
And Everything Nice Pt. 5

Feb 24th, 2013
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  1. >You are Fluttershy
  2. >And luck is surely with you tonight!
  3. >Femanon drank far too much at Pinkie’s party, and now she’s blackout drunk!
  4. >You don’t need to worry about waking her up with your curiosity, or about her finding out
  5. >Even if she did wake up… would she even remember?
  6. >Probably not
  7. >You’re giddy with the thought
  8. >After a longer-than-usual walk, due to the weight, you finally reach your cottage
  9. >You get the door open and slink inside, your prize on your back
  10. >You quietly make your way upstairs, careful not to drop her, and at last reach your room
  11. >You back up and dump Femanon onto the bed
  12. >She silently groans, but doesn’t move
  13. >You take to the air, finding it hard to contain your giddy giggles
  14. >The freedom you have…
  15. >You get her into a better position (on her back, legs a little spread), and admire her body
  16. >So lanky compared to p0nies
  17. >So wonderfully feminine
  18. >Such slender legs
  19. >A fine hourglass figure
  20. >And those “boobs,” as she calls them
  21. >…oh my~
  22. Let’s… have a little fun~
  23. >You say with a smile
  24. >You swoop downward and gnaw at her belt buckle with your teeth, managing to get it undone
  25. >You fuss with the button and grip the zipper, pulling it down
  26. >Fluttering down to the base of the bed, you grab the ends of her pant legs and pull
  27. >The jeans are tight, but eventually, they give way, sliding off of her leg like a smooth sock
  28. >You drop them softly onto the ground, then gaze upon Femanon in her new, more exposed form
  29. >She has tight white panties on, decorated near the top with a little pink bow
  30. >It tightly grips her waist and thighs
  31. >You run a hoof up them
  32. >They’re so smooth to the touch, like a newborn filly
  33. >You turn your attention back to the panties
  34. >They grip her folds nicely, providing a nice outline that doesn’t require much from the imagination
  35. >You can feel your own folds starting to dampen a little
  36. >You bring your head in close, and plant a kiss on them
  37. >Your lips sink a little between them
  38. >You open your mouth apart quickly, spreading her lips under her panties
  39. >She quivers in her sleep slightly
  40. >This is really happening…
  41. >You retract your head from between her legs, and replace it with your hoof
  42. >You slowly stroke up and down
  43. >Feeling the outline of her womanhood
  44. >You add a little more pressure
  45. >Again, she stirs in her sleep
  46. >But you don’t need to worry
  47. >You giggle a little
  48. >She won’t be waking up
  49. >As you continue to trace between her legs, you can feel a moisture develop
  50. >You blush and smile
  51. >Keeping at it, it continues, until the area is quite wet
  52. >You take your hoof away, licking it for the sweet nectar that attached
  53. >You look at the damage caused
  54. >Ohh my~
  55. >The white panties are practically see-though
  56. >You can perfectly see the shape and color of her beautiful lips pressed against her underwear
  57. >You’re practically soaking
  58. >Your hoof subconsciously drifts south
  59. >It touches your excited marehood
  60. >…no
  61. >Not yet
  62. >You retract it
  63. >There’s still more…
  64. >You leave the panties be for now, and flutter up to her upper body
  65. >Straddling her waist, you lift her shirt up and over her body
  66. >…huh… what’s this?
  67. >You gaze upon an odd article of clothing
  68. >…some kind of… holder for her “boobs?”
  69. >…she wasn’t wearing this over at Pinkie Pie’s
  70. >…now how do you work this thing?
  71. >You grip one side of it with your teeth and drag it up
  72. >Her breasts gracefully drop from under, bobbing a bit before settling in place
  73. >Your eyes are locked on their beauty
  74. >Their wondrous shape
  75. >The small, cute, pink nipples that are set upon them
  76. >You want them all to yourself
  77. >…as soon as you get this contraption off of Femanon
  78. >You bite down on one side and pull the other, but nothing budges
  79. >You look for some kind of hook, or switch, or something
  80. >…maybe behind?
  81. >You flutter down, place your hooves on her side, and gently tip her up and over
  82. >The upper half of her body folds over to the side, revealing her back
  83. >This action is greeted by another drunken moan
  84. >…aha!
  85. >There IS some kind of hook!
