
Left 4 Dead 2 - a more challenging and realistic experience

Jun 23rd, 2012
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  1. The Left 4 Dead 2 Special infected always felt a bit out of place! so what I did was disable them completely. All that was left was the panic events! After a couple minutes it started feeling a bit too easy even in expert mode since the zombies died after lobbing off an arm with my fire axe. I then remembered L4D2 had mutators such as Headshots only! the following will teach you how to enjoy this mutator to it's fullest.
  3. If you have Left 4 Dead 2 on PC, use these commands and enjoy a more realistic zombie apocalypse!
  4. [I haven't tested this out on L4D classic since I don't know if the headshot mutator will work there.]
  6. map <map name> mutation2 - mutation2 enables the Headshot only mode where you HAVE to shoot zombies in the head to kill them at all! Even shooting them with a SPAS in the body or trying to hack them up with a fire axe won't kill them unless you perform a clean and proffessional cranial surgery!
  8. [once the map loads]
  10. sv_cheats 1 - to let you use the following commands
  12. director_no_specials 1 - disables special infected like Tank, Hunter, Spitter, etc.
  14. director_panic_forever 1 - This keeps on spawning rabid zombies after you and the other survivors...just don't forget about aiming for their head which is harder than it may seem. Also, watch your back when reloading!
  16. Enjoy!
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