
First Step

Oct 21st, 2016
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  1. Good morning! So here I sit, staring out my living room window wondering if today is the day I get a break. There's an issue that I'm going to throw out there because my research has gotten me nowhere. So, the issue is this:
  2. Let's say you acquired data from a very reputable source, but its service code is a 201, which is a chip. Is there a way you can maybe change that code to 101?
  3. Or can you maybe buy mag cards with a chip in them? But then if thats a yes, how would you write that chip data? Cuz if that data is acquired from said source, the track 3 (which is the chip data, I'm assuming, and it's one of the things that was briefly taught to me), does not read when that data is acquried. How does that work?
  5. Or is it really all a farce and they just want a chip inserted and you could be on your merry way??
  7. It makes me sad to think that this method of this world is fading. It seems to me that all over companies are blocking or trying to block data compromission. It makes me sad cuz I like this method, and what it entails. It's like discovering chocolate for the first time after only every having vanilla. You want more, you crave that taste, and will work to keep it in your life.
  9. Yea, that's a good analogy. Hopefully, maybe this time, I won't just be typing to air. Maybe my questions will be answered.....
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