
(Bat) A Feeling of Fear - 1

Jul 25th, 2013
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  1. >Day Nobody's Hero in Equestria.
  2. >Speck bounces around you as you step off the train from Hollow Shades.
  3. >She occasionally tugs at your shirt, or taps your hands with her nose.
  4. >"Anon, can we go look around some more? I really want to see if I can find another hat!"
  5. >You grab her nose and shake her head from side to side.
  6. >She sticks her tongue out at you as you let her go.
  7. "I already told you, we're going to Canterlot. I need to pay a quick visit to Twilight."
  8. >She whines and bats at your hand with a hoof.
  9. >"But Anon! Canterlot hat shops might not have fedoras!"
  10. >You shoot her a glare.
  11. >Deep breaths.
  12. >Count to ten.
  13. >You look above you and sigh.
  14. "Speck, that hat looked awful on you. It's a very bad looking hat in general, especially since p0nies don't have the right style of clothing for it."
  15. >That was a lie.
  16. >She looked absolutely precious in it.
  17. >But you hated those hats more than you hated anything else.
  18. >She stomps her hooves and pouts.
  19. >"Fine. But as soon as we get to Canterlot, we're going to every hat shop we pass."
  20. >You chuckle and scratch behind her ears.
  21. "Of course, sweet one."
  22. >She perks back up and launches herself onto your back.
  23. >"Then what're you waiting for?! To Canterlot! Mush!"
  24. >You don't move.
  25. >You just turn your head to try to look at her.
  26. >She nuzzles your cheek gently.
  27. >"Sorry Anon. I meant, mush please."
  28. >You roll your eyes and start walking towards the elevators leading up to the main city of Canterlot.
  29. >Surprisingly, these weren't rickety wooden platforms with a rope and pulley system.
  30. >They were more like floating platforms powered by magic.
  31. >You were never very interested in magic.
  32. >Then again, P0nyville didn't have a large population of unicorns.
  34. >You and Speck board one of the platforms, along with several other p0nies.
  35. >You don't look at them or try to spark up a conversation.
  36. >Elevator etiquette.
  37. >You were nothing, if not a man who prides himself on his social mannerisms.
  38. >The elevator rose fairly fast.
  39. >You wonder if there was a safety mechanism on the platform to keep p0nies from falling off.
  40. >You quickly glance around you, at all of the other passengers.
  41. >No pegasi.
  42. >And you can't throw Speck off.
  43. >She'd probably try to push you off next.
  44. >Your curious mind will not be satiated on this day.
  45. >Speck pulls at your shirt as she tries to climb up into your arms.
  46. >She grunts as she struggles, but without your help, she fails.
  47. >You look down at her as she keeps trying.
  48. >Her tongue sticks out of her mouth as she hops up against you, clinging to your clothes before she falls back.
  49. >She gets ready to try again, but looks up and meets your eyes.
  50. >She stands there with her front hooves on your hips.
  51. >Her tongue stills sticks out of her mouth.
  52. "Want some help?"
  53. >You reach for her tongue and try to grab it.
  54. >She notices and slurps her tongue back into her mouth before shaking her head.
  55. >"No, no. I've got it."
  56. >She jumps again, using her wings to lift herself higher up this time.
  57. >She throws her forelegs over your shoulders and wraps her hindlegs around your waist.
  58. >"See? I got it."
  59. >You chuckle and stroke her mane, placing your free hand under her rump to lift her up a little more.
  60. >She blushes brightly and hides her face in your neck.
  61. >You hear her whisper as faint as the wind.
  62. >"Really Anon? In public?"
  63. >You raise an eyebrow and look down at her.
  64. "What?"
  65. >You hear one of the p0nies clear their throats.
  66. >"Move your hand, Anon."
  67. >You furrow your brow and try to comprehend what's going on.
  68. >You had one hand on the nape of her neck to hold her against you and one on her rump to hold her up.
  69. >Oh.
  70. >You were touching her butt.
  71. >You blush and move your hand up to her mid-back.
  72. "S-sorry."
