
Traditionsteady Session 2

Mar 14th, 2013
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  1. [19:20] <Dm-Sumo> Matuk turns to his current employer and clears his throat "Mans coming back" and sure enough after a moment the older gentlemen emerges from the other room and bows his head "My master is finishing up as we speak and I have been told to escort all of you to him" he gives a worried look to Adana as if to make sure she wouldn't disappear.
  2. [19:21] * Adana instantly snaps back into character and turns weakly.
  3. [19:22] <!Adana> "It's about time." She says with a distant glassy look in her eyes. "We don't have all day."
  4. [19:22] * Adana stands up and stumbles slightly as if vertigo had set in from getting up too quickly.
  5. [19:23] * Johan looks at Adana and simply sights, standing up from his chair himself, though part of him couldn't help helping Adana anyway. "Right, please show us the way."
  6. [19:23] <@Eliza> "Hey hey should sit down, you might collapse."
  7. [19:23] <!Adana> "N-no, I'm fine."
  8. [19:24] * JohnnyS smiles at the now obvious to him lie
  9. [19:24] <@JohnnyS> "No no, they're right."
  10. [19:24] * JohnnyS goes to help Adana stand
  11. [19:24] * Adana sighs.
  12. [19:24] <!Adana> "So many people fretting over me, and here I left home to get away from all this."
  13. [19:25] <@Eliza> "Well if you don't want me to bother I won't you know.."
  14. [19:25] <Dm-Sumo> "Ah, yes...yes right this way" Still with a worried look it leads everyone through the room opposite of them.
  15. [19:26] * Adana follows the man while clinging to Johan as if she has trouble standing on her own.
  16. [19:27] * Johan gives Adana a flat look but just shakes his head. He follows behind the man. "So this master of yours, what does he do?"
  17. [19:28] <!Adana> (She just wants to feel your muscly arms....)
  18. [19:28] <Dm-Sumo> After going through a few room with nothing in them the man stops at a door and knocks on it and looks to Johan "Why he does many things" A smile creeping across his face.
  19. [19:29] <Dm-Sumo> He opens the door and motions for them to step inside.
  20. [19:29] <!Adana> (He's going to be doing one more if his wallet is as fat as I'm hoping.)
  21. [19:29] <!Adana> (Hope he's into sick girl moe)
  22. [19:30] <@JohnnyS> (lewd
  23. [19:30] <Johan> (S olewd)
  24. [19:30] <@JohnnyS> )
  25. [19:30] <!Adana> (So lewd I made you both make typos.)
  26. [19:30] * Johan walks inside the room, still helping Adana dispite knowing her true nature. Knight gonna knight.
  27. [19:30] <Dm-Sumo> (The house just hit a gold the literal sense)
  28. [19:30] <Johan> (I have an excusse)
  29. [19:31] <@Eliza> (Oh bloody hell this is s-so tediou-BLEWWWWHHHHHHH)
  30. [19:31] <Johan> (excuse even)
  31. [19:31] <@Eliza> (And then she pukes on his chest)
  32. [19:32] * Adana straightens herself when she enters the room and does her best to look like a sick girl trying to pretend she's not sick.
  33. [19:32] <!Adana> (Lieception)
  34. [19:34] <Dm-Sumo> Inside sitting in a desk in the middle of the room is a young man who is clearly not even in his late thirties with short cut brown hair writing something while talking "....good and make sure they keep up the good work" To his right middle aged man with strangely large eyes and bald head.
  35. [19:34] <!Adana> 'He's not even fat and ugly.... JACKPOT!'
  36. [19:34] <!Adana> (^thoughts)
  37. [19:35] * Adana stands waiting to be acknowledged before she speaks with her hands folded in front of her as if to stop them from shaking.
  38. [19:36] <Dm-Sumo> The bald man speaks starts to speak in a language that is harsh but also sounds like he is speaking with a mouth full of water. The man then bows and heads out the door.
  39. [19:36] <!Adana> (Knowledge: The Planes check, I want to see if that was Aquan)
  40. [19:36] * Johan boes to the man as well, then looks to the remaining man. He doesn't speak of course, there's nothing that screams bad manners as speaking when someone else is busy.
  41. [19:36] <!Adana> (I don't have the skill so it's just 1d20+4)
  42. [19:37] <Dm-Sumo> Okay, roll away!
  43. [19:37] == Adana has changed nick to Dice-chan
  44. [19:37] == Adana [webchat@2b2c869d.1916f0b2.14fd58ce.31b34b44X] has joined #CYOAsteady
  45. [19:38] <Adana> roll 1d20+4
  46. [19:38] <!Dice-chan> Adana rolled 1d20+4 --> [ 1d20=16 ]{20}
  47. [19:38] <Adana> (So was it Aquan?)
  48. [19:38] <Adana> (Or any planar language for that matter?)
  49. [19:39] <Dm-Sumo> You figure out that he was speaking Aquan and what you think was a bit of abyssal mixed together.
  50. [19:40] <Adana> I don't speak either so I couldn't understand him.
  51. [19:40] <Dm-Sumo> Every fourth word seemed to be abyssal.
  52. [19:40] <Adana> But I know he's probably an evil outsider with the water subtype now.
  53. [19:40] <Adana> Or he's a weirdo.
  54. [19:41] <@Eliza> -raises her hand-
  55. [19:41] <@Eliza> I have Abyssal as one of my languages could I make out every fourth word he was saying?
  56. [19:41] <@JohnnyS> (brb)
  57. [19:41] <Adana> Yes, you could.
  58. [19:41] <Adana> Which is why I asked.
  59. [19:41] <Dm-Sumo> Yes...yes you could.
  60. [19:42] <Adana> >Keeping secrets from a party with a Rogue and Sorceress.
  61. [19:42] <@Eliza> (brb_
  62. [19:42] <Adana> >Laughing PCs.jpg
  63. [19:43] <@Eliza> (back)
  64. [19:44] <Dm-Sumo> ".........Master.........him.........production.......pearls" (What Eliza heard)
  65. [19:44] <@JohnnyS> (back)
  66. [19:45] <Adana> (Ally tell me this later when we're alone, I can't speculate aloud until you do)
  67. [19:46] <@Eliza> (-nods-
  68. [19:46] <@Eliza> )
  69. [19:46] <Dm-Sumo> Your guide clears his throat to get the attention of his master who looks up and smiles as he sees his guest "Ah yes!!" He gets up from his chair and moves infront of his desk" Greetings how may I help you? I heard a few of you were sent here? And that I have a young lady from the north was it?"
  70. [19:46] <Adana> (>How to not metagame.txt)
  71. [19:47] * Adana curtsies shakily.
  72. [19:47] <Adana> "Greetings your lorship."
  73. [19:47] <Adana> (lordship*)
  74. [19:47] * Johan bows to the man. "Yes, hello sir. My name is Johan, I was told that you could give me information about the strange happenings to the north."
  75. [19:48] <Dm-Sumo> (On a side note the only thing besides his desk is a few bookshelf and a black pearls set on his desk)
  76. [19:48] <Adana> 'All bussiness this one.... how boring.'
  77. [19:49] <Adana> (I'll let Johan finish talking before I do, Adana might need some more material)
  78. [19:49] <Johan> (D'aaaw)
  79. [19:51] * Dm-Sumo gives a small bow to Adana "Greeting to my Milady, and how may I help you? Ah, but before I forget I am Andrew of House Strout at your service"
  80. [19:51] <Adana> (>Andrew)
  81. [19:51] <Adana> (Yooooooooooooooooooou motherfucker)
  82. [19:52] <Dm-Sumo> (Was randomly generated, blame the generator gods)
  83. [19:52] <Adana> (YOU DID IT ON PURPOSE)
  84. [19:52] <Adana> (NOW I HAVE TO FUCK HIM)
  85. [19:53] * Johan looks to Adana then nudges her as he looks to her and Andrew. Signaling for her to talk as she was addressed.
  86. [19:54] <Adana> 'Hehe.... he's so proper it's cute.'
  87. [19:55] <Dm-Sumo> (Inner thoughts?)
  88. [19:55] <Johan> (Yawp)
  89. [19:55] <Johan> (' means thought " means speaking!)
  90. [19:57] <Adana> "I am Lady Adana Tallfoot, and I was sent here by my father to offer my services as a seer to the growing House Strout."
  91. [19:57] <Adana> "I had a vision that your wealth would grow exponentially over the next few years and my father would like to begin making allies in high places as soon as possible."
  92. [19:58] <Adana> "I also had a vision of.... actually perhaps that would be best saved for another ti-" Adana interrupts herself as she goes into a terrible coughing fit.
  93. [19:59] <Adana> "I..... I'm deeply sorry your lordship, forgive my rudeness." She bows and steps back visibly embarrassed.
  94. [20:00] * Adana continues to breathe heavily with a steady rhythm as if trying to supress her illness.
  95. [20:00] <Adana> I'll take 10 on bluff for all that.
  96. [20:00] <Adana> So 23
  97. [20:00] <Dm-Sumo> Lord Strout goes from something between worry and what appears to be wracking hi brain "Ah, Yes Lady Adana..."
  98. [20:01] <Dm-Sumo> Okay.
  99. [20:02] <Dm-Sumo> Roll 1d20+8
  100. [20:02] <!Dice-chan> Dm-Sumo rolled 1d20+8 --> [ 1d20=6 ]{14}
  101. [20:02] <Adana> (DUPED!)
  102. [20:02] <Adana> (MENTALLY JUKED!)
  103. [20:02] <Dm-Sumo> (Another tricked)
  104. [20:02] <Adana> (BAMBOOZLED!)
  105. [20:02] <Adana> (FLIM FLAMMED!)
  106. [20:02] <Adana> (Do I get banked xp for that?)
  107. [20:03] <@Eliza> (Decieved by a master ruseman)
  108. [20:03] <Adana> (I feel like I deserved banked xp for bluffing EVERYONE.)
  109. [20:03] <Adana> (But it's up to you Brute)
  110. [20:03] <Dm-Sumo> (Okay, for every group you trick and person you....have fun with Banked Xp)
  111. [20:04] <Adana> (How much do I get for that?)
  112. [20:04] <Dm-Sumo> Lets many did you trick? Everyone correct?)
  113. [20:05] <Adana> (Yep, only the butler passed and even then only 1 oout of six lies.)
  114. [20:08] <Dm-Sumo> (and we are back!)
