
The Hunter

Jul 19th, 2023
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  1. Loris peered into the back of her master's hooded head, her gaze tilted up to his intimidating frame. "General, with what intelligence has gathered I just do not see it fitting to have you run....well, an errand, frankly." Her eyes shone with a firm determination which went ignored, the large not turning to look. The girl behind him stood at only around five feet tall, maybe two thirds the size of the man in front of her. Yet, like him, she stood with a powerful and composed nature. Even under her dress uniform her muscles showed clearly marking the intensity of her constant training.
  3. "It is a critical errand, if an errand. The elf man can't live. And before I commanded the wodes of the old worlds, I was first a hunter. I am still first a hunter." The man took up a longbow six feet in height, the limbs of it as thick as a grown man's leg. "If more come for me, then so too will they become my hunted."
  5. "Then at least allow me to come with you!"
  7. "Someone must watch the men as I fight. The army needs a leader. If not me, then only you can inspire them to fight until the very end."
  9. "Then at least take this." The large man finally turned around. Loris held out a small rolled parchment, the paper composing it looking as old as paper possibly could, as if even a light breeze may tear it to specks and scatter it to the wind. "The contracts are sealed. This way, you may not need call on the troops and they will be fully ready for The Day."
  11. The large man took it and nodded. "Thank you, lieutenant." She saluted. He put his massive hand on her head and ruffled her hair smiling, her skull in his palm barely took on the size of a baseball to the average man's hand. She wrapped her hands around his thumb and pinky and pushed it off.
  13. "Argh. You're insufferable. How did I end up in such a division."
  15. "To the hunt," he said finally saluting back, "to The Day!"
  17. "To the hunt, to The Day!"
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