  73. >She snickers and nuzzles your collarbone.
  74. >"It's okay. You'll just have to wait until we get to an inn for more of that business, hun."
  76. >You stare at her.
  77. >She lifts her head up to stare back at you.
  78. >You smile awkwardly.
  79. >She lowers her eyelids and gives you a seductive grin.
  80. >Was she serious?
  81. >Wow, you didn't even think p0nies did that kind of thing.
  82. >You thought this world was pure and clean and innocent but...
  83. >Speck was starting to prove that theory wrong.
  84. >You never looked into how p0nies reproduced, so her behaviour would make a little sense.
  85. "W-well... Maybe I c-"
  86. >Her intense, loud laughter cuts you off.
  87. >She buries her face in your chest, trying to muffle herself with your shirt.
  88. >Your shirt absorbs her tears of laughter.
  89. >"Oh, dear Luna, Anon. You didn't think I was serious, did you?"
  90. >You inhale sharply.
  91. "I kind of did?"
  92. >She grabs your cheeks with her hooves and starts laughing again.
  93. >Her laughter dies down after a moment.
  94. >She gasps for air and breathes quickly, trying to stop herself from having another fit.
  95. >This elevator ride was long and painful.
  96. >You wish it was over.
  97. >Her breathing slows to a normal pace and she looks back up at you.
  98. >She leans into your ear and whispers.
  99. >"I was very serious, Anon."
  100. >She kisses your cheek as the elevator finally stops at its destination.
  101. >You shake your head and step off the platform, heading through a short tunnel and into Canterlot itself.
  102. >You'd only been here once.
  103. >Five years ago, when you first appeared in Equestria.
  104. >Several guards had led you here and took you straight to the castle.
  105. >You didn't get to explore for very long, either.
  106. >Speck lets go of you and floats idly in front of you.
  107. >She looks absolutely shocked.
  108. >"Anon... It's beautiful."
  110. >You are now Speck.
  111. >And this is the most beautiful city you've ever seen.
  112. >Granted, you'd only ever been to Hollow Shades, P0nyville, and Fillydelphia.
  113. >But Canterlot had beautiful architecture.
  114. >There were so many shops.
  115. >So many p0nies dressed in elegant garments.
  116. >Anon followed you as you floated around.
  117. >You were absolutely awestruck by how gloriously beautiful everything was.
  118. "Anon..."
  119. >"Yes Speck?"
  120. >You turn to him and smile, flashing your nubby little fangs at him.
  121. "I want to dress up."
  122. >He rolls his eyes and takes your hoof in his hand.
  123. >"Lead the way, then."
  124. >And so you do.
  125. >You lead him into a nearby hat shop.
  126. >You giggle as you pick up a whole bunch of hats and start trying them on in front of a mirror.
  127. >Anon stands behind you and comments on each one.
  128. >You put on a bowler hat.
  129. >Anon shakes his head.
  130. >You try on a top hat.
  131. >"No."
  132. >You grumble and put on a gatsby cap.
  133. >"Cute, but no."
  134. >Stomping your hooves, you try on a beret.
  135. >"Kebab will never be removed."
  136. >You turn back at him and give him a questioning look.
  137. >"Don't ask."
  138. >Shrugging, you put on a baseball hat.
  139. >It says Top Bat on it.
  140. >You grin at yourself in the mirror.
  141. >Anon hides his face in his hand.
  142. "I give up! I can't find a hat that you like, and I like all of them!"
  143. >You throw the baseball hat on the floor and stare up at Anon, your mouth halfway opened.
  144. >He shrugs and looks around.
  145. >"I don't know what to tell you, Speck. I don't think you look good in any hats."
  146. >You pout and glare up at him.
  147. "I looked good in that fedora that you threw under the train."
  148. >"Yeah, okay. Believe whatever you want to believe."
  149. >He starts to leave the store.
  150. >You rush after him and hold his hand in your hooves.
  151. >You kiss his fingers and close your eyes.
  152. "I'm sorry I got mad, Anon."
  153. >He scratches your ear.