  115. [20:08] <Adana> (Gonna potty, feel free to continue)
  116. [20:10] <Dm-Sumo> Lord Strout snaps his fingers "Oh yes of course! We are glad to have you of course Lady Adana." He turns to Johan "You said you needed information correct?"
  117. [20:10] <Adana> (Back)
  118. [20:11] <Dm-Sumo> The butler goes over to make sure that Lady Adana doesn't need anything still looking very worried.
  119. [20:12] * Adana gestures that she's fine despite her labored breathing.
  120. [20:15] * Johan bots to the man. "That I did Master Strout, due to certain circumstances, I was tasked to reseal a powerful, old soul. The happenings to the north may be connected to it which is why I need information."
  121. [20:15] <Johan> (bows even)
  122. [20:16] <Dm-Sumo> (>Bots)
  123. [20:20] <@JohnnyS> .
  124. [20:20] <Dm-Sumo> "Ah yes, I do believe I have what you are looking for" Me moves to go back to his desk but stops himself "But first I must greet my other guests!" He laughs to himself and he looks to Eliza and Johnny "You two must me from Mr. Cane correct?"
  125. [20:21] <@JohnnyS> "Indeed we are sir."
  126. [20:21] * JohnnyS hooks an arm around Eliza
  127. [20:21] <@JohnnyS> "Ain't that right sis?"
  128. [20:21] <@Eliza> "Eh..somewhat, I mean he scared the hell out of us"
  129. [20:21] * JohnnyS laughs heartily
  131. [20:22] <@JohnnyS> "HAHAHAHAHAHA
  132. [20:22] <@JohnnyS> "
  133. [20:22] <@Eliza> "But yeah..we're from that guy"
  134. [20:22] <Adana> (I got something you can wrap your arms around)
  135. [20:22] <@JohnnyS> (lewd)
  136. [20:22] <@JohnnyS> (brb)
  137. [20:23] <Dm-Sumo> "Who? Mr. Cane? Oh he is mostly harmless from what I can tell, helps us get situated in this city" he strokes his chin in thinking.
  138. [20:27] <Dm-Sumo> He looks over the group of people before him with a smile and takes a piece of paper from his desk and reads it over "Yes......"
  139. [20:28] <Dm-Sumo> "Now I have the information you seek Mr. Johan, but I have my doubts you will be able to do this by yourself"
  140. [20:28] * Johan tilts his head on one side. "Why do you say that Master Strout?"
  141. [20:30] <Dm-Sumo> "We have sent a caravan up north to the dwarf kingdoms to try to hammer out some sort of trade agreement since we have come into our new.....goods...,but"
  142. [20:30] * Adana giggles weakly.
  143. [20:30] <Adana> "Hammer...." she says under her breath.
  144. [20:31] * Johan looks at Adana. "Why is that funny? it the same thing why hard was funny?"
  145. [20:32] <Dm-Sumo> "The group sent a rider back and one of the towns on the road seems to have been overrun with what I am told to be the undead"
  146. [20:32] * Adana holds her finger up to her lips. "Just listen to his lordship, I'll explain it later."
  147. [20:32] <Adana> "Is that all?"
  148. [20:33] <Dm-Sumo> "It would be yes, but we have also had no word from that caravan in weeks and supposedly they had made it past the town with only minor casualties"
  149. [20:34] <Adana> "Out of the frying pan and into the fire then..."
  150. [20:34] * Johan closes his eyes and looks at Andrew. "Just tell me where the town is. If there's a chance for there to be a single survivor..."
  151. [20:35] <Dm-Sumo> Lord Strout sights to himself and nods "It's much worse since the caravan was carrying very....expensive cargo"
  152. [20:35] <Adana> "I agree, we can't have undead blocking our... your trade route."
  153. [20:36] <Adana> (Those two lines demonstrate our alignment dynamic perfectly)
  154. [20:36] <Johan> "It's not about the trade, it's about helping people, about saving lives." He looks to Strout. "No offense."
  155. [20:36] <Adana> "Trade helps people." Adana says with a coy smile.
  156. [20:37] <Johan> "Only if they're alive."
  157. [20:37] <Adana> "Not true! But the point stands, the undead must be cleared out and the caravan recovered."
  158. [20:37] <Adana> "I'll gladly take this on as my first task in your services your lordship... the first of many I hope. She says with a slgiht hint of seduction in her voice."
  159. [20:38] <Adana> Er.... you know where the second " was supposed to go...
  160. [20:41] <Dm-Sumo> Lord Strout claps his hands "Excelent! Wonderful! You have no idea how much this issue has plagued my thoughts." He signs slightly "And of course you two will be joining as this is part of the reason why Mr. Cane sent you to me. " He smiles again as he looks to Eliza and Johnny.
  161. [20:41] <Johan> "...Yes, regardless of what the reason is, the important thing is that we help that town."
  162. [20:42] <@Eliza> "Man can't we just lounge around without 'Oh go here oh do this' "
  163. [20:42] <@JohnnyS> "Yeah, I guess we will be...."
  164. [20:42] * JohnnyS pats eliza on the head
  165. [20:42] <@JohnnyS> "S'okay sis, everything's gonna be fine."
  166. [20:43] <@Eliza> "Some bullshit.."
  167. [20:43] * Adana coughs violently.
  168. [20:43] * Johan looks at Eliza with a curious look on his face. "You'd rather just lazer around and do nothing than go on an adventure knowing you'd go out and help people?"
  169. [20:44] <Dm-Sumo> "The route is simple enough I have to say as all you need to do is take the northern road out of the city...."Lord Strout stops mid-sentence and takes out his handkerchief and hands it to Lady Adana with a smile "And you will be there in no time!"
  170. [20:44] <Adana> "Well she is a cat...." Adana says weakly as she catches her breath.
  171. [20:44] <Adana> "Thank you my lord."
  172. [20:44] <@Eliza> "Look, church boy, most people I've been around haven't lifted a finger in my service, there's no damn reason I should help them!"
  173. [20:45] * Eliza clears her throat
  174. [20:45] <@Eliza> "All things considered...why shouldn't I be entitled to a vacation"
  175. [20:45] <Johan> "I'm sorry to hear about your experience, I'm ashamed that none of my brothers in arms nor myself were there to help you in your time of need. But you shouldn't let people suffer for the sins of others."
  176. [20:46] <Adana> "Besides if you help us I'll buy you a nice hot fish dinner."
  177. [20:46] * JohnnyS rubs Eliza's ears
  178. [20:46] <@JohnnyS> "Cmon now liza, you know you wanna help them~"
  179. [20:47] <@Eliza> "...Oh that's not fair.."
  180. [20:47] <@Eliza> "All of you are bribing me- IT'S CAUSE I'M A CAT ISN'T IT?!"
  181. [20:47] <@Eliza> "IS THAT WHY YOU MADE THAT FISH COMMENT?!"
  182. [20:48] <Adana> ".... yes."
  183. [20:48] * Johan looks at Adana then at Eliza. "...You don't like fish?"
  184. [20:48] <Adana> "But the face you make when you're angry is adorable so I'm okay with it."
  186. [20:48] * Eliza throws her arms up
  187. [20:48] <@Eliza> "Wheres the nearest window I'm gonna jump right the hell out of it"
  188. [20:49] <Adana> "Let's go Matuk.... we have corpses to burn."
  189. [20:49] <Dm-Sumo> Lord Strout watches the exchange with a amused expression "The town is only a few days from here and if you stick to the main road the only thing you will find is a tavern about half way there."
  190. [20:50] * Adana walks staggeredly towards the door.
  191. [20:50] <Adana> "Your information is appreciated my lord... but I have no time for rest anyway."
  192. [20:50] * JohnnyS crosses his arms behind his head, walks to follow Adana, and grabs Eliza by the nape of her neck along the way
  193. [20:50] <@JohnnyS> "Cmon sis, let's go."
  194. [20:51] <@Eliza> "OWOWOWOWOWOW ALRIGHT ALRIGHT"
  195. [20:51] * Johan bows to the man. "Thank you for your information Master Strout." And leaves behind the rest of the group.
  196. [20:51] * Eliza smacks Johnny's arm "Lay the hell off.."
  197. [20:51] <Dm-Sumo> "I wish all of you well then and for you to return safely"
  198. [20:51] * JohnnyS grabs Eliza in a headlock and hugs her
  199. [20:52] <Dm-Sumo> Matuk follows after Adana not really minding that he was ignored completely.
  200. [20:52] <Adana> Once we're safely out of the mansion and earshot of the people therin I'll drop the sick act.
  201. [20:52] <Johan> (Poor Matuk)
  202. [20:53] <Adana> "Damn walking all hunched over and weak-like wears out my shoulders." She says as she stretches.
  203. [20:53] <@JohnnyS> "Nyo ho ho, you're so sneaky Adana."
  204. [20:53] * Johan looks down at Adana and sighs. "I hope one day you'll tell him the truth willingly."
  205. [20:54] <Adana> "I will, after I have him good and wrangled."
  206. [20:54] <Adana> "But first I need to make sure he knows how valuable I can be regardless of my political merit."
  207. [20:55] <Johan> "And the great feeling of distrust and betrayal?"
  208. [20:56] <Adana> "Well... I am a woman." Adana says with a grin.
  209. [20:56] <@Eliza> "Yeah don't you know how human marriage works?"
  210. [20:57] <Johan> "Isn't it based off of mutual trust and love?"
  211. [20:57] * JohnnyS doubles over in laughter
  212. [20:57] <@Eliza> "You ever seen the noble women?"
  214. [20:57] <@Eliza> "They always get with disgustin' lookin' guys for clothes, money, food, lodging, what have you"
  215. [20:57] <@Eliza> "Ain't no rich woman honest."
  216. [20:58] <Adana> "No, it's based off pretending not to be a terrible person long enough for someone else to get used to having you around."
  217. [20:58] <Adana> "Then you betray them and take all their shit."
  218. [20:58] <Adana> "Kind of like poker."
  219. [20:59] <Adana> "Only with sex...."
  220. [20:59] <Adana> "So ten times better."
  221. [20:59] * Johan jumps back at Johny's laughter. then makes a troubled face at Eliza and Adana. "I'm sorry but I just don't get it. Why anyone would betray someone, why someone would use someone else...I just can't comprehend."
  222. [20:59] <Adana> "But I don't need to trap the guy into marriage."
