
TRP shit

Jul 4th, 2017
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  1. iKamal: [mani!!]
  2. iKamal: [brb]
  3. Tsaaq: ((heeey girl))
  4. iKamal: [bk brittney is on]
  5. ChurchAeki: *Nick would step out the tattoo shop across the street from the Cafe, leaning against the brick wall he propped up his right foot against the wall and fished out a Cig and lite it; inhaling the smoke for a few seconds he would exhale letting a thin cloud of smoke spew from his nostriles slowly and spiral above his head as he watched cars and people walk down the street.*
  6. iKamal: [ok posting in]
  7. iKamal: London pulled up to the cafe after her trip to the beach. she pulled up in her all black suv and parked a little ways from the cafe. She got up pushing her sunglasses up on top of her head and flipping her long black hair over her shoulders. She strutted down the side walk and people were looking at her. She thought it was because well her daddy was the mayor of silver hill and she as always on the news for her drinking problem. She was wrong her bikini top was still damp and the white shirt she was wearing got wet along with it and they could see through her shirt. she shrugged and hiked her purse on her shoulder pushing the cafe doors open. her hips swaying and she went to the counter."Can I have fruit smoothie. strwberry and banana." she pulled her phone out and set her black card on the counter lookingthrough her phone at her recent photoshoot she did.-
  8. Tsaaq: ((New charas!))
  9. iKamal: [mmhmm]
  10. ChurchAeki: (Yup)
  11. iKamal: [kam moved ]
  12. ChurchAeki: (Charles in Rehab)
  13. iKamal: [oh church i forgot to tell you i got pulled over today and the cop asked me what my race was cause it wasnt on my id. i told him i'll be white today if that is ok with you XD he needed it for the ticket he gaveme]
  14. ChurchAeki: (lol)
  15. iKamal: [-stares at mani's butt while i wait for posts-]
  16. Tsaaq: ((Stop that.))
  17. Tsaaq: ((Keep posting I'm thinking lol.))
  18. iKamal: [well its just there dammit!]
  19. ChurchAeki: Nick, sucked down his cig to the end and flicked it carelessly away as he exhaled the last bit of smoke from his lips.; pushing himself from the wall he was about to head back in when Bill opened the door holding out money. "Yo, Apprint, go get some coffee for the guys yeah, then come back and practice on that test is coming up soon." Nick would suck his teeth and head over to the Cafe, walking in and standing in line.
  20. iKamal: London took her smoothie and the girl behind the counter smiled at her."Have a go-" the girl didn't even get to finish her sentence till London butted in."Yeah that's nice I don't care" she moved away from the counter and turned around gettign a big wiff of cigarette smoke and cheap cologone."eww gross go bath peasant." she rolled her eyes and made her way to the couches and sat down crossing her legs sipping her smoothie and looking through social media.
  21. Tsaaq: (( I was gonna post but I have to make some juice brb))
  22. ChurchAeki: Nick was ready to take a step forward as the girl in front of him started to move, but as she commented on him he would arche a brow before chuckling to himself. "Excuse me..." He says as he just stepped forward and looked to the girl on the other side of the counter and then looked down to the money that was given to him. "Yeah can I get a brew box and a Mocha latte." The girl would ring up his order and told him the amount he passed over the money and smiles to her as he leaned against the counter waiting for his order to be ready.
  23. iKamal: [tyt]
  24. iKamal: "Apparently he is hard at hearing too." she rolled her eyes. London was far from nice to people. She leaned against the couch and her figners tapped the screen of her phone as she was commenting on some things here and there on facelink. Her phone began to ring in her hand and she answered it."Hi daddy" she listened for a moment."What why not? But that's not fair. ugh this is stupid" she hung up the phone feeling even more annoyed.
  25. ChurchAeki: With his order being ready Nick would smile once again to the girl on the other side counter and then left a small tip in her jar. "You have a nice day." Nick was a very nice guy even though his appearance showed the opposite; the girl would smile back to him as he turned from the counter with his hands full and made his way to the door to head back to the Tattoo shop.
  26. iKamal: London raised a brow finding something on the web and she got up. she headed out of the cafe to go towards her suv when she noticed the peasant walking to a tattoo shop. It gave her an idea. She knew just how to get what she wanted from her father by acting out. she made her way to the tattoo shop and walked in looking around and she smiled waiting for someone to serve her.
  27. Tsaaq: ((Okay I'm back!))
  28. iKamal: [wb]
  29. iKamal: [we are across the street at a tattoo shop]
  30. Tsaaq: ((Kay.))
  31. ChurchAeki: Nick was handing out the coffee's before Bill motioned him towards a potential customer; turning around Nick would see the girl that insulted him in the cafe and sighed softly before moving over to her. "How can I help you? Any iddea's of what you want.....have you see the profolio books of the different artist we have here?" He would move over to the stand that held the profolio's and brought them over to her. "Take your time....looking through them."
  32. iKamal: She looked Nick up and down."I don't need to see your book. I want this." she showed him the photo of the word Queen in pretty lettering."I want it on my shoulder. I don't care who does it as long as they do a good a job. how much?" she pulled her black card out andwaited for the answers to her questions. She knew her father would have a cow if she got a tattoo.-
  33. ChurchAeki: Nick would look over the lettering and nods and moved behind the counter placing the profolios down. "Alright, I'd need your ID and for you to sign some papers. Also have you decided where you would want it? Size and area depends on cost as well as which artist does it."
  34. iKamal: She nodded her head."on my shoulder nothing big though just big enough to see. and I guess you can do it if you are anygood that is." she shrugged some and puleld her id out and grabbed a pen.
  35. ChurchAeki: Taking her ID he would move over to the computer and typed in her information and then printed out her paper that stated no refunds and willingness for the tattoo and that they were not reliable to any infections that happens after leaving the establishment. "I must inform you that I'm only in training....I can recommend someone with more experence if you wish." He moves back over to the counter and placed the paperwork in front of her for her to sign.
  36. Tsaaq: Libi walked down the street with a roll of her eyes as she looked at her cellphone as it rang. She was headed to the tattoo shop and rose her phone to her ear. "What?" She asked angrily. "No fuck Uncle Ahmed. I don't want to fucking see that asshole stop fucking calling me." Libi said as she hung up the phone. She idled outside the tattoo shop then opened the door before stepping inside, she paced the shop until it was her turn.
  37. iKamal: London looked down at the paper work. she looked up at the guy."I mean if anyone is availble sure but if not you just do it. if you fuck it up I'll just shut your shop down no biggy." she smiled and tilted her head abit. she walked off and sat down. she started to fill out the paperwork. she sighed and heard someone come into the shop. she didn't even look to see who it was she really didnt care either.
  38. ChurchAeki: The Door opening would catch Nick's eye as he looked from the customer in front of him and over to the door. "I'll be right with you, have a seat if you want." He turned his attention back to the girl and gave her a warm smile as she spoke and nods his head as she walked off. "Alright, I can help you now. I'm Nick, what can I do for you?" He placed the Profolio on the counter in front of him. "I have a collection of different Artist and their can sit and look over their art and see who you wish to do your art."
