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Apr 21st, 2013
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  1. 6:12 PM - chronicdiscord: terribly sorry for the 12 minute delay
  2. 6:12 PM - glenn fox: my teabags are frozen
  3. 6:12 PM - Deiru: fuckinghell, xcom gets hard on the terror missions
  4. 6:12 PM - MorphineBear: That 12 minutes is coming out of your pay.
  5. 6:12 PM - chronicdiscord: luckily I get no pay
  6. 6:12 PM - Crossbourne entered chat.
  7. 6:12 PM - MiniBaa!!!: Doesnt matter for me its only 1015 here
  8. 6:13 PM - Grizzlywolf disconnected.
  9. 6:13 PM - chronicdiscord: and welcome cross
  10. 6:13 PM - chronicdiscord: to trivia
  11. 6:13 PM - Pinkie/Tidus: Perfect timing, Cross.
  12. 6:13 PM - Crossbourne: sup
  13. 6:13 PM - Crossbourne: Just realized what time it was
  14. 6:13 PM - TheOneAndOnlyGreenFairy: Oi! We start already?
  15. 6:13 PM - chronicdiscord: I was just running a little late myself
  16. 6:13 PM - chronicdiscord: so I am ready to roll
  17. 6:14 PM - MorphineBear: "It's time to get a watch."
  18. 6:14 PM - chronicdiscord: My little pony ah-ah-ah~
  19. 6:14 PM - Andrea is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
  20. 6:14 PM - MiniBaa!!!: my llitte ponyyyy
  21. 6:14 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  22. 6:14 PM - chronicdiscord: The term, "blank flanks," refers to a pony without what?
  23. 6:14 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  24. 6:14 PM - Deiru: A cock
  25. 6:14 PM - Aly: cutie marks
  26. 6:14 PM - Pinkie/Tidus: Without a cutie mark
  27. 6:14 PM - chronicdiscord: Aly
  28. 6:14 PM - MorphineBear: a horn
  29. 6:14 PM - TheOneAndOnlyGreenFairy: wings
  30. 6:15 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  31. 6:15 PM - chronicdiscord: When travelling at hypersonic speeds what visual and auditory effect does Rainbow Dash generate?
  32. 6:15 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  33. 6:15 PM - MorphineBear: Mach 5
  34. 6:15 PM - Deiru: A cock
  35. 6:15 PM - Crossbourne: sonic rainboom
  36. 6:15 PM - Spanky Pie: Rainbow
  37. 6:15 PM - TheOneAndOnlyGreenFairy: rofl
  38. 6:15 PM - chronicdiscord: crossbourne
  39. 6:15 PM - Aly: :D
  40. 6:15 PM - Crossbourne: OH GOD
  41. 6:15 PM - MiniBaa!!!: my gawd i type slow
  42. 6:15 PM - Crossbourne: I feel so ashamed
  43. 6:15 PM - Aly: Haha
  44. 6:15 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  45. 6:15 PM - chronicdiscord: Twilight Sparkle has a pet dragon, what's his name?
  46. 6:15 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  47. 6:15 PM - Pinkie/Tidus: Spike
  48. 6:15 PM - MiniBaa!!!: spike
  49. 6:15 PM - TheOneAndOnlyGreenFairy: spark
  50. 6:15 PM - Spanky Pie: Spike
  51. 6:15 PM - Sekvenz: Brony
  52. 6:15 PM - Deiru: Thundercunts
  53. 6:16 PM - TheOneAndOnlyGreenFairy: oh wait
  54. 6:16 PM - chronicdiscord: Pinkie/Tidus
  55. 6:16 PM - Crazedanimal: sigh.. Im not gonna get any
  56. 6:16 PM - Crossbourne: Spark is Spyro's buddy. :3
  57. 6:16 PM - Compass: Oh god Sonic Rainboom lol.
  58. 6:16 PM - Sparklepop =): I'm not gonna do well tonight, lol
  59. 6:16 PM - Deiru: Crazed, JUST LIKE EVERY OTHER DAY
  60. 6:16 PM - MorphineBear: I guess we have quite a few bronies in here tonight. Aight.
  61. 6:16 PM - Deiru: WOOOOOO
  62. 6:16 PM - TheOneAndOnlyGreenFairy: Oh damn
  63. 6:16 PM - Aly: Pff, Spike isn't her pet
  64. 6:16 PM - Crazedanimal: pretty much =(
  65. 6:16 PM - chronicdiscord: aly, cut me some slack
  66. 6:16 PM - Pinkie/Tidus: Owlicious too, but that's not a dragon XD
  67. 6:16 PM - TheOneAndOnlyGreenFairy: It's her slave >:D
  68. 6:16 PM - Aly: *Grins*
  69. 6:16 PM - chronicdiscord: I literally wrote none of these
  70. 6:16 PM - MorphineBear: Please don't get into details.