  223. [21:00] <Adana> "I just need enough money from him to get my own.... financial situation sorted."
  224. [21:01] <Adana> "Anyway, I'm not walking all the way there, so lets rent a cart to take us to the inn."
  225. [21:02] * Johan nods to the smaller woman. "Agreed, it'd make the trip smoother and faster. And time is key."
  226. [21:02] <Adana> ".... I just don't want to get blisters on my feet...."
  227. [21:02] <@Eliza> "Wuss"
  228. [21:03] <Adana> "Pussy."
  229. [21:03] <Dm-Sumo> Matuk simply stretches and yawns while looking at everyone "A job where I don't have to walk the whole way? This is turning out even betterr than expected"
  230. [21:03] <@Eliza> "Yes I am thank you"
  231. [21:03] * Eliza purrs
  232. [21:03] <Johan> "I could carry if if that was your fear."
  233. [21:03] <Johan> (carry you even)
  234. [21:03] <Adana> "........ God damn it stop making me want to molest you. We don't have time for that."
  235. [21:04] <Adana> How much is a cart going to be.
  236. [21:04] <Adana> I'm probably the only one with pocket change.
  237. [21:04] <Johan> (I have some as well)
  238. [21:04] * Johan stops on his track and looks at Adana with a shocked look on his face. "...Eh?"
  239. [21:04] <Adana> "Nothing, nevermind. Just..... just go get us a cart."
  240. [21:05] * Adana pinches the bridge of her nose.
  241. [21:05] <Dm-Sumo> Matuk picks at his teeth "You could, shes not that heavy" (Wanting to buy a cart? )
  242. [21:05] <Adana> Buy or rent if it's too expensive.
  243. [21:05] <Dm-Sumo> (Or just get a ride that way)
  244. [21:05] <Dm-Sumo> (Kk)
  245. [21:05] <Adana> My donkey can pull it.
  246. [21:06] <Dm-Sumo> (You mean Matuk? Kidding of course)
  247. [21:06] <Dm-Sumo> (but anyway)
  248. [21:06] <Adana> No, but while on the subject of Matuk....
  249. [21:07] <Adana> Drat.
  250. [21:07] <Adana> I checked his sheet, I was hoping he was a ranger.
  251. [21:07] <Adana> Oh well.
  252. [21:07] <Adana> I needed someone with survival to check for alchemy ingredients along the way.
  253. [21:07] <Adana> S'okay though.
  254. [21:08] <Dm-Sumo> (But a simple cart is aobut 40 g)
  255. [21:08] <Adana> Okay, let Shir- Johan buy it.
  256. [21:09] <Johan> (Already did)
  257. [21:09] <Adana> Okay then.
  258. [21:09] <Adana> WERE OFF
  259. [21:10] <Dm-Sumo> TO ADVENTURE!
  260. [21:10] <Adana> "Before we get into a fighting situation.... do any of you mind if I use my magic to mess with your physical capabilities?"
  261. [21:10] <Adana> "I mean, I'm going to do it anyway but I thought I'd ask...."
  262. [21:11] <Dm-Sumo> It's about a day or two to the halfway tavern.
  263. [21:12] <Dm-Sumo> Shall I see how much progress you make?
  264. [21:12] <Johan> Go for it
  265. [21:12] <Dm-Sumo> Roll 1d100
  266. [21:12] <!Dice-chan> Dm-Sumo rolled 1d100 --> [ 1d100=54 ]{54}
  267. [21:12] <Johan> "What...kind of messing are we talking about here?"
  268. [21:13] <Adana> "Ever wonder what it'd be like to 10ft tall?"
  269. [21:14] <Adana> "To be honest, I'm still not that practiced with altering people just yet so it won't be too extreme."
  270. [21:14] <Dm-Sumo> You make descent time with only being slowed down by the guards letting you out of the city at the very start.
  271. [21:14] <Johan> "Hmm...well if you think it's necessary and if it'd help people...."
  272. [21:14] <Dm-Sumo> Roll 1d100 Random Encounter table~
  273. [21:14] <!Dice-chan> Dm-Sumo rolled 1d100 Random Encounter table~ --> [ 1d100=87 ]{87}
  274. [21:15] <Dm-Sumo> Roll 1d10
  275. [21:15] <!Dice-chan> Dm-Sumo rolled 1d10 --> [ 1d10=10 ]{10}
  276. [21:18] <Dm-Sumo> The ride is rather uneventful, but night draws closer.
  277. [21:18] <Dm-Sumo> Spot check!~
  278. [21:18] <Johan> roll 1d20+2
  279. [21:18] <!Dice-chan> Johan rolled 1d20+2 --> [ 1d20=2 ]{4}
  280. [21:18] <Adana> roll 1d20+1
  281. [21:18] <!Dice-chan> Adana rolled 1d20+1 --> [ 1d20=12 ]{13}
  282. [21:18] <@JohnnyS> roll 1d20+2
  283. [21:18] <!Dice-chan> JohnnyS rolled 1d20+2 --> [ 1d20=15 ]{17}
  284. [21:19] <Adana> We're all blind evidently....
  285. [21:19] <Adana> I'll get the listen skill maxed after my first level in Cerebrex though.
  286. [21:19] <@JohnnyS> Speak for yourself hun
  287. [21:19] <Adana> Just need to live until 7.
  288. [21:19] <Adana> You're still only +2
  289. [21:20] <@Eliza> roll 1d20+1
  290. [21:20] <!Dice-chan> Eliza rolled 1d20+1 --> [ 1d20=19 ]{20}
  291. [21:20] <@Eliza> (brb sorry, need to pee)
  292. [21:22] <Dm-Sumo> As night sets you notice something slowly approaching the rode.
  293. [21:24] <Adana> I reach into my pack and pull out a length of chain.
  294. [21:24] <@Eliza> (went and got water too)
  295. [21:24] <Adana> Just in case.
  296. [21:24] <Dm-Sumo> ....and you are pretty sure that is a group of giant ANTS......
  297. [21:24] <Adana> Huh.....
  298. [21:24] <@Eliza> ...Ahahahaha
  299. [21:25] <Adana> The monster kind, not the monstergirl kind I take it?
  300. [21:25] <Dm-Sumo> (Monster kind)
  301. [21:25] <Adana> Do I need an initiative roll or are they far enough away for me to react.
  302. [21:26] <Dm-Sumo> They are about 40 ft from the cart and it appears they haven't spotted yall yet.
  303. [21:26] <Adana> "Stop the cart."
  304. [21:26] <Adana> [ Grease]
  305. [21:26] <Adana> Over a 10ft square between the cart and the ants.
  306. [21:27] <Adana> Now I shout to get their attention as I strike a tendertwig.
  307. [21:27] <Adana> You see where this is going?
  308. [21:28] <Adana> When they're over the grease slick I toss the twig and light it up.
  309. [21:28] <Adana> We can just go aroudn the resulting fire.
  310. [21:28] * Johan stops the cart. "...Why is there a group of giant ANTS?"
  311. [21:29] <Adana> Now without responding to him I do all that.
  312. [21:29] <Dm-Sumo> The ants react to hearing your voice and start heading straight for you.
  313. [21:29] <Adana> "Who cares, lets kill em with fire."
  314. [21:29] <Adana> I toss the twig and ignite the grease.
  315. [21:30] <Adana> When they're over it obviously.
  316. [21:30] <Dm-Sumo> Obviously
  317. [21:30] <Adana> 2d6 fire damage and they're burning. So it'll persist until they're dead since they're too dumb to put it out.
  318. [21:31] <Adana> But being bugs they'll probably just run away.
  319. [21:31] <Dm-Sumo> Roll 2d6
  320. [21:31] <!Dice-chan> Dm-Sumo rolled 2d6 --> [ 2d6=8 ]{8}
  321. [21:31] <Dm-Sumo> Roll 2d6
  322. [21:31] <!Dice-chan> Dm-Sumo rolled 2d6 --> [ 2d6=4 ]{4}
  323. [21:31] <Dm-Sumo> Roll 2d6
  324. [21:31] <!Dice-chan> Dm-Sumo rolled 2d6 --> [ 2d6=11 ]{11}
  325. [21:31] <Dm-Sumo> Roll 2d6
  326. [21:31] <!Dice-chan> Dm-Sumo rolled 2d6 --> [ 2d6=5 ]{5}
  327. [21:31] <Dm-Sumo> Roll 2d6
  328. [21:31] <!Dice-chan> Dm-Sumo rolled 2d6 --> [ 2d6=5 ]{5}
  329. [21:31] <Dm-Sumo> Roll 2d6
  330. [21:31] <!Dice-chan> Dm-Sumo rolled 2d6 --> [ 2d6=12 ]{12}
  331. [21:32] <Dm-Sumo> Two of them are burned to death outright with the other four catching on fire
  332. [21:32] <Johan> "Well that's one way to deal with an infestation I suppose."
  333. [21:33] <Adana> To they run out of the flames?
  334. [21:33] <Adana> Do*
  335. [21:33] <Dm-Sumo> They immediately start to retreat.
  336. [21:33] <Adana> Ranged touch attack to throw a chain at one of them.
  337. [21:33] <Adana> The two in the flame will be useless but I want to harvest the pheromone glands from one of them.
  338. [21:34] <Adana> [Animate Rope] on the chain.
  339. [21:34] <Adana> roll 1d20+4
  340. [21:34] <!Dice-chan> Adana rolled 1d20+4 --> [ 1d20=15 ]{19}
  341. [21:34] <Dm-Sumo> Hit.
  342. [21:34] <Adana> The chain magically wraps around it binding it's limbs.
  343. [21:34] == ants [webchat@159b2242.371cd19e.2c5db252.4b89d8fX] has joined #CYOAsteady
  344. [21:35] <Adana> "Quick Matuk go put it out and smash it's head!"
  345. [21:35] <Adana> "Hurry before the good parts burn up!"
  346. [21:35] <Adana> It could make an escape artist check to get out or try to break it... but it's a burning ant....
  347. [21:36] == ants [webchat@159b2242.371cd19e.2c5db252.4b89d8fX] has left #CYOAsteady []
  348. [21:36] <Dm-Sumo> Matuk jumps out of the cart and takes out his mace making sure to avoid the fire
  349. [21:36] <Adana> HA!
