
Romaji's culture idea.

Nov 3rd, 2018
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  1. History of the idea:
  2. * (Nation/cultural area) used to consist of 3 powerful families (powerful in their area)
  3. * Around 300-500 years ago, they began having issues where the families stopped peacefully talking to each other, and inbreeding caused health issues too.
  4. * This lead to a joint drastic action, to force reintegration
  5. * The plan was to establish schools funded by all three families, for their children to meet together
  6. * Then, from there, they had to mate with someone from another family.
  7. * However, there were a few groups of friends formed that were more than just ones for a normal marriage (inspired by Baredan religion that they learned)
  8. * This wasn't seen as proper, and they tried to change them into marital pairs, but they ultimately stuck together, and these clans were able to rise to power
  9. * Through that, they established the system for their children, and ultimately, the whole nation/cultural area
  11. ---
  12. The system:
  13. * A child is raised by an existing clan, where they are referred to a name given at birth, and if needed "of [parental clan name]" is added.
  14. * Children meet those from other clans through school or some other kind of common place, until their age of transition.
  15. * At the age of transition, they create a clan with other people they know who are also at the age of transition, usually creating a clan from 3 to 5 (though rarely, up to 9) people, that they will spend their entire adult lives with, with rare exceptions in the case of unresolvable conflict.
  16. * Adults in a clan live, and typically work together, and use the name they came up with for their clan over their birth name, Unless it is necessary to seperate them from the rest of their clan
  17. * Because not all clans have the proper mix of sexes to produce offspring, adoption rates are very high, with sometimes women giving birth to give their child to another clan if the other one can't produce their own.
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