

Aug 30th, 2016
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  1. =Gaming=
  2. Tina wandered among the club booths, searching high and low for the last club listed on the flyer.
  3. “Mami, where'd you get this one from?”
  4. The blonde girl pointed towards the edge of the quad. Hidden in a corner was a boy sitting all alone with his uniform half undone while using a carboard box for a table. Hanging in front of the box was a sign reading “Gaming Club” written in a messy handwriting
  5. “Oh, you have got to be kidding me.”
  6. Tina grimaced as she saw who was in charge of the booth.
  7. “Ah, T-Tina!”
  8. The boy fumbles as he tries to fix himself up, but ends up falling on top of the box. Typical for the lovestruck boy to act like a total idiot around her.
  9. “Dropped the ball hard there, kid.”
  10. Seth helps Dwight back onto his feet, much to his gratitude.
  11. “Ah, thanks Seth. S-So, what brings you three here?”
  12. “Tina here is looking for a club.”
  13. “No I'm not. Don't believe Seth's lies.”
  14. “Then what were you doing visiting the Science and Health club booths? You also have the flyers for them too.”
  15. Tina couldn't help but curse the boy silently for his observation.
  16. “Yes, we're looking for a club but I doubt yous even counts.”
  17. “Umm, I-It will if I can get 3 other members to join.”
  18. Mami pushed Tina forward, close to Dwight.
  19. “Well what do you know? With me, Seth, and Tina, you have the three you need!”
  20. “What would be the point in even joining this club?”
  21. Dwight pulled out a paper from his pockets.
  22. “Umm, my sponsor, Mr. Bennett, says he'll give credit for his economy class if any of his students join. Since it's a senior class, I imagine you and Seth have him.”
  23. She couldn't help but curse him again. Of all the teachers he could have gotten to sponsor him, it had to be one she had.
  24. “What do you even do in this club? There doesn't seem to be much use for a gaming club.”
  25. “According to the psychology teacher, cooperative games are good for team building, which is useful in today's market. She also says that some games help with brain development or hand-eye coordination.”
  26. “Ok., so it has its uses. I guess.”
  27. “Does this mean you'll join?”
  28. “...nope.”
  29. Dwight's enthusiasm immediately vanished.
  30. “Oh promised the other clubs that you'll consider them.”
  31. “That's right. And now that I've seen everything there is, I'll make my choice. See you later you little shit.”
  32. As Tina and her friends walked away, Dwight yelled out.
  33. “At least consider joining me!!!”
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