  86. >You bite down on it and pull
  87. >…but nothing happens
  88. >You release it, back up a bit, and ponder
  89. >…hmm…
  90. >You try once more, this time, separating them apart
  91. >No luck
  92. >What about squeezing them together?
  93. >…that doesn’t work either
  94. >You try every direction
  95. >Every combination you know
  96. >But nothing is working!
  97. >Finally, in a quick flash of rage most unbecoming of you, you bite down and pull as hard as you can
  98. >You hear some kind of snap
  99. >…oh…
  100. >You drop the fabric from your mouth and look
  101. >…the hooks have snapped right off
  102. >The two ends of the strap lay separated
  103. >…oh no
  104. >…don’t worry about that now
  105. >You can blame it on her drunkenness in the morning
  106. >…yeah, that should work
  107. >You bite the now separated straps and pull
  108. >The strange holding clothing slides right off of her body
  109. >You place your hooves over her side and reposition her like she was before
  110. >Her chest is now bare, revealed, and ready
  111. >You can feel the juice practically running down your leg
  112. >You flutter on top of her, straddling her waist once more, and take in the wonder of these human female beauties
  113. >You place your hoof on one, and softly bounce it up and down
  114. >It wriggles with such fluidity
  115. >You bring your head down to the other…
  116. >You inhale the aroma of her skin…
  117. >Then place your lips down onto her nipple
  118. >The warm sensation around it slowly causes it to harden
  119. >You’re euphoric
  120. >Your wet tongue bobs up and down around it, rattling it around like a rattlesnake tail
  121. >You softly massage her other nipple with your hoof
  122. >You tighten your lips around it and suck hard, milking it for all its worth
  123. >Femanon emits a small moan in her sleep
  124. >Your own wetness is starting to seep onto her panties, causing your fluids to mingle and mix together
  125. >The thought of it drives you wild
  126. >You break your suckle with a slight *pop,* and drag your tongue from the base of her breast to the top
  127. >You bring your head over to her other nipple and kiss it
  128. >Human anatomy is so amazing…
  129. >You flutter up quickly and land at the end of the bed
  130. >Once more, your gaze is met with the doubly wet panties of Femanon
  131. >You bite your lip in anticipation
  132. >Your own crotch is begging for your attention
  133. >You bring your head up to the little pink bow and bite
  134. >Dragging the underwear all the way down her legs
  135. >And toss them off to the side
  136. >Her wet womanhood is now completely exposed
  137. >A bewitching aroma fills the air
  138. >Ohhhh~
  139. >You gently press her legs further apart, giving her damp folds as much room as possible
  140. >You bring your head between those slender legs of hers and inhale
  141. >You’re at your limit, and you haven’t even given yourself anything physical
  142. >This human girl is amazing
  143. >You bring your tongue to her womanhood, place it at the base, and drag it slowly up, catching as much of her fluids as you can
  144. >She twitches a little in her sleep
  145. >Once at the top, you bring your lips in and circle around her clit
  146. >It doesn’t wink, and isn’t very large, but you still managed to find it
  147. >You suck on it wildly, flicking it up and down every once and a while with your tongue
  148. >Femanon shudders every now and them
  149. >Popping off of her clit, you drag your tongue back down south and poke your tongue into her hole
  150. >You slide it in and out, coating your tongue with her juices
  151. >You’ll have to remember to get some kind of toy for the next time this happens~
  152. >Finally, after teasing yourself for so long, you allow your hoof to drift down your own body
  153. >You plant it down on your clit and begin working circles
  154. >The feeling is so intense
  155. >You open your mouth wider, place it around her folds, and take her lips into your mouth
  156. >She tastes so wonderful…
  157. >Her legs begin to stir, and her breathing has picked up
  158. >You suck maniacally on her sex, while rubbing your own at blinding speed
  159. >You release it from your mouth and begin sliding your tongue up and down her slit, over and over
  160. >You’re so close~
  161. >You bring up your free hoof and begin playing with her chest
  162. >Your tongue is at full throttle
  163. >You’re gonna—
  164. >You’re gonna!