  154. >"It's alright, sweetheart. Where to next?"
  156. >You passed by a dress shop, and Anon insisted that you go in.
  157. >You were never the kind of p0ny to wear dresses, or much of anything really.
  158. >But he insisted.
  159. >And now he had convinced you to try on a few things.
  160. >Several poofy, frilly dresses.
  161. >You hated those.
  162. >A few tighter dresses.
  163. >You hated those too.
  164. >Dress after dress, you rejected them.
  165. >Until finally, Anon handed you one dress that took your breath away.
  166. >It was a faint black color, hemmed and trimmed in turquoise, with small diamonds flecked throughout it.
  167. >It fit your form perfectly, almost no part of it being too tight or too frilly.
  168. >The material felt nice on your fur, and the whole thing felt light as a feather.
  169. >It even had holes for your wings and tail to go through.
  170. >You looked at yourself in the mirror, turning and smiling at yourself.
  171. >Anyp0ny would drop dead from your looks.
  172. >Anon just stood behind you with his hand over his mouth.
  173. >"What do you think, Speck?"
  174. >Overall, the dress was subtle.
  175. >Nothing too elegant, nothing too vibrant, nothing too flashy.
  176. >It brought out your eyes, too.
  177. "I... I love it, Anon..."
  178. >He kneels beside you and strokes your mane.
  179. >Your eyes teared up as you looked at Anon.
  180. >He smiled and hugged you tightly around the neck.
  181. >"You look absolutely beautiful, Speck."
  182. >He breaks the hug and pulls your mane up into a right-side p0nytail.
  183. >You look back into the mirror.
  184. "Can I get it, Anon?"
  185. >He nods and walks you to the front counter.
  186. >You grin and giggle like a little school filly as Anon pays with the appropriate bits.
  187. >He leads you out of the store.
  188. >You bounce with each step as you follow behind him.
  190. >"We need to head to the castle now."
  191. >Oh, right!
  192. >Anon had business with Princess Twilight.
  193. >Maybe you'd get to see Princess Luna again.
  194. >That would be positively wonderful.
  195. >You smile and start pushing at Anon's legs with your head.
  196. "Then hurry up! I wanna see Princess Luna!"
  197. >He chuckles and starts running.
  198. >You yell after him and take to the air.
  199. >You didn't want to risk tripping over your dress and ruining it.
  201. >The air outside the castle was cool.
  202. >A light wind accompanied it, keeping the noon sun's heat in check.
  203. >The gardens were beautifully groomed.
  204. >Even the birds and butterflies were perfectly placed across the garden,
  205. >You close your eyes and bask in the glory of it all.
  206. >You take a deep breath and look up at Anon.
  207. >He smiles and taps a finger on your nose.
  208. >"Ready to go?"
  209. >You nod and approach the gates of the castle.
  210. >The guards stop you and Anon and glare at you.
  211. >You shy behind Anon.
  212. >"State your business."
  213. >Anon reaches behind him and turns his palm to you.
  214. >You shove your nose into his hand.
  215. >"We're here to see Princess Twilight Sparkle."
  216. >The guards look at each other with curious expressions.
  217. >"And your name?"
  218. >He rolls his eyes.
  219. >"Anonymous."
  220. >They look behind him.
  221. >"And her?"
  222. >"Her name's Speck. She's a bat p0ny. Got a problem with it?"
  223. >He starts to get aggressive.
  224. >You give his hand a quick lick to tell him to calm down.
  225. >The guards back off and stand to the sides.
  226. >"N-not at all, sir."
  227. >The gate opens a moment after they call for it.
  228. >A large entrance hall reveals itself to you.
  229. >Several entrances line each side of the hall, which lead to more rooms and more halls.
  230. >At the end of the main hall, lies a large, ornamented door.
  231. >Anon starts to approach that door, so you follow him.
  232. >The guards there stop you briefly.
  233. >The same exact conversation from before happens, but you don't shy away this time.
  234. >If the guards tried anything, you knew Anon would protect you.
  235. >The doors opened wide, revealing yet another long hallway.