  39. Tsaaq: "No thanks." Libi said as she crossed her arms over her chest. She walked up to the counter and looked down at it then back up at him. "I need some shit tattooed on my body. I'm not sure where yet but I know what it is. Are you good at letters and shit?"
  40. ChurchAeki: Nick looks over to the guys in the back who were lounging about drinking coffee with only one with a customer. "I'm good with letter, but the other have more experience than I do if you wish for them." He looked back to her with a smile and ran his fingers through his hair to push it back. "I'll need your ID and have you sign some papers....also will need to know where you want it and what it will determine the cost."
  41. ChurchAeki: (Guess she disappeared)
  42. iKamal: [who]
  43. Tsaaq: ((YOU!))
  44. ChurchAeki: (You)
  45. iKamal: [i did not i posted o.o]
  46. ChurchAeki: (It was your turn again)
  47. iKamal: [i was witing for church to post]
  48. iKamal: [shit it was XD]
  49. iKamal: London finished the paperwork and walked up to the counter setting the papers down and sliding them over as she stood beside Libi. She ignored that Libi was even there."There done. when can you start on this?" she asked waiting for a reply. she was a rather snobby girl. A princessreally seeing as that's what her father called her all the time and it got to her head.-
  50. Tsaaq: "I don't care I just need it done." Libi said before reaching into her character's "Yeah this isn't my first rodeo. Obviously." She waved her hands over her tatted body then went to grab a pen. "I think I want it on my neck." She said. "You guys take credit cards? Or you need cash?" Libi cashed. Her head turned as she looked at London. She rose an eyebrow at her then turned to look at the male once more, exhaling through her nostrils with a slow shake of her head.
  51. Tsaaq: ((asked* Lmao.))
  52. ChurchAeki: Nick sighs and just slide the papers over to her and held out his hand for her ID. "We take both, just write down what you like to have and sign the papers." He looked to the other girl that came back up and stared at her and then down to the paperwork sliding it over to himself before picking it up. "I can get Bill on it right now if you want it right now." He turned his head and looked to Bill. "Yo B, I have a client for you.....check her out." Bill would make his way up front and grins leaning against the counter. "Oh and I doing them both?" He chuckles lightly as he looked at the girls; Nick would exhale deeply and shake his head. "No....ummm." He looked down at the paperwork. " her name....she want Queen in fancy letters...she will show you the photo."
  53. iKamal: London smiled and waved her fingers at Bill."no you are just doing me." she let out a little chuckle. she looked at Nick and smiled."Thank you for your amazing service." she painted such a pretty fake smile on her face at him. She batted her lashes a little before looking at Bill."Where do you want hun?" she toyed with her hair waiting.
  54. iKamal: [brb]
  55. Tsaaq: Libi nodded her head and reached into her pocket again and pulling out cash and counting it just in case along with her ID as she filled out the form. She looked up at Bill and furrowed her eyebrows. "Yeah, that bitch." Libi murmured, just happy that the girl wasn't around her anymore. "And you're tattooing me right?" She pointed to Nick. "On my neck. Okay?"
  56. Tsaaq: ((Tyt.))
  57. iKamal: [ok im back]
  58. Tsaaq: ((Wb!))
  59. iKamal: [ty!]
  60. ChurchAeki: Bill pushed himself from the counter and offered his arm to her, he smelled of ink and weed as he got close to her. "In the back on your stomach." His brow wiggled as he would begin to guide her to the back with a light chuckle. "Go ahead and slide yourself on down om my bed." Meawhile up front Nick would look at Libi, taking her ID and arched a brow. "Yes, I understand on your neck, but I'm not sure what you want on your neck? Sorry if you said what, but I didn't catch it."
  61. Tsaaq: "I didn't." She replied flatly. "I want it to say: 'I can't wait to hear you scream'" Libi told him as she leaned her elbows on the counter. "It's a Misfits lyric." She chewed on her lip a moment and went to grab a flask from her pocket and began to sip from it. "So, can you do it or are you gonna fuck it up? Because I just came from work and I sat in a lot of laps to make this cash."
  62. iKamal: London chuckled walking with Bill and she rather liked the smell of weed on him."yes sir." she purred to him before pinning her hair up and taking her top off. she had on a bikini under her clothes seeing as she had coem from the beach earlier. she got up on his table and laid down waiting. This wasn't her first tattoo it was just going to be the only one her father would be able to see. she turned her head so she was looking at Bill."so you smoke the devil's lettuce...You know I can get you the best there is." she grinned.
  63. ChurchAeki: He looked down at her paperwork and nods as she told him what she wanted it to say. "I guess since it's on your neck you want it in small, any type of font you want or you just want me to make it look nice? Left or right side of your neck?" He pulled the Profolio's back behind the counter. Back in the back of the shop Bill would be setting up to do Londons tattoo, hearing her speak up he would chuckle. "No, I have colone; I can't smoke weed while on probation." He slide his chair over to her and cleaned her area, shaving it for any unseen hairs before looking to what she wanted before he started the machine, the sound of vibration echoed the room before he leaned over and started to slowly ink her body.. Back up front Nick would come around the counter and nudged his head to the back; I can take you to Mikes Chair and do my best on you."
  64. iKamal: London chuckled."mmhmm if you say so Bill was it." she bit her lip at the sound of the tattoo gun sounding off. she relaxed and as he started on her tattoo she closed her eyes. It was so addictive and relaxing to get a tattoo. She spoke up over the tattoo gun."Why are you on probation if you don't mind me asking."
  65. Tsaaq: She lifted her shoulders in a shrug while taking large gulps of the liquor in her flask. She coughed a moment and went to glance in the back once he nudged her. She resisted the urge to shove him for touching her as she began to walk. "Yeah like the right side. The lettering should look like... You know those melting bubble type letters? Basically like horror styled lettering." Libi explained, stumbling a bit.
  66. ChurchAeki: Bill "For selling weed." He leaned over closer to her and eye'd the starting lines, stretching out her skin slightly making sure the ink set properly into her skin. "So you a Queen huh?"Chuckling he sat back and refreshed the Ink before going back to carefully tattooing her. Nick would lead her to Mike's Chair, turning it to face her so she could sit before he turned to open the clean packets of needles and ink, plugging up the Ink gun before taking a seat and waited for her to sit and stretch out her neck for him.
  67. iKamal: She grinned."Oh no darling...I'm the queen. When my daddy retires I plan to take over the fmaily business and maybe run for mayor. My daddy is the mayor. You have probably seen me on the news. Mayor's misfit daughter London is what they usually call me." she chuckled and eyed bill some."So Bill you are a bad man I bet you own a motorcycle don't you?"