  71. 6:16 PM - glenn fox left chat.
  72. 6:16 PM - Aly: I'm just messing, it was obvious
  73. 6:16 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  74. 6:17 PM - chronicdiscord: Spike's had a pet phoenix, who he later returned to it's family, what was it's name?
  75. 6:17 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  76. 6:17 PM - Deiru: Firecunt
  77. 6:17 PM - MorphineBear: The one from Harry Potter?
  78. 6:17 PM - MiniBaa!!!: firehawk? idk
  79. 6:17 PM - MorphineBear: It doesn't have a name.
  80. 6:17 PM - Aly: Philomena
  81. 6:17 PM - Sekvenz: fales
  82. 6:17 PM - Sekvenz: Spike's had a pet phoenix
  83. 6:17 PM - TheOneAndOnlyGreenFairy: Justin Bieber
  84. 6:17 PM - Sekvenz: ops
  85. 6:17 PM - Compass: MorphineBear
  86. 6:17 PM - Sir Castiglia du Lac: Peewee
  87. 6:17 PM - ◕ ‿ ◕ Lina entered chat.
  88. 6:17 PM - chronicdiscord: Castiglia
  89. 6:17 PM - ◕ ‿ ◕ Lina: hey
  90. 6:17 PM - leomoty disconnected.
  91. 6:17 PM - Sir Castiglia du Lac: Hey Lina
  92. 6:17 PM - TheOneAndOnlyGreenFairy: yikes, I'm behind with this series terribly it seems
  93. 6:17 PM - Sparklepop =): Hi Lina =)
  94. 6:17 PM - TheOneAndOnlyGreenFairy: ohai!
  95. 6:17 PM - Crossbourne: You are just in time Lina
  96. 6:17 PM - Crossbourne: For pony trivia
  97. 6:18 PM - ◕ ‿ ◕ Lina left chat.
  98. 6:18 PM - Sekvenz: Peewee
  99. 6:18 PM - Crossbourne: LOL
  100. 6:18 PM - MorphineBear: bai
  101. 6:18 PM - Crazedanimal: rofl
  102. 6:18 PM - Pinkie/Tidus: LOL
  103. 6:18 PM - Sparklepop =): lol
  104. 6:18 PM - BoboFatt: haha
  105. 6:18 PM - Spanky Pie: lol
  106. 6:18 PM - Compass: Heheh
  107. 6:18 PM - chronicdiscord: already gotten sek
  108. 6:18 PM - Sekvenz: oh
  109. 6:18 PM - Aly: Oh
  110. 6:18 PM - Aly: Peewee
  111. 6:18 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  112. 6:18 PM - chronicdiscord: Iron Will is not a pony, despite being on a show about ponies, what species is he?
  113. 6:18 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  114. 6:18 PM - Pinkie/Tidus: Bull
  115. 6:18 PM - MorphineBear: HORSE
  116. 6:18 PM - MiniBaa!!!: BUll
  117. 6:18 PM - Compass: Dragon
  118. 6:18 PM - TheOneAndOnlyGreenFairy: griffon
  119. 6:18 PM - Spanky Pie: Minotaur
  120. 6:18 PM - Crazedanimal: Unicorn
  121. 6:18 PM - Sir Castiglia du Lac: minotaur
  122. 6:18 PM - Aly: minotaur
  123. 6:18 PM - Sekvenz: A giant slug
  124. 6:18 PM - chronicdiscord: Spanky
  125. 6:18 PM - Deiru: Human
  126. 6:18 PM - Crossbourne: Objection!
  127. 6:18 PM - Pinkie/Tidus: Damn and I knew that one.
  128. 6:18 PM - TheOneAndOnlyGreenFairy: oh NOW I remember
  129. 6:18 PM - MiniBaa!!!: NO
  130. 6:18 PM - Crossbourne: It's not a show about ponies.
  131. 6:19 PM - Crossbourne: It's a show about FRIENDSHIP!
  132. 6:19 PM - Pinkie/Tidus: ^
  133. 6:19 PM - Sir Castiglia du Lac: +1
  134. 6:19 PM - Aly: and MAGIC
  135. 6:19 PM - Spanky Pie: lol
  136. 6:19 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  137. 6:19 PM - chronicdiscord: What does Iron Will do for a living?
