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Mar 25th, 2019
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  1. |>>shitty question hub
  2. {start | check_flag rathke_pc_disinterested_island normal_start wasnt_interested}}
  3. ||
  4. {normal_start} "Nice of you to drop by, -name-. What's the occasion?"
  5. [want_talk] Just wanted to talk a bit.
  6. [ready_yet] I was wondering if you're ready to go to the red island yet.
  8. ||
  9. {wasnt_interested} "Hey there, -name-. I don't suppose you've changed your mind about taking a little trip to the red island?"
  10. [want_talk_1] Nope. Just here to talk.
  11. [changed_mind] I did change my mind about that. I'd like to go with you when you're ready.
  12. ||
  13. {changed_mind | remove_flag rathke_pc_disinterested_island} Rathke's face takes on a pleased grin. "I thought you might. Glad to see I was right about you. I'm not ready to go yet, but I'll be more than happy to have you along once I am."
  14. [when_ready] When will you be ready?
  15. [bring_anything] Anything I should bring?
  16. ||
  17. {when_ready} "Not sure. It might take a while for me to get everything I want and hunt around Taodal for information.<br>Just hang tight until I'm all ready, all right? "
  18. {bring_anything} "No need. I'll make sure I have all the essentials covered, so just hang tight until I'm ready, all right?"
  19. [gotcha] Sounds like a plan to me.
  20. ||
  21. {gotcha} "Was that all you were here for?"
  22. [want_talk] I wanted to talk to you about something.
  23. [nothing_else] Yep, that was all.
  24. ||
  25. {nothing_else} "All right. Guess I'll see you around, then."
  26. [ | end_encounter] See you later. (Leave)
  27. ||
  28. {want_talk} "I've got time for that. What did you want to talk about?"
  29. {want_talk_1} "Shame. I still think you'll come around eventually though. <br> Anyway, what did you want to talk about?"
  30. {boss} "Someone who would not appreciate me telling you their name, or anything else about them for that matter."
  31. {settle_down} "No, I don't think so. I wouldn't give up my place as a ship's captain for anything."
  32. {uncaring} "They've got different values than I do. I guess I can't really fault them for that."
  33. {parents_angry} "Yeah, pretty much. That's just how it is now, and I don't think they'll ever forgive me for that."
  34. {chose_dreams} "Sure did. And I've never regretted it for a second."
  35. {why_not} "That's for me to know and you to find out."
  36. {okay_end} "As long as you don't let me forget about it I'll tell you eventually. Just not now."
  37. [more_ship] Can you tell me more about your ship? //showif.has_flag.rathke_knows_ship //hideif.clicked
  38. [boss] Who's this boss you mentioned? //hideif.clicked
  39. [what_you_be] What exactly are you? //hideif.clicked
  40. [got_to_go] I've got to head out now.
  41. ||
  42. {got_to_go} "All right. Nice talking to you, -name-. See you around."
  43. [ | end_encounter] (Leave)
  44. ||>>neat hybrid stuff
  45. {what_you_be} Rathke sticks her chest out proudly. "<b>My</b> species doesn't have a name. I'm a hybrid, a one of a kind."
  46. {seen_else} "Nope. And I've been to a ton of places, so I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who looks like this."
  47. [parents_look_like] What did your parents look like?
  48. [siblings] No siblings?
  49. [seen_else] Never seen anyone else like you? //hideif.clicked
  50. ||
  51. {parents_look_like} "That's...kind of hard to put into words, but I guess I'll try.<br>My mom had a tail and fins and stuff like mine, and her skin was the smoothest thing I've felt in my life. My dad was built like a braq, and had a grey-ish blue fur all over."
  52. [parents_hybrids] Are your parents hybrids too?
  53. [adopted] Are you sure you're not adopted?
  54. ||
  55. {parents_hybrids} "I don't think so. Although I didn't ask, so I guess I can't really be sure. They joked about me being adopted a lot though, so I'm pretty sure they weren't."
  56. {adopted} Rathke sighs. "I'd be able to pay my tab if I had a krat for every time my parents joked about that."
  57. {siblings} "Nope. My parents said they didn't even expect to have me. I guess you could say I was a surprise. They'd even make a lot of jokes about having adopted me."
  58. [mean_joke] That was pretty mean of them.
  59. [good_joke] Sounds like they had a good sense of humor.
