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Aug 31st, 2017
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  1. OdysseyVoyager (1): very stupid name I must say lol
  2. Rajta: well playerunknown is a palyer
  3. OdysseyVoyager (1): And its all in caps
  4. OdysseyVoyager (1): like ew
  5. Rajta: its his name
  6. OdysseyVoyager (1): but caps?
  7. Rajta: he made battle royale mods
  8. OdysseyVoyager (1): it makes it look like someone is playing an unofficial terrible beta phased mod of a broken game xD
  9. Rajta: for arma 2 and 3
  10. Rajta: and h1z1
  11. Rajta: well
  12. Rajta: that unofficial terrible beta phased mod of a broken game is better than any battle royale style game on the market
  13. OdysseyVoyager (1): Its too bad that they can't even name a name normally xD
  14. OdysseyVoyager (1): game*
  15. Rajta: battlegrounds is the name
  16. OdysseyVoyager (1): Im talking about them caps boi
  17. Rajta: and it has playerunknowns game cuz he is the creative director
  18. OdysseyVoyager (1): OMG LOOK IM PLAYING A CAPPED GAME
  19. OdysseyVoyager (1): Like jeez
  20. Rajta: who cares if its in caps or not
  21. Rajta: nobody cares
  22. Rajta: like literally
  23. Rajta: nobody
  24. Rajta: except you for some stupid reason
  25. OdysseyVoyager (1): I looks terrible..whenever I used to see people playing it I thought what the fuck is this unofficial shit lol
  26. Rajta: well
  27. OdysseyVoyager (1): then I formed a first impression of it
  28. Rajta: only you thought of that
  29. OdysseyVoyager (1): that matters if you didnt know lol
  30. Rajta: how can you form an impression if you havent even seeen the game
  31. OdysseyVoyager (1): then lots of people started playing it got annoying to see it
  32. OdysseyVoyager (1): pop up
  33. OdysseyVoyager (1): so those things matter to me...and then I didnt bother looking into it much further
  34. OdysseyVoyager (1): cuz
  35. OdysseyVoyager (1): it pissed me off
  36. Rajta: only you
  37. OdysseyVoyager (1): Thats the thing
  38. OdysseyVoyager (1): I didnt even take it as a game lol
  39. Rajta: literally nobody else
  40. OdysseyVoyager (1): Is it too much to work on presentation if you got a good game?
  41. Rajta: i think the presentation is pretty good
  42. OdysseyVoyager (1): oh yes
  43. OdysseyVoyager (1): PLAYERSHIT LOAD SHIT GROUND
  44. OdysseyVoyager (1): amazing
  45. OdysseyVoyager (1): xD
  46. Rajta: and so do other 858k people that are playing riight now
  47. OdysseyVoyager (1): nah fam
  48. OdysseyVoyager (1): maybe i'll pick it up on some cheap sale
  49. OdysseyVoyager (1): but not too much into it atm
  50. OdysseyVoyager (1): I mean I speak for myself
  51. OdysseyVoyager (1): not them
  52. OdysseyVoyager (1): so
  53. OdysseyVoyager (1): yeah
  54. Rajta: when a game beats dota 2
  55. Rajta: then you know its a proper game
  56. OdysseyVoyager (1): For me...if you can't present the most basic thing properly...I don't trust what your game has to offer
  57. OdysseyVoyager (1): Dota sucks fam
  58. Rajta: dont care if it sucks
  59. Rajta: but people are playing it
  60. OdysseyVoyager (1): Why would that be a selling point when that dota thing is a nerd fest?xD
  61. Rajta: sucks for me and you
  62. Rajta: cuz we would never touch taht pos of a game
  63. Rajta: its not a selling point
  64. OdysseyVoyager (1): yeah but whats to stop me from thinking that if a game that can't even work on its a game that is a nerd fest...whats to stop me from thinking that this isnt another nerd fest? lol
  65. Rajta: ther selling point is the fast paced gunplay
  66. Rajta: great gun control gameplay
  67. Rajta: it beat every other game
  68. OdysseyVoyager (1): I wouldn't give it a second look fam...thats my point...the game maybe great...but if I see a stupid title...all capped out...Im not even wanting to see what it even is
  69. Rajta: dota 2 was just on the top
  70. Rajta: well
  71. OdysseyVoyager (1): but thats just me so I dont mind
  72. Rajta: all i can say
  73. Rajta: that you have a problem lol
  74. OdysseyVoyager (1): but thats how I form impressions...cuz im a c3 victim maybe
  75. Rajta: getting annoyed by an all capped name
  76. OdysseyVoyager (1): I do...its called presentation..I mean I can say the same about all people who play it...most of them are virgin nerds with suicidal thoughts anyway so...yeah lol