  138. 6:19 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  139. 6:19 PM - Deiru: fUCK ALL
  140. 6:19 PM - Compass: Sleep
  141. 6:19 PM - Crazedanimal: heard goats
  142. 6:19 PM - MiniBaa!!!: Teach ponies to be absured
  143. 6:19 PM - Crazedanimal: herd*
  144. 6:19 PM - Spanky Pie: Teach seminar
  145. 6:19 PM - TheOneAndOnlyGreenFairy: teaches people to stand up for themselves?
  146. 6:19 PM - chronicdiscord: I think Spanky gets that
  147. 6:19 PM - MorphineBear: Iron Will is Iron Man.
  148. 6:19 PM - Spanky Pie: Teach seminars to be more assertive
  149. 6:19 PM - Sekvenz: hahahah bear
  150. 6:20 PM - MiniBaa!!!: omg speel check
  151. 6:20 PM - MiniBaa!!!: spell
  152. 6:20 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  153. 6:20 PM - chronicdiscord: Twilight Sparkle was just a regular old unicorn until she became what?
  154. 6:20 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  155. 6:20 PM - Deiru: Gay
  156. 6:20 PM - Aly: alicorn
  157. 6:20 PM - MiniBaa!!!: Alicorn
  158. 6:20 PM - TheOneAndOnlyGreenFairy: alicorn
  159. 6:20 PM - Spanky Pie: Alicorn
  160. 6:20 PM - chronicdiscord: aly
  161. 6:20 PM - Sir Castiglia du Lac: Fuck you guys
  162. 6:20 PM - Crossbourne: lol deiru
  163. 6:20 PM - Sir Castiglia du Lac: :3
  164. 6:20 PM - chronicdiscord: what the hell is an alicorn/
  165. 6:20 PM - TheOneAndOnlyGreenFairy: lol
  166. 6:20 PM - leomoty entered chat.
  167. 6:20 PM - chronicdiscord: never even heard of that
  168. 6:20 PM - MorphineBear: Don't you mean...
  169. 6:20 PM - MorphineBear: ALYcorn?!
  170. 6:20 PM - Aly: Pegasus unicorn
  171. 6:20 PM - Aly: OH HO!
  172. 6:20 PM - Pinkie/Tidus: A pony with wings And a horn. :)
  173. 6:20 PM - Sekvenz: idk why im laughin so hard when Deiru is writing a guess
  174. 6:20 PM - Crazedanimal: was that a trivia question?
  175. 6:20 PM - MiniBaa!!!: pegasus with a horn
  176. 6:21 PM - Pinkie/Tidus: er
  177. 6:21 PM - TheOneAndOnlyGreenFairy: a pony shemale, really
  178. 6:21 PM - Pinkie/Tidus: wat
  179. 6:21 PM - Deiru: Sek, that's the point
  180. 6:21 PM - chronicdiscord: nah, that was just me being confused
  181. 6:21 PM - leomoty disconnected.
  182. 6:21 PM - chronicdiscord: I didn't write this set of questions
  183. 6:21 PM - Crossbourne: lol
  184. 6:21 PM - Pinkie/Tidus: Ah
  185. 6:21 PM - Sparklepop =): I've never felt more lost in a trivia game.
  186. 6:21 PM - Compass: *these
  187. 6:21 PM - MiniBaa!!!: wait who got that one?
  188. 6:21 PM - Aly: I did
  189. 6:21 PM - MorphineBear: I've been more lost playing Clue.
  190. 6:21 PM - Pinkie/Tidus: Aly
  191. 6:21 PM - MiniBaa!!!: what!
  192. 6:21 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  193. 6:21 PM - chronicdiscord: Chrysalis is an evil being who is a major antagonist during the end of the second season, what is she?
  194. 6:21 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  195. 6:21 PM - Compass: Pony
  196. 6:21 PM - Deiru: A fire
  197. 6:21 PM - Crossbourne: Changeling
  198. 6:21 PM - MorphineBear: Kerrigan
  199. 6:21 PM - chronicdiscord: two possible answers fo that
  200. 6:21 PM - MiniBaa!!!: changling
  201. 6:21 PM - chronicdiscord: crossbourne gets it
  202. 6:21 PM - Spanky Pie: So fast
  203. 6:21 PM - TheOneAndOnlyGreenFairy: ph my
  204. 6:21 PM - Crossbourne: The changeling queen to be exact
  205. 6:21 PM - TheOneAndOnlyGreenFairy: oh*
  206. 6:22 PM - MorphineBear: Is this a Starcraft reference?
