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a guest
Jul 27th, 2016
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  1. ;Responding to H with a Greeting:
  2. == 0 1 "\Ah" "Hi","Hello","yo","Hey","...Hi"
  3. ;Responding to Monster leave ect if they have not yet greeted us:
  4. == 0 1 "mine|stop|leave|" "ok","kk","alright..."
  5. ;Respond to level 1 "give" statements:
  6. == 0 1 "give|give loot|give gp|", "sorry,no","no,sorry","sorry,i need"
  7. ;We have said a Greeting and they are continuing to talk to us:
  8. == 1 2 "mine|stop|leave" "certainly","kkkk","grrr"
  9. ;They have asked a question we respond. Q1:
  10. == 1 2 "food plz|food|food pls|food|food?" "dont have any food","dont have","dont have"
  11. ;Q2:
  12. == 1 2 "torch|torch plz|torch pls" "srry i dont have ","don't use, funner","not got, sorry"
  13. ;Q3:
  14. == 1 2 "hunting?|No torch?" "ya","yeap","yeah","yup"
  15. ;Ignore and magic spell casting:
  16. == 0 0 "utevo lux|exura|adori|exevo|Ina|exana|vis"
  17. == 1 1 "utevo lux|exura|adori|exevo|Ina|exana|vis"
  18. == 2 2 "utevo lux|exura|adori|exevo|Ina|exana|vis"
  19. ;Respond to level 2 Cheating Acusation:
  20. == 2 3 "Cavebot|cheater|botter|noob|cheat" "im not using cheat , leave me alone..","leave me alone please","let me hunting in peace","go away"
  21. ;Respond to level 0&1&3 cheating acusations:
  22. == 0 1 "Cavebot|cheater|botter|noob|cheat" "im not using any cheat ,jesus christ!..","go away and dont disturb me plz","dont piss me of , get off","go away batty"
  23. == 1 2 "Cavebot|cheater|botter|noob|cheat" "go away","get off","stfu","go away damn"
  24. == 3 2 "Cavebot|cheater|botter|noob|cheat" "piss of","shut up","stfu","go away batty"
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