  165. O—Ohh~ AH~ FEMANOOON!~
  166. >The orgasm rocks and rattles your entire body
  167. >You discharge juice behind you onto the ground
  168. >It feels like it lasts an eternity
  169. >Finally, your head collapses down between Femanon’s legs
  170. >You’re breathing is heavy, and you rest for a second just to recover
  171. >You gently kiss her womanhood, as to thank it for such an amazing gift
  172. >Wow…
  173. >You gaze to Femanon
  174. >Still out like a light, completely asleep, completely unaware of what happened
  175. >You smile
  176. >Soon… she’ll know
  177. >She’ll want this too
  178. >You know it
  179. >And when you’re both awake, servicing each other
  180. >…it’ll be fantastic
  181. >You sigh in delight thinking about it
  182. >…
  183. >Well… it’s time to clean up
  184. >You quickly clean your love puddle on the ground, then get Femanon back into her clothes
  185. >Her chest holder will stay on the ground for now
  186. >Once she’s fully clothed, you drop down softly into bed, tuck her and yourself in, snuggle up next to her, and drift off…
  188. >You are Femanon
  189. >And ho-ly shit does your head hurt
  190. >You creak open your eyes slowly
  191. >Then shut them right back closed
  192. >The sunlight is NOT helping right now
  193. >Uuuggh… but you need to deal with it
  194. >You push yourself up in the bed to sit up, and creak them open once more
  195. >What the hell happened last night…?
  196. >Last you remember, you were drinking with Pinkie
  197. >Then it’s all just blurs and gaps…
  198. >…and where are you anyway?
  199. >You open your eyes a little more, much to the protest of your head, and look around
  200. >…Fluttershy’s place, it seems
  201. >You must have drunkenly stumbled your way back here
  202. >You look down to your side
  203. >The snoozing Fluttershy seems to reinforce this theory
  204. >You groan and tilt your head back, getting just a little more rest in before you have to get up
  205. >…what’s that smell…?
  206. >It smells like… hay… and pine needles
  207. >…and… your ex-boyfriend’s room…
  208. >What the hell…?
  209. >”Mmmm…”
  210. >You bring your head back forward and glance down
  211. >Fluttershy’s starting to stir
  212. >Not wanting to be the only one awake, you begin to nudge her
  213. Hey… hey Fluttershy… wake up.
  214. >You continue rocking her
  215. >Finally, her eyes open
  216. >They meet yours, and she smiles
  217. >”Good morning, Femanon~”
  218. >You rub your eyes
  219. Good morning.
  220. >She giggles
  221. >Clearly she can tell you’re worse for wear
  222. Craaazy night, huh…?
  223. >You say with a small laugh, swinging your legs around the side of the bed and standing
  224. >…huh
  225. >You grip your chest
  226. >”I’ll say… you drank quite a bit…”
  227. >Is your…?
  228. Yeah, I guess I had a little more than I should have—hey, do you know where my bra is?
  229. >”Your… what?”
  230. >You turn to her
  231. >She looks a little confused
  232. >…ohh right
  233. Yeah, my bra. It like… holds my breasts for me.
  234. >You take a step
  235. Did I lose it or—
  236. >Your foot kicks something on the ground
  237. >Looking down, you see your one and only bra in this world lying on the floor
  238. >Broken at the back
  239. >Your mouth gapes
  240. Aw no, what the hell?
  241. >You bend over and pick it up
  242. Shoot… this is the only bra I have. What happened?
  243. >”I-I don’t know!” Fluttershy says quickly, taking to the air. “M-Maybe you broke it somehow when y-you were drunk…”
  244. >You rub the back of your neck
  245. >Well… that wouldn’t be the first time something like that had happened
  246. I guess…
  247. >Fluttershy lets out some sort of sigh
  248. Still… this is the only one I had… I kind of need one.
  249. >You groan
  250. >Fluttershy doesn’t say anything
  251. >…then, an idea comes to mind
  252. Ah… do you think Rarity could make me something like a bra?
  253. >Fluttershy’s gazing off into the distance
  254. >Then snaps back into reality
  255. >”Oh, sure! I’m sure she could. In fact,“
  256. >She flutters back down to the floor and begins to trot to the door
  257. >”Rarity wanted you to stop by her boutique this morning anyway.”
  258. >You smile a little
  259. >She did?
  260. >Maybe she’s going to make you some clothes like you talked about
  261. >…you did talk about that, right?
  262. That sounds great. Do you think maybe we could get something to eat first?
  263. >Fluttershy smiles
  264. >”Of course, let’s go to the kitchen now.”