  207. 6:22 PM - Sekvenz: shapeshifter
  208. 6:22 PM - Pinkie/Tidus: Friendship is Magic.
  209. 6:22 PM - leomoty entered chat.
  210. 6:22 PM - Deiru: you Must construct additional pylons.
  211. 6:22 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  212. 6:22 PM - Crossbourne: Not enough minerals
  213. 6:22 PM - chronicdiscord: The Diamond Dogs were after Rarity for what reason?
  214. 6:22 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  215. 6:22 PM - Deiru: She dissed their fat mother
  216. 6:22 PM - MiniBaa!!!: Slave?
  217. 6:22 PM - Crossbourne: Whoopsie, sorry bout that.
  218. 6:22 PM - Spanky Pie: Gem sniffing ability
  219. 6:22 PM - Sir Castiglia du Lac left chat.
  220. 6:22 PM - TheOneAndOnlyGreenFairy: for her to get diamonds for them
  221. 6:22 PM - chronicdiscord: spanky
  222. 6:22 PM - Compass: Birthday
  223. 6:22 PM - Spanky Pie: Well, it's not sniffing, but she finds them
  224. 6:22 PM - Compass: c:
  225. 6:22 PM - Crazedanimal: bling?
  226. 6:22 PM - Deiru: I prefer my answer if i'm honest
  227. 6:23 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  228. 6:23 PM - chronicdiscord: What inspired the creation of the Diamond Dogs in My Little Pony Friendship is Magic?
  229. 6:23 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  230. 6:23 PM - Deiru: RAPCORE
  231. 6:23 PM - MorphineBear: Power puff girls
  232. 6:23 PM - Compass: Ponies
  233. 6:23 PM - Crazedanimal: bling
  234. 6:23 PM - Spanky Pie: Rowdy Ruff Boys?
  235. 6:23 PM - TheOneAndOnlyGreenFairy: Breaking Bad
  236. 6:23 PM - Deiru: A fucking chihuahua
  237. 6:23 PM - Compass: Princess Celestia
  238. 6:23 PM - MiniBaa!!!: lara croft
  239. 6:23 PM - Aly: David Bowie's album
  240. 6:23 PM - PTG entered chat.
  241. 6:23 PM - chronicdiscord: Aly
  242. 6:23 PM - Sekvenz: A Dog and Pony
  243. 6:23 PM - chronicdiscord: I was going to say
  245. 6:23 PM - Crossbourne: what
  246. 6:23 PM - TheOneAndOnlyGreenFairy: waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat
  247. 6:23 PM - chronicdiscord: the only one I've known
  248. 6:23 PM - chronicdiscord: and you people couldn't get it
  249. 6:23 PM - Aly: lol
  251. 6:24 PM - Spanky Pie: Oooh, interesting. XD
  252. 6:24 PM - PTG: Trivia time?
  253. 6:24 PM - chronicdiscord: it is ptg
  254. 6:24 PM - MiniBaa!!!: yeap
  255. 6:24 PM - leomoty disconnected.
  256. 6:24 PM - Compass: GROUND CONTROL TO MAJOR TOM
  257. 6:24 PM - MorphineBear: I'm glad I don't know any of the answers.
  258. 6:24 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  259. 6:24 PM - chronicdiscord: What unicorn always speaks in the third person?
  260. 6:24 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  261. 6:24 PM - Deiru: Rariry
  262. 6:24 PM - Spanky Pie: Luna
  263. 6:24 PM - Sekvenz: Deiru
  264. 6:24 PM - TheOneAndOnlyGreenFairy: trixie
  265. 6:24 PM - MegaGiga disconnected.
  266. 6:24 PM - Aly: Trixie
  267. 6:24 PM - Crazedanimal: derpypie
  268. 6:24 PM - MiniBaa!!!: Trixe
  269. 6:24 PM - chronicdiscord: the one and only green fairy
  270. 6:24 PM - Deiru: Yes Sek?
  271. 6:24 PM - Spanky Pie: Oh, right. Trixie O.o
  272. 6:24 PM - TheOneAndOnlyGreenFairy: yay!
  273. 6:24 PM - Sekvenz: Just answering the question
  274. 6:24 PM - Sekvenz: :D
  275. 6:24 PM - Deiru: Oh
  276. 6:24 PM - Deiru: Hi
  277. 6:25 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  278. 6:25 PM - chronicdiscord: What other job has Trixie had?