  60. [surprise_joke] What kind of parents joke about that?
  61. ||
  62. {surprise_joke} "The kind of parents who are fed up with their daughter.<br> I was expected to follow tradition and settle down with a husband. Unfortunately for them, I didn't really care for that idea. So I didn't even try to learn any of the skills they thought a wife was supposed to have."
  63. {good_joke} "Trust me, it gets old after a few months. To be fair to them, I was sort of spitting on their traditions and I guess they were getting fed up with it.<br> I was supposed to be learning all the skills I needed to find a good husband to settle down with. As you can see, I didn't really make much of an effort to do that."
  64. {mean_joke} "They were probably getting fed up with my shit. To be fair to them, I was sort of spitting on their traditions. I was making basically no effort to go find a husband or even learn any of the skills a wife was supposed to have."
  65. [why_not] Why weren't you interested in settling down?
  66. [family] I take it you didn't leave your family on good terms.
  67. [traditions] What traditions?
  68. ||
  69. {why_not} "When I was a kid I decided I wanted to go on adventures. I guess I hung around the docks and listened to sailors stories too much. Either way, I had decided that I wanted to be a sailor and that I sure as hell wasn't settling down for a quiet domestic life."
  70. [settle_down] Will you settle down someday?
  71. [traditions] What did your parents want you to do?
  72. [want_happy] I think your parents would want you to be happy.
  73. ||
  74. {family} "I pretty much just snuck away from home. Didn't even bother to tell my parents where I went. I came back later, once I was a Captain. But our reunion was...less than cordial."
  75. {were_happy} "I think they were never really all that worried to begin with. They didn't seem to be surprised to see me alive."
  76. [were_happy] Were they happy to see you alive? //hideif.clicked
  77. [why_no_tell] Why didn't you tell them you left?
  78. [uncaring] They seem uncaring.
  79. ||
  80. {traditions} "Nothing too weird. Just really fucking boring.<br> Where I grew up, women are expected to find a husband and be a good wife. If you aren't focusing on that, then you're a fucking weirdo. I could go into detail but it just makes me angry thinking about them."
  81. {want_happy} "No, they didn't care about that. They just wanted me to settle down with a man and be a good wife. If you didn't do that back where I come from, you get treated like a complete fucking weirdo. I'd go into more detail but it makes me real fucking angry to think about that stuff."
  82. {why_no_tell} "Because I knew they would try and keep me at home. They spent all of my teenage years trying to get me to adhere to the local traditions and learn to be a good wife so that I wouldn't get branded a fucking weirdo. There's no way they would have been okay with me leaving home."
  83. [weirdos] What happens to weirdos
  84. [angry] How angry are we talking here?
  85. ||
  86. {weirdos} "They're treated as social outcasts and their parents are blamed for not raising them right."
  87. [parents_angry] And your parents were angry at you for making them seem irresponsible?
  88. ||
  89. {angry} "Very.<br> It was frustrating to see my parents get told they weren't raising me right just because I wanted to do things differently than normal. I was basically made to choose between my dreams and my family's friendship and approval."
  90. [chose_dreams] And you chose your dreams.
  91. || >> how she got to be captain (some of it)
  92. {how_be_captain} "Now that's a...touchy subject to say the least. There's no painful memories involved but I did anger some people who might still be holding a grudge, and I'd rather not them or any friends they might have overhear me admit to certain things."
  93. [sure_story] Sure, let's have as much of it as you can tell.
  94. [not_now] I'll wait until you can tell me the whole thing.
  95. ||
  96. {sure_story | add_flag rathke_captain_story} "All right, here we go.<br><br>I'll spare you the details of my childhood, since they're not really important. The story really starts when I got my first job on the merchant ship <i>Arnhem</i>. A job as cabin boy, or cabin girl I guess. It was a great job, since I got to learn all about how ships worked."
  97. [captain_story_2] (Let her continue)
  98. [lowly_tasks] I didn't think you'd settle for a position like that.
  99. ||
  100. {captain_story_2} "Honestly at that age I would have been content to keep doing that job forever. Fortunately for me, one of our lookout took a nasty tumble off his high post one day after drinking just a bit too much and the captain decided that I should be the one to take his place."
  101. {lowly_tasks} "At that point in my life I hadn't had a taste of command, and was just thrilled to be on a real ship. Fortunately for me, one of our lookout took a nasty tumble off his post after having just a little too much to drink and the captain decided that I should take his place."
