
GTA Crew color hex codes

Jun 8th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. Just a collection of codes I've found/made over the years.
  3. Have a code to add that you don't see? You can comment it down below or DM me on Reddit (XY3R_29) or Twitter (_A293_).
  5. AA FF 00 = Added to the end of some custom codes thru inspect element.
  7. * = My Favorites
  9. Neon Mint: 00FA9A
  10. Neon Blue: 4D4DFF
  11. Neon Light Blue: 0BFFFB
  12. Neon Yellow: FFFF00
  13. Neon Green: 6FF00
  14. Neon Pink: FF00FF
  15. Neon Red: FE0001
  16. Neon Orange: FF4105
  17. Neon Purple: 993CF3
  18. Pure Black (patriot smoke): 000000AA
  19. R Charcoal: 0F0F0FAA
  20. Pure White: FFFFFF00
  21. Grey: CBCBCB
  22. Gold: FCB829
  23. Hot Pink: FF69B4
  24. Digital Green: 00FF00
  25. Kifflom Blue: 87C5F5 / 6690B500
  26. *Saints Purple: 603E94 / 4F0AFF
  27. Navy Blue: 0B114F
  28. Granddaddy Purple: 840AFF
  29. Lime Green 1: 9FF005
  30. Lime Green 2: 59E50A
  31. Zombie Green: D4EB51
  32. Carrot: FFA343
  33. Cyan: 00FFFF
  34. Chartreuse: FFF00
  35. 3D Green: 00962D
  36. Port Purple: 40004A
  37. Corrosive Green: 84FF00
  38. Shiny Blue: 0505FF
  39. *Toxic Yellow: DDFF03
  40. Slate Blue: 2314A3
  41. Perma-Frost: 8AA5AFA (Dew Yellow Pearl)
  42. *Fluorescent Blue: 00AEEF
  43. Sharpe Yellow: FFFF01
  44. *Glow in the Dark Green: 03F111
  45. Neon Yellow: CCFF00
  46. Glowing Green: 16A112
  47. Screamin' Green: 66FF66
  48. Baja Blast: 3DFFDA
  49. Mint Green: 99ff99 / 99ffda
  50. Osaka Blue: 4203FF
  51. *Violet: A57FFF / AF77FF
  52. No name: DDDFFF
  53. Giraffe Purp: 5B57FF
  54. X Indigo: 4F4FFF / *4E4EFF / 4D4DFF
  55. *X Violet: 5B5BFF
  56. Carbon: 111113FF
  57. Rare Purple/Blue: 110111FD
  58. Diamond: 7FFFD4
  59. Electric Blue: 0353FF
  60. *Iceburg: 71A6D2 00
  61. Nice Blue: 006EFF
  62. *X Purple: 5A00FF
  63. Toxic Green: 41FF4B
  64. Neon Banana: E1FF00
  65. Evil Green: 00E666
  66. Sunset Purple: 8470FF
  67. Gold Member: 4D4002 AA
  68. Easter Yellow: EDFF89
  69. Easter Blue: 87FFF3
  70. Easter Green: A7F6A7
  71. Easter Orange: FCB07F
  72. Easter Red: FD7F80
  73. Easter Pink: F6A6EB
  74. Easter Purple: CDA6FF
  75. Hidden Gold: FFC16A
  76. Purple Durple: 9C08FE
  77. Glowing Green: 09FD07
  78. Mellow Yellow: DDFC08
  79. Blaze Orange: FD3E07
  80. Raspy Red: FD0807
  81. Neon Ice Blue: 07F3FE
  82. Blue/Pink Flop: 4507FE
  83. Midnight Blue: 1C0091
  84. Forever Green: 004000AF
  85. Clay Bar: 74442AF
  86. Barr Limeade: 75AD522
  87. That Bloo: 360DD89
  88. *Nom Nom: 7676AF00
  89. *Tango Teal: 3099AA0
  90. Pale Yellow: FFFF7F
  91. *X Yellow: FDEB6E
  92. Summer Yellow: FBEB75
  93. *X Mint: 64EECC
  94. Rose Gold: C9A3999
  95. Muggy Marble: C9C0999
  96. Tropical Copper: CA67300
  97. X Cyan: 15F4EE
  98. *Electric Violet: F601FF
  99. *Spring Green: 00FF7F
  100. Spiro Disco Ball: 0FC0FC
  101. Laser Lemon: FEFE22
  102. Lavender Indigo: 9457EB
  103. *Rose: FF007F
  104. New Discord Blurple: 5865F2
  105. Highlighter Yellow: DEF440
  106. Pinky: FF58AD
  107. Icey: 7FAEFF
  108. Neon Kiff: 00A0FF
  109. Plum Sauce: 4D3C4DAA
  110. Codeine: 28006DAA
  111. Beach Blue: 002D47
  112. Black Light: 0038FFAA
  113. Jogger Pink: EC7FFF
  114. VLEXX Purple: 10002AAA/Ultra Blue Pearl
  115. Rapid Blue: 2DA4F4
  116. Dark Cherry: 440608AA
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