  279. 6:25 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  280. 6:25 PM - Deiru: Banker
  281. 6:25 PM - Crazedanimal: whore
  282. 6:25 PM - Pinkie/Tidus: Magic show
  283. 6:25 PM - Spanky Pie: Shoe shiner?
  284. 6:25 PM - Aly: traveling magician
  285. 6:25 PM - Sekvenz: hooker
  286. 6:25 PM - MorphineBear: Channing Tatum
  287. 6:25 PM - leomoty entered chat.
  288. 6:25 PM - PTG: Plumber
  289. 6:25 PM - Sekvenz: getting high in a highway road
  290. 6:25 PM - MiniBaa!!!: ROCK FARMER
  291. 6:25 PM - Compass: Handjobber person
  292. 6:25 PM - chronicdiscord: well, they said other, I assume they don't mean her main job
  293. 6:25 PM - Deiru: Trixie the fucking Mixie, the cocktail waitress
  294. 6:25 PM - Spanky Pie: Journalist?
  295. 6:25 PM - leomoty disconnected.
  296. 6:25 PM - MiniBaa!!!: ROCK FARMER!!!!!
  297. 6:25 PM - TheOneAndOnlyGreenFairy: well, that's season 3 territory
  298. 6:25 PM - Aly: Uhm... work at Pinky's rock farm/
  299. 6:25 PM - chronicdiscord: mini
  300. 6:25 PM - Sekvenz is now playing Dota 2. Click here to join.
  301. 6:25 PM - TheOneAndOnlyGreenFairy: Not a land for fairies
  302. 6:25 PM - Sekvenz is now playing Dota 2. Click here to join.
  304. 6:26 PM - Aly: ?* >.>
  305. 6:26 PM - MiniBaa!!!: yay
  306. 6:26 PM - SashOK1993ukr is now playing Blacklight: Retribution. Click here to join.
  307. 6:26 PM - Crazedanimal: nsfw I guess
  308. 6:26 PM - leomoty entered chat.
  309. 6:26 PM - TheOneAndOnlyGreenFairy: I don't want to click that
  310. 6:26 PM - Pinkie/Tidus: Nor do I.
  311. 6:26 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  312. 6:26 PM - Crossbourne: It's not pony related
  313. 6:26 PM - chronicdiscord: Who runs the rock farm?
  314. 6:26 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  315. 6:26 PM - Deiru: ME
  316. 6:26 PM - TheOneAndOnlyGreenFairy: Pinkie?
  317. 6:26 PM - MiniBaa!!!: pinkie family
  318. 6:26 PM - Crossbourne: Pinkie Pie's family?
  319. 6:26 PM - Spanky Pie: Pinkie's father?
  320. 6:26 PM - Compass: Applejack
  321. 6:26 PM - Crazedanimal: ironwill
  322. 6:26 PM - Aly: Pinkie Pie's family
  323. 6:26 PM - Crossbourne: DAMN
  324. 6:26 PM - chronicdiscord: MiniBaa
  325. 6:26 PM - Aly: Already said that, so confused
  326. 6:26 PM - Deiru: Applejackingoff
  327. 6:26 PM - PTG: Cg
  328. 6:27 PM - Aly: lol
  329. 6:27 PM - MorphineBear: Mr. Rock
  330. 6:27 PM - Aly: Dammit
  331. 6:27 PM - Aly: I didn't realize that was another question, since I JUST said the answer XD
  333. 6:27 PM - Pinkie/Tidus: XD
  334. 6:27 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  335. 6:27 PM - chronicdiscord: Who became afflicted with Cutie Pox?
  336. 6:27 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  337. 6:27 PM - Compass: Chronic
  338. 6:27 PM - MorphineBear: Chicken pox
  339. 6:27 PM - TheOneAndOnlyGreenFairy: Applebloom
  340. 6:27 PM - MiniBaa!!!: swenniebell
  341. 6:27 PM - Crazedanimal: Lina
  342. 6:27 PM - Deiru: The guy who fucked applejack
  343. 6:27 PM - chronicdiscord: fairy
  344. 6:27 PM - Spanky Pie: SSweetie Bell
  345. 6:27 PM - Sekvenz: LOL
  346. 6:27 PM - Pinkie/Tidus: LOL
  347. 6:27 PM - TheOneAndOnlyGreenFairy: :>
  348. 6:27 PM - Aly: apple bloom
  349. 6:27 PM - Sparklepop =): Cutie Pox, lololol.
  350. 6:27 PM - Spanky Pie: Oh crap I actually forgot the name.. XD
  351. 6:27 PM - DerangedBoar entered chat.