  236. >But at the end of this one, sat a throne.
  237. >And in that throne, sat one pretty p0ny princess.
  238. >Celestia herself.
  239. >You and Anon approach her.
  240. >You bow to her, but Anon does not.
  242. >"Ah, dear Anonymous."
  243. >She smiles down at the two of you.
  244. >Anon flicks your ear and tells you to stand up.
  245. >Celestia giggles and leaps off her throne, approaching you and Anon.
  246. >"What can I do for you, Anonymous?"
  247. >He shrugs and looks around.
  248. >"You could give me your kingdom and your crown. Maybe some of the bits from the coffers."
  249. >You look up at Anon and shoot him a questioning look.
  250. >Is he being serious right now?
  251. >Celestia shoves a hoof at Anon's shoulder and smirks.
  252. >"If I could grant that wish, trust me. I would. Although, if you are here, I take it something has happened to the house?"
  253. >She squints at Anon.
  254. >"Do we need to donate another house to you?"
  255. >Anon shakes his head and smirks.
  256. >"No, actually. The house is fine. I just need to deliver a quick message to Twilight."
  257. >Celestia nods.
  258. >"Ah, of course. Twilight is currently in the royal library."
  259. >"Alright, thanks."
  260. >Anon kneels down beside you and scratches your ear.
  261. >"I'll be right back, Speck. Stay here, alright?"
  262. >You nuzzle his wrist and smile.
  263. "Ok Anon."
  264. >He turns and heads out of one of the side doors in the hall.
  265. >Celestia clears her throat.
  266. >You look up at her and smile awkwardly.
  267. >"How are you, child of the night?"
  268. "I'm alright."
  269. >She smiles warmly and walks toward a door to the left of the throne.
  270. >She turns back and signals for you to follow her down the lengthy hallway.
  271. >"You have been awfully quiet since you arrived."
  272. >You blush and turn your head away from her.
  273. >"You were quite talkative with Sister at the Summer Sun Celebration. Why now, do you hide your voice?"
  274. >You don't know why, but the Princess of the Sun made you absolutely nervous.
  275. >"There is no need to fear me, little bat."
  276. >You mutter under your breath.
  277. "I'm not scared of you."
  278. >Celestia chuckles to herself as the two of you step outside of a door at the end of the long hallway.
  279. >What opens up to you is a very large garden with dark colored grass, accented by flowers of all colors of the night and stars.
  280. >A large ivory fountain spits glistening water on the center of it all.
  281. >Brick walkways the colors of an aurora borealis line the earth.
  282. >It takes your breath away.
  283. >"Welcome to the Garden of Space."
  284. >You walk further into it, your mouth hanging open as tears well up in your eyes.
  285. >The diamonds on your dress glisten in the midday sun.
  286. >All around you are the colors of the night.
  287. >Celestia walks past you a ways and sits on a small white bench near the fountain.
  288. >She beckons you over with a smile and wave of her hoof.
  290. >You join her and smile to yourself.
  291. >"Luna has told me about you. She was so excited to have met one of her stars at a Summer Sun Celebration."
  292. >You hide your face in your hooves.
  293. >Celestia places a hoof on your shoulder.
  294. >"You intrigue me. A bat p0ny that sleeps during the night and lives with a human."
  295. >You look up at her with a light smile.
  296. "It's all his fault."
  297. >Celestia snickers and looks down at you.
  298. >You sigh and look over at the fountain.
  299. "You've been around for a long time... I have a question."
  300. >"Yes?"
  301. >You tap your front hooves together and bite at your bottom lip.
  302. "Do you know the stories of Angels?"
  303. >The Princess smiles and nods.
  304. >"Yes, I do."
  305. >You feel your face turn red.
  306. "And... do you believe in them?"
  307. >Celestia looks up to the sky and sighs.
  308. >"In all my years of life, I have never seen a single one. But you know what, Speck?"
  309. >You look up at her and she looks back at you, smiling.
  310. >"I've believed in them, ever since I was a little filly."
