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Jun 23rd, 2017
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  1. I’m a pretty solitary creature, so being cruel to the company that I DO keep isn’t a good idea, is it? But at the same time, I’m much too picky to be around people that annoy me.
  3. Chris has been bugging the shit out of me lately and it’s more than just those times where Amie randomly doesn’t want to spend time around the country boy. Lately, he’s taken up some very annoying habits and frankly, I can’t really tolerate them.
  5. One of which has been Chris’ tendency to make everything that we’re talking about into an argument. Let me just say that I’ve probably had enough arguments to last me a good, long while with Paras, so Chris picking up where he left up is not helpful nor entertaining to me. And he isn’t trying to be a generic douchebag, he just keeps accidentally being a faggot to me. Let me give you a run-down:
  7. I’ll say something and he’ll immediately either a) correct my facts, b) argue for the sake of arguing or c) input a random bit of information that is not relevant whatsoever to what I’m saying.
  9. I don’t want to be someone that controls what the people around me think or say, but well, once it starts to bug the shit out of me they have two options: either cut that shit out or I’ll find someone else to spend time with.
  11. Yeah, I’m picky, but I’d rather keep very limited, good company than bad company any day. I don’t care if that means that I’ll spend the majority of my life alone (which I won’t anyway because I’m not that socially handicapped); I just don’t want to be around people that bug the fucking shit out of me on a daily basis… and for no reason.
  13. He just does this. I talked to him about this today and he got huffy and defensive (man, I should have fucking known. You can’t have a civil conversation with someone that likes country music and clicks around in boots). It’s one thing to add something to the conversation and be somewhat progressive, but to be blatantly useless in a vocal form is just bad form. It’s as if he WANTS me to rip his balls off and put them in a teacup for him (in the form of an Amie argument) when he makes these remarks.
  15. Well, I gave him a talk so we’re going to mark this point in time as Chris’ official warning to stop parasing* things up.
  17. The other thing that bugs me about him lately—or rather, the best insight to Chris that I’ve ever seen—has been his attitude. I finally had my eyes opened about him by observing him in his truest, whiniest form.
  19. He’s taking one class at Richland this semester, an online speech class. He’s already had speech before (apparently twice before) last semester and he failed that, along with almost everything else (he only passed Russian class; one of four). So, my thinking would be that he’d be wanting to excel at any other class that he has, doing the best that he can do to make up for all the F’s that he got at both Richland and A&M. It’d be dumb not to; in fact, he talks about how he needs an A in the class.
  21. So, you’d think that he’d be ALL over his shit to get that stupid A, but no. Instead, he’s getting dealt a pretty shitty class (apparently?) and he’s not doing a good job playing his cards. He sees the problems and instead of finding a solutions and making his way around them, he just whines at them. How the fuck is whining at a problem going to solve it?
  23. And granted, I do whine. Hell, right now, I’m whining, but the difference between just being a petty person who whines and someone who talks about their problems to their friends is LISTENING. If he’d fucking take the suggestions that I’m giving him, he could stop being such a whiny prat and actually do well in his fucking class.
  25. Seriously? Do you THINK that an A will just fall into your fucking lap, Chris? Take it from someone who’s well along the path to getting not just one degree, but two (granted, one is just an Associates, but that’s more than he has): you need to fucking get with the program.
  27. My dad told me, before I started college, that the secret to doing well was to figure out the system. I mean, yeah, you learn and you study and all that, but the way to do well is to figure out how to work the system. A teacher is being a dick to you? Go to someone higher up. Don’t understand the material? Go see either the teacher/a tutor for help. Et cetera, et cetera. It’s not that fucking hard.
  29. It’s just sad to see him wallow in self-pity when he can do so much better. I wish I could just fucking slap him and make him see that going to school is sort of important. It helps you get a job, it helps you focus on things that you want to do, it helps you learn about things you love, etc.
  31. But, no? His mother even fucking GAVE him money to use on something and he bought a game instead of paying for the goddamn book that he needs for the class. And then he has the audacity to whine about not having a book for the test. Uh, can you say stupid or do I have to spell it out for you?
  33. Okay, I will: S-T-U-P-I-D.
  35. I don’t want to be hating on him or anything because I care about him but it’s that caring that makes me TRY to help his ass. He’s being an idiot right now and I wish that he could see it.
  37. *Paras- (verb) to fuck things up, especially in a way that Paras would. Man, you sure parased that up by banana juicing** in her mouth!
  39. **I’ll get to this a bit later.
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