  68. Tsaaq: ((Wait I have a question.))
  69. iKamal: [what is it]
  70. Tsaaq: ((Are London and Libi near each other? Like could she hear her?))
  71. iKamal: [london is in Bill's chair I guess they would be in different rooms ]
  72. iKamal: [or have a divider between them at least]
  73. Tsaaq: ((Sometimes it's near each other, oh okay.))
  74. ChurchAeki: Scoffs a laugh Bill would shake his head. "Bad man? No, just a working man trying to provide for his family and for a Motorcycle, I use to ride, but had to sell it so my kid could ride safe you know." The needle would run over a senstivie spot so Bill tried to do his best to get the line done quick and properly done so he didn't cause much annoyance or pain. "Mayor daughter huh? Nah, haven't heard much about you maybe something when I flicked by the news.." Mikes Chair was right next to Bill's bed where London was just in ear shot of each other.
  75. iKamal: [i would ask church]
  76. iKamal: [its hsi shop lol]
  77. Tsaaq: ((He already answered lmao.))
  78. Tsaaq: She flopped down into the chair, ignoring her phone as it vibrated in her pocket. Libi lifted her head and set her jaw. "Wait, I need to finish this." Libi said as she took out her flask again and slurped whatever was leftover. She rose an eyebrow once she listened to the female. She sat back in the chair with a pensive expression. "You gonna get started or what?"
  79. iKamal: She nodded her head."I can respect that." she wrinkled her nose a little as he hit a tender spot. She stayed as still as she could so he didn't mess up though."How old are your kids? I bet they are beautiful." London actually liked kids."If they are young enough you should bring them to the libary on sundays. I read stories to the kids on sundays."
  80. ChurchAeki: Nick smiles down to her as she finished off her drink, he knew some people had different way into settling into getting a tattoo, he thought that was one of them. "Yeah I'm ready was just waiting on you." He slide his chair closer to her with the Ink gun in his hand, while the other hand cleaned her neck before he dried it off and started on her tattoo. "Let me know when it's too much." Nick was a caring artist when it came to his clients; the guns needle would press against her skin stabbing her flesh repeatly.. A few feet away Bill would be just finishing up the out lin of Q in Queen. "I only have one he is two years old, will be three in a few months. I hope that doesn't turn you off though." A grin spread across his lips as he leaned back once more refreshing the ink and changing out the needles for shading before he leaned back over and quickly ran the needle across her flesh within the Q.
  81. Tsaaq: "No such thing as too much." She said, her head still lifted for him. She grit her teeth as she felt the needle against her flesh but only inhaled deeply and shut her eyes. "You make a lot of money doing this shit?" Libi asked him with a raise her eyebrow. "Or is the pay shit?"
  82. iKamal: London smiled and shrugged when he leaned back."I like kids. They are cute. I have a neice. She is one and just a doll. She is amazing. I love her to pieces. She comes to my readings every sunday."she heard Libi and nick not to far from her and just ignored them as she spoke with Bill."I bet your son is just as cute as you." she laughed a little till she felt the needle on her back again. she had a high tolerance for pain.
  83. ChurchAeki: Nick inhaled deeply as he concentrated on her tattoo. "Ah, well since my father owns the place I don't have to pay chair rent soooo, I make good more than the others. It's not enough to live in uptown though...decent I suppose." Bill would lick his bottom lip as he flirted with London, feeling she was flirting back herself he would push a bit further. "Like father like son they say., so, how about we have a break and I'll show you some picture of him that I have in the break room further in the back." He had mostly all her letters outlined and shadded, but he wanted to add a small detail to it free of charge, but first he wanted to see how far he could get with her.
  84. iKamal: She nodded her head."Sure.I could use a water." she smiled to him slipping off his table. London looked in the mirror at the back of the room at her shoulder and grinned."Daddy is going to hate this so much. I love it." she chuckled. London enjoyed pissing her father off when he didn't give her what she wanted. she looked at Bill."lead the way."
  85. Tsaaq: She rolled her eyes. "Uptown sucks. All the people there fucking suck anyways." Libi scoffed. "Fucking shitheads... Well, besides my friends." She murmured. She shifted in her chair and bit her lip a moment but kept her neck still. "How long is shit this gonna take you think?" Libi asked him abruptly, her hands gripping the arm rest.
  86. ChurchAeki: Bill lead her to the break room and closed the door behind them locking it and moving towards his locker to pull out the Photo's before moving over to the mini fridge and pulled out a water to her. "Here..." He hands her the water and took a seat on the couch, patting the cushion beside him for her to sit. Nick would settle back one last time to finish her last bit of wordering before he look at it and smiles. "Done......I added a bit of red to add hint of blood to the horror look." He would hand her a mirror and point to the Mirror on the wall so she could have full look at her tattoo without strainig to look through one mirror.
  87. iKamal: [can one of you do me a favor go on the gp and see if you can see londons bio i cant find it ]
  88. Tsaaq: ((It's not there last I checked.))
  89. iKamal: [i have no clue what happen to it i guess i will have to redo it fuckin imvu]
  90. Tsaaq: ((It's gone yeah, both of your bios.))
  91. iKamal: London took the water and looked at it like it was some weird thing. It wasn't the kind she usually got but oh well. she opened it and sipped it. she made her way over to the couch and sat down with him. she ahdn't noticed him locking the door at all. she smiled and looked at the pictures."Aww he is so adorable. look at his little sweetface."
  92. iKamal: [jay <.<]
  93. iKamal: [why dont you join the damn rp asshole instead of being a creeper]
  94. BlSOU: ((Me >.>))
  95. BlSOU: ((who would i even be...some lame loser))
  96. iKamal: [you can be London's model friend since she is a model XD]
  97. BlSOU: ((Who london is?))
  98. ChurchAeki: Bill looks at London as she looked down at the picture of his son and smirked. "Cute enough to kiss yeah, I've had people stop me to hug and kiss on him when he was young. I mean, I wouldn't mind people stopping me to hug and kiss on I mean I am his father I look good yeah." Bill made a toothie grin towards her, scooting closer as he placed his arm around the back of the couch behind her flipping to the next photo.
  99. Tsaaq: Libi exhaled, she'd been sweating during most of the time he was tattooing her. She sighed as she fanned herself lazily then sat up and looked at the end product. "Looks pretty fucking rad. Thanks." Libi said as turned to look at Nick and reached into her pocket and pulled out a slightly bent cigarette and put it in her mouth. "How much do I owe you?" She asked, digging around for her money.
  100. Tsaaq: ((No pressure you shouldn't join if you don't want to lol.))
  101. BlSOU: ((If i join...i wanna be a sloppy drunk, cokehead who is always trying to fuck shit up))
  102. iKamal: [me bitch!]
  103. iKamal: [that works for me]
  104. Tsaaq: ((That character is already taken lmao.))
  105. BlSOU: ((what is lacking in terms of characters))
  106. Tsaaq: ((We don't have a lot of Uptown people))
  107. BlSOU: ((So i'd have to be some rich dickhead lol))
  108. iKamal: London chuckled. "I would hug and kiss him too to be honest." she looked at the next picture and then at Bill."You aren't as cute as he is" she chuckled and London ignored his advances. She was use to men flirting with her. it was only flirting right there was no harm in that.