  266. >You and Fluttershy have a nice, quaint breakfast
  267. >You ask her about the night’s events once you started to black out
  268. >But she claims not to know
  269. >She says she only took you home
  270. >…well, you weren’t hanging out with Fluttershy last night, as much as you remember
  271. >Maybe Pinkie Pie knows
  272. >Or Rarity
  273. >Yeah… you’ll ask her when you see her
  274. >After you help clean up, you take your broken bra in hand, brave the bright, sober morning, and head out to Rarity’s business
  275. >The sun beats down harshly on you, intensifying your headache
  276. >Ugh
  277. High school all over again…
  278. >You mutter to yourself
  279. >Eventually, that joke will wear thin
  280. >You land in the town square, and scan your eyes around for the building described to you
  281. >…there, that looks like it
  282. >You head over to the blue and purple building and knock on the door
  283. >”Coming! Coming!” you hear, followed by quick, trotting hooves
  284. >The door swings open, the white unicorn herself there to greet you
  285. >Her eyes sparkle when they meet yours
  286. >”Ah, Femanon! Wonderful to see you, darling!”
  287. >Such a sweet p0ny
  288. >You smile
  289. You as well, Rarity.
  290. >She returns your smile
  291. >”Well come in! Come in!” She says, stepping from the door and waving you into the shop
  292. >You step inside the dress-filled room, greeted by the soothing smell of fabric
  293. >”What a night YOU must have had, hmm?” She teases, passing you by toward her sewing machine
  294. >You laugh a little
  295. Well… nobody told me Pinkie could drink like that.
  296. >She flashes you a silly look as she gets set on her machine
  297. >You both share a laugh
  298. Anyway, Fluttershy said you wanted to see me this morning?
  299. >She nods
  300. >”Yes, yes. I do believe last night we talked about making you some clothes?”
  301. >She switches on her machine
  302. >”You know, before you and your lovely pink marefriend decided to get intoxicated?”
  303. >You blush at the word “marefriend”
  304. >She notices this, and smiles an adorable smile
  305. >”You’re so cute, Femanon!”
  306. >You laugh a little, and try to brush it off
  307. >Change the subject, maybe…
  308. Anyway Rarity, on top of some new clothes, do you think you could help me by making me a new bra?
  309. >She tilts her head in confusion
  310. >”A ‘what,’ darling?”
  311. >You expected as much
  312. >You bring out your broken bra and show it to her
  313. A bra. It holds my breasts in place. You know…
  314. >You circle your chest area
  315. Where my nipples are.
  316. >She raises her eyebrows
  317. >Then widens her eyes a little
  318. >Ahh… she gets it now
  319. >”Why certainly,” she says, using her magic to levitate the article to her. “I’m sure I could… imitate the design fairly well.”
  320. >You sigh in relief
  321. Thanks Rarity.
  322. >She smiles
  323. >”Not a problem, dear. But tell me…”
  324. >She places the bra down on her table
  325. >”How did you manage to break such a… well, ‘delicate’ article of clothing such as this?”
  326. >You shrug
  327. I’m not sure. I must have broken it somehow when I was drunk.
  328. >Rarity thinks it over
  329. >”Did you have it on last night?”
  330. Well… yes.
  331. >Rarity ponders again for a moment
  332. >”Well, you were within my eyesight pretty much the whole night, and I don’t ever remember you breaking it...”
  333. >You were?
  334. >And you didn’t break it?
  335. >”You were asleep with Pinkie Pie for a little bit…—by the way, you were asleep with Pinkie Pie for a little bit.”
  336. >A smile creeps to your face
  337. >She’ll have to fill you in on that soon
  338. >”So it couldn’t have happened while you were sleeping, right?”
  339. >You shake your head
  340. It’d be unlikely…
  341. >She thinks some more
  342. >”Then Fluttershy took you home… so—“
  343. >Her eyes suddenly widen
  344. >Like something hit her
  345. >Her pupils shrink
  346. >Then, for a split second, you think you see anger
  347. >Only for a second
  348. >Then it’s gone
  349. What? What is it?
  350. >She smiles at you
  351. >”Nothing, darling. I just think maybe Fluttershy should be the one to ask about your broken bra. It really only could have happened with her.”
  352. >You shake your head again
  353. No, I asked her already, she doesn’t know.
  354. >”Figures…” she mutters under her breath
  355. What?
  356. >”Nothing, dear!” She chirps cheerily, “come, let’s get you fitted for some cute new clothes!”
  358. End of Part 5
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