fuck.
  498. >Writing.
  499. >Your arch nemesis.
  500. >You lift the new, quiet pony up into the air, looking her in the eyes.
  501. "I have a job for you, if you want it." You say, smiling. "You don't have to accept, but I would love the help... y'see, when I came to Ponyville, I had no friends, no loved ones... not a nickle to my name."
  502. >She continues to look you over, fear no longer clouding her mind, just slight uncertainty.
  503. "I had nothing. Then I met a Stallion. The same one who lived in this building."
  504. >You smile at the memory. A oldie but a goodie.
  505. "He saw I had nothing, nothing but what I was born with. And he offered me a job. He taught me. Taught me how to work with wood and make a living. How this world works. He paid me well, and after a few months, he gave me the guest bed."
  506. >You point to a room, the one slightly past the Master Bedroom. "That one."
  507. "And he raised me in a new world. Something his father couldn't do. Something mine couldn't accomplish."
  508. You mull over your words, gazing down in Morning Glory's eyes, then her blank flanks.
  509. "Like you, I had no talent. But he was patient, if a bit wild. He didn't mind. After some time and a lot of wood, I adapted. I learned from him. I made my first chair in a week and sat on it. Sure, it broke that day, but it was a chair, and you could sit on it. I made it from nothing."
  510. "Morning... I would like to extend this offer to you. I can teach you a skill. Even if you aren't good at it, or ever earn your Cutie Mark, you will still be able to make a chair. A place to sit. To sit and think about how you made this chair."
  511. >Tears begin to form in your eyes. You can feel Row smiling at you, from wherever he may be.
  512. "Y-You're.... Just like me, Glory. You had nothing. I want to fix that. I want to give your life meaning, because you're just like me."
  513. >You feel a hoof touch your lips, as you open your tear-stained eyes. Glory no longer has an expression of doubt, or fear. Not a hint of sorrow or misfortune. There is a simple smile.
  514. >"...Anon... I accept."
  515. >Your smile grows as you embrace tightens around the small, brown mare before you, pulling her into a tight hug as you close your eyes.
  516. "Thank you, Morning... I hope that even if you fail to learn a thing, that I can still show you the kindness and patience Woodrow has shown me."
  517. >For the next half hour, all you do is hold your new apprentice tightly in your arms. You've just met her, and you've already changed her life around for the better. Your heart drums wildly at the madness you've went through today.
  518. >You gave life to a dieing mare.
  519. >You saved her from her terrible fate, opting to instead take her in.
  520. >It seems surreal to you, almost. You've never been this kind to a single living thing in your life.
  521. >But you don't mind at all. The happiness welling within you only makes you pet that mare's mane, humming as you gently rock her back and forth.
  522. >Slowly, as the moment passes and you feel ready to speak, you feel safe to ask her.
  523. "Morning Glory..." You sigh, pulling back a bit to stare at that cute, happier mare. "I know it may hurt, but... may I know a little bit more about you? You're a mystery mare to me. All I know is your name, and the fact that you like being spoon fed by Twilight.
  524. >The last bit was a joke, but it hardly dampens her mood.
  525. >"I... I guess I can say a little. B-But!" She squeaks, raising a hoof up into the air. "Please... don't push me. I try not to think about my past too much..."
  526. You tap her right on the pony nose with your hand.
  527. "I wouldn't think to hurt you. Unless if belly rubs were lethal, I think you're safe." Teasing is always fun to do. And you are amply rewarded with a little blush on each of her cheeks.
  528. >"W-Well... I was born in Manehatten. I don't know by who, but they probably couldn't take care of me. Instead, they chose to... leave me at this orphanage. It wasn't a very nice was. It was incredibly strict, with these... black clothed ponies who always carried rulers with them. It wasn't uncommon to see them use them...
  529. "I've heard of places like those, in my world. The people who come from there aren't the most stable." You frown, stroking Glory's cheek. Her small smile turns back to a frown. "But I think you turned out perfect, regardless."
  530. >Her smile comes back, as she soon returned to her story.
  531. >"At the age of thirteen, someone decided it would be fun to steal all of the erasers from the chalkboard and place them in my desk, because I hadn't found my special talent yet. When the teacher found out, I... I..."
  532. >You shush her. You can assume what happen.
  533. "Not those parts. We don't have to see that again, do we? It's not important to the story...
  534. >She sniffles, seeming to find a brilliant use for your shirt as she wipes away the tears.
  535. >"Thank you. That means a lot to me..."
  536. >You hug her again, wanting to know more about her past. You can assume a lot, but what could make her this traumatized?
  537. >"I ran away after... that, that night. I couldn't stand another day in that place. I took what little I had, and ran. The bedsheets, a single shirt, a small locket that was left with me at the orphanage."
  538. >She presses her hoof to her chest, feeling where it used to belong. "It didn't have a picture, but it was the only thing that remained of my parents. It was silver, real silver... and I miss it so much. I wouldn't trade it for the world.
  539. >"In four days I... I was so hungry. I thought about going back. How I could beg to be let back in. But that wouldn't happen. I could have had five years to find my special talent, then I could have found a job... but... I chose the easy path, and ran away."
  540. >You could feel your heart breaking from the mare. You had troubles fitting in at school, at times. Other times, you had to put on a mask to actually fit in.
  541. >You passed, but it wasn't a good experience for you.
  542. >"I... did things. To live." She said, before going silent again, finding it hard to think beyond this point.
  543. >You pull her closer, pressing her into your chest.
  544. "That's enough for now... you can tell me at work one day. You have a week of rest ahead of you, Glory." You said, picking her up in your strong arms. She nodded against you, closing her eyes tiredly as her head rested against your gentle heartbeat.
  545. >You place her in the guest bed with love, your former room, as you pulled the covers over her shoulders.
  546. "Now, Glory, for the next few days, I don't want you to leave this bed unless if you have to use the restroom, or need me. I'll be downstairs usually, if not in here. I still have a business to run, but while you're healing, you are my number one priority.
  547. >She nods softly, wrapped up in the warm sheets of your old bed. It was large for you, if not most ponies, but you built the bed this way. To fit you.
  548. >And in your eyes, Glory fit in this bed just as well.
  549. >You open the door, giving her one last smile for the night.
  550. "Goodnight, Glory." You said.
  551. "Goodnight, Anon." She smiled in return, curling up.
  552. >You close the door softly behind you, leaving it unlocked for the little mare as you sigh.
  553. >Today had been a long day for Anon Y. Mous. No, not Anon Y. Mous the Brave, the Bold, or the Smart.
  554. But a very long day for Anon Y. Mous, Carpenter.
  555. >You lean against the door, sinking down until you can't slide another inch, thinking over your life.
  556. >Anon, the Carver of Oak, the Savior of all fine Wooden Shacks, and not to mention the Warrior of the Morning Wood, had a long day today not because it was the Summer Solstice. In fact, it was in the dead center of Winter. It was long because you spent the day... saving someone who wore your shoes.
  557. >Not the clean, new shoes you had made for your feet, or the spare pair in your closet, but the ones you came to Equestria in. The ones you thought you threw away.
  558. >But how could you throw away something so beautiful?
  559. -~End of Day One~-
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