
Summary Story 202207

Jul 20th, 2022 (edited)
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  1. Disclaimer:
  2. - This is a summary. I omit details that I deem not important.
  3. - New names are mostly not official and I will write their Japanese pronunciation for your interpretation. Let me know if there are official names released or you found out their name origins.
  4. - I usually try to follow global names except Marubom which I refuse to use Boomer.
  5. - Refer to Incinerate's post in #jp-spoilers for localised names.
  6. - Link:
  8. > Chapter 4
  10. >> Taivas
  12. Runda managed to meet up with Taivas and Yshe who just managed to rescue Lehftia. Lehftia wondered where Harveh was since his voice saved her from being taken over by Omega but Runda lied that he saw Haveh evacuated to a safe place. Then she asked about Tulien, then Taivas lied that he went ahead to secure an escape route for them. They decided to not to be relieved just because Omega was defeated because Tahto and Kylma were still around. As they started leaving, Lehftia showed sign of disappearing but she decided to keep silent from the rest.
  14. >> Rain
  16. Scene shifted back to Rain side discussing about the story, then Rhus showed up questioning why they were together with Vanharma. From the children's testimony, Rhus understood things were not as simple but he still fought to restrain Vanharma first because he was still a criminal who attacked Sherna. Then Nini managed to convince Rhus that Vanharma's story was worth listening. However as Rain stopped Rhus, Rhus gauged from Rain's sword that Rain was already strong enough and declared that they would find a place without disturbance to duel.
  18. Marubom commented that although he understood Vanharma and Ihana's anger, he still found it too much to attack the city. Ihana replied that Proto-Omega only attacked the authorities and military facilities. Vanharma never intended to harm civilians. However Vanharma added that he understood that the damage to civilians was not zero and he might have taken it too far indeed. He was not simply acting for vengeance but with a specific goal. Vanharma recited the legend of Snovlinka defeating the 3 Omegas but added the detail that Riddar was injured after their Omnibus and hence Snovlinka had to fuse with the defeated Omega to defeat the other 2. After defeating the 2 Omega, Snovlinka (together with the fused Omega) chose to suicide. The suicided omega was indeed dead but the other 2 Omega were just temporarily dead. Taivas and Yshe managed to kill one and there was still one Omega left in Levonia, which was currently under the possession of Sherna.
  20. Vanharma's goal was to find out the location of Omega and to destroy it. They thought that if they attacked the city, Sherna would bring out the Omega however they did not, either because they were worried about Omega going berserk or Omega was not located in Sherna. Rhus still felt complicated about Vanharma but he was glad that the children were rescued. And then despite knowing it would end in tragedy, they resolved to listen to Taivas story to the end.
  22. >> Taivas
  24. Taivas thought that something was off about Haveh from what Lehftia said and asked Runda about it. However Runda refused to tell the truth, but revealed that he promised Haveh. Taivas asked if Haveh looked satisfied. Runda commented that he looked sad but he did everything he could for Lehftia. Taivas said he understood and promised not to ask about Haveh anymore, although he managed to deduce the truth.
  26. Eventually the group found out Lehftia's body condition. They were wondering what to do since it is not a condition regular doctors can cure. Yshe suggested Melsata (jp: merusata) country that has put in effort researching Snovlinka and Omega species. The group decided their new destination, hoping that the country would defend them from Tahto due to presence of Lehftia.
  28. Tahto was thinking to itself while he was full of impulse to destroy everything, he was completely calm. He deduced that he was fused with Omega at a completely different level compared to Lehftia, and that he had become the True King, that would unify the world by destroying everything. As Kylma commented about Taivas group getting away, Tahto activated Omega remotely. Tahto added that when his body was implanted Omega cells, he was no longer human. He was sharing consciousness with all the Omega and he declared himself one and the same as Omega. His ambition to unify the world and Omega's impulse to destroy the world became a grand ideal.
  30. Tahto instructed the defeated Omega to self-destruct to annihilate the entire capital. Kylma warned that the country would become impossible to rebuild if he did that but Tahto said he did not care since the world was going to be destroyed anyway. Kylma thought to herself that she needed the country to fund her research and would like to research Omega rather than having it destroyed.
  32. Runda detected intense heat source surging and warned Taivas to take cover. Before they could react, they were blown away by the shockwave and managed to learn that Omega self-destructed and destroyed the whole capital. Tahto summoned Omega species to attack the group and started heading to crush them himself to not let Omnibus, such an ominous power, live.
  34. Taivas group managed to fend off the Omega species, but Runda was injured and became slightly faulty. As Taivas began fixing him, they started talking about how Taivas changed from when Runda first met him. Runda met Taivas when Taivas was still drowned in alcohol and they talked about how Runda was feeling off when his creator died from illness although he was just a machine. Then they talked about when Taivas was sick one time and could not go to the bar. Runda cooked meal for him and took care of him at that time and apparently his cooking skills were impressive.
  36. Tahto eventually caught up to them and fought with Taivas and Yshe. However he was defeated by their Omnibus. As Tahto called for Kylma's reinforcement in desperation, Kylma already left his side. As the group resumed their journey to Melsata, Kylma showed up, thanking them for getting rid of Tahto. However Kylma still wanted to get her hands on Lehftia and challenged the duo that were already exhausted.
  38. Kylma still ended up defeated. As the duo were about to deal the finishing blow, Kylma distracted Yshe by saying that Kylma was the one that killed Kall and disappeared with a flash bomb. Kylma resorted to deal damage while hiding from a distance, while jamming Runda's heat source detection. Runda resorted to overheat himself to generate smokescreen so that the group could escape. And the Kylma caught up and the same process repeated. However doing so was highly damaging to Runda's body.
  40. To escape from Kylma, Taivas resorted to getting stabbed by Kylma to catch her in that instant. As Taivas ordered Runda to flee with Lehftia as he managed to stop Kylma, Runda recalled Furze's last words to follow his own wishes rather than simply follow human's orders. At that instant Runda finally understood what it was like to live, not simply to maintain life but also to live together with people important to him. As he realised that, his body began to glow and various powers hidden in his body by Furze got unlocked. With the released power, Runda managed to locate Kylma through her camouflage and performed first aid on Taivas and Yshe.
  42. The group managed to defeat Kylma but she already summoned a lot of soldiers, by promising a huge bounty on Taivas and Yshe. Runda used Furze's power to create a gate to connect space. While allowing the rest to escape, he could not move while maintaining the gate. Runda promised Taivas that there was another power left by Furze that he could escape as well. However it was a lie and Runda deduced that Taivas knew he was lying but chose to respect his wish. As Kylma ordered the soldiers to break him to extract his memory of where he sent the group, Runda chose to self-destruct.
  44. Taivas, Yshe and Lehftia arrived at a place they could not recognise at all. They decided to look for other people so that they could ask about their location. Eventually they arrived at a village and learnt that the location was called Visectrum, in Paladia.
  46. >>
  48. Rain was shocked that they were transported to Paladia. Vanharma confirmed that the reason why Rain could use Blood Awakening was because he was Taivas's descendent. Rain realised it was why he kept seeing the same dream. After hearing the story, Rain's tears would not stop and realised his mission in Levonia. Vanharma commented that Taivas's will lived on in Rain and he should feel proud about it. Rhus told Rain that since now he knew everything it was time for them to duel, implying that he knew about Rain's relation with Taivas all along. Rhus added that just like Rain has his own mission, Rhus has his too.
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