
Yellow!Terezi gets off to some sick beats

Jun 4th, 2013
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  1. As Terezi strolled into her room she let out a sigh of relief at finally getting some personal time to herself once in a while. It had been a long day, longer than most, and she simply had to relieve some tension after strolling around on her skates all day, flashing her massive junk for curious onlookers and tagging some areas with her trademark signature and a bit of her own slimy precum. Still, that wasn’t enough to quell her inner lust and as such, she finds herself desperate for a bit of relaxation. With a few quick, hurried movements she throws off all her clothing and accessories to the side, letting her picturesque, pristine body be unburdened by such constricting fabric while her enormous cock and swaying balls hang free. It wasn’t often the mustardblood was able to unwind like this, so she makes sure to make every second count, sliding her hands all over her wide rear, supple breasts, and lengthy dick as lust courses through her body. Sure she may be blind, but that certainly doesn’t keep her from enjoying her startling good looks once in a while.
  3. She illustrates this by cupping one hand underneath her heavy, bulging sac she admires the feeling of her runny ball-sweat pooling into her palm, raising it to her mouth and getting a good, deep whiff of the intoxicating substance before bringing it to her lip as the stuff flows past her ebony black lips and trickles down her throat. A shiver rushes up her spine as she revels in getting a taste of her own natural juices, absolutely loving the taste.
  5. She reaches nonchalantly at the drawer in front of her as she rummages through it, a jagged smile etching across her face when she feels out the items necessary for her personal pleasure. Awkwardly bumbling about with the equipment she plops her wide rump down and hooks it up, placing the massive, velvety soft headset around her bloated balls while she sensually shoves the two vibrators into her most sensitive areas, one slipped inside her fleshy foreskin tip as she coos and moans while placing the other up her puffy butthole. She can’t help but bite her lip when she feels everything’s in place, her sensitive bosom jiggling and rising with each prolonged breath while the fat, yellow vein running down her fleshy shaft bulges and throbs yearningly.
  7. Terezi holds her breath as she tremblingly arches one hand to the side, trembling as she brings one single finger to the switch connecting all of the auditory devices snuggling against and inside her body. Once she flips it, she practically lets loose all of the welling lust inside her at once, moans and deep lusty cries echoing throughout her room as the vibrators and headset sends pulses and vibrations through her sensitive flesh at an astonishing rate. Her balls bounce and jostle with each deep beat pressing against them, getting the stunning amount of seed inside them swishing and swirling about. Terezi’s light-yellow nipples quiver and tremble as her sensitive breasts sway with each deep inhale. The vibrator placed up her rump makes her entire ass quake with the vibrations sending her buttocks shaking and her plush asshole clenching around the device plugged up her rear.
  10. The air fills with her natural aroma as sweat soon begins to bead all over her aching body, gliding across her sleek skin and forming a small puddle underneath her dripping ballsac. Animalistic moans gush out of her as the heavy tempo sends powerful beats running all up along her enormous cock, her hips bucking at every loud pulse sounding along her sheath. It’s barely noticeable at first but soon the reverberation begins to pick up, sending her entire physique into a spasm as it fluctuates up her colossal, churning testes along with her meaty rod. Slowly she starts to feel it well up inside her, just as the beat reaches a point where it’s blasting wave upon wave of sensual audio through her sweaty, reverberating cock.
  12. As the tempo and bass reaches its breaking point, so too does Terezi, as she lets out a silent moan while her cocktip shoots the virbator out across the room as untold amounts of rich seed spray out. Her swaying balls hug against her body as they pump out load after load of spewing spunk shooting out of her broad cockhead, coating the wall in her runny fluids as her orgasm never wavers. Nearly 10 minutes later, Terezi is still in the same continuous orgasm as before, the wall before her completely covered in her fermented cum as a stream of her sperm continues to jettison out of her sodden-wet rod. Her eyes flutter while her mouth stays open, panting audibly while the whirring sound still coaxes her dick into spewing out all of her backed up cum.
  14. It takes what seems to be hours before her cocktip sputters out the last bits of its pent up seed before drooping down and becoming as flaccid as ever, just as the music sounding through her body ends as well. As Terezi groggily looks up in her exhausted state, she heartily chuckles at the smell of all her unloaded spooge spread out across her wall, along with parts of the ceiling too, dripping down and about her while she relishes in getting 2 months worth of dense seed out of her once-swollen sac all at once. Slowly sliding off the headset and wincing as she removes the vibrators from her ass and dick, Terezi drifts to sleep on the floor right there, surrounded by her soupy cum still swirling about and with her dick resting against the side of her leg, a smile strewn across her face while she peacefully slumbers in her own runny seed.
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