  77. OdysseyVoyager (1): you know when people cap things?
  78. OdysseyVoyager (1): when they are desperate for sales
  79. OdysseyVoyager (1): or attention
  80. OdysseyVoyager (1): thats the only reason I can think of
  81. OdysseyVoyager (1): Dunno about you
  82. OdysseyVoyager (1): Thats why it matters how you present your title
  83. Rajta: yea
  84. Rajta: i guess its that
  85. Rajta: people buy the game
  86. Rajta: beacuse its all in caps
  87. Rajta: not beacuse its getting consistent big monthly updates
  88. Rajta: and weekly bugfixing updates
  89. OdysseyVoyager (1): Im not saying people buy it cuz of that...Im just saying for me..thats just a cheap way to attract attention
  90. Rajta: i can tell you that it wasnt the way that attracted the attention
  91. OdysseyVoyager (1): You can't even give me one reason as to why its all capped out can you? xD
  92. Rajta: it attracted attention by its game mechanics
  93. Rajta: dont know, dont care, i care about gameplay, and the PRESENTATION of the gameplay
  94. OdysseyVoyager (1): The presentation Im talking about starts on the cover...and its name...and see even you can't justify the need to cap shit I stand firm on my point that its just cheap and not matter how good your game many updates its getting...if you can't even get the name aint getting my money
  95. Rajta: the name is pretty good, the cover is pretty cool too
  96. Rajta: and his name is capped cuz its his name
  97. OdysseyVoyager (1): Oh don't get me wrong..the cover is decent...but the name isn't..atleast in its current form
  98. OdysseyVoyager (1): atleast to me
  99. Rajta: PLAYERUNKNOWN is his name
  100. OdysseyVoyager (1): Why isnt your name capped out then?
  101. OdysseyVoyager (1): or mine?
  102. Rajta: cuz i didnt choose it
  103. OdysseyVoyager (1): or most of the folks?
  104. Rajta: he did
  105. Rajta: like
  106. Rajta: 15 years ago
  107. Rajta: or whatever
  108. OdysseyVoyager (1): his opinion it was a good idea to do mine it wasn't..and its cheap especially since ur using it on ur game
