
MonMusu Mekton Quest: Episode 5

Feb 3rd, 2016
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  1. 8:05 PM - Even MORE Mekton: So last time, you had just finished washing and resting up after a helluva fight in which the universe (along with some Flal Mektons) bent to your will. It now being the following day, you're free to wander about as you please on the ship, perhaps talk to some of the crew or see how repairs are coming along on the Yuida.
  2. 8:05 PM - Even MORE Mekton: You've been told that you should be arriving at station Zeta-95 within the next day or two, depending on traffic and potential snag-ups.
  3. 8:13 PM - Kari: Kari decides she deserves a little R&R despite her rest period and lounges around on the oversized bed for a time, stretching her limbs and her wings. When the restlessness gets too much, however, she decides it might not be a bad idea to see how the repairs on the Yuida are going. It might not hurt to ask Dematus a few things too about her gear since she survived her trial by fire.
  4. 8:17 PM - Even MORE Mekton: Dressing and heading down to engineering, you find one of the Flal Mektons already mostly disassembled, Dematus hanging from the bay's ceiling as he works over the innards of your damaged Yuida's torso, a welding mask clad on his face.
  5. 8:20 PM - Even MORE Mekton: Sparks fly as he roots around the inside, welding gun in hand, apparently engrossed in his work as he goes about repairing the damage. Cranes hang overhead, within reach and strung up on a series of silk strands with various parts and tools easily accessable and at hand.
  6. 8:27 PM - Kari: Kari leans against a nearby crate, watching Dematus work for a bit. She eyes over the mekton, considering options for the future, and debates whether to leave him to his work, or stop him for a chat. He looks like he's pretty focussed on his work though, so she decides to give him his space and maybe leave a message for him later. Giving him a wave in case he actually does notice, she steps off to find the mess and maybe get something to eat.
  7. 8:34 PM - Even MORE Mekton: Dematus turns his head to acknowledge your wave before immediately returning to work. Heading to the mess, you make your way through the wide (for you) halls. Curiously, you smell something already cooking, and hear the sizzling of pans from within. Poking your head inside, you find an extremely long, thin-legged Dryder with her back to you.
  8. 8:38 PM - Even MORE Mekton: Her legs are both hairless and without chitin, but they're about double the length of the legs you've seen on the other Dryders before, requiring them to be buckled in order for her to properly fit within the room. She's clad in a short-sleeved, gray coat, and set on the counter off to her side you see a gray cap with the Spyder Sylk Industries logo on its face.
  9. 8:40 PM - Kari: Kari slips into the room in full and gives her wings a little buzz to announce her presence. Tilting her head to the side, she waves one hand tucked up close to her body. "Hi~," she chitters happily. "I don't think we've met yet."
  10. 8:45 PM - Even MORE Mekton: Reacting instantly to your approach, she grabs you under the chin with one long-clawed hand, squeezing uncomfortably as she brings the blade she was using to cut carrots hovering an inch away from your eye. Her eight eyes narrow as she looks you over head to toe.
  11. 8:47 PM - Kari: Kari tenses up at the sudden reaction from the oversized spider, freezing in place and staring at the knife. After a couple seconds of silence, she blushes quite a bit and looks up into the woman's many eyes with a toothy smile. "H-Hey..! You're kinda hot! My name's Kari, what's yours~?"
  12. 8:50 PM - Even MORE Mekton: She licks her lips as she stares down at you, smiling to herself. "Well, you must be the one Mr. Silk picked up." Slowly withdrawing the blade, she gives it a short twirl before returning to her carrot-cutting. "And you're a tasty little morsel yourself. I'm Langio. But you'll refer to me as 'Chief'."
  13. 8:53 PM - Kari: Kari's smile edges a little further as she licks her lips. Once let go, she emits a giddy giggle, wings buzzing as she daydreams like an idiot for a bit. "It's nice to meet you, Chief. The others haven't mentioned you yet. You already seem to know who I am, and... I'm guessing by the name choice you're... chief of security?"
  14. 8:56 PM - Even MORE Mekton: "You catch on quick." You watch her cut, her hands moving at near lightning speeds. "I handle the ship and its passengers' safety and wellbeing. The others know not to mention me. It... ruins the impact."