  350. [21:36] <Dm-Sumo> Roll 1d20+8
  351. [21:36] <!Dice-chan> Dm-Sumo rolled 1d20+8 --> [ 1d20=8 ]{16}
  352. [21:36] <Johan> Ants
  353. [21:37] <Johan> We are fighting your people
  354. [21:37] <Johan> They are burning
  355. [21:37] <Dm-Sumo> Roll 1d8+6
  356. [21:37] <!Dice-chan> Dm-Sumo rolled 1d8+6 --> [ 1d8=6 ]{12}
  357. [21:37] <Adana> Why's he rolling to hit for a coup de grace?
  358. [21:37] <Adana> Eh whatever.
  359. [21:38] <Dm-Sumo> (slaps himself in the head)
  360. [21:38] <Dm-Sumo> He crushes it, but the others 3 are running away.
  361. [21:38] <Adana> That's fine.
  362. [21:38] <Adana> They'll burn to death before they get too far.
  363. [21:39] <Adana> I'll have him round up the bodies of the ones that got out of the main fire while I harvest the glands from the one we stopped from burning too badly.
  364. [21:39] <Adana> I want to see if there's anything usable on the others.
  365. [21:39] <Adana> You should roll for that.
  366. [21:40] <Dm-Sumo> (And that all happened without anyone important having to make a roll for initiative.)
  367. [21:40] <Adana> The two in the actually grase burn are charcoal though.
  368. [21:40] <Adana> actual grease*
  369. [21:40] <Adana> It burns for like 10 minutes.
  370. [21:41] <Adana> So I got a few pheromone glands for my research and we killed a bunch of giant ants.
  371. [21:42] <Adana> Well I killed while everyone else watched the pretty fire.
  372. [21:42] <Johan> Pretty much
  373. [21:42] <Dm-Sumo> (After secret rolling!) Matuk hauls the other three back with only one of them looking to be too burn to get anything useful from.
  374. [21:42] <Adana> WE ALSO GOT DINNER!
  375. [21:42] <@Eliza> Ants are spicy
  376. [21:42] <@Eliza> I wonder if giant ants taste like chicken
  377. [21:43] <Johan> Only one way to know
  378. [21:43] <Adana> We'll make camp since we already have a fire.
  379. [21:43] * Johan looks at Adana then at the burnt ANTS. "Well at least we have the camp fire for the night."
  380. [21:43] <Adana> We'll use it to light a real fire and have roasted ant for dinner.
  381. [21:43] <Johan> (YAWP_
  382. [21:43] <Dm-Sumo> Okey-dokey~
  383. [21:43] <Adana> "I told you my magic was useful."
  384. [21:44] <Adana> That grease has other uses too....."
  385. [21:44] <Dm-Sumo> (You can combine it with lightning? )
  386. [21:44] <Johan> "Oh? You mean for cooking?"
  387. [21:45] <Adana> It's funny because one of my prestige classes actually involves manipulating my own pheromone glands.
  388. [21:45] <Adana> So this is canonally how her reasearch into that begins.
  389. [21:45] <Dm-Sumo> (It all started with ANTS)
  390. [21:45] <Adana> "Your innocence is both adorable and frustrating Joey."
  391. [21:46] * Adana cracks open an ant leg like it's lobster.
  392. [21:46] <Johan> "...Thank you?" He says as he does the same and munches on ant meat.
  393. [21:47] <Adana> I'm hungry now.
  394. [21:47] <Adana> Brutus you can calculate XP with a table in the DMs guide.
  395. [21:47] <Adana> You need to know the CR of the Ants and our character levels.
  396. [21:47] <Adana> We're 3 obviously.
  397. [21:47] <Adana> It just uses the highest one.
  398. [21:48] <Adana> Were they workers or soldiers?
  399. [21:49] <Dm-Sumo> Those were soldiers and I have it written down here somewhere.
  400. [21:49] <Adana> CR 2
  401. [21:49] <Adana> According to the MM
  402. [21:49] <Adana> So check the table and it will give the xp for each ant.
  403. [21:49] <Adana> Multiply that by the number of ants and then divide by the number of party members,
  404. [21:50] <Adana> Counting Matuk that would be 5
  405. [21:51] <Adana> So (XP x 6/5)
  406. [21:51] <Adana> I want you to figure it out on your own then I'll double check.
  407. [21:51] <Dm-Sumo> KK~
  408. [21:52] <Adana> I know what it is, I want to see what you come up with.
  409. [21:53] <Adana> Also since they're soldiers I got 3 vials of acid from their stingers.
  410. [21:53] <Adana> Yay!~
  411. [21:53] <Johan> YAY~
  412. [21:54] <Dm-Sumo> ....Why do I have like 30 tabs open....
  413. [21:54] <Adana> Welcome to DMing.
  414. [21:54] <Adana> I usually have 8 browser tabs and between 7-12 books open.
  415. [21:55] <Johan> DAAAAAAAAAAAMN
  416. [21:56] <Adana> You hAave no idea how much is involved in it Taco.
  417. [21:56] <Adana> I'm going to eat.
  418. [21:56] <Adana> Wjile Brutus figures up XP.
  419. [21:57] <Johan> I have an idea. NPCs, encounters, settings....point is! A lot of work
  420. [21:57] <Adana> Once I know he knows how I'll do it from now on because I math faster than him.
  421. [21:57] <Adana> I just need to know the CR after every fight.
  422. [21:57] <Adana> Be back.
  423. [21:57] <Adana> I'm proud of you so far Brute, you're doing good.
  424. [22:00] <Johan> I'll be back as well, good job so far Bro Bru.
  425. [22:04] <Dm-Sumo> So it would be 3600 xp with everyone getting 720 xp correct?
  426. [22:06] <Adana> YERP!
  427. [22:06] <Dm-Sumo> HaHa!
  428. [22:06] <Dm-Sumo> Yeah, I'm keeping this page open at all times.
  429. [22:07] <Dm-Sumo> As a quick reference to look at.
  430. [22:09] <@Eliza> Added
  431. [22:09] <@JohnnyS> added
  432. [22:09] <@Eliza> 3720 to mine.
  433. [22:09] <@Eliza> er
  434. [22:09] <@Eliza> on mine
  435. [22:09] <@Eliza> not to
  436. [22:09] <@Eliza> hurr
  437. [22:10] <Dm-Sumo> Added to min...
  438. [22:11] <Adana> You want to stop here?
  439. [22:11] <Adana> Or get to the Inn first.
  440. [22:13] <Dm-Sumo> Oh I can keep going until the end of time or until breakfast comes around.
  441. [22:13] <Dm-Sumo> It's up to yall~
  442. [22:13] <Adana> Well I'm almost done with my sammiches so I'm also fine either way.
  443. [22:13] <Adana> I wish we could start earlier.
  444. [22:14] <Adana> It's already after midnight.
  445. [22:14] <@JohnnyS> I say we hit the inn, then end
  446. [22:14] <Dm-Sumo> Well we would of started on time....
  447. [22:15] <Dm-Sumo> *looks at the late people...YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE*
  448. [22:15] <Dm-Sumo> But yeah, I can start up at 6 or so if that is already with everyone.
  449. [22:16] <Dm-Sumo> Would give us plenty of time.
  450. [22:16] <@Eliza> Yeah I had to freshly reinstall SC2 to see if that fixes the CTDs
  451. [22:16] <@Eliza> I'm at 92.8%
  452. [22:16] <@Eliza> asides I can go until 2am but expect me to be really retarded and not make sense
  453. [22:17] <@Eliza> cause around then I'll be getting ready to pass the fuck out.
  454. [22:17] <@JohnnyS> yeah fuck that
  455. [22:17] <Johan> Indeed
  456. [22:18] <Dm-Sumo> Go as far as the can then!
  457. [22:18] <Adana> Let's go to the Inn.
  458. [22:18] <Adana> BUT FIST CAMPFIRE!
  459. [22:18] <Adana> "So.... it's getting late...."
  460. [22:19] <Adana> "Which one of you want to share a sleeping bed with me?"
  461. [22:19] * Adana lewds.
  462. [22:19] * Johan looks at Adana as he takes his armor off. "Scared to sleep alone?"
  463. [22:20] <@Eliza> Is there a tree nearby?
  464. [22:20] <Adana> (No seriously, I have to get railed every night. It's part of my flaw.)
  465. [22:20] <Adana> "Uh..... yeah."
  466. [22:20] * Adana drools as she watches Johan take off his armor.
  467. [22:20] <Dm-Sumo> (And so they sang songs of Johan the pure)
  468. [22:21] * Johan looks at Adana then sighs. "Very well, if you're scared of the dark then I'll keep you company."
  469. [22:21] <Adana> ...................
  470. [22:22] <Adana> You realize I'm going to rape you in your sleep.
  471. [22:22] <Dm-Sumo> (Johan the pure was changed that night)
  472. [22:23] <Adana> Well... maybe not in your sleep.
  473. [22:23] <Johan> He is so pure he doesn't even care. Someone is afraid of something? HE'LL BE THERE
  474. [22:24] <Adana> So yeah.....
  475. [22:24] <Adana> I'm totally going to molest the shit out of Johan.
  476. [22:25] <Johan> And somehow, I suspect Emmy is already writing a sex scene of what happened in her mind
  477. [22:25] <Johan> "NO MEANS NO" "Except with me, it means yes"
  478. [22:25] <Adana> No, I doubt I could capture your character well enough.
  479. [22:26] <Dm-Sumo> Shall I fast forward to the morning? And cue night after dialogue?
  480. [22:26] <Johan> I'd say yes
  481. [22:26] <Adana> But it was awkward sex between a virgin and an experience whore.
  482. [22:26] <Adana> So +25 xp for me.
  483. [22:26] <Adana> At least I ahve the decentcy to keep it pretty vanilla for his first time.
  484. [22:26] <Adana> Unless onii or Ally have something to add.
  486. [22:26] <Dm-Sumo> ^
  488. [22:27] <@Eliza> if..there is one.
  489. [22:27] <@Eliza> Is there?
  490. [22:27] <Dm-Sumo> There are no trees by the way.
  491. [22:27] <Dm-Sumo> (delayed)
  492. [22:27] <Dm-Sumo> I had typed about the answer but forgot to hit enter
  493. [22:27] <Adana> You can curl up in the cart.
  494. [22:27] <@Eliza> ..Okay then while they were doing their shit I sleepily walked right over, not noticing, and fell asleep right at Adana's feet because I was too tired to give the slightest fuck
  495. [22:28] <Adana> Lewd.
