
me and eni chat

May 11th, 2018
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  1. Guest_cursecrotiadon1: -pouts- Yes,Darlings?
  2. SiahianaVeritas: greeting
  3. SiahianaVeritas: You sent my wife a message
  4. Guest_cursecrotiadon1: ya,was wondering if you seen Enig lately?
  5. SiahianaVeritas: Yes
  6. SiahianaVeritas: I know where he is
  7. SiahianaVeritas: please Search Arterian OOC
  8. SiahianaVeritas: he is there now
  9. Guest_cursecrotiadon1: Thankyou
  10. SiahianaVeritas: i wonder
  11. SiahianaVeritas: hang on
  12. NythalliaKhine: Welcome Eni
  13. Guest_EnigmaticInfinity: hi nyte
  14. SiahianaVeritas: hey eni
  15. Guest_cursecrotiadon1: Hey Enig....
  16. Guest_EnigmaticInfinity: hi new person
  17. SiahianaVeritas: o.o
  18. Guest_EnigmaticInfinity: what?
  19. SiahianaVeritas: this peson has been asking for you
  20. Guest_EnigmaticInfinity: i do not remember
  21. SiahianaVeritas: o.o
  22. Guest_cursecrotiadon1: <<
  23. Guest_EnigmaticInfinity: why was i asked for?
  24. Guest_cursecrotiadon1: Oh dear... Enig Curse, from the Era.
  25. SiahianaVeritas: ask her hun o u o
  26. Guest_cursecrotiadon1: The damn succubus you like to flirt with and tickle.
  27. Guest_EnigmaticInfinity: oh you XD i'm bad with names
  28. Guest_cursecrotiadon1: XD....BOi X=lol
  29. Guest_EnigmaticInfinity: -offers tea and cakes-
  30. Guest_cursecrotiadon1: Ya, I got my shit Hacked.So this my new account.And no thankyou love
  31. Guest_EnigmaticInfinity: who id it?
  32. Guest_cursecrotiadon1: ...welp I'll let you know later about that...atm there is a fight in my kingdom.
  33. SiahianaVeritas: o-o
  34. Guest_cursecrotiadon1: .....well,then that went horrible.
  35. Guest_EnigmaticInfinity: when i was summonned, i thought it was because of wht i said in armathanin
  36. Guest_EnigmaticInfinity: what happened
  37. Guest_cursecrotiadon1: One person tried to apologize and the other doesn't seem to know how to
  38. SiahianaVeritas: wht did you say
  39. Guest_EnigmaticInfinity: noobs?
  40. Guest_EnigmaticInfinity: scolded you both for the incident earlier with ru
  41. Guest_cursecrotiadon1: Nope,fam.
  42. NythalliaKhine: o-0
  43. SiahianaVeritas: wht did you say
  44. Guest_EnigmaticInfinity: i forgot exactly
  45. SiahianaVeritas: i was asleep
  46. SiahianaVeritas: So what did you scold us wht was the reaosn
  47. Guest_EnigmaticInfinity: ru toold me about the trigger spamming so much she almost crashed
  48. SiahianaVeritas: did she give you the log ?
  49. Guest_EnigmaticInfinity: no, she knows i'd be too lazy to read it all
  50. SiahianaVeritas: okay you do know she put a KOS on is ?
  51. SiahianaVeritas: us*
  52. SiahianaVeritas: we was playing for a while then she said
  53. Guest_EnigmaticInfinity: she said that was afterwards, you were arguing instead of just stopping the triggers so she wouldn't crash
  54. SiahianaVeritas: Sated: Weren't you asked/told not to trigger in here?
  55. SiahianaVeritas: we was allowed to do the triggers
  56. Guest_EnigmaticInfinity: i thought no djing was a rule
  57. SiahianaVeritas: Missy - Yesterday at 22:49 you can be in the room play your music if they poof they poof
  58. Guest_EnigmaticInfinity: oh ok
  59. Guest_EnigmaticInfinity: did you tell her that?
  60. SiahianaVeritas: yes we did
  61. Guest_cursecrotiadon1: so whats up?
  62. SiahianaVeritas: plus i stopped as soon as someoen came in o u o when i was playing it was only me and nyte , sate and sated
  63. SiahianaVeritas: them to was park not talking
  64. Guest_EnigmaticInfinity: she said they were freezing up from the triggers
  65. SiahianaVeritas: they was also parked in another 3-4 rooms hun o u o
  66. Guest_EnigmaticInfinity: welp. now i'm stuck in the middle with a headache XD
  67. SiahianaVeritas: XD i wont put u in the middle hun
  68. SiahianaVeritas: o u o i would advise just to not get involed o u o
  69. SiahianaVeritas: u have every right to do so hun
  70. Guest_EnigmaticInfinity: yay, i get to keep my friends ^-^
  71. SiahianaVeritas: hehe of course ^^
  72. Guest_EnigmaticInfinity: why does missy keep losing everyone?
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