  352. 6:28 PM - Sparklepop =): Why am I giggling so much at this?
  353. 6:28 PM - Crazedanimal: umm is there any non my little pony questions?
  354. 6:28 PM - Compass: Nope
  355. 6:28 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  356. 6:28 PM - chronicdiscord: What is cutie pox?
  357. 6:28 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  358. 6:28 PM - Deiru: An STD
  359. 6:28 PM - Crazedanimal: an std
  360. 6:28 PM - TheOneAndOnlyGreenFairy: Too many cutie marks
  361. 6:28 PM - Aly: causes cutie makrs to appear all over body
  362. 6:28 PM - Spanky Pie: You get more and more cutie marks and you're forced to do them all
  363. 6:28 PM - Deiru: LOL CRAZED, SO SLOW
  364. 6:28 PM - MiniBaa!!!: having too many cutie marks?
  365. 6:28 PM - Aly: marks*
  366. 6:28 PM - MorphineBear:
  367. 6:28 PM - Crazedanimal: I know =(
  368. 6:28 PM - chronicdiscord: I will count fairy on that
  369. 6:28 PM - Sparklepop =): What exactly are cutie marks?
  370. 6:28 PM - TheOneAndOnlyGreenFairy: Ha!
  371. 6:28 PM - TheOneAndOnlyGreenFairy: period blood
  372. 6:28 PM - chronicdiscord: says, "lots of changing cutie marks"
  373. 6:28 PM - TheOneAndOnlyGreenFairy: but in child friendly form
  374. 6:28 PM - Sekvenz: pockmarks
  375. 6:28 PM - DerangedBoar: lice
  376. 6:28 PM - Sekvenz is now playing Dota 2. Click here to join.
  377. 6:28 PM - Sparklepop =): o.O
  378. 6:28 PM - MiniBaa!!!: their life really
  379. 6:29 PM - MiniBaa!!!: in a pic
  380. 6:29 PM - TheOneAndOnlyGreenFairy: well that's my theory anyway
  381. 6:29 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  382. 6:29 PM - chronicdiscord: Two-parter, gotta get both in the same answer, what is a cutie mark, and where is it located?
  383. 6:29 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  384. 6:29 PM - Compass: My butt
  385. 6:29 PM - DerangedBoar: russia
  386. 6:29 PM - Crazedanimal: rump
  387. 6:29 PM - Aly: Dictates what a pony does in live and on the flank
  388. 6:29 PM - DerangedBoar: lol
  389. 6:29 PM - PTG: Hoof.
  390. 6:29 PM - Spanky Pie: A thing a pony is meant to do, on their hip/flank
  391. 6:29 PM - chronicdiscord: aly
  392. 6:29 PM - DerangedBoar: face
  393. 6:29 PM - Aly: life*
  394. 6:29 PM - Aly: I don't even
  395. 6:30 PM - MiniBaa!!!: Scores?
  396. 6:30 PM - TheOneAndOnlyGreenFairy: <-- wins
  397. 6:30 PM - chronicdiscord: aly x4
  398. crossbourne x2
  399. Pinkie/Tidus
  400. Castiglia
  401. Spanky Pie x3
  402. theoneandonlygreenfairy x3
  403. MiniBaa!!! x2
  404. 6:30 PM - TheOneAndOnlyGreenFairy: Oh!
  405. 6:30 PM - Deiru: Bitch please, You know the STD one was right.
  406. 6:30 PM - Spanky Pie: How many questions?
  407. 6:30 PM - Aly: Cmon Sparkle!
  408. 6:30 PM - MiniBaa!!!: to go
  409. 6:30 PM - chronicdiscord: I have a few more
  410. 6:30 PM - MorphineBear: Black sheep wall
  411. 6:30 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  412. 6:30 PM - chronicdiscord: What is Pinkie Pie's cutie mark?
  413. 6:30 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  414. 6:30 PM - Deiru: Gaynes
  415. 6:30 PM - Crossbourne: Baloons!
  416. 6:30 PM - Pinkie/Tidus: Cupcakes!
  417. 6:30 PM - Spanky Pie: Balloons
  418. 6:30 PM - TheOneAndOnlyGreenFairy: balloons
  419. 6:30 PM - MiniBaa!!!: ballons
  420. 6:30 PM - Crazedanimal: pie
  421. 6:30 PM - MorphineBear: A bro hoof
  422. 6:30 PM - Pinkie/Tidus: What the hell.
  423. 6:31 PM - MiniBaa!!!: 3 ballons!