  496. [22:28] <Dm-Sumo> (And that is how Johan learned to be afraid of the dark~)
  497. [22:29] <Dm-Sumo> Okay, it is now morning time.
  498. [22:29] <Adana> Well I'm going to get dressed because Adana always sleeps naked.
  499. [22:29] <@Eliza> Don't you kick me awake
  500. [22:30] <Adana> I won't.
  501. [22:30] <Adana> She gets up carefully enough not to disturb Johan too.
  502. [22:30] <Adana> She's going to go clean herself up.
  503. [22:30] <@Eliza> I mean you can wake me up but if you kick me awake I'm going to claw your face.
  504. [22:30] <@Eliza> All catlike and shit.
  505. [22:30] <Adana> A washcloth, some water from he rwaterskin, and some soap.
  506. [22:31] <Adana> She's got all that on her.
  507. [22:31] <Adana> So she takes a whores bath and then gets dressed.
  508. [22:31] <Dm-Sumo> (Adana=prepared)
  509. [22:32] <Adana> Well when she fucks three times a day she needs to keep clean down there.
  510. [22:32] * Johan mostly cries to himself as he puts his armor on. The things he saw, the things he was made TO DO...
  511. [22:32] <Adana> It felt good and you know it.
  512. [22:34] <Dm-Sumo> Anymore preparations? Or shall we get this show on the road?
  513. [22:34] <Johan> TO THE ROAD
  514. [22:35] <Dm-Sumo> Roll 1d100
  515. [22:35] <!Dice-chan> Dm-Sumo rolled 1d100 --> [ 1d100=87 ]{87}
  516. [22:36] <Dm-Sumo> Roll 1d100 RE
  517. [22:36] <!Dice-chan> Dm-Sumo rolled 1d100 RE --> [ 1d100=1 ]{1}
  518. [22:36] <Dm-Sumo> >1
  519. [22:36] <@JohnnyS> (BTW, I've pretty much just been working out after eating all night, just in case people were wondering.)
  520. [22:36] <Dm-Sumo> Okay.
  521. [22:37] <Dm-Sumo> You surprising make very good time and you can see the Inn coming into view.
  522. [22:37] <Adana> THEN DRAGONS?
  523. [22:37] <Adana> OR TERRASQUE?
  524. [22:39] <Dm-Sumo> ......
  525. [22:39] <Dm-Sumo> Well....
  526. [22:39] <Dm-Sumo> This is going to be interesting
  527. [22:39] <Dm-Sumo> One moment while I write this up.
  528. [22:41] <Dm-Sumo> Okay
  529. [22:41] <Dm-Sumo> First Spot checks all around.
  530. [22:41] <Adana> roll 1d20+1
  531. [22:41] <!Dice-chan> Adana rolled 1d20+1 --> [ 1d20=14 ]{15}
  532. [22:41] <@Eliza> roll 1d20+1
  533. [22:41] <!Dice-chan> Eliza rolled 1d20+1 --> [ 1d20=10 ]{11}
  534. [22:41] <@JohnnyS> roll 1d20+2
  535. [22:41] <!Dice-chan> JohnnyS rolled 1d20+2 --> [ 1d20=1 ]{3}
  536. [22:41] <@JohnnyS> (oh god nat 1)
  537. [22:41] <Adana> Clearly Johnny was distracted by my butt.
  538. [22:42] <@Eliza> Or he went blind.
  539. [22:42] <@Eliza> you know, from trying to do something dumb
  540. [22:42] <Johan> (Clearly)
  541. [22:42] <Adana> Same thing.
  542. [22:42] <Johan> roll 1d20+2
  543. [22:42] <!Dice-chan> Johan rolled 1d20+2 --> [ 1d20=9 ]{11}
  544. [22:43] <Adana> roll 1d20+1 for Matuk
  545. [22:43] <!Dice-chan> Adana rolled 1d20+1 for Matuk --> [ 1d20=5 ]{6}
  546. [22:46] <Dm-Sumo> The sight before you is not what you expected. The Inn before you is on fire with what seems to be a battle raging around the building. One groups seems to be comprised of Orcs while the other appears to be humans.
  547. [22:46] * Adana sighs.
  548. [22:46] <Dm-Sumo> Johnny doesn't notice anything wrong as he is watching a butterfly.
  549. [22:46] <@Eliza> "...You've gotta be kidding me right? We can't even get a bed?!"
  550. [22:46] <Adana> "So much for getting railed comfortably tonight.
  551. [22:47] <@JohnnyS> "Now look at that, ain't that a pretty butterfly, you see this sis?"
  552. [22:47] * Eliza glances at Johnny "YOU IDIOT LOOK AT THE INN- oh my that's a butterfly.."
  553. [22:47] <Dm-Sumo> From this distance you can make out 10 or so Orcs against roughly the same amount of what appears to be humans.
  554. [22:48] * Johan jumps off of the cart and runs to the inn, taking out his greatsword as he does so.
  555. [22:48] <Adana> "Hey, Joey.... you want to save those people without killing anyone?"
  556. [22:48] <Adana> "HAY!"
  557. [22:48] * Johan stops on his tracks and looks at Adana. "How?"
  558. [22:48] * Adana smiles.
  559. [22:48] <Adana> "Just flail around angrily and scream okay?"
  560. [22:49] * Adana cast [Enlarge Person] on Johan as he rushes towards the building.
  561. [22:49] * Adana takes a deep breath.
  562. [22:49] <Adana> "HILL GIAAAAAAAAAAAAAANT!" She screams in a shrill panicked voice.
  563. [22:50] * Eliza looks at Adana and raises her finger. "'re gonna scare the butterfly.."
  564. [22:50] * Johan is enlarged to a Large creature along with his equipment. He flais his sword around and booms "STOP, BY THE FIRE OF PELOR."
  565. [22:50] <Adana> Orcs are easily panicked, that should put a stop to this.
  566. [22:51] <Adana> Even if they're suicidal the +4 to strength is going to make Johan a wrecking machine.
  567. [22:51] <Johan> Indeed
  568. [22:51] <Adana> Also his sword is large now so it deals 2d8 instead of 2d6
  569. [22:52] * Johan nods
  570. [22:52] <Johan> It'S A HUUUUUGE BITCH
  571. [22:53] <Adana> But yeah, if the orcs don't scatter we'll go into exterminatus mode.
  572. [22:53] <Dm-Sumo> One look at Johan from what you assume is the leader of the orcs and they are in full retreat.
  573. [22:54] <Adana> Well that was easy.
  574. [22:54] <Dm-Sumo> Is Johan the only one running there?
  575. [22:54] <Johan> Yawp
  576. [22:54] <Adana> Yeah.
  577. [22:55] <Dm-Sumo> You are about 20ft from the other group.
  578. [22:55] <Adana> They're human right?"
  579. [22:55] * Johan walks over to the human group, sheathing his sword. "Are you alright? Anyone hurt?"
  580. [22:56] <Dm-Sumo> And this close you notice something odd....from far away they seem like normal everyday humans, but this close you can notice one missing it's jaw.....
  581. [22:56] <Adana> Yeah, I'll end the effect early.
  582. [22:56] <Adana> .....
  583. [22:56] <Adana> Or not.
  584. [22:56] <Adana> No, actually I do because I can't tell from here.
  585. [22:56] * Johan takes out his sword again. "Undead!"
  586. [22:56] <Adana> After the first round of Johan fighting them I'll be able to react.
  587. [22:57] <Dm-Sumo> Roll Init
  588. [22:57] <!Dice-chan> Dm-Sumo rolled Init --> error: malformed expression
  589. [22:57] <@Eliza> All of us or?
  590. [22:57] <@Eliza> Because I'm gonna react as soon as Adana takes off.
  591. [22:57] <Adana> Next round.
  592. [22:58] <Adana> We can't tell what's happening from here yet.
  593. [22:58] <Dm-Sumo> Yep.
  594. [22:59] == Undead [webchat@15ce2659.1366b407.1654620b.31a16b5dX] has joined #CYOAsteady
  595. [22:59] <Johan> roll 1d20+2 INI GO
  596. [22:59] <!Dice-chan> Johan rolled 1d20+2 INI GO --> [ 1d20=14 ]{16}
  597. [22:59] <Undead> Roll 1d20
  598. [22:59] <!Dice-chan> Undead rolled 1d20 --> [ 1d20=15 ]{15}
  599. [22:59] <Undead> Roll 1d20
  600. [22:59] <!Dice-chan> Undead rolled 1d20 --> [ 1d20=18 ]{18}
  601. [23:00] == Undead has changed nick to Guest6478520
  602. [23:00] <Guest6478520> (Also, you can make out that there is 11 of them)
  604. [23:00] == Guest6478520 has changed nick to undead_
  605. [23:00] <undead_> (undead guests)
  606. [23:00] <undead_> Roll 1d20
  607. [23:00] <!Dice-chan> undead_ rolled 1d20 --> [ 1d20=14 ]{14}
  608. [23:00] <undead_> Roll 1d20
  609. [23:00] <!Dice-chan> undead_ rolled 1d20 --> [ 1d20=9 ]{9}
  610. [23:00] <undead_> Roll 1d20
  611. [23:00] <!Dice-chan> undead_ rolled 1d20 --> [ 1d20=9 ]{9}
  612. [23:01] <undead_> Roll 1d20
  613. [23:01] <!Dice-chan> undead_ rolled 1d20 --> [ 1d20=20 ]{20}
  614. [23:01] <undead_> Roll 1d20
  615. [23:01] <!Dice-chan> undead_ rolled 1d20 --> [ 1d20=7 ]{7}
  616. [23:01] <undead_> Roll 1d20
  617. [23:01] <!Dice-chan> undead_ rolled 1d20 --> [ 1d20=3 ]{3}
  618. [23:01] <undead_> Roll 1d20
  619. [23:01] <!Dice-chan> undead_ rolled 1d20 --> [ 1d20=20 ]{20}
  620. [23:01] <undead_> Roll 1d20
  621. [23:01] <!Dice-chan> undead_ rolled 1d20 --> [ 1d20=20 ]{20}
  622. [23:01] <undead_> Roll 1d20
  623. [23:01] <!Dice-chan> undead_ rolled 1d20 --> [ 1d20=9 ]{9}
  624. [23:03] == undead_ has changed nick to Undead|15
  625. [23:04] == Johan has changed nick to Johan|16
  626. [23:04] <Undead|15> Okay,
  627. [23:06] <Undead|15> Three of the undead closer to the back rush to the sides of Johan
  628. [23:07] <Undead|15> Roll 1d20+1
  629. [23:07] <Undead|15> Roll 1d20+1
  630. [23:07] <Undead|15> Roll 1d20+1
  631. [23:07] <!Dice-chan> Undead|15 rolled 1d20+1 --> [ 1d20=18 ]{19}
  632. [23:07] <!Dice-chan> Undead|15 rolled 1d20+1 --> [ 1d20=18 ]{19}
  633. [23:07] <!Dice-chan> Undead|15 rolled 1d20+1 --> [ 1d20=18 ]{19}
  634. [23:07] <Johan|16> ...