  311. >You hold your hooves to your chest and smile weakly.
  312. >"Why? Do you think you met one?"
  313. >You nod your head, still smiling as a tear rolls down your cheek.
  314. "Yes. I believe Anon is. He's protected me, and taken care of me, and fed me. Everything an Angel would do."
  315. >Celestia moves from the bench and starts heading back to the castle.
  316. >You follow her.
  317. >"I suppose we should go and ask Anon what he thinks."
  318. >She leads you back into the throne room and through the door that Anon left through.
  319. >You follow her all over the castle until finally arriving at a large building near the back of the castle grounds.
  320. >You were pretty sure the entire castle was enchanted to look much bigger on the inside than on the outside.
  321. >The large building you now stand in front of emits an eerie humming sound.
  322. >"Here we are."
  323. >You open the door and step inside.
  324. >Celestia follows you.
  325. >You start wandering around, trying to find Anon.
  326. >Turning a corner, you walk between some book shelves and find him and Twilight sitting at a small table.
  327. >There is only one book between them.
  328. >You recognize it as Anon's journal.
  330. >Thirty Minutes Earlier.
  331. >You are Anon.
  332. >You found Twilight shortly after entering the library.
  333. >She sat near the back at a small table, a book in her hooves.
  334. >She hid the book in her lap as you approached, blushing brightly.
  335. >You won't ask.
  336. >"Oh, hello Anon. How are you?"
  337. "I'm fine. Lulamoon gives you her regards."
  338. >Twilight raises her brow at you.
  339. >"Lulamoon? Lulamoon... hmm."
  340. >She rubs a hoof on her chin and stares off in the distance.
  341. >"Ah! Lulamoon! Trixie's descendant?"
  342. >You shrug.
  343. "No clue. I just know that her great-great grandmother or something knew you."
  344. >"And how do you know her?"
  345. >You shrug again.
  346. "She was a fortune teller at the Summer Sun Celebration."
  347. >Twilight nods and taps at the table with her hooves.
  348. >"So is that all that brought you here?"
  349. "Actually, it isn't. I need your help."
  350. >You throw your journal onto the table.
  351. "Speck thinks I'm an Angel. I've heard the stories, and it makes sense for her to think that."
  352. >You sigh and put your head in your hands.
  353. "I think it's even further support by what she said about her mom. That she wasn't going to let go until she saw an Angel."
  354. >Twilight giggles, snorting occasionally.
  355. >"Anon, I think you're over-thinking things."
  356. "I don't think I am. I've told her all of the stories of what I did before I came here, and I think that's supporting what she thinks."
  357. >Twilight raises an eyebrow.
  358. >"Well, duh. I mean, you kind of were a hero."
  359. >You sigh and shake your head.
  360. "I haven't been telling the whole truth."
  361. >Twilight frowns at you.
  362. >"Well, then. I think it's time you start."
  363. >You sigh and flip through your journal.
  364. "Then I'll just talk..."
  365. >Twilight leans against the table and stares at you as you speak.
  366. "I've told you that I've done amazing things. I've told you that I was a hero, and I saved people. I told you that I was helpful."
  367. >You shake your head and laugh a little.
  368. "That was all a load. In the twenty years I was on Earth, I hardly did anything. Sure I did some charity work, and volunteered a little. But that pales in comparison to the things I've told you."
  369. >Twilight places a hoof on your arm.
  370. >"And you're worried about what? That the Princesses and I will hate you? That Speck will hate you?"
  371. >She scoffs and bats at you.
  372. >"Please. Have you seen the way that little bat looks at you? She thinks you're absolutely perfect."
  373. "Yeah, I get that. But finding out the truth? I think that would break her heart."
  374. >You look up at her and she rolls her eyes.
  375. >"I very highly doubt there is anything you could do to upset her, short of stealing her food."
  376. "I guess. Maybe I am just worried about nothing."
  377. >You close your journal and toss it onto the table.
  378. >Twilight taps your shoulder and points.
  379. >You see Speck standing by a book shelf, smiling at you.
  380. >Did she hear any of that?
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