  109. OdysseyVoyager (1): and also
  110. OdysseyVoyager (1): whats the point of capping the entire title?xD
  111. OdysseyVoyager (1): is that his full name? nope
  112. OdysseyVoyager (1): I would still understand if only his name was capped out
  113. Rajta: my guess, they wanted to have battlegrounds in call caps cuz his name is that way
  114. Rajta: and they didnt want to break it by not putting it in caps
  115. OdysseyVoyager (1): His name is all capped out? So I guess this guy has more issues than just his game...
  116. OdysseyVoyager (1): How would you like if I put ODYSSEYVOYAGER on your face everytime you talk to me? It screams of desperation lol..especially when I slap it on anything I make
  117. Rajta: nah
  118. OdysseyVoyager (1): So yeah..I guess we can agree to disagree on this
  119. Rajta: i wouldnt care
  120. OdysseyVoyager (1): Well I
  121. Rajta: well
  122. Rajta: thats your problem
  123. OdysseyVoyager (1): he aint getting my moolah
  124. OdysseyVoyager (1): When did I say it should be your problem? xD
  125. Rajta: but youre wrong about the game i can tell you that
  126. OdysseyVoyager (1): Of course its an issue I have with it...and your issues with it or anything else is your problem
  127. Rajta: im just saying that its your problem that you find all caps names annoying
  128. Rajta: and literally nobody else has it
  129. OdysseyVoyager (1): No...don't get me wrong again..I never said the game was maybe good...and a nice concept....but the thing that kills it for me is desperation
  130. Rajta: there is no desperation
  131. OdysseyVoyager (1): I can point out a lot of people who find such cheap tactics I guess its matter of what company you keep...some people who find these things cheap or people who lap up just about anything cuz they're bored
  132. Rajta: it didnt sell 8.5 millon copies cuz those 8.5 million people thought the name was desperate
  133. OdysseyVoyager (1): Well thats your problem if you don't see any desperation
  134. OdysseyVoyager (1): Certainly attracted a lot of people tho
  135. Rajta: it isnt desperation
  136. Rajta: you just want it to justify tahts desperation
  137. Rajta: for yourself
  138. OdysseyVoyager (1): Atleast that was their intention imo..with a name like ever seen a title like this on such huge sales making games before?
  139. Rajta: you need to justify something because you dont like it
  140. OdysseyVoyager (1): I don't need to justify to myself are just doing that to somehow justify your fanboys towards it
  141. Rajta: huge sales games are all AAA games, and this is an indie game
  142. Rajta: no
  143. Rajta: im not fanboying at all
  144. OdysseyVoyager (1): Does it matter when it makes mils?
  145. Rajta: i just dont understand your furstration to something so blatantly stupid
  146. OdysseyVoyager (1): I don't understand why I need to justify a reason for myself to not play it?
  147. OdysseyVoyager (1): I mean does that even make any sense? lol
  148. Rajta: yes, subconciously you need to justify that its shit or wahtever it is that you dont like
  149. Rajta: and i dont mean you as YOU
  150. Rajta: i mean people, humans
  151. OdysseyVoyager (1): Its not stupid to me...capping out a title...I don't like looks like an unfinished sdk junk code file...and also its there goes another chance they had
  152. Rajta: they need to justfify for themselves why dont they like certain shit
  153. Rajta: indie
  154. OdysseyVoyager (1): But if I don't like something, how can you say that I am trying to justify based on that?
  155. Rajta: so what
  156. Rajta: if its indie
  157. Rajta: that means that they dont have a team of several hundred people making hte game
  158. OdysseyVoyager (1): I can say that you are trying to justify that this game is worth because of updates and its map or the how is it any different from being a fan boy and justifying the game's appeal to your ownself?
  159. Rajta: like crytek or activision or blizzard
  160. Rajta: yes, it is worth by all those things
  161. Rajta: for the money
  162. Rajta: it is worth
  163. OdysseyVoyager (1): My point is, if its india..they should be more than careful to not show any signs of potential desperation...and it doesn't take a genius to figure out that you don't need to be all capped out...and especially when fanboys can't even come up with an answer as to why it is the way it is
  164. OdysseyVoyager (1): not india
  165. OdysseyVoyager (1): lol
  166. OdysseyVoyager (1): indie*
  167. Rajta: i care about gameplay, how frequent is the game updating
  168. Rajta: i told you why its capped
  169. OdysseyVoyager (1): And I care about appealing to me in the first I don't think that needs any justifications...
  170. OdysseyVoyager (1): Why is it capped?
  171. Rajta: anyways, i have to go, dont have time for this nonsece of an convcersation
  172. Rajta: find it where i typed it, i have to go
  173. OdysseyVoyager (1): His name is capped...but why is the full title capped...and can't he tone down his name ...does he have too big an ego to do that?
  174. Rajta: my training is starting in 15 min
  175. OdysseyVoyager (1): Well I didn't start it...and you certainly didn't want to end this conversation...whihc was nonsense since the time you started sucking this game's dick
  176. OdysseyVoyager (1): which*
  177. OdysseyVoyager (1): I don't feel the need to suck its dick because I got a lot of options to spend my money on..on games that make huge money, are equally successful...but atleast know how to name their game...
  178. OdysseyVoyager (1): Happy training (:
  179. OdysseyVoyager is now Busy.
  180. Rajta: im not sucking its dick
  181. Rajta: i just find that your annoyment over a name not logical
  182. Rajta: to me
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