  635. [23:07] <Johan|16> Anyhow, they all miss
  636. [23:08] <Adana> They're apparently a Zombie Jazz Tap Group.
  637. [23:08] <Adana> Dat synchronization.
  638. [23:08] <Undead|15> One of them in front of you tries his luck as well.
  639. [23:08] <Undead|15> Roll 1d20+1
  640. [23:08] <!Dice-chan> Undead|15 rolled 1d20+1 --> [ 1d20=8 ]{9}
  641. [23:08] <Johan|16> NOPE
  642. [23:08] <Undead|15> No luck for him
  643. [23:08] <Johan|16> And now it's mah turn
  644. [23:08] <Undead|15> Johan's turn
  645. [23:09] * Johan|16 brings down his sword on the closest undead with great force. [Mountain Hammer]
  646. [23:10] <Johan|16> roll 1d20+8
  647. [23:10] <!Dice-chan> Johan|16 rolled 1d20+8 --> [ 1d20=5 ]{13}
  648. [23:10] <Johan|16> Damn
  649. [23:10] <Undead|15> Miss.
  650. [23:11] <@JohnnyS> (brb)
  651. [23:11] <Undead|15> Another undead takes a swing at you from the front
  652. [23:11] <Undead|15> Roll 1d20+1
  653. [23:11] <!Dice-chan> Undead|15 rolled 1d20+1 --> [ 1d20=1 ]{2}
  654. [23:13] <Dm-Sumo> Roll 1d20
  655. [23:13] <!Dice-chan> Dm-Sumo rolled 1d20 --> [ 1d20=20 ]{20}
  656. [23:13] <Adana> If that was a punch it can't critical miss.
  657. [23:13] <Adana> If it was a weapon he just killed one of his allies.
  658. [23:14] <Dm-Sumo> His aim is off and he ends up striking one of the undead on the side
  659. [23:15] <Dm-Sumo> on the side killing him instantly*
  660. [23:15] <Dm-Sumo> 1 down, 10 more to go!
  661. [23:16] <Dm-Sumo> The other try to surround you and hack at you.
  662. [23:17] <Dm-Sumo> Roll 1d20+1
  663. [23:17] <!Dice-chan> Dm-Sumo rolled 1d20+1 --> [ 1d20=14 ]{15}
  664. [23:17] <Dm-Sumo> Roll 1d20+1
  665. [23:17] <!Dice-chan> Dm-Sumo rolled 1d20+1 --> [ 1d20=1 ]{2}
  666. [23:17] <Dm-Sumo> Roll 1d20+1
  667. [23:17] <!Dice-chan> Dm-Sumo rolled 1d20+1 --> [ 1d20=6 ]{7}
  668. [23:17] <Johan|16> HAHA NOPE
  669. [23:17] <Dm-Sumo> Roll 1d20+1
  670. [23:17] <!Dice-chan> Dm-Sumo rolled 1d20+1 --> [ 1d20=2 ]{3}
  671. [23:17] <Dm-Sumo> Roll 1d20+1
  672. [23:17] <!Dice-chan> Dm-Sumo rolled 1d20+1 --> [ 1d20=7 ]{8}
  673. [23:19] <Dm-Sumo> None of them hit you and one of them ends up hitting another one of their allies and devastating them.
  674. [23:19] <Adana> roll 1d20+7 for initiative.
  675. [23:19] <!Dice-chan> Adana rolled 1d20+7 for initiative. --> [ 1d20=17 ]{24}
  676. [23:19] <Dm-Sumo> 2 down, 9 to go~
  677. [23:19] <@Eliza> roll 1d20+5
  678. [23:19] <!Dice-chan> Eliza rolled 1d20+5 --> [ 1d20=6 ]{11}
  679. [23:19] <@JohnnyS> roll 1d20+8
  680. [23:19] <!Dice-chan> JohnnyS rolled 1d20+8 --> [ 1d20=3 ]{11}
  681. [23:19] <@JohnnyS> JohnnyS|11
  682. [23:19] == Eliza has changed nick to Eliza|11
  683. [23:19] <@JohnnyS> ....
  684. [23:20] <@Eliza|11> HAH
  685. [23:20] * Adana leaps from the cart and grabs a bottle of crystal clear water from her donkey's pack.
  686. [23:20] <@Eliza|11> YOU ALMOST DID WHAT I DID
  687. [23:20] <@JohnnyS> goddammit ally stop being like me
  688. [23:20] <@Eliza|11> BUT I CAUGHT IT
  689. [23:20] == JohnnyS has changed nick to JohnnyS|11
  690. [23:20] * Eliza|11 hops out of the cart and starts running after Adana "WELL AIN'T THAT SOME SHIT!?"
  691. [23:20] * JohnnyS|11 flips out of the cart and starts running towards the fight
  692. [23:21] <Adana> "They're all bunched up for me too.~"
  693. [23:21] <Adana> roll 1d20+4 to hit with a touch attack.
  694. [23:21] <!Dice-chan> Adana rolled 1d20+4 to hit with a touch attack. --> [ 1d20=19 ]{23}
  695. [23:21] <Adana> BOOM
  696. [23:21] <@JohnnyS|11> (psst, change your name onee)
  697. [23:21] <Adana> The bottle of holy water breaks on Johan and splatters all the undead.
  698. [23:22] == Adana has changed nick to Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse
  699. [23:22] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> That's 2d6 for close range splatter damage.
  700. [23:22] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> Each.
  701. [23:22] <Undead|15> Thought so
  702. [23:23] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> I'm sure Joey won't mind the bath.
  703. [23:23] <Undead|15> Roll 2d6
  704. [23:23] <!Dice-chan> Undead|15 rolled 2d6 --> [ 2d6=12 ]{12}
  705. [23:23] <Undead|15> Roll 2d6
  706. [23:23] <!Dice-chan> Undead|15 rolled 2d6 --> [ 2d6=8 ]{8}
  707. [23:23] <Undead|15> Roll 2d6
  708. [23:23] <!Dice-chan> Undead|15 rolled 2d6 --> [ 2d6=4 ]{4}
  709. [23:23] <Undead|15> Roll 2d6
  710. [23:23] <!Dice-chan> Undead|15 rolled 2d6 --> [ 2d6=7 ]{7}
  711. [23:23] <Undead|15> Roll 2d6
  712. [23:23] <!Dice-chan> Undead|15 rolled 2d6 --> [ 2d6=6 ]{6}
  713. [23:23] <Undead|15> Roll 2d6
  714. [23:23] <!Dice-chan> Undead|15 rolled 2d6 --> [ 2d6=8 ]{8}
  715. [23:23] <Undead|15> Roll 2d6
  716. [23:23] <!Dice-chan> Undead|15 rolled 2d6 --> [ 2d6=7 ]{7}
  717. [23:24] <Undead|15> Roll 2d6
  718. [23:24] <!Dice-chan> Undead|15 rolled 2d6 --> [ 2d6=6 ]{6}
  719. [23:24] <Undead|15> Roll 2d6
  720. [23:24] <!Dice-chan> Undead|15 rolled 2d6 --> [ 2d6=5 ]{5}
  721. [23:25] <Undead|15> One of them dies instantly while the rest seem to be close to collapse.
  722. [23:26] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> Alchemical Supplies OP
  723. [23:27] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> She keeps holy water for purging negative energy and demonic taint from materials to make it safe to work with.
  724. [23:27] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> Also for fragging zombies.
  725. [23:27] <Johan|16> Meanwhile, Johan just has it to ward off demonic spirits...and fighting zombies
  726. [23:29] <Undead|15> One of the faster undead tries to disengage and head off off down the road (away from the cart)
  727. [23:30] <Undead|15> AoO
  728. [23:30] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> "Johnny, catch the runners. They have to be purged to make the trade route safe."
  729. [23:30] <Johan|16> roll 1d20+8
  730. [23:30] <!Dice-chan> Johan|16 rolled 1d20+8 --> [ 1d20=5 ]{13}
  731. [23:30] <Johan|16> AGAIN WITH THE 5
  732. [23:30] <Undead|15> NOPE
  733. [23:30] <Undead|15> He runs off down the road.
  734. [23:31] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> 'Not to mention when a zombie is smart enough to run it means there's a Necromancer controlling it.....'
  735. [23:32] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> 'But I'll keep that to myself for now.'
  736. [23:32] <@Eliza|11> So, my turn
  737. [23:32] <@Eliza|11> Hnnh.
  738. [23:33] <@JohnnyS|11> yeah, ally first
  739. [23:33] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> Actually the undead need to go again but they need a 20 to do anything/
  740. [23:33] <@Eliza|11> Mhm
  741. [23:33] <Johan|16> Yawp
  742. [23:33] <Johan|16> Well a 19...but pretty much a 20
  743. [23:35] <Undead|15> Roll 1d20+1
  744. [23:35] <!Dice-chan> Undead|15 rolled 1d20+1 --> [ 1d20=4 ]{5}
  745. [23:35] <Undead|15> Roll 1d20+1
  746. [23:35] <!Dice-chan> Undead|15 rolled 1d20+1 --> [ 1d20=16 ]{17}
  747. [23:35] <Undead|15> Roll 1d20+1
  748. [23:35] <!Dice-chan> Undead|15 rolled 1d20+1 --> [ 1d20=19 ]{20}
  749. [23:36] <Johan|16> One hit!
  750. [23:36] <Undead|15> Roll 1d6+1
  751. [23:36] <!Dice-chan> Undead|15 rolled 1d6+1 --> [ 1d6=2 ]{3}
  752. [23:37] <Johan|16> So my turn now yeah?
