
Surren - Doom

Jul 6th, 2015
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  1. Race/type: Lamia
  2. Name: Surren Seyleymor
  3. Age: 28
  4. Appearance: Surren is tall and slender like most lamia. The scales of her tail form a geometric pattern of green's and red of diamonds intersecting and breaking, this pattern crawling up towards her stomach and stopping just over her breasts. The pattern retakes itself up her arms stopping over her hands. Over her face is as well a single empty, red diamond right above and between her eyes. Her face is quite slender, with long black hair braided with golden beads, and blood-red snake eyes.
  6. She typically wears a red and gold priestess gown, draped over her body rather than truly worn. Multiple layers of light cloth, one over her shoulders and covering down towards her stomach as a poncho, and another that trails behind her, that starts at her waist as a long skirt.
  8. Backstory:
  9. Lamia was born with the gift of hemomancy at a young age, it being her gift of wild magic. Her first use was on another child that had been bullying her for her red runic pattern that circled around her body. After he pushed her to the ground and she cut herself on a sharp stone, she formed the blood that fell out of her into a dagger and stabbed him in the stomach. He was only saved from further assault as she began to use the blood spilling from him to form a noose to choke on by their supposed caretaker who stopped her and brought her away. From then on each of the children shunned, ignored, and even feared her. Surren however almost took delight in this, some actual happiness in it and some to hide her loneliness.
  10. Over the years the other shamans of her village would, not teach her as they had never seen a mage such as her, but guide her to better learn her powers. As her lessons grew on through her teens she learned to better control the blood and form greater shapes, forming snakes that can crawl and strangle a victim. As well she learned to notice imbalances in the blood of someone However as more she grew in her magic, the more she grew attached to it. Others, even the shamans shunned her. She then grew frequent visits to the altar temple within the village where she found some solace living there. After finishing her training, or as far as the shamans would allow, she became a priestess to the Mapdrawer.
  11. She would fulfill the normal duties for the next 8 years before becoming dissatisfied with her position. The people of her village still feared her. She still both hated and liked this fear, but she still felt empty inside. She never felt accomplished with anything within her life unless she was binding the blood of another and seeing the life drip from his eyes. So one evening when a man from the outside world came to her village seeking knowledge she let him in the temple. Hearing of the world outside of the islands, and outside of her village, filled with new experiences. In return for this information she took him to bed, but before he could get undressed even, she laid upon the bed and drew her hand forward with a dagger. She began drawing the blood from his wound and forced it through his body, and bursting from his throat. With his body laid across the altar to as a sacrifice to the Mapdrawer for giving her purpose, she left the village. Still she felt empty, although she reveled for a minute, killing the a man fully for the first time.
  12. She would later join the temples of KURWÆH IZA, but remain a priest to the mapdrawer as well.
  14. Equipment: A ritual dagger, normally used for sacrificing animals, made to specifically make bleed. Jars to carry around blood.
  16. Satchel. A pendent to the Mapdrawer.
  18. Magical affinity(if any): Wild-magic: Haemomancy (Blood magic)
  20. <Basic>
  22. Blood Blade:
  24. Blood Shield:
  26. Transfusion:
  28. Blood Something:
  30. <Advanced>
  32. Haemostasis:
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