

Nov 2nd, 2016
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  1. -- A basic monster script skeleton you can copy and modify for your own creations. new line: \r
  2. comments = {"Smells like burning.", "Genos glows through his shirt.", "Genos looks furiously for his\rSensei."}
  3. commands = {"Ask", "Arm", "Insult"}
  4. randomdialogue = {"Burn\naway.", "All\nenemies\nmust die.", "Don't\nbother\nsensei.", "I will\ndestroy\nyou."}
  6. sprite = "Genos" --Always PNG. Extension is added automatically.
  7. name = "Genos"
  8. hp = 100
  9. atk = 30
  10. def = 5
  11. check = "A powerful cyborg with weak\rlimb joints."
  12. dialogbubble = "right" -- See documentation for what bubbles you have available.
  13. canspare = false
  14. cancheck = true
  16. -- Happens after the slash animation but before the shaking and hit sound.
  17. function HandleAttack(attackstatus)
  18. if attackstatus == -1 then
  19. -- player pressed fight but didn't press Z afterwards
  20. else
  21. -- player did actually attack
  22. end
  23. end
  25. -- This handles the commands; all-caps versions of the commands list you have above.
  26. function HandleCustomCommand(command)
  27. dialogbubble = "right"
  28. if command == "ASK" then
  29. Audio.Stop()
  30. dialogbubble = "rightlarge"
  31. BattleDialog({"You asked Genos why he's\rfighting."})
  32. Audio.LoadFile("Sorrow")
  33. currentdialogue = {"It all started 4\nyears ago... I\nwas 15 years old\nand still a\nnormal human\nbeing. Even in\nthis harsh world\nI had a pretty\nhappy and\npeaceful life\n",
  34. "with my family\nuntil then. But\none day, a\ncrazy cyborg\nattacked our\ntown all of a\nsudden. He had\ncompletely lost\nhis mind... I\nguess, his brain\n",
  35. "had been\ndamaged during\nits\ntransplantation\ninto his cyborg\nbody. He left\nafter\ndestroying\neverything in\nthe town.",
  36. "The parks, the\nschools, the\nbuildings, my\nhome... Of\ncourse... my\nfamily didn't\nsurvive. Only I\nwas miraculously\nspared, but as I\nwas just a meek",
  37. "15 year-old boy\nback then, I\nwouldn't have\nsurvived long all\nalone in the\nruins of a town\nif Dr. Stench\nhadn't passed\ntown by chance\nand found me.\n",
  38. "Dr. Stench is a\nscientist of\njustice and was\npursuing the\ncyborg to stop\nhim. I begged\nDr. Stench to\ntransform me\ninto a cyborg\nand was reborn\n",
  39. "as a cyborg who\nfights for\njustice. I made\na promise to Dr.\nStench to find\nthat cyborg one\nday and destroy\nhim."}
  40. canspare = true
  41. elseif command == "ARM" then
  42. dialogbubble = "right"
  43. BattleDialog({"You rip his arm off."})
  44. currentdialogue = {"Not\nagain."}
  45. elseif command == "INSULT" then
  46. dialogbubble = "right"
  47. BattleDialog({"You insult him for being weak."})
  48. currentdialogue = {"Why you\nsh*tty\nbrat."}
  49. end
  50. end
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