

Aug 29th, 2014
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  1. CEO Warren Buffet
  3. I recall the threats and knowing separation from my family to pull myself away as the target was upon me. I focused on facts, reaffirmed my core ideology, the one taught to me by Xxxxx Xxxxxxx, Nam veteran USMC.I recalled the day he handed me his USMC bayonet and looked me in my eyes and stated without hesitation, "You will have to fight for your freedom".
  5. I consolidated my weapons as something as cold as absolute zero took root. I ran through my inventory of my cache of weapons. Knowledge from studying the ways of USMC warfare, USN warfare, Apache warfare, Quapaw warfare, Cherokee warfare, Kiowa warfare, Comanche warfare, Taekwondo, Northern Shaolin, Jujitsu, Ninjutsu, psychology and psyop, the art of warfare, CIA weapons, SigInt weapons, tactical warfare, guerrilla warfare, marketing, knowledge derived from over 6,000 interrogations, business intelligence and business warfare, economic weapons.
  7. I picked up my CIA intelligence Gatling guns, modified them to be used as stealth weapons on an an intelligence warfare level. I knew I was going to be assaulted by ex-CIA and those with access to psyop, bio, and financial weaponry.
  9. *NOTES; Donald Rumsfeld showed up in my office in the fall of 1999 with two accomplices, dick Cheney and the ex-CEO of Tyco who was indicted on felonies. Donald Rumsfeld asked if I were going to endorse Bush Jr. I stated "No", it was known to me from tracking criminals in OK, TX, TN, AR, and KS that his plans to be inserted, use fraud to manufacture a war and in doing so evoke US Tile 50 to gain access to war funding had been planned out in 1992 by his father, Bush Sr and several major oil execs and that I would not only refuse, but fight them if what I heard was attempted. What I heard was they planned to gun down the US Constitution in a manifestation of propaganda, lies and false flag ops and replace it with what they ended up naming the US Patriot Act. I was also informed that this group had access to media controls, classified intelligence / military bases and such as bio-weapons. This did not impress me one bit, and in 1992 I had grown quite weary of the FBI and the line of garbage they proposed as federal investigators. It became obvious they USJD had been corrupted to its core, and the FBI reduced to the operational effectiveness of a posse of clowns under a PT Barnum tent. They got pats on the back as long as they kept a roster of minorities on their most wanted, and steered clear of Bush Sr's arch criminal hierarchy trying to prop itself up on a platform of war, national security and worse case recorded of public fraud for a major US treasury heist)
  11. I engaged the enemies as a great white would hunt using USN submarine and USMC intelligence warfare combines. I did not know their names, and identifying targets would be difficult. I created a sort of seek and destroy psyop that would sound off by forcing actions, behavior or com from a potential threat.
  13. If you know humans are over 90% chimpanzee chromosomes, then gauging predictable instinctive behavior patters from studying Jane Goodall's materials is assessing over 90% of a potential targets predictable behavior, and building psychological markers on them for individuals was simply additional details to customize CIA mods.
  15. *NOTES; (At one point Bush Jr had cameras, mics and numerous NSA hacks in everything I had. I was exposing Custer Corp, the ex-CIA that was laundering Iraq War funds via Bush Sr's Carlisle Group through Halliburton into the USA. We nailed him red handed sending $1.3 bil of bogus war contract funds into a NJ bank and cut Halliburton off as Iraq War contractor at 4am the next morning. Bush Jr tried to poison my daughter of 2 yrs, and damn near killed he. The response he got was his and his associates received a lethal dose of bio-toxins and ended up in an ER. I explained he was a fraudster, impostor placed in office by electronic fraud, and killing him was not illegal. That anything with a breath of life and a heart beat can be killed. Try again and it will be cold hard toe tagging reality)
  17. I ripped the Bush faction reaping heavy flak damage from various way-points that were like ricocheting torpedoes off of political, and intelligence walls. A deadly tournament requiring I retained myself as the target of every shot to keep my children out of harms way. I have taken more direct intel weapon hits than what it took the CIA in the Cold War to down numerous KGB trained RU echelons.
  19. *NOTES; (I advised Putin where Bush Jr had USN shipments of arms going into Georgia, and of his 5,000 CIA ops in Uzbekistan. I stated facts of the USA's situation. Bush Jr was/is in fact a sociopath, a psychopath who was in control of a military power. It was a "worst case scenario", and he would put the USA on its knees economically to force his will on Americans. This tactic is as old as human history repeated over and over by sociopaths personalities. Putin correctly responded amping the Russian nuclear arsenal and placing warships laden with Tsars within striking distance and told Bush Jr to go right ahead, give him the excuse to incinerate the US military and Washingtoin DC, it is a failed nation and government run by criminals no different from any third world scum recorded. Bush Jr der whako may be insane, but not stupid. He backed down)
  21. Recruiting Vladimir Putin was a move required where his previous KGB training made him very knowledgeable of US intel weapons being utilized.
  23. This intel battle waged on from 2000 to 2009.
  25. The residual Bush crime faction fallout globally has proven to be a tsunami of US hatred. I assessed it accordingly. They incurred more damage from the US Whitehouse on the USA than the summed effects of every conflict the USA was previously engaged in combined. It was definable an assault by deception on the US government, US Constitution, the US economy and damn near an assault by Nazi tactics on US citizens. He left behind him a trail of slime. I warned Obama that the Bush Faction left executive orders to be carried out secretly after he left the Whitehouse, and that his embedded regimist would follow them. They have, and he found it out the hard way.
  27. I will rest the pen-keys here Warren Buffet, and tell you a war has taken place inside the USA to preserve the US Constitution, our freedom, and millions of lives.
  29. Do not fret if you loose every penny you have, but remain free. Regret those who have been undermining your nation, economy, laws and rights for a few pieces of eight.
  31. Did you like how Bush Jr tossed $500 million into the FBI coffer, removed them from white collar crime investigations and said he would hire on another 5,000 FBI intel agents the day after SEC requested he and Dick Cheney be investigated by the USJD? Stiff-arming the law does not remove the criminal acts of the offenders. Just one of over 3,000,000 felony counts he committed during his regime. If you get inserted by fraud, create a war by fraud, you can predict everything else will be a crime afterwards. That was one of my moves having Ted Kennedy rip George Tenants head off in US Senate Intel hearings with Exxon Execs. I called Ted Kennedy the last remaining pillar of democracy. His understudy is a shyster ass lawyer hiding behind his killing spree on the Mekong Delta.
  33. the FBI are the foot soldiers of the US magistrates. If the US oil companies own them, and they bought deep USJD insurance policies years ago, the possibility of one warrant on the Bush crime faction was nonexistent.
  35. Intel warfare insurance? When you retain what it takes to utterly destroy someone in a vault.
  37. Equity follows the law, until the law is so corrupted it no longer exists. That is the failed part in the US government structure I warned Vladimir Putin about stating, "The USJD failed completely, and their were no measures or tools to stop them other than external pressure of deadly force".
  39. You watch your six. One touch of a key could flatten Wall Street. In my books that serves no purpose, but the Bush war crime victims cry out for justice. And there are millions of them globally. The potential for WW3 is critically high now.
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