  15. 8:58 PM - Kari: "Well you sure gave 'me' a rush," she says with a giggle. "I wasn't even expecting to see anyone new in here. My heart's still racing, actually."
  16. 9:03 PM - Even MORE Mekton: Concluded with her cutting, she sweeps the sliced vegetables into the simmering pot on the stove. She stirs the pot a little, turning towards you with the knife still held in her hand. She licks the knife, lifting your chin with the flat of the blade as she stares you dead-on, still smiling. "Is that so?"
  17. 9:07 PM - Kari: Kari immediately tenses up once more, lifting her chin to the insistance of the blade. "Y-yeah..." She can hardly really think of much else of a reponse, eyes roaming all over the spider. "This... this isn't h-helping that stop any time s-soon."
  18. 9:11 PM - Even MORE Mekton: "Oh? Perhaps we'll have to work on that. Though I must say, having seen the video of you in Mekton combat, I got... a rush of my own." She takes her blade back, sheathing it in a holster attached to the brown leather belt wrapped around her waist. "Maybe I'll have to teach you... the ropes."
  19. 9:11 PM - Even MORE Mekton: She gives you a toothy, self-satisfied smile as she tends her pot of stew.
  20. 9:15 PM - Kari: Kari giggles and stammers for some time, trying to piece together the thoughts that race through her naive mind. "I-is th-that so~? I m-might have to um... t-take you up on that." Taking a moment to clear her head, she gives it a shake and clears her throat. "I-In o-other news... um... I s-suppose that means you know your weapons qu-quite well. I have to admit, despite my talent with piloting, I'm... not sure if I'm more a danger to myself than others with a gun. If you have the time sometime, I'd really appreciate if you tought me how to use them, Chief."
  21. 9:18 PM - Even MORE Mekton: "Is that so? I'd be satisfied to see you shoot straighter than most men I've known. I might consider it... you'll need some more personal abilities, in any case. Your Mekton won't protect you forever."
  22. 9:21 PM - Kari: "Mhmm. That was my thought too," Kari says with a nod. She's still smiling, but most of the tension is at least starting to subside. "I can still handle myself with a blade thankfully, but... that's just not good enough is it?"
  23. 9:21 PM - Even MORE Mekton: "That would depend on how good with a blade you are. In most cases, no, it won't be enough."
  24. 9:27 PM - Kari: "Good enough to compete with my sister, and to hunt on my own. Against a trained swordsman though...? I don't know. I'd been living on the streets for a while until Mr. Silk offered me the job. Had to drop out of school and everything, so I missed out on phys ed and self defence classes." Her face turns into a bit of a frown at the mention of it, and she idly runs her thumb over the hilt of her sword.
  25. 9:33 PM - Even MORE Mekton: You hear the sloshing of her concoction as she ladels some of the completed product into a bowl. Taking a bowl in each hand over to you, she sets them down, one in front of you and the other on the opposite side of the table. Running a finger down the length of your sword, she leans in close, your chests meeting as she holds her face inches from your own. "We'll have to get you caught up to speed then. Can't have you falling behind when we need you most, now can we?"
  26. 9:37 PM - Kari: Kari trembles once more as Langio bears down on her. She has no idea just what to do with her hands, and it's quite clear the spider has the upper hand in every way. "Y-y-y-y-yes, M-Ma'am...! Y-You c-c-can count on m-me...!" Chittering nervously, her wings buzz every now and then as the panic spreads across her face.
  27. 9:42 PM - Even MORE Mekton: "Now that's what I like to see." She tilts her head, smiling. Scuttling to the other side of the table, she begins eating. Seeing you still frozen, she raises her four left eyes. "Come now, eat up. It won't bite. Or perhaps you'd prefer me to feed you, hmm?" Smiling broadly, she scoops a spoonful of her bowl out, pushing it towards your mouth. "Now say 'aaah'."