  753. [23:37] <@Eliza|11> Nope!
  754. [23:37] <@Eliza|11> I'm up!
  755. [23:38] <@Eliza|11> Alright, so, which ones can I attack..~
  756. [23:38] <Johan|16> Actually Ally I'm pretty sure it's my turn, you go after me aaaand 1 other zombie
  757. [23:39] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> Yeah.
  758. [23:39] <Undead|15> Yep.
  759. [23:39] <Johan|16> Anyhow!
  760. [23:39] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> Cats can't count.
  761. [23:39] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> :3
  762. [23:39] <Undead|15> Cats also can't dance
  763. [23:39] <Undead|15> :3
  764. [23:39] <@Eliza|11> Eh
  765. [23:39] <@Eliza|11> no
  766. [23:39] * Johan|16 charges after the zombie that was running away with great speed and ferocity [Charging Minotaur]
  767. [23:39] <@Eliza|11> Because
  768. [23:39] <@Eliza|11> look
  769. [23:39] <@Eliza|11> look
  770. [23:39] <@Eliza|11> Undead
  771. [23:39] <@Eliza|11> 16
  772. [23:39] <@Eliza|11> you
  773. [23:39] <@Eliza|11> er
  774. [23:39] <@Eliza|11> 15
  775. [23:39] <@Eliza|11> you
  776. [23:39] <@Eliza|11> 16-
  777. [23:39] <@Eliza|11> HOW AM I WRONG
  778. [23:40] <Johan|16> ...
  779. [23:40] <@Eliza|11> WHAT THE FUCK
  780. [23:40] <Johan|16> I'm 16
  781. [23:40] <@Eliza|11> YES AND THE ZOMBIES JUST WENT
  782. [23:40] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> Higher goes first.
  783. [23:40] <@Eliza|11> THEY'RE 15
  784. [23:40] <Johan|16> ...No, 4 zombies go before me
  785. [23:40] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> Not all of them.
  786. [23:40] <Johan|16> They were 20 and 18
  787. [23:40] <@Eliza|11> ...
  788. [23:40] <@JohnnyS|11> tard
  789. [23:40] * JohnnyS|11 bonks eliza on the head
  790. [23:40] <@Eliza|11> Wait what the fuck-
  791. [23:40] <@Eliza|11> Brutus thats your fault
  792. [23:40] <Undead|15> Yes it was
  793. [23:40] <@Eliza|11> 20|18|X|X|X|15 or whatever the fuck
  794. [23:40] <@Eliza|11> I don't know
  795. [23:40] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> ^
  796. [23:40] <@Eliza|11> You need to fix it I got misleaded.
  797. [23:40] <Johan|16> Anyhow
  798. [23:40] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> He'll get there.
  799. [23:41] <Johan|16> Brutus, time to do a STRENGTH CHECK BATTERU
  800. [23:41] <Johan|16> 1d20+4
  801. [23:41] <Johan|16> roll 1d20+4
  802. [23:41] <!Dice-chan> Johan|16 rolled 1d20+4 --> [ 1d20=19 ]{23}
  803. [23:41] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> And then he tackles the zombie in half like Brock samson in that one episode of Venture Brothers.
  804. [23:41] <Johan|16> Psst that means roll the zombie's strench check
  805. [23:42] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> I think it would beat you in a stench check.
  806. [23:42] <Johan|16> Yeah actually, and even do bludgeon damage because I hit it so hard
  807. [23:42] <Johan|16> ...Probably
  808. [23:42] <Johan|16> Strength check even
  809. [23:43] <Undead|15> Roll 1d20+2
  810. [23:43] <!Dice-chan> Undead|15 rolled 1d20+2 --> [ 1d20=5 ]{7}
  811. [23:43] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> He's dead Jim.
  812. [23:43] <Undead|15> (had to navigate the 30 tabs)
  813. [23:43] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> .... Deader...
  814. [23:43] <Johan|16> Yawp
  815. [23:43] <Johan|16> BUT, just in case he isn't
  816. [23:43] <Johan|16> roll 2d6+4
  817. [23:43] <!Dice-chan> Johan|16 rolled 2d6+4 --> [ 2d6=7 ]{11}
  818. [23:43] <Undead|15> No, hes dead.
  819. [23:44] <Johan|16> ...Welp, I just tore a zombie in half by tackling it
  820. [23:45] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> It also exploded into ash because you're still covered in holy water.
  821. [23:46] <Johan|16> Anyhow! One more undead goes next
  822. [23:47] <Undead|15> Roll 1d20+1
  823. [23:47] <!Dice-chan> Undead|15 rolled 1d20+1 --> [ 1d20=9 ]{10}
  824. [23:48] <Undead|15> And NOW it's time.
  825. [23:48] <Johan|16> For Ally
  826. [23:48] <@Eliza|11> Alright not previous question
  827. [23:48] <@Eliza|11> now*
  828. [23:48] <@Eliza|11> which may I shank
  829. [23:49] <Undead|15> (going to do the Undead|15|x| thing next time) And you can shank any of them once you get in range of them~ You can reach them in one move
  830. [23:50] <@Eliza|11> One move, one blade.
  831. [23:50] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> One gay duialogue desicion.
  832. [23:50] <@Eliza|11> Will I get a sneak attack because I'm assuming I'm flanking them?
  833. [23:50] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> And one typo.
  834. [23:50] <@Eliza|11> two.
  835. [23:50] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> Technically 2.
  836. [23:50] <@Eliza|11> decision, you picky cunt
  837. [23:50] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> Also sneak attacks don't work on undead.
  838. [23:51] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> They're immune to crit.
  839. [23:51] <@Eliza|11> Oh that's nice.
  840. [23:51] <@Eliza|11> How big is the frown on my face
  841. [23:51] <@Eliza|11> let's find out
  842. [23:51] <@Eliza|11> roll 1d20+4 because >Rogues >hitting shit
  843. [23:51] <!Dice-chan> Eliza|11 rolled 1d20+4 because >Rogues >hitting shit --> [ 1d20=1 ]{5}
  844. [23:51] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> You don't have sneak attack damage anyway.
  845. [23:51] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> You're a theif.
  846. [23:51] <Johan|16> ...
  847. [23:51] <@Eliza|11> LOL I CALLED IT
  848. [23:51] <@Eliza|11> FUCK
  849. [23:52] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> ......
  850. [23:52] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> Ally link me your sheet.
  851. [23:52] <@Eliza|11> Linked
  852. [23:52] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> It's a moot point because nat 11 but still.
  853. [23:53] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> +5
  854. [23:53] <@Eliza|11> What why
  855. [23:53] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> First of all both weapons are masterowk so they're +1 to hit.
  856. [23:54] <@Eliza|11> Oh. Right.
  857. [23:54] <@Eliza|11> I forgot something
  858. [23:54] <@Eliza|11> Damage is 3 instead of 2 then
  859. [23:54] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> Also the punching dagger counts as a natural weapon so you would use your dex modifier for it making it +8
  860. [23:54] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> No.
  861. [23:54] <@Eliza|11> ..WHAT SINCE WHEN
  862. [23:54] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> Masterwork doesn't improve damage.
  863. [23:54] <@Eliza|11> Wai
  864. [23:54] <@Eliza|11> waitwaitwait
  865. [23:54] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> That's the whole advantage it has over a regular dagger....
  866. [23:54] <@Eliza|11> >+8
  867. [23:54] <@Eliza|11> That's /natural/?
  868. [23:55] <@Eliza|11> The fuck
  869. [23:55] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> .....
  870. [23:55] <@Eliza|11> See I'm useless when it comes to this damned game.
  871. [23:55] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> God you're dumb.
  872. [23:55] <@Eliza|11> NO ONE TELLS ME SHIT.
  873. [23:55] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> I'll explain it in PM
  874. [23:55] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> You crit missed anyway.
  875. [23:55] <@Eliza|11> I know.
  876. [23:57] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> So yeah.
  877. [23:57] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> You should roll a 1d20 Ally.
  878. [23:57] <@Eliza|11> roll 1d20
  879. [23:57] <!Dice-chan> Eliza|11 rolled 1d20 --> [ 1d20=1 ]{1}
  880. [23:57] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> ..............
  881. [23:57] <Johan|16> WELP
  882. [23:57] <@Eliza|11> Can I not
  883. [23:57] <@Eliza|11> touch those
  884. [23:58] <@Eliza|11> IT'S CAUSE I'M A CAT ISN'T IT
  885. [23:58] <@Eliza|11> FUCK YOU DICE
  886. [23:58] <Undead|15> Welp
  887. [23:58] <@JohnnyS|11> Ally literally has shit luck
  888. [23:58] <@Eliza|11> 20s or 1s dude
  889. [23:58] <@Eliza|11> 20s or 1s.
  890. [23:58] <@Eliza|11> If it's not a 1
  891. [23:58] <@Eliza|11> it's 3-9
  892. [23:58] <@Eliza|11> always.
  893. [23:58] <Undead|15> Ally 1d6 for me.
  894. [23:58] * Eliza|11 sighs
  895. [23:58] <@Eliza|11> roll 1d6
  896. [23:58] <!Dice-chan> Eliza|11 rolled 1d6 --> [ 1d6=4 ]{4}
  897. [23:58] <@Eliza|11> inb4 this cuts me.
  898. [23:59] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> This is taking for fucking ever.
  899. [00:00] <Undead|15> You stuble right before you get to the undead.
  900. [00:00] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> Brutus sweety we've been on this two round fight for an hour and a half, you have to work on doing things faster.
  901. [00:00] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> It's 2 am and I still ahve to watch a movie for bed.
  902. [00:00] <Undead|15> (sorry about that)
  903. [00:00] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> I can already hang up my plans to play DotA tonight too.
  904. [00:00] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> Which makes this 3 days in a row I haven't gotten to play.
  905. [00:02] <Undead|15> JohnnyS turn.
  906. [00:02] <@JohnnyS|11> ok
  907. [00:02] <@JohnnyS|11> lemme think for a sec
  908. [00:02] <@JohnnyS|11> how many left?
