
Cosmic log 10

Jan 14th, 2020
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  1. [17:45] Grella would stop in the grasslands a bit far away from Sudbury, she would let her eyes hover upon the squire of hers, that was already serving under the banner of the First Light for quite a few years from now.
  3. Her arms were crossed upon the sight of his, and she stood quite some time letting her memories strike back her head as she looks at the boy's set of Mythril, slightly impressed by his progress. A smirk would flash out on the corners of her face. "So, you're ready for our last step, hm? This is where our training ends, you've been a Squire of mine for two years now. Your mastery over the Cosmic Magic is pretty close to mine, if you look at it on the Combat level..." She statted, nodding after.
  5. "The last technique however, doesn't require only knowing how to shape your strength, it relies on visualizing your star's image, and trying to cast a minor vassal of it, once you do it, you will become able to use your cosmic mana to actively cleanse the corruption." She explains, letting her eyes focus on Dillion's very pupils.
  7. "You must gather your energy in a sphere of cosmic energy, but it's not just that, it should be filled by the inspirations of your star, throwing it against your opponent means throwing a part of the lifestream's cleansing capacities and your Star's will against them. It has a Symbolic meeaning that is greater than it's simple Etheral manipulation."
  9. Her arms now relied behind her frame, crossed, touching by her wrists.
  11. "You can understand that?"
  12. (Grella)
  13. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  15. [17:52] Dillion looks at Grella, and nods though he wasn't sure if he still could create that image in his head anymore since the witch called him out on it. Dillion knew he'd fail from something so basic all because he wanted to save his sister, and because he wanted to be accepted, and understood.
  17. "I understand it fine, but doing it won't be that easy since a witch took part of my energy, and I hear voice now telling me my start has betrayed me, and will lead me towards death.
  19. The same voices that tell me I'm nothing, and that my sister will be touted while in Moonfall.
  21. You want me to make an image of how I see Rhyt?"
  23. Dillion raised his has in the sky, and tossed toss down a worthless ball of energy.
  25. "That's all I feel right now Grella, and the voice aren't making this any better."
  26. (Dillion Endore)
  27. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  29. [18:05] She sighed, her arms crossed and she allowed for her gaze to fall upon him, unsure of how that could possibly work if he was currently tainted by a witch, that would not be a good thing at all, actually... "Foolishness."
  31. "The Witch's influence being upon your head should only make this proccess easier. For you have the blessing of your Star, actually, Casting a Spell that depends on visualizing it's cleansing power and casting out it's will is the peftect experiment for that 'voice' to leave you be." She said, her tone was rather serious and charged with weight.
  33. The woman could only look upon him, knowing how it is to have part of her Essence being drained by a Witch, yet, that did not back her off at all, instead, it should just give him even more reasons to keep moving on, and to strive to move forward towards the completion of that ability.
  35. "Focus on the Ability, focus on how it makes you feel, then cleanseeverything that a Star would not be willing to accept. Vent them away, do it first mentally, resist it. Your Mana being drained is nothing, for you have a Star to provide you infinite mana, as long as you're willing to recieve. So... What are you waiting for?"
  36. (Grella)
  37. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  39. [18:12] * You have been awarded 1 Roleplay Points! *
  40. [18:19] "What's foolish Grella? Me wanting to help my sister or the fact the witch is making me question everything I've worked for." Dillion begin to listen to what she was saying to him, and wanted him to do.
  42. "I don't think it's that easy to push out that influence when it's all I hear on a daily. She couldn't even have done this if it wasn't for the fact she had help to beat me."
  44. Dillion was upset, angry, and disappointed all at the same times from the recent events.
  46. "The one moment I truly need to borrow power from Rhyt I don't get anything, and I was allowed to have a curse placed upon me. The one time I needed to beat the odd I was tossed to the side like I didn't matter."
  48. Dillion had a tear in his eye.
  50. "Focus on what Grella? How much I've failed or how little people notice me? What should I focus on to draw out my power? Tell me which part should I use to draw the power I needed, and never received.
  52. Tell me..."
  53. (Dillion Endore)
  54. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  56. [18:39] Her teached arched an eyebrow, the problem that she faced forward was something that was actually slightly more complicated than what she thought it would be. It was a Crysis even greater than the ones she faced before, and her student was passing for it... How terrifying. "No, Dillion." She was simple, however.