  28. 9:47 PM - Kari: Kari's eyes stare into the many on Langio's face, and with a sudden outburst she quitely loudly proclaims, "Nono! Th-that's fine! I'm a b-big tough girl! Don't worry about me! Hahahahahaha!" Kari does her best to shake off the nervous tension, posing a bit dramatically as she tries to pretend she's not horribly intimidated. Eventually she takes her seat and picks up her own spoon. "B-Besides.... I... I w-wouldn't w-want to take your food, especially when you so kindly made enough f-for me too. "
  29. 9:49 PM - Even MORE Mekton: Without breaking the smile, she puts the spoonful into her own mouth. "Such a shame."
  30. 9:50 PM - Even MORE Mekton: Her eyes lose their playful gaze, and her smile turns to a more serious mask. "You definitely want to learn personal protection though, is that right?"
  31. 9:53 PM - Kari: Kari's a bit taken aback by the sudden tonal shift, but she looks the woman right in the eyes and nods. "Yes, Ma'am. I'd rather not put lives at risk due to inexperience." She does her best to match Langio's tone, even if her heart is still racing.
  32. 9:54 PM - Even MORE Mekton: "I'll have you know, I'm very serious about my work."
  33. 9:54 PM - Kari: "And I'm very enthusiastic about mine. Show me what to do and I'll pay attention. I promise."
  34. 9:55 PM - Even MORE Mekton: Her smile resumes. "Good. I like a submissive pupil that does as they're told."
  35. 9:58 PM - Kari: "A-ah?" Kari's face twitches a bit, but with a clearing of her throat, she mostly recovers. "O-of course. I doubt Mr. Silk would w-waste his time with me if I couldn't t-take orders."
  36. 10:02 PM - Even MORE Mekton: Placing her spoon in her now-empty bowl, she stands. "Very true. Now, eat up. Your training starts in thirty seconds. We'll be arriving at the station within a day, and training until then. I will allot three twenty-second intervals of rest between now and then."
  37. 10:04 PM - Kari: "Y-Yes, Ma'am!" Kari snaps a quick salute and then shovels the soup into her face as fast as she can, just barely making it in time as she tilts the bowl into her mouth. Slapping her hands down on the table, she practically jumps out of her seat to her feet and stands at attention. "Ready!"
  38. 10:07 PM - Even MORE Mekton: Gazing with distaste at the pocketwatch in her hand, she looks back at you with an even, unamused look. "You were over a second late. We'll make up the lost time by working through your breaks. /All/ of them. Now let's go, before you waste any /more/ time."
  39. 10:09 PM - Even MORE Mekton: Scuttling forwards, she stops, bending down slightly to sling a string of web at you that quickly wraps itself around your wrists, leaving you effectively bound. Before you can recover your wits or realize just what's happened, she walks, sending you stumbling onto the floor and being dragged behind her on your rump.
  40. 10:11 PM - Kari: "H-huh?!" Quite confused and certain she made it in time, Kari's left stunned for the webbing. "H-Hey! Waitaminute!" Before she can do much of anything, she shrieks abit as she goes tumbling down. "Help! I need an adult!"
  41. 10:11 PM - Even MORE Mekton: "I /am/ an adult. And for the next twenty four hours, the only one you'll be seeing."
  42. 10:16 PM - Even MORE Mekton: An exhausting twenty-four period of constant, utterly draining training (in which you were ready to pass out after the first hour), you're thrown unceremoniously onto your bed. Having been drilled in hand-eye coordination, eye stretches and focusing exercises, detail memorization and a variety of other such tasks, you didn't even get to touch a gun.
  43. 10:19 PM - Even MORE Mekton: Langio stares disapprovingly at you from your bedroom door as you lay sprawled on your bed. Scuttling inside, she raises one leg, placing it on your chest and applying pressure. "You were... disappointing. If you want the good graces of my instruction ever again, you'd be wise to shape up."
  44. 10:22 PM - Kari: "G-Gah...!" Kari winces at the pressure on her chest. She looks up at the chief with a mix of discomfort and disgrace. "Y-Yes, Ma'am. I'm s-sorry I failed you and myself. I can do better. I know it."
  45. 10:26 PM - Even MORE Mekton: "See that you do. I won't stand for failure again." She walks out of your room, the door closing behind her being the final outtake on this, the most physically draining day of your life. And you didn't even do that much working out.