  109. iKamal: [we have no gay guys]
  110. BlSOU: ((i can be the lone homo))
  111. ChurchAeki: Nick began to clean up the area, throwing away the used products and sanitizing the ink gun and chair for the next potential customer. "I'm glad you like, do you mind me taking a picture of your art for my profolio you'll be number five in my book." He says with a smile. In the breakroom Bill was trying his best to get closer to London, using every trick he had to have her kiss him but she wasn't bitting one bit. "Hey Least I can kiss back, I've been told I'm a good kisser." Bill would lean towards London in attempt to kiss her neck.
  112. iKamal: London grinned hearing him say he was a good kisser."hmm if you say.." she was cut off as his lips touched her neck and she shivered. She thought for a moment. Her father would have a heart attack if he saw her with Bill. she bit her lip and just let bill kiss her neck for now. she wouldn't let it get to far. They were in a break room for one and she was not the type to just drop her panties anywhere.
  113. Tsaaq: She raised an eyebrow and kept her cash in her pocket since he never named a price. She was aiming to just walk out the shop but then she heard his inquiry. She shrugged her shoulders. "Yeah sure whatever. I don't care." She said in a monotone as she stood to her feet and turned sideways so he could take the picture, crossing her arms over her chest.
  114. iKamal: [there that bio should be up there lol]
  115. ChurchAeki: "Thanks, I'll take off on your cost for this..." He took out his phone with a big smile on his face; Nick would get close to Libi and Zoom into her neck before taking the picture. "Thanks again, only 50 bucks." His smile continued to be painted on his face. "You'll forever be in my art collection and reason why people want to pick me fore an Artist." Back into the breakroom, Bill would kiss along Londons neck, his arm coming around her as he teased her flesh. "I do say so...and you'll say it as well." He would let his lips trail up the side of her neck, kissing her cheek and then her lips pressing them gently against her, pushing his tongue against her lips to try press pass them.
  116. iKamal: London chuckled some and sighed. she let him kiss her for a moment. She waited and gave him a little taste of her tongue as her tongue swirled against his before she pulled away from him grinning."hmm I believe you have a tattoo to finish. I am paying you to put your art on my body to kiss my body." she grinned and stood up making her way to the door. she noticed it was locked and she rolled her eyes some. she unlocked it and made her way back out to the table getting up on it waiting for Bill to return.
  117. Tsaaq: "Oh shit." Libi whispered with a raise of her eyebrow. "I get a discount? Sweet." She whispered as she remained still during the photo then turned to him stepping closer as she counted out her cash before handing over the wrinkled bills. "This is a lot cheaper than my other tattoos. I usually have to do some other shit to pay it off." She told him vaguely. She went to touch her fresh tattoo and hissed a little in pain before biting her lip. "I needed this." She whispered. "So this is your dad's place huh?" Libi asked, looking at Bill and London.
  118. BlSOU: ((I wanna be swedish i think))
  119. BlSOU: ((or danish))
  120. ChurchAeki: "Yeah a Discount, I mean you allowed me to take a picture, I mean your going to make me more money than you think so...yeah a discount is doable." He put his phone away and took the money stuffing it in his pocket. "Yeah, he has done a lot to keep this place open; he is a hard working man and an amazing artist." Nick Admired his father very much. "Hey you won't have to do shit of whatever kind you do to get tattoo's can always come back and be my model from time to time till there is no space on you.". Bill would grin after the kiis and follow London back out to his chair and started back on her tattoo after washing his hands and pulling on gloves. "Hey how about this I take you out to get something to eat.....and finish what was started in the won't even have to pay for the session."
  121. iKamal: She thought for a moment."or I can pay for the session you take me out to dinner and I will think about finishing what we started." she chuckled and eyed him."I could really use a drink after this." she let him finish his work and was excited to see what else he was going to add to her tattoo.
  122. iKamal: [hey hollow :D]
  123. TheIridescentHollow: (hiya, checkin out this cafe)
  124. Tsaaq: "Wow you must really love your dad or whatever." She shifted on her feet and lowered her head. "That sounds like a good deal. Most guys want blow jobs when I don't have enough money." She told him as if that were normal. "I have a boyfriend now so I dont think he'll like me just blowing tattoo artists so thanks for the offer. I'm definitely taking that shit." She flashed a small smile then gave him a thumbs up. She looked around the shop and shrugged. "You guys gotta have some liquor around. This is a tattoo shop after all." She declared, going to peek around at shit.
  125. iKamal: [oh its part of an rp lol]
  126. TheIridescentHollow: (o3o group?)
  127. iKamal: []
  128. TheIridescentHollow: (thanks)
  129. iKamal: [yw]
  130. ChurchAeki: The needle would etch across her flesh for a few minutes before he sat back and started to clean the tattoo and smiled. "All done...Queen needed a Crown." Bill would get up from his chair and started to pack up his area. "How about we make this session free, I'll pay for drinks and dinner; after you can decided if I didn't win your heart or at least lips." He grinned bitting down on his lower lip. Nick on the other hand finished cleaning up Mikes area just in time for Mike to bring his client over, shoving by Nick in a rush. "Yeah, I don't need a blow job." He laughs and moved to the counter and signed off on Libi's paper as she spoke. "Yeah he is a good dad and....well he doesn't allow us to stock the place with liquor because it indangers our clients; can't have drunk artist now can we?"
  131. iKamal: London got up and looked in the mirror. she grinned and looked at him."A queen can never forget her crown." she winked at him. she grabbed her shirt and slipped it over her head putting it back on."Sure but I think you will have to work very hard." she looked Bill over a moment and made her way to the front of the palor. she dug into her purse and handed Nick a fifty dollar bill."Here a tip for such customer service"
  132. Tsaaq: "What? You some type of fruit or something?" She asked with a raise of her eyebrow. "Not that I was offering or whatever." She pursed her lips a moment and stepped out his way. Libi rolled her eyes. "You guy got any cleaning chemicals or some shit?" She asked. "You know... All the good places have liquor and it's usually for the customers. Not for the artists or whatever." She shrugged.
  133. TheIridescentHollow: (interesting group :) )
  134. iKamal: [ty ty my friend claire started it and passed it down on to me]
  135. TheIridescentHollow: (oh that's cool ^^)
  136. iKamal: [you are welcome to join if you like :D]
  137. ChurchAeki: Bill went to go grab his jacket and sketch book and quickly move up to the front. "Yeah good work Apprint." Bill laughs as he put his arm around London and turned to lead her out. "Don't forget to lock up when you are done here Nick." The others in the shop started to clean up and clock out as well as it was closing time. Nick would nod to London as she gave him the fifty and glares at Bill as he left out with London.; Nick turned his attention back to Libi. "I'm not gay, I like females only females." He says nervously. "I just don't need a blow job from someone I'm not with you know." He shrugs and pocketed the money. "My dad thinks it's too tempting to leave liquor in here for his employees, he doesn't mind if clients bring liquor in but to keep inisde it's a no.." He turned and gave her two bottles. "Okay one is to for the shower and the other is to apply every four ours."