  424. 6:31 PM - chronicdiscord: cross
  425. 6:31 PM - MiniBaa!!!: with streamers
  426. 6:31 PM - Aly: Haha
  427. 6:31 PM - TheOneAndOnlyGreenFairy: lol
  428. 6:31 PM - Pinkie/Tidus: I'M A PINKIE. and I got that wrong.
  429. 6:31 PM - PTG: Skull and cross bones
  430. 6:31 PM - Pinkie/Tidus: /me hangs self
  431. 6:31 PM - Crossbourne: Obviously meant balloon with two ls.
  432. 6:31 PM - Aly: *Comforts*
  433. 6:31 PM - Deiru: I would like to add that Crossbourne has an unfair advantage over everyone here.
  434. 6:31 PM - TheOneAndOnlyGreenFairy: I love her tampon cutie mark better in the swag parodies
  435. 6:31 PM - Deiru: I'm not taking part, but still
  436. 6:31 PM - Spanky Pie: +1
  437. 6:31 PM - MorphineBear: I wish to report this contest for being overly bias.
  438. 6:31 PM - Crossbourne: I can't help if SotMC trained me Deiru.
  439. 6:31 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  440. 6:31 PM - chronicdiscord: What is Rarity's cutie mark?
  441. 6:31 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  442. 6:31 PM - MiniBaa!!!: diamond
  443. 6:31 PM - Compass: Flower
  444. 6:31 PM - Crossbourne: Diamonds!
  445. 6:31 PM - Deiru: Night
  446. 6:31 PM - Spanky Pie: Diamomnds
  447. 6:31 PM - Aly: diamonds
  448. 6:31 PM - Crossbourne: BAH
  449. 6:31 PM - chronicdiscord: minibaa
  450. 6:32 PM - Crossbourne: im 2 slo
  451. 6:32 PM - Deiru: Cross, your advantage is that you can start typing before the chat is set to all-users
  452. 6:32 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  453. 6:32 PM - chronicdiscord: What is Apple Jack's cutie mark?
  454. 6:32 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  455. 6:32 PM - Compass: Apple
  456. 6:32 PM - MiniBaa!!!: apples
  457. 6:32 PM - Deiru: Apples
  458. 6:32 PM - Aly: Apples
  459. 6:32 PM - Pinkie/Tidus: apple
  460. 6:32 PM - Spanky Pie: Apples
  461. 6:32 PM - MorphineBear: an apple
  462. 6:32 PM - TheOneAndOnlyGreenFairy: apples
  463. 6:32 PM - chronicdiscord: compass
  464. 6:32 PM - Compass: I won!
  465. 6:32 PM - Crossbourne: Well, it's not like I'll get my own game. :33
  466. 6:32 PM - Compass: :~D
  467. 6:32 PM - TheOneAndOnlyGreenFairy: lol
  468. 6:32 PM - Deiru: WAit wait wait wait wait wait
  469. 6:32 PM - Deiru: I don't get that?
  470. 6:32 PM - Soüp: I think this chat could actually make me physically ill
  471. 6:32 PM - chronicdiscord: no deiru
  472. 6:32 PM - Sparklepop =): Yay Compass!
  473. 6:32 PM - Pinkie/Tidus: Nah.
  474. 6:32 PM - chronicdiscord: you were beaten
  475. 6:32 PM - Deiru: Not on my screen
  476. 6:32 PM - Compass: Yay :~D
  477. 6:32 PM - Crossbourne: I see Compass first on my screen too
  478. 6:32 PM - MorphineBear: nice nose
  479. 6:32 PM - MiniBaa!!!: eah on my screen im forst lol
  480. 6:32 PM - Aly: I was expecting some old MLP trivia in here XD
  481. 6:33 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  482. 6:33 PM - chronicdiscord: What does granny smith and her family make every year?
  483. 6:33 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  484. 6:33 PM - Compass: Bake
  485. 6:33 PM - MiniBaa!!!: aple cider
  486. 6:33 PM - Aly: apple cidar
  487. 6:33 PM - MorphineBear: Coockies
  488. 6:33 PM - TheOneAndOnlyGreenFairy: some jam
  489. 6:33 PM - Spanky Pie: Zapapples
  490. 6:33 PM - Crazedanimal: pie
  491. 6:33 PM - DerangedBoar: lice = cooties
  492. 6:33 PM - chronicdiscord: minibaa
  493. 6:33 PM - TheOneAndOnlyGreenFairy: or that
  494. 6:33 PM - Compass: babies
  495. 6:33 PM - Pinkie/Tidus: lol
  496. 6:33 PM - TheOneAndOnlyGreenFairy: rofl
  497. 6:33 PM - Deiru: just so you can see my confusion
  498. 6:33 PM - MorphineBear: Can we get some MLP questions about the dolls for girls or no?
