

Jan 27th, 2018
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  1. [color=transparent]##### QQBot[/color]
  2. [X] 1 A... happy Fat Man?:: (mizzet)
  3. [X] 2 A... happy Fat Man?: Your not sure what this thing is. Its a gold-painted statue of a Fat smiling man with the words "Rub Me" written on his belly with a bowl in one hand and an open palm facing forward. You've done so, and nothing happened. You know that this is probably just garbage, but you keep the statue anyway. Who knows, maybe something interesting will happen if you keep it?: (Jaquelee, courtofdust)
  4. [X] 1 Accessories~!: (H.Orion7)
  5. [X] 2 Appearance: A rather distinctive man.: (Jaquelee, courtofdust)
  6. [X] 2 Appearance: You got your name for a reason.: (mizzet, H.Orion7)
  7. [X] 1 Bouncer: (H.Orion7)
  8. [X] 4 Cashier: (Jaquelee, courtofdust, mizzet, H.Orion7)
  9. -[X] 1 Chemistry and Dust Enchantments: (courtofdust)
  10. -[X] 1 Contacts A: (mizzet)
  11. -[X] 1 Dust Enchantments + Exotic: (mizzet)
  12. -[X] 1 Dust Enchantments A: (mizzet)
  13. -[X] 3 Economics: (Jaquelee, mizzet, H.Orion7)
  14. -[X] 1 Economics B: (mizzet)
  15. -[X] 1 Exotic A: (mizzet)
  16. [X] 3 Make some Special items: Make some highly effective eye candy and place it front and center. Of course, they're going to be deadly pieces of eye candy, efficient killing machines, but eye candy for those in the know.: (Jaquelee, courtofdust, mizzet)
  17. -[X] 1 Manipulate B: (mizzet)
  18. [X] 3 Maybe a bright-eyed young Huntsman/Huntress? One full of vigor and life and hope for the world. It would be kinda nice, knowing that you personally are helping a hero in the making... and maybe making fat stacks of Lien off of her too. Heh, while you're making a wish list, maybe someone who knows Ivy's Principle of Micromechanics and how it interrelates to Recoil stressors...: (Jaquelee, courtofdust, mizzet)
  19. [X] 1 PR Manager: (H.Orion7)
  20. [X] 11 Plan A Man of Business and Broken Privacy Laws: (Jaquelee, asdo, Sandmaun, mishie, Night_stalker, walliseatscheese, Vermeer, Najdrox, Khaine, Times Folly, Emerald Oracle)
  21. [X] 1 Plan Enchanting and Potioneering: (courtofdust)
  22. [X] 11 Plan Promotional: (Yuki, mizzet, giodan, Sky, DogmaAlpha, Katarsiis, TRm, Anonamiis, Prustan, Arlint, AmaiKotori)
  23. [X] 1 Plan Totally a Normal Shop: (H.Orion7)
  24. [X] 3 Promotional Items: Use all your know-how to grab you a sponsorship from one of the big dust companies to drive people to your loving arms.: (Jaquelee, mizzet, H.Orion7)
  25. [X] 1 Put on a small Dust Show. Maybe you should try and put on a bit of a show with some of the good stuff that you've got in the back. Might make a good impression on people and get them to come back.: (courtofdust)
  26. -[X] 1 Robotics B: (mizzet)
  27. [X] 3 Secretary: (Jaquelee, courtofdust, mizzet)
  28. -[X] 1 Software + Software + Hardware: (Jaquelee)
  29. [X] 1 Speakeasy Bones: (H.Orion7)
  30. [X] 3 Stock Boy/Girl: (Jaquelee, courtofdust, mizzet)
  31. [X] 1 Then again, maybe someone completely new to the fun world of Hunting and Grimm would be nice to have in your store. A damn near blank slate that you can guide to a path of their choosing. Make them weapons, teach them how to use Dust, everything. That might be a fun side-project.: (H.Orion7)
  32. --[X] 1 Upgrade Chemistry to Rank A: (courtofdust)
  33. --[X] 2 Upgrade Contacts to Rank A: (Jaquelee, H.Orion7)
  34. --[X] 1 Upgrade Dust (Combat) to Rank B: (courtofdust)
  35. --[X] 1 Upgrade Dust Enchantments to Rank A: (courtofdust)
  36. --[X] 1 Upgrade Dust Manipulation to Rank B: (courtofdust)
  37. --[X] 2 Upgrade Economics to Rank C: (Jaquelee, H.Orion7)
  38. --[X] 2 Upgrade Extort to Rank D: (Jaquelee, H.Orion7)
  39. --[X] 2 Upgrade Hacking to Rank A: (Jaquelee, H.Orion7)
  40. --[X] 2 Upgrade Hardware to Rank D: (Jaquelee, H.Orion7)
  41. --[X] 2 Upgrade Information Gathering to Rank A: (Jaquelee, H.Orion7)
  42. --[X] 1 Upgrade Medical to Rank A: (courtofdust)
  43. --[X] 1 Upgrade Perception to Rank B: (courtofdust)
  44. --[X] 2 Upgrade Software to Rank A: (Jaquelee, H.Orion7)
  45. [X] 3 You did hear about one of your supplier's kids is going to Beacon. You doubt it, but maybe they'll come to your store and take a look around. Might be nice to exercise your more... business-y self.: (Jaquelee, courtofdust, H.Orion7)
  46. [X] 1 all you know is that being surprised by it will be part of the thrill of being a... Entrepreneur. God that was a fun word. It meant freedom, the freedom to be surprised by people walking through your door. Maybe instead of day-dreaming, you should just embrace the absurd and take whatever fate chooses to give you? Crossover characters based on 1d100 roll: (mizzet)
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