  102. [why_important] Why is this important?
  103. [captain_story_3] (Let her continue)
  104. ||
  105. {why_important} "I'm getting to that! Just let me tell my damn story, will you?<br><br> Anyway one night I notices a little disturbance far in the distance on our starboard side, looked like a small tube or something. I decided that this wasn't normal and warranted reporting to the officer of the watch, who didn't agree with me and insisted that it was probably some piece of flotsam and not worth any attention."
  106. {captain_story_3} "This ended up becoming very important for me, because one night I notice a little disturbance far off in the distance on our starboard side, looked like a small tube or something. I decided that this wasn't normal and warranted reporting to the officer of the watch, who didn't agree with me and insisted that it was probably some piece of flotsam and not worth any attention."
  107. [captain_story_4] (Let her continue)
  108. [why_think] Why did you think differently?
  109. ||
  110. [why_think] "It was ''floating'' perfectly vertically in the water, wasn't bobbing up and down either. Not that it mattered to the officer of the watch, who chewed me out for wasting his time and had me replaced for what would have been the rest of my watch.<br>I wasn't convinced that the ''flotsam'' was unimportant, so I got some of my friends to wake up and arm themselves in case of trouble."
  111. {captain_story_4} "The officer of the watch chewed me out pretty badly for wasting his time, and to add insult to injury had me replaced for what would have been the rest of my shift.<br>Now, I wasn't convinced that the ''flotsam'' was nothing to worry about. So I got some of my friends to wake up and get themselves armed in case of trouble."
  112. [seems_excessive] That seems like an excessive thing to do over some tube in the water.
  113. [captain_story_5] (Let her continue)
  114. ||
  115. {seems_excessive} "I just had this gut feeling that something was wrong.<br>It turned out I was right. Because by the time we were ready we had sailed pretty close to the spot where I saw the disturbance and a submersible vessel was surfacing right next to ours.<br> We quickly found ourselves being boarded by what I assumed were pirates, but my friends and I help them back long enough for the rest of the crew to get armed and ready to fight."
  116. {captain_story_5} "It turned out that I wasn't being paranoid after all. Because about half an hour later we had sailed close to the spot where I saw the disturbance and a submersible vessel was surfacing right next to ours.<br> We quickly found ourselves being boarded by what I assumed were pirates, but my friends and I help them back long enough for the rest of the crew to get armed and ready to fight."
  117. {fighting_experience} Rathke runs her hand over the hilt of her sword fondly. "We practiced amongst ourselves at the captain's insistence. I guess he thought having a battle ready crew was cheaper than hiring an escort. We were outnumbered at the start, but managed to catch the pirates by surprise when we charged back over their boarding planks onto the surface of their ship! I personally dove into the water and swam onto their ship to flank them. We eventually had to retreat back onto our own ship, but by that point the rest of our crew was ready to fight."
  118. [fighting_experience] I'm surprised you had enough fighting experience to pull that off. //hideif.clicked
  119. [submersibles] How common are submersibles?
  120. [captain_story_6] (Let her continue)
  121. ||
  122. {submersibles} "They're not common at all, especially among pirates, which made this incident all the more strange in hindsight.<br><br>Anyway, sometime during the fighting one of the pirates must have got through the fighting undetected and into the ship. I cut him down after I noticed he was fleeing back to his ship and a small box tumbled out of his hands, which I barely managed to save from falling into the water." Rathke puffs out her chest a little, seemingly quite proud of the memory.
  123. {captain_story_6} "Sometime during the fighting one of the pirates must have got through the fighting undetected and into the ship. I cut him down after I noticed he was fleeing back to his ship and a small box tumbled out of his hands, which I barely managed to save from falling into the water." Rathke puffs out her chest a little, seemingly quite proud of the memory.
  124. [box_important] Why was the box important?
  125. [captain_story_end] (Let her continue)
  126. ||
  127. {box_important} "Before I answer that, I need to figure out how much I want to tell you about that particular subject.<br>Ask me some other time."
  128. {captain_story_end} "...and that's all I really feel like saying about that for now. Ask me more about it some other time."
  129. [okay_end] Hopefully sometime you'll let me hear the rest of it.
  130. [why_not] Why is that?
  131. ||
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