  138. iKamal: London chuckled and looked back behind her at nick as he nodded her head before looking forward. she walked out with Bill and pulled her keys out of her purse."Want to just grab some coffee before we hit the liquior."London was trying to aviod the liquior to be honest. She wanted a drink so badly but she knew what would happen if she drank to much. The same thing that always happen.
  139. Tsaaq: "Makes sense. I'll try to remember next time." She crossed her arms over her chest skeptically. "Oh..." She trailed off. "Yeah I guess people do that sometimes." Libi shrugged as well. "People who are into feelings." She muttered as she turned and watched Bill walk out with London. She took the bottles and nodded. "Thanks." She said. "Bet if somebody kidnapped her? They'd get beaucop bucks." Libi said rubbing her index finger and thumb together. "Like... As a ransom and shit. Y'know?"
  140. ChurchAeki: Bills phone would ring, it was the babysitter. " second." Answeing the phone Bill would step to the side. "Just a few more hours....come on I'll pay you double....I'll do you school work come on please...." Bill would sigh and hung up the phone moving back over to London. "Look I need to go, the babysitter has to go and can't watch my son any longer...Rain check?" He would write down his number on her hand, before runnng down the street to his car.. Back in the shop Nick would put away all the paperwork and started to switch off the lights in the back, then moved around the counter . "Yeah, don't think they would keep her long, she isn't very pleasant...." He moved to the front door and held it open for Libi.
  141. iKamal: London looked at Bill and forced a smile on her face."sure" she looked down at her hand and put his number in her phone. she sent him a text so he had her number and instantly wiped his number off her hand with a baby wipe she kept in her purse. she always kept wipes around for emgerency fashion crisis. she looked behind her seeing Nick opening the door and she made her way across the street to the cafe.
  142. Tsaaq: Libi pursed her lips. "You could always just keep her in a room or some shit." She said. "If she's tied up and her mouth is taped up then she can't be as annoying." She walked behind him. She gave him a nod as she walked out, seeing London. She stepped aside and went silent.
  143. ChurchAeki: Nick smiles to Libi. "Have have one creative mind there." He turned and locked the shop up pulling down the gate shutter, locking that as well before turning towards Libi. "I'm going over to the Cafe, you want to join me I can get you a cup of coffee or something."
  144. ChurchAeki: You*
  145. iKamal: London walked into the cafe and ordered herself a pastry along with a coffee."thanks" she moved to a table and sat down. she scrolled through her phone and took a bite of her pastry. she sighed bored now.
  146. Tsaaq: "Really?" She asked in a monotone. "Never heard that one before." Libi shrugged. She looked over to the cafe then back at Nick before shrugging. "I'll go but... Don't buy me anything. I think I can handle it." She told him as she reached into her pocket. "I'm not doing shit anyways." Libi muttered. "Wish I had some uppers though. Too bad my friends who have connects are all busy." She sighed. "Fucking bogus." Libi began to walk across the street, not looking around to see if any cars were coming or anything.
  147. ChurchAeki: "Uppers? You mean drugs yeah?" He looked both ways before cross the street and opened the Cafe door for Libi. "No problem, I ca just get myself something is all.and about your uppers sorry I'm not help with that...only dealer I know kind of left with that girl...and he only sells weed." Once Libi walked in he would follow behind her seeing London in the Cafe without Bill. "Speaking of the devil, there she is but Bill is nowhere to be does he work quick." Nick looked from London and moved to the counter. "Let me get a Frozen Mocha with a custard.
  148. iKamal: [do you guys want some action o.o]
  149. iKamal: [im asking for a reason]
  150. Tsaaq: ((idk, if you wanna do something go ahead.))
  151. iKamal: [ok]
  152. ChurchAeki: (All good)
  153. iKamal: London looked up at the door as Libi and Nick entered. She sighed and looked back down at her phone. While Libi and Nick got into the line a man dressed in a black hoodie and sunglasses came into the cafe. He had his hands in his hoodie pocket and pushed Nick and Libi out of his. He pulled out a glock and pointed it at the cashier."Open the register!"London looked over and her eyes had went wide. The guy looked around."Everyone get down now!get down!" London slowly slipped out of her seat and began to get on the ground. Two more guys dressed up the same way came in pointing their guns around. They were obviously from downtown seeing as they were robbing a coffee shop. London pulled her phone out calling 911 and was whispering in the phone. One of the robbers saw her and crushed her phone grabbing her by her hair and standing her up."She called the fuzz man! what do we do!" the cashier was stuffing the money into a bag for them and handed it over.
  154. iKamal: [I got bored o.o]
  155. Tsaaq: She kept her hands in her pockets as they walked into the cafe. "God damn it, stop that shit." She said once he opened the door for her, kicking the door shut behind her. "Yes. Drugs." She replied. And that's okay I didn't expect you to be able to help me out.." She shrugged casually. "I'll huff some cleaning products or a sharpie or some shit." She said before looking to London. "Guess he's a minute man." She lingered near the counter, not ready to order yet. She saw the robber run in and looked fairly unfazed by him waving his gun around. "Fuck off-" She began to say before more guys came in with their guns. She sighed and got down on her knees with her arms raised. "Kill her." Libi shouted out her suggested. "Blow her brains out and let rest of us go" She shrugged. "We promise we won't tell if you do." Libi was too sober for this. "Shoot the fucking phone. I mean you guys have guns. What? Is this like your first time or something?" She asked irritably.
  156. Tsaaq: ((suggestion*))
  157. iKamal: [XD fuckin libi]
  158. Tsaaq: ((She's not impressed.))
  159. iKamal: [jsut kill london we wont tell XD ]
  160. ChurchAeki: Being pushed Nick would step back to see the guy pull out a gun waving it around and demanding the other to get down. Nick would look around, his hand itching the grab his concealed gun that was tucke in the back of his pants but thought against it and lowered himself to the ground. Seeing London get taken up by one of the Robbers he would stand up slowly with his hands up. " wasting your time debating on what to do with someone that already called the cops....."Nick kept his hands up as he looked to the robbers. "I say you have five minutes....nah shorter since this is connected to Uptown the police don't play you should know this....Just take the money....shit..." He dug in his pocket and took out the hundred dollars he just earned for the day. "Take this as well and get the fuck out before all of you are arrested." Just then a light sound of police sirens would be heard.