  46. 10:27 PM - Even MORE Mekton: But first, congrats! You got a whole
  47. 10:27 PM - Even MORE Mekton: 2
  48. 10:27 PM - Even MORE Mekton: Pistol IP
  49. 10:28 PM - Even MORE Mekton: You spend the next ten hours sleeping off your exhaustion, waking up still tired.
  50. 10:31 PM - Kari: Kari passes out as the door shuts with one last wince. After a heavy, weary sleep, Kari groans as she wakes up once more. "My head... What the h-... right...." Remembering her shameful display, she sits there for a few more minutes. Rising to her feet, with an angry groan, she hurries to get cleaned up and presentable. Almost forgetting a few articles in her rush to run out the door, she straps on the last of her gear as she moves out into the hall to find Langio. Fire burns in her heart to challenge the chief to train her again.
  51. 10:34 PM - Even MORE Mekton: You head to the shooting range, intent on trying again. As the automatic door to the range slides open when you step through, a sudden reverberating clang rings through your ears. Turning to the source, you find a knife embedded halfway down the blade in the solid metal wall, less than an inch from your face. Turning again and following the trajectory of said blade, you see Langio, standing behind the firing lines and still poised post-throw.
  52. 10:37 PM - Kari: Kari tenses up reactively paralyzed from the threatening knife beside her head. Turning to see the blade burried deep in the wall. Still panicking slightly, Kari suddenly makes a recover and poses dramatically with her finger pointed at the imposing woman. "Y-You don't scare me! I have a fire in my soul that can only be that of a woman in danger! Can you feel the passion!? Can you feel the intensity! I am here to prove you wrong! I'm here to prove I'm worthy of your tutelage! Now teach me damnit!..... please...?"
  53. 10:38 PM - Even MORE Mekton: *clang*
  54. 10:38 PM - Even MORE Mekton: Head creaking in a terrified, slow turn to the opposite side of your head, you spot a still-wobbling blade sticking out of the wall.
  55. 10:39 PM - Even MORE Mekton: "You think you can keep up?"
  56. 10:40 PM - Kari: "GAAAH!" She shrieks in terror at the second knife, but turns back to the chief despite her panic. "Y-Yes! I can p-put up with you, you terrifying demon woman! I am ready for your challenge!"
  57. 10:43 PM - Even MORE Mekton: Silently padding her way over to your position, she leans down to meet you at eye-level, her already-strained jacket only tightening on her large bust even more from the action. She squeezes your face with with a hand, bringing it to her own as she says, "Oh? So I'm a demon? Perhaps you'd like me to just eat you up right here and now." She licks her lips slowly, deliberately. "I'd be happy to oblige."
  58. 10:45 PM - Kari: A blush red enough to rival her hair appears in practically an instant, but she grits her teeth anyway. Leaning into the woman, she bluffs her courage and presses her face to Langio's. "O-OH YEAH!? THEN DO IT! AND I'LL LEARN HOW TO FIGHT MY WAY OUT OF YOU!"
  59. 10:50 PM - Even MORE Mekton: She pushes your face towards her own, lips locking in a fierce power struggle you never had a chance of winning. You can feel her tongue feeling its way through your mouth, locking itself against your own. A moment and an eternity later, she pulls away, but not before nipping your lower lip with her numerous sharp canines. A strand of saliva hangs between the two of you as your lip dribbles blood.
  60. 10:56 PM - Kari: Kari practically goes standing-limp, pressed against the door as Langio savagely forces her against it. Whimpering in a mixture of fear and shock, she barely has enough time to register what's going on. By the time her eyes rolls back, her lids close, and she starts to return the gesture, the chief is already pulling away. She stays leaning against the sealed door, paralyzed and wide-eyed as her chest heaves up and down. All her words leave her as she stares into Langio's many eyes, following their every moment; Utterly enraptured. The most she can muster up the will to do on her own is pull her lip back into her mouth to lick up the taste of blood and give the lip a nibble of her own.