  909. [00:03] <@Eliza|11> Enough to form a quartet
  910. [00:03] <@JohnnyS|11> ok, I'm going to move up and attack one
  911. [00:03] <Undead|15> Okay
  912. [00:03] <Undead|15> To hit
  913. [00:03] <@JohnnyS|11> roll 1d20+7 pls no shit luck dice gods ;_;
  914. [00:03] <!Dice-chan> JohnnyS|11 rolled 1d20+7 pls no shit luck dice gods ;_; --> [ 1d20=16 ]{23}
  915. [00:03] <@JohnnyS|11> thank god
  916. [00:03] <Undead|15> Hit
  917. [00:03] <@JohnnyS|11> roll 1d6+4
  918. [00:03] <!Dice-chan> JohnnyS|11 rolled 1d6+4 --> [ 1d6=1 ]{5}
  919. [00:03] <Undead|15> Dead undead
  920. [00:04] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> Can I throw more holy water and end this already or do more undead need to act?
  921. [00:05] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> (I wouldn't mind this so much if I didn't know for a fact we'll get almost nothing for this entire 2 hour fight)
  922. [00:05] <Undead|15> they attack johan, but i'm pretty sure they all fail
  923. [00:05] <Undead|15> I can still roll it though.
  924. [00:06] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> He ran off, they can't possibly get in range that fast.
  925. [00:06] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> He killed the one that ran away with a charge.
  926. [00:06] <Undead|15> (Meant johnny)\
  927. [00:06] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> Roll it.
  928. [00:06] <!Dice-chan> Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse rolled it. --> error: malformed expression
  929. [00:06] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> He deserves it.
  930. [00:06] <Undead|15> Roll 1d20+1
  931. [00:06] <!Dice-chan> Undead|15 rolled 1d20+1 --> [ 1d20=14 ]{15}
  932. [00:07] <Undead|15> Roll 1d20+1
  933. [00:07] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> Then I'll throw a glass bottle at his face next round.
  934. [00:07] <!Dice-chan> Undead|15 rolled 1d20+1 --> [ 1d20=4 ]{5}
  935. [00:07] <Undead|15> Roll 1d20+1
  936. [00:07] <!Dice-chan> Undead|15 rolled 1d20+1 --> [ 1d20=5 ]{6}
  937. [00:07] <Undead|15> Roll 1d20+1
  938. [00:07] <!Dice-chan> Undead|15 rolled 1d20+1 --> [ 1d20=17 ]{18}
  939. [00:08] <@JohnnyS|11> no hits
  940. [00:08] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> FINALLY
  941. [00:08] <Undead|15> Yes
  942. [00:08] <Undead|15> No hits
  943. [00:08] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> roll 1d20+4 ranged touch
  944. [00:08] <!Dice-chan> Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse rolled 1d20+4 ranged touch --> [ 1d20=13 ]{17}
  945. [00:08] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> SPLASH
  946. [00:08] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> 2d6 each
  947. [00:08] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> BURN
  948. [00:08] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> BURN IN HOLY FIRE
  949. [00:08] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> Well.... holy water.
  950. [00:09] <Undead|15> The rest of the undead crumble down into nothing (Even if it would of only gotten 2 damage everyone one of them would have died)
  951. [00:10] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> Okay.
  952. [00:10] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> Now that that's settled we're going to put out the fire and look for survivors.
  953. [00:10] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> I'll calculate XP.
  954. [00:10] <Undead|15> The Inn is indeed still on fire
  955. [00:11] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> 3150
  956. [00:11] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> 630 each
  957. [00:11] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> That's for both the orcs and the zombies.
  958. [00:12] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> Do we get any quest progress XP?
  959. [00:12] <Undead|15> 3150 with about 630 each.
  960. [00:12] <Undead|15> Dam, beat me too it.
  961. [00:12] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> Good job!
  962. [00:12] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> Much faster1
  963. [00:12] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> Go Brute!
  964. [00:12] * Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse pats.
  965. [00:13] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> Also Johan owes me two bottles of holy water.
  966. [00:13] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> Making me use my precious alchemy supplies.
  967. [00:13] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> ;_;
  968. [00:14] <Undead|15> Okay.
  969. [00:14] <Undead|15> So you are going to put out the fire?
  970. [00:14] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> We are.
  971. [00:15] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> We'll make camp in the remains of the Inn afterwards.
  972. [00:15] <Johan|16> Indeed
  973. [00:15] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> If there's any survivors I have some minor medical training.
  974. [00:15] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> I'm sure Johan and I together could stablize them.
  975. [00:15] <Undead|15> Time to search for survivors!
  976. [00:15] == Undead|15 [webchat@15ce2659.1366b407.1654620b.31a16b5dX] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
  977. [00:16] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> Meanwhile I tell Johnny and Eliza to strip any usable or sellable items off the zombies.
  978. [00:16] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> I'm not expecting much.
  979. [00:16] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> But it's literally just picking stuff out of piles of ash so it won't kill them.
  980. [00:17] <@Eliza|11> I was gonna do that anyway, you never know how much you could make off of scrap.
  981. [00:17] <Dm-Sumo> Okay, whoever is going to search for people give me a search check~
  982. [00:17] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> Johan.
  983. [00:18] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> I'm looking for valuables among the inn remains.
  984. [00:18] <Johan|16> roll 1d20+5 SEARCH
  985. [00:18] <!Dice-chan> Johan|16 rolled 1d20+5 SEARCH --> [ 1d20=12 ]{17}
  986. [00:18] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> roll 1d20+4
  987. [00:18] <!Dice-chan> Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse rolled 1d20+4 --> [ 1d20=8 ]{12}
  988. [00:18] <Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse> Though actually we have all night so I could just take 20.
  989. [00:19] == Adana|Fasterthaneveryoneelse has changed nick to Adana
  990. [00:20] <Adana> In fact I will, I'll search the Inn all night for valuables.
  991. [00:20] <Adana> Thjoroughly.
  992. [00:20] <Adana> >j
  993. [00:20] <Adana> GO AWAY J
  994. [00:20] <Adana> NOBODY LIKES YOU
  995. [00:20] <@Eliza|11> I figure I may as well try and join Adana after I pick what I canout of the ash.
  996. [00:21] <Dm-Sumo> You only find two survivors which happens to be the Inn keeper and daughter which happened to be trapped in the kitchen.
  997. [00:21] <Adana> Is the daughter deliciously rapable?
  998. [00:21] * Johan helps them out of the burning Inn and to the outside. "Are both of you okay? What happened?"
  999. [00:22] <Adana> I'm not going to rape her I'm just asking.
  1000. [00:22] <Dm-Sumo> Both of them have mild burn wounds, but appear to have avoided the worst of it.
  1001. [00:22] <Adana> I like to pretend Matuk was just sitting there on the cart holding the reigns during all that.
  1002. [00:22] <Adana> Not a single fuck given.
  1003. [00:23] <Dm-Sumo> Also, Depends if you like burn victims Em
  1004. [00:25] <Adana> Well Hanako route wasn't bad....
  1005. [00:25] <Adana> But yeah, we'll help them and look for anything valuable in the inn as... payment.
  1006. [00:25] <Dm-Sumo> The Inn keeper coughs as he holds onto his daughter "Orcs came and burned down my Inn is what happened!" Clearly this is a very angry man.
  1007. [00:26] <Johan> "I'm...sorry to say it wasn't just orcs. There were zombies near as well sir. Has anything weird happened outside of the burning building/"
  1008. [00:26] <Dm-Sumo> "Heard them fighting or something outside, but first them have to burn everything! It will take me YEARS to rebuild this Inn"
  1009. [00:27] <Adana> "Doesn't matter to us, we're taking what we want as payment for saving your lives. If you need work I might be able to help you out but otherwise it's not my problem."
  1010. [00:27] * Adana continues to rummage.
  1011. [00:27] <Dm-Sumo> "Zombies and Orcs? Well ain't that nice. At least if it was just the zombies they wouldn't have burnt my Inn down"
  1012. [00:28] <Dm-Sumo> Okay
  1013. [00:28] <Adana> "Well they would have eaten your daughter. The orcs would have just raped her."
  1014. [00:28] <Dm-Sumo> Lootin time~
  1015. [00:28] <Adana> "not that I'd blame them...."
  1016. [00:29] * Johan looks to the man and rommages in his pouch, then gives him 50 gold pieces. "I don't know if this will be enough, but please use this to rebuild your inn and your lives. I'm sorry we didn't arrive sooner."
  1017. [00:30] <Adana> "Fifty gold?!"
  1018. [00:30] * Adana begins laughing hysterically.
  1019. [00:30] * Johan looks at Adana quizically. "...Yes?"
  1020. [00:30] <Adana> "Honestly, the way you fluctuate between nieve and retarded is adorable."
  1021. [00:31] <Adana> "He'd need a hundred times that to fix this damage."
  1022. [00:31] <Adana> "You can't help people with just good wishes boy. You need money too."
  1023. [00:31] * Adana stares up into the sky wistfully.
  1024. [00:32] <Adana> "A lot of money..."
  1025. [00:32] <Dm-Sumo> The Innkeeper gives Johan a look and shakes his head
  1026. [00:32] <Johan> "I never said it'd cover everything but it'll at least help him get settled somewhere nearby. Sorry about her sir, in any case you can stay with us for the night if you wish, then head to the nearest city with your daughter."
  1027. [00:33] * Adana stares at Johan and shakes her head.
  1028. [00:33] <Adana> "Even I'm not going to enjoy it when you're fantasy world comes crashing down... I just hope you're a big enough man to stand up afterwards."
  1029. [00:34] <Adana> "You have a lot to learn about the world."
  1030. [00:34] <Adana> "More than I can teach you from one night in bed."
  1031. [00:34] <Adana> "This is starting to depress me.... I'm going back to looking for loot."
  1032. [00:34] * Adana gets up and walks away.
  1033. [00:34] * Johan turns crimson red at the remark. "I-I thought you said you weren't going to bring that up!" He says shaking his arms.
  1034. [00:35] * Adana chuckles to herself as she walks away.
  1035. [00:35] * Eliza looks up from the floor " that's what was kicking me in the side.."
  1036. [00:36] <Johan> (So Bro Bru, we done for the night? I'm kinda crashing dude)
  1037. [00:36] <Dm-Sumo> A few things survived the fire and not surprisingly there zombies had next to nothing on them.
  1038. [00:36] <Dm-Sumo> Yeah.
  1039. [00:36] <Dm-Sumo> Just doing the loot/ what is left of the Inn.
  1040. [00:36] <Adana> We can do it at the start of next session.
  1041. [00:37] <Dm-Sumo> Okay.
  1042. [00:37] <Adana> Actually you can do it on your own and give it out next session.
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