  58. "Your questions. They are foolishness. You're ignoring everything i already have taught you. Actually..." A sigh escaped her lips, her eyes fell out to his feet for a moment, losing it's focus, losing it's accuracy. It's conviction.
  60. Yet rose once more. That was exactly the same problem she was passing before, and again she has a mirror to look at and frown upon. Yet, Grella could not allo this kind of failure on her legacy, her refined gem. Her better version.
  62. "You're forgetting to close your eyes and focus at that what blesses you. Cosmic Magic is not about using Energy as a weapon. You're forgetting to really relying on Ryht. Or was i wrong on reinforcing your link to the level of letting you use it's energy, and carry out it's will?" Her question was directed towards him.
  64. "This influence, you should learn that you're not alone, and in fact, even while you can still cast it's Golden hue, you're still forgetting who is the one lending you your powers. This is not about Power. It is about a path. It's about cleansing, protecting." Now, she would sigh.
  66. Her right arm was extended forward, her other hand grabbing the necklace that covered her arm, the woman would take it off and let the Gauntlet meet the grass, falling on it's light weight. Her shoulder protection also fell along with her cape.
  68. ...From the tip of her fingers to her shoulder, and probably spreading even more all across her body. Her conviction was back to her face.
  70. "You, Kelly, Natasha, Everyone..." Her voice changed... It carried heavy deception, she was upsetted. Disapppointed. "I was once a lovely kind child that Always saught to help others. And because of that, i decided to become a 'hero', to be a Martyr. Never on my life i thouht on power, not even when i wanted to protect... I never saw it as simply as such. These marks of failure, these runes, the scar on my back, the dark taint on my pulse from Camilla's curse, i would never see all this as failures." Her voice was beginning to become heavier.
  72. "It is all progress. How many lifes i saved that day when i got my first Scar, when i decided to stand against Stein, even when i was thirten years old? The life of that Young Endor i saved on the forest, when fighting Raven. The soldiers i stod in front of when Camilla was attacking a squadron of Non-magi..." Her fists clench. "You are forgetting that winning and being powerful is not Always the will of your star. I'm not telling you to lose, i'm not telling you to accept your loses and not become stronger with them, i'm telling you to understand that your Goal as a Cosmic Magi is much greater than being a soldier." She sighed, puttting her arm down.
  74. "That was the very first thing i taught you. If you want to save your Sister, you must forget your frustrations. You must have the single goal of saving someone, not because they are one that you love, not because you're a Cadet or a Soldier, but because it's right. It's what you're supposed to do." She stopped for some time, just to voice out in a louder tone.
  76. "Dillion Endore, you are a Cadet of the First Light Order, and more than that, the one a Star trusted part of it's power to move forward with the power and the will of a Legion. You are supposed to cleanse the Evil not bow your head to it. Your negative emotions, your anger, your frustration... It will only throw you to a path of cinders. You'll only blame yourself. You don't have time for this. You don't have time to stop."
  78. "When i used Revenge to go against Camilla and Moonfall, i lost. When the Order wanted to save Sophie because she was a noble and friend of Elijah, and allowed for Clancy and others to be killed, we lost. Everyone's heads... They're out of the path. I was out of the Path. You are out of the path... It makes me so frustrated... But what can i do about it? I can start solving things... By first standing on the line, to then guide your way. Dillion, just know... You're not alone. There is someone else you can rely one, that is not me. I don't know if you're supposed to be a Guardian, if you're a Martyr, if you're a Hero. And you don't have to be... But i want you to know that whatevere you are supposed to be, it should be besides Ryht..."
  79. (Grella)
  80. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  82. [18:58] Dillion was surprised to hear Grella respond the way she did, was Dillion really relaying on the Star for purely power instead of Wisdom? Dillion allowed one situation to affect his overall affected his connection with the star.
  84. Dillion grabbed some dirt, and crushed into between his finger while looking over at Grella.
  86. "I just wanted to be helpful, and how everyone that I cared and I'm willing to put my life on the line for them. It seems like the other day everything came down on me all at once.
  88. Maybe I was relaying on Rhyt to much, and the witch took that as my weakness, and started feeding on it...
  90. I don't know Grella, but it's annyoing that I can't figure it. I put everything I have into fighting for the city, and trying to protect what I hold dream to me, but it jsut seems like it's not enough."
  92. Dillion stood while he looked like a broken mess.
  94. "I guess I can't relay on Rhyt to whenI need it, and I'll have to pull the power from myself despite my lack of faith in the stars to the witch.