  161. iKamal: The guys raised a brow at Libi."Is this bitch serious shut up hoe!" one of them said pointing his gun at Libi. London was sobbing seeing asshe had never been in the middle of a robbery or even a hostage. she heard Libi say kill her and her eyes widen."What no I've never done anything to you jesus!"she pointed to her purse."there tereis my purse jsut take please don't kill me.look its channel you can get alot for channel it's the lastest bag out." The guys pushed London forwards and she was slamemd into the side of the counter. she scurried away like a scared little mouse. They all pointed their guns towards Nick as he got up. They listened and grabbed London's purse and Nick's money running out of the cafe and up the street the opposite way of the police.
  162. Tsaaq: Libi darted her eyes. "Yeah... I'm definitely seriously." She said in a monotone and blinked slowly, staring up at the gun with a neutral expression. She sighed at Nick and shook her head at him. Libi couldn't help but scoff at how easily London cried and gave up her shit. Libi sputtered and held back a laugh when they slammed the other female into the counter. She tried to cover it up by clearing her throat. She rolled her eyes again when they ran out. Libi stood up and dusted off her knees and went up to the petrified cashier. "Anyways. Before I was interrupted." Libi said as if nothing happened. "I don't even think I want any of this shitty shit."
  163. ChurchAeki: Nick heart dropped at the guns were pointed at him causing him to go down on his knees, scared out of his life but the drumming of sneakers against the hardwood floor Nick would look up to see the Robber running out taking his money and something else with them. Grabing his chest Nick would slowly stand up and looks to fearless Libi, before moving over to London. "You alright?" He looked up from her and looked to everyone else. "Is everyone alright?" He asked as people started to rise up from the floor.
  164. iKamal: London was shaking with fear in the corner. She was in the middle of a anxiety attack. She was hyperventlating and her eyes were wide."No I just had a gun pointed at my fucking head and I can't breath." she looked around and tried to gather her thoughts. A few police officers made their way into the cafe checking on everyone. They saw Libi who they had encountered many times before as she was calm. They also noticed London."someone get the mayor on the phone." one of them shouted and the other nodded.
  165. iKamal: [you guys can play the cops if you want[
  166. ChurchAeki: (Alrigh I'm done Rping for the night....)
  167. iKamal: [ok]
  168. Tsaaq: ((Aw okay niiight.))
  169. ChurchAeki: *Nick would speak to the police giving them his statement, before he left out the cafe wanting to go home as this was the first time having a gun pointed at him.*
  170. Tsaaq: "Yes." Libi answered at the same time London had said no. She pursed her lips and narrowed her gaze. "Oh calm down. They didn't even shoot anybody." She went to nod her head at a few of the officers as they approached. "Hey guys." She greeted cooly. "It was boring. They didnt even shoot the gun up into the air or anything by the way. Total amateurs."
  171. iKamal: London was escorted out of the cafe by two officers and put into a police car as orders from ehr father. She sat there and talked to a few officers and her father ended up coming to the scene to pick her up and make sure she was okay. London really didn't like Libi so she told her father exactly what she did. He furrowed his brow and nodded leading London to his car and taking her home.
  172. Tsaaq: Libi watched the cops take London out then turned to one of the younger cops that Libi was most familiar with, though because of Quinn she knew most of the force. She mostly liked the younger officers. She looked over to the mayor and darted her eyes a moment. "Yes?" She asked irritably before they began to walk out. "Why do you guys cow-tow to these fuckers?" Libi asked in a low voice. "If cops went on strike like, right now? All of the rich idiots in this town would probably kill themselves. Great Depression style." She murmured. // He shook his head before shrugging. "Well, it's our job so-" He began to say before his eyebrows rose. "Don't say things like that. You got a description of the assailants?" He asked as he took out a pen and a pad.
  173. iKamal: [i have to o afk for a few o.o have something i need to attend to]
  174. Tsaaq: ((>.>))
  175. iKamal: [sorry my ferret escaped and my neighbor told me she saw it outside]
  176. Alexithymiaa: (Did you catch it?)
  177. iKamal: [yeah she is in her cage now ]
  178. iKamal: [wit hehr sister]
  179. iKamal: [im trying to think what to post now]
  180. Tsaaq: ((She was going to her car with her dad.))
  181. iKamal: London sat in the car while her father pulled one of the older officers to the side pointing to Libi and tellling him how libi encourage the robbers to kill London. the officer nodded his head."I'll handle it sir." London frowned watching everything from the car and the ambulance pulled up and one of them came to check up on London.
  182. Tsaaq: "Uhhhh." She trailed off then shrugged. "Stupid guy in a stupid hoodie and the other guys were wearing skii masks I think. I don't know. I wasn't paying attention. They had guns but they came in acting like they didn't have guns like, they didn't even use them." Libi shrugged her shoulders. // "Libi, you are not being helpful in the slightest." He said with a shake of his head. // "Well I was mostly thinking about how stupid it all was..." She trailed off with a shrug. // He nodded and gave her a pat on the shoulder. "I'll be back. I'm gonna go get some actual useful information." The young officer smirked before walking off.
  183. Alexithymiaa: -Quinn had parked her little yellow SUV down the block from the coffee shop, grabbing her book and tucking it under her arm with all intentions of getting some coffee and getting some quality reading time in. As she walked down the sidewalk, she noticed the swarm of police cars and the ambulance, furrowing her brows and trying to find the epicenter of the hysteria. Drawing closer, she spotted Libi off to one side, making her way over to her and keeping her voice low. "What's going on?"-
  184. Tsaaq: ((You gonna post >.> <.<?))
  185. iKamal: [sorry the thingy didnt flash]
  186. iKamal: London looked down seeing a familiar vechile. she then saw Quinn get out and made her way over to Libi. London scuffed knowingvery well who Quinn was. London moved away from the rescue people and over to her father. she whispered in his ear about Quinn talking to the girl.
  187. Tsaaq: Libi pursed her lips and rolled her eyes. She turned to Quinn when she heard her voice and leaned her back againsthe counter with her elbows propped up. "Some assholes came in and robbed the place." Libi replied in a whisper. "Daddy's girl is all shook. Even though all she got was pushed." She scoffed. "Literally zero fatality rate." She said, holding up her hand and making a zero with her fingers.
  188. Alexithymiaa: "Don't sound so disappointed, Lib." She said with a small smirk, twisting around to look behind her where she could see London talking to her father. "You'd think given who she is, she'd be used to being assaulted by now."-
  189. iKamal: London saw Quinn look at her and rolled her eyes. Quinn was the lesser of the uptown girls she thought. She wasn't like London at all and they seemed to bump heads over it. London made her way back into the cafe and was sat down with an investgator. as she pasted she stuck her nose up in the air and spoke."Quinn." she said her name in a fake polite way with a hint of scarasm.-
  190. Tsaaq: "Everybody acted like it was so scary." She rolled her eyes before smirking. She kicked her heels of the floor of the cafe and sputtered her lips. Libi groaned dramatically as London came over. She rolled her eyes and went to sit on the counter now.