  61. 11:00 PM - Even MORE Mekton: Carressing your cheek with her hand, she soon enough pulls that away as well, gently dragging her nail under your chin. Not enough to break skin, but enough to leave a mark all the same. "Well, it /is/ what you asked for. Now snap out of that daydream, you've got work to do. And a lot of it, to make up for that special service."
  62. 11:01 PM - Kari: "Y-yes, Ma'am...!" All the forcefulness has drained out of her, but she stands at attention all the same.
  63. 11:02 PM - Even MORE Mekton: "Now to pick up where we left off..."
  64. 11:06 PM - Even MORE Mekton: You run through the exact same exercises as the day before. Only this time, something's different. Something's /right/. You nail each and every one, perfectly, the first time. Langio herself even seems remotely impressed at your display of competence. A few hours later, she even moves you up to shooting targets, and you hit (most of) those with pinpoint accuracy. It's another complete 24-hour period before you're given reprieve, but at the end of it, you still feel as though you could go for just a little longer.
  65. 11:07 PM - Even MORE Mekton: "I must say that's a far sight better than yesterday's disappointment. If a kiss is all it takes to get you moving, maybe you should have a cockpit built for two, hmm?" she gives that coy, slightly-condescending smile that she always has.
  66. 11:08 PM - Even MORE Mekton: "Considering your... drastic improvement, I think it's safe to say you're not an utterly unsalvageable wreck."
  67. 11:11 PM - Kari: A shudders runs down Kari's spine, but there's a lingering smile on her face all the same. This woman just knows every way to get her riled up, and she's not complaining one bit. "If I d-didn't fuck up a bit... you've have n-nothing to whip into shape, right...?"
  68. 11:12 PM - Even MORE Mekton: "Oh, no. That's where you're very, very wrong. I might just need to whip that attitude into shape next."
  69. 11:13 PM - Kari: "M-Ma'am..?"
  70. 11:15 PM - Even MORE Mekton: Performing her signature-leandown, bust bursting at the seams, her eyes gaze unblinkingly at you as her smile widens to uncomfortable proportions. "A good little student doesn't question their teacher. Maybe you're just /looking/ to be punished?"
  71. 11:18 PM - Kari: Kari's face once again matches her hair inside an instant. Her mouth opens wordlessly, mouthing syllables that don't form words. Finally a few sounds make it out as she stares more at Langio's lips than her eyes. "I..... I.... w-w... b...."
  72. 11:22 PM - Even MORE Mekton: Running her tongue across her lips, she stares you in the eyes, pretending to not notice where your gaze is directed. "Where did that fire go, hm? That spirit you were so boasting about not long ago." As her tongue reaches full-circle around her lips again, this time in the opposite direction, she opens her mouth just enough for you to get a peek at the moist interior, her tongue settling back to a resting position between her numerous sharp teeth. Taking a breath, she exhales on your face. "You'd like a little more service, wouldn't you?"
  73. 11:25 PM - Kari: Kari's entirely enraptured by the display. She's positively captivated in her naive frame of mind, and her cheeks are positively burning. Swallowing hard, she tries to bring herself to speak once more. "Ch-Chief... I... I d-don't know what y-you're talking about..." As much as she tries she just can break her eyes away, or force herself to move from that spot.
  74. 11:26 PM - Even MORE Mekton: "Well, I guess I was wrong then. Maybe you don't want it." She stands to her full height, shrugging. "That's enough for today. You scurry on back to your room now."
  75. 11:27 PM - Kari: "W-wait!"
  76. 11:27 PM - Kari: Kari lurches forward, hand already reaching out before she can stop herself. Her eyes look up with horror at her sudden outburst.
  77. 11:28 PM - Even MORE Mekton: She stops mid-step as she made to leave. Not turning to face you, she says, "I already dismissed you, did I not? Why are you still here?"
  78. 11:29 PM - Even MORE Mekton: "If you like this place so much, I can always string you up to the ceiling and leave you there until tomorrow."
  79. 11:29 PM - Kari: "B... Because I d-don't quit halfway...!" Kari stands up straight, doing her best to not buckle at the knees. "I can take anything you throw at me!"
  80. 11:30 PM - Even MORE Mekton: "Oh?" she turns around, facing you again, though she hasn't lowered herself.
