
[Classic FR] Flutterbrit

Nov 19th, 2012
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  1. >Day of the Queen in Equestria.
  2. >Wake up feeling like shit.
  3. >Roll out of bed.
  4. >Hit floor.
  5. >Attempt the dinosaur.
  6. >Fail miserably.
  7. >Roll out to the kitchen.
  8. >Pour yourself something from what feels like a cereal box.
  9. >You don't even look up.
  10. >Pour it on the floor.
  11. >You don't care.
  12. >Fluttershy cleans this shit daily anyway.
  13. >Just one of her many attempts to get in your pants.
  14. >Hear light squishing sounds coming from the door.
  15. >How do these ponies get anything done with their fucking marshmallow bodies?
  16. >Roll your way to the door.
  17. >Reach up and scratch at the handle until you somehow miraculously get it to open.
  18. >Look up from your apathy-burrito state.
  19. >It's fucking Sunlight Timid.
  20. >And she's wearing some dumb flatcap.
  21. >She looks like a 1920's paperboy.
  22. >"Wot are you lookin at, innit?"
  23. >You just stare at her.
  24. >"Oy, it's 7 bong alretty."
  25. >You sigh.
  26. >You just wanted to be a fucking log today.
  27. Fluttershy. What are you doing?
  28. >"I 'eard you've been lookin' at my bird, mate."
  29. I... don't even...
  30. >"Right-o, then. Fancy a shag?"
  31. >You don't even care enough to slam the door in her face.
  32. >You simply roll away, back into your home.
  33. No Fluttershy. The time when all the Americans are going to sleep in not my fetish.
  34. >Fucking Flutterbrit
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