  499. 6:33 PM - chronicdiscord: shows on your screen faster
  500. 6:33 PM - Crossbourne: ^
  501. 6:33 PM - chronicdiscord: buy comes to my screen
  502. 6:33 PM - Aly: Yeah, I see myself as first, but I get it
  503. 6:33 PM - chronicdiscord: in order te server gets it
  504. 6:33 PM - Aly: Technically zapapple cidar!
  505. 6:34 PM - Aly: XD
  506. 6:34 PM - leomoty disconnected.
  507. 6:34 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  508. 6:34 PM - chronicdiscord: second to last What is granny smith always doing?
  509. 6:34 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  510. 6:34 PM - MorphineBear: flutter shy
  511. 6:34 PM - DerangedBoar: cubix cube
  512. 6:34 PM - Deiru: Fucking
  513. 6:34 PM - Spanky Pie: Sleeping?
  514. 6:34 PM - Compass: Baking
  515. 6:34 PM - chronicdiscord: spanky
  516. 6:34 PM - leomoty entered chat.
  517. 6:34 PM - Crossbourne: Walking?
  518. 6:34 PM - Aly: (Joking, it's zapapple jam)
  519. 6:34 PM - MiniBaa!!!: dammit
  520. 6:34 PM - Spanky Pie: Really? lol
  521. 6:34 PM - DerangedBoar: knitting
  522. 6:34 PM - TheOneAndOnlyGreenFairy: hah
  523. 6:34 PM - DerangedBoar: dying
  524. 6:34 PM - DerangedBoar: breathing
  525. 6:34 PM - MiniBaa!!!: well thats not wrong
  526. 6:34 PM - Aly: Losing her teeth
  527. 6:34 PM - Deiru: Boar is DQed from entire contest due to 1 minute rule
  528. 6:34 PM - Aly: lol
  529. 6:34 PM - DerangedBoar: :P
  530. 6:34 PM - DerangedBoar: im not trying
  531. 6:34 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  532. 6:35 PM - chronicdiscord: Finally, we reach it, the last one. What about his powers makes Discord so scary?
  533. 6:35 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  534. 6:35 PM - MorphineBear: rapcore
  535. 6:35 PM - Deiru: Rapcore!
  536. 6:35 PM - MiniBaa!!!: he makes thing twuisted
  537. 6:35 PM - Spanky Pie: He can transform anything
  538. 6:35 PM - chronicdiscord: bear beat you deiru
  539. 6:35 PM - Crazedanimal: chaos
  540. 6:35 PM - Pinkie/Tidus: He can turn ANYPONY into their bad side.
  541. 6:35 PM - Spanky Pie: And make them go crazy like
  542. 6:35 PM - TheOneAndOnlyGreenFairy: he makes the worst fears reality
  543. 6:35 PM - chronicdiscord: spanky gets it
  544. 6:35 PM - chronicdiscord: "he can do anything"
  545. 6:35 PM - Deiru: I'd like to say that Rapcore can make things twisted, and transofmr things, therefore, I win
  546. 6:35 PM - TheOneAndOnlyGreenFairy: or is that Cthulhu?
  547. 6:36 PM - Pinkie/Tidus: >_< *Goes to hide*
  548. 6:36 PM - Crossbourne: "anypony"
  549. 6:36 PM - MiniBaa!!!: no questions on DERPY?! HOW COULD YOU
  550. 6:36 PM - chronicdiscord: and final scores aly x4
  551. crossbourne x3
  552. Pinkie/Tidus
  553. Castiglia
  554. Spanky Pie x5
  555. theoneandonlygreenfairy x3
  556. MiniBaa!!! x4
  557. compass
  558. 6:36 PM - Pinkie/Tidus: Anypony, anyone, same thing really
  559. 6:36 PM - Spanky Pie: Awwww yeah XD
  560. 6:36 PM - Deiru: Objection Chronic
  561. 6:36 PM - chronicdiscord: wasn't me who really did the making Mini
  562. 6:36 PM - Sparklepop =): i fail at life.
  563. 6:36 PM - Deiru: Cutie pox is an STD and should be officially recognised as one
  564. 6:36 PM - MiniBaa!!!: 2nd =
  565. 6:36 PM - MiniBaa!!!: i know
  567. 6:36 PM - Compass: I beat Deiru
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