  191. Alexithymiaa: "London." She answered in a returned monotoned voice, her eyes following her as she passed. Once the girl had walked by fully and sat down, Quinn blew out a deep breath. "She's walking around here like someone killed her dog and she wants their head on a stick."-
  192. iKamal: London scuffed and sat there speaking to the officer."so london what happen?" //"Well I was having some coffee and a pastry. they came in here waving guns around and told us to get on the floor I did and called 911. one of the msmashed my brand new s8. He puleld my hair too and I just gotten it done. Then that girl over there."she pointed to Libi."encourage them to kill me and told them that no one wasgoign to tell it was horrible."she began to cry again.//"there there London its ok."the officer patted her shoulder.
  193. Tsaaq: Libi pursed her lips once more. "If the robbers weren't pussies they should've fucking shot her." She scoffed. "But who am I to judge how they handle business." She shrugged while she kicked her legs. "It didn't have to be fatal just like, a leg wound or something." She muttered. "I was so funny when the guy hit her I was almost dead." // The younger officer from before heard part of London's testimony and wrote a bit on his notepad. "Who Lib?" He asked before glancing over at her. He shrugged. "Well, everyone is alright that's all that really matters." He said before lowering his eyes to his pad.
  194. Alexithymiaa: -Quinn shifted to lean back against the counter, her eyes scanning the bustling officers taking testimonies and possibly trying to score free coffee. "Lib stop. Not right now." She paused, lowering her voice even further. "Did you have anything to do with it?"-
  195. iKamal: London's eyes snapped to the oyug officer."Some one did get hurt thank you very much me! do your job right stupid!" The older officer sighed knowing just how London could get.//"come on now London calm down and just talk to me." he was writing down everything she said and he would have a chat with Libi later.//"Fine...they stole my purse with everything in it and they smashed my phone...wait I already told you that. IT was a new channel bag. the lastest one." she nodded her head.
  196. Tsaaq: She shook her head. "Pfft. Please." She said. "I was actually like, getting a tattoo and the guy who did it asked me if I wanted coffee so we came over here." LIbi explained. "Plus guns cost money and that seems like a lot of work and shit. Sooooo." She trailed off before falling into silence. // He is eyes widened at her and then he began to dart his eyes. "I, uh..." He trailed off. "Do you even have a description of the assailants?" He asked in a monotone.
  197. Alexithymiaa: "You were getting a tattoo?" She asked, her eyes lighting up just a bit as she started to search Libi's exposed body for new ink. "What did you get?"-
  198. iKamal: London Looked at the younger officer with a glare."I do actually idiot..." //"Would you stop distracting her go try to find clues or soemthing." the other cop said to him."what did they look like?" //London sighed."well they were wearing some kind of walmart brand clothing thatwas for sure. one had a black hoodie on and glasses. He had white shoes...the other two had on the same thign but one had red shoes and the other had purple shoeso n jordans. I know jordans anywhere." she thought for a moment."One was white another I beleive was hispanic but he might have jsut been light skinned and the other was black."
  199. Tsaaq: Libi turned a little as she showed her fresh tattoo on the side of her neck that said: 'I can't wait to hear you scream'. "It's Misfits lyrics." She told her before going back to sitting regular. // He pressed his lips together then rolled his eyes. "Clues?" He inquired with a confused tone. He stayed where he was and wrote down what London listed instead.
  200. Alexithymiaa: -Shifting her book to rest on the counter, she angled her head so she could see Libi's new tattoo. "Very cool." Sweeping her eyes back across the cafe, she watched London with the officers a moment. "How much information could she possibly have?"-
  201. iKamal: "Thank you London." The office rgot up and made his way towards Libi. London sat there on the couch and her rubbed her shouder where her own tattoo was. she sighed and her father brought her something to drink."daddy I am fine just go home. you areembrassing me."
  202. Tsaaq: "Thanks." She winked at Quinn. She looked around as well and sucked her teeth."You know that bitch just likes the sound of her own voice." Libi scoffed. "This is boring. We should bail." She suggested as she looked over to Quinn.
  203. Alexithymiaa: "I kind of wanted coffee..." She mumbled in a small voice, chewing on the inside of her cheek. "I guess we could get coffee anywhere. But it's usually so quiet here. It's my favorite place." She picked her book up off the counter, turning it over in her hands.-
  204. Tsaaq: ((Chris you bastard you bumped me -.-))
  205. Alexithymiaa: (Lmfao)
  206. iKamal: The officer stopped infront of Quinn and Libi. He let out a frusrated sigh."Libi did you seriously tell the robers to shot London....the mayors daughter?"//London sipped her rink and it didnt take long for news reporters to be out on the scene wanting to know what happen.London's father made his way out tothe crowd of reporters to talk to them.
  207. Tsaaq: She scoffed. "The coffee here is fucking horrible." Libi said dismissively before taking out a bent cigarette from her pocket and lit it. She inhaled as the cop came over. "Did I seriously say it like, was I serious? Or did I seriously say like was that actually said?" She asked in turn. She rolled her eyes as she exhaled casually.
  208. DGNightwing: (sawwy)
  209. Alexithymiaa: (Hes a liar. He's not sorry.)
  210. iKamal: [burn him at the stakes!]
  211. DGNightwing: (Yea shes right, fuck your spot)
  212. DGNightwing: (You can have it back tho_
  214. Alexithymiaa: "It's not that bad. Do you even like coffee?" She asked Libi, growing quiet when the officer came over to question Libi about her words. "Oh hi Officer Callaghan. How are you? How are Brianna and Michael?" She asked casually since she knew everyone on the force and their families and I'm making up names at this point and give no fucks so get over it.-
  215. Tsaaq: ((Lmao.))
  216. iKamal: [XD that is fine with me]
  217. DGNightwing: -Jaydon pulled his car into the parking lot of the cafe. He sat in it for a moment, turning all of it off then getting out of it. He shut the door behind him and walked torward the cafe. Seeing some familiar faces outside he figured hed stay out and say hello. But he also saw a police officer, so he thought it was best to go inside until it passed. He nods at the group and opened the door, walking inside as he stared at the menu, to figure out what he wanted
  218. iKamal: Callaghan smiled to Quinn."They are good thanks for asking Quinn." he rubbed his hand over his face after hearing Libi."Both Libi....Both did you say and mean it all"//London looked up as some guy came into the cafe trying to order."They aren't serving anyone..they jsut got robbed." she leaned back in her seat and she felt odd not having a phone.
  219. Tsaaq: "Does it matter? She's fine." Libi rolled her eyes. "What? You gonna arrest me for talking? Cause I'm pretty sure that's not cool and unconstitutional." She spoke in a monotone. "And uh... With the unfortunate shit going with cops lately? Pretty sure you don't want any negative attention from the media." Libi stuck out her tongue playfully.
