
Summary Story 201812

Dec 27th, 2018
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  1. Back in Ardore Tower, Emperor and Levnard were surprised to realize that Weapon stopped. Emperor suddenly had a flashback of him marrying someone in the church they teleported to previously. However, Emperor was confident that he would be the one laughing in the end. Levnard urged Emperor to quickly recover his magic power since the protagonists would certainly pursue them to Ardore Tower. Emperor activated tower's barrier to buy time while recuperating his magic power in a device, after handling the defense command to Levnard.
  3. Juraga and Erumauru informed the protagonists about the magic recovery device on top of Ardore Tower. And they realized that the barrier system was up again. Erumauru suggested to head to an underground facility to interfere with the system. However Nichol said that it would be more efficient if they split into two groups. One headed towards the facility while the other waiting at the gate.
  5. As Rain's group reached the wall and about to approach the gate, Axter appeared and asked to tag along. Axter said he had something remaining that he had to do, also he had something to convey to Rain, instead of Lasswell. Then, Majin Fina showed up, saying she wanted to tag along to. Apparently her body was still the earth crystal in Lapis, the current her was something like a Vision. Axter said he was old acquiantance with Majin Fina. Majin Fina said that their strength was required to defeat Emperor.
  7. As they walked, Mairo said that he did not trust Rain, thus joining Rain's team to monitor him instead of Lasswell's. He was still bitter from all the past atrocities Ardore inflicted on Hess, as well as the fact that Rain was Hyou. However Rain said he did not mind and would prove from his action that he would not betray anyone anymore.
  9. Meanwhile, Emperor had another flashback while in the magic recovery device. He was named Kuadis and was having a meal with his parents. Kuadis was having pride in his work in protecting the Emperor and the civilians. He was reminded that he was to get married in a week. However Emperor did not recognize it whether being his memory or dream.
  11. Majin Fina apologized to Rain that after the final battle in Lapis, Rain already passed the gate into Paladia. She could not sent Rain back into Lasswell even when she wanted to. Rain thanked Majin Fina for saving his life instead and said that he learnt a lot of things being alone. As Fina joined the conversation, Majin Fina mentioned that she could see into the future. However, the result of their final battle with Emperor was still undetermined.
  13. Eventually they reached the gate. Mairo told Rain that he understood that Rain was a good person. However, Mairo revealed that he worked as an Ardore Soldier before as a spy. Ironically, he was tasked to interrogate Hess people Ardore captured. He interrogated all of them to their deaths. But none of them revealed any secret. He said that his hands were already stained with blood of Hess. He could not overcome the blood barrier of Ardore and Hess like Rain and Lasswell.
  15. Lasswell's group reached the facility. Inside the facility, Citra managed to interfere with the defense system and made the barrier down. As they were about to leave, Mid and Yego left behind to fend off a malboro rider pursuer. However after that, they were so tired that they could not move, despite promised to Cid that they would definitely chased after them. As they collapsed, Shatal and Domino arrived. Apparently, Mairo went back to Hess Children to inform them about the final battle. Shatal would bring them to a safe place but Mid asked him to inform Cid through Hess Children that Mid and Yego were safe.
  17. Rain's group headed inside Ardore's Tower. They said they would open a safe path for Lasswell's group while wait for them in the upper levels. Axter and Majin Fina had a conversation about what was to come. Axter said he would not repeat his past mistake and let his comrades died again. Majin Fina asked him to have faith in Lasswell, the man he trained. Majin Fina said if he intended to reveal the truths after the battle was over. Axter said he would carry it to his grave. Majin Fina commented that he was being considerate.
  19. As they were investigating some floors, Mairo went into a room alone to investigate. However he triggered the traps there. Eventually he managed to disarm the traps while being attacked by the traps. He collapsed right before Rain and Fina caught up to him. He told Rain that although he could not forgive Ardore, he could not forgive himself even more, as someone who sent his comrades to their deaths, not saving them while he could. There was no place of him in the world. Rain consoled him that he needed Mairo's strength in the world he wanted to create. Then, other Hess Children caught up to bring Mairo to a safe place since he was injured. Mairo said his heart felt less painful thanks to Rain's words, as expected from someone to become king.
  21. Lasswell's group was approaching Tower's entrance, but confronted by Distorque. Apparently he faked death while being stabbed by Shamlin. While being questioned whether he thought he would win with himself alone against such a large group, he pulled out Hyou's vision, which triggered Nagi. Shamlin and Nagi decided to take on him by themselves while urging the rest to go forward. Then, Distorque's teleportation magic activated to take them away to a stage he prepared.
  23. Eventually Nagi and Shamlin won. However they were left with no strength and could not return to where Sieghart was, like they promised. However Sieghart showed up and congratulated them on their win. Then, Sieghart left to continue the battle as Nagi and Shamlin wished for his success.
  25. Then, Emperor had another flashback. In his wedding, Kuadis was nervous and his bride was smiling happily because she believed that she would find happiness in their marriage. However as the ceremony was about to start, everyone else disappeared. Then a superior officer arrived and congratulated his success as part of the then Emperor's plan, to become an instrument of Emperor. Accordingly, Kuadis had no parents. he was but a strengthened human born from a test tube. All of his family had been nothing but visions to raise him. Then, Kuadis screamed in despair as the screen blacked out.
  27. Rain's and Lasswell's groups managed to converge and they continued in Ardore Tower's upper levels. As they sensed that Emperor was near, Axter awakened some hidden strength in Rain and told him to use that strength to protect his comrades, without explaining what it was.
  29. Emperor had another flashback. It was when Kuadis managed to become the Alpha Star. Kuadis questioned then Emperor why create him. Emperor answered that he Kuadis was a necessary existence for him. To Emperor, Kuadis was someone to store his excessive magic power. Kuadis said if Emperor's plan was to have a subordinate close to him, Kuadis had no plan to use his strength for Emperor, since he had nothing but hatred towards Emperor, for gifting his parents and lover while taking them away. Emperor answered that he wanted someone who overcame loneliness. Kuadis got enraged and attacked the Emperor. However the Emperor simply congratulated him in becoming the next Emperor.
  31. Return of his memories give him tremendous magic power. However he said his plans would not change. Outside the Ardore Tower Highest Floor gate, the protagonists sensed the increase in magic power and braced themselves to go forward.
  33. The protagonists finally confronted the Emperor and won. As Emperor said he lost everything, Levnard appeared. Levnard commented that Emperor's loneliness became not enough as his soul returned to him. Levnard said that Emperor's thinking to dominate the world with weapon was interesting, he failed as an instrument. Then, he absorbed the Emperor. Then Levnard removed his helmet and revealed himself to be none other than Vlad.
  35. As Vlad prepares an extreme magic to annihilate the protagonists, Rain used his new strength to form a barrier to protect them. Then Rain said he would definitely stop him and create a new history for the world, while calling Lasswell to his side while both sides prepared to fight again. - To be continued.
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