

Oct 28th, 2012
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  1. The world of Esper, Prelude
  4. Under Emperor Caladrel the first, times are tough in Almura, yet the hardy people who reside there scrape by. Tensions have been brewing between Almura and it’s neighboring country Ryark. As war became a very real possibility between Almura and Ryark, the Emperor has dictated that any and all babies that are born with magical talent are to be registered under his mage laws.
  6. Since then Wizards and other assorted arcane users all around the country have been put through extensive questioning, seemingly faulty arrests, and mandatory drafts for the Arcane force the Emperor is building for the war he is certain will come. Many have been forced to go into hiding to avoid being drafted and the slums around the country have become places of refuge for the fleeing mages.
  8. Some people in Almura are accusing the Emperor of going mad, while others congratulate him on finally doing something about the rogue magic users. Of course a few groups have sprouted up here and there to attempt to rebel against these laws and his new policies but were quickly put down by the Emperor’s loyal army.
  10. So now the country teeters on the edge of war while civil disobedience raises to the point were some may call it a revolution, those loyal to the Emperor would call it a simple rebellion to be squashed, skirmishes between Imperial troops and revolutionaries have been growing in numbers exponentially, and this is were you are born. Born into a country torn by civil war, and total annihilation under the boot of Ryark.
  12. Assume that the technology for this setting is leaning towards that Steampunk class. Trains are a common means of transportation around the country, whilst flintlocks and muskets are a means of fighting for those that can afford to arm themselves with such. Magic is often used to create other forms of magitech such as automobiles or airships but only for the incredibly rich or powerful.
  16. Name:
  17. Occupation (If Any):
  18. Economic Status (Poor, Rich, Etc Etc):
  19. Age:
  20. Appearance:
  21. Personality:
  22. Talents:
  23. Any talents in the Arcane Arts:
  24. Short background:
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