  220. Alexithymiaa: -Running a hand over the fabric of her skirt, her eyes followed Jaydon as he came into the cafe, shaking her head. "Better off going down the street for coffee." She smiled back at Officer Callaghan, giving Libi a subtle nudge with her elbow. "Since no one HERE was involved in the crime and everyone has given their statement, I think it's best everyone be off, right? No one wants to get in the way of our fine officers of the law."-
  221. DGNightwing: Uhh...right- he looked around- Well fuck me right? the only time I wanna fucking drink coffee. This is an outrage. I scared one manager away from her company Il do it again- he looked around- But then again. This place is nice and cozy. I wouldnt want to do that- He was stil in dress slacks and an expensive looking outfit as he walked in casually, he then looked at the blonde who spoke to him, he nodded to her, not remembering her name- This is stupid. I just wanted...ughhh
  222. iKamal: Callaghan was getting frusrated with Libi. he nodded his head to Quinn."Right about you girls go on before miss prissey pants decides to make a scene and make my life tens times harder."//London looked at Jayden and raised a brow."I feel your pain. I don't see why they don't just use the credit card machine..its not like anyone uses cash anymore.,"she scoffed and rolled her eyes."well I guess some people do..but they are poor or something like that."
  223. Alexithymiaa: (I can see your ass through the window)
  224. iKamal: [who mine o.o]
  225. iKamal: [wait i want to see ass]
  226. iKamal: [oh its mani's butt]
  227. Tsaaq: "I'm just saying. Arresting a Pakistani girl from a trad Muslim family for no reason? Doesn't look good in this era of twitter and Trump." She grit her teeth a moment. "Yikes." She said then snickered as she hopped off the counter. She was too petty not to say it. "Yeah I'm ready to go." Libi muttered before seeing the blonde guy Damian fought before.
  228. Tsaaq: ((Stop that.))
  229. Alexithymiaa: -She hugged her book to her chest and rocked back on her heels, nodding at the male. "Yeah well... Welcome to Silver Hill where nothing makes sense and all we want is a cup of coffee and some peace and quiet." She glanced back at Libi, raising her brows. "Where do you want to go?"-
  230. DGNightwing: Nah...-he looked at the girl he never met- I mean I use cash too. Im pretty wealthy, thats just stuck up ish for you to say that- Jaydon shrugged as he spoke his mind, he looked at everyone who was around- Okay, im hearing you guys talkng about a solution....but not getting one- he raised a brow at the officer- Now sir...not to be nosey but you kind of just possibly escalated a situation that seemed to be calming due to my presence with the way you talked to that woman, tsk tsk. No wonder...-he nodded at the blonde- Yea...I feel you.
  231. iKamal: Callaghn looked at Jaydon and rolled his eyes. He grumbled something under his breath."see you around Quinn and behave Libi please for my sake." He walked out of the cafe to leave and write up his report..//London rolled her eyes at Jaydon."That's good for you that you carry cash."she hufed and looked around the cafe as she sat there in the corner. she looked at Quinn and pasted a fake smile on her face."Bye Quinnie see you at the charity ball. Can't wait to see what you wear." she didn't mean a word she said and jsut leaned back in her seat.
  232. Tsaaq: She rose an eyebrow at Jaydon and looked around awkwardly. "I don't know..." She replied to Quinn before shrugging at Officer Callaghn. "No promises." She replied flatly before waving at him as he walked out the cafe. She scrunched up her face at London then glanced at Quinn. "Well... Where else sells coffee? Like one of those carts on the street with the guys with mustaches..." She said.
  233. Alexithymiaa: -She took a deep breath as London's voice rang shrill in her ears, her eyes staring straight into Libi's face because it was all she could focus on to keep herself from saying something she shouldn't. "I don't know. Am I twitching? Can you visibly see me twitching right now?"-
  234. DGNightwing: -he looked at the ladies and shrugged slowly, starting to step away- Alrighty then..i might like bounce, im bored tho so if anyone is doing inviting my self...
  235. iKamal: London stoood up and sighed."I don't know about you all but I am goign to get a drink after my tramatic experiance I think I earned it." she made her way out and to her father snatching his card from him."than kyou Daddy." she made her towards her car and got into it starting it getting comfortble.
  236. Tsaaq: Libi stared at Quinn and shrugged. "I don't know. You look like you want to twitch?" She replied unenthusiastically. She furrowed her eyebrows before scoffing at him. "Who the fuck are you?" She asked after he invited himself to their rhetorical plans.
  237. Alexithymiaa: "Even the sound of her voice irritates me..." She turned to look over her shoulder at the male, recognizing him, but not quite putting her finger on his identity immediately since it had been a while. "I don't know if we're actually doing anything..."-
  238. DGNightwing: Why are you talking to me like that? - he looked at Libbi- YOu didnt really matter to me until you spoke- he pointed at the blonde- I was directing all of that to her. Seeing as you come with her, I made sure you could hear it- he shrugged- I fought your boyfriend a couple months back. Mad respect for the guy now. Havent seen anyone since though- he shrugged
  239. Tsaaq: "I don't come with shit." She stared blankly at the male. "If you want to hang out with her and not me I won't get in anywbody's way." She said with a groan as she crossed her arms and looked away.
  240. iKamal: London started her car and drove off to find the closest bar she could get a drink at
  241. iKamal: [sorry for got to do an exit post]
  242. Alexithymiaa: "Ohhh.... I remember you." She nodded as the pieces of this late night puzzle started to come together. "I mean I'm probably going to head home anyway since it's so late and I'm obviously not getting any coffee tonight. But maybe another night when it's earlier and the place isn't swarming with investigating police."-
  243. DGNightwing: I dont mind hanging out with anybody. Im just starting shit. All fun- he shrugged- But hey, thats cool, il let you guys carry on then
  244. Tsaaq: She shook her head at Quinn. "You would." She said to Quinn before shrugging at Jaydon. Libi rolled her eyes. "If I don't get some liquor or some type of amphetamine inside of me or both this isn't going to be pretty." She said. "So want me to walk you out or what?" She asked the blonde.
  245. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah, let's head out." She lifted a hand, waving at the male. "See you around." She turned back and headed out the door with Libi in tow, making her way down the sidewalk to her car with intentions of giving Libi a ride if she needed one.-
  246. Alexithymiaa: (Im dead ass tired so Im going to bed.)
  247. Tsaaq: ((Niiight.))
  248. Alexithymiaa: (Niiiight)
  249. DGNightwing: (I jumped in to see who her new chara was lol)
  250. Tsaaq: ((>.>))
  251. DGNightwing: (i get on so late i can hardly rp
  252. Tsaaq: ((Yeah lame-o))
  253. Tsaaq: ((But yeah, that's her new chara and stuff for some reason.))
  254. Tsaaq: ((Wait she's in the rusty handle.))
  255. DGNightwing: (why would she leave here and go there)
  256. DGNightwing: (idk)
  257. Tsaaq: ((So she could rp at the bar and you could do there duuuh.))
  258. Tsaaq: ((go*))
  259. DGNightwing: (buuut im bout to leaaaave)
  260. Tsaaq: ((Yeah well.))
  261. Tsaaq: ((That's what I figured!))
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