  81. 11:32 PM - Kari: "Y-Yeah! Anything you can throw at me! I want to learn, and I won't get anywhere by quitting halfway."
  82. 11:32 PM - Kari: Kari can't bring herself to look up despite her words, just doing her best to quell the intense trembling across her whole body.
  83. 11:36 PM - Even MORE Mekton: She smirks, an evil grin spreading across her face. "Well, that's such a lovely response, my heart's been brought to tears." She leans down, hand to her chest as she gestures grandly before standing to her full height again. "Alright, since you insist so much..." she pauses, peering at you through half-lidded eyes as she raises a finger to emphasize her point. She says, "Run through the excercises we've done today again. All of them. Twice. Record your results. I'll come back to check on them tomorrow."
  84. 11:36 PM - Even MORE Mekton: Without another word, she exits the room, and the door closes behind her.
  85. 11:36 PM - Even MORE Mekton: Then the green lights indicating the automatic doors' functionality as nominal turn red. They do not open again.
  86. 11:40 PM - Kari: Kari's eye begins to twitch a bit, but she stays at attention all the same. She stays this way, even after the chief has already left the room. Her fists are clenched incredibly tight, and after some time has passed, she finally breathes a heavy sigh. "That woman's going to be the death of me." Running the drills again, Kari does as she's bid despite how pissed and exhausted she is.
  87. 11:47 PM - Kari is now Away.
  88. 11:47 PM - Even MORE Mekton: You run through the drills, /again/. Though you were raring to go immediately after the last bout, you're even /deader/ than you were the first time by the conclusion of this one. 48 hours without sleep, doing repetative drills, would wear /anyone/ down. You've taken apart and put together your pistol six times, cleaned the parts of oil, then re-oiled them, stretched and focused and gazed and glared and winked and did absolutely every form of practice Langio drilled you in. At long last, the clock ticks the last second of your training, and the door lights turn green again. Langio walks in, prim, pressed, and apparently fresh as a spring daisy.
  89. 11:47 PM - Kari is now Online.
  90. 11:47 PM - Even MORE Mekton: Assuming that spring daisy was a predatory Dryder with a massive rack.
  91. 11:48 PM - Even MORE Mekton: "So how did we do? You're still awake, which is a start."
  92. 11:51 PM - Kari: Kari groans and shifts tiredly, leaning onto the table to record the last of her trials. Looking on the verge of passing out if given the chance, Kari grabs the sheet from the table. She steps over to Langio, snaps a salute with one hand, and then hands over the papers for her approval. "M-Ma'am."
  93. 11:53 PM - Even MORE Mekton: Langio takes the proferred paper, eyeing it intently as her gaze occasionally flicks to you, then back to the paper. "Mm. Not /terrible/. You performed much better the day before."
  94. 11:55 PM - Even MORE Mekton: "I suppose for a start, I can consider this a passing grade. If only just. Your form needs work, and your aim is off; you're too trigger-happy. Also, you pull the trigger much too tight, it throws off your balance. Must be a habit picked up from tricky Mekton controls."
  95. 11:55 PM - Even MORE Mekton: "I think that'll be enough for now. Unless you'd like to go for round three?"
  96. 11:59 PM - Kari: Kari looks up in her eyes, clearly far too sleepy for her own good. "Too tired. Must sleep. Blush later. Ma'am?" She snaps another salute, clearly having a hard time standing up straight as she waits to be dismissed.
  97. Tuesday, November 03, 2015
  98. 12:02 AM - Even MORE Mekton: "Mmmm. I /suppose/ you've worked enough. You're dismissed."
  99. 12:03 AM - Kari: "Thank you, Chief." Releasing her salute, Kari practically stumbles out the door, a content smile plastered on her face. As she dangerously makes her way to her room, she occassionally bumps into the wall as she walks. Eventually, she reaches her room, opens the door, and faceplants into the bed to sleep it off.
  100. 12:05 AM - Even MORE Mekton: Through sheer fortitude, determination, and the potential promise of future spider-kisses, you've intensely trained your snapshot shooting with a pistol! For your efforts, you earn a solid 1 point increase to your Pistol skill, in addition to 13 IP.
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