  96. It's not all about the stars, and I have control over my own power weather Rhyt offers me some or not..
  98. She might have broken my connection, and faith a tad bit, but I still believe in myself enough to know that Rhyt, and me are one in the same.
  100. It can't form unless I allow the mana to overtake my body, but for now I don't force it. If Rhyt is truly watching over me, and still guiding me down my correct path then I have nothing to worry about."
  102. Dillion raised his hands in the air, and being charging his cosmic magic from within himself not asking Rhyt for anything,
  104. If Rhyt wanted to assist Dillion it would be over it's own doing. Dillion focused on forming the energy.
  105. (Dillion Endore)
  106. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  108. [19:05] "Indeed... Relying too much on my star was also one of my problems. Then, i decided to separate myself a little more, and it became a much greater problem. A problem i'm still striving to solve." She nods, watching Dillion.
  110. "I want to escape the Merge, i don't want to lose my individuality... But i don't want to strive from my path. I should be a Hero simply because it's right, not because of Zephyr, not because i love to be kind and save... It's because it's what everyone should be doing for everyon else, and because SOMEONE must do it, if no one does." Now she was basically talking to herself, alone almost...
  112. "A Star can guide you, but if you don't follow the path it's showing, you're going to get lost. But there is something better than following the path, which is creating a path, based on the example your star gave. On your own way... But without losing completelly the original concept. Can you do that, Dillion? If you lose Faith, you'll never move past this point."
  113. (Grella)
  114. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  116. [19:13] "I can try Grella, and I haven't lost faith I've been confused since the Witch started messing with my mind I felt that my path his be altered."
  118. Dillion continued focusing his cosmic energy into a large amount above his head while he continued speaking to Grella.
  120. "Maybe my path needed this kind of guilt, and remorse, this lack of faith before I could move forward. Maybe I need to learn how to deal with this for the future so I can move forwards."
  122. Dillion paused.
  124. "It's not easy..., but I can try.."
  125. (Dillion Endore)
  126. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  128. [19:17] "Then try it." She replied so simply, still with her arms crossed, watching the Magi in front of her, she wanted him to actually being to do it, without just forming a mass of Energy. "What is the Path that you want to follow? What are the examples your Star have shown you until now?"
  130. As she questioned him, Grella extended her right hand up, demonstrating him the last technique she was to teach him, her eyes closed as she allowed for her light to be casted, the Cosmic pale gold of her Shroud forming in a Sphere the color of the Sun, it's White, beautiful real pale color.
  132. "This is the manifestation of my will to save, i'm not relying on Zephyr, other than the examples they gave me..." It was a good test, she wanted to try her theory out, and it seemed that following her own path to escape the merge, but using her former path as an example to escape falling for Depravity... Is the ultimate path of her's.
  134. "Go ahead, try it."
  135. (Grella)
  136. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  138. [19:28] "My path...? The one I've been follow all the way up till this very moment..?"
  140. Dillion begin thinking about his path all the way up until this point, and he feels he has went to far off course...maybe? He'd continue to channel his energy allowing it to power his cosmic energy.
  142. "I feel I've been on my path even now..."
  144. Dillion would form a ball of cosmic energy over his head, and take deep breaths.
  146. "I see my path as..."
  148. The energy above seems to resemble a heart shape, then quickly turns back into a round shape.
  150. "I think I understand..." Dillion fires the cosmic energy from his body in a rather large amount.
  151. (Dillion Endore)
  152. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  154. [19:29] My Squire, good teaching RP, Cosmic Symbolic nature teaching and overall good scene, great character dev for both of us.
  155. (Grella mentoring Dillion Endore)
  157. [19:29] {MENTOR} You learned Meteor from Grella
  158. [19:34] She nodded at him, Grella was visibly satisfied, her student was beginning to understand, hopefully she would be able to point a RIGHT path for him to follow, instead of letting him commit the same mistakes she had commited in the past.
  160. "Yeah, about that... Maybe you won't commit the same mistakes i had in the past, maybe you'll be a great Cosmic Magi. Good luck on your objectives, don't lose focus." And as Always, as the lesson was over... She turned her back.
  162. "Good luck, you've graduated. I have nothing more to teach you......" Those were her last words before she faded with the Wind, not really turning her